Novel Name : Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos Chapter 1242 - Stabilizing

Chapter 1242 - Stabilizing

After things had settled down following the surprisingly short delivery, Vahn used the [Heroic Tale]s on each of his children, including Daiki. Though the Quest had only awarded him with two, Vahn's ability to purchase Unique items he had already obtained came in handy during such situations. It didn't extend to [Guardian]s, unfortunately, but he had already given versions to Sakura, Mordred, and Kamiya. This would help them track their growth while increasing the potential rewards they would obtain through various achievements.
Once the three had their [Heroic Tale]s active, Vahn summoned each of their Guardians, starting from Isanna since she was the 'oldest' of the three. As a Vanir, he wasn't surprised that she obtained a very powerful Guardian but, when Ishtar saw it, she couldn't help laughing out loud. This was because, by some machination of Fate, Isanna's Guardian ended up being a Bull of Heaven who, despite being a calf, occupied a large area of the room as it stood more than 3m tall and 5m in length. It had a black body that glistened like polished metal with two small blue horns protruding from its head. When it was fully grown, it had the potential to be larger than a mountain, standing upwards of 6,000m in height and over 8000m in length.
If not for the fact he had already fought a True Dragon that was the size of a mountain range, Vahn would have had trouble even imagining how colossal the Bull of Heaven would grow in the future. At the same time, he wondered how Gilgamesh had actually been able to defeat it, even with the cheat-like [Chains of Heaven]. It was undoubtedly related to his [Gate of Babylon] as, despite being strong, Gilgamesh was almost entirely dependent on his infinite arsenal. If the playing field was level, the vast majority of capable Heroic Spirits would be able to take him out without too much trouble.
After Isanna's Bull of Heaven went to sleep inside her body, which was a peculiar sight to behold, Vahn immediately summoned Naavi's. He briefly thought to summon them outside but, with the Bull of Heaven being able to fit in the room, it was hard to imagine anything else would be too big. This ended up being the correct assumption as, rather than a massive creature, Naavi's ended up being extremely small in size. It was only around 20cm in length with an appearance similar to a snake that was covered in sharp red scales. If not for the two tiny golden horns on its head, and the four small legs that were located on its underside, it would have been indistinguishable for a common reptile.
Despite its rather simple appearance, Naavi's Guardian was actually a species of True Dragon known as Yang Long. Though it would not reach ridiculous sizes like the Bull of Heaven, it could easily grow longer than a thousand meters. At the same time, it would have perfect control and immunity to all kinds of flame as it was inherently attuned to Yang Elemental Energy. According to the information he had on such dragons, they even made the cores of stars into their home, using the intense heat and extremely pure energy to nourish their bodies...
After waiting for the Yang Long lazily entering Naavi's body, Vahn went ahead and summoned his son's Guardian. His took on the form of a wolf cub that was covered in onyx-black fur that had a slightly blue sheen. It also had two white dots above its pitch-black eyes, giving it a rather peculiar, albeit adorable, look. The thing that stood out the most was the fact it had two-tails, which was a trait Vahn had only really come to associate with fox-type creatures. As for its breed, the small cub was known as a King of Twilight, a type of wolf that could fuse into the shadow of other creatures, possessing their bodies or enhancing their capabilities.
Vahn decided that he would entrust Daiki's basic training to Fenrir in the future as he could already imagine the young boy with wolf ears and a tail fighting rather ferociously. Since his sisters would grow much faster than him, Vahn knew it would be important to observe Daiki closely so that he didn't develop some kind of complex. Fortunately, as he was a Demi-God, Daiki's strength would increase rapidly and, with siblings like Kamiya, Vahn didn't think there would be too many issues. Even if they had a rivalry of sorts, this was something that could be healthy for both of them if they were guided properly.
Since the King of Twilight was rather cute, Vahn spent a few moments scratching behinds its large ears before placing it on the bed and letting it retreat into Daiki's body. After that, he entrusted the Spirit Tools of Isanna and Naavi to their mothers, letting them decide when the girls were ready to begin training with them.
Isanna's Spirit Tool, the name Vahn had arbitrarily decided for the artifacts given to each of the Vanir, was a whip simply named [Obedience]. It allowed her to tame almost any kind of creature and, as it didn't specifically state monsters and animals, Vahn suspected this included humans as well. Since she had pseudo-divinities related to 'Sky', 'Authority', 'War', and 'Love', it was important to make sure she didn't deviate down a dangerous path. Fortunately, due to his usage of the [Page of the Akashic Tome], Ishtar was a pretty sensible woman so she should have things under control with Ereshkigal and Rin supporting her.
Curiously, while Isanna's future seemed without limit, Vahn felt that Naavi's Spirit Tool was far more dangerous. She had a pair of thin gloves, one black, one white, called [Shifting Fortune]. They had the power to directly influence a person's luck, allowing them to experience misfortune for a short while in exchange for great fortune later on. This also worked in reverse, meaning you could have impeccable luck for a short period of time in exchange for terrible luck later on. With her pseudo-divinities related to 'Life', 'Fate', and 'Fortune', Vahn felt that Naavi would be a force to be reckoned with in the future.
