Novel Name : Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms Chapter 501-510

Chapter 501: Don’t Dream of Having a Good Life

The two men charged towards Chen Xiaobei grinned, absolutely certain that he could not dodge their attacks. He was a dead man, and the bounty on his head was enough for them to entertain themselves in Las Vegas for few months!
Suddenly, the sound of bones being crushed echoed in the air even as the both of them reveled in cloud nine. The burly man to Chen Xiaobei’s left had his neck broken, dropped to the floor and stopped breathing.
The other man coming from the right did not even react – he kept sprinting to his right, believing that he could stab Chen Xiaobei’s heart.
The young man, however, stretched out his right arm and grabbed the muscular man’s arm with his hand, nullifying his move. He then used the Bone and Muscle Shifting Technique to break his arm and push the dagger in the man’s hand into his own chest.
The dagger broke through bone and went through his heart. He was killed instantly.
“What… What the hell?!” The red-haired woman exclaimed. “That kid… killed two of our allies!”
All her confidence was replaced by horror. It was not the first time she used the smoke grenade strategy. However, she had never failed with that trick – she even took out a 20,000 combat power elite before! She simply could not understand why his perfect strategy was not working on Chen Xiaobei.
“Not two but four!” Chen Xiaobei bellowed, his murderous intent was spilling into the air. It was not necessary for him to show mercy since they were here to kill him.
“Shit. Run, quick!” The red-haired woman screamed, trying to get the remnant of her squad to flee.
“Run… Run…” Terrified, the remaining two men fled as fast as they could.
“Do you really think you can run away from me?!” Chen Xiaobei said coldly, and caught up with one of them in no time at all.
With the help of Primordial Witch King Combat Enhancement Training, Chen XIaobei could raise his 9000 combat power to 12,000, allowing him to surpass the A class international assassin in both speed and power.
Therefore, outcome was set in stone. Wrapping his arm around his victim’s neck, Chen Xiaobei pulled his face down to his knee!
The power behind that hit was comparable to Iron War Hammer – bending his skull. His face looked fine but the bone underneath his face was completely crushed! His brain was thumped into mush and he died instantly.
Meanwhile, the other muscular man has escaped hundred meters away from Chen Xiaobei. He relaxed, thinking that he has escaped the grasp of a reaper.
Suddenly, he heard a shout.
“Sword! Go!”
A blood red flash tore through the smoke and quickly covered the distance against him.
The sword struck the man once and returned to Chen while the head of that muscular man dropped to the ground with a dull thud.
“Well, looks like you’re the only one left!” Chen Xiaobei smiled at the red-haired woman, his blood red Chaos Sword Essence floating on his palm. He was now shrouded in a blood red mist with overwhelming murderous intent that surged towards the assassin. She could feel her heart thumping against her chest, suffocating her.
Instead of a target and a young brat, what she saw now was a blood red reaper walking towards her as the smoke dissipated. The horror was too much for her to handle.
*Deep breath*
The red-haired woman’s body and soul were trembling under Chen Xiaobei’s terrifying presence. She knew for certain now that it was impossible to defeat him, and that there was also no way for her to escape the blood red Chaos Sword Essence. The only thing she could do was plead for mercy.
“I yield… Don’t kill me… No…”
The red-haired woman tossed her dagger to the ground, opened up both of her arms and begged.
“There is no grudge between us. I’m paid to kill you, but I’ll abandon the mission now! I will leave China as soon as possible if you are willing to let me go… I won’t never set foot in this land anymore!”
“Hehe… Weren’t you quite confident just now? What happened? This isn’t a challenge at all!” Chen Xiaobei laughed haughtily. His tone was calm, but his voice spilled absolute control and domination. Only people as powerful as he was could stay calm in situation like that!
“I don’t know that you’re so strong… I swear I won’t come near you anymore…” The red-haired woman was petrified; she almost fell to her knees.
“Then tell me. Who sent you?”
“Will you let me go if I tell you everything?” the red-haired woman asked tenatively.
“You’ve no right to make a bargain. Well, I guess I could give you a tip. You might live if you tell me, but you will die if you don’t!”
“I’ll tell… I’ll tell… It’s Yap-” The red-haired woman nodded.
A gunshot could be heard in the distance, and a bullet pierced the red-haired woman’s head from the side before she could finish.
‘Headshot! A sniper has been camping somewhere for quite some time!’ Chen Xiaobei’s heart tightened.
The sniper fired a second shot – the bullet moved faster than Chen Xiaobei could dodge, and blew a hole through his head. He fell limply to the ground immediately.
In the distance, the sniper grinned with pleasure from his shot. He packed everything up immediately. The loud shots would definitely attract the police – he had to flee while he can.
“Xiaobei! Are you okay?! Please don’t scare me like this! Xiaobei…”
Lin Xiang rushed out from her mansion to him. Tears started to well out from her eyes when she saw him sprawled motionlessly outside the house.
“Pumpkin, I’m alright.”
Chen Xiaobei leapt up like a dolphin, unhurt! That bullet did pierce through his head, although the Ultimate Protective Puppet saved his life by nullifying the lethal attack.
“Why were you lying on the ground if you’re alright… You freaked me out…” Lin Xiang mumbled sadly; she was ready to die with him.
“I was trying to fool the sniper. The enemy now thinks I’m dead, but it’s now time to make them pay. I’m positive they are very relieved right now because I’m dead, so this is their most vulnerable moment. Nobody should dream of having a good life after messing with me!” Chapter 502: An Eye for an Eye

“Please don’t go. You’re making me worry…” Lin Xiang rushed to Chen Xiaobei and held his arm to her chest, stubbornly refusing to let him go.
“No. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth – I never allow my enemies to escape scot-free. I will have him suffer the way he wanted me to, and that will definitely teach him a lesson not to mess with me!”
His expression smoldered so ferociously that Lin Xiang could not help feel conflicted.
“But…” She bit her petite lip; she was very worked up over him.
Chen Xiaobei shook his head. “Please understand, pumpkin. the enemy this time is different, I cannot allow them to run too far or I can’t track him down!
“I understand how you feel,” he said, and held her shoulders with both hands. “But you have to have faith that I’ll be back. I had made a deal with the Moon Lord after all – I will definitely return for the hanky panky!”
Lin Xiang immediately blushed, and wiped away her tears. “You’re such a rascal! Since when you became such a pervert…” Too embarrassed to look into his eyes, she turned away from him.
It was then that she saw the corpses strewn all over the courtyard. After a single shriek, she passed out.
Chen Xiaobei caught her before she could fall, shaking her head.
“Might as well be unconscious than to watch all this.”
His little lamb had always been a scaredy-cat. It would have been weird for her to not freak out at the sight of the carnage instead.
Pulling out some Mengpo Soup from his treasure chest, Chen Xiaobei dipped his finger in the broth and slipped it into Lin Xiang’s supple lips. When she wakes up, she would not remember any of this.
Soon, the mansion was bombarded by blaring police sirens. It was obvious that the sound of gunfire had alerted them. Since a large bunch of them had arrived, there should not be any threat to the mansion. And so Chen Xiaobei carried Lin Xiang back into her house, before putting on the Nightstalker Outfit and fleeing the place quietly.
The Lintian Mansion.
Built right beside Lake Xuanwu, its majestic beauty was not an unfamiliar sight to most. Though it was slightly less grand compared to the Yap Mansion, its location alone made it one of the top mansions around Dragon City.
Nonetheless, the only reason Yap Tianlin was able to procure the land to build his mansion was thanks to his family’s connections. That alone was a sign of how influential Yap Family and their circle was.
Right now, Yap Tianlin was chewing on a thick cigar in the common area. He had a frown in his face the entire night, but finally smiled when he heard of Chen Xiaobei’s apparent demise.
“Are you sure that bastard is dead?”
“I’m positive. He took a bullet to the head – there’s no way anyone could live through that!”
There was a middle-aged man sitting in front of Yap Tianlin, with a long rectangular case placed behind him.
He was the assassin hired to kill Chen Xiaobei; he had a long scar stretching from one end of his face to the other. His expression was calm, but it only made him look extremely fierce – the kind of aura individuals who went through bloodbaths had.
“Nicely done. As expected of Dongbei Gunlord, you’re much better than that useless international assassin.” Yap Tianlin said, and tossed a bank card on the table in front of him. “Here’s your reward, as promised.”
“Pleasure doing business.” The middle-aged man nodded lightly, and made himself scarce.
“Hohoho. With that bastard gone, Lin Xiang will be my plaything!” Yap Tianlin grinned, but only for a while; he began to feel a little uneasy. “Lin Xiang should be guarded and questioned by the police for the night… How can I sleep without a woman beside me!? I think I should call Hawk; I hope I’m not too late.”
Yap Tianlin’s phone rang. Feeling odd to receive a call at this time, he picked up the phone.
