Novel Name : Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos Chapter 1223 - Guidance

Chapter 1223 - Guidance

Several hours after returning to Avalon, immediately following the long treatment session of the five children, Vahn was walking through the castle accompanied by a group of Homunculi, Fenrir, Mash, Alex, and an always adorable herd of Companions. At this point, all of the children had Companions accompanying them, albeit with Alex's waddling behind him as he refused to carry it.
After reaching their destination, the Knight's Barracks, one of the Homunculi, a woman named Arisa, stepped forward to lightly knock against the door. Vahn would have done it himself but, as could be expected, the Homunculi were always very dutiful when accompanying him. Unless it was something he ought to do, they would step in to make his life more convenient, despite the fact he had never asked them to.
Moments after the knock, the door was answered by Siegfried, his hair somewhat messier than normal as he quickly transitioned from a yawn into a more serious expression. Then, in his usual deep yet smooth voice, he bowed slightly while saying, "Your Majesty, it is good to see you." Though he would normally address Vahn by name in private, the fact he had an entourage caused Siegfried to shift into a more serious mentality.
Returning a curt nod to Siegfried, Vahn then adopted a somewhat apologetic expression as he said, "I have a matter I'd like to entrust to you. Will you hear it?"
As could be expected, Siegfried immediately nodded his head before stepping aside to allow Vahn and a few of his entourage entry. The only ones left outside were the Homunculi, Fenrir, and Mash, the latter of which now had a hairpin holding up her bangs. She also had a small smile on her face, even if it didn't quite reach her eyes as she watched Alex disappear behind the closed door.
Fenrir was keeping a close watch on Mash throughout so, after she sensed the barriers in the room activate, making all sound from inside immediately disappear, she lightly pat the girl's head, saying, "Master will not allow harm to come to any of you. That boy desires strength for the wrong reasons. Siegfried can help him."
Though she couldn't take Fenrir's words at face value, Mash still nodded her head in understanding. Thus far, Vahn had really been treating them well and, though it made them all very anxious when he was healing and examining their bodies, he didn't do anything to harm them. He had even allowed her to stay with the others to help them stay calm, showing great consideration for them throughout the entire process.
Since she didn't know how long the conversation inside would take, Mash looked over Fenrir once again, finding her large ears and bushy tail to be somewhat cute. Then, as if reading her mind, the adorable creature in her arm twitched its own ears, causing Mash to look down and meet its gaze as it stared back at her with similarly lavender eyes. It was a rabbit-type Companion, making it slightly smaller than some of its counterparts. Mash had found it quite cute when they were allowed to pick one out and, though it couldn't speak to her, she felt a connection to the seemingly fragile creature.
Feeling a bit of courage well up inside of her, Mash looked around at the surrounding white-haired women before turning her gaze back to Fenrir, asking, "What kind of person is the Emperor?" This question seemed to set off a chain reaction in her surroundings. Thus, while Alex was inside having his fate decided, Mash was outside listening to a group of surprisingly enthusiastic women explain how amazing their Master was...
Within Siegfried's room, which seemed to have been converted into a den for the Companions, as there were more than twenty lazing about inside, Alex found himself staring up at the colossal figure of the Dragon Knight with both fear and ferocity in his gaze. Siegfried, however, had a kind smile on his face as he said, once again, "Come..." This caused Alex to spring forward, his movements much faster than a normal child as he attempted to punch Siegfried with all of his strength.
With the ease of swatting away a fly, Siegfried deftly received Alex's punch with his palm, arresting the boy's momentum without flinching in the slightest. This caused Alex to gnash his teeth, a stark contrast to the casual smile of Vahn and the gentle smile of Siegfried. Despite this, he kept trying to land a hit as, despite the fact he didn't believe Vahn would keep his promise, the allure of freedom and the promise of power were the two things he sought most fervently.
Vahn had promised that, if Alex could land a clean hit against Siegfried, he would give him command over his own force of Elites, each member stronger than all the researchers who had tormented him combined. He also agreed to let the other four girls go with him, though only if they chose to do so of their own free will. Though Alex had been upset by this at first, pointing out that he would just be another person dictating their lives if they weren't able to choose for themselves quickly shut him down.
