Novel Name : Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos Chapter 1129 - Wants

Chapter 1129 - Wants

As Vahn tightly embraced her body, Kenshin didn't really understand what she was feeling right now but, following his words, she allowed herself to cry in his arms. Feelings she hadn't experienced for more than forty years were washing over her like a turbulent tide and, without someone to keep her ground, Kenshin felt like she might be carried away when the tide of emotions receded. Fortunately, Vahn held her tightly and, as his warmth flowed into her body, Kenshin found herself crying harder than she ever had in her entire life. This was enough to awaken Nobunaga from her own stupor but, seeing the sight of Vahn holding the sobbing Kenshin, she couldn't help but internally remark, ("That was a lot faster than expected..."). Then, feeling rather awkward, Nobunaga did her best to 'ignore' the two as she uncorked a bottle of expensive sake, inhaling its fragrance before taking a small sip and enjoying how it burned her throat and warmed up her cold body...
Though she had decades of repressed emotions, Kenshin's crying didn't last as long as Vahn had expected. She stopped sobbing after around twenty minutes and, by the time a half-hour had passed, she had stopped shaking in his arms. He didn't expect her to let everything out all at once but, so long as she didn't try to repress herself in the future, there was plenty of time to reconnect with her past self. At the very least, she could no longer delude herself into thinking she lacked emotion and, so long as she made an effort to connect with other people, Vahn believed Kenshin would be able to express herself properly in the future. He even suspected that the whole reason she was okay with having a child was her desire to 'feel' a real attachment once again, something she had lost long ago after being separated from her family. After all, the fact her three clearest memories after that were her meeting with Bishamonten, the evening she learned of Shingen's death, and the night she spent with Nobunaga had to mean something.
Vahn knew there was a lot he could do for Kenshin in the future and, as they would be together for a few decades, at the very least, now was as good a time as any to get started. With that in mind, he loosened his embrace just a little as he asked, "What is it you want, Kenshin? You should understand that I don't just want a weapon or a vassal who will dedicate themselves to me. The more dutiful you act towards me, the harder I will work to break you down and expose the truth until you can no longer escape it anymore..." Since he had more than enough trouble with Scáthach, Vahn didn't want another emotionless woman in his life, especially one that only interacted with him because of things like duty and obligation...
As she had seen more than one-hundred-and-forty years of Vahn's memories, Kenshin knew what he meant when he said he didn't want someone to dedicate themselves to him. With his capabilities and the status he had gained, there was no end to the number of people who were willing to place themselves in such a position. Vahn had been respected by millions, to an extent that entire races would rally under his banner if he gave the call to arms. Instead, he faced most foes on his own and, instead of placing his allies in the line of fire, Vahn had 'literally' become immortal in an effort to bear the burden for them. Though he did not push away those who wanted to stand at his side, they had to want to be there as anything less than a genuine desire for the strength to follow behind him would guarantee you just became another one of the burdens he had to bear...
Refusing to be a burden, even though she didn't truly understand what she wanted, Kenshin peered through her bangs with pale golden eyes, staring into Vahn's through the mirror as she answered, "I want to be broken down and exposed...I want to be stronger..." Though this was a rather awkward way of putting it, Vahn understood what Kenshin was trying to convey to him. She knew better than anyone that it would take a long time for her to find what she was looking for and, as she lacked the strength to do it herself, Kenshin was willing to expose herself so that Vahn could show her the way forward. This caused her to stand up straighter so that her body was revealed in all its glory as she added, "I want to be a woman..."
In response to Kenshin's words, Vahn smiled from his place behind her shoulder, bringing his hand up to lightly cup her right b.r.e.a.s.t as he whispered in a hot voice, "You have always been a woman..." With that said, Vahn lightly pinched Kenshin's almost flesh tone n.i.p.p.l.e, a color so fair it blended almost seamlessly into her skin. He had noticed this peculiarity earlier but, now that Kenshin had entrusted herself to him, Vahn was now keenly aware of all her unique qualities. The most notable thing, however, was not their color but, due to the fact Kenshin had kept her b.r.e.a.s.ts bound nearly her entire life, she actually had inverted, something Vahn had never seen in a mature woman before...
