Novel Name : Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms Chapter 41-50

Chapter 41: Breaking Off The Couple

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation
“Mom! Grandma!” Lan Zhengguo and Lan Mengchen felt shocked at the same time. Earlier, Lan’s grandma looked really bad. Shes more than just lively when she stepped out from her room. She definitely looked much younger than her original age!
“Lan, come here. Don’t listen to your dad’s nagging!” Lan’s grandma loved her a lot. She pulled her to her side and held her tightly.
“Grandma, your body…” Lan stared at her grandma with her dreamy eyes. Her mouth was a wide grin.
“I’m fully recovered now! All thanks to Chen! After I was fed Chen’s village remedy, I can feel that I’m so energetic right now! Just like when I was young back then!” Lan’s grandma put on a kind smile, and she was filled with joy.
Lan was really shocked. She said gratefully, “Chen! I really can’t thank you enough! Because of you, my grandma is healthy again!”
“You are most welcome. That is the least I can do to help you.” Chen gave Lan a flirtatious wink in front of everyone. At the same time, Lan Zhengguo was completely drowned in confusion. He was the head of the family for the past ten years. He had seen a lot of things in his life. However, he could not comprehend the things that had just happened in from him. He stood there for quite some time before coming to a realization that Chen did heal his mom.
He thought that Chen was just a conman and Lan was being superstitious. He never dreamt that Chen actually cured an illness that could not be diagnosed and cured by the best hospitals in the country! In addition to that, Chen was a young teenager! Compared to those typical Feng Shui masters with white manes and beards, Chen did not look like a Feng Shui master at all. Lan Zhengguo felt that this incident was too strange for him to process. At the same time, his face was burning hot due to the shame that he just went through. It was like thousands of people had just lined up to take turns slapping his face.
“Dad! Let me introduce my good friend to you. His name is Chen Xiaobei!” Lan smiled happily and said. She purposely emphasized on the words “good friend” to indicate that she was very proud of having Chen as her good friend.
“Good day, uncle,” Chen greeted Lan’s father politely.
“Erm… likewise,” Lan Zhengguo managed awkwardly.
Lan Zhengguo was no ordinary person. He quickly picked the pieces up, calmed himself down, and said with a straight face, “Thank you for curing my mother. I will reward you with a sum of money later!”
“I just wanted to help. I don’t need any reward.” Chen rejected him casually. A sweet smile appeared on Lan’s face when she heard Chen’s reply to her dad.
“Such a good boy! Let’s go! I will bring two of you to go for dinner.” Lan’s grandma liked Chen a lot. She held Chen on her left and Lan on her right. The three of them walked to the birthday dinner together. Lan Zhengguo remained standing there after they left. He quickly frowned. He saw that Lan’s face was full of unspeakable sweetness.
Could it be, that Chen was interested in his daughter? This was a bad sign! Lan Zhengguo quickly took out his cellphone and dialed a combination of numbers.
“Uncle Feng, I need your help to check on one person. His name is Chen Xiaobei.” He hung up immediately after that simple line.
At the dinner, a lot of colorful lights had been lit up. The big red lanterns with the word “Shou” could be seen everywhere. When granny held Chen and Lan entered the place, they quickly became the center of the attention. Lan’s grandma was the main character of the night. However, the guests actually paid more attention to Chen who was held so closely by Lan’s grandma.
“Who is that guy? Who gave him the right to enter the birthday party with Lan’s grandma?!”
“Could that guy actually be Lan’s boyfriend?”
“This could be true! Lady Lan is famous for her ice-cold character. It’s so rare to see her put on a smile on her face!”
“Maybe that guy is from the City of Dragon. I heard earlier that her dad wanted her to get married at the City of Dragon.”
“Coming from the City of Dragon?! He should be one of those legendary figures!”
Everyone was talking about Chen, making guesses about his true identity, and trying to figure out what kind of big shot could he be. It would never cross their mind that Chen actually came from a village from the rural part of this city. His true identity was actually a farmer!
“How is this even possible?”
Wu said depressingly with a broken heart, “I have pursued Lan for three years. And, my effort had not yielded any results at all. How is she with another guy right now?” As the most handsome man in Green Vine City, he took a huge blow for the second time. He started to doubt deep inside his heart, that he was simply not as good as Chen.
At the same time, Wenfeng scolded angrily, “F*cking hell! That guy is just a poor donkey! How dare he pursue Lan before me? I’m going to make him suffer!!!” He also had a deep interest in Lan. He had a hard time accepting the fact that Lan actually liked Chen. His hatred towards Chen just increased to the maximum. However, Chen did not care about how others thought of him. All he wanted to do was keep Lan and her grandma company and enjoyed the good food.
After some time, Uncle Qin came and told Chen, “Chen, Master Lan would like to meet you.”
Before waiting for Chen to response to Uncle Qin, Lan asked, “Why does my dad want to meet up with Chen?”
“Your dad did not mention the reason behind it.” Uncle Qin shook his head.
“The reason is not important. I should go with Uncle Qin as a sign of respect towards your dad since he wants to meet up with me,” Chen said.
“Such mature young man! Come back quick! I’ll be here waiting for you!” Lan’s grandma liked Chen even more now. Lan decided not to say anything, since Chen had already made up his mind. Chen followed Uncle Qin to meet up with Lan’s father. After walking through a complicated hallway, they finally reached a special parlor.
Lan Zhengguo was sitting on a couch. He said, “Chen, come on in and have a sit.”
“Alright.” Chen nodded, entered the room, and sat beside the couch where Lan Zhengguo was sitting. Uncle Qin excused himself and exit the room. This parlor was not that big. However, it was very well decorated. From furniture to fixtures that were used to decorate the room, they were all extremely exquisite and pricey. It was almost perfect. Chen saw a few things with red “Qi” and silver “Qi” as well.
“I heard that Mr. Chen knows quite a lot about antiques. Can you make an educated guess about the price of this parlor that you are sitting in right now?” Lan Zhengguo asked.
White, Green, Red, Silver, Gold, and Golden Purple represented the rarity of an item.
Chen did a rough calculation and said, “If I’m not mistaken. The total value of the items here should cost more than hundred million.
Lan Zhengguo did not deny the claim. Then, he said, “How about the value of the Lan organization?”
Chen was shocked when he heard the question. This parlor was just a part of this mansion. And, this mansion is just a small part of Lan organization.
Chen shook his head and said, “The price of Lan organization is too big to be estimated. I don’t think I can make the calculation.”
Lan Zhengguo nodded and said, “I’m not telling you all this to flaunt my wealth. I want to let you know that Mengchen is the only heiress of the Lan organization. She needs to find a guy that has the same social rank as her.”
Chen was shocked. After all, he wanted to get him away from Lan.
Translator’s footnote
Shou- LongevityComments (63)Morvian

