Novel Name : Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos Chapter 1262 - Questions, Concerns, Complaints?

Chapter 1262 - Questions, Concerns, Complaints?

Before Vahn could sit down and discuss things with Olivia and Aoko, the former made him return to Avalon to pick up Luvia and Ulla. Though it wasn't exactly the best time to bring Ulla outside of the Projection, Olivia needed Luvia to help clean up the aftermath of the Barthomeloi's fall. Even with Scáthach wreaking havoc, there was a non-negligible chance that one of the remaining members of the Barthomeloi family could do something drastic.
When Vahn arrived with the mother-daughter pair, the most surprised was Aoko who, before seeing Ulla directly, hadn't even known Luvia was pregnant. In fact, even inside of the Edelfelt family, very few people knew that their current head had not only gotten pregnant, but had already given birth.
Luvia wasn't surprised by Aoko's presence, as Vahn had already explained the situation, so she just smiled tauntingly while flaunting Ulla as she said, "Don't worry, Aoko, there is still time for you to find a man and settle down, ohohohoho~"
Hearing Luvia's remark, the veins in Aoko's temples began to throb as she tightened her right hand into a fist and, with a crooked smile on her face, asked, "It has been a while since our last duel. How about a round of light sparring...?"
In response to Aoko, Luvia just covered her mouth, giggling in a haughty manner before saying, "My, my, ever the brute. It is because of your nature that you only ever have any luck with boys half your age, you know~?"
Aoko's hair began to flare up and glow in a vibrant red color in response to Luvia's taunting but, as Vahn immediately stepped between them with a warning look, she managed to calm herself down. She didn't need anyone to explain to her who the adorable little baby belonged to so, while it was a little annoying that Vahn immediately went to Luvia's defense, she could understand his reasoning.
Fortunately, before Luvia could tease Aoko further, Oliva unhesitantly smacked her granddaughter on the back of the head before saying, "Don't go picking fights with my great-granddaughter in your arms. You might have a family of your own now, but don't think I won't discipline you, brat." After stating her piece, Olivia robbed Ulla from Luvia's arms, leaving the latter nursing a visible bump on her head while Aoko laughed uninhibitedly at her expense...
After everyone had settled in, Vahn explained the situation regarding the Barthomeloi family. They had already discussed the matter prior to the duel but Luvia couldn't help but follow up by asking, "Are we really not going to try and seize any of the Barthomeloi family's assets? I understand that the Empire isn't exactly left wanting for materials and wealth but..."
Vahn caused Luvia's words to trail off by shaking his head and reminding, "If we try and do anything with the Barthomeloi's assets, it will cause the other families to panic. I want it to be very clear that we don't care about personal gain and status. This will cause the other families to fear us but, at the very least, we can avoid them taking desperate action in the interim. They will continue to try and get away with things behind the scenes but this increases the chances they will at least pretend to adhere to the reforms I intend to impose."
Olivia gave an approving nod in response to Vahn's decision but, as she didn't like the thought of their enemies getting ahold of artifacts they could have seized, Luvia released a subdued sigh. As for Aoko, who was listening in on the discussion as if it was only natural for her to be there, she decided to ask, "How strong is your Empire, exactly? All I've really heard are rumors, nothing concrete. It is a little weird to me that you're already doing whatever you want before people even understand how strong your group is. If you continue being secretive, you're only going to cause a lot of unnecessary conflicts."
Hearing Aoko's rather thoughtless words, Luvia decided to rebuff her, stating, "While there is some merit to what you are saying, there is an order to everything. Vahn only arrived in this world a short while ago so you can't blame him for trying to be cautious. You don't know what he wants to protect so, while you think he is acting with impunity, he has been measuring his actions quite a bit. Don't lump him together with those scheming bastards that hide in the shadows and build up their power at the expense of others, Aoko."
Aoko frowned slightly in response to Luvia's words but, rather than outright refute them, she said, "Fine. But you should know better than most that those same old monsters are very resistant to change. If you're taking down major families, you can't afford to do everything in such a roundabout way. This will only encourage them to plot and scheme behind the scenes, wasting your efforts to deter them entirely. I've tried using my Magic to keep those bastards in line but, after they realized I'm not willing to start a war, they've been pestering me like mosquitos ever since."