An extremely perverted laugh blasted out of the speaker immediately. “Master Yap, hohoho! Are you feeling it tonight? Hawk just caught a top-tier jade rabbit for you! I kid you not, the first person I thought about was you!”
“Hmm.” Yap Tianlin arched an eyebrow in suspicion. “It’s been a while since you caught any jade rabbit – what is a top-tier jade rabbit worth?”
“You know me! Grey rabbit is 70 points, white rabbit is 80 points… Jade rabbit is 90!” The man’s voice was extremely weird. It was almost the same as those perverted pimps trying to sell their “product” to customer!
“This top-tier jade rabbit is one of a kind. The best in Dragon City, if I may say so. It can only be 100 or even 99 points, I kid you not. This one is by far the best I’ve ever caught!”
Yap Lintian eyes widened, and quickly shouted into the phone: “Enough! I want it – money is not a problem! Bring it over this instance, and I’ll reward you nicely if I’m satisfied!”
“Hohoho! As expected of Master Yap! In that case, I shall be in your care!” The man replied happily before his voice tone turned serious. “I’d bet on my head that you’ll be in cloud nine when you’re done.”
“You have my thanks.” Yap Tianlin hung up and realized that he was salivating heavily. Grinning, he jumped to his feet. “Hehehehehe. The best in Dragon City he said! That’s better than the two bombshells of Dragon City – Luo Puti the Demon Ice qQeen and the lady of the Liu Family who always stayed inside her house. The two untouchables!”
“How lucky! Not only I can enjoy a rabbit who share the same beauty of Luo Puti and Liu, I can also claim the lady of my dreams. Tomorrow, I shall enjoy Lin Xiang! What a day! Not even the gods could be as happy as I am!”
*Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!*
Suddenly, someone was rapping hard on the front door. Yap Tianlin went to open the door by himself – he had sent away every servant in the house before he met the assassin.
Who also turned out to be the one knocking the door.
“Why have you returned?”
His expression was starkly different from just now. He was fearless before he left – and somewhat ferocious too. But now, there was no hint of that intimidating aura of his – instead, he looked spooked to the bones.
“Are you… trembling? What’ s wrong with you?” Yap Tianlin grew impatient at his silence. Why was that cold, hard man feeling nervous?
In a split second, something cut through the air, followed by a long trail of blood that burst out from the sniper’s throat!
The sniper’s head dropped and rolled on the ground. The blood that had burst out of the stump that was his neck painted Yap Tianlin in crimson!
“What the f*ck?!” Yap Tianlin had a front-row seat view of the beheading of the famous Dongbei Gunlord!
Shocked to the point of almost losing his sanity, Yap Tianlin fell to the ground and almost wet his pants.
“Oh! That’s a new one. I never knew you could feel fear.”
Suddenly, a voice could be heard behind the corpse of the dead Gunlord. It was none other than Chen Xiaobei!
“I thought you were dead… How- How are- are you still- still a-alive?” Yap Tian feel every single hair on his body stood on end as he looked into Chen Xiaobei’s deathly glare.
The sight of the now-headless Gunlord had shaken him to the core – not because of the gore, but because how clean and how surgically precise it was. He never thought that a neck could be severed so flawlessly!
There was also no question that Chen Xiaobei killed the assassin. Knowing that, Yap Tianlin now looked upon him like the reaper.
Slowly and deliberately, Chen Xiaobei stepped towards Yap Tianlin and stopped one pace away. “Please enlighten me. How do you wish to die?”
“I…” Yap Tianlin could not think straight – his brain had just melted into a pile of goo. Panicked and confused, he simply started to plead for his life. “I don’t want to die! Please spare my life! Mercy, please! I-I-I-I-I-I I have money! Yes, I’ll pay you! Just name your price!”
“Money? Do you think I want to touch your money?” Chen Xiaobei pulled out a small bottle from his back pocket and grinned like a child about to pull a nasty prank. Chapter 503: The Goddess

There was a saying: with money, even the devil would enter a bargain.
Those words also happened to be made famous by the Yap Family. As China’s wealthiest clan, their wealth was so vast it rivals the national treasury.
In short, there was nothing that the Yap Family could not buy with money, or so they had come to believe. That was why Yap Tianlin readily offered Chen Xiaobei money when he was cornered – he thought he could use his wealth to buy his way to safety.
Little did he know that Chen Xiaobei was not the kind of person who would go blind at the sight of gold. The man did not even flinch!
“Noooooooo! Get away from me! What the hell is that?!” Yap Tianlin cried out in fear when he saw the tiny bottle Chen Xiaobei had pulled out from his pockets. He knew right then that whatever was in it was not good news!
“I wanted you to die with a little dignity, but there’s a change of plans since you plan to touch my woman.” Chen Xiaobei kept his slow and purposeful stride towards Yap Tianlin, and grabbed his throat. As the poor man opened his mouth to gasp for air, he swiftly poured half of the liquid in the bottle into it.
“What! What poison is this… I don’t want to die… Give me the antidote!” Yap Tianlin’s face was contorted, and did his best to cough out whatever Chen Xiaobei had feed him. He thought it must be the worst kind of poison – the kind that corrodes his innards!
“Oh, relax!” Chen Xiaobei grinned. “That’s not poison. In fact, it has a cute name – the Obedience Elixir!”
“W-What…” Yap Tianlin blinked slowly as he felt his vision blur. He could feel blood rushing to his head – the same sensation when he was drunk.
Before he knew it, he had dropped to the floor, face-first.
Yap Tianlin got to his feet sluggishly; his eyes were milky, unfocused and lifeless.
Chen Xiaobei crossed his arms and shook his head at the pathetic sight. “Go find yourself an isolated room and masturbate until you die!” He bellowed.
“Yes… I will.” Yap Tianlin nodded like a puppet, and stumbled slowly towards the mansion’s toilet and locked himself inside. Without delay, he took off the clothing on his lower half and started stroking his own shaft faster than the movements of an Audi R8 V12 Engine’s piston.
“Half a bottle of Obedience Elixir… That should be enough for the man to wank until he dies.” Chen Xiaobei nodded with satisfaction and tucked the bottle safely into his treasure chest.
Just when he was about to clean things up and leave, the phone that was on the living room’s table rang. Chen Xiaobei answered the call out of curiosity.
“Good evening, Master Yap! I’ve just arrived at your back door with the top-tier jade rabbit in hand. Do you wish to check on the product?” A slightly high pitch voice could be heard.
Jade Rabbit?
Sister Chang’e’s Jade rabbit?
Chen Xiaobei arched an eyebrow and paused, and answered with Yap Tianlin’s voice by using the True Sound.
There was a white SUV parked behind a mansion with a man standing beside it. He had a long chin that was as sharp and pointy as his mouth.
Sitting on the driver’s seat was another man with a hawk tattoo on his neck. His Qi made it clear that he could hold himself in a fight, while his eyes was as sharp as the raptor print he had. He also appeared experienced.
“Bro Pi, someone’s coming… But it’s not Master Yap!” He said once he spotted Chen Xiaobei coming from the distance.
“Are you sure? Hawk, you better open them eyes! We need to bail out if there’s a problem!” Bro Pi exclaimed vigilantly.
“There’s no need,” said Hawk calmly. “He’s just a young adult, probably 20 years old or more. Doesn’t look like he could take a punch.”
“Oh. It’s fine then,” Bro Pi muttered as he stretched out his arms and relaxed himself in a carefree manner. When it comes to Yap Tianlin, he would present himself as a lowly businessman. However, when a young… whatever was sent to deal with him, there was no need for the formalities.
Finally, Chen Xiaobei arrived. “Master Yap sent me to check on the goods,” he told Bro Pi.
“That’s not how this works. Cough up first before touching the product!” Bro Pi narrowed his eyes and glared at Chen Xiaobei.
“Hmph!” Chen Xiaobei scoffed and folded his arms. “Do you really think that Master Yap wouldn’t pay? There’s nothing that he couldn’t buy! I have the money right here. Once I’m done checking, you won’t finishing counting money until next morning!”
“Bro Pi, let him have a look,” said the man known as Hawk. “I’ll make sure things won’t end well if they’re fucking with us.”
“Fine!” Bro Pi cried out disgruntledly and opened the door on the passenger seat to reveal the ‘product’.
Chen Xiaobei leaned down a little to see an extremely beautiful girl lying down with her legs spread out on the passenger seat. He immediately thought of the Goddess character in one of the Wuxia television dramas that he watched!
Her skin was so fair as it could be mistaken for snow; her eyes, despite closed, had the distinct curls of rivers. Chen Xiaobei sensed purity at a glance. Her thighs were plastered against her white dress, but somehow was still concealed beneath the fabric. The curves of her body were accentuated from the way she lay down on the passenger seat.
Everything about her gave the vague sensation of seeing a bit was seeing the entire thing. It would not be enough to say that she had just came out of a painting by the masters.