heh~ he didn’t know that he’s insulting Little God~CreampieKing

I shall roam in secular world in awe of my strength. My path to immortality is never-ending. My enemies shall forever gravel before my feet. My legacy shall be left behind for an eons for I am Surpreme!Takskakashi

Daddy’s First Appearance = Villain ModeVIEW ALL COMMENTSRate this chapterVote with Power StoneChapter 42: This Is What I Call Crazy!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation
Breaking off a pair of potential couples seemed like something that comes straight out from soap opera. However, this was the cruel reality that Chen was facing right now. As the only inheritor of Lan organization, Lan was always known as the precious daughter of the family in others’ eyes. One had to fulfill a lot of conditions before getting together with her. Being at the same social rank is the entry requirement. After all, this is reality, not a fairytale. Chen had known this from the beginning.
“I just did a background check on you. Mr Chen , you are an excellent young man. You have the ability, courage and a good financial status. Your future is still quite bright, even without sticking to Lan, right? Lan Zhengguo asked seriously.
“So, in your eyes, am I the kind of guy that sticks with Lan just to make my future better?” Chen asked rhetorically.
Lan Zhengguo did not answer Chen. This also meant that he did see Chen as a gold digger. Chen had seen this kind of person too many times in his life. He fell silent as well. In the end, Chen knew that he was not good enough in terms of ability, courage, and finance. If he was on the same par with Lan Zhengguo, the ending would be completely different.
“Actually, you can stop worrying. Lan and I are not a couple yet.” Chen said.
“Yet. Not yet. That doesn’t mean you will not be together with her in the future.”
“I know my daughter. She treats you differently, compared to other guys! I hope you can let it go as soon as possible! I do not want her to get hurt!” Lan Zhengguo said.
“I can’t promise you about that,” Chen said.
“What? Don’t be ridiculous! How much?! How much do I need to pay you to buy your promise?” Lan Zhengguo pushed.
“I’m really sorry. Even the whole Lan organization can’t buy my promise!” Chen said calmly. His determination was as strong as a solid rock.
“Young man, don’t get over your head. This will not end well for you!” Lan Zhengguo frowned, and his words were infused with anger. No one in Green Vince City had dared to say “no” to him. Chen was definitely the first one who had rejected his offer.
“Do you think I’m insane?”
Chen laughed coldly, stood up, and said, “There’s no need to talk any further. We will talk more when I’m on the same level as you.” Then, Chen left the room. Lan Zhungguo was so stunned that his mind went blank for half a minute. The sentence; “Do you think I’m insane?” kept on repeating in his head. He couldn’t make it go away. An ordinary farmer just declared that he wanted to be on the same level with him. This meant so much more than the word; insane. He must have hurt his brain, or eaten the wrong medicine. This had to be a joke. He had gone haywire.
“Master, should I settle this matter for you?” Suddenly, a shady voice came from the shadows, but the person was nowhere to be found.
Lan Zhengguo regained his focus, shook his head and said, “Not now. Just keep an eye on this young lad.”
“How about the City of Dragon…” Uncle Feng wanted to say something but he couldn’t finish up his sentence.
Lan Zhengguo said in a deep voice, “After all, that kid is the one who cured my mother’s illness. Unless he is in a relationship with my daughter, I will not hurt the benefactor of our family.”
“Understood.” Uncle Feng left. Wait, he never even appeared in person.
After that, Chen said goodbye to Lan and her grandma, and he left the mansion. Based on Chen’s attitude, Lan was smart enough to know the purpose of his father wanted to meet Chen just now. However, she was not sure about her feelings towards Chen. Did she really liked him or just felt good about him? That was why she did not ask him to stay back with her. She did not want to create false hope for Chen.
Chen himself was pretty depressed. He drove to the west side of the city without a direction in mind. Let’s go and have a drink. Chen found a place to park his car, and he went straight to the bar owned by Flaming Grim Reaper boss.
“Master Chen! To what do I owe the pleasure of having you here at my bar? I don’t see any pretty ladies with you today. Should I introduce a couple of beautiful ladies for you?” The boss was extremely excited when he saw Chen.
Chen rolled his eyes at him and said. “Cut the crap! All I want is a good drink! I want the shot that can make me drunk!”
“Let’s go the bar! Just tell me what you want to drink, and my bartender will tend to your needs!” The boss quickly led Chen to the bar.
“Flaming Grim Reaper boss! Flaming Grim Reaper boss!” The waiters and the bartender bowed at him respectfully. However, he couldn’t care less and ordered them by saying, “This is my big brother! I want all of you to give him the best service tonight! I will pay for his drinks!”
“Yes! Yes! Yes! We will definitely take good care of your big brother!” Everyone nodded, and they took a good look at Chen. They wondered, how did this young lad become their boss’ big brother. This was so mind-boggling!
“Big brother. You can go ahead and have your drink first. I need to check outside the bar. It’s not safe at night. I have to do this on my own.” The boss smiled and said.
“Just go ahead. You can just leave me here.” Chen waved at him and he left.
“Big brother. What do you want to drink?” The bartender asked.
“I want something that can make me drunk! The sooner I get drunk, the better!” Chen said indifferently. The bartender frowned lightly. He looked at Chen condescendingly. He had a few years of bar-tending experience below his belt. He could see that Chen was not the kind of person who could drink hard liquor. He must be crazy enough to ask for something so heavy!
After some careful consideration, the bartender decided to make some simple cocktail for Chen. He did not want Chen looked like a piece of shit when he got drunk. His boss would definitely blame him for that. The bartender quickly acted upon it. At first, he poured different kinds of alcohol into a shaker. Then, he shook the shaker with a few tricks that he possessed. The whole process took half a minute. The customers flooded the place with their applause. Seconds later, light blue liquor was poured into the glass. Als a final touch, the bartender put a slice of lemon at the edge of the glass.
He smiled and said, “Big brother! This is your Dreamy Sea Cocktail.”
Chen wasn’t paying attention to the cocktail. He just took the glass and finished the cocktail within two seconds.
The bartender put on a sour face. He had put a lot of effort into making that glass of “art”. However, Chen had just wasted it by finishing it so fast that he didn’t even pause to enjoy the cocktail.
“Big brother. How do you feel?” The bartender asked, with a bullet in his mouth.
“I don’t feel anything at all! I want something harder than this.” Chen said discontentedly.
“Er… Please wait for a moment.” The bartender was really confused. Could it be he had actually underestimated Chen? If that is the case, he decided not to hold back anymore. He started to take all kind of hard liquors and mixed them together.
“Take this glass; Jager Bomb!” The bartender took out a big glass and poured in different kinds of hard liquor. Then, he put a small glass that was filled with yellow liquid inside the big glass. Those who didn’t get drunk after drinking this cocktail would be celebrated as a hero! People started to gather around Chen to witness a good show.Comments (82)Shahriar_Shubho