Despite Aoko addressing Luvia, Vahn was the one to answer, stating plain and simple, "That is the biggest difference between us, Ms. Aozaki. If necessary, the Empire will not hesitate to go to war. The world is already on the verge of destruction, even without Angra Mainyu's emergence. Gaia, the very planet itself, is hateful and afraid of humanity. She is proactively doing everything in her power to try and destroy them, all while they continue to live blissfully unaware of the truth. This world is built on a foundation of lies and, instead of building a better future for everyone, the powers that be focus more on maintaining the status quo and holding on to their own power. While you might be content to just sit around and play games, I intend to save, not just humanity, but all creatures...including the planet itself."
Aoko was a little taken aback by the severity of Vahn's words but, when she heard him say that she was just sitting around, her blood pressure began to rise. When he was finished speaking, she didn't hesitate to exclaim, "You can't just go around making assumptions like that! I'm also doing my best to try and change things for the better, you know!?"
In response to Aoko's outburst, Vahn craned his head to the side slightly, asking in a pointed tone, "Oh? Other than try and reform your family, what exactly have you done to try and change the rest of the world? You have personally experienced how corrupt the Mage's Association is but, instead of taking a stance against them, you just hole yourself up in Japan and ignore it..."
At this point, Aoko was half-standing but, before she could interrupt him, Vahn raised his hand and, with a pointed glare, added, "Truth be told, you have no responsibility to change anything. There is nothing wrong with wanting to protect and preserve your family, Aoko. What makes you out of line is how you spew platitudes and lay expectations on other people, despite essentially living however you want by relying on the Fifth Magic. Other people aren't as strong as you, so they have to suffer under the tyranny of the current system. Since you have the power to oppose them, you have much greater freedom than others. Don't blame me for taking the necessary steps to make sure everyone has the same amount of freedom you currently enjoy..."
Aoko was at a loss for words after hearing what Vahn had said. She wanted to argue against them but, as she had actually just returned from a two-month-long vacation, it was very hard to say she had been working hard. Even the emergence of Angra Mainyu wasn't really on her radar as, after dealing with the harassment of the Mage's Association in the past, she largely ignored them unless it was a direct request from the Director.
After plopping back down on the sofa, Aoko crossed her arms with a conflicted expression on her face. She had always lived her life without regrets, living life to the fullest and never second-guessing her decisions. Though she had made a lot of mistakes because of this, she just had to work hard to make up for them after the fact. She had even been able to make up with her sister, Touko, who she had feuded with for several years due to the latter being passed up for the position of family head.
It was only now that Aoko was forcibly reminded of the fact that she was exceptionally fortunate compared to the average Magus. She had been able to live a normal life until she was fifteen, not even aware that magic was a thing until her grandfather suddenly decided she would inherit the Fifth Magic. Since her sister had been training for nineteen years to become the next head, it had caused a massive rift in their relationship.
After their feud started, Touko had even been given a Sealing Designation and, in her attempts to try and have it revoked, the Association even tried to place a Sealing Designation on her. It took several years of effort to have both of their designations removed. From that moment onward, Aoko did her best to try and enjoy her newfound freedom and patch things up with her sister, sometimes chasing the latter halfway around the world just to spend time together.
No matter how anyone looked at her situation, she had been forced to go through a lot of things, none of which she had chosen for herself. Despite the chaotic world she was thrown into, Aoko had always done her best to push forward yet, hearing Vahn's words, she was suddenly reminded of how ignorant and immature her sister claimed her to be. After all, while she had certainly gone through a lot, she had the Fifth Magic to rely on and, no matter how dangerous things got, she had the power to overcome almost any trials handed to her from the very beginning...
Vahn hadn't expected Aoko so suddenly act depressed. Since she had a lively personality, he felt a little guilty and, if not for several of the women present giving him pointed looks, he would have apologized. He didn't like seeing lively girls suddenly lose their smile as, even if his words were the truth, he felt like a jerk for having pointed them out.
Fortunately, Artoria extended him a lifeline by entering into the conversation, stating in a calm and guiding tone, "As my husband pointed out, there is nothing wrong with living a free and unfettered life. You have the power to bring about change but that does not mean you have to use it on behalf of others. So long as you are not misusing your power to cause harm, there is nothing wrong with just enjoying your life and protecting the things you want to protect. Many would use that same power to suppress and take advantage of others so you have no reason to feel ashamed of yourself, Ms. Aozaki."