Words fail when it came to how lavish she was. There was no doubt that she would win even against Athena herself in elegance, royalty and grandeur. Every sick thought men tend to carry with them would vaporize the moment they saw her. Her complexion and face were so serene that she literally imbues tranquility into people.
One glance, and she will help you forget every other woman in the world.
“Boy! Had enough? Pay up!” Hawk had already got down from the driver’s seat and stood behind Chen Xiaobei.
“Of course. However, I think I should deal with the both of you first. I’ll continue with the bird once I’m done with the trash!” Chen Xiaobei narrowed his eyes and clenched his fist.
Hawk had pulled out a long machete and snarled, “It’s best if you don’t mess around, little man. It won’t end well for you.”
“You know… If you want to hurt me, you must be prepared for the same.” Chen Xiaobei assumed a combat stance.
“Urgh…” The Goddess in the passenger’s seat grunted ever so softly, before getting up and blinking her pair of starry eyes. She appeared completely intoxicated; she neither moved nor spoke.
Chen Xiaobei lowered his fist and turned to her. “I’ll save you, don’t worry.”
“Seems like you’re not Master Yap’s man. That makes things easy – we’ll just have to kill you.” Bro Pi smirked evilly. “Hawk, get him!”
The blade in Hawk’s hands danced around the air as he tried to get around Chen Xiaobei’s fist to stab his neck. The blade glinted faintly, and Chen Xiaobei knew at once that there was True Qi imbued within the blade. If Hawk was fighting a regular man, that poor fellow would have died instantly.
“Urgh…” The beautiful goddess-like girl frowned, and shut her eyes before lying down again.
The sounds of bone crunching rang, and the man known as Hawk wailed.
“Urgh! Aaargh!”
Hawk’s blade arm was broken as Chen Xiaobei twisted it in reflex; his entire arm now dangled lifelessly as if it was rope. Wrestling away the blade that was in the thug’s hand, Chen Xiaobei struck Hawk in the head with the machete – just like cutting a watermelon!
“Heavens!” Horrified, the other guy tried his best to flee, but Chen Xiaobei had already sped to him in lightning speed and grabbed him by his neck. He vaulted a little off the ground so that he could pin him down like a dog.
“Bro! Hero! Papa! Please don’t kill me!” And just like a dog, Bro Pi was instantly domesticated.
“You’re in the kidnapping business, robbing young girls off their future just to earn some money from Yap Tianlin! I’m guessing this is not the first time.” Chen Xiaobei growled icily. “People like you… No, animals like you shouldn’t even beg!” Chapter 504: The Beast is Unleashed

With a little pressure applied to the neck, Chen Xiaobei broke it easily like a twig. The man that was called Bro Pi died almost instantly. His lifeless head now twisted to the side, with his eyes locked onto the girl.
Before Chen Xiaobei could even sigh, an even louder sigh came from behind him.
“Ahhhh… I want it…”
The goddess that was in the car finally spoke. Her soft and seducing voice rang like a bell in Chen Xiaobei’s ears. It was definitely not the first time he heard the voice of a woman in heat, but it was the first time he heard it coming from a beauty like her.
Chen Xiaobei almost collapsed to the ground when he heard the soft voice whispering in his ear. Frantically trying to find his footing, Chen Xiaobei said, “Woah. What’s wrong with you?”
Chen Xiaobei turned around only to get the shock of his life.
The goddess’ face that was originally as white as snow, had turned deep red. It was not the red of anger. It was the heat, the craving for it. The intense craving for another human!
Before, when Chen Xiaobei killed the bad guys, she was sitting still, unmoving. Yet, she had just jumped up to her feet and tackled Chen Xiaobei. Her voluptuous body pressed against his and Chen Xiaobei could feel the fiery heat of her lust. Without any warning, she planted her lips on Chen Xiaobei, and kissed him passionately. He was careful to not hurt the girl, hence he could not muster any strength to push her away. She, on the other hand, pushed him down and continued kissing him, longing for him to be in between her thighs.
In an instant, Chen Xiaobei realized the reason behind her irrational lust over him. No normal girl would just suddenly jump at him and kiss him.
“Lady! You’ve been poisoned! It’s an extremely potent one at that! It’s an aphrodisiac!”
The reason why she was quiet from before was that she was intentionally controlling her blood flow and breathing. It was to reduce and suppress the spreading of the poison. However, when she thought that Chen Xiaobei was about to be killed by her kidnappers, her heart rate shot up and incidentally allowed the poison to spread to the rest of her body. Instantly, her conscience faded and lust took over her will. She wanted a man like never before and even tried to devour Chen Xiaobei like a hungry tiger.
“AHH!” She moaned ever so erotically. “Kiss me! Mmmph… Kiss me more…”
The goddess bent down and held Chen Xiaobei tightly in her embrace, smothering him with her breasts. Her clothes were so thin that he could feel the heat emitting from her flesh. He was, after all, squeezed between her two honkers. Chen Xiaobei was so aroused that his blood pressure shot up high. He was almost at the point of having a nosebleed!
Enraged with himself, he pushed the beautiful girl with force and got away.
“I must stand strong! I am but a young man with dignity! How can I take advantage of a girl in distress! Better yet, she’s a stranger!”
Chen Xiaobei shook his head violently and suppressed the urge with all his might.
“I must find a place to neutralize the poison! Such a potent aphrodisiac… I’m going to need a lot of water!”
Chen Xiaobei aimed at the girl’s neck and pressed his finger on her pressure points. Within seconds, she lost consciousness and fainted.
With haste, Chen Xiaobei carried the woman into the bad guy’s car and headed towards the nearest hotel.
[You have eliminated a second-generation evil guy, you have received 20,000 merit points!]
[You have eliminated a first-generation evil guy, you have received 10,000 merit points!]
[You have eliminated a first-generation evil guy…]
As he drove, the Netherspirit Battlescouter promptly displayed notifications of Chen Xiaobei obtaining merit points.
The one with 20,000 merit points must be the man that was known as the Dongbei Gunlord. Killing Bro Pi and Hawk was 10,000 points. The assassin that he killed earlier was even lower.
[Your current merit points is 200,000 You need another 100,000 merit points to proceed to the next level. (Charm: 20,000, Luck: 20,000)!]
“Not bad, that’s over 40,000 merits points!”
Chen Xiaobei was happy, yet there was something that was still troubling him. “Luckily for me, there was no danger, only surprises. There are even merit points! The only thorn in the bush was Moon Lord not keeping his promise! I will have him take responsibility for this!”
No sooner, Chen Xiaobei arrived at the hotel. He quickly got a room and headed to it.
Unfortunately, when Chen Xiaobei entered the room and placed the goddess on the bed, he had lowered his guard and allowed the girl to kiss him on the lips.
Chen Xiaobei was stunned. He started to feel dizzy. The scent of the girl’s lips lingered around him like the devil itself.
“Oh no…”
Chen Xiaobei almost drowned himself from the effect of the aphrodisiac. He quickly returned to his senses and found that he was also being affected by the poison!
The potency of the poison was so strong that it made Chen Xiaobei too aroused. His urge built up like an oversized balloon ready to explode.
Chen Xiaobei bit his lips to feel the pain in order to stay conscious of his actions. He quickly withdrew the Seven Fragrances Treasury Pouch to neutralize the poison in him.
“Please… I beg you. Kiss me! Please kiss me…”
In an unexpected turn of event, the goddess jumped to Chen Xiaobei and took the pouch away from Chen Xiaobei. Without thinking much, she hurled the pouch somewhere which Chen Xiaobei could not track any longer.
“F*CK ME!”
Chen Xiaobei knew that without the pouch, the poison would spread to his entire body. There would only be one outcome. Succumb to the poison.
His lust went out of control as the poison started to control his thoughts and actions. Slowly yet surely, Chen Xiaobei lost himself to the effect of the poison.
As if the girl had accomplished what she had done, she slowly lifted Chen Xiaobei up to her eye level and allowed Chen Xiaobei to unbutton her clothes as she helped him unbutton his pants…

Yap Tianlin was found in the toilet, 6 p.m. the next day.
Being a Yap Family member with all sorts of connections and money, the man was about to breathe his last before the butler of the house fed him an expensive pill that restored his energy.
The man was rushed to the best hospital in Dragon City and was treated by the best doctor, stayed in the best facilities, and had the most thorough check-up.
Not until 9 a.m. the next day, the doctor in charge of Yap Tianlin came out from the room with his report in his hands.
A cold, stern looking man that was sitting down at the corner of the waiting center shot to his feet and rushed over to the doctor.
“What happened to my son?”
The man was Yap Tianlin’s father. Yap Honglie was the man that was controlling the Yap Organization.
“Mr. Yap…”
The doctor was stunned at the man’s sudden appearance. “Young Master Yap… He is physically fine… but…”
“But what?! Explain! Don’t delay!” Yap Honglie was furious.
