Novel Name : Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms Chapter 351-360

Chapter 351: A Slap in the Face

During the charity dinner, Murong Tian had announced that he would leave his daughter in Chen Xiaobei’s care.
That’s how most of Murong Tian’s men came to know him, and along their way inside the ICU building every single one of them had behaved politely towards Chen Xiaobei.
All of them – except the middle-aged guy with a suit and tie, who ignored him completely.
In other words, he was disobeying Murong Tian’s order in a manner of speaking. Could this man be plotting something? Chen Xiaobei thought, his first deduction about the man.
However, none of them noticed this small but significant act in the midst of the emergency.
“Let me enter quickly!” Murong Xiaoyao was a girl who cared a lot for those close to her; her eyes were teary as she hurried into the ICU room.
“You’re not allowed to in!” The middle-aged man stopped Chen Xiaobei from going in.
“Who are you?” He asked coldly.
“Hmph! Have you heard of the name; Gu Caozhuo?! It appears to me that Chen Xiaobei is just another idiot enjoying his undeserved fame!”
Chen Xiaobei could sense the hostility; naturally, he had to fend for himself.
“Hehe… At least I have fame, unlike a nobody such as you! What is your name again? I’ve never even heard of your name!”
“You…” Gu Caozhuo was furious.
Most who knew Murong Tian in Green Vine Underground World would have heard of Gu Caozhuo. He was a respectable person, but Chen Xiaobei treated him as if he were just another passerby on the street.
That in turn enraged the man in suit and tie.
“Bro Bei! You’re still young, so it’s totally understandable if you have not heard of Gu Caozhuo before. Master Tian has appointed him to take over the faction! He’s usually addressed as Young Master Tian!”
“We are all on the same side. Peace is better than anything else in this world. We should not let this small misunderstanding affect our relationship!”
The elite followers quickly came to make peace between the pair.
However, Gu Caozhuo chose not to make peace. “I’ve never considered this bastard to be on our side!” He said coldy.
Chen Xiaobei narrowed his eyes to analyze the man. On the surface alone, he was definitely a selfish guy, while also being cautious and envious of Chen Xiaobei! That’s when he figured out the reason why the older man was being hostile – Murong Tian did not ask him to take care of his daughter; he had asked Chen Xiaobei instead.
In other words, Gu Caozhuo was being envious that Murong Tian trusted Chen Xiaobei more than him. He was also worried that Murong Tian would tell him to cede his place to the young man.
“Please! You are an elderly uncle who’s close to forty years old! Why are you acting like a jealous boyfriend?!” Chen Xiaobei’s mouth twitched before he burst into laughter.
“What the hell did you just say? Since when was I envious of you?!” Chen Xiaobei had managed to uncover Gu Caozhuo’s motives with a single line.
Now, he was embarrassed and angry.
“I, Gu Caozhuo have all the power in this world! I could get anything I want with the power that I have! Why would I envious of you! That must be some kind of joke!”
“I think you just overreacted! It’s like I’ve stepped on your tail!” Chen Xiaobei grinned.
“I…” Gu Caozhuo was taken aback and realized then that his actions reflected his insecurities. That’s also exactly the moment the others began to chatter about his behavior, leaving him even more embarrassed.
“What the hell are you guys still doing out here? Come in quick!” Murong Xiaoyao poke her head out and said hastily.
“Okay! I’m coming in now!” Gu Caozhuo responded. He turned around and told Chen Xiaobei coldly, “Brat! You have no right to come in! Stay here and wait…”
But Murong Xiaoyao cut him short before he could finish. “Uncle Gu, please don’t come in first. Wait here, the Third Elder wants to talk to Chen Xiaobei privately!”
“Huh…” Gu Caozhuo was more embarrassed than ever before! His face turned green as he became even more frustrated.
“Damn! Isn’t this a legendary slap in the face? Slap! Slap! Slap! This is really satisfying!” Chen Xiaobei mocked, before strutting past Gu Caozhuo into the ICU room.
“I…” Gu Caozhuo appeared as if someone had just forced him to eat a pile of feces. Right then, his hatred and envy towards Chen Xiaobei deepened so much that he was plotting to kill him.
Upon entering the ICU room, Chen Xiaobei finally met Murong Xiaoyao’s Third Elder.
He was an elderly man close to seventy and had been bedridden for quite some time. There was a lot of advanced equipment hooked on to him, monitoring his vitals; they would alert the doctors if anything turned awry.
“You’re Chen Xiaobei, I presume?” Third Elder said softly. His voice was rather weak.
“Yes, I am. How may I address you?” Chen Xiaobei replied politely.
“Let me do the introductions.” Murong Xiaoyao saw that Third Elder was having a hard time talking and so decided to take over. “Third Elder is my father’s good friend and mentor. Half of my father’s achievements in Green Vine City are thanks to him!”
“Lady Xiaoyao, you’re exaggerating … Your father is really talented, I’ve only did my best to help him…”
Third Elder stood at the pinnacle of Green Vine’s underbelly, and yet his humility far eclipsed Gu Caozhuo’s ego. It was thus unfortunate that he was aging and sick; Murong Tian definitely would not have handed his throne over to Gu Caozhuo otherwise.
“What can I learn from you, Third Elder? I’m all ears.” Chen Xiaobei said seriously.
“I’m not qualified to teach you anything. However, I would like you to know about the current situation in Green Vine’s underbelly…” His voice suddenly turned softer and deliberate. “The people that you’ve seen around the hospital are only twenty percent of Murong Tian’s followers… Do you know where the rest of eighty percent went?”
“If I’m not mistaken, they are now in other factions. They’re our enemies now.” Chen Xiaobei replied.
“You’re right.” Third Elder nodded gravely, “Someone also told me that Qiu Hairui was recruiting people everywhere. It appears that he intends to come up with a new faction just to destroy you while assimilating all the other factions. His ultimate goal is to become the king of Green Vine underbelly!”
“Hmph! That retard has some crazy ambition!” Chen Xiaobei said. He was not affected by the news, as a matter of fact he even felt like laughing. “Third Elder, you don’t have to worry about it at all! Qiu Hairui’s movements is just as I have foreseen!”
“What? This is your plan?” Third Elder was surprised.
“Yes.” Chen Xiaobei nodded. “I can eliminate this minion called Qiu Hairui anytime I want! The reason he lives today was because I wanted him to recruit all the rogue members before I eradicate his faction! We don’t have to worry about this problem anymore after that!”
“My goodness… I’m very impressed that you can come up with an idea such as this. It seems like the youngsters are catching up to the older generation…” The Third Elder was genuinely shocked after hearing Chen Xiaobei’s plan.
The young lad would become the king of Green Vine City if his plan worked! Though he might die should his machinations fail, it remained that Chen Xiaobei definitely had some real guts! His ambition most certainly far surpasses Qiu Hairui’s!
Third Elder was unwell to begin with; his condition worsened after getting a little too excited.
That was when the alarms on the equipment connected to him began to wail. Gu Caozhuo quickly rushed into the ICU room, soon followed by the doctor. Chapter 352: A Spineless Man is no Different from a Traitor

“Shit! The doctors’ been trying to rescue Third Elder many times. It seems that Third Elder might not make it through the night!”
“There are not many who live after being sent to the ICU! We should prepare for the worst! Let’s send Third Elder off on the path to heaven with all the glory he deserves!”
“Third Elder’s condition has never been stable! His sickness has dragged on for over three years! I don’t think any human can cure him anymore… I hope he can ascend in peace…”
“Sigh… Master Tian left us… And now Third Elder is going to leave us too… It appears that our faction is fated for ruin…”
Every elite member was very upset; Third Elder was the man they respected the most in their lives. After Murong Tian left, Third Elder was the reason they stayed loyal to their faction.
Things would definitely be starkly different when every elite member went their separate ways after Third Elder passed away.