why he is feeling depressed? he didn’t even talk to that girl until yesterday……. and now he is acting like he just got dumped!chu_chan

this story is becoming more and more forcedShahriar_Shubho

he didn’t even act depressed when his gf dumped such a ****ty manner -_- bullSH1T chinese novel and its drama :/VIEW ALL COMMENTSRate this chapterVote with Power StoneChapter 43: Strawberry Flavour

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation
Under the watchful gaze of the audience, Chen picked up the large crystalware, and downed the Jager Bomb like it was water.
“What the f*ck! That… That guy actually drained the Jager Bomb! There must be something wrong with my eyes…”
The guests were all confounded.
The bartender was just as flabbergasted.
They were very familiar with the nightly scenes, so it was not as if they had never seen anyone drink the Jaeger Bomb, but this would actually be the first time they’ve actually witnessed someone chug it down in one go.
“This guy’s alcohol tolerance is off the charts! Respect!”
“It’s still early. Being able to drink that does not mean that he has high alcohol tolerance. If he doesn’t blackout in ten seconds, only then will he be celebrated as a hero.”
“That’s right! The Jager Bomb is very strong, and its after-effects are severe! Look! He’s dead meat, just you watch!”
The crowd yammered and debated.
There were some who remained doubtful of Chen’s tolerance; they wanted to see him make a fool of himself.
Just then, in that second, Chen said something that nearly caused them to bite their own tongues.
“This liquor is mediocre; it doesn’t pack enough of a punch!”
Chen set the empty glass aside and said brusquely, “I came here today to drink hard liquor! Bring out the whiskey! Do you know what whiskey is?”
At this, everyone was so impressed that their jaws almost dropped on the ground.
The Jager Bomb was not strong enough?
How about we give you pure Ethanol?
“You are a monster when it comes to drinking! I don’t have anything stronger. How about another cup of the Jager Bomb?” The bartender was absolutely terrified. He gave Chen a look of veneration as if Chen was the Alcohol God himself.
All around them, admiration was written on all the faces of the guests.
“This is the strongest whiskey you have?” Chen was perturbed.
In reality, having grown up in the village, his alcohol tolerance was really bad.
The first time he tasted liquor was when he was with his roommates. He was drunk before he could finish a bottle of beer.
How is it that he could drink like that today?
After much thought, Chen concluded that it had to do with his training.
Before he started training, his physique was a one. After using the Pill of Purification, Chen went to whole new level. His physique increased to a hundred.
Other than strength, the quality of his physical body has also improved.
Therefore, his alcohol tolerance had also increased.
“F*ck! How the hell am I going to get drunk?” Chen was having a hard time trying to figure out a way to get himself drunk.
He was feeling under the clouds and needed a drink, but then he realized that he could not get drunk. This is really depressing.
“I have a kind of liquor that can intoxicate you!”
It was then, a young girl’s voice, sweet like honey to the ear, came from behind.
“Wow! This maiden is beautiful!”
“Oh damn! This is the real goddess! That face! That body! She’s the real deal!”
“Tsk… Tsk… Who would think that we would such see a beauty at this bar!”
The crowd turned around to look, exclaiming.
Some of the patrons looked at the girl, and then looked at their female companions – they were both women, but how is that their body and facial features are so different?
Her egg-shaped face, willow-leaf eyebrows, and large round eyes were like a crescent spring of water.
She wore a t-shirt as per latest fashion trend, where two voluptuous boobies could be seen clearly.
Her cleavage was like a snow-white gully, so deep that you could not see the bottom.
She was the epitome of busty teen.
In fact, she wass only eighteen. As she matured, her body was going to be more impressive than Lin Xiang’s body.
“Wenyuan?!” Chen identified the girl as she approached.
“How do you know me?” the girl called Wenyuan said, smiling.
“You are the third most beautiful girl in our university – how could I not know you?” Chen scratched the tip of his nose.
“Hehe, I also know you. You are Chen Xiaobei.” Wenyuan fluttered her lashes and gave a flirtatious smile.
“And, how do you know me?” Chen asked, mystified.
He was a mere nobody in school. How was it possible for the third most beautiful girl in school knew him?
“Hehe, I’ll tell, only if you manage to stay sober after you’ve drunk my whiskey.” Wenyuan smiled seductively.
“Oh good, I was worried that I won’t be able to get drunk.” Chen answered resolutely.
“Close your eyes first.”
Wenyuan pursed her lips and watched Chen obediently close his eyes. She then poured a cup of whiskey and took a sip.
The second after that, everyone, including Chen, was lost for words.
Wenyuan leaned in, with both hands wrapped around Chen’s neck, and planted a soft, warm kiss on Chen’s lips.
Wenyuan’s tongue penetrated his mouth, and the spicy liquor flooded his mouth.
What the hell is going on?
Chen froze, as if he had just been electrocuted.
With his mouth full of euphoria, and his chest pressed against two perky bosoms, Chen felt as if his brain had short-circuited. He could not think straight.
Happiness just rained from the sky. This was way better than winning the lottery!
All the men around him wore a look of envy and admiration, dying to stand up and yelled, “Lady! Let go of that guy! Just come at me instead!”
When he had swallowed the liquor, Chen found himself missing that small, jelly-soft, delicious tongue.
He could not resist it. He started to respond to her passionate kiss. Wenyuan had no intention to back up as well. Both of them started to make out passionately.
After about three minutes, only did Wenyuan push Chen away to come up for a breath.
“You’re naughty…” Wenyuan puckered her lips. Her big beautiful eyes were full of seductive waves.
“Er… Actually, I’m not easy like that…” Chen said self-consciously.
“You are an animal when you can act so casually towards that!” Wenyuan stared at him seductively.
Chen’s face reddened. He was speechless.
They had just met and they had already shown off their skills on the French kiss. This was really wild.
“Was the whiskey good?” Wenyuan grinned.
“Mmm… Delicious… There was a hint of strawberry…” Chen said under his breath and nodded. Chen’s face showed that he wanted more from Wenyuan.
Wenyuan was stumped for a moment and then said playfully, “Idiot. That’s because I had strawberry before I came…”
Her lovely face reddened like rose petals. Also, she was really charming when she smiled.
At that moment, Chen started to get drunk. However, it was not the liquor that made him drunk. The combination of the overwhelming joy and seduction from Wenyuan made him drunk.
This beauty wanted to seduce me? A big question mark popped above his head.
This was too good to be true.
Wenyuan had a slew of admirers, so many that you could not simply count them. What was more, that all of them were very wealthy and good looking.
Even though Chen had become quite a handsome young man, a young pretty lady acting so aggressively towards him seemed like a scene that had come straight out from a movie.
Hmm… Something smells fishy about this!Comments (63)Wolfsbain

