Novel Name : Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos Chapter 1575 Foundation

Chapter 1575 Foundation

Though it was inarguably beneficial, the downside to using time dilation was that a relatively short three days could, very easily, turn into months. This was especially true with Theo's Resort, as, with a time dilation of 24:1, seventy-two hours was, quite literally, seventy-two days of training. Though the girls were not using the diorama 'efficiently', each having daily lives and duties to live, they still used it for about ten hours each day. This equated to an average of 254 hours a day, so, by the time three days would have passed in 'reality', Vahn would have been waiting for his reunion with Eva for an entire month...
Fortunately, even with Theo's antics and Arika's growing boldness, most of Vahn's stress had simply evaporated into thin air. He had already achieved his primary goal of finding Eva, so, even if it took a few years to completely 'save' her, Vahn was confident she would open her heart to him. It would likely take the death of the Mage of the Beginning before she was truly liberated from her fate, but, with Asuna, Arika, and Theo at his side, that, too, was an inevitability. Asuna, in particular, had more potential than Arika and Theo combined, so, if they made proper use of the diorama, she might be able to defeat the Mage of the Beginning on her own...
Due to the unique structure of the Akamatsuverse's Magic System, it was possible for even children to become monstrously powerful in a very short period of time. It was a world where talent, affinity, and control could easily compensate for years of experience. Nagi was one of the best examples of this, as, despite being between thirteen and fifteen-years-old during the events of the Great Magic War, he was known as the 'Invincible Thousand Master'. His son, Negi, would also go on to save the world when he was around ten-years-old, so, compared to most Records, the Akamatsuverse was a veritable 'paradise' for anyone with innate magical talent.
Vahn had yet to meet Nagi, but, based on the difference between Arika's and Asuna's fates, it was safe to assume the latter had the capacity to surpass them both in a short period of time. Rather, if she really wanted to focus on becoming stronger, Asuna could, very easily, reach the pinnacle of the verse before the Great Magic War even began. This was the scariest thing about artifacts like Theo's Resort, as, if they were exploited to their fullest potential, you could accumulate twenty-four-years of experience over the span of a single year in the outside world.
Truthfully, Vahn didn't understand why such dioramas weren't exploited more during the 'original' timeline. He suspected they were actually being used, but, despite going up against a threat against the entire solar system, it seemed like the heroes lacked the conviction to fully commit to exploiting one of their greatest assets. After all, if Nagi or Negi spent just a few months inside a diorama, they would have become monstrously powerful in a very 'short' period of time. There was, quite literally, no sense in sending children between the ages of ten and fifteen to fight against solar-system level threats when they could have easily accumulated more experience and power within a diorama...
The only reason Vahn could think of was that the heroes simply didn't want Nagi and Negi to waste their youths away training, but, for such concerns to be relevant, they wouldn't be charged with the literal fate of the world. It was extremely hypocritical to expect children to fight against the enemies of the entire world, yet, in the original history, Negi, a ten-year-old boy, was charged with leading a literal class of middle-schoolers into a climactic battle to save everyone. There were even a number of historical accounts that mentioned some of the students becoming slaves, all while the so-called Heroes, who could have easily secured their freedom, seemingly ignored them. They let a group of fourteen and fifteen-year-old girls, many of which had no ties to the Magical World, become victims of a system they had more than enough power to change...
Though Vahn understood hardships were necessary to allow people to grow, he would beat the hell out of anyone who tried to convince him it was necessary for young teenagers to experience slavery and sexual harassment in order to 'grow'. He might even cripple them on the spot, forcing them to watch from the sidelines as he proved just how ridiculous their claims were. After all, what need did they have for power if they were literally rearing children to fight their battles for them?
Realizing he was letting Arika's words get to him, a wry smile appeared on Vahn's face as he stood with his hands behind his back, watching silently as his thirty-three adorable students did their best to try and hit the center of a target 15m away. Though they were only between two and three years of age, going by the Mundus Magicus system, even the youngest was able to, at the very least, hit the target. This was actually very impressive, as, prior to Vahn's arrival, most children weren't even able to use the Beginner's Incantation until they were around four years old. The students under his care, however, were already able to manifest their elements, something even prodigies weren't able to achieve without careful guidance.
Needless to say, Vahn's prestige as an Advisor had rapidly increased in a very short period of time, to the point that the Grandmaster had even asked for advice on rewriting the basic curriculum that was taught in all Academies. Unfortunately, while there was a qualitative increase in the results of every Academy, there were no repeats of the 'miracle' Vahn had performed. He had basically turned his entire class into a group of prodigies, and, by offering advice to other teachers, the cause of him being solicited so often, the quality of education within the Junior Division of the Imperial Academy had increased by a startling amount.