Inside the ICU room.
Several doctors left the room after they did their best to save Third Elder. Only the leading doctor remained in the room.
“Doctor Wong! How is Third Elder?” Gu Caozhuo promptly asked. On the surface, the man was pretending to care about Third Elder – but the truth was far from it.
He was actually looking forward to the death of Third Elder. With him gone, he could now officially assume leadership over the brotherhood.
“We have tried our best to save him… According to the data from our equipment, he can live for another three hours, at best…” Doctor Wong said as he took off his mask and shook his head.
“How could this be?! How…” Despite his tone of disappointment, Gu Caozhuo was rejoicing.
“Third Elder…”
Murong Xiaoyao’s eyes were teary. She ran beside Third Elder’s bed, held on to Third Elder’s arm and started to cry.
“My girl, don’t cry… It’s okay… Life, death and sickness are all part of our lives…” Third Elder was in complete serenity; he was even trying to console Murong Xiaoyao.
“Third Elder’s state of mind is really admirable… Unfortunately, his sickness is so bad that he’s beyond salvation. Not even the gods can save him right now…” Doctor Wong sighed heavily.
“F*ck you!” Chen Xiaobei yelled. He had not say a word throughout the whole rescue; only now did he suddenly shouted angrily. “Wong Shihao! You crook! Stop bull-shitting through your teeth! You’re not far from committing murder due to inaction!”
“How… How come you’re here?” Wong Shihao had been too busy to notice, but his rage brimmed the moment he saw Chen Xiaobei. He could still remember the recent slapping incident – his fury against Chen was genuine.
“Do you have any evidence that I’m a crook? You have no right to accuse me of murder! Apologize to me right now or I’ll bring this to court!” the doctor yelled angrily.
“Chen Xiaobei! You are the one who is bull-shitting around here!” Gu Caozhuo joined in too, siding with the doctor. “Doctor Wong is the most famous and most respected doctor in Green Vine City! There are no good doctors in Green Vine City if he’s a crook! You’d better apologize right now! I’m more than willing to testify for Doctor Wong to sue you!”
“Both of you! Shut up right now!”
Murong Xiaoyao had stood; tear marks were on her face. She glared at Gu Caozhuo and Wong Shihao furiously.
Though she had the appearance of a sweet girl, her wrath was not something to be messed around with. Gu Caozhuo had quickly closed his mouth albeit making a frown. Doctor Wong on the other hand was so terrified that he almost fell to the floor.
“Chen Xiaobei! Do you have any solid evidence to accuse Doctor Wong of being a crook?” Murong Xiaoyao asked seriously.
“That idiot say that Third Elder could only live for another three hours at best, but I say Third Elder can live for another three to five years at least! Is this evidence good enough?” Chen Xiaobei asked.
“What?! How is that even possible?”
Everyone was shocked by his words. There is such a tremendous difference between three hours and three years! Still, every person in the room had a hard time believing in Chen Xiaobei. Even Murong Xiaoyao could not say a thing.
The Third Elder shook his head and smiled bitterly. “Xiaobei… You don’t have to console me anymore… I know better than anyone about the condition of my body… Cough…”
“Okay… I won’t say more. But I promise that you can check out of this hospital today if you’d believe in me! If you can’t, you could just forget everything that I’ve said.” Chen Xiaobei said with calm, confidence and charisma.
“You bastard! Go somewhere else to pull your tricks!” Having recovered, Wong Shihao started yelling angrily again. “You’re just lucky to heal Boss Wu last time! This time, things are not the same! Third Elder’s sickness is not something ordinary that can be easily cured! Lightning might strike you if you continue to bull-shit here!”
Gu Caozhuo joined forced with the doctor once more. “Doctor Wong is an expert in this region! His medical thesis was published and praised in the country! Even Green Vine Hospital always invites him over to give lectures! How dare you lie that Third Elder can check out from this hospital today when Doctor Wong says that Third Elder’s sickness is beyond saving! Do you really think you can just say anything around here?!”
Doctor Wong was getting more and more proud after hearing Gu Caozhuo’s compliment. He now looked forward to Chen Xiaobei’s reply.
“Expert? I think he’s an expert at killing people!” Chen Xiaobei’s eyebrows squeezed together as he pointed at the doctor. “The reason Doctor Wong can’t do anything about Third Elder’s sickness is because he’s utterly useless! Gu Caozhuo is saying that I’m lying because he’s a fool! You two jokers can stop showing off in my face!”
The pair’s faces turned red immediately, with Doctor Wong being positively apoplectic. “How dare you say that I’m useless? Tell me, how are you going to treat him?”
“I’ll use acupuncture – the mainstay of traditional medicine. I’m confident that Third Elder can leave this bed after I treat him! After that, I’ll also give him some herbal medicine to stave off his sickness for three to five years!” Chen Xiaobei said self-assuredly.
“This is absurd! Do you really think your traditional methods can cure Third Elder? There had been a lot of recent mistakes made by doctors like you! Healers who apply traditional approaches couldn’t even touch the feet of doctors with advanced western medical technology! Also, those herbs are utterly useless compared to newly developed medicine! You are going to kill Third Elder if you insist on curing him with your useless methods!” Wong Shihao shot back.
“He is absolutely right!” Gu Caozhuo followed up. “Traditional medicine is bound to cost someone’s life sooner or later! It should be banned in this country too! I studied overseas for five years, and all doctors in western countries consider Chinese traditional medicine an equivalent to witchcraft! Our government should abandon it too! The modern way of healing others is through real science!”
“What the hell did you just say? I would have slapped you both for idolizing western culture if Third Elder isn’t here!” Chen Xiaobei scolded them in return. “Chinese traditional medicine has a history that span thousands of years! It’s our national treasure! Do you know why it’s falling apart? It’s because of people like you! There’s a saying; a spineless man is no different from a traitor! Both of you are exactly that: spineless men! The two of you have spent too much time with western bullshit!” Chapter 353: None Would Do but Me

Chen Xiaobei was outraged.
After he mastered the Compendium of Materia Medica, The King of Medicine’s Journal and Nine Dragon Acupuncture, he knew better than anyone that Chinese traditional medicine was both effective and supernatural.
Those three books were a pride for the Chinese people. Though Chen Xiaobei knew that common folk might not always grasp the essence of traditional approaches, he would never allow anyone insult those teachings.
Wu Shihao and Gu Caozhuo were speechless after his scolding. Both were overachievers in their respective fields; this was the first time they had received such a severe scolding from an outsider.
The two of them were more than eager to beat him up. However, Third Elder interjected abruptly just when they were about lunge at him.
“You people don’t have to argue over me. I’m willing to let Xiaobei treat me…” The Third Elder’s voice was both soft and weak, yet there was firm determination within. He clearly wanted Chen Xiaobei to prove himself.
“I know I’m going to die soon. I’ll be grateful if Chen Xiaobei could heal me; I have nothing to lose either even if he fails …”
“Fine. I will not argue with Chen anymore since Third Elder has already made up his mind! I’ll let everyone know.”
Gu Caozhuo opened the door and gathered the core members to announce that Chen Xiaobei was going to help the Third Elder.
“Is that even possible? The specialist said that Third Elder could only live for another three hours! Is Chen Xiaobei trying to make our Third Elder suffer? This must be some kind of joke!”
“You’re right. Just look at him, he’s a brat! I really don’t think he’s an expert in medicine, even though he might know a thing or two about treatment!”
“More importantly, Third Elder’s illness is beyond treatment! Why can’t he just let Third Elder leave this world peacefully?”
“Stop messing around! We can’t agree to this crap!”