With the children taken care of and the twin-tailed trio sleeping peacefully, Vahn left the medical ward alongside Artoria, Grey, and Gareth. This caused him to experience a potent feeling of Deja Vu as it hadn't been that long since the last time they all walked together like this. Vahn was tempted to ask for another reward from Artoria, but she beat him to the punch by telling him to go spend time with Nobunaga and Kamiya.
Since he could always find the time to tease Artoria later, Vahn decided to leave her in peace after escorting her and Gray to the bedroom. He knew she just wanted to give the other girls a chance to spend time with him so he dutifully tracked down Nobunaga, finding her resting inside of her room. She hadn't been getting a lot of sleep lately as, perhaps due to his demi-god heritage, Kamiya was a very 'energetic' child. He was constantly hungry and had been running Nobunaga ragged, not that she had ever complained.
Without knocking, Vahn entered the room to find Nobunaga listlessly staring at the ceiling as she remarked, "I now understand why so many noblewomen hired a wet nurse. I feel like my are in constant pain..." Then, looking toward him with her crimson-red eyes, Nobunaga added, "Hey, do something about this..."
With an understanding nod, Vahn dutifully made his way to the bed and, after Nobunaga sat up and made room, he sat behind her while Kamiya dozed away in his crib. From here, he began to massage her shoulders and b.r.e.a.s.ts, helping to alleviate some of the tension and treating the tenderness she had been suffering. This also helped to increase the production of b.r.e.a.s.t milk so, while he was also tempted to take advantage of the situation, Vahn kept his cool since Nobunaga still wasn't really in the mood for doing anything more intimate.
While gently massaging Nobunaga's voluminous b.r.e.a.s.ts, Vahn thought about a possible solution to ease, not just her burdens, but all of the current and prospective mothers. He could use his [Hands of Nirvana] to stimulate the bodies of Nobunaga's attendants, enabling them to produce b.r.e.a.s.t milk. The better alternative, however, would probably involve discussing the matter with Da Vinci since she had undoubtedly already come up with a solution to ease her own burdens. He was pretty one of her projects was developing an artificial b.r.e.a.s.t bag, allowing anyone to feed the babies just by wearing the apparatus.
After thinking this far, Vahn allowed his mind to wander a bit, allowing the rather unnerving thought of 'helping' the girls himself to seed itself in his mind. Since he could change his gender without any limitations, he could easily become a woman. Even stranger, he could produce b.r.e.a.s.t milk without changing his gender at all. He didn't even have to do so through the, as he could produce any type of conceivable bodily fluid just by altering the structure and composition of his body at will.
Fortunately, Nobunaga didn't seem to realize this or he knew there was a non-negligible chance she would force him to take care of Kamiya when she was tired. While some of the mothers would hit him if he made the proposition, he knew Nobunaga could be pretty shameless at times so it was best to avoid the topic altogether. Thus, in order to prevent this idea from seeding itself in the minds of any of the women around him, Vahn intended to go with one of the less 'peculiar' solutions.
Nobunaga didn't have any problem with either of the proposed ideas but she was more comfortable with the artificial b.r.e.a.s.t bag. This would allow her to continue taking care of Kamiya, even when her own b.r.e.a.s.ts were tenderized by the voracious infant. At the same time, it would allow others to help out when she was tired, including the three Homunculi attendants, Kenshin, and Mordred. The latter had been doting over Kamiya quite a bit due to her close relationship with Nobunaga so there was a good chance she would want to try feeding him a few times.
Vahn was a little troubled imagining the tomboyish Mordred wearing a pair of faux-b.r.e.a.s.ts as she fed his son but he decided not to let it bother him. She had come a long way since the time of her summoning, both mentally and physically. If she began to awaken maternal instincts and started thinking about the future, he felt this was a positive development. Though she was only nine years old, she was already growing like a beansprout and, in the next few years, she would already reach the same physical development as her mother, Artoria.
One of the things Vahn had yet to experience, despite being over a hundred-and-fifty years old, was watching his children grow up and find partners of their own. He had never had any grandchildren so, while he had matured a lot, there were many things he had to experience before becoming the 'complete' person he aspired to be. Since he would be in the Nasuverse for several decades, he knew it was only a matter of time before his little fledglings began to leave the nest, something that filled him with pride and an overwhelming amount of fear.
If it were up to him, Vahn would select the best partners for his children but, due to his 'education', he knew this was a very tyrannical and thoughtless thing to do. They needed to be able to choose their own life partners and, so long as the person they chose wasn't some kind of manipulative despot, he had no right to intervene. Though he would undoubtedly intervene, as this was his right as both a Father and an Emperor, Vahn would only badger his prospective sons and daughters-in-law without troubling them too much...
For a brief moment, the image of Galahad entered his mind, causing Vahn to frown while Nobunaga released a startled groan. This brought a quick end to his idle thoughts, causing Vahn to smile wryly as Nobunaga glared back at him. He then dutifully tended to her body, helping lull her into a deep and relaxed state before Kamiya stirred awake.