Inhaling sharply in response to Vahn's touch, Kenshin admitted with a red face, "I don't know what to do...will you teach me?" This question caused Vahn to lightly shake his head before kissing her neck and explaining, "Though there is certainly much to learn, the most important thing you need to realize is that s.e.x is an emotional union between two people. Both sides need to want it or else it will turn into something toxic that can seed a trauma deep within the heart and mind. The more positive emotions you put into intercourse, the more meaningful the act becomes...this isn't something that can be is something you must decide upon yourself. I can bring you great pleasure and euphoria, but that is meaningless if you seek it selfishly without giving anything in return..."
Though Kenshin was tempted to say she was willing to give her everything, the words never left her lips because she wasn't sure if this was the truth. Things seemed a lot easier when she didn't put any extraneous thought into the process and simply intended to let Vahn do whatever he wanted. Since she didn't understand her own emotions, Kenshin didn't know what she could give him in return for his care. If he wasn't willing to 'teach' her what he wanted her to do, the only way forward was to learn through experience and try to figure it out on her own. She wondered if this was what Vahn intended for her to realize as, though it caused her to feel an indescribable emotion, Kenshin felt like she really wanted to learn together with him...
While watching Vahn's hands trace her body in the mirror, Kenshin began to feel a slight fluttery feeling in her stomach, especially when his fingers would trace around her navel. Even his kisses on her neck felt like they were sending small waves of heat into her body in a way that Nobunaga had never been able to manage. He wasn't trying to tease her, nor was he trying to rile her up at all...the only thing Vahn seemed to care about was appreciating her body and bringing her comfort. As a result, the fluttery feeling in her abdomen continued to rise until Kenshin noticed her breathing had turned slightly labored. Then, deciding to trust her instincts, she placed her hand atop Vahn's before guiding it lower. Her abdominal muscles tensed up as she guided his hand past her navel, bringing his fingers to the band of her shorts as a tingling sensation began to tickle something deep within her body...
Realizing Kenshin's intentions, Vahn smiled at her through the mirror before moving his hands to the sides of her shorts and slowly pulling them, along with the [Aegis Mk 5], down. As this motion had him kneel down, Vahn's face was only a few centimeters away from Kenshin's perfectly round, albeit small, rump. He felt like there was infinite potential contained in those two snowy white cheeks that looked a little adorable when Kenshin tensed up slightly in response to his breath. Before rising to his feet, Vahn felt like teasing her a bit so he gently grabbed her h.i.p.s before lightly kissing both cheeks on his way back up. This caused Nobunaga to snicker at the side but Vahn ignored her for the time being as he looked at Kenshin's slightly red face through the mirror.
Though it didn't really need to be stated, Vahn pressed his fingers in the area below Kenshin's navel, whispering, "In here is something precious that all men seek, something only a woman can grant them. It is the cradle of life that bears the responsibility of all future generations..." Since he knew Kenshin wanted to bear a child, he felt the need to point it out since, with very few exceptions, that was a thought that only a woman could have. She had said the words, 'I want to be a woman...', but Vahn knew what she actually meant was a little different. Kenshin wanted to be desired and cared for in a way that she could never experience as a warrior on the battlefield. Then, if fate allowed, she wanted to bear a child to experience what it meant to be a mother, something she had lacked since her own had never even been revealed to her...
