Novel Name : Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos Chapter 785: Duality

After enjoying a rather playful night with Emiru and Maemi, Vahn entered in into the Sub-Space Orb with both of his bodies, a rather rare occurrence that caused his mind to actually stall for a brief moment when he entered. He had been getting so used to experiencing two different flows of time at once that, the moment he entered with both of his bodies, Vahn felt like something was ’off’. Even so, it didn’t take that long for him to recover and set out to see two different women that he had, rather unfairly, been forcing to wait for him to push things forward.Though he was feeling a little nervous about going to them like this, Vahn was confident that both Risna and Mikoto wouldn’t mind the sudden intrusion. He had already talked to both Aina and Eina about his relationship with Risna and, as they were both supportive of the idea, Vahn didn’t want to keep the rather delicate looking novelist waiting. As for Mikoto, he was certain she would wait for years if he didn’t take the initiative and, considering it ’had’ been years within the orb, Vahn felt it was time for them to move to the next level. That left only Nanu, Shizune, and Tina for him to tend to later on, with the latter two being rather troublesome for slightly different reasons.Shizune had been training hard with Chloe over the last few years and, though she no longer seemed focused on her revenge, her personality had become a little cold and distant. She was no longer the personable woman who would tease and casually chat with people, now spending a fair amount of her time talking with her own Shadow Summons instead of the others. It wasn’t that she would avoid you if you tried to engage her in conversation, she just no longer sought it out on her own prerogative. Now, other than Milan, Chloe, Syr, Haruhime, Preasia, and Tina, Shizune didn’t really go out of her way to talk to anyone.Tina was a slightly different problem as, though she was of age, Vahn felt like she wasn’t actually ready for a physical relationship. He felt that she needed to mature a bit more as, even compared to her past self, Tina didn’t seem as sensible as she used to be. It was like her hard training, combined with her [Luck] Development Ability, had slowly caused her to develop a few quirks. Though she was generally very bubbly and outgoing around everyone, she would immediately become very clumsy, excitable, and angsty whenever he was around. He knew this was because she was anticipating their future relationship too much, causing him to feel a little worried about how she will behave once they finally consummated their relationship...Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, Vahn gently knocked on the small cottage that had been built within the first layer of pressure along the orb’s periphery. Since it wasn’t as if the gravity had been increased, structures were able to remain stable without showing any significant signs of strain. Mikoto had asked him to help her build a cottage in the area so she could temper her body, even when sleeping. She took her training very seriously so, even though she ’rested’ properly, it was just another method she used to train herself even further...Mikoto, who had been inside the cottage silently meditating, opened her eyes with a start and quickly made her way to the door. Since she couldn’t detect the presence of the person on the other side, she knew it was Vahn and, though she was pleasantly surprised to see him, it didn’t really show on her face. Instead, she had a casual smile as she asked, "Vahn, did you come here to train with me? Please, give me a few minutes to get prepared and I’ll be right out..." As it wasn’t that uncommon for Vahn to seek her out, Mikoto was looking forward to another exciting training session, completely unaware of the actual purpose behind her Master, Lord, and Lover’s visit... Follow current on

Around the same time as he was meeting with Mikoto, Vahn was also standing outside the door to Risna’s room, feeling somewhat hesitant about intruding into her ’sacred’ territory. In general, she never let anyone into her room and, though he would likely be an exception, Vahn had never stepped into this inviolable space over the last year. The last time he had seen it, there was almost no space to even sit as Risna had piles of books, laundry, and miscellaneous items littering the whole area. Even her bed had been stacked with a pile of clean laundry, which also substituted as both a pillow and blanket to the rather peculiar young Half-Elf...Soon, Vahn’s hesitation ended up fading away, helped by the fact that Mikoto had turned beet red when he made his intentions clear to her. Currently, he was being