The brotherhood elite simply had no faith in Chen Xiaobei’s abilities in medicine. None of them agreed to his proposal.
“Everyone! Quiet, please! It’s Third Elder’s wish to let Chen Xiaobei heal him!” Murong Xiaoyao walked out of the ICU room and said gravely. “At least there’s hope now that someno’s trying to cure Third Elder! It’s better than lying in bed and wait for the grim reaper!”
“What…” Everyone was stunned, and then nodded. “Lady Murong, you’re right! But how sure are you that Chen Xiaobei could cure Third Elder?”
“A hundred percent!” Chen Xiaobei said sonorously and confidently.
“Bastard! Where’s your humility? Not even doctors like me who studied overseas have the guts to say that! Do you really think that you’re some kind of God?” Doctor Wong yelled.
“Actually, I’m a very humble person – I’m merely confident that the traditional treatments that I’ve learned can definitely cure Third Elder!” Chen Xiaobei said with a who-else-but-me tone and lifted eyebrows. “As a doctor, how could your patients believe in you when you yourself are not confident about your own skills?”
“I…” Wong Shihao was speechless.
The people around them quickly changed their mindset towards Chen Xiaobei; his confident expression afforded them the belief that his traditional approach might just prove to be effective.
“Since you’re so confident about your medicine, are you going to bear the consequences if anything bad happens to Third Elder?” Gu Caozhuo’s tone was out of the ordinary – as if he had something planned.
“I will bear all consequences! Happy? Now, get lost!” Chen Xiaobei glared at them coldly, before pushing both Gu Caozhuo and Wong Shihao out of the ICU room and slamming the door behind them.
“What sort of attitude is that? Such an arrogant son of a bitch!” Wong Shihao said furiously.
On the other hand, Gu Caozhuo was not angry at all; an ice-cold smile formed on his face.
He believed that it was impossible for Chen Xiaobei to cure Third Elder, and he would blame him when Third Elder dies. Everyone would then start to hate the brat’s guts, and none would be able to challenge his position as the top dog of the faction!
Inside the ICU room.
Chen Xiaobei put his hands into his pocket, tapped on his cellphone without looking and drew a bottle of Hundred Herbs Potion from his treasure chest. “Third Elder, please drink this first.” He handed it to Third Elder and took out the silver needles that he brought along last time.
“Xiaobei! What did you just give me? I feel so lively right now!” Third Elder said in shock.
“Wow! Third Elder looks so much better already! Is he cured? It’s a miracle!” Murong Xiaoyao uttered in wonder, her beautiful eyes widened.
“The potion is my secret formula, it simply helps replenish lost vitality.” Chen Xiaobei shook his head humbly. “Acupuncture is still needed to cure Third Elder’s illness.”
“So, you do know the art of acupuncture?” Xiaoyao’s face turned crimson immediately, recalling the breast enlarging favor that Chen had offered her not too long ago.
“Hmmm. So, Chen Xiaobei wasn’t lying to me. I wonder how good his acupuncture skill is? Should I really ask him to enlarge my breasts after he cures Third Elder?” She thought, her face blushing redder by the minute.
Meanwhile, Chen Xiaobei focused intensely.
He unlocked his needle packet and took out one silver needle. Moving it with his finger, he positioned it over Third Elder. In that moment, his acupuncture treatment was completely different from before.
Puncturing Third Elder’s chest with the needle, Chen Xiaobei then held on to it. His movement was subtle, slow and appear almost motionless to others, but in truth his fingers twirled around the needles, adjusting it.
“Hot! The needle is burning hot!” Third Elder felt nothing for at least three minutes, before he felt the burning sensation flow from the needle into his body.
“Third Elder, please endure this. I’m using my Qi to eliminate your typhoid toxins; it would get even hotter. It’s my desire to ensure that this illness does not recur!” Chen Xiaobei explained as he kept shifting the needle.
“How do you know that I was diagnosed with typhoid toxins?” The third Elder asked in surprise.
“Chinese traditional medication is all about observing, smelling, asking, and touching. One can observe the patient’s Qi after mastering those methods. That’s how I could tell.” Chen Xiaobei answered.
“I wouldn’t say that western medicine is completely useless, but they rely too much on technology and mechanical diagnosis. They tend to be lost without those assistants, and it’s impossible for them to examine anything else without the help of their tools.”
“Additionally, the typhoid toxin within your body is simply a flow of stagnant cold Qi! It can’t be examined with their machines, which was why they told you quickly that you can’t be cured!”
“Such a talented young man! I never expected a man your age to know so much about healing techniques!” Third Elder was genuinely impressed.
“Third Elder, you flatter me…” Chen Xiaobei’s finger twitched, and he warned the elderly man. “The silver needle will get hotter now. Please hang on!”
“Alright!” Third Elder nodded. At first, the heat was bearable; it turned flame-hot after a few minutes.
“Argh… Ouch…” Third Elder screamed in agony!
Outside the ICU room.
“Why is Third Elder screaming in pain?! That Chen Xiaobei is a quack!” Gu Caozhuo seized the opportunity to make a fuss amongst the core members.
“Brothers! I will not forgive that Chen Xiaobei if he makes our Third Elder suffer before his death! I will make him suffer in turn and bury him alive with Third Elder!”
“Gu Caozhuo! Who are you going bury alive?”
The door flung open. Both Third Elder and Chen Xiaobei walked out of the ICU room together with a strong gust of wind, their eyes glaring at Gu Caozhuo icily. Chapter 354: Awaiting the Final Battle

“Third…Third Elder… How did you get out of bed?” Gu Caozhuo asked in shock.
His vicious plan to bury Chen Xiaobei has crumbled in its entirety; his joy had plummeted heavily from the sky above into a pit of disappointment. He sounded clearly disappointed.
“Judging from your tone, are you hoping that I never leave that bed alive?” Third Elder asked him calmly.
“Definitely… Definitely not… I always hoped for the day you’ll heal completely and walk away from that hospital bed!” Gu Caozhuo forced a smile as fury burned within his heart.
It was impossible for him to become the boss of the faction as long as Third Elder was alive; now he has to wait for a very long time before he ruled.
“Third Elder, where did you get the strength to stand? I thought you’ve lost all vitality earlier?” Wong Shihao asked in shock while staring at the elderly man with bulging eyes.
Everyone around them wanted to ask the same thing as well.
“Needless to say, it’s all thanks to Xiaobei that I’ve completely recovered!” The Third Elder declared happily, “The young man showed such mastery in his treatment – just one silver needle and I’m completely cured! Now, I could walk around freely like a healthy old man. I’m going to do the paperwork and check out of this hospital! Hahaha…”
Wong Shihao could not believe what he just heard. Meanwhile, all the key members of the faction were rejoicing over Third Elder’s full recovery.
“Congratulations Third Elder! Congratulations Third Elder! It’s astounding news that you could finally walk out from this hospital!”
“Seems like the gods still smile upon us! We don’t have to worry anymore with Third Elder coming back to lead us!”
“With the help of Third Elder, we can definitely recover our glory!”
Everyone was buoyant and joyful.
Despite the festivities, Third Elder shook his head. He turned to Chen Xiaobei, survey him with great interest before saying: “This world belongs to the younger generation. I’m an old man; I shall retire and enjoy the all the remaining time I have on earth!”
The key members of caught Third Elder’s intention instantly and turned their eyes to Chen Xiaobei too.
“Third Elder, you are right, the future belongs to the younger generation! Bro Bei is going to be big in the future; he’s already marvelously talented at his meager age!”
“Both Third Elder and Boss Tian have such high hopes of Bro Bei! He is extraordinary!”
“Bro Bei may be a cub, but his majesty is enough to defeat a bull! Not even veteran Jianghu elites like us can beat him!”
“It seems that we need Bro Bei alongside us in Jianghu! We may have to rely on him in the future!”
“You’re right, Bro Bei will become a dragon in Jianghu! It’ll be impossible for us to approach him in the future if we don’t build good relations with him right now!”
Suddenly, everyone had huge hopes for Chen Xiaobei – thanks to both Third Elder’s intention and the fact that they were extremely impressed by his feat tonight!
Gu Caozhuo stood behind the key brothers with gritted teeth, completely ignored. The sight of them complimenting Chen Xiaobei was telling; he will be knocked off his perch in no time. And there’s no doubt that Chen Xiaobei will take his place!
To think that he had fought so long and so hard in his quest to become undisputed leader of the faction! He was crushed as he realized that he was going to be replaced by a cub that just crawled out its den. It was impossible that he would accept such a cruel fate.
“Is there anyone who wants to leave this faction with me?! Step out!” Gu Caozhuo yelled chillingly out of the blue.
That got the stunned attention of everyone. Nonetheless, three key members stepped out and stood behind Gu. He gave everyone one cold, final stare before leaving with the trio.
“Uncle Gu! Where are you going?” Murong Xiaoyao asked nervously.
“Pumpkin, he’s going to join Qiu Hairui’s faction.” Chen Xiaobei smiled, as if he had everything under control.
“What?!” Everyone including Murong Xiaoyao were stunned by his words.
“Gu Caozhuo is a traitor? That’s impossible! He’s going to be our leader one day!”
“He studied overseas for quite a number of years and did some good work. Why would he leave us all of a sudden? I thought that he had always been loyal?!”
“This must be a misunderstanding! He isn’t that kind of person!”