He read the early diagnosis of his son and found that the man had been masturbating for nearly 24 hours! In his heart, he knew that something bad would happen to his son.
“Young Master Yap is physical fine. But, there’s a problem with his… Um…”
The doctor then relaxed his hands and place it on his groin.
“What? WHAT PROBLEM!” Yap Honglie snarled.
The man had high hopes for his son to continue the family name. If he had problems with his wee wee, how would he produce the next generation of Yap?!
“Yes… Um…” the doctor paused. “Young Master Yap had been rubbing it for far too long. All the muscles around it had been damaged severely. There’s chronic internal bleeding and… Well. In short, it may be difficult for him to use it for the time being.”
“His penis… bleeding?!” Yap Honglie almost had a heart attack when he heard the new. “What does ‘for the time being’ mean?! I’m warning you! You best heal him back to he was before or I’ll make sure you’ll share the same fate as he did!”
“Calm down Master Yap! We will try our very best!”
The doctor looked calm but he was sure that he had almost peed himself.
“What are you still standing here for! Go back and heal my soon!” Yap Honglie roared so loudly that the doctor dropped his files and left the place.
“Uncle Ying! Get to the bottom of this!” Yap Honglie muttered under his breath. “My son would never do such a thing to himself. Someone is behind this and I will have his name!” Chapter 505: Super Fated

It was a mess. Pants, shirts, boxers, and even lingerie were hung at random places like the lamp, chair, and coincidentally, the doorknob. Luckily for the lady, her bra was on the side of the bed.
Chen Xiaobei woke up and felt a sharp pain on his back. It did not take long for him to realize that there were scratch marks on his back. That was the cause of his pain. Only when he got out of the bed that he realized that there were scratches all over his body! He was attacked by a cat!
Chen Xiaobei gulped. It was not hard for him to recall the memories of him wrestling in bed. Naturally, he had not forgotten about the goddess that was in the same bed as he.
She was sleeping soundly beside him. Despite the messiness, her hair was spread out on the bed. Her supple red lips were half open, they were so inviting to be kissed. Her ink-like hair was so silky that the tiniest breeze of wind would make them dance alongside the sheets. Her eyes were still closed yet it did not diminish the beauty of her snow-white complexion. She was tired. It was written all over her beautiful face. It was obvious that she had been ‘tortured’ thoroughly the night before.
“My god… I slept with the goddess…”
Chen Xiaobei moved his gaze slowly toward her lower half. Despite having a blanket over her, he could still trace the outline of her slender figure. Thankfully, her legs were not covered. he could enjoy the sight of her white jaded legs.
“This must be a dream. My first time… to a random stranger…” Chen Xiaobei rubbed his face. He was still having a little headache from the effect of the poison.
The goddess groaned softly in bed like anyone would before getting up from bed in the morning. She curled up slowly and gently. It was then that Chen Xiaobei knew that she had the smoothest skin. How else would the blanket just slide off her naked body as if it was marble?
Chen Xiaobei walked over to the other side of the bed to pick up the blanket. Just when he wanted to cover the precious thing, he realized something. There were droplets of blood on the white sheets. He was extremely horrified seeing the red spots that appeared all over her side like the red dates in the snow.
“Oh no…”
Chen Xiaobei felt horrible. He would not have thought that someone as beautiful as a real goddess was a virgin.
“F*ck Moon Lord! What the hell is that old fart doing…” Chen Xiaobei frowned. He was worried sick. How would she react when she wakes up?
The maiden had just become a woman in one unfortunate night and her partner in bed was an unknown man. How would someone react to that?
Shrinking from the thought of her freaking out, Chen Xiaobei quietly tip-toed to the bathroom to take a cold shower. After several minutes when Chen Xiaobei was drying himself, he heard a sound coming from the bedroom. When he came out of the bathroom, the woman that was on the bed had disappeared. She must have put on her clothes and left the room when Chen Xiaobei left the bedroom. He was standing alone, in the messy room. Her absence only made Chen Xiaobei unable to forget his sins.
“The young woman did not make a scene about the night. Why should I be worried about it?”
Chen Xiaobei steeled his mind and tried his best to forget about the night. At that moment, he felt a little guilty. “I should have asked for her name and contact number… It would be the right thing to do since she’s my first woman.”
“Oh right! I can ask the old fart!”
Chen Xiaobei dressed himself up and quickly found his phone among his other clothes.
Without delay, Chen Xiaobei bombarded Moon Lord’s inbox with messages.
Chen Xiaobei: Moon Lord! You piece of shit! Come out and face me!
Chen Xiaobei: Moon Lord! You piece of shit!…
Chen Xiaobei: Moon Lord!…

Moon Lord: God Chen Xiaobei! Where the fire? Why are you scolding me in the morning?
Chen Xiaobei: It’s because of you, stupid! I’d already inboxed you about the girl I wanted to get laid with! Her name was supposed to be Lin Xiang! You messed up! You messed with the entire fate!
Moon Lord: What? Did I make a mistake? (stunned)
Chen Xiaobei: Cut the pretense! How could you not realize your own mistake!
Moon Lord: Oh my…I really did make a mistake…(blush). God Chen Xiaobei! I am extremely sorry! I drank too much yesterday and accidentally pulled the wrong red thread…[1]
Chen Xiaobei: WHAT THE ACTUAL F*CK! You drank too much?! How can that be?! No wonder there are so many weird romances in the world! I messed up because of you! (Angry glare)
Moon Lord: Please don’t get angry God Chen Xiaobei… There’s just too many fated couples in the three realms. It would be impossible to keep it right all the time… There’s this one time when I had too much to drink, I’d accidentally pulled the thread of a man and a female pig together. Compared them, you’re lucky. (Blush) (Whistle)
Chen Xiaobei: Are you saying that I should thank you for messing up my fate? (Glare, Glare, Glare, Glare)
“Stupid f*ck! Such a useless old fart! I’ll never ask any favor from him anymore! There’ll be a chance that he will even join my thread with another unknown being…Oh god…”
Chen Xiaobei was so frustrated that he could not stop pulling his hair. The Moon Lord’s silence was not helping either. Only he would know where he went.
Chen Xiaobei put down the phone and groomed himself a little before picking it up again.
Moon Lord: God Chen Xiaobei! You’d really need to thank me now! No! You need to thank me with all your heart! (Sunglass smirking)
Chen Xiaobei: Thank my ass! You’re such a thick-faced old man! How dare you ask me to thank you when you messed up my fate! (Glare)
Moon Lord: Hey hey. Listen to me before you say anything. The girl that you were with last night. Was she extremely pretty and still a virgin?
Chen Xiaobei: Uhm…That’s right…But that’s me being lucky, to begin with! Who knows what will you link me to next! I’ll be damned if there’s a dinosaur coming to my bed!
Moon Lord: There you go again. Listen to me. Your luck has always been good. The girl that you spent the night with has increased your fate count! It’s now more than 10 times the amount now!
Chen Xiaobei: Fate count? 10 times the amount? What is that? (Surprise)
Moon Lord: It’s simple. I’ll cut to the chase. That girl can bring you some really really really really really good luck!
Chen Xiaobei: Bring me good luck? Do you mean even after marriage?
Moon Lord: Something like that. But it’s not the same kind of luck! It’s really really really really good luck! This kind of paring only exists once every a few hundred years! Like that the famous Liu Pang and Lu Zhi! Once the both of you got together, you could even become the world’s king and queen!
Chen Xiaobei: Hey. Are you daft? There’s no such thing as kings and queens in this era.
Moon Lord: That’s true but you need to understand this. Even if I want to pair the both of you, I could never have found the perfect match in the middle of billions of humans around! The only reason behind this super fate is FATE itself! I am to report this matter to the Jade Emperor soon!
Chen Xiaobei: F*ck! This is awesome! What is the woman’s name! Please tell me!
Moon Lord: I’m sorry. I cannot reveal this to you. I can never tamper with such a special fate. You must find her yourself! If I do reveal it to you, karma will seek us out!
Chen Xiaobei: Damn…I don’t even know her name. How do I even seek her out in the first place!
Moon Lord: Young man. There’s no such thing as a difficult task in the world, only ill-willed humans. This old man needs to report to the Jade Emperor. Such a wonderous super fate will definitely rock the heavens!
After that last message, the Moon Lord stopped replying.
Chen Xiaobei sat down on the unkempt bed and stared at nothingness.
“How do I find a single girl in a sea of humans…”
Chen Xiaobei’s phone rang in his hand and he quickly picked it up. Since there was no way for him to search the goddess at that very moment, he thought that he should just drop the matter.
“Hello there little Wenyuan, why aren’t you sleeping still? I’m surprised that you would call me at such early hours,” said Chen Xiaobei while smiling.
“Hehe. Ever since I came to the Dragon City, I have never overslept again! I’m diligently working every single day!”
“That’s nice to hear. How’s your work? Future superstar?”