Probably something to do with lans dad or an enemy.Crazyforin

Its a Trap!Jempot07

Tnx for the chapter!!! A SPY!!! She’s a spy!!!VIEW ALL COMMENTSRate this chapterVote with Power StoneChapter 44: Call Me Boss Chen!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation
“Can you tell me now? How did you know about me? Chen asked, seriously.
“You are so stupid! Earlier, you saved an old man, and his name starts with Wen. That is my grandpa.” Wenyuan blinked her eyes and smiled at Chen seductively.
“Eh? Old man Wen is your grandfather?” Chen was shocked.
“Yeap! I like you because you save my grandpa! I wouldn’t even kiss you if I didn’t like you!” Wenyuan gave him a seductive stare and said.
“Just now you said… You like me?” Chen gulped.
He could not believe that one of the most beautiful girls in the university had just confessed to him! This happiness crashed into his life without him noticing it.
Wenyuan nodded and said. Then, she asked, “Do you want to be my boyfriend?”
“Er…” Chen’s heart was jumping up and down when he heard Wenyuan’s question. Wenyuan was one of the four most beautiful girls in university. She had gorgeous facial features, a sumptuous body, and a rich family background! There were no negative rumors about her. She was famous for her purity. All the Otakus in University saw her as an Angel of Purity! Becoming her boyfriend would be like a dream come true.
Hold on! Chen felt that something was wrong here. How was it possible for the Angel of Purity to kiss a guy that she just met? Also, the confession seemed a bit weird. All these things that she did defied the logical thinking of a normal human being. Chen calmed himself down and took a good look at Wenyuan.
She did really look gorgeous. Her look was like a gem among other girls. However, some of her facial features looked quite fishy. Her eyes constantly carried out a seductive stare. The edge of her eyes was always lifted up. She looked like a cunning fox, one that was really good at seducing men and using them to the fullest. It was safe to say that she just pretends to be an innocent and pure girl in front of everyone. Everything else had to be fake!
Chen frowned slightly and his initial guess towards her was right! There had to be a motive behind Wenyuan’s approach to Chen.
“Oi! Why are you spacing out for? Are you willing to become my boyfriend?” Wenyuan bent down all of a sudden, her airbags dangling before his eyes.
Sh*t! Chen was so tempted to “do” something on her. Looking at her curvaceous body, smelling her body’s fragrance, Chen could no longer hold on the call of nature. He was going to unleash the beast inside him. Well, she was the one who approached Chen first. So, Chen decided not to care about the morality of the situation anymore. He was going to say yes to her and take advantage of her before returning her to the society. Also, he was in a bad mood today. So, an evil thought started to surface in his mind.
“Please don’t say that I’m a bad guy – because it’s all about dog eating dog in this society.”
“Ah!! Something bad is happening! There’s a fight out there!”
“Oh God! Shi Dabiao brought someone here to mess up this place!”
“What?! The Bear Man, Shi Dabiao came here personally?”
“Yes! Blood is gushing out from the Flaming Grim-Reaper Boss! It seems like something bad is going to happen today!”
At that moment, a riot broke out from outside the bar. Chen frowned. He left Wenyuan and quickly rushed to where the sound came from. It was a complete mess outside the bar. There were ten plus small-time gangsters, with black t-shirts standing in front of the bar. The leader was a gigantic muscular man. His height was close to two feet and his muscles were as hard as a rock. He was definitely a very strong man. The Flaming Grim-Reaper Boss had been kicked by him earlier. He was lying on the ground, his two hands clutching his stomach. He did not even have the strength to get back up. Blood was still coming out from his mouth.
“Shi Dabiao! I have never offended you before! Why the f*ck did you come and mess up my place?!” The boss gritted his teeth, his face expressing hurt, more emotional than physical.