Everyone was chattering after Gu Caozhuo left. He had always maintained a good reputation amongst the heart of the faction, which in turn was why they struggled to understand his treachery now.
Then, Third Elder finally spoke.
“He’s just a hypocrite with his private shady agendas! Gu Caozhuo may be talented, but his ambition is out of control! Boss Tian knew that he was going to betray us eventually, which was why he didn’t ask him to take care of Lady Murong!”
“What? I never knew that Boss Tian thought that way all this while… Why didn’t Boss Tian eliminate him?”
“Yeah! And to think that we placed our trust in him as long as we could remember, never realizing that he’s just a snake!”
“We mustn’t let him go! I’m going to call the others and take him down!”
All these core members hated traitors the most. Their intentions now were filled with murder; they were very keen indeed to kill Gu Caozhuo on sight.
“Calm down!” Third Elder called out, shaking his head. “Gu Caozhuo would not be the only one who had betrayed our faction since Boss Tian left. Killing him right now would be meaningless; we shall wait for the perfect opportunity and eliminate every traitor to our cause in one fell swoop!”
Everyone nodded in agreement with Third Elder. Then, they asked: “Does that mean Third Elder already has a plan?”
“I don’t have any plans,” Third Elder shook his head, and turned to Chen Xiaobei. “But Xiaobei already has one! And now, I shall appoint him as chief of this operation!”
Murong Xiaoyao nodded at Chen Xiaobei too; she agreed with Third Elder’s decision.
“Bro Bei, you’re really something! I didn’t know you were already planning such a big operation!”
“Bro Bei, feel free to tell us what to do; Third Elder is saying that you’re our leader now!”
“That’s right! We shall fight beside you come what may! Those who frown has no right to say that they are part of this faction!”
The rest of the core members revealed their unwavering loyalty to the faction. They had decided unanimously that they will serve the faction until the end of time!
“I will not disappoint, not with the high hopes all of you placed on me. But the time is not right just yet; there’s need for you guys to do anything right now. Rest well and simply prepare yourselves for now!” Chen Xiaobei said calmly.
“Alright! We’ll do that!”

Soon, every member of the brotherhood left the hospital while Chen Xiaobei sent Murong Xiaoyao back to the North Mountain Mansion.
“Asshole Xiaobei, I never expected you to be so accomplished at medicine…” Murong Xiaoyao said from the front passenger seat.
She then lowered down her head, stretched her shirt over her body and said shyly: “How about… You spare some time to help me do that thing…” Chapter 355: Three Realms Mission

“Some other day. It’s getting late.”
Chen Xiaobei sent Murong Xiaoyao straight to her mansion. He knew the meaning behind her words, and also enough to refuse.
“Huh? What happened to you? I’m actually letting you take advantage of me,” She blinked with whelming disbelief.
“I’m a man of culture! Whatever happens, I won’t be interested in taking advantage of a flat-chest like you! Get it?” Chen Xiaobei clicked his tongue and grinned.
“Damn it! I’m not a flat-chest!” Murong Xiaoyao pouted, puffing her cheeks.
“Fine, I’ll stop teasing. However, I have something else I must deal with tonight, but I promise – your little meat-buns will get an upgrade as long as you agree to let me help you!”
“Hmph! Weren’t you supposed to be really good at medicine?! How big will them become? B cups…?”
“Haha… How big do you want them to be? As big as basketballs?” Chen Xiaobei chuckled at the very thought.
“Basketballs? That’s too big… I don’t think I can walk or train properly after that…” Murong Xiaoyao said innocently, but as she was reveled in her dreams she noticed that his smile was stretching further up his ears.
“Asshole! Die! So, you were playing me a fool?! I won’t talk to you anymore!” Her face turned red immediately. She alighted from his car as soon as it stopped dashed inside her mansion.
“My cute pumpkin…” Chen Xiaobei’s smile turned normal as he stared at her elegant back.
After driving for a while, Chen Xiaobei stopped his car by the road and took out his cellphone to check on the Red Envelope Group.
Everyone had been spamming earlier, which was why he had to reject Murong Xiaoyao’s embarrassing request.
Bull Demon King: Did you hear about it? The Primeval Lord of Heaven will announce a new Three Realms Mission soon! (Shocked)
Hangman: I heard about it, and I know for a fact that anyone can participate in this mission! The person who completes it will receive a thousand years’ worth of training! (Looking forward)
Spider Demon: My God! A thousand years’ worth of training?! That’s awesome!”
Skeleton Queen: Exactly! To demons like us, a thousand years’ worth of training is huge! Anyone knows the details? I have to register as a participant!
Hong Haier: I heard the Primeval Lord of Heaven is going to send the participant to a lost land called earth!
Bull Demon King: What? To the lost land? That place has no Spiritual Qi at all! Only idiots go to a place like that! How did you come to acquire this information? Is it reliable?
Hong Haier: NeZha was the one who told me about it! NeZha’s Sifu is Taiyi Zhenren, one of the Twelve Golden Deities and of Chanism, and Primeval Lord of Heaven had a meeting with the both of them! Is this source reliable enough?
Bull Demon King: That… That’s weird… Did NeZha tell you why Primeval Lord of Heaven wants to send us to the lost land?
Hong Haier: NeZha told me that the Primeval Lord of Heaven wants us to recruit three million disciples. The mission is complete once that’s done.
Hangman: Damn it! I thought this mission is going to be an opportunity for ghosts and demons like us to cultivate ourselves! Ultimately, it’s just another mission designed for deities!
Spider Demon: Yeah… We are going to leave now… I’ll be really grateful if our appearances did not freak out those human beings, let alone recruit disciples!
Skeletal Queen: Sigh… Chanism won the Fengshen war! Our days would have been been so much better if the Prime of Tongtian triumphed in that war instead…
Spider Demon: Shut up! Renism, Chanism, and Jieism are a family now! You’re getting into trouble if you keep saying stuff like that! (Nervous)
Chen was thrown after seeing the messages in the chat group.
The Primeval Lord of Heaven, The Prime of Tongtian, and The Grand Supreme Lord Laotzu were known as the Three Qing – the three most powerful deities in Taoism! The three deities who were the most famous amongst the Seven Heaven Saints!
During the war within the League of Gods, the Grand Supreme Lord Laotzu chose to stay hidden, while the Primeval Lord of Heaven led Chanism to fight Jieism which in turn was led by The Prime of Tongtian. Ultimately, the Primeval Lord of Heaven had to ask the Grand Supreme Lord Laotzu and two more saints from the western side to join their ranks.
Afterwards, Zhunti and Jieyin worked together to destroy the Godkiller Formation before the Primeval Lord of Heaven finally triumphed in the War of the League of Gods! Thus he became the ruler of heaven and the Three Realms, as well as leader of the Three Qings!
That was the reason why Chen Xiaobei had a hard time believing that the Primeval Lord of Heaven was interested in the mortal realm!
“This is going to be so intense…” He uttered in shock.
This realm was filled with people and buildings, which those deities could destroy with their little finger. One swing of the Monkey King’s Jingu Bang would demolish hundreds of skyscrapers. Thousands would be squashed when Bull Demon King transformed into his gigantic true form. And there is none who could douse the Sanmei Fire that Hong Haier spits!
What the hell kind of mission was this? It’s like monsters invading! Not even the Superman could stop them!
“I cannot let this happen… Let me ask Sifu about this mission… After all, planet earth is my home…” Chen Xiaobei gulped and quickly texted The Prime of Tongtian.
However, he did not receive a reply even after waiting for a few minutes, and so he decided to text NeZha– who always seem to have free time. He got a reply immediately.
NeZha: God Chen! How can I help you? (Acting cute)
Chen Xiaobei: Everyone is talking about the Three Realms Mission in the group. I want to ask you about it! Is everything about that mission real? After all, planet earth is my home… (Sweating)
NeZha: It’s true! In a few days, the Primeval Lord of Heaven is going to announce the mission in the chat group! Also, this mission is closely related to you!
Chen Xiaobei: Erm… Closely related to me? How? Tell me now! (Nervous)
NeZha: Planet earth is your home! That’s why you have to protect those deities when they arrive!
Chen Xiaobei: Me? (Sweating like waterfall) This must be a joke! My cultivation is really weak! I’m already have a hard time protecting myself! How am I going to protect those deities?
NeZha: This mission is really unique. The deities that descend upon planet earth are forbidden from using their magical power, and are not allowed to carry their merit points with them as well! This means that they are no different from human beings, so you have to be their guide since they are not familiar with the place!
Chen Xiaobei: Are you sure that this mission is not a trap? How and when are they going to recruit three million disciples if they’re not allowed to use their abilities and carry their merit points forward?
NeZha: It’s not as difficult as you think. After all, you already have three hundred and fifty thousand disciples, God Chen!
Chen Xiaobei: Huh? Three hundred and fifty thousand disciples? Why am I not aware of it?
Were disciples equivalent to fans?
The number of people in Chen’s fans club was three hundred and fifty thousand!
NeZha: You’re not a deity just yet, which is why you can’t sense it. The power of your worshippers is extremely useful when you become a real god!
Chen Xiaobei: Becoming a deity? That’s a long journey… Anyway, I just want to know this; am I going to get any goodies if I agree to look after those deities?
NeZha: Yes! But… Chapter 356: May the Storm Rage in My Face!