“I’m going to film a movie tomorrow! It’s going to be my first debut! Xiaobei hubby! Would you come and cheer for me?” said Wenyuan seductively.
“Sure! I’ll definitely be there!” said Chen Xiaobei.
Translator Note:
[1]: Red Thread: It’s a Chinese believe that if a person is fated to the other, a red thread will link them both together. The Moon Lord is the god that determines that connection. Chapter 506: Random Side Character

At Xiang Shan Film Base.
It was located at the east side of Dragon City. A few years ago, a number of parties invested over tens of billions to build it. It was a huge project. From afar, Chen Xiaobei could see a large number of ancient buildings. He felt like he had traveled to another realm.
“Zhuang Bufan! Zhuang Bufan…We love you…Ah….”
At that time, there were thousands of fans gathering outside the film base. The actor that they wanted to meet was not there but that did not stop them from screaming their lungs out. Zhuang Bufan could be considered as an extremely handsome man! He just ventured into the entertainment industry not too long ago. The combination of his handsome visage, talent in acting, and support from filthy rich people made him a famous actor. He had tens of millions of fans around the country. At the same time, he became the most in-demand actor as well.
Chen Xiaobei was not the kind of person that liked to worship superstars. He could not help but felt excited.
“Zhuang Bufan is the lead actor of Ling Yue the Heroine. Is the lead actress, Tang Mengwan going to be here as well?”
Ling Yue the Heroine was the most-talked movie of the year. The entire movie was made possible by a top-tier director, actors, and actresses. Earlier, Chen Xiaobei’s First Love Peach stole the thunder of this movie. Thus, he could remember it clearly. Chen Xiaobei preferred the lead actress more than the lead actor.
Tang Mengwan had perfect facial features and perfect curves on her body. She was the queen in three major fields of the entertainment industry; movie, TV series and singing! She was definitely more famous than Zhuang Bifan!
“I wish I can meet Tang Mengwan later!”
Chen Xiaobei was looking forward to it. He then drove his car into the film base from the side entrance.
At number 66 filming set.
“Director Wang, can you give Wenyuan a line of dialogue for the next scene? Any dialogue is fine by me! Just one single line…”
Song Qincheng was standing beside a plump man. She asked politely.
“She is just a side character. She should feel grateful that I’m willing to let her show her face in this episode! Don’t even think about having a dialogue of her own!”
Wang Cangshuang twitched his mouth and said condescendingly. His stare was indulging slowly on Song Qincheng’s body. He could not stop looking at her. She wore a set of loose and comfortable casual clothes to work today. It would make her feel more comfortable when she worked. Her sexiness was half covered but she was still very seductive. Her sky-high snow mountains [1] could easily kill all the men within her sight.
Song Qincheng was not happy about it at all. It had been a few years since she started to work in the entertainment industry. She had seen all kind of people with disgusting personalities and attitudes. She continued to say softly, “Director Wang, please give Wenyuan a chance to talk in this episode. She is very talented. She will become extremely famous if you let her express her talent!”
“There are a lot of people with great talent. Everyone wanted me to give them a chance to express their talent. Why should I give it to Wenyuan? Of course, everything is negotiable! Just ask her to have a one-night-stand with me. I will give her a solid role in the movie if you both can serve me tonight! What do you think? Quite a good deal, right? Hehehe…”
“Director Wang! Why are you talking nonsense when you are not even drunk?”
Song Qincheng gritted her teeth. She had an urge to land a few tight slaps on his face.
“Hehe…You have been working in this line for quite some time now…You should have known the hidden rules better than anyone else here! You used to have Fan Family at your back! People from the entertainment industry were afraid to lay their hands on you! However, you are a divorcée now! Stop acting like some pure and innocent girl! Do you believe that I will take away the side character role from Wenyuan?”
“I…” Song Qincheng was shocked and speechless.
Fan Tong and Song Qincheng were just a married couple with no intimacy. However, Fan Family was like a big tree for her. Most of the time, it shielded her from all kind of problems. People would start to attack her when her shield was gone! Director Wang Cangshuang was not going to be the first one or the last one!
“You have ten seconds to consider it! Give me what I want or get the hell out!”
Song Qincheng frowned. She just wanted to slap him, turn around, and walk away. From afar, she could see Wenyuan dressed in an ancient servant outfit. She was reading the script that had nothing to do with her in a serious manner. She just could not make herself to do it when she saw all the effort that Wenyuan put in her acting career recently. Wenyuan’s dream would be shattered if she chose to walk away.
Song Qincheng was in a dilemma. She felt so helpless.
“Director Wang, I think you should give her a line of dialogue!”
At that moment, Chen Xiaobei marched towards them.
“Motherf*cker! A side character like you has no right to tell me what to do and what not to do!”
Wang Cangshuang turned around and took a look at Chen Xiaobei. He saw that Chen Xiaobei was handsome and his body was quite perfect as well. Unconsciously, he thought Chen Xiaobei was one of the side characters.
“Don’t be angry. It’s just a line of dialogue. I’m not asking you to give it out for free. I will give you some medicine to cure your weak kidney! I can guarantee that your combat power in bed will be increased tremendously. Nobody will call you The Flash anymore!”
Weak kidney?
The Flash?
Song Qincheng almost laughed out loud after hearing Chen Xiaobei’s comment. However, she tried her best not to laugh to avoid offending Wang.
“Son of the bitch! Do you have a death wish?!”
Wang Cangshuang shouted angrily. He was embarrassed.
Actually, a weak kidney was pretty common among the population. However, it would be extremely embarrassing for the person if someone announced it out loudly in public. That was a classic face slapping moment. Face was more important than a weak kidney!
“I think you are the one that is going to die soon! Judging from your look, I know that you allow yourself to overindulge in sex! Your body had been emptied out! Sooner or later, you will definitely die while you are having sex with other women!”
“Motherf*cker! How dare you curse me? Security guards! Drag this son of the bitch out from my filming set and beat him up!”
Soon, a group of muscular security guards surrounded Chen Xiaobei. All of them were ready to beat Chen Xiaobei up.
Song Qincheng quickly rushed to Chen Xiaobei to hold his hands.
“Eh? Rumors have it that the reason you divorce with Fan Tong was that of a young boy! Is this side character the young boy in the rumor?”
Wang Cangshuang narrowed his gaze and said mockingly.
“This is my private matter! It is not necessary for you to put a leg into it! Xiaobei! Let’s go!”
“Hold on right there! Do you guys really think you can leave this place unharmed after humiliating me? Dream on! I’m going to cripple this bastard if Song Qincheng does not give me what I want!”
“I’m afraid that Chen Xiaobei will cripple you if I don’t bring him away from you!”
“Him? Cripple me? Hahaha… This must be some kind of joke! Go and beat him up now! Beat him to death!”
Wang Cangshuang swung his arms and ordered.
At that moment, a man with suit walked towards them.
Translator Note:
[1] snow mountains: Author was describing her boobs. Chapter 507: An Invitation

“Boss Li! Why are you here?”
Wang Cangshuang put on a smile immediately after he saw someone powerful walking towards him. The man did not even care to look at Wang Cangshuang. He seemed sternly cool and unmoving. Finally, he put on a smile when he stopped in front of Chen Xiaobei.
“Mr. Chen! Hello! I’m the CEO of Xiangshan Film Base! My name is Li Haopeng.”
The man extended his hand to shake Chen Xiaobei’s hand.
Chen Xiaobei shook his hand. He looked really calm and steady. Song Qincheng was extremely shocked when she saw Li Haopeng acting so politely in front of Chen Xiaobei. On the other hand, Wang Cangshuang was freaking out. The way he looked at Chen Xiaobei had completely changed! Li Haopeng was the most powerful person in Xiangshan File Base! Every year, there were hundreds of movies and TV series being shot at this film base with his permission. Even the top directors had to pay their respects to him. Wang Cangshuang was just a normal director. Seeing Li Haopeng was like seeing his father.
He did not expect Li Haopeng would take the initiative to shake Chen Xiaobei’s hand.
Wang Cangshuang almost peed himself. He asked fearfully, “Boss Li, may I know who this Mr. Chen is?”
“You pig! Listen carefully! Mr. Chen is a friend of the biggest shareholder of this film base! Don’t drag me to hell with you!”
“Biggest… Friend of the biggest shareholder… This is not possible…”
Wang Cangshuang was shocked, slowly shifting his gaze to Chen Xiaobei. He was petrified. Li Haopeng was just the CEO of the film base! There were a group of shareholders above him that invested a huge amount of money to build this film base. Those people were the real powerful individuals! Wang Cangshuang would die a thousand times if they wanted him dead!
“Not possible? You should try it out! Today, you will be fired from Xiangshan Film Base if you are bold enough to mess with Mr. Chen Xiaobei! Don’t even dream of working in the entertainment industry anymore!”
Everyone was shocked after hearing Li Haopeng’s claim.