Though he had hosted a number of private seminars, some attended by the Grandmaster herself, the main reason his students grew so quickly was, simply put, Vahn, himself. Not only was he very patient in guiding the children, but, as a result of his growing 'popularity', his [Will of the Emperor] had a subtle influence on their minds. They gradually became more studious and hard-working, all in an effort to try and earn his recognition. As a result, he would reward them with a few words of praise, a periodic pat on the head, or some treats that helped to strengthen their foundation. This, combined with the fact they were constantly baptized by the energy within his domain, had allowed even his least talented student to surpass those nearly twice her age.
So long as he was nearby, Vahn could help replenish his students' reserves and prevent the onset of fatigue. This allowed them to focus and persist for longer periods of time, greatly accelerating their growth and gradually increasing their confidence. Though it also had the side-effect of making each of his students 'hyper-aware' of his presence, as they would feel more at ease when he was around, Vahn didn't really have to worry about them growing 'too' attached to him. Their affection was very innocent, and, though a number of his students became even more excitable than puppies when he was around, this was actually relatively normal.
Even back on Earth, the education of young children was often left to female teachers, as, during their developmental period, children imprinted on authority figures quite a bit. Thus, it was simply 'safer' for children to be taught by female teachers, as, depending on their racial traits, young boys could be cowed by competent male teachers, becoming hyper-aggressive during their adolescence to compensate for how passive they were in their youth. As for young girls, their first crush could be a powerful influence on their preferences for the rest of their lives, often leading them to choose a partner that was similar to their fathers or the first male authority figure they had imprinted upon.
Fortunately, despite an ever-growing fanbase, Vahn's status was so high that even the more fervent children understood the 'futility' of their affections. Though they might have grandiose delusions of romance, the difference in status created an insurmountable gulf. They understood that, unless he was the one to take an interest in them, the chances of their affections bearing fruit was negligible, at best. As a result, they banded together with like-minded people, sharing their hopes and dreams with others in order to lessen their burden and make the most of their burgeoning emotions while they had the opportunity to do so...
With the same wry smile on his face, Vahn watched as one of his students 'accidentally' lost control over her magic. The magical energy began to swirl around her outstretched palms, and, though it wouldn't cause too much damage, Vahn appeared at her side in an instant, dissipating the spell and pulling her back behind his body in the same motion. This earned the attention of the entire class, but, before they could begin to group out of curiosity, Vahn just smiled toward them, saying, "There are no problems. Please, continue your practice."
Though they were still curious, everyone, with the exception of Asuna, replied with cheerful voices of compliance before immediately returning to their practice. As for Asuna, she scampered over, her twin-tails bouncing adorably until she reached his side and asked, "Is everything okay?"
Lightly ruffling Asuna's hair, Vahn answered, "Estelle just had a bit of an accident. As I told everyone else, there is nothing to worry about..."
Hearing Vahn's words, Asuna gave a small nod before looking behind him, finding a girl with neatly trimmed white hair, fur-covered ears that drooped downward, and a dog-like tail that was currently curled between her legs. She was clinging to the overcoat Vahn wore while teaching, seemingly very afraid. If you listened closely, however, there was a barely-audible sound of breathing that could be heard as she buried her face into the fabric of Vahn's coat...
After scrunching up her nose slightly, Asuna gave one last look at Vahn before running back to her own spot. This left the latter chuckling silently to himself, understanding what Asuna wanted to say even without her vocalizing it. Despite this, he still lightly pat Estelle's head, calmly stating, "There is no need to be afraid. Come, I'll watch over you for a little bit and give you some advice. I know you have a lot of talent, Estelle. Will you show it to me...?"
The moment she heard his words, Estelle's ears perked up, her tail regaining its vigor as she happily exclaimed, "Okay~!" before finally releasing his coat and returning to her spot. Then, earning a few envious looks from the nearest girls, she began displaying her relatively rare lightning magic. Vahn, of course, noticed the looks from his other students, offering them a slight smile that caused them to eagerly return to their own training...
Noticing the subtle change in Vahn's expression, Grandmaster Sidra raised her brows in curiosity, asking, "Oh? Did something interesting happen~?"
Lightly chuckling in response, Vahn nodded his head, stating, "My students are always very spirited. I'm certain their futures will be filled with color and excitement."
Reading more into Vahn's words than he intended, Grandmaster Sidra replied with a light chuckle of her own before saying, "They are blessed with the Sage Dragon Emperor's grace. How could they not enjoy a brighter future? I'm already pulling strings to try and convince some of your students to become future teachers within the Academy. At their current rate of growth, most of your students will be ready for the standard graduation by the time they are five. They have all become monstrous talents within the is actually rather terrifying, you know~?"
Seemingly agreeing with Sidra, albeit for very different reasons, Arika and Seras both nodded their heads. The only one who didn't seem to agree with Theo, who, after snickering in her usual manner, said, "Unless you're a bad guy, Vahn isn't scary at all. You should see him whenever Asuna is trying a difficult technique for the first time. One time, he even used High-Grade healing magic just to treat a scrape on her knee. So long as you don't do anything bad, you don't even need to be intimidated by him. He's really just a big old softie~."