Chen Xiaobei: But…? But what? Don’t keep me waiting!
NeZha: But I don’t know what good there is for you precisely. (Sticking tongue out) You’ll just have to wait for an announcement from The Primeval Lord of Heaven.
Chen Xiaobei: Huh. Bummer…
NeZha: They’re working on the bridge to earth as we speak. You should receive the news in a few days, and I will definitely notify you when The Primeval Lord of Heaven enters the group.
Chen Xiaobei: Alright, I’ll wait… Oh, right- do you know who is interested in joining the mission?
NeZha: I’m definitely coming, and I heard that Sister Chang’e is interested too! And if she’s coming, so would Bajie; and if he comes Bajie’s friends including Yanwang, Bull Head, Horse Face, Black and White Officers of Impermanence would definitely tag along too! They are coming to earth for delicious food!
Chen Xiaobei: Erm… Okay. I’ll have to stop you right there! I think my heart can’t take it anymore!
“NeZha and Chang’e can blend into the human world easily after changing their outfits. But, how the hell are those weird looking deities going to blend in the crowd? A pig-faced creature on my left, a blue-faced guy with a gloomy aura on my right, along with a bunch of small-time ghosts behind me! Man, this is insane!” Chen Xiaobei thought, his hair raised as he imagined the scene.
NeZha: God Chen, don’t you worry! Didn’t I tell you that those deities or weird looking chat group members are no different from ordinary human being once they come to earth? It means that they’ll be transformed into normal looking humans, and their abilities and merit points will be sealed off temporarily too!
Chen Xiaobei: That’s better! (Wiping off sweat)
NeZha: I’m leaving first if there’s nothing else! To welcome The Primeval Lord of Heaven into our chat group, the members of Chanism are going to flood the it with Red Envelopes! I have to prepare the items that I want to give out during the welcoming event!
Chen Xiaobei: Off you go… And don’t steal your dad’s shit. He might spank you for real this time!
NeZha: I’m not going to steal from him. (Sticking tongue out)
Chen Xiaobei pocketed his cellphone. His mood now was rather opaque, but he did not linger. As the saying goes: life is like being raped. If you could not resist, then learn to enjoy it!
“Goddess Chang’e! Sister Zhinv! Seven Goddesses! Silver Fox… May the storm rage in my face! Bahahaha…” He laughed evilly when he thought about the things that he could do. Meeting those goddesses were what ordinary people always dreamed of!
The sound of blades echoed in the dark.
“Huh?!” Chen Xiaobei’s quick reflexes allowed him to lift up his hand and catch a black Shuriken between his fingers. “This is… Japanese?”
He turned around to see a man in a pitch-black outfit moving swiftly in the small forest by the road.
“It seems like you have a death wish!”
Chen Xiaobei charged into the forest without a second thought!
“That bastard’s fast!” The Japanese guy then shouted in Japanese for aid. “Shankou-san! Ambush him now!”
“This is too fast for you? You haven’t my real speed!”
With a cold smile, Chen Xiaobei ignored the guy named Shankou. With his Lightning Steps, he dashed around the forest like a phantom. He quickly caught up to the Japanese guy that ambushed him!
Three arrows streaked towards the path that Chen Xiaobei headed. However, all three failed to hit him; the arrows were fast, but he was faster.
“Oh God! What’s with that speed?” An exclamation could be heard from the top of the tree on Chen Xiaobei’s left – the person who shot those arrows at him was hiding there.
The second assailant then shouted loudly to remind his partner, “Sanshi-kun! Be careful…”
A loud muffled sound broke the silence. Chen Xiaobei had landed a heavy punch on Sanshi, and it was powerful enough to send him flying. He stopped after breaking a small tree as thick as two arms-length before passing out.
“Sanshi Kun! F*ck! Chen Xiaobei! Die now!” The man called Shankou shouted loudly and angrily from the tree.
He aimed at Chen’s head with his God’s Arm Crossbow, a special Chinese cold weapon!
According to an ancient text, the crossbow could shoot as far as two hundred and forty paces, and when fired could penetrate a tree trunk as deep as half the bolt. That was equivalent to three hundred and seventy meters, and as deep as thirty centimeters! It was probably far more powerful than any modern gun!
One of the bolts tore through the cold air with a sharp noise! Not even the most powerful deity could save the person if the arrow strikes their head!
“Weak ass weapon!” Chen Xiaobei stood fearlessly; he raised his arm and gave an order. “Sword! Go!”
A bloody red flash charged against the incoming arrow. The arrow was then split in half and dropped to the ground.
“Oh my god… What the hell is that?” Shankou screamed in fear. He soon felt something flying past his shoulder. “Huh?”
Stunned, he did not feel anything unusual at first. And then he became petrified.
His right arm was slashed off cleanly and dropped to the ground. Blood shot out from his shoulder like a little fountain, the excruciating pain made him drop from the tree too. A bloody mist blanketed the night sky as Shankou remained clueless of whatever took his arm off. And fear of the unknown was the worst!
“Tell me! Who sent you?” Chen Xiaobei walked towards Shankou deliberately and glared at him as if he were a king who stood at the top of the world.
“I’ll tell you! Never!” Shankou’s face turned pale.
He pressed on his wound and bit down against the pain. Chen Xioabei could tell from the distortion on his face as well as his determination that his enemy would never reveal anything.
“Hehe… Not too long ago, I met a guy that called himself a Japanese man! And was really proud of his samurai spirit!” Chen Xiaobei laughed coldly, took out a silver needle. “Take a guess. Do you think that I will get the answer I want after I poke this needle into your body? Do you want to give it a try?”
There was no doubt; he was holding the Needle of Damnation!
Shankou inhaled deeply. It was impossible for him live through this day.
His jaw twitched, and a mouthful of black blood flowed out from Shankou’s mouth immediately. Soon, his head drooped and his eyes were devoid of life.
“Huh? So, he’s a legendary fighter with the Kamikaze spirit!” Chen Xiaobei raised his eyebrows and laughed haughtily. “Did you really think that I can’t get what I want after you committed suicide? Naïve!”
He walked toward the unconscious Sanshi. Chapter 357: I Don’t Think You Can Take It

