Novel Name : Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos Chapter 1490: Realization

After recovering her senses, Musashi languidly lifted her body, exhaling a contented sigh as she stared down at Vahn and mused, "Good’re surprisingly obedient. I half-expected you to ravish me while I was out of it..."Seeing Musashi’s glistening figure straddling his hips, Vahn found it difficult to reproach her choice of words. Instead, he caused his member to twitch inside of her, increasing the size marginally and causing her eyes to widen. He was already bigger than anyone she had ever dealt with in the past, and, if not for the exceptionally long session of foreplay, it would have been impossible to accept his full length without a bit of discomfort. If his size increased further, Musashi feared he might actually ’break’ her, so, rather than continue teasing him, she began moving her hips slighting, biting her lip as if she hadn’t said anything previously...Finding Musashi’s reaction somewhat cute, Vahn smiled as he began fondling her soft, scarily pliant, breasts. They were as smooth as satin, and, due to her excitement, her cherry blossoms were in full bloom, standing proudly as they demanded his attention. Since he didn’t want to push her too hard just yet, Vahn decided to act on his internal musings, leaning forward and lightly nibbling the brazen protrusion.Though it was a little surprising, causing her to issue a soft gasp, Musashi didn’t mind Vahn’s antics in the slightest. She was tempted to comment that he looked like a baby, especially when he began to gently suckle on her teet, but, just like before, her ’instincts’ cautioned her against doing so. It was actually a little scary, as, every time she even thought about doing something to seize the initiative, a sense of foreboding would well up inside of her, increasing her excitement.Deciding to hug Vahn’s head, making it a little easier for him to suckle her breasts, Musashi began to playfully run her fingers through his hair. His hair was surprisingly soft and fragrant, so, following her instincts, Musashi began to gently sniff around his scalp. At the same time, Vahn was skillfully rolling his tongue around her nipple, causing a ticklish, stimulating, and slightly burning sensation to spread through her chest. He also began guiding her hips, his hand sinking into the flesh of her buttocks in order to meticulously prod all of her most sensitive spots...Upon realizing what Vahn was doing, Musashi felt mildly alarmed as it was very clear he was holding back. His understanding of her body was increasing at an incomprehensible rate, causing shivers to run through her body every time he tentatively poked one of her weak spots. She couldn’t shake the feeling she was walking along the edge of an abyss, one which threatened to consume her entirely if she lost focus... Follow current on

Giving her a glimpse of what was to come, Vahn released Musashi’s breast with a ’pa’ before tracing a path up the smooth mound with his tongue. When he came to her collarbone, he playfully nibbled the bone, causing a feeling similar to electricity to surge through her neck and shoulder. Then, as she craned her head in a vain attempt to escape his ’pursuit’, Vahn began to ascend her neck, planting a series of electrical kisses before stopping halfway and using his tongue to slowly trace the location of her carotid artery. Since he was, technically, a Shinso Vampire, this caused an instinctual response in Musashi, sending powerful shivers through her entire body.Enjoying her surprisingly innocent reactions, Vahn cracked a somewhat ’evil’ grin as he reached up with his left hand, caressing her cheek and forcing her to meet his gaze. She had fretful look in her eyes, but, compared to the passionate glaze covering them, it was negligible. Thus, after tracing her bottom lip with his thumb, Vahn slowly leaned forward, compelling Musashi to close the remaining distance. It was a little out of order, but this started the first of many long and passionate kisses they would share moving forward.Though she had actually had sex numerous times over the millennia, it was one of Musashi’s most well-guarded secrets that, in that time, she had only ever kissed two people. The first time was out of simple curiosity, back when she was still a young girl. As for the second time, nearly a decade later, it had actually been granted to another woman, once again, out of curiosity. She had always struggled to understand things like love, so, for a brief stint in her long life, Musashi had ’experimented’ quite a bit.Compared to the others she had kissed, Vahn was considerably more skilled, his tongue leading hers around like a veteran. Musashi found it more pleasant than she had imagined, his saliva possessing a curiously sweet, mildly intoxicating, quality. This was due to the Source Energy mixed into his bodily fluids, a potent elixir for a Divine Spirit like herself. Of course, she had no way of knowing this, but, as it was comparable to some of her favorite alcohols, Musashi found herself become unnaturally fond of Vahn’s saliva, suckling his tongue and lapping any excess that collected at the sides of his lips...Vahn was pleasantly surprised by Musashi’s eagerness when it came to kissing as it allowed him to slowly guide her to greater pleasures without overtly startling her. He even managed to reverse their previous position, guiding Musashi onto her back and allowing her to grasp his head as he moved to grab her legs. She was a little surprised when he pushed up her knees, but, with her flexible body, it didn’t cause her any discomfort. Rather, as it made it easier for him to move, sonorous moans began to emanate from her throat, briefly interrupting their kiss as her strained lungs sought fresh air...Musashi didn’t actually require oxygen to sustain herself, but, as she had been emulating her human self for millennia, it was hard to escape the habit. Vahn’s actions had left her feeling suffocated, as, with each of his movements, it felt like her insides were being compacted. It was an exceptionally pleasurable feeling, but, every time he pressed into her deepest part, Musashi couldn’t help tensing as an uncharacteristically girlish moan escaped her lips. In truth, it was actually a little painful, but, as pain was one of the few things that made her feel alive, Musashi never once considered asking him to go easier on her...Eventually, despite a desire to savor more of Vahn’s saliva, Musashi had little choice but to separate her lips from his as her body neared a pinnacle of pleasure she had never known. It was a little scary, but, despite her previous dislike for being pushed onto her back, Musashi unhesitantly wrapped her arms around Vahn’s muscular body. Most men seemed too eager to try and dominate their partners in the bedroom, but, for reasons she wasn’t entirely sure of, Vahn’s presence had a calming effect. It didn’t feel like he was pushing her down, rather, she felt like his body a bastion, protecting her heart and mind as feelings she never knew threatened to overwhelm her... Follow current on