It was a little unorthodox, but Vahn still intended to use the mirror as a means for Kenshin to see the 'truth' so, while it would have been a lot easier to move things to the bed, he continued to rub her lower abdomen while saying, "Bend over and place your hands on the side of the mirror..." He had made sure to pig a heavy mirror outlined with gold that was supported by the wall behind it. This allowed Kenshin to place her hands at the sides of the mirror while, at the side, Nobunaga had shifted around on the sofa to watch things from a better vantage point. As for Vahn, he intended to give Kenshin a memorable first experience so he squatted down behind her as Kenshin fretfully stared at herself in the mirror. Then, spreading apart her springy and somewhat firm vulva, Vahn proceeded to help her 'prepare' to accept him completely...
Though she had been 'teased' by Nobunaga before, Kenshin wasn't prepared in the least when Vahn began to lightly massage her labia while probing way deeper than she had expected into her insides. She instinctually clenched down but, instead of being forced out, Vahn's tongue was just slightly squashed before it began lapping at her insides in a way that made shivers run up her spine as her body involuntarily spasmed in response. Then, just as she thought it couldn't get any more intense, Vahn began to gently trace his thumb around her c.l.i.t.o.r.i.s after it peeked out to see what all the fuss was about. Since she could see her 'pained' expression in the mirror, Kenshin began to feel a mixture of emotions she didn't know how to deal with as she held her breath in a vain attempt to repress the swelling pleasure. Every time he lightly pinched her sensitive little bead, Kenshin felt like small white explosions were erupting in her mind before, a few minutes later, she had to cling desperately to the mirror when her h.i.p.s gave out...
With the lower half of his face covered in moisture, Vahn licked his lips before wiping away the excess with the back of his arm. Since he could feel Nobunaga's gaze, Vahn looked toward her before giving a playful wink, something that caused her legs to snap shut on instinct. He would need to deal with her later but, as this was an important moment for Kenshin, Vahn needed to make the most of it. Since she was unfamiliar with this level of pleasure, she lacked the wherewithal to 'assist' properly so Vahn had to take matters into his own hands, quite literally. Using her bent over posture, Vahn discarded his clothing by unequipping it. Her entrance was actually further back than normal so they would probably do it from behind a lot in the future since the angle would be more comfortable for her. With what he had in mind, this would be to Kenshin's benefit as, after burying himself slowly into her insides, Vahn reached down before pulling her legs up by the pits of her knees...
Before she even had time to adapt to the startlingly hot pressure invading her insides, Kenshin found herself 'flipping' backward before coming to rest against Vahn's warm chest. She had hung her head after experiencing the largest orgasm of her life so this was the first time she was able to see herself after the pleasure had washed over her. Kenshin noticed her face looked somewhat sloven, a deep shade of red coloring her cheeks as a layer of moisture covered her eyes. Even her mouth had been slightly agape, causing her to snap her lips shut as she pointlessly covered the place where she and Vahn were connected. It surprisingly hadn't hurt at all, making Kenshin feel like her body was a bit naughtier than other women...
Seeing Kenshin cover herself up, Vahn resisted the urge to chuckle as he jerked his h.i.p.s a bit and said, "Watch should also bring your arms up to hold my head so you don't lose your balance..." This wasn't the first time he had used this relatively 'advanced' position but, unlike most normal men, Vahn could easily support Kenshin's almost negligible 51kg weight. With a Strength of 37C, he could easily lift more than 2500kg without straining himself. Since his muscles never got fatigued, as they would instantly repair any damage he sustained, Vahn could hold Kenshin like this all day if necessary. Fortunately, she listened to his words and, though she had a clearly embarrassed expression on her face, she wrapped her arms around his head while staring at where they were connected through the mirror...
WIth Kenshin cooperating, Vahn began a slow and deep piston that caused a shiver to run up her back with each movement. Since she was pressed against him, Vahn could feel her body twitching while her insides tightened around him with firm pressure. She hadn't been the tightest v.i.r.g.i.n but, just as her vulva themselves were springy and firm, so too was the inside of Kenshin's v.a.g.i.n.a. Every time her abdominal muscles would flex, there would be an all-encompassing pressure that showed she had a lot of potential for nightly activities. It was a very satisfying sensation so Vahn quickly got into a steady rhythm using Kenshin's own biorhythm as a baseline. Though it was a little painful when she began to wring his hair, to the point of pulling out a few large clumps, Vahn didn't hold it against her since he thought it was cute how her legs would straighten out slightly when his glans kissed against her cervix...