invited into her cottage as she peered out the door to see if anyone else was nearby before closing it behind her and locking it. Though he kept a casual demeanor on that side, Vahn couldn’t help but chuckle lightly outside of Risna’s door before lightly rattling on it. He heard the sound of a pile of books being knocked over, followed by a somewhat pitiable groan before, nearly a minute later, Risna finally opened the door.At first, Risna had an annoyed expression, emphasized by the rather haggard look she currently possessed. She was wearing a loose, pale pink, pajama top without any bottoms on, barely covering the stark white cotton panties doing their best to protect what remained of her dignity. Her muted green hair messily fell around her face which, even while appearing very tired, still had an adorable and youthful appeal, made more apparent when Risna’s emerald green eyes opened wide and she suddenly shouted, "Vahn!? W-W-What...ah...nooooo, don’t look at me~!"For only the second time in his life, Vahn experienced having a door slammed in his face as the sound of Risna ’whining’ as she quickly tried to fix her appearance sounded out from her room. He could hear her ’cursing’ under her breath about showing up unannounced, all while simultaneously letting slip her ’expectations’ and guesses behind his arrival. With his sensitive hearing, Vahn could hear everything she said and couldn’t help cracking a smile as he patiently waited for her to prepare herself. Since she apparently wanted to try and hide some of the stuff in her room, it took nearly twenty minutes, but that gave him plenty of time to focus on what was happening at Mikoto’s cottage...Once she learned his reasons for stopping by, Mikoto had become somewhat tense and mechanical in her movements. In truth, she had been anticipating this moment for a while longer than she would care to admit. After all, she spent every day hearing other girls talk about their own interactions with Vahn and, though she never expressed much interest in the discussion, Mikoto had garnered a few expectations about this day. Now that it came down to it, however, she found her heart beating rapidly in her chest and it was difficult to stay calm as she tried to offer tea to Vahn...Vahn found Mikoto’s behavior adorable but knew she would need him to lead her into things in order to avoid stressing her out too much. She was always a little ’too serious’, making it almost impossible for her to actually fall into the flow without being ’pulled’ along. Thus, as she awkwardly offered to make him some tea, Vahn walked closer to her, causing Mikoto to take a deep breath as he reached out and stroked the left side of her face. With a smile on his own, Vahn leaned forward slowly, saying, " mine..."Stopping just a few centimeters away from her lips, Vahn waited for Mikoto to give a small nod before pulling her into his embrace instead of going the remaining distance on his own. She was startled, causing her eyes to widen greatly, but calmed down and began reciprocating the kiss he had imposed upon her rather forcefully. She twisted her right hand free, as he had been pulling her wrist, and began to cling to his tunic while slowly pressing herself closer to him. Vahn allowed her to ’push’ him back with her efforts until he had impacted the side of the cottage. He kept his right arm around her waist as Mikoto stood on her toes and somewhat eagerly sought to extend the duration of their kiss even further. Follow current on

As she was currently wearing just a light purple kimono, held closed with a red obi, Vahn used his left hand to remove the tightly bound red cloth, causing the kimono to open naturally. Mikoto temporarily broke free from the kiss, doing her best to calm her breathing as she looked down at her bound b.r.e.a.s.ts and the singular piece of fabric ’protecting’ the last bastion of her maidenhood. At the same time, Vahn’s hand was loosely resting on her hip, thumb playing with the ’tape’ that kept the cloth from falling away from her body.Though she already knew the answer, Mikoto took a deep breath and turned her deep black eyes up at Vahn, brows furrowing slightly as she asked, " you love me...?"Without any change in his expression, one which already showed a great deal of love and affection, Vahn nodded his head and said, "I probably can’t love you as much as you deserve, but I will always do my best to make you happy,, yes, I do love you..."Hearing this, Mikoto felt her heart dancing around in her chest while her stomach was performing acrobatic feats that would have caused a circus performer to blush. She felt incredibly giddy just hearing Vahn say those words and, even though she had resolved to simply be his sword, retainer, and mistress, Mikoto couldn’t