Kamikaze fighters were famous for their steel-mind and decisive suicides under critical circumstances.
Therefore, it was impossible for ordinary folk to extract any information from them – but the task would prove easy for Chen Xiaobei. He reached into his treasure chest and took out his Dreamcatcher Bell, an object that once belonged to the White Officer of Impermanence. It could compel unconscious individuals to reveal their darkest secrets.
Sanshi’s body stiffened after the Dreamcatcher Bell chimed. In that moment, he resembled a zombie.
“Tell me now. Who sent you guys here? Meichuan Organization? Or the woman named Yinmu?” Chen Xiaobei asked coldly. He had just two enemies in Japan; Meichuan Neiku and Demonic Fox.
Naturally it was fairly easy to guess who was behind this.
“Meichuan Zhizhang was the one who sent us here to kill you…” Sanshi answered robotically.
“Zhizhang? (Chinese pun for retard) I like this name…” Chen Xiaobei laughed evilly for a bit before keeping up his interrogation. “Who is this Meichuan Zhizhang?”
“He is the father of Meichuan Neiku and the leader of Meichuan family… As well as the CEO of Meichuan Organization…” Shankou said.
“Hehe… Exactly what I thought!” Chen Xiaobei shrugged and pressed on. “Other than sending you two weaklings here to assassinate me… Did Meichuan Zhizhang have other plans in his mind?”
It was a question that begged.
Meichuan Organization was large; Chen Xiaobei’s death could just be the tip of the iceberg. As the saying goes: know your enemies, and you will win the war! For this reason alone, he would squeeze his victim dry by asking every question that needed to be answered.
“Other than sending us to assassinate you… Mr. Meichuan Zhizhang has placed a bounty on you at the International Assassin Organization! The one whose gets you will be rewarded ten million! Tons of international assassins would come looking for you…”
“International assassins? Are they good?” Chen Xiaobei asked curiously. The realm of assassins was one he has yet to tread into.
“Ten million US Dollars is just enough to hire a D level assassin…Their combat power is around five thousand but they possess certain special abilities…To normal people, they are no different than reapers…” Shankou answered.
“Reapers? More like a bunch of useless deadbeat canines! Only five thousand combat power? Let them come, I’ll wipe them out!” Chen Xiaobei rolled his eyes. “Where is your cell phone? How can I contact Meichuan Zhizhang?”
“My cell phone is in my front pocket… Look for the name; Big Boss. He is Meichuan Zhizhang…” Shankou said; Chen Xiaobei bent down and took it from his front pocket.
“Hello?” A husky voice could be heard from the other end. “How was it? Did you guys manage to complete the mission?”
“Mission accomplished!” Chen Xiaobei replied, his voice changed to Shankou’s.
“What? You two actually completed the mission?” Meichuan Zhizhang exclaimed in shock and excitement. “I didn’t expect this to go so smoothly! Finally, I’ve avenged my Neiku! It seems like God is with me! Fantastic! This is fantastic! Awesome!”
“What should we do next?” Chen asked.
“Do you have to ask!” Meichuan Zhizhang yelled viciously over the phone. “Chop off Chen Xiaobei’s head and bring it back to me! It’ll be a tribute to Neiku! Then, I will put his other remains into a grinder and feed the mincemeat to my dogs! Remember to record the video and show me!”
“F*ck you, retard!” Chen Xiaobei reverted to his voice and scolded, rolling his eyes. “Do you really think I’m dead? Did you want to chop off my head as well? Feed me to the dogs? Dream on!”
“You… Who are you…?” Meichuan Zhizhang asked, suddenly fearful.
“I’m Chen Xiaobei! The one who killed your useless son!” He grinned. “Did you know that I wrecked your son’s pride before I killed him? He’s a dead eunuch, you know!”
“What… You… How dare you kill my son so cruelly…?”
Chen Xiaobei heard both despair and rage in Meichuan Zhizhang’s voice. He could imagine him puking blood on the other side of the phone.
“That’s cruel? There’s something else I should mention!” Chen Xiaobei continued. “I slapped him thirty times after I smashed his balls! Do you want to know my current combat power? Do you know how powerful my slaps are?”
“Tell me! You son of the bitch!” Meichuan Zhizhang yelled, his voice getting hysterical.
“Tell you? Of course… I won’t!” Chen Xiaobei sneered coldly. “All you need to know is that your son’s head flew away on my thirtieth slap! Hmmm… The sensation was like hitting a ball with a baseball bat, and it flew such a distance too!”
“You… You son of a bitch… Blaaargh… Cough* cough*”
Sounds of vomit could be heard from the receiver before Chen Xiaobei heard Meichuan Zhizhang fall and started coughing. What he told Meichuan Zhizhang had utterly destroyed the man, almost killing him from sheer anguish.
“I killed your son because he wanted to kill my family and friends! He deserved to die!” Chen Xiaobei added icily. “As for you, I did not want to kill you at first – but now I’ve changed my mind! I’m going to destroy the Meichuan Organization when I reach Japan, and I’m going to remove your head as well!”
“I dare you to come to Japan! I double dare you, motherf*cker!!!” Meichuan Zhizhang screamed in fury. “I will f*cking eat your flesh and drink your blood once you step foot in the country! The Meichuan family is your mortal enemy right now!”
“Don’t worry, I will definitely come! And let me give you a tip; surround yourself with everything you’ve got because you won’t be able to handle my rage!”
After finishing what he had to say, Chen Xiaobei threw the cellphone back at Shankou. He then took out the Body Dissolving Poison and dropped a few drops of it over Sanshi and Shankou.
Sanshi was already dead; his body dissolved almost instantly.
On the other hand, Shankou was awoken by the extreme agony and was forced to watch as his body melted slowly. He quickly bit on the poison capsule inside his mouth without any hesitation; he wanted to be free from the torment as soon as possible.
Chen Xiaobei left the forest and drove home after the bodies vanished.
“From now onwards, I need someone to protect my mom and dad twenty-four hours per day! International assassins… I want every single one of you to tremble before me!” His eyes narrowing, Chen Xiaobei floored it. Chapter 358: Lightning-Fast Improvement