With Musashi clinging tightly to his body, Vahn began to gradually speed up, moving from targetted attacks to a deep and steady piston. Though she didn’t have the same ’condition’ as Luvia, he hadn’t missed the sonorous undertones in her moaning every time he knocked against her cervix. She was far from being a masochist, but it seemed like she had a certain fondness for pain. Thus, in order to ’train’ her body in preparation for even greater pleasures, Vahn began to rhythmically knock at her womb, causing it to dilate slightly as it descended to receive him.Though Musashi seemed to be trying to lock her legs around him, Vahn continued holding her in position, nearly pushing them parallel to her shoulders. He was using them to maintain his angle, so, while a ’mating press’ had its charms, he didn’t want to change position when they were both on the verge. Instead, he began to piston rapidly enough to make a rather obscene smacking sounds, each thrust causing small shockwaves to pass through Musashi’s body, carrying a wave of pleasure with them.Feeling a sudden and intense emotion, bordering on existential dread, Musashi clung to Vahn with as much strength as she could manage, releasing a loud, unrestrained moan. It almost sounded like she was issuing a warcry, the tone increasing a full octave when she felt a sudden rush of heat and a phenomenal amount of energy entering her body. It felt like an explosion had occurred within her womb, causing Musashi’s eyes to open wide as a tidal wave of pleasure, far beyond comprehension, began to wreak havoc in her body.Due to her nature as a Divine Spirit, Musashi was extremely susceptible to purified energies. She had virtually no resistance against his Source Energy, so, similar to others with her constitution, her first time with Vahn was bound to be a character-defining moment. His aura alone was enough to make Fae and Spirits fond of him, so, experiencing his Source Energy ’directly’, it was almost like taking a powerful, addictive, aphrodisiac. This was further exacerbated by his Divinity, elevating his potency to the point it caused bouts of absentmindedness in women for days after the fact...By the time Musashi’s body had started to calm down, ten agonizingly long minutes had come to pass. Her entire body was covered in a thick layer of sweat, smelling reminiscent of cherry blossoms, and, even after the fact, she had to take a few more minutes just to catch her breath. While this was going on, Vahn dutifully guided the energy to nourish her body, gently massaging her abdomen and chest to make it easier for her to breathe. This was all witnessed by Musashi, her left forearm resting against her head as steamy breaths escaped her glistening, pale-peach, lips...Seeing the clarity gradually return to Musashi’s mesmeric eyes, Vahn adopted a slightly apologetic expression as he said, "The first time is always a little surprising. You probably already noticed it, but my bodily fluids contain an incredible amount of pure energy. This is one of the reasons the people around me grow so quickly, as it is one of the most powerful forms of nourishment in this world. I can even unlock a person’s latent potential, removing bottlenecks and allowing them to become exponentially stronger in a relatively short period of time..."Though they were somewhat ridiculous, Musashi didn’t doubt Vahn’s words, as, more than most, she was very sensitive to the state of her body. She had pushed herself beyond the comprehension of most people, entering a level less than one out of a billion was able to reach. Thus, while it wasn’t by a great amount, she could feel that her body had become stronger. More scarily, however, she also felt like her comprehension of Nothingness had increased, something she had pursued to the point of transcending humanity... Follow current on