Not wanting to wake the sleeping crimson-haired beauty, Vahn picked up Kamiya and set the boy against his chest as he carried him over to Luvia's room. Though Nobunaga and Luvia didn't get along all that well, Vahn felt their children would be the bridge that brought them closer. With that in mind, he entered Luvia's room after gently rattling on the door. It was answered by Sophia who, upon seeing who had arrived, gave a courteous bow before guiding the other attendants out of the room to give them some privacy.
Luvia was a sensible woman so she didn't really need to ask why Vahn had come seeking her out so suddenly. Just the presence of Kamiya made his intentions obvious so she couldn't help but laugh in her characteristic manner before changing into a thin dress that had a flexible collar. This allowed Luvia to expose her now plump b.r.e.a.s.ts which, even before her pregnancy, had already been on the verge of sizeable D-Cups. Now, they had grown even larger and, to prevent leakage, Luvia even had to wear circular bandages over her
After entrusting Kamiya to Luvia, Vahn settled into the sofa and allowed her to recline against him as she unhesitantly fed the voracious infant. She was actually amused at how fervently he suckled away at her b.r.e.a.s.tmilk, causing her to muse, "Naughty boy, you had better leave enough for your sister." in a teasing tone. This was answered by Kamiya just blinking his ruby-red eyes in confusion, clearly not understanding what she was trying to convey as he continued to suckle her b.r.e.a.s.ts without any inhibition.
Vahn had the distinct impression that Kamiya was going to be a little troublemaker growing up but, considering who his mother was, this was almost an inevitability. He knew that, unless a big change occurred, he would probably follow Mordred around as well. She seemed to already consider herself as the 'big sister' of everyone but, due to her strange obsession with hierarchies, the way Mordred treated the young Kamiya was different than normal. Not only was he her Aniue's son, but Kamiya was the first-born son of her Chichiue, elevating his position in Mordred's mind by a considerable amount.
In the next few years, Vahn imagined Kamiya would be running around playing pranks on people with a toothy grin on his face. He would need to make sure they were both disciplined properly but, so long as they never got too out of hand, he didn't particularly mind such innocent behavior. The most important thing he would need to watch out for is Kamiya getting the strange thought that he was the 'heir to the throne', something that could become very dangerous if unchecked. Even if it wasn't very likely to happen, Vahn wanted to avoid any conflicts between his children, ideally until the end of time...
After taking Kamiya back to Nobunaga's room, Vahn escorted Luvia around the castle for some light exercise. She was due within the next few weeks, much like Da Vinci, so Luvia had been taking it easy as she spent most of her time just lounging about or communicating with her Grandmother. Though he was kept in the loop by Da Vinci, Luvia often took it upon herself to inform him about what was going on back in London, especially during these tumultuous times.
As could be expected, the Barthomeloi family had started plotting almost immediately after the duel had been decided upon. They were currently trying to set the stage to make Vahn and, by extension, the entire Empire, seem like a corrupt nation full of arrogant people. There were even rumors about him being the direct cause for Angra Mainyu's emergence circulating once again, despite a complete lack of evidence to justify said claims. The most troublesome part of their scheme, however, was how they had manipulated the flow of information to make it appear as if he had gambled, not just Gray, but the remaining fragments of the Greater Grail.
Vahn wasn't even remotely surprised they would use such underhanded tactics but, rather than let it bother him, he just shook his head in mild exasperation as they dug themselves deeper into a hole. All their actions accomplished was giving him more reasons to eliminate their family in its entirety. It wouldn't matter how many alliances they had formed, nor how the other Monarchal Lords reacted to the coming slaughter. Even if they tried to make him out to be some demonic tyrant, he had plenty of evidence to expose, not just the Barthomeloi's, but all of the major families for their tyranny.
While Alaya may not be able to easily probe the bounded fields protecting the primary residences of the major families, this didn't stop her from observing their actions all over the world. With her help, he had already gathered an incredible volume of evidence to expose any family that chose to stand against him for no better reason than their greed and corruption. He didn't care how many of these families he had to destroy as, in the coming merger, such individuals would only set back the entire world back.
At this point, the only thing keeping Vahn from wiping out the most corrupt of the Magus families was the nascent state of his Empire. Since it would only take a few more months, in the real world, for things to reach a stabilizing point, the countdown for his takeover had already begun. After that, the most troublesome thing would be keeping order and preparing the world for its transition but, as the most dangerous enemies would have already been dealt with, Vahn felt this was more of a logistical challenge than anything else. After all, with Alaya, ORT, and a backing of the most powerful figures in history, there weren't too many things that could stand against him.
(A/N: Tomorrow is Thanksgiving but I still plan to release at least one chapter. After this week, I will be back to 100k words until the week leading up to Christmas. During this time, I will probably be on a short-term hiatus for EPIC as I intend to finish Fenrir's Journey completely. There are only going to be around 100 chapters so I might even be able to finish in a few days since they are quite short. Regardless, just know that we're about to be back on the full-time schedule since I won't have any big distractions unless there is some kind of emergency~! Happy Holidays, all my EPIC friends (UwU)~!)


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