help feeling a little happy at this moment. In fact, it was more than just a little happy and, if not for her own embarrassment keeping her in check, Mikoto felt like she wouldn’t be able to stop herself from ’attacking’ Vahn...With a small nod of her head, and a happy smile affixed to her face, Mikoto leaned in and gave Vahn another kiss, saying, "I love you too, is hard to even describe all the reasons why...but I do...truly..." Punctuating her words with one last kiss, Mikoto’s breathing started to rapidly increase as she added, "Now, let me do my duty...I have prepared myself for this day for a long time...please, leave it to me..." Without explaining how she had ’prepared’, Mikoto began crawling down his body while Vahn continued to stand with his back to the wall. Her fingers dexterously unfastened his belt and, in the blink of an eye, Mikoto had released the dragon that had been threatening to break free from the restraints keeping it at bay.Vahn’s eyes widened slightly as Mikoto moved her hair to the side and brought her mouth close to his exposed member, pressing her muted cherry-red lips to his glans as she began licking it. Since she was an inexperienced woman, Vahn immediately understood just who Mikoto had been talking to in order to ’prepare’ herself. The image of a mischevious four-tailed Renard appeared in his mind as Mikoto suddenly attempted to try and take his full length after lubricating it with her saliva. As she didn’t really have the technique to pull it off, she ended up gagging before she even got half of it in, eyes widening in surprise as she tried to adjust her angle while slowly bobbing her head...Understanding that there was simply too much stuff in her room to hide it all, Risna eventually gave up and instead focused on trying to fix her appearance. She hoped that Vahn hadn’t been upset when she closed the door and prayed he was still waiting for her. So as not to keep him waiting even longer, even though it had already been nearly twenty minutes, Risna just took a hairband and tied her somewhat messy hair up into a ponytail and tried to fix a few of the stray locks using a small mirror. She then wiggled into a pair of form-fitting pink shorts, noting that they were fitting a little tighter than she remembered and hoping that she hadn’t been putting on any weight... Follow current on

After finishing her preparations, Risna took a few deep breaths to try and calm down, muttering, "It’s okay, Risna, you can do this...!" She repeated similar phrases a few times, psyching herself up until she was confident in finally opening the door. When she saw that Vahn was indeed still waiting on the outside, Risna couldn’t prevent a smile from blooming on her face as she asked, "What brings you to my room, Vahn? Don’t tell me that you finally decided to calm the fire in my tiny little heart~?" To ease the tension, Risna had tried to make a joke, even if it hurt a little knowing that he probably hadn’t come by for such a reason. At this point, she fell like Vahn didn’t actually like her and, if not for the fact that she was Eina’s sister, wouldn’t have even cared about her at all...Contrary to her expectations, to the extent that she didn’t even process the words that left his mouth, Vahn nodded his head and said, "Yes, that was my intention. Sorry for keeping you waiting, Risna. I haven’t shown you the care you deserve...please forgive me." To emphasize his remorse, Vahn gave an apologetic bow, further startling the already confused Half-Elf. Her brain was still trying to make sense of the situation and, by the time the gears had clicked into place, Risna’s face had turned completely red as her legs turned to jelly. Feeling faint, Risna fell forward but, instead of colliding with the nearby tower of books, she found herself landing in a warm and intoxicating embrace. Without her brain processing what her body was doing, Risna deeply inhaled the fragrance of the boy in front of her, closing her eyes in the process as she enjoyed the aroma that tickled her nose, lungs, and heart...As he was very accustomed to the girls enjoying his aroma, as it was a common trait among many of those he associated with, Vahn didn’t mind Risna absentminded actions. Instead, he just casually helped her rise to her feet, supporting her shoulders as he said, "If you’ll accept me, Risna, I would like to take our relationship to the next level. We don’t have to do anything too serious, but I’d like to spend some time with you..."Still feeling a little absentminded and fl.u.s.tered, Risna just stared blankly back at Vahn as her tired mind slowly made sense of the information. She regretted the fact that she had spent the last thirty hours writing her novel and felt like downing an entire kettle of black