Now, with sweat covering his brows and moisture building in his eyes, Alex continued to charge at Siegfried, doing everything in his power to land a hit against him. He even tried to thrash around when Siegfried grabbed his hand, hoping to land a lucky strike but ultimately finding himself gently pushed away. This had continued for several minutes before he could no longer stand, his stamina completely drained as he began to sob in indignation.
Seeing Alex in this state, Siegfried asked in a gentle tone, "Have you given up...?". In response to this, Alex wiped his snot away with his forearm before glaring back at Siegfried and answering, "I'll never give up...never...!" With this outburst, Alex put all of his remaining strength into his attempt to tackle Siegfried's legs, only to find himself pressed against the ground in the next instant.
While watching this play out from the side, Vahn commented in an amused tone, "He has quite the fighting spirit, doesn't he?" To this, Siegfried nodded his head, his large hand pressing against Alex's back as he answered, "With proper training, he could become very powerful. It is unfortunate that his rage is restricting his growth. He can't even determine friend from foe, ignoring the opportunity that has been given to him..."
Hearing what Siegfried was saying about him, Alex turned his head, his eyes covered in tears as he shouted, "Shut up! You don't know anything! I hate you!" While saying this, Alex tried to lift his body but, as if he was being pressed down by a mountain, his efforts ultimately ended in failure.
After waiting for Alex to cease his struggles, Siegfried removed his hand from the boy's back before asking, "Are you the person who has suffered the most in the world? Can you name the people who have suffered more and less than you? Do you even know my name?"
Other than the sound of heavy breathing, Alex offered no response to Siegfried's words, even as a few names passed through his mind. This was how he dealt with his problems in the past after failing to resist against the torment of the researchers. By shutting down and focusing on his rage, he could bear any burden, no matter how painful it was.
Noticing what Alex was trying to do, Siegfried's smile faded into a more dour expression as he sat down on the floor and asked, "Is this how you plan to protect the things you care about? Laying on the ground and throwing a tantrum?" Though these questions caused Alex to visibly tense, the boy continued to lay against the ground without answering. This caused Siegfried to cross his arms, his brows furrowed as he asked, "Your Majesty, should I bring in that girl?"
Reading more into the question than actually existed, Alex's eyes began blazing in fury as he looked toward Siegfried and tried climbing to his feet. His expression contained a glimmer of pure madness as he coldly stated, "If you do anything to nee-chan, I will kill you! I swear it!"
With this said, Alex once again tried to launch himself at Siegfried but, with almost no power in his body, he tumbled to the ground, landing hard immediately after. This didn't stop him from trying to crawl forward, however, his eyes focused intensely as he shouted, "If you want to hurt someone, hurt me! Come on you bastard! I can take it!"
Seeing things play out, Vahn couldn't help releasing a heavy sigh as he used Telekinesis to lift Alex's body from the ground, startling and terrifying the youth. Before he was able to lash out any further, Alex's eyes suddenly glazed over after Vahn muttered, " him." Since he knew the errant Magus must have been observing, all he needed to do was rob Alex's consciousness for him to take action. Now, though it might be somewhat cruel to the boy, he was being allowed to view Vahn's past, starting from the moment he first gained awareness back on Earth...
While Alex was experiencing a nightmare of powerlessness far beyond his imagination, Vahn set the boy down in a spare bed he pulled out from his Inventory. He then looked toward the corner, where a group of Companions were snuggled up with each other, saying, "Take care of him for me, okay?" This caused them to fumble as they separated from each other before hopping into Alex's bed and surrounding him with their warmth. His own Companion also followed suit, curling up next to the sleeping boy's body and nuzzling against him.
Seeing this, Vahn gave an approving nod before turning to meet Siegfried's gaze, seeing the concern in the man's eyes. Understanding what he wanted to say, Vahn shook his head before saying, "I can't say if this is the best course of action. However, if I erased his memories and gave him a blank slate, it would have a negative impact on the other four. Though it will take some time, I'm confident they will be able to overcome their trauma with proper guidance. This boy reminds me a lot of myself so, while it may be inconvenient, please take care of him for me."
