Novel Name : Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos Chapter 1253 - Divinity

Chapter 1253 - Divinity

If he were being honest, Vahn had always wondered what it would be like if he actually became a God of S.e.x. It was one of those Divinities that didn't seem all that useful but, considering the size of his harem, he felt it would be very helpful for keeping his women happy.
Now, Vahn could only smile wryly at his past self's innocence as, after obtaining a Divinity related to S.e.x, he quickly realized it brought a variety of issues along with it.
The most troublesome part of obtaining any Divinity was the 'connection' you felt with it. Just as a Master Blacksmith or a Master Mechanic were drawn to their craft, Vahn felt a 'need' to have s.e.x but, rather than say he was horny, it suddenly seemed 'natural' to him.
As strange as it was to admit, Vahn suddenly felt as if s.e.x was a very natural and sincere form of communication, one that brought two, or more, people together. He could also feel the emotions of those he was having s.e.x with, bringing him great pleasure and happiness. Rather than the feeling of pride he used to have when tending to multiple women at a time, he now had a vibrant smile on his face as, even without melding, he could 'feel' everything related to his partner's state with greater ease than breathing.
While this was certainly useful in the bedroom, Vahn's Divinity never took a break. So long as they were within the boundaries of his perception, he could sense the pent up urges people were holding back. Even without his View Affection active, he knew when one of his women desired his presence so, in the days following his ascension, Vahn had been wandering the corridors of the castle with a Divine Purpose.
This is where his problems truly began as, with his newfound awareness, Vahn, quite literally, couldn't ignore the feelings and intentions of those around him. As he walked through the halls of the castle, he could feel the potent and repressed desires of many of the Homunculi that worked within the Inner Sanctum. He actually felt empathy for them and, if not for the last vestiges of his self-control, Vahn would have pulled many of them aside just to make them 'happy'.
Though the Homunculi was certainly a cause for concern, it was the presence of a certain perpetually smiling girl that truly weighed heavily on Vahn's mind. He knew that Gareth had been restraining her more carnal desires before so, after obtaining a S.e.x Divinity, Vahn was now hyperaware of the state of her body and mind. She put on a strong front by smiling radiantly at all times but, whenever he would part with her to make love to one of his women, he now had a very strong understanding of how much she was suffering.
Since he already had permission, it wasn't long before Vahn simply couldn't resist seeing her suffer any longer. He briefly discussed things with his Empresses before pulling Gareth along with him as he visited the Menagerie. After that, Gareth was no longer just his Page and, even more so than her past self, she always had a bright and cheerful smile on her face. The only downside to this change was the fact that, rather than being content with head patting and gentle caressing, Gareth would basically go into heat towards the end of all their training sessions.
By the time two days had passed, Gareth could be seen walking closely behind him, a happy smile on her face and a very noticeable collar around her neck. Since his Divinity allowed him to interpret the wants and desires of other people, Vahn always knew exactly how to satisfy both their body and, more importantly, their mind. He could even make use of the limited-omniscience that came with Divinity in the Nasuverse, allowing him to better understand its uses and limitations.
Unlike Scáthach, who couldn't turn her omniscience off, Vahn had the inherent ability to toggle it on and off at his leisure. When it was active inside of Avalon, he could 'feel' the location and everything on the island, including the various flora and fauna present. This flooded his mind with an awareness of everything but, rather than true omniscience, it was more accurate to say he could sense their wants and desires. It was a rather perverse ability as, while active, his perception seemed to provide him greater information regarding those wanting to have s.e.x than anything else...
Since he had to experience it at least once, Vahn had traveled to the outside a few hours after first obtaining his new Divinity. When he turned his omniscience on, it felt like he had become a singular grain of sand on an expansive beach. At the same time, he could feel 'literally trillions' of lifeforms and their desire to procreate. It was an overwhelming amount of information and, despite his best efforts, Vahn realized it was impossible for him to block out his awareness of the carnal desires of other creatures.
This was one of the biggest restrictions to the limited-omnipotent provided to Gods as, rather than saying it allowed them to know everything, it was more accurate to say it made them hyperaware of anything related to their Divinity. S.e.x was one of the most fundamental components of life so, while it was very useful for tending to his women, Vahn realized it was a rather unfortunate ability to have with the current state of the world.
While it was impossible for him to spread his senses into any areas with powerful Bounded Fields, Vahn had been able to sense almost every human in the world simultaneously. All of their desires were conveyed to him without any filter whatsoever. He was simultaneously aware of the passionate interactions between lovers and the infinitely more vile acts taking place all over the world. The thing that pissed him off the most, and ultimately allowed him to break free from the overwhelming flood of information, was the fact his Divinity made him 'accept' even violent acts of **** and cruelty as something perfectly natural.
Following his first usage of his limited-omnipotence, Vahn had never activated it again as, with his [Will of the Emperor] suppressing his 'acceptance' of such acts, he felt he might go on a killing spree if he turned it on again. Since he did not want to bear the burden of purging nearly a fifth of the world's population just yet, this was the only thing he could do to suppress the overwhelming urge to enact his own brand of justice upon the vile and despicable people his omnipotence brought to light.