tea just to force her brain to start functioning properly. When a few words finally clicked into place, Risna just blurted them out without really thinking about them, startling herself and Vahn in the process as she practically screamed, "Yes, please! I have a ton of things I want to try!" Her mind had been filled with all the delusions she had harbored over the last six years, now swarming around in her head like a school of fish that threaten to drown her rationale completely.Though things were progressing in a slightly different way than he expected, Vahn nodded his head, smiling as he said, "Sure. From now until you wake up later, I’m at your disposal..." He had already decided to stay with Mikoto and Risna until they were completely satisfied, including any necessary aftercare. To Risna, however, these words seemed to set off an explosion in her mind as she quickly ran over to her bed and pulled out a stack of books without titles on them, fingering through them rapidly until she apparently found what she was looking for. Then, with a resolute nod of her head, Risna muttered, "Yosh! You can do it, Risna!" before scampering over and shoving the book into his chest.Taking a deep breath, Risna too excitedly stammered, "Please, do everything in this book! I...I want to live out the fantasies in my head, just to see if my imagination matches what I wrote on paper...!" While she yelled this, Risna’s face had become beet red and it looked like she was on the verge of passing out as a result of her rapidly building tensions. To prevent this, Vahn nodded his head, stowing away the book and stroking her head as the contents were rapidly processed in his mind. While he helped to calm her mind, Vahn’s own started to buzz after he saw what Risna had in mind in book identified by the system as [’My First Time With A Beast’]...Within the book, there was even a ’script’ that she wanted him to follow, making it sound as though he greedily sought her body and wanted to ’eat’ her. Her own lines were also annotated with slightly shaky pen strokes, making her seem like a frail and helpless young woman who couldn’t escape the ’tragic’ fate that would befall her. As for the contents of what she wanted him to was far more advanced than what Vahn had expected for a ’maiden’. He realized that, probably from reading too many romance novels written by other people, Risna had developed some rather...deviant tastes...Much like Risna had, Vahn also took a deep breath and resolved himself to help Risna’s fantasies come true, so long as they didn’t develop in a dangerous direction in the future. He had already promised to do what he could and, though the things described were a little advanced, it wouldn’t be the first time he had acted out a ’play’. Anubis, Loki, Maemi, and Emiru were all rather fond of the uniquely intimate act and, at this point, Vahn had a wealth of experience to pull from in order to guide Risna towards a ’safe’ direction. Still, that didn’t mean he wouldn’t start things off according to her expectations so, after helping replenish her stamina, Vahn moved his hand to caress Risna’s cheek, tracing it past her pointed ears, and then pulling her towards him in a slow but firm manner as he brought his face to the side of her own and said, "From now on...even if you want to leave me...I will make your body unable to do so...from now until the heavens fall upon the mortal world, you will be mine, and mine alone..."Risna’s body began to tremble, simulating fear but actually the result of her rapidly rising tensions. She weakly pushed against his chest, whimpering, "No...please...spare me..." Vahn, however, following the script, began to lick the upper ridge of her ear from root to tip, saying, "It’s your own fault, can I not eat up such a tantalizingly sweet young maiden..." Punctuating his words, Vahn began nibbling on Risna’s ear as she writhed about in his embrace, trying to break free from his inescapable grasp. Then, with her anxious m.o.a.n as his cue, Vahn put pressure into his hands, firmly gripping Risna’s pert little buttocks as he stated in what he intended to be a possessive manner, "I have already decided...there is no escape for you now...blame your own tragic fate for giving you an appearance that stirs up my beastly nature...don’t worry, Risna, even if your body can’t live without me, I won’t let you have any, give yourself to me...or I will take it from you..."With her jaw quivering from ’fear’, Risna’s delicate fingers tightened around the fabric of his tunic as she looked up with wavering eyes and said, "Then take me...I’m beast..."(A/N: ’Godhand comes a’knockin...’,’Mikoto’s Duty (O-O)...’,’It’s the quiet ones you have to watch out for!’)


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