Everything was normal at home when Chen Xiaobei returned.
His parents were asleep; just like Chen Xiaobai was on the couch while Sirius laid down in the front porch.
While he was relieved, Chen Xiaobei thought that he could not afford to waste his precious time on sleep. Grabbing another bottle of Hundred Herbs Potion from his treasure chest to replenish his vitality, he went back to his room to study Xiangyu’s Emperor Health Ultimate Enhancement Skill!
It did not take a long for him to understand that the skill was not all too complicated. As a technique best utilized for talented individuals it synchronizes muscle and bone to push the body to its maximum capacity and surpass the user’s physical limit.
Ultimately, the user would be able to strengthen their body by leaps and bounds. Although Chen Xiaobei was not as talented as Xiangyu, he had taken a Pill of Purification a while ago which ensured that his body was in tip-top condition.
In other words, he was more than qualified to learn the skill.
“Let me try it out first!”
Chen Xiaobei had the Scholar Heart out with him, which in turn helped him master the skill completely in a short period of time.
His skin, muscle, blood vessels and bones greatly improved in almost no time at all. Through a really special technique, Chen Xiaobei was also able to inject more energy into his own body – and the more energy he pushed in, the quicker he reached his limit.
“Phew… Man! This training works like a charm!” He was exhausted after his first training; his forehead was filled with sweat.
“I think I’ll be completely worn out after ten rounds of training! Twelve to thirteen rounds of training should be my limit… And according to Bro Yu, I should use Hundred Herbs Potion to rejuvenate my body once I reach my limit – which would be boosted for one whole notch! No wonder Bro Yu could raise Wenyuan’s weak body to ten thousand health in just two months; this speed of improvement is crazy!”
“Still, I would have to train faster than Bro Yu… My enemies won’t give me two months to strengthen my body! I hope that I can fuse the Emperor’s Health Ultimate Enhancement Skill with Emperor Yan’s Unwavering Body Fortifying Skill soon to discover a brand-new physical boost technique!”
Chen Xiaobei took out the Duskdawn from his treasure chest, placed in front of him and slowly absorbed its Spiritual Qi. Afterwards, he applied Emperor Yan’s Unwavering Body Fortifying Skill – which was rather unique. It utilized Spiritual Qi to strengthen the body, and he would be able to accelerate the training if sufficient Spiritual Qi was around him.
The only thing Chen Xiaobei needed to do right now however, was to focus on combining those two body-enhancing skills. Soon, he succeeded! In theory the pair of skills were incompatible due to several clashing facets, but somehow, he managed to solve those issues and created something new by sheer brute force.
“Success! Now, I can train with both skills simultaneously! Fantastic!” Chen Xiaobei declared, and quickly began his new training in no time.
Time flew, and it was soon morning, and Chen Xiaobei must have went through ten bottles of Hundred Herbs Potion through the night as he kept soaking in Spiritual Qi from the Duskdawn.
[Cultivation: Early phase of Qi refining stage. Health: 6200. Combat power: 5700!]
“Well! An extra five hundred health after spending the night enhancing my body… that means I could raise it by a thousand if I train all day, and that I would reach ten thousand health in four days! This is definitely faster than Bro Yu’s training! An insane rate of improvement!”
Chen Xiaobei was really excited; however, there was the issue of Spiritual Qi. At most, Duskdawn would only last for another four to five days; he must figure out some other way to acquire the energy.
Still, that would be a problem for a later time – it was morning, and Chen Xiaobei had things to do.
First, he contacted to Yap Liangchen; a ten thousand combat power servant to protect his family. His cover story was that Yap Liangchen was a friend from school, and that he had to move in due to some personal issues. After returning from Emperor Yan’s tomb, his charm had significantly increased, therefore augmenting his lies.
His parent did not suspect a thing.
Chen Xiaobei then left Yap Liangchen at his home and traveled to Hearty Island, where Wu Junfan had already brought in employees to the fruit shop and handled any logistics issues. And so, he decided to move all the First Love Peaches to the shops and begin selling them tomorrow first thing in the morning!
“Haha! Let me post something on Weibo first!”
Chen Xiaobei was beside himself in joy when he saw the peaches on his trees. He took a few pictures of them with his phone to post them online and captioned the images: First Love Peach! Officially going up for sale at eight in the morning! One per customer and selling at 998 each! First come first served!
His feed went crazy after he uploaded it.
[Damn! Damn! Damn! 998 for one single peach?! Bro Bei, I think you’ve forgotten a decimal point between that figure! It should be 9.98, right?]
[That price is insane! 998 for a single peach?! Is that a golden peach?!]
[What do you mean by one per customer? What are you going to do with the leftovers?]
[We are really confused! Bro Bei! Please explain!]
Some of the fans were confused after Chen Xiaobei posted the status; they had no idea what he was up to. Soon, however, another wave of comments came.
[So cheap! One for only 998?! I had a First Love Peach at the charity dinner before, and I would buy it even if it’s 9988!]
[The taste and satisfaction it brings are priceless! Money is nothing!]
[Why did you limit our purchase? Bro Bei, please remove this rule! It’s torture! We have the money, so why can’t we buy more than one?!]
Naturally, the second wave mostly consisted of individuals from high society of Green Vine City. As if walking advertisements for Chen Xiaobei’s First Love Peach, they would promote the fruit whenever he posted something related – and they were well connected too.
Soon, a chain reaction followed.
“Well! My fans are increasing!” Chen Xiaobei watched on his cellphone as the number of his fans increased in an unimaginable speed. Soon, he had fifty thousand fans!
“This is the true power of my charm! I feel like I’ll have sixty thousand fans by tomorrow morning!” He said excitedly. “According to NeZha, these fans are my disciples! Is the Primeval Lord of Heaven going to reward me with a thousand years of training if I successfully recruit three million disciples?” Chapter 359: A Veteran of the Lecherous

Chen Xiaobei pocketed his cell phone and took out the Great Priest Beans from his treasure chest; they glinted like stars in the sky.
Cold winds brewed in the atmosphere; hundreds of malicious spirits flew out of the Hundred Ghosts Formation and entered the Great Priest Beans.
The tiny beans began to crack, expand and turn into shapes that resembled humans. In seconds, soldiers in iron armor started to climbed out of the ground; they were his loyal soldiers!
“Pluck all the peaches from the tree. Please be careful, please Be gentle! Don’t damage to my peaches!” Chen Xiaobei ordered casually.
He then sat on the ground with his legs crossed while scrolling through his Weibo; with the help of hundreds of Ghost Soldiers he did not have to do a thing, sparing him both strength and time. More importantly; his secret on the island would remain concealed!
Half an hour later, all the peaches had been plucked and ready to be loaded onto a speed boat to be delivered to the other side of the island.
Chen Xiaobei himself had told the logistic company to deliver all the peaches – roughly three million of them – to his shops. And if a single peach did indeed sell for nine hundred and ninety-eight, he would earn a total of three hundred million! All he needed to do was to sit tight and check the balance of his bank account once the First Love Peaches hits the market.
Naturally, Chen Xiaobei did set aside a few peaches as gifts for his friends. He had just a few of them, which would not affect his income in turn.
Having settled the peachy matters, Chen Xiaobei could now relax and prepare to train. All of a sudden, his cellphone rang; it was his mom, who called to tell him that Yap Liangchen had been picked up by his family.
Chen Xiaobei hung up and tried to figure out what was going on.
“They must be people from the Yap Family who came to Green Vine City for the Flaming Cloud Spiritual Pendant! I was expecting Yap Liangchen to be the bodyguard for my family – I must rescue him!”
He quickly called Liu Quanfu and asked him to assign some of his men to protect his family. After that, he called Yap Liangchen.
An unfriendly tone came from the other end. “Who the hell are you? Why are you looking for the bastard Yap Liangchen?”
Judging from his voice, it was a young man around Yap Liangchen’s age.
“I have the Flaming Cloud Spiritual Pendant with me! Give me your location now! I’ll deliver it to you as soon as possible!” Chen Xiaobei cut to the chase.
“What?! You have the pendant with you?! Grandpa…” The young man shouted.
“Huh…” Chen Xiaobei was stunned for a while, before adding a witty jest. “You’re too polite… I’m surprised by you calling me your grandpa…”
“F*ck you! I’m not talking to you!” the young man shouted. Soon, someone took over the call.
This time, it was an elderly and stern tone.
“Are you sure you have the pendant with you?!”
“I’m sure! Tell me your location now!” Chen Xiaobei said.
“We are at the Shangri-La Hotel! Presidential suite! You better not play with us; I have a hundred ways to search for you if you try to be a smart ass!”
“Don’t hurt Yap Liangchen! I’ll be there as soon as I can!” Chen Xiaobei said.
“I won’t punish the bastard as long as the Flaming Cloud Spiritual Pendant is still in tip-top condition!” The old man replied and hung up.
“That old man is too damn cocky!” Chen Xiaobei rolled his eyes and rushed to Shangri-La Hotel immediately.
He remembered the design of the pendant; one quick use of the Flame of Transmogrifying and a normal pendant that looked exactly like Flaming Cloud Spiritual Pendant was made. Chen Xiaobei frowned.
“It looks perfect now! But, what should I do about the Spiritual Qi? It’s impossible for me to fool them by appearance alone!”
There was a limited amount of Spiritual Qi on earth – which was exactly the reason the Flaming Cloud Spiritual Pendant was so precious!
“I think I have to go into the chat group and ask those deities!” Taking out his cellphone, Chen Xiaobei dove into the Red Envelope chat group immediately.
Chen Xiaobei: Everyone! Is there anyone who could tell me how to imbue Spiritual Qi within a normal object?
NeZha: Wow! God Chen, you’re online! I know how!
Chen Xiaobei: Tell me now, please! It’s an emergency!
NeZha: All you need is a Soul Orb!
Chen Xiaobei: I wouldn’t be here if I have one with me. Where can I get it?
NeZha: The orb is a low-level item; everyone knows how to craft it. But do you know what type of Spiritual Qi you need to imbue?
“Oh right! I almost forgot about Qi attributes!” Chen Xiaobei thought.
Chen Xiaobei: I need Yang Fire Spiritual Qi!
NeZha: Hehe… You have the right man! My best friend Hong Haier is trained in Yang Fire Spiritual Qi! Look for him!
Chen Xiaobei: Alright! I’ll talk to him!
Chen Xiaobei scrolled through his friend list and found Hong Haier’s profile in seconds. The kid was as cute as NeZha; his puffy face was begging to be pinched.
Chen Xiaobei’s cellphone rang as he fawned over Hong Haier’s profile picture – Hong Haier himself had messaged him.
Hong Haier: God Chen! I just saw your message in the chat group. I can give you the Soul Orb for free, but I need you to do me a favor first!
“Damn! This kid is brilliant! He wants me to help him first before he gives me the item!” Chen Xiaobei thought with a smile.
Chen Xiaobei: What can I do for you?
Hong Haier: Actually, I want you to help my mom, not me!
Chen Xiaobei: Princess Iron Fan? How can I help her? (Shocked)
Hong Haier: I think you know about my family. My dad has a bunch of lovers and he’s not at home most of the time. Therefore, my mom is really lonely!
Chen Xiaobei: Hmmm… So, you want me to talk to her? But we’re not that close!
Hong Haier: I don’t want you to talk to her, I want you to help her to satisfy her carnal needs! Don’t you understand the feeling of being horny but having no way of unleashing your inner beast?
Chen Xiaobei could feel his digestive tract twisting and turning when he saw Hong Haier’s reply; he almost dropped his precious cellphone as well.
“This is crazy!” Chen Xiaobei was stunned.
Though Princess Iron Fan was definitely a beauty, he could never have an affair with a friend’s wife and sleep easy. What was more, Hong Haier himself asked for Chen Xiaobei’s help – the kid was definitely a veteran of the lecherous! Chapter 360: The Village Road is Slippery