Hearing Vahn's request, Siegfried nodded without hesitation before looking at the sleeping figure of Alex and saying, "I will train him personally as my esquire...seeing someone so young, yet filled with so much rage..." Speaking till here, Siegfried released a tired sigh before adopting a resolute look as he said, "I will guide him toward the light once again. Leave it to me, Vahn."
With a smile on his face, Vahn pat Siegfried's shoulder, answering, "I know I can trust you, my friend." Then, turning his head towards nothing in particular, Vahn added, "Merlin, make sure not to let him see anything inappropriate. He is still a child and I'd rather him not get any strange ideas..." As these words settled, an echoing laugh resounded throughout the room, followed by Merlin's voice stating, "Worry not, Your Majesty. I will only show him the essentials~"
As he couldn't do much other than trust Merlin on the matter, Vahn gave a solemn nod in response before heading towards the room's entrance. Before opening the door, however, he purchased a few necessities from the system shop that would be required in Alex's rearing. After that, he made his exit, entrusting the boy to Siegfried, the man he trusted the most between three worlds. Since the latter had already pulled up a chair to sit next to the sleeping Alex, Vahn felt it shouldn't take long for the young boy to find his way back towards the light...
Upon exiting Siegfried's room, Vahn was greeted with the peculiar sight of Mash being crowded by the group of Homunculi as Fenrir nodded her head approvingly at the side. When they noticed his presence, however, the girls immediately adopted a more professional and courteous demeanor, politely bowing towards him with their hands neatly folded across their laps. Vahn wasn't sure if he should even ask what they were talking about and, seeing Mash didn't appear to be uncomfortable, he decided to let the matter lay.
While making their way back towards the residential area, Vahn once again asked, "Mash, are you certain about your decision? Know that, if you decide to start training, there is no easy way to quit in the future." To this, Mash gave a resolute nod before answering with the same conviction as before, "I want to become stronger. Though I am filled with uncertainties, I believe all of the people we have met here are good people. If I can truly become strong by becoming a Knight, I can withstand any kind of training, no matter how hard it may be."
Hearing her answer, Vahn gave an approving nod without further questioning her resolve. Though she would be playing catch up as a result of her age, as Knight training at fifteen was almost too late, there were plenty of ways to help strengthen her foundation. Since this was the path she decided on when he gave the children their options previously, he wasn't going to deter her any further. He only hoped that Mordred wasn't too harsh on the girl but, knowing what Mash had already experienced, it wasn't likely she would suffer any setbacks over a few bumps and bruises.
After escorting Mash to her assigned room, located in the same corridor as her companions, Vahn ordered her to rest for a few days so that she could acclimate to the peculiar day-night cycle inside the Projection. He said she was allowed to freely move around the castle and had been assigned two Homunculi attendants, responsible for helping care for and educate her. As all Einzbern Homunculi were coded with memories and knowledge that had been passed down through millennia, they were well-suited to the role of educators. Since the Designer Babies were essentially just another type of Homunculus, they should be able to bond together nicely.
While Vahn was explaining the rules to her, Mash listened attentively before emulating the act of bowing politely as she said, "Thank you for your explanation, Master." As she had heard Fenrir and the majority of Homunculi refer to Vahn as Master, Mash felt compelled to do the same. Though it would have been more appropriate to refer to him as 'Your Majesty', Vahn overlooked the matter as, more often than not, even Artoria would slip up and call him Master. This was a quirk of having high Loyalty and, as she was aspiring to become one of his Knights, Mash already appeared within his Unit Management list.
By force of habit, Vahn extended his hand when Mash bowed her head, lightly caressing her head for a few moments as he said, "Work hard, Mash. I believe in you." After that, he pulled his hand away, leaving the lilac-haired girl staring at his departing figure with her lavender-eyes. She did not let her gaze linger for too long, however, before turning her head to view the luxurious room that had been assigned to her. Compared to the small cell-like room she had lived in for the previous fifteen years, adorned with only a simple bed and a toilet, her current room was the difference between Heaven and Earth.