“Who is this kid? Why is he so damn powerful? It is already very hard to make friend with those shareholders! It is even harder to make those shareholders fire a director! There is only one explanation, Chen Xiaobei is not as simple as I thought he is!” Song Qincheng thought. She fixed her gaze on Chen Xiaobei, like a fangirl. Chen Xiaobei was younger than she was but he always managed to surprise her in various ways! It seemed like he could achieve all kind of things in this world!
“Mr. Chen Xiaobei… I’m really sorry… It was my fault just now… I hope you can forgive me…”
Wang Cangshuang was terrified. Sweat started to cascade down from his body like a waterfall. He quickly bowed in front of Chen Xiaobei to beg for forgiveness.
“I thought you want to beat me to death?”
“No… No… That was just a joke I would not dare to do that even if I had a hundred balls!” Wang Cangshuang said fearfully. He then lifted up his hands and started to slap himself!
“Are you going to give Wenyuan a line?”
“Yes! Definitely! Not just one! I will change the script immediately! I will make sure she will get some lines in every single episode! More exposure to the camera as well!”
“QinCheng, should we forgive him?” Chen Xiaobei smiled and asked.
“Sister QinCheng… I’m at fault…You are a generous woman… Please forgive me…”
Song Qincheng shot Wang Cangshuang a look of disdain. She was a smart woman. She realized that Chen Xiaobei just passed the power to her to make the call.
“Ms. Song, I think it’s better to let him off the hook this time. You guys might work together again in the future. I don’t want the bond to be affected.” Li Haopeng might look stern but he still defended Li Haopeng at that crucial moment.
Song Qincheng was pleased. With a calm look and tone, she said, “Alright. I will forgive you this time for Boss Li’s sake! I hope things like this will not happen again in the future!”
In other words, Li Haopeng just owed Song Qincheng a favor. Last time, Song Qincheng did not even have the right to talk to Li Haopeng. It was a huge thing for her to make Li Haopeng owe her a favor. From that day onwards, she knew that she and Wenyuan were going to have a smooth life in the entertainment industry. Deep down, she knew that Chen Xiaobei was the one that created this desirable outcome for her. One sentence from Chen Xiaobei changed Song Qincheng’s and Wenyuan’s future.
“Thank you so much… Thank you Sister QinChen Xiaobeig… Let me go and modify the script now… She will start to have her own lines in the next scene!”
Wang Cangshuang quickly walked away from them after being forgiven.
“Xiaobei… I’ll leave you guys alone… I’m going to tell Wenyuan about this good news! She is going to be so happy!”
Song Qincheng put on a brilliant smile and left temporarily.
“Boss Li, I think you should know the question that I’m about to ask.”
Li Haopeng was a smart man. He said, “Madam Diana is there… She wants to talk to you for a short while…”
Chen Xiaobei turned around and he saw a European lady was sitting in a mini sightseeing bus, who nodded at him.
Chen Xiaobei nodded back at the European lady. He walked towards the lady and said with a smile, “I did not realize that you are the biggest shareholder of this film base.”
“I’m good at investing. I have invested a lot of things throughout Southeast Asia! I will invest in businesses that can earn me money!”
“You are a very straightforward person!”
“Thank you… Let me be frank with you since you know the kind of person I am. Recently, I’m interested in investing in a business. I would like to invite you to be my partner in this investment. Would you be interested in it?”
“Not interested. I have too many things on my plate. I’m afraid I can’t spare anytime for investments,” Chen Xiaobei said with a shrug.
Li Haopeng’s mouth twitched slightly after hearing Chen Xiaobei’s reply. He had never seen anyone reject a goddess of fortune like Madam Diana. There were a lot of businessmen that wanted to work together with Madam Diana but none of them had the opportunity to do so! However, Chen Xiaobei just rejected Madam Diana’s offer without any hesitation. Li Haopeng thought that maybe Chen Xiaobei did not know how powerful and capable Madam Diana was. Chen Xiaobei would definitely have suffered if he offended Madam Diana.
However, Madam Diana was not angry with Chen Xiaobei. She smiled and said, “That investment still requires the locals of Dragon City. I need the land to build a factory. I don’t think I can get it done anytime soon. Let me know if you are interested in this investment. You can join me anytime you want. Just call me.”
The beautiful secretary that sat beside Chen Xiaobei passed him a name card. She then winked at Chen Xiaobei subtly. Chen Xiaobei was handsome and Madam Diana liked him. These two factors were enough to make the secretary fall be attracted to him because Chen Xiaobei’s future was going to shine bright like a diamond.
Chen Xiaobei smiled and left the sightseeing bus after he took the name card from the secretary. She was frustrated because she did not get any response from Chen Xiaobei after she winked at him. However, she was instantly defeated when she saw Song Qincheng standing beside Chen Xiaobei. She could not compare to Song Qincheng. Song Qincheng was like a goddess and she was just like any other ordinary woman.
“Wenyuan is going to start acting soon. Come with me.”
Song Qincheng held Chen Xiaobei’s hand and dragged him to the filming scene. Chapter 508: I’m Going To Do Some Acting

Wenyuan’s first role was simple. She played as a maid in an imperial palace. She was to follow behind the concubine closely. Wang Cangshuang was terrified. He was forced to add some extra dialogues in the original script.
Sentences like “Good day.” and “The tea is hot.” were added to Wenyuan’s script. She felt really excited about it even though all her lines did not have an impact on the episode at all. Actually, there were a lot of girls who wanted to be famous. Most of them were willing to follow the hidden rules to get a line of dialogue. Wenyuan could be considered really lucky.
“Xiaobei hubby!”
Wenyuan was holding on to her skirt and ran to Chen Xiaobei after she finished her shooting. Her face had a brilliant glow like the sun.
“Let me go and bring some drinks for you guys.”
Song Qincheng knew that Wenyuan really liked Chen Xiaobei. She looked for some excuses to leave them alone as she wanted to let Wenyuan have some alone time with Chen Xiaobei. She held Chen Xiaobei’s arm and said with a smile on her face, “What do you think about my performance today?”
“It was good! I think you are going to receive an Oscar!”
Chen Xiaobei smiled. He could feel a very comfortable and sensual feeling on his arms. Its fragrance and softness made him want to do something dirty to Wenyuan.
“Did you miss me?” Wenyuan asked, pursing her lips.
“Of course! How can I not miss such a beautiful and adorable masterpiece?” said Chen Xiaobei while pinching Wenyuan’s cheek.
Wenyuan smiled. The way she looked at Chen Xiaobei was as if honey was going to flow out from her big and soulful eyes. It was a sweet moment for both of them.
She whispered in Chen Xiaobei’s ear. A stream of warm air from Wenyuan’s mouth blew into Chen Xiaobei’s ear.
“I miss you too! I dreamt about you for the past few days!”
“Dreamt about me?”
Chen Xiaobei’s body went soft. His urge to make love was getting stronger and stronger. Wenyuan was getting better and better at seducing others.
“Yes… I dreamt about you… You did something to me…”
Wenyuan pursed her lips and her face turned red.
“You are a bad guy! You are really bad!”
“Eh… Why am I a bad guy?” Chen Xiaobei said innocently.
“I’m not going to tell you about my dream…”
Wenyuan stuck out her tongue, blinking her beautiful eyes. She did not dare to look at Chen Xiaobei in the eye. In her dream, Chen Xiaobei was kissing and hugging her. Her clothes were torn off by him. It was a rough sex! She had the same dream for a few nights. It was so surreal that she felt like it did happen to her last night! Usually, people categorized that kind of dream as a wet dream. Wenyuan was embarrassed thinking about it.
Chen Xiaobei’s inner desire was triggered when he took a look at Wenyuan. He just wanted to do it with her on the floor at that moment. He was after all not a boy anymore but a man! The thirst for it was real after he tried real sex. Moreover, Wenyuan was a loli with big boobs. There were no men in this world who could resist her.
“Little Wang Cangshuang, I need a few side actors and actresses from you!”
An arrogant middle-aged man walked towards them, yelling.
“Damn! Assistant Huang, you really shouldn’t come here personally for a small matter like this.”
Wang Cangshuang acted really respectful towards Assistant Huang. He swung his arms and said, “Just pick whoever you like here! It’s their blessing to be chosen to be a side character in Director Fong’s movie!”
Everyone at the set wanted to be chosen badly. However, Assistant Huang took a look at the entire place and said, “All these people here are useless! They are idiots! Director Fong will definitely not include them in his movie!”
“Um… How about me? I’m willing to try it out!” Wang Cangshuang tapped on his chest, volunteering to be included it Director Fong’s movie.
“Get lost! Go and look for something to cover your ugly face! You make me sick!” said Assistant Huang while rolling his eyes.
Wang Cangshuang was embarrassed. He did not even dare to defend himself.
“Who is this guy here? Such arrogance!” Chen Xiaobei asked curiously.