Even if her words weren't exactly wrong, Vahn gave Theo a deadpan stare, effectively adding fuel to the fire if her laughter was any indicator. Then, deciding to ignore her, he looked back to find Sidra and Seras with an amused glimmer in their eyes. Seras had enough wherewithal to cover it up the moment he stared back at her, but, unlike her daughter, Sidra behaved far more casually, smiling in amusement as she said, "It's no wonder your popularity has grown so quickly. I have even received a report saying that you gave out a sizeable donation to one of our poorer Academies. Ariadne is truly blessed to have such a kind and caring individual watching over it..."
Hearing the insinuation and hope contained within Sidra's words, Vahn lightly shook his head, but it was Arika who stated, "Vahn is the Guardian of Mundus Magicus. Unlike the Nine Great Spirits and the Four Sacred Dragons, he cannot become the guarantor for a specific country. The moment Vahn becomes affiliated with any specific country, that country becomes a weakness that can be targeted by others. By spreading his influence globally, his power can serve as a deterrent to keep those who would harm others in check. It is our responsibility to lead and guide our people, not Vahn's."
As it was something they had discussed quite a bit, Theo also took the opportunity to add, "Arika is correct. Vahn might protect and empower certain people, but he can never become tied to a nation that already exists. If he had publically affiliated himself with Ariadne, it would have been difficult to prevent a war from breaking out."
Well aware of the truth contained within Arika's and Theo's words, Sidra showed a sad smile, but, in the depths of her light-purple eyes, a mischievous glimmer could be seen as she muttered, "That is truly unfortunate...I'm certain the people of Ariadne would have been ecstatic if someone like Vahn had become the new Arch-Dean. I suppose I should just be grateful for the altruism you displayed by helping remove so many detrimental elements within the administration. I only hope your efforts are not undermined the moment you depart the city...perhaps his Imperial Majesty will properly rein in the other members of the Nobility this time around..."
Hearing Sidra's words, Theo's usual smile faded away, a serious expression marring her face as she said, "You need not concern yourself with such things, Grandmaster Sidra. Once the war has come to an end, I will personally help lay the groundwork for Ariadne's independence. I hope that, when the time comes, you will work alongside me; not for our mutual benefit, but for the benefits of all people within Mundus Magicus. Ariadne has the best teachers in the world, but, due to its limited size, it can only accommodate so many people. I would like to build schools and academies within the Empire's territory, providing an education to the young and underprivileged so that the entire nation will prosper..."
Not expecting Theo's words, Sidra raised her brows before smiling as she said, "Had you said these things a few months prior, I probably wouldn't have believed them. Now, however, I feel hopeful for the future of Mundus Magicus..."
Seeing Sidra look toward him, Vahn returned a smile of his own as he said, "If those in power unite, it won't just be the Magical World that prospers. Magic has been kept a secret for too long, limiting its development for no better reason than consolidating power and maintaining the status between the rich and the poor. My main priority is protecting the world itself, so, soon enough, rapid change in the status quo will occur. Ariadne is in a unique position, but, compared to Ostia, the standard of education is still lacking. If you wish to remain relevant in the changing world, you must be ready to make the necessary changes to ensure the prosperity of all peoples, not just yourselves..."
Though Ariadne prided itself as a place that would accept even Death itself as a student, that didn't mean they waived tuition fees. They were against polluting the natural beauty of the land by trying to convert it into farmland, so, compared to most nations, they were extremely reliant on imports. If not for the Hellas Empire, they would have been forced to compromise on their ancestor's beliefs a long time ago.
If Ariadne wanted to remain relevant in the future, they had no choice but to expand beyond their borders and establish schools in other countries. They could still consolidate their brightest within the ancestral city, but, with an ever-growing population and an extremely limited amount of space, it was impossible for them to remain independent without compromise. The Founders of Ariadne had been well-aware of this fact, so, before it became a problem, they implemented numerous laws to prevent population growth before ultimately forging an alliance with the Hellas Empire.
As the principal successor of the founders, Sidra understood the impossibility of true independence, so, hearing Vahn's words, she took them to heart, smiling as she looked at Theo and said, "I believe Ariadne stands to benefit much from continued association with the Empire~."
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Time-Dilation is OP','*sniffing intensifies*','At this point, I'm surprised Sidra isn't trying to hitch her daughter with Vahn xD...')
(A/N: I forgot to mention it, but I'm taking a short break atm for birthdays. My brother's birthday was on the 24th and mine is on the 27th, so I've been a little preoccupied xD. I will always release at least one chapter a day though, so long as I'm not in a coma or something.) <-(p.atreon link)
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