Pulling her out from her daze, the two Homunculi that had been assigned to care for her, named Elise and Sonya handed her a series of brochures before closing the door behind them. They began to explain that she could choose any kind of furnishings to fill her room and, after a day or two, it would be delivered. This included everything from large stuffed animals, bigger than she was, to ornate furniture that could only be found in an extravagant palace. There were even weapons and armor listed in another brochure, though most of it was for training purposes.
After going through several brochures, Mash noticed there weren't any showing clothes but, after asking, she quickly learned why this was the case. Elise showed her a small wardrobe that was filled with various accessories, the majority of which were chokers and pendants. They showed her how to use them by demonstrating with their own collars, changing from maid-like clothing into complex and stylish dresses with a simple touch of the gemstones near their clavicle. As for undergarments, to avoid a situation where mana could no maintain physical form, she was given a set of twenty pairs of [Aegis X], the most advanced version of the underarmor developed by Vahn and Da Vinci.
Hearing that the paper-thin armor, which didn't leave much to the imagination, was able to stop a tank round fired at point-blank, Mash couldn't help feeling a little skeptical. When she wore them, it felt like she was completely n.a.k.e.d, almost as if the fabric was nonexistent. Despite this, it noticeably supported her body properly, preventing any kind of discomfort as she stretched and performed a few light exercises to test its functionality. As one of the candidates to become a Demi-Servant, she had been given basic combat training and, though the experiment ultimately ended in failure, Mash had always kept her body in good shape, despite her treatment.
Realizing that Elise and Sonya were watching her in silence, Mash felt a little awkward as she quickly experimented with a dark-purple choker with a large amethyst set into it. As they had pointed out, she only needed to focus on a specific kind of outfit and, though her imagination wasn't adequate enough to make anything complex, it still allowed Mash to change into a simple dress. She found this rather exciting and, for the better part of an hour, tried to produce various different outfits after Sonya pulled out a fashion catalog.
By the time she was done testing out the [REquip] accessories, Mash had changed into a simple tunic-style blouse that also served as a skirt. Since it was somewhat chilly inside the bedroom, even with magic formations regulating the temperature, Mash also wore a grey cardigan and a pair of thick black hose. She had tried to wear pants but, finding them uncomfortable due to the fact most of her prior clothing was similar to a hospital gown, this was the best solution she had come up with.
Completing her outfit, giving her a somewhat casual appearance, Mash wore a pair of black boots with a slight heel and, still feeling a little cold, a red scarf to cover her choker. She actually felt a little awkward to see a large amethyst around her neck, as she had never worn anything like jewelry in the past, so covering up just felt natural to her. Though it was also awkward to see herself wearing nice clothing, Mash also felt a little happy as, for the first time in her life, she almost felt like a normal girl. Just having the freedom to choose her clothing was something she had never experienced, causing the smile on her face to bloom naturally as she performed a small pirouette while looking at herself in the mirror...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Alex is about to learn a hard lesson','The conviction to protect allows people to become truly strong','A moment's reprieve after a lifetime of suffering...')
(A/N: As many have noticed, my chapter amount has decreased over the last few weeks. I've been dealing with a lot of family-related drama and, for lack of a better explanation, it has caused me to feel lethargic and depressed. Recently, I've started to get my motivation back after a lot of support from a few awesome people. Also, though it may be a weird time for a plug, know that I've started a second novel to practice writing an original. Soon, I will be releasing 3 chapters of EPIC per day and 1 chapter of my new novel, Babel. As for Fenrir's Journey, it turned into something I never wanted it to be so, around the holidays, I will be doing a mass-release to bring it to a satisfying conclusion. I hope I haven't inconvenienced too many people with my personal problems. For those who have stuck around, you have my most sincere gratitude. Lastly, the link to the new novel will be in the comments section so please upvote it to make it easier for others to find.) <-(p.atreon link)
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