Perhaps as a result of her A+ Rank [Charisma], Artoria's words seemed to have a strong impact on the depressed redhead. She immediately returned back to her cheerful self, smiling radiantly as she said, "Don't worry. I might get down at times but I promised to live a life without any regrets. Still, I appreciate your kind words..."
After addressing Artoria with a smile, Aoko then turned her gaze to match Vahn's, her lips twitching slightly as she struggled to continue smiling as she said, "You're right. I don't agree with some of the things you said, but I feel that you aren't wrong in wanting to bring change. I just don't want to see millions of people die for a cause, regardless of whether or not it is for the 'best'....haaaa..."
Vahn could only sigh in response to Aoko's words. Then, after organizing his thoughts, he explained, "Death is not the end of life, just a part of it. I will not go out of my way to kill people but, if it would make the world a better place, I would not hesitate to eliminate even the majority. If I found a group of a thousand people cheering on as two children brutally fought to the death, you can be certain I would eliminate the one-thousand in order to preserve the lives of the two. Prioritizing life without consideration for how others are forced to live just allows corruption to spread rampantly..."
Hearing Vahn's words, Aoko tried to think of what she would do in the same situation. She would obviously save the children but, unless they continued trying to attack her, she would only destroy the arena while trying to limit casualties. This, however, would only be a small setback to the people staging the fight as, unless she forced them to stop, it was only a matter of time until they repeated their errant ways. By removing them completely, the fights would be brought to an end and, after the matter spread to the public, very few people would try to repeat the despicable act...
Aoko felt like pulling her hair out because she couldn't decide whether or not the extreme measures Vahn talked about were really for the best. She felt that people could always be redeemed and, even if they had done reprehensible things, there was a chance they would become better people in the future. The problem with this was, unless someone was there to 'force' them to change, the chances they would truly reflect on their actions were slim, at best...
Ultimately, Aoko ended up shaking her head and saying, "I guess this is why you're an Emperor and I'm just a small family head. I can't make these kinds of decisions, regardless of how much power I have. Though I can see your reasoning, my gut instinct just tells me its wrong."
Somewhat against her expectations, Vahn did not try to lecture her. Instead, he had a smile on his face as he nodded his head approvingly. Then, surprising her further, he stated in a calm tone, "The world needs people like you, perhaps even more than it needs people like me. Being an idealist and staying true to your convictions are two things most people struggle with. I actually respect people like you a great deal, Aoko. I even have a friend named Paracelsus who, while we do not see eye-to-eye, we are able to work together to make the world a better place. I would never expect others to step in line and try to perform the same feats as myself...after all, they are not an Emperor. It is my responsibility, not theirs."
Though they had not orchestrated the event, almost everyone in the room smiled in response to Vahn's words. Luvia and Artoria, seated at Vahn's flanks, even had proud expressions, leaving Aoko as the only person in the room who didn't know how she should respond. It actually made her feel strangely relieved to hear Vahn say he respected her, even though she didn't really need someone like him to acknowledge her.
Not really sure if she should smile or frown, as her emotions were very conflicted, Aoko decided to just stop worrying about it entirely. Instead, she shifted focus, tilting her head to the side and saying, "Well, I guess it really isn't my place to advise you. Rather, the main reason I came here was because I wanted to ask you a few questions. Is that okay? I don't really want to hold up your discussion so I can always come back later..."
Vahn was tempted to laugh at how quickly Aoko, irrespective of the atmosphere, just went at her own pace. She seemed like someone who would be easy to tease but, knowing his intentions might be misconstrued, both by Aoko and his surroundings, Vahn restrained himself. Instead, he gave a small nod, answering, "Feel free to ask what is on your mind."
Aoko's smile returned when Vahn gave her permission to ask questions so, without beating around the bush at all, she asked, "Are you really from the Outside? What is it like beyond the Root? Is it true that there are other worlds and realities completely separate from our own...!?"
Though these things had been discussed several times in the past, everyone present showed equal interest to Aoko's own as they waited for Vahn to answer. He couldn't talk about The Path, and a few other key details, but that didn't stop him from giving a brief overview. Besides, there were ways he could talk around the issue without actually lying as, with what he knew now, there were quite a few ways to answer the question 'truthfully'.