Though she had already climaxed several times, Vahn could feel what most girls called a 'big one' coming so he leaned back slightly, holding her at a better angle as he said, "Get ready...I'm going to show you something that only a woman can experience..." After whispering these words directly in her ear, Vahn began to bounce Kenshin a little roughly against his h.i.p.s, causing a loud smacking sound to resonate through the room as he gradually sped up to keep pace with her own rising tensions. Then, just as she clamped down around him like a vice, Vahn knocked against the deepest part of Kenshin's insides as he released a heavy stream of s.e.m.e.n against the small opening of her cervix. Though the vast majority of the thick white liquid 'erupted' from their connecting point, spilling out onto the floor below, a fair amount invaded directly into Kenshin's w.o.m.b. If she had been ovulating, there was a good chance she would have gotten pregnant from this alone...
Feeling as if her brain had 'exploded' with a flash of white light, Kenshin could only twitch and spasm in Vahn's embrace as a wave of pleasure continued to crash around her body with destructive force. She could also feel something hot filling her up from below, causing a giddy sensation to rise up with the pleasure before spreading through her mind in a manner reminiscent of the emotions she would feel when a bullet would whiz past her face. It was a very exciting feeling that, combined with the pleasure wracking her body, made Kenshin's face form into a rather awkward smile. When she was coming down from her powerful climax, the first thing Kenshin saw was that smile plastered upon her ruddy face, complete with glazed eyes and a thin layer of sweat that caused her bangs to stick sloppily to her skin. Then, turning her eyes lower, Kenshin noticed her whole body seemed to have gained a ruddy glow, made more intense when she saw the 'mess' where she and Vahn were connected. Though it was a futile endeavor, Kenshin had a strong urge to close her legs since it was an extremely embarrassing sight to behold...
With the amount of strength Kenshin had put into her legs, Vahn assumed she would be able to stand without much issue so he said, "I'm going to lower you..." before allowing her to step foot on the ground once again. He then liberated himself from her steamy insides, eliciting a sigh of relief from Kenshin as she took a step forward to more easily turn around. When she looked down at Vahn's lower body, however, there was a mild surprise visible in her eyes as she asked, "That went inside me...?" Though she had seen it several times in the memory link, this was the first time that Kenshin had looked at it directly. It seemed a little smaller than she remembered but, having seen Vahn shrink and grow his body, Kenshin assumed he had full control over its length and thickness...
Seeing how quickly Kenshin had recovered after her first time, Vahn had a wry smile on his face as he asked, "How are you feeling?" This caused Kenshin to look directly into his eyes, falling silent for several seconds, her red face gaining a deeper hue as she said, "Like a woman..." This response was met with an immediate burst of laughter from Nobunaga who, no longer able to keep silent, held up a cup of sake, shouting, "Cheers to being a woman~! Hahahahahaha~." She had felt things between Vahn and Kenshin had gotten unexpectedly intense but, seeing the aftermath, Nobunaga's worries were cast aside in an instant. Kenshin still seemed like the 'idiot' she had always known but, instead of lacking any form of emotions, Vahn had clearly weasled his way into her heart. Now, Nobunaga's own inhibitions about the future had been cleared up as, at the very least, she now had a comrade to accompany her during their fall. With that in mind, Nobunaga drank straight from the sake bottle before releasing a loud and contented sigh. Then, placing the bottle on the table, Nobunaga rose somewhat unsteadily to her feet as she said, "Let your Big Sis show you how it's done..."
(A/N: Alternate Titles: '*Drinking Intensifies*','An unforgettable first time xD...','She ded...') <-(p.atreon link)
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