“He is just an assistant! He is acting tough here because Director Fong has his back!” said Wenyuan, pursing her lips.
“Director Feng?”
“Don’t you know? Feng Yaolun is the best director in our country! He has influence in the international filming industry too! The most-talked movie, Ling Yue the Heroine was directed by him!”
While nodding, Chen Xiaobei exclaimed, “Oh!! Now, I remember! Assistant Huang! What do you think about me?”
Everyone had their attention on Chen Xiaobei. Assistant Huang just mentioned that everyone on the set were idiots and Director Wang Cangshuang was extremely ugly! There was a chance that he came here to mess with everyone. The crowd felt sorry for Chen Xiaobei. They thought Chen Xiaobei would be scolded by Assistant Huang for volunteering himself. However, everyone was surprised in the next second.
“Damn! This lad here is pretty good looking! I choose you! Come with me!”
Assistant Huang took a look at Chen Xiaobei and nodded in satisfaction. Director Wang Cangshuang and the rest of the people were really upset. They were professionals after all. However, they still could not match up to an amateur like Chen Xiaobei! Only Chen Xiaobei knew that Assistant Huang chose him because of his charm rather than his handsome visage.
“Nice! Xiaobei hubby! You are awesome! You have been chosen by Assistant Huang! You are going to act in Ling Yue the Heroine! I’m so envious of you!”
Wenyuan was really happy for Chen Xiaobei. Her eyes were filled with admiration. It was a dream for everyone to be part of Director Fong’s movie. People would not mind playing a minor role in his movie. They did not expect that Assistant Huang would choose Chen Xiaobei among all of them. Everyone was so envious of him.
“My Little Wenyuan, be good! I’m going to act together with Tang Mengwan!”
Chen Xiaobei ruffled Wenyuan’s hair and walked away with Assistant Huang.
“Teehee… You are right! You are going to act together with Sister Tang!”
Assistant Huang narrowed his gaze and smiled. It seemed like his smile was trying to indicate something.
Director Wang Cangshuang and the rest of the people were petrified when they heard that Chen Xiaobei had a chance to act with Tang!
That must be a joke!
“Act together with Tang Mengwan? Damn! This is going to be awesome! Hahaha…”
Chen Xiaobei was really excited. Chapter 509: Blessing From Above

Filming Set 1.
Lin Yue the Heroine was the work of the top tier director. Hence, the scene on the set was way bigger and flashier than the previous studio.
Chen Xiaobei was bedazzled by the various props and décor. Everything was made down to the finest details. However, even after hanging around for so long, he had not seen the face of the main female character.
“Go and get your costume ready. Be sure to listen and obey the scene’s director. I’ll be taking my leave now.” Assistant Huang dropped Chen Xiaobei off, leaving him alone.
Chen Xiaobei shrugged and went towards the costume trailer to change. After some makeup and costume change, Chen Xiaobei became a black masked assassin from an ancient era. He felt heroic and cool at the same time. However, when he exited the trailer, he saw that there were more than ten actors wearing the same outfit. All of them looked the same. With the mask on, there was no telling who was who.
“F*ck me. With so many people looking exactly like me, how can the audience appreciate my good looks?!” Chen Xiaobei felt a little cheated and cursed Assistant Huang in his heart. Truth be told, what was the use of him being there? There was no chance for him to reveal his face to the world!
“Alright. Assassins! Listen up! Get down to the floor and lay there! In this scene, you guys are corpses!” One of the crew members shouted followed by several of the assassins lying on the ground motionless.
“Act? Corpse? F*ck it all! Is he trying to make a fool me?” Chen Xiaobei felt betrayed while cursing with all his might.
What was the meaning of having to act with Tang Mengwan? Was all that just a scam?
F*ck it all!
“Hey, you! Whoever you are! Why are you still standing? Get down! Tang will descend down from that spot! Listen up!” The same crew member screamed at the top of his lungs.
“Yes… sir…” Chen Xiaobei replied despondently. He was already annoyed at the fact that he was tricked into playing a side character. However, he had already gone through all the trouble to change into the assassin outfit. Might as well just lie down and rest.
“Director Feng on deck!”
A few minutes of silence, Chen Xiaobei could hear someone announcing the arrival of Director Feng. The entire studio got rowdy all of a sudden. Chen Xiaobei was lazy to get up. He turned his head sideways and saw the director. The man had the walking pace of an army general. Upon his arrival, everyone was nervous and excited. However, with just a raise of his hands in the air, the studio was silenced. His name was Feng Yaolun. The man had a medium-sized body and a face that could freeze the air around him.
It seems like the director was some big shot figure; he was only invited to the set when everything was ready to roll.
“Everyone ready!”
Feng glanced at all the props and actors before jotting down important aspects in detail that needed to be changed or adjusted. After a few minor adjustments were made, the man picked up the clapperboard and screamed.
All of a sudden, a cool breeze blew across the set. Sakura petals fell from the ceiling of the set and drifted around the set like snow. It was made to look like the real scene. If he could, Chen Xiaobei would have clapped at the well-made scene.
Amidst the flower petals, a beautiful woman dressed in an ancient Chinese gown descended from the upper deck of the set. Her dress fluttered in the air, portraying the illusion of her being a goddess.
Needless to say, she was extremely beautiful. From where he was laying down, it was the perfect angle to witness the entrance of a beautiful actress. She was China’s entertainment best actress! Tang Mengwan.
Hidden beneath the almost transparent silk hem, the outline of her face and body was made visible to the world. The green dress was completely plastered to her skin as she glided downward. However, her beautiful was merely the beginning. What truly brought her to fame was her ability to portray elegance and nobility. Men would want to have her dominated; both heart and body.
At the moment, for a split second, Chen Xiaobei could not help but think of another girl. That one maiden that he had slept with and turned her into a fine woman. She was just like the goddess that was gliding through the air. A heavenly beauty. The kind of which that had never been contaminated by the ugliness of the society. She was, either better, or almost the same as Tang Mengwan.
At that moment, Chen Xiaobei gazed at the ceiling.
“Ah… My goddess… You’re the first woman to share a bed with me… Do I ever have the chance to see you again?” Chen Xiaobei muttered to himself. At that moment, Tang Mengwan was right above Chen Xiaobei. For a split second, the two of them made eye contact with each other. Both of them were stunned.
“F*CK! CRAP! Tang! She…!”
Chen Xiaobei could not stop staring above him. Before he realized it, he was already salivating like a horny dog!
Tang slowly descended down, not knowing what had happened. Her long dress was blown slightly too high above her pelvis. Be it luck or reason, Chen Xiaobei was enjoying the magnificent view under her skirt!
The superstar of China, Tang Mengwan had just exposed herself!
Her smooth fair thighs were like that of a Roman sculpture! Best of all, in between the gaps of her thighs, Chen Xiaobei could see the slightly transparent undergarment. That hidden yet slightly exposed scenery was truly blissful to Chen Xiaobei.
“This must be a blessing from above! My god! I’d been complaining for the whole day but only now I realized, assuming the role of a corpse is the best!” Chen Xiaobei almost gave up up the role after feeling cheated. However, at that instance, he felt extremely thankful to the assistant that had dragged him there. Who in the entire of China could enjoy the luxury of seeing all of Tang Mengwan? From that angle as well! Chen Xiaobei was the only one! How could he not feel happy!
*Caclop… caclop…*
Not a few seconds later, a white horse came trotting by. Sitting on top was a handsome man dressed completely whit. Although Chen Xiaobei did not want to admit it, the man was exceptionally manly. That was the main character, Zhuang Bufan.
The scene that they were filming then was the first encounter of the female and male main character after Tang Mengwan had killed all the assassins. Such a scene was intended to be a transition from brutal to romantic. A poem-like dream.
Yet, somehow, Chen Xiaobei was not convinced. Sensing something amiss, he frowned.
The horse started off with light trotting yet the male character had started to whip the reins of the horse, forcing the beast to charge towards all the “dead”. Was he planning to trample them? Was he out of his mind?
“CUT! CUT! Zhuang Bufan! Slow down! What are you doing?! You’re supposed to follow the script! Ride in slowly!” Director Feng immediately got up from his director’s seat and screamed towards the set.
However, despite having the clapperboard snapped a few times, Zhuang refused to listen. Instead, he turned his head back and said, “Director. I understand the script and the scene. At this point, I’m supposed to rush over. Only that would I be able to portray the male character’s mightiness. I’m improvising!”
“Bullshit! There are so many actors lying there! You must stop now!” Feng roared.
Still, Zhuang Bufan refused to listen. “Those actors are expendable. I’ll pay for whatever damages inflicted on them! Just shoot the scene properly!”
“Crap! He’s not stopping! Run guys!”
When the “dead” assassins heard Zhuang Bufan’s declaration, all of them got up from their positions and ran away. If that horse were to trample them, they would not be playing dead anymore! They would actually be dead!
“Stupid fools! Who said you can move!” Zhuang Bufan bellowed.