After taking a few moments to organize his thoughts, Vahn answered, "I am, indeed, from what you refer to as the Outside. As for what lays beyond the Root...well, the most accurate answer would be 'nothing' and 'everything' at the same time. The laws that govern reality there are simultaneously rigid yet, from the perspective of those inside the Root, they are extremely loose. If you were to go beyond the Root, it would be possible to create an entire Multiverse of your own design, granting you power far beyond the ability of most people to even conceive..."
Vahn's words caused the atmosphere to become a little tense with excitement but, before anyone got any strange ideas, he added, "Power rarely comes without cost, however. While you may become the pinnacle of an entire multiverse, you will have a lot of restrictions placed on you. Those seeking an absolute understanding of everything would likely enjoy the experience but, more often than not, it is far more pleasant to live ignorant of the truth. As for your final question...well, that is a given. It isn't widely known but, even within the Root, there are a plethora of other worlds and even entire separate universes. Some even have entities that possess extremes of power that make True Magic seem mundane in comparison..."
Hearing Vahn's explanation, Aoko felt her palms sweating a little as her smile began to gradually fade away. If what he said was true, passing through the Root wasn't really something she wanted to consider. Thus, with that out of the way, she asked the question she really wanted an answer to, "Do you know anything about the 'Red Shadow'?"
Rather than Vahn having to come up with an answer for himself, Alaya's eyes flashed for a few moments without his notice before she began to explain in his ear, "The Red Shadow is the Veil of Truth. It is a conceptual entity that has no true name or origin. It kills those trying to reach the Root and tries to hunt down those who have obtained its power."
Vahn repeated what Alaya had told him, even though he had the sinking suspicion there was more that she wasn't telling him. Fortunately, Aoko seemed satisfied by his answer, even if she suddenly seemed very tired as she mumbled, "So it's like that..." before adopting her usual smile and saying, "Thanks for the information. I guess I'll just have to put up with it until I pass on the Fifth to another, huh?"
After her remark, Aoko crossed her fingers before stretching her body and rising to her feet. There was a lot she still wanted to talk about but, as most of her questions likely related to the secrets of the Empire, she didn't feel comfortable with asking them right now. With that in mind, she rubbed her neck in a self-calming gesture while saying, "I shouldn't hold up your own discussion any longer. I'll try and get in touch after things calm down. Is that okay...?"
Since he knew Aoko was being considerate, and likely had a lot to think about, Vahn didn't try and keep her any longer. He returned a smile to her before casually remarking, "You don't have to worry about the Red Shadow. Unless you began using your power to try and destroy mankind, it doesn't have the authority to try and claim your life. If you want, I can help you deal with it in the future. For now, we'll just leave things as they are. I look forward to meeting with you again, Ms. Aozaki."
Aoko blanked for a moment when she heard Vahn's words but, hearing him call her Ms. Aozaki again, she winced a little before saying, "Just call me Aoko. Calling me Ms. Aozaki feels impersonal and makes me feel like an old lady. We might not be friends just yet, but I don't think you're a bad person. Well, anyway, I guess I'll see you later, Vahn."
Despite it being a relatively serious breach of etiquette for Aoko to just arbitrarily start calling him by name, Vahn just laughed it off before saying, "Yeah. I'll see you later, Aoko. Take care of yourself and try to stay out of trouble. I'll try and do the same, so long as my enemies allow it."
Though she wanted to rebuff him, Aoko just shrugged after hearing Vahn's words before waving her hand and following a Maid out of the room. After that, she left the mansion before flying off into the sky like a hypersonic rocket. She really did have a lot to think about but, before she made any major decision, Aoko wanted to talk with her sister and the rest of her family...
Shortly after Aoko left the room, Luvia wasted no time before remarking, "Don't let her fool you. She might look like she is in her early twenties, but she is close to double that in age. Still, she would be a powerful addition to our forces so good luck, Darling~"
Vahn didn't need to ask Luvia to clarify the meaning behind her words. Instead, he just shook his head with a wry smile on his face before changing the topic to discuss their future plans...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Good men that are afraid to act only perpetuate the cycle','What is the true identity of Red Shadow-chan!?','Luvia is always scheming to make the Empire more powerful xD...?') <-(p.atreon link)
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