Shi Dabiao smiled coldly and said, “You have never offended me, but you offended someone who you should have never messed with! Master Feng is the one who asked me to come to mess up your place! Just take what you deserve!”
“Master Feng? Which Master Feng?” The boss was stunned. That person did not exist in his memory.
“Hmph! How do you not know Master Feng? I guess, ignorance is bliss!”
Shi Dabiao smiled mockingly and said, “I should let you know why are you going to die here today. Master Feng is the only inheritor of Wen family. Earlier, you brought a gang of people to round him up, and you caused him to get three slaps from an asshole!”
“It’s him!” The boss finally recalled the incident. That was the night he had led a gang of people to trap him and allow Chen to slap him on his face. He never expected that he had offended the Wen family.
“I don’t think you have any comeback to this!”
Shi Dabiao laughed coldly and said, “Master Feng asked me to kick you out of the west side of the city. From today onwards, I will take control of the three streets that were under your care!”
“Who do you think you are? My territory belongs to Black Tiger Gang! I pay them every month. Don’t even dream of sticking your finger into my territory! You did not even ask permission from the Tiger Boss!” The boss said angrily.
“Hmph! You should know that Master Feng has already informed Tiger Boss about this matter! The Black Tiger Gang will not give a shit about you anymore!” Shi Dabiao said arrogantly.
“This…” The boss was stunned, and he got really nervous all of the sudden. He had fought for ten years to become who he was today. He had never thought that he would lose everything today just because he offended Wenfeng. Reality is always cruel.
“You can decide it for yourself! Do you want to get the hell out of this city by yourself? Or, should I cripple you first, before throwing you out?” Shi Dabiao laughed like a crazy person.
“I’m not going anywhere today! You should get the f*ck out of this place!” Suddenly, Chen walked towards them and stood over the prone Flaming Grim-Reaper boss.
“Who are you?” Shi Dabiao did a quick scan on Chen. Chen had just gone through a transformation today. He looked like a rich guy from a wealthy family. Shi Dabiao could not see through his real identity, so he dared not make any rushed move.
“Who am I?”
Chen laughed coldly and said, “I’m the one who slapped Wenfeng! The Flaming Grim-Reaper has nothing to do with this incident! If you want to avenge your boss, come straight at me!” The crowd was extremely impressed when they heard Chen admitting to his doing.
“It never crossed my mind that this young lad had the guts to slap Wenfeng!”
“Also, he has the balls to admit his doing! That is what I called a real man! I’m impressed!”
“That’s right! He sticks to the code of brotherhood!”
Everyone in the crowd raised up their thumbs at Chen.
However, Shi Dabiao said mockingly, “Hehe… So, you are the one that slapped Wenfeng? Finally, I found you here, after a long hard search! Master Feng offered me one million to cut off your arm! I was worried that I might have a hard time locating you. I never thought that you would just send yourself to the fate of hell!”
“Shit! This Wenfeng is inhuman! I can’t believe that he would demand this young lad’s arm.”
“This young lad is so done! With the Bear Man; Shi Dabiao’s presence, he is going to say goodbye to his arm!”
“Sigh… There is a saying; don’t ever offend someone who is much stronger and more powerful than you! This young lad offended Wenfeng and the Bear Man. He is going to hell for this.”
Everyone around Chen sighed. They all felt sorry for Chen.
“Go! Two of you! Bring me his arm!” Shi Dabiao swung his arm and ordered his followers. His eyes were filled with greed.
“Master Chen! Run! I will stall them while you run!” The boss stood up for him at this very critical moment. A true friendship can always be determined during a critical situation!
Chen was so touched. He said with determination, “From today onwards! Call me Boss Chen! I will help you when you need me!”Comments (71)DragonEmperors

The MC of this novel after getting into the chat group, he become an a**. Moral degrading, arrogant prick, and sh** MC. I want see in the next 50 chapter, if the attitude MC become lower and lower… i will drop this… for now… we shall see….LordofOriginalSins

Maybe in later chapters the storyline will be goodEdwardR

Rise of the Mafia Chen?VIEW ALL COMMENTSRate this chapterVote with Power StoneChapter 45: I’m Not Afraid! I Will Do It!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation
“Chen… Boss Chen…” The Flaming Grim-Reaper Boss was shocked. He felt a strong aura oozing out from Chen. He was like a mountain to protect him from being harm. He felt safe behind Chen.
“Hahaha… Flaming Grim-Reaper Boss! What a shame! You are letting a young lad help you settle this matter. Aren’t you afraid of mocking from others like you?” A guy with yellow hair walked towards them with a steel rod in his hand. He was acting arrogantly. Followers of Shi Dabiao were laughing at him as well. They looked at Chen and Flaming Grim-Reaper Boss mockingly. It was as if they were watching a funny comedy.
Everyone was shocked when they heard an explosive slapping sound. The big and tall guy with yellow hair had been sent to the ground with a single slap. His face was swollen, and blood was coming out from his mouth.
“Ouch…” The yellow hair guy groaned. Stars were circling his head, and the whole world was spinning around him.
“Ah…” He fainted.
“Damn! That young lad is really strong!”
“Of course, he has to be good! He had the guts to slap Wenfeng!”
People around Chen started to exclaim in awe. People who had once laughed at him had their jaws dropping on the ground.
“Wolf and Iron Hammer! Two of you, go and beat him up!” Shi Dabiao shouted. The smile on his face had been replaced by anger.
“Yes! Yes!” Two gangsters walked towards Chen with their fists ready.
When the boss saw that the situation was getting ugly, he quickly reminded Chen, “Boss Chen! Two of them are Shi Dabiao’s best fighters. They can really fight. It’s pretty normal for them to fight against ten people at the same time. Even I don’t have a one hundred percent win rate when I go against them.”
“Are they really that good?” Chen quickly used his Netherspirit Battlescouter to check on the two persons.
[Paragon level: 0. Health: 50. Combat power: 52!]
[Paragon level: 0. Health: 60. Combat power: 66]
“Hmph! Two pieces of garbage! I shouldn’t be nervous about it!” Chen said condescendingly.
“Motherf*cker! Repeat again! Who is the garbage here?!”
Wolf and Iron Hammer shouted angrily, “When both of us had fought tooth and nail for the way up, you were still a kid playing with mud!”
“Hehe… That should have been over a decade ago. But, two of you are still someone’s followers. How dare you show off like that?! Two of you should be ashamed of it!”
“You…” Wolf and Iron Hammer turned red. They were burning with the fire of anger but they had nothing to say about Chen’s comments towards them. Their experience in Jianghu was more than the Flaming Grim-Reaper boss, but both them were still Shi Dabiao’s followers. This was definitely not something to be proud of. Chen spoke out the cold hard truth about them. Their faces turned hot due to the exposure of their pathetic lives.
“What the f*ck! This young man is too arrogant! He just “slapped” Wolf and Iron Hammer right in the face! He is dead meat now!”
“Wolf and Iron Hammer were famous for their cruelty! Hundreds of gangsters had been crippled by them throughout the years when they worked their way up in Jianghu!
“This young lad is looking for death wish! He wants to die!” People were talking about Chen. None of them had high hopes on him. Even the Flaming Grim-Reaper Boss gulped in concern for Chen.
However, in this critical situation, Chen stood his ground and shouted, “Oi! Those two dumbasses over there! What the f*ck are you doing over there! Come and over and fight me!”
“Motherf*cker! How dare you treat us like some kind of weakling! We will let you know what is the true meaning of fear!”
“Die!” Wolf and Iron Hammer shouted. They charged at Chen mercilessly. Two of them had been through a lot of fighting. The “Qi” created by their sudden outburst was stronger than ordinary people. Two of them were like beasts when they charged at Chen. It was terrifying! However, they were nothing To Chen. Chen possessed stronger power and more speed! He had no fear of this battle.
Chen took a step out and extended his hand at the right moment! His left hand grabbed on to Wolf’s hair and his right hand was holding onto Iron Hammer’s throat! In the next second, he banged Wolf’s and Iron Hammer’s head together with his incredible strength!
A muffled explosion tore open the silence. It was like the earth had collided with mars! Looking at the thing that just happened in front of the crowd, most of the people clutched their necks due to the intense empathetic pain they felt for those two. Blood was gushing out from their heads due to the intense collision that they had just experienced. Their eyes rolled back and they immediately fell unconscious.
“Acting like tigers but falling like an ill cat!” Chen mocked them condescendingly.
He gave a cold stare to Shi Dabiao’s followers and said, “If you are not happy with me, come out now!” This casual line was like a bomb that had been dropped in the crowd.
Everyone said, “What the f*ck! This young lad is too damn arrogant!”
“That is more than arrogant! He has the balls to taunt the Bear Man; Shi Dabiao! This is some insane cool ass shit!”
“Hmph! Just words! I think this guy is acting like he is some kind of insanely powerful person! He is going to be struck by lightning!”
“You might be right! In the fiercest battle of Bear Man, he managed to defeat twenty people at the same time! This young lad is going to be crippled by him today!”
“You are right…”
The crowd was getting more and more excited. They were hyped to see this to the end.
At the same time, Shi Dabiao stepped up, gave a cold stare to Chen, and said, “Young man! You are getting over your head! How dare you taunt me in front of so many people? If I do not cripple you today, I will be ashamed of myself in this Jianghu!”
Chen was unusually calm. He activated his Netherspirit Battlescouter. There was a saying; to win the battle, you must know your enemies well.
[Cultivation: Early stage of physical phase. Health: 110. Combat power: 110]
“Damn it! He is stronger than me!” Chen frowned. He knew that it was not possible to defeat the Bear Man with his current combat power.
“Young man! Say something! Weren’t you pretty full of it just now? Are you a mute now?!”
Shi Dabiao said intimidatingly, “If you are afraid of fighting this battle! Just let me cripple your right hand! And, promise me, in front of everyone that you will not step into the west side of the city anymore!”
“Who do you think you are? You have no right to make me make any promises!” Chen frowned and said. He changed completely. He was in a bad mood that night because Lan’s father had really riled him up. But, he had not reached a compromise with her dad. He knew that once he made the promise, he would lose Lan for life, and he would not be able to achieve Lan Zhengguo’s high position.
That moment was the same. If he decided to make the promise, his right hand would be crippled. He would be seen as a coward! Everyone would look down on him forever and ever! Chen transformed his bad mood into anger. There was a voice echoing inside his mind right now. Don’t be afraid! Just do it!Comments (71)Lortalix

Thanks for the chapter Did anyone think of sia labeouf when he said “just do it”…….. No just me, okDragonsword40

You aren’t the only one 🙂CelestialMeatbun

Hmm!VIEW ALL COMMENTSRate this chapterVote with Power StoneChapter 46: Goodbye, My Son!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation
“Little brat! You really have the balls! Fine then, if you are looking to die, I’ll make your wish come true!’
Dabiao laughed, clenching his gargantuan fist, his knuckles crackled. This simple move was enough to cause the crowd to take a step backward.
“Huh! If you want to fight, just shut up and fight! Don’t think you can easily defeat me!”
During then, Chen’s entire body was boiling. He had already made a decision. Worse come to worse, both sides would get wounded. Nobody would win!
Even if he lost in the end, Dabiao would not be getting away unscathed!
A man should act like a man!
Don’t be afraid! Just do it!
“Hehe, this is just too funny! I won’t just defeat you. I only need to punch you just once, and you won’t even be able to stand!” Dabiao said arrogantly.
“What if you can’t even touch me?” Chen riposted.
“Hmph! The Flaming Grim-Reaper Boss was actually quite good at fighting! But, in the end, he was still defeated by just one kick from me!
Dabiao was very confident about his strength and said coolly, “If I can’t defeat you, I will become your follower!”
“Eh, you’re such an ugly thing, I don’t want you to become my follower!” Chen pressed his lips together.
The audience could not help but burst into laughter at this.
“This brat really is audacious. What a classic line!”
“Asshole! Still talking shit before your death! I will smash your mouth in!”
Dabiao’s face reddened. The shame he felt earlier immediately turned into anger. He raised his monster-like fist and slammed it towards Chen.
His strength was immense, he was also quick, his fist sent a wave of air around it. Ordinary people would never take the immense strength of the punch.
“Wow! That’s fast! This brat is finished…”
“Yeah, this punch will surely cripple you for life!”
The crowd exclaimed.
“Boss Chen…” Flaming Grim Reaper Boss’s fists were also clenched, his heart was in his mouth.
But at the next second, everyone was completely taken aback.
Chen swung his fist and met Da Boa’s punch – hard.
Along with the explosive sound, Chen was forced to step back for for around eight steps, and then regained his stance.
Even though immense pain ran through his fist, and his arm had gone numb, he did not fly across the room as the crowd had expected.
Most importantly, even Bearman Dabiao, staggered a few steps back before he stood still.
“Oh my God! This is impossible!”
“That young lad can actually match Bearman! There… There must be something wrong with my eyes!”
“I must be dreaming! This was absolutely inconceivable!”
Seeing this, the audience was shaken – they couldn’t believe what they just witnessed.
“My son! What do you have to say now?” Chen looked at Da Bao from the corner of his eyes and smirked.
With this punch, something big had changed within him.
This could be concluded in one word — growth.
Many times, fear and courage could occur in a single flash of thought. But choosing one over the other would make a world of difference.
Today, Chen was not afraid at all! He took action and hit Dabiao in the face! At the same time, he slapped the faces of those who looked down on him!
At that moment, he was a hero! He was enjoying Da Biao and the crowd’s incredulity!
One word ——Awesome!
“F*ck you! I thought you said – ” Dabiao roared, infuriated.
“Hehe, so you know that you are ugly?” Chen grinned nefariously.
When Da Biao heard this, his blood boiled. He felt like a monkey being played like a fool.
Jeering and scoffing could be heard from amongst the crowd.
This caused Da Biao to want to bury his head in the sand.
“You bastard! I’m not going to talk trash with you! Let our fists do the talking!”
Dabiao knew that he could not win with speech; he could only use his fists to solve the problem.
After all, he was a shade stronger than Chen.
When the two hands grapple, the difference did not seem to be a lot. But in time, Chen would surely lose.
“Come on! Who is afraid of whom?!”
Chen was very determined. Even though he knew that he would lose, he will not back out!
Right at that moment, the wail of the police sirens could be heard.
And then, a large throng of police officers flooded the scene and took control of the situation.
An officer walked to the front and yelled though the hailer, “Those who are involved in the fight, put your hands behind your head and kneel on the ground!”
“You prick! You dare report to the police?!” Dabiao gave Chen the evil eye.
“Are you sick in the brain?” Chen rolled his eyes, and snapped, “I’ve been here the whole time. How the hell did I call them?”
“Then, who called the police?” Dabiao was pissed.
He was the one started all this. With the police involved now, he would have to bear the responsibility.
“Are you deaf? I told you to get down on the ground!” The police officer walked over, raised the megaphone and yelled into Dabiao’s ear.
“Calm down, Captain Lee… Calm down.” No matter how wayward Dabiao was, he wouldn’t dare mess with the police, so he got down on his knees compliantly.
“Captain Lee, I’m sorry to bother you.” Wen Yuan sauntered over, her hands behind her back.
“No, no… It’s no trouble at all. In fact, I want to thank you for making the report – working with us (the police) to keep the neighborhood safe!” Captain Lee smiled, fawning all the while.
“Mm, these bad people were fighting and smashing things – they must be punished!” Wenyuan said, pointing at Dabiao.
“Yes, they must!”
Captain Lee lifted the megaphone and shouted, “Arrest Dabiao and all of his people! Hold them for forty-eight hours! After that, calculate the damage and the number of casualties. Dabiao will pay for all the damages!”
“This…” Hearing this brought tears to Dabiao’s eyes.
But, he was so afraid that he didn’t dare let out even a fart.
Not even the thugs on the street, or Jianghu’s elite fighters, would dare meddle with the government!
“Captain Lee, this is my boyfriend, can I take him away?” said Wenyuan as she walked over to Chen and clung on to Chen’s arm.
“Yes, Yes! Of course, you can!” Captain Lee nodded his head like a chicken pecking on grains. He could not help but give Chen a doubletake.
What is so great about this guy? How could he be Lady Wen’s boyfriend?! God, he is so lucky!
After that, Wenyuan hooked her arm around Chen’s and left the scene.
Before leaving, Chen gave Dabiao a cheeky look and waved, “Buh Bye, my son!”
“You…” Dabiao was so mad that he wanted to smash his head into a bean curd.
They were both involved in the fight but were each treated so differently.
Since the police were here, Chen needn’t worry. He gave Flaming Grim-Reaper Boss some instructions and left.
“Hey! You still haven’t told me if you would be my boyfriend!” Wenyuan ran after him hurriedly.Comments (56)Kulops

Sounds too good to be true…EdwardR

Why Wenyuan is clinging to Chen,,, something fishy is going on..LordofOriginalSins

Maybe it was wenyuan grandpa changing the heir to chen ahahahaVIEW ALL COMMENTSRate this chapterVote with Power StoneChapter 47: Breakthrough!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation
“Frankly speaking, we just got to know each other today. I think we should spend some time getting to know each other more. Then, we can decide whether we are suitable for each other. What do you think?” Of course, Chen would not say yes to Wenyuan. However, he did not say no to Wenyuan as well, because he wanted to see Wenyuan’s evil plan.
Wenyuan was so surprised that Chen did not say yes to her offer. She had done a background check on Chen earlier. She knew that Chen was born in a poor family. He was a poor ass farmer. Logically speaking, Chen should have said yes to her offer without any second thoughts, considering that Wenyuan was from a wealthy family. Surprisingly, Chen was extremely calm. Wenyuan was really impressed by Chen’s attitude towards her. She didn’t dare not to pressure him because she was afraid that she might spill the beans.
“I agree with what you said. I’m being too aggressive here. We should get to know each other more first before we proceed to next phase. I believe that you will definitely like me!” Wenyuan said firmly.
“Alright. I should leave first.” Chen waved at Wenyuan and walked towards the carpark area. Looking at Chen’s retreating back, she took out her cellphone, and dialed a number.
“Dad… My badger game is not working at all. That young lad did not take the bait…”
Chen got on his Bugatti Veyron. He was not rushing, so, he took out his cellphone. He had not checked on the Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms for the whole night. He felt as if he had missed out on a million Red Envelopes. He checked on the chat group quickly. He was relieved when he found out that members of the group were just doing their usual spamming. There were no Red Envelopes being given away today.
A message came just as he was about to keep away his cellphone.
Shennong: God Chen, are you there?
Chen was stunned when he saw the message. Shennong had at times been counted amongst the Three Sovereigns (also known as “Three Kings” or “Three Patrons”. His position is rather high. Why was he looking for Chen?)
Chen: Yes! I’m here. Is there anything that I can help you with?
Shennong: Please don’t laugh at me. Actually, I wanted to try the spicy sticks.
Chen was shocked after he heard Shennong’s request. It was a well-known story that Shennong tries hundreds of thousands of herbs. This was the first time Shennong had asked to try out spicy sticks. This definitely was an epoch-making incident.
Chen: I can get you some spicy sticks…but….
Shennong: I understand! Spicy sticks are one the rarest delicacies in this world. I’m willing to pay ten thousand Triple Realms Merit points in exchange for the spicy sticks.
OH MY GOD! Chen was so shocked that his eyeballs almost fell on the ground. He had sold one spicy stick for a ridiculous ten thousand points, he couldn’t believe that someone actually fell for it. Right at this moment, it was like Chen was looking at a path of light that was leading him to the land of money! Countless of merit points would be added to him real soon. He was filled with unspeakable joy.
Chen was not blinded by the sudden happiness that landed on him. He calmed himself down and started to think about other possible outcomes.
“I’m still quite weak in terms of power. I should take this opportunity to increase my power significantly.”
Chen cleared up his mind and replied: Shennong, you can hold on to the merit points first. I need more Potion of Hundred Herbs for now.
Shennong: That is even easier. Ten thousand merit points are equal to one thousand bottles of Potion of Hundred Herbs.
Chen: Deal! I will send you the spicy sticks tomorrow.
Shennong: Alright. Thank you so much for the trade! I shall deliver the Potion of Hundred Herbs to you right now via personal package.” Chen’s cellphone vibrated for a second after he received the last message from Shennong.
[Congratulations! You have received Shennong’s Red Envelope. The Red Envelope contains one thousand bottles of Potion of Hundred Herbs. It has been stored inside your treasure chest.]
“Finally! I got it! I got it! All I used was a spicy stick to trade for one thousand bottles of Potion of Hundred Herbs! This is just pure insanity!” Chen started to dance around due to the overwhelming happiness. He almost forgot his family name! For deities, Potion of Hundred Herb was considered low-level stuff. It was a waste to be thrown away, but they were also useless to them at the same time. However, for humans, these potions could cure all kind of diseases. To Chen, these potions could be used to restore his body to perfect condition after his training! Chen quickly drove to a high-end hotel to work on his training.
He booked a room, sat on the bed, and started to work on the Scripture of Heaven and Earth. He already had the experience of working on the scripture, thus, he got into the formation really fast. A mysterious “Qi” – like a dragon – started to fly around inside Chen’s body. His body started to get stronger bit by bit. This was a long process. This training drained a lot of energy and strength. However, everything changed when he had the Potion of Hundred Herbs with him!
Whenever Chen felt tired, Chen would drink a bottle of Potion of Hundred Herbs. His body would be recovered instantly. In other words, Chen could train effectively without sleeping, drinking, eating, and resting with enough supply of Potion of Hundred Herbs. With the combination of the Scripture of Heaven and Earth, the training would be even more effective and powerful. It was only natural for his power to increase significantly in a short time.
“Let me train for 48 hours first! Shi Dabiao, when I see you again next time, you will definitely be shocked by my power!” When he thought about the prospect of increasing his power in a short time, he would feel extremely excited and full of determination. After forty-eight hours, Shi Dabiao was released from detention. A fine drama would be carried out right after his release. Time flew during training. Forty-eight hours passed by in the blink of an eye.
“Huuuuu…” Chen let out a long sigh. He felt extremely energetic and refreshing. Without any second thoughts, Chen activated his Netherspirit Battlescouter.
[Congratulation! You have gone through another breakthrough in your training. Cultivation: Middle stage of physical phase, Health: 500, Combat power: 