After organizing her thoughts, Musashi wiped away the sweat from her brow before supporting her body with her elbows and looking at where she and Vahn were connected. It might be indiscernible to others, but she could see a peculiar luminescence radiating from her body, almost like her womb was glowing. It was hard to describe exactly how this made her feel, but, having pursued strength for her entire life, Musashi eventually met Vahn’s gaze, smiling as she asked, "Is there a limit to this little boost of yours...?"Hearing Musashi’s question, a rather large grin spread across Vahn’s face as he said, "There are none whatsoever. In fact, as I grow stronger, so, too, does the potency of my energy. The only restriction is your body’s ability to process the energy I produce. Due to your underdeveloped Magic Circuits, you would struggle to process more than 5% of the energy, even with my help. Your nature as a Divine Spirit makes the conversion a lot easier, but the material doesn’t affect the capacity of a container..."Though Musashi was able to use a bit of the Counter Force, her Od reserves couldn’t even compare to the average student in the Department of Unified Thaumaturgical Theory. The energy of her body was stored in her cells, rather than her Magic Circuits. This was pretty common for Heroes that relied on their physical power, rather than magical capabilities. As for Musashi, she had reached her current level based almost exclusively on her skill and comprehension of Sword Laws. Though she could use a Skill similar to a Noble Phantasm, it wasn’t an exaggeration to say even her most basic sword strike had reached the EX-Rank...After listening to Vahn’s explanation, Musashi fell into a period of deep thought, staring at her lower abdomen as the energy contained within continued to course through her body. Then, with a serious look on her face, she completely derailed Vahn’s train of thought, asking, "Do you have a stopper or some kind of seal? I’m familiar with the use of talismans to increase conception rates. Knowing you, you should have something similar, right? I don’t want anything to go to waste."Realizing Musashi prioritized strength a little more than he expected, Vahn couldn’t help but smile wryly as he explained, "That won’t be necessary. Unless I willed it to remain, my bodily fluids would evaporate in an instant. Even if it was sealed away, it would break down within twenty-four hours, making it impossible to contain. I’m hoping this isn’t a one-time thing, so there is plenty of time to increase your strength in the future..."Hearing the awkwardness in Vahn’s tone, Musashi felt a little embarrassed. She hadn’t really thought about it, but her request was rather ’brazen’. Now that she tried imagining the end result, she could feel her cheeks heat up slightly at the thought of wearing a paper seal on her crotch. She didn’t even wear panties, so, while she would have tolerated it in order to increase her strength, Musashi realized it would have been very embarrassing if Vahn acquiesced to her ill-thought demand...Knowing Musashi would probably do anything to try and increase her strength, Vahn startled her by extricating himself from her depths. This caused her to panic slightly, her hands darting to cover her crotch in an effort to prevent the energy-rich fluids from escaping. Unfortunately, the volume wasn’t something that could be suppressed so easily, but, before she could lambast him, Vahn brought her stunned silence as he said, "If you’re willing, one of the best methods is to ’drink’ it directly. I might have to leave in the next couple of hours, but we still have plenty of time to have fun. How about it?"Realizing what Vahn was suggesting, Musashi didn’t even consider her options before nodding her head and saying, "Sure. I’ve actually wanted to try fellating someone but most people are dirty. Even your body aroma is pleasant, so I have some expectations. The only problem is...I don’t think I could actually take that monster of yours into my throat. We can try using these? I’ve heard men are fond of women with big breasts. Might as well put them to good use."As if to tempt him further, Musashi began to jiggle her voluminous breasts with an expectant smile on her face. She was surprisingly demure during the act, but, when it came to the conversational aspects of sex, Musashi was completely bereft of inhibitions. Rather, even after Vahn pulled out of her, a pleasant reverberation continued to spread through her body. Having sex with him was a lot better than she expected, so, now that she had a suitable partner, there were a lot of things Musashi wanted to try...Vahn had already expected sex with Musashi to be somewhat fun and experimental, so, rather than refuse her, he issued a light chuckle before pulling out a comfortable chair from his Inventory. She seemed confused at first, but, after seeing him take a seat and lean back, Musashi quickly caught on to his intentions. Thus, with an expectant smile, she sandwiched his surprisingly hot member with her breasts, using her hands to mold them as she lowered her head, parting her peachy lips and taking his glans into her mouth without any discernible hesitation...(A/N: Alternate Titles: ’Teasing the Dragon is dangerous...’,’An addict is born...’,’Even Nobunaga isn’t this bold O_O...’)


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