The village road is slippery
Hong Haier: God Chen! Why are you not replying? (Puzzled)
Chen Xiaobei: I don’t think I can help you in this… I’m a nice and pure teenager after all…
Hong Haier: Pure? Damn it, God Chen! You and your dirty mind! What the hell are you thinking about? I did not ask you to help my mom to solve her sexual needs by offering yourself! I want you to think of something to help her!
Chen Xiaobei: I’m dirty minded? You weren’t clear on what you want, and you did ask me to solve your mom’s sexual needs! Any normal person was bound to think of it the wrong way!
Hong Haier: (Sticking out tongue) Don’t mind the little things! You’re living on earth – the lost land. I’m pretty sure you guys have a whole bunch of creative methods to solve carnal desire! I want the best you can offer!
The best? That is asking too much of me!
Chen Xiaobei rolled his eyes. His mind was now in tatters thanks to Hong Haier.
Well, guys normally use their right hands to settle their carnal needs. As for girls…
Chen Xiaobei: I got it! You could ask your mom to try bananas, cucumbers or even bitter gourds!
Hong Haier: No way… Your methods are so old fashioned!
Chen Xiaobei: Cough… Old fashioned? Does that mean your mom tried those stuff?
Hong Haier: Yes! Now, she’s using lotus stalks! There are holes and pores in those stalks so air can go in and out. Also, the water could flow out of the lotus. (Digging nose)
Lo… Lot… Lotus…
“Baaarf… What the hell! I learned something new today!” Chen Xiaobei’s mind was blown. The ladies of earth were old fashioned compared to Princess Iron Fan!
He also suddenly felt the need to open himself up to all sorts of new wonders. How was it possible that a child possessed such filth in his mind? The Bull Demon King must be the bad influence.
Hong Haier: God Chen! Why’d you stop replying again? (Sticking out tongue) Monsters like us are straightforward, so we say whatever comes to mind! We’re a little uncivilized to humans! I hope you don’t mind!
Chen Xiaobei: It’s always claimed that people living in cities are more dirty-minded compared to village people, but I just found out today that village roads can be slippery as well… People are really complicated! I’m definitely an innocent child compared to you!
Hong Haier: Stop talking about trivial stuff! (Sticking out tongue) Can you help me or not?
Chen Xiaobei: I have a way! I need some time to think …
“Damn it… I really need a Soul Orb… How can I help Princess Iron Fan? Hmm… I think I have to use something that only exist on earth… Oh right!” Chen Xiaobei thought for a while. Then, he ran out from his jewelry shop and texted Hong Haier at the same time.
Chen Xiaobei: Do you know what a love egg is?
Hong Haier: No idea…
Chen Xiaobei: Do you know what is a vibrator?
Hong Haier: No idea…
Chen Xiaobei: Great! Just wait! I can get you what you want really soon! (Excited)
Hong Haier: Is that true? (Looking forward)
Chen Xiaobei pocketed his cellphone and ran to an adult toy store to buy those items. Then, he found a hidden corner and sent them to Hong Haier!
Hong Haier: How do I use it?
Chen Xiaobei: Look for a small black button. That is the switch – she just has to turn it on and enjoy! But please send me the Soul Orb first! I need it to save someone!
Hong Haier: Okay! I believe God Chen will not disappoint! Get ready to receive it!
Chen Xiaobei: Alright! I’m off! Talk to you later!
[Congratulations! You have snatched a Red Envelope! You have received a Soul Orb! It has been stored in your treasure chest!]
[Soul Orb; it contains a small amount of pure Spiritual Qi. It allows the user to transfer the Spiritual Qi to a normal item. Do you wish to take it?]
Chen Xiaobei grabbed it without hesitation, and a glassy red orb appeared in Chen’s palm. Spiritual Qi of Yang Fire wafted from it.
“Let me give it a try…”
Without wasting any time, he held the copy of the Flaming Cloud Spiritual Pendant with the Soul Orb together in his palm. He could feel the Spiritual Qi flowing above his palm, and the energies within the Soul Orb vanished after every last iota of Spiritual Qi was transferred into the pendant.
Opening his palm, Chen Xiaobei saw that the Flaming Cloud Spiritual Pendant looked exactly like the original, and Qi flows within it too!
“Success! The appearance is perfect! The Qi isn’t much, but it would probably last for one to two years in the least. I should just fool them with this replica first – the future shouldn’t be my concern for now!”
Chen Xiaobei calmed himself before he drove to Shangri-La Hotel and took the elevator to the top floor.
There, he saw at least one hundred bodyguards in black outfits as soon as he stepped out!
“Chen Xiaobei!”
A man in his twenties walked towards him. Shangri-La was a property of the Yap Family; they must have monitored his every movement once he set foot in the building
Still, something bothered him. “How did you know my full name?” He asked.
“Hehe… The Yap Family is more powerful than you’d expect! Ordinary plebeians like you could never imagine what we can do!” The young man said confidently. “We ran your number when you called us; we know everything about you now!”
“Are you sure you know everything about me?” Chen Xiaobei smiled calmly. He feared nothing; he knew himself better than anyone else.
The other man laughed. “We know you’re a local big shot, and people call you Bro Bei! You even made Yap Liangchen suffer before! Although he is an outcast now, you should know who’s behind him! Slapping a dog like him is equivalent to slapping the entire Yap Family!”
A dog?
Chen Xiaobei was stunned. He never expected that the Flaming Cloud Spiritual Pendant to bring such serious consequences to Yap Liangchen – the man went from being the heir of Yap Family to a useless dog! Nevertheless, that was good news for Chen Xiaobei; since the Yaps had abandoned him, he could now be used properly.
“Could you cut the crap?! I’m here to deliver the Flaming Cloud Spiritual Pendant. I don’t want to waste my time on listening to you!” Chen Xiaobei tried to hurry him along impatiently.
“How dare you! Who’d you think you are? I’ll not allow you to speak to me – Yap Xianghu that way! You will leave the pendant with us and walk out with serious injuries or death! This is what you get for an affront against the Yap Family!”
“What do you mean? So, you guys hired hundreds of bodyguards to fight me?”
“Hehe… Congratulations! You got that right!” Yap Xianghu laughed menacingly. “There are at least a hundred people in here, and all of them are mercenaries, special forces and underground wrestlers! I think you’ll be so scared you’ll pee your pants real soon! Kneel down in front of me and knock your head on the ground ten times, now!”
“Scared? I don’t think a hundred ants can fight a human! They will all die today!” Chen Xiaobei sneered with an icy face.


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