With everyone running away frantically and Zhuang’s raging roar, the white horse that he was riding grew anxious and started to galloped with speed.
At that moment, Tang shrieked. “Stop! Please stop! The line! The steel line is stuck!”
“Whoa…” Zhuang Bufan panicked. Everyone else on the set was expendable, but not her! Unfortunately, no matter how hard Zhuang tried to stop the horse, it would not stop running.
“This is bad…” Tang Mengwan started to fear for her life. Her tiny fragile body would not hold well against the impact of a rampaging horse.
“Fear not, for I am here.”
At that critical moment, a playful voice was heard coming from beneath Tang Mengwan’s foot. She looked down and saw Chen Xiaobei, who gave her a perverted wink. Chapter 510: Side Character Kicking the Main Character’s Ass

Tang Mengwan, a mysterious beauty with a silk mask. Chen Xiaobei, an enigmatic side character with a black mask. Both of them exchanged looks and froze. The script was being improvised.
Chen Xiaobei put his strength into his arms and slammed the ground hard. With the force borrowed from the recoil, Chen Xiaobei shot up to his feet easily. He then turned towards the horse and zoomed towards him like a bullet.
“What is going on?”
Zhuang Bufan had always looked down on other actors that were not on his level. Seeing that a random actor performing an act that looked straight out of a martial arts world made him a little disgruntled.
“Hiak! Thud!”
In a split second, Zhuang Bufan saw the man leap to the sky and a foot was flying towards him. Chen Xiaobei landed a dropkick on his face and knocked him off the horse.
“Gahh!” Zhuang Bufan flew off the horse and landed seven to eight meters away with his face flat on the ground.
“Easy there…”
The next second, the man grabbed onto the rampaging horse and with brute force, he calmed the horse down.
Everyone was stunned. No one even dared to breathe for a second there. It was so quiet that one could hear the sound of a needle dropping to the ground in the next filming set. Their eyes were affixed to the man in black.
The falling cherry blossom petals continued and thanks to it, the scene was truly serene. It was a grand turn of events.
A random side character had performed such a cool move and kicked the main male character off his horse. With the horse calm and the reins in Chen Xiaobei’s hand, he led the horse to the female lead’s side and stopped.
“Who…Who are you?” said Tang Mengwan in a baffled tone. Her voice was quivering. She was unable to accept such a man capable of performing such a move! It was as if CGI had already been added to it.
“Hush now. Kiss me,” said Chen Xiaobei as he closed the distance between her.
Tang Mengwan was stunned, but only for a split second. She then giggled and pushed him slightly. “Young boy. Surely you jest. If you want me to kiss you, you may need to pull down that black mask?”
“If that so? If I remove this mask, will you kiss me?” said Chen Xiaobei. He was stunned at how the woman would respond. He merely wanted to tease her but he had no idea that she was capable of actually following up with his play.
(WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!) It was time to throw that mask away!
Just when Chen Xiaobei was about to rip the stupid mask away from his face, Tang Mengwan immediately stopped him.
“I’m kidding! You cannot take off the mask!”
Chen Xiaobei was about to feel dejected when Tang Mengwan immediately whispered in his ears.
“The man you had just kicked in the face was Zhuang Bufan. The man is famous for his attitude. He will have revenge for being humiliated. You best keep that mask on and run away now.”
Before Chen Xiaobei could even nod his head, the voice of Zhuang Bufan Bufan filled the set. “Mao Dao! What am I paying you for? Eat crap? Slap an ass? Find that f*cker that kicked me and break his arms and legs!”
Only when he roared at the sky, everyone was awoken from their stunned state.
“Master Zhuang Bufan, rest assured that we will catch the man responsible for your disgrace.” A few men came running to Zhuang Bufan’s side. One of them stood out and helped him up to his feet. The rest of the men quickly ran towards Chen Xiaobei.
“Hurry up and leave. I’ll buy some time for you! It’s all I can do for saving my life.” Tang Mengwan winked and quickly pushed Chen Xiaobei behind her.
Huh. Not everyone in the entertainment industry were bad. Chen Xiaobei was not expecting someone like Tang Mengwan to be on the side of justice.
Chen Xiaobei relaxed a little and tapped her shoulders from behind. “I’m fine on my own. They can never touch me. On the other hand, I’d advise you not to get involved in this. You might actually get hurt.”
“No!” Tang Mengwan cried, “You don’t know who Zhuang Bufan really is! Any commoner will be destroyed in his hands!”
The few bodyguards that were charging at Chen Xiaobei stopped in their tracks when they saw Tang Mengwan was protecting him.
“Bufan! This incident is on you as well! Don’t forget that! Forget about this. Call it off! Do it for me at least.” Tang Mengwan begged.
“Forget about it?”
Zhuang Bufan dusted off his clothes and pointed at the footmark on his face. “Since the day I was born, I have never been treated like this! Even if I want to forget about this, I could never do it in my family’s name! For you? Never, I would not stop, not even in the face of god!”
The Zhuang Bufan Family. One of the four great families in Dragon City. Not even Feng Yaolun, a man that had been directing all the famous movies in China, could not voice out his discontentment in the face of a Zhuang Bufan.
He knew Zhuang Bufan and knew that he was a man with pride as big as the Great Wall of China. Advising him would do no good but have an adverse effect on Feng instead.
“Mao Dao! Get him! Push Tang Mengwan aside! There’s no need to hold back! I’ll take responsibility if anything happens!”
“Sir! Yes, sir!”
The man named Mao Dao was brave. Without fear, he reached his large hands out and pushed the fragile Tang Mengwan aside.
“Don’t touch me! Get away!” she cried as she saw the massive arm reaching to touch her. Afraid and shaken, she insisted on staying at the grounds. Her determination to protect Chen Xiaobei was as strong as steel.
An eye for an eye. The saying was supposed to be of revenge. However, she meant it when she wanted to protect Chen Xiaobei. For he had already saved her life from an unspeakable accident.
“Brother Han! Please help me!” Tang Mengwan cried from the top of her lungs.
In the entertainment industry, she was not someone that could be treated as a fool. She was still considered as one of the top-tier actresses in the industry. A group of men in black suits came from the backstage and ran towards Tang Mengwan. They were her bodyguards.
The man that took the lead had a copper-brown skin tone. It was not his natural skin tone. It looked like the man had spent some time in under the scorching heat. Without a doubt, he looked like one of those men that had served in the military. Brother Han was a tanned man whose body was well built.
“Mao Dao! Stand down!” Brother Han approached like a gorilla and stood beside Tang Mengwan.
“Han. Move or you’ll be moved. There’s no telling what will happen to you.” Mao Dao smirked arrogantly.
“In your dreams. As long as I’m breathing, I would not allow you or anyone else touch Miss Tang Mengwan!” Brother Han crossed his arm, displaying a domineering stance.
“Have it your way. Ask your men to attack me!” said Mao Dao conceitedly. “I’ve always heard rumors that you guys were ex-special forces. I had always wanted to have a brawl with you!”
“How could you still be so conceited? Enough with your facade. I alone shall deal with you!” Brother Han charged towards Mao Dao.
Without moving an inch, Mao Dao arched an eyebrow and snorted. “Is that all you got? You have me disappointed.”
A loud crisp clear explosion was heard. Mao Dao had kicked Brother Han up to the sky. When he landed, the man spat a mouthful of blood. He had suffered from a few broken ribs and could no longer get up to his feet.
“Brothers! Let’s go!”
The remaining bodyguards from Tang Mengwan side charged into the fight. Mao Dao did not need to move. His own team had joined the fray when they saw Mao Dao was being outnumbered.
“Is that what the special forces are capable of? Such a waste. I wonder if I could be the commander of all the soldiers if I decide to join the army.”
Chen Xiaobei immediately shot to the front and shouted, “DON’T GO! YOU LOT ARE NOT STRONG ENOUGH!”
Unfortunately for Chen Xiaobei, he was too slow. Mao Dao and his lot of ruffians had roughed up all of Tang Mengwan’s bodyguards. They only took less than 30 seconds.
“So strong…” Everyone was scared. The director on the set remained quiet even though a large brawl had taken place in the set.
Zhuang Bufan started to laugh.
“Mao Dao is a Jianghu elite that I had spent a large fortune on! Only the Zhuang Bufan Family is capable to hire such an elite to be our bodyguard! You low class bodyguards could not even clean Mao Dao’s shoes to begin with!”
Mao Dao felt extra proud when his master publicly praised him. He then glared at Chen Xiaobei and called out to him. “Boy! You know my strength! You best come out now and kneel before Master Zhuang Bufan! Beg for his forgiveness or you shall know pain!”
“Heh.” Chen Xiaobei chuckled. He pulled down his mask slowly and stood in front of Mao Dao fearlessly. “Mao Dao was it?”
Chen Xiaobei took in a deep breath and said, “You know nothing about power.”


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