For the time being, Vahn had other things to focus on but, as he couldn't simply ignore what he had learned, Vahn informed Alaya that she could use as much of his mana as necessary to punish anyone trying to commit s.e.x.u.a.l crimes against children. She couldn't actually use his stored mana to harm or kill humans but, at the very least, she could give people an awareness of what was happening. As a result, police and pedestrians alike would just 'feel' that something was wrong, allowing them to step in and intervene before any further damage could be done. Since she had the ability to see into the future, there was a steep decline in the number of violent crimes against children in the immediate aftermath of Vahn's ascension. At the same time, though he wouldn't come to learn this until later, there was a sharp increase in the number of devout followers of the Holy Church...
For what felt like the hundredth time, Vahn found himself being inspected by Da Vinci as she took samples of and conducted tests on his raiment. Since he had obtained a Divinity, he had been given a raiment and, though he could change at will, his appearance had also undergone a few changes. This included his eyes gaining a pink hue around the pupils that allowed him to charm others while his body and hair seemed to radiate a subtle glow that was only discernible to a few people. He also gained immunity against other forms of charms, giving him an advantage against Da Vinci that she was slowly figuring out a solution to.
While she was collecting data, Da Vinci took it upon herself to tease him a bit by lightly squeezing the exposed part of his butt. This caused Vahn to smile wryly as he rolled his eyes and allowed her to do as she pleased. When he was dressed like this, it was futile to try and stop the girls from touching him as, similar to the girdle worn by Aphrodite, they were almost instinctually drawn to him. It was for this reason that he didn't wear his raiment outside of his bedroom, not that he would have even if it didn't have this ability...
Staring at himself in a tall mirror, Vahn could only shake his head each time he saw his raiment in its full glory. It took on the form of skintight white bottoms that covered just about as much as Ishtar's. This gave the appearance of fitted underwear, accentuating the bulge at his front while showing off a large part of his butt due to the minimalist coverage of the fabric. Other than a few golden bands, a golden laurel crown, and some kind of sock that exposed his toes and heels, this was the entirety of his highly revealing raiment.
Seemingly dissatisfied with being ignored, Da Vinci took advantage of Vahn's momentary distraction to lean forward, this time biting his fleshy butt cheek with a bit of force. Since he was immune to any attacks lower than B-Rank, Vahn just turned his head to find Da Vinci looking up at him with a playful smile. Their respective charms seemed to clash against each other before, from Vahn's perspective, a subtle pink glow began to spread from the center of her eyes. Her EX-Rank [Mesmerizing Gaze] was certainly powerful but, against an unrestricted God of S.e.x, even Da Vinci would suffer a defeat.
After a short recess, a now red-faced Da Vinci was dutifully collecting data while Vahn, feeling very refreshed and happy, had a smile on his face as he allowed his mind to wander. Compared to the past, where she could contend against him almost indefinitely, Vahn could tend to Da Vinci's needs in a short twenty minutes if he put in an effort. He always knew exactly what she wanted him to do and, with his enhanced capabilities, it didn't take long before he had all of her sub-processes fully focused on him.
Once she finished conducting her tests, Da Vinci released a hot sigh as she habitually cupped her own cheek and mused, "I never expected the realm of Gods to be so far away...I'll need to redouble my efforts..."
Hearing her remark, Vahn's smile widened as he extended his hand and stroked her silky-smooth hair. His [Hands of Nirvana] had become demonstrably more powerful after his ascension but, this time, Vahn only used it to bring comfort to Da Vinci as he confidently stated, "I have no doubt that you'll be able to manage it...just don't push yourself too much. The way things are right now...they aren't all that bad, are they~?"
Da Vinci couldn't help but giggle when she heard Vahn's words as, no matter how she tried to spin things, it was the truth. Still, she couldn't help but try and understand everything so, while it would not be her main focus, she was determined to understand hos 'S.e.x Laws' worked. She felt that it was a resonating force that enhanced positive emotions as, when she participated in the massive orgy that led to Vahn's ascension, several pulses of mysterious energy were spreading through the room with each of his thrusts. For a brief moment, everyone present felt like a singular entity, each linked together by Vahn in an inexplicable way...
Though she had only used one of her processes to think about that past incident, Da Vinci's other processes began to reminisce at the same time. This caused her face to develop a ruddy flush and, though they had only had s.e.x less than twenty minutes ago, she was in the mood to go again. Vahn was very aware of this so, after releasing a light-hearted laugh, he carried her back to the privacy of their 'love nest', the only area of the Workshop that Sophia didn't have access to. Then, once again, Vahn made full use of his Divinity until Da Vinci was completely satisfied.
Feeling even more refreshed, Vahn left the Workshop to find Gareth standing outside with a happy smile on her face. He noticed her nostrils wiggle a few times, the natural aroma of his body tickling her olfactory senses and causing her smile to widen considerably. She had a very sensitive nose and, though he shouldn't have any aroma at all, Vahn had heard most of the girls tell him that he smelled very sweet now. Fenrir had been the first to mention this, describing his aroma as 'warm honey that makes her heart feel fluffy'.
To reward her patience, Vahn gave a small nod to Gareth and, if she had a tail, he imagined it would be wagging at a similar speed to Nanu. Then, with a little touch much force, she practically tackled him before nuzzling her face against his chest uninhibitedly. She took several audible breaths of his aroma, causing Vahn to feel her happiness building alongside her arousal. Fortunately, while she was very 'wild' at times, Gareth actually had commendable self-control so, after nuzzling him for around a minute, she gave a satisfied sigh before releasing him.
When she separated from him, Vahn couldn't resist the urge to lean down and give her a kiss as, at this moment in time, it was what Gareth wanted the most from him. If he wanted to, Vahn could go on an auto-pilot, similar to his [Laplace's Key], that allowed him to always respond in the desired way of those around him. Though he liked to be in control, there were times over the last few days when he just allowed the experience to wash over him, like a coursing river filled with warmth and happy feelings. He allowed this river of emotions to carry him freely, pulling the girls along for the ride so they could reach the destination they desired without fail.
Since Gareth wanted 'more' after the first kiss, Vahn gave her a quick kiss on the forehead before running his fingers through her hair and saying, "There will be time for that later. Come now, little pup, we have other places to be..."
Hearing her Master's words, Gareth felt her heart double its rhythm, causing a feeling of suffocation to build that forced her breathe heavily. Despite this, she managed to restrain her building urges by nodding her head and answering, "I'm looking forward to it~!" in a chipper tune. Then, so as not to cause her Master any trouble, she began to repeat a mantra in her mind while trying to control the flow of mana in her body in a specific way. Like everyone else, she had started cultivating so, at times like this, she could keep calm by focusing on her meditation technique.
After a short journey, Vahn found himself standing near the entrance to the Knight's Training Field, a place that had become rather dangerous for him as of late. Still, he did not think his self-control was so lacking so, after psyching himself up and earning a giggle from Gareth, he made his way outside.
Almost as soon as he appeared, Vahn felt several pairs of eyes shift focus toward him. One of these gazes was particularly fiery, even though her expression was the same as it had always been. As a result, Vahn gave a small wave before making his way over to the side and taking his usual seat. He put on a strong front but, at the back of his mind, Vahn couldn't help but feel frustrated at himself and the awareness his Divinity afforded him.
If not for his Divinity, he would have been able to pretend there wasn't an issue but, now that he was unable to ignore it, Vahn could only suppress his 'acceptance' as he gave an approving nod towards the girls training on the field. This brought a smile to girls' faces as they began working just a little harder than before his arrival. They were all very earnest in their training, something that made Vahn feel proud every time he bore witness to their efforts.
At this point, he had basically become a surrogate father to Zoë while Mash had started to idolize him a considerable amount. He didn't know why she was so loyal to him but, as he rarely interacted with the lavender-haired girl in any meaningful ways, but she would gain a few hundred points with the passing of each day. In the past, he thought she had a crush on him but, while there were a few moments when she had 'deviant' urges, this was almost exclusively in response to the teasing of other people. Since most people couldn't help but let their mind wander if someone brought up such a topic, he couldn't blame the pubescent girl for her wayward thoughts.
No, what had recently become the source of Vahn's greatest stress, other than the borderline feral Illya, was none other than his eldest daughter. Though she concealed it very well, to the point he hadn't even suspected anything in the past, Vahn knew that Mordred had a very 'a.d.u.l.t' mind. She had already killed thousands of people in the past and, though she had never lost her v.i.r.g.i.nity, she was very aware of the intimate interactions between men and women.
What troubled Vahn the most was the fact that Mordred, especially after hard training and serious exercise, got far too 'excited'. It hadn't been obvious before but she had a predatory glint in her eye whenever she looked at other girls, not just Fenrir. This wasn't the biggest problem, however, as it wasn't all that surprising for Mordred to be restraining such urges. Instead, it was the fact that, when he would appear, Mordred's intentions would shift toward him. Her cheerful smile now seemed like nothing but a mask and, though she obviously cherished her status as his daughter, Vahn knew there was more than just familial love in Mordred's gaze. This wasn't something he couldn't deal with but, now that he had a Divinity related to S.e.x, part of Vahn's mind was constantly telling him it was okay to do something had never even considered in the past...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'The world has some pretty f.u.c.k.i.e.d up people','DIVINE SPEEDO!','An Emperor's Will versus the compulsion of Divinity')
(A/N: Some people might have issues with how Vahn's Divinity is expressed but, with how Laws work, they don't really care about 'good' and 'evil'. S.e.x can be a pure expression of intimacy or, in many sad cases, one of the most terrible expressions of human cruelty. Regardless, this is all 'natural' in the grand scheme of things, at least from the objective perspective of the Laws. The deviancies of people are what pollute otherwise innocent and beautiful things. Don't blame me for trying to represent the banes just as much as I try to present the boons.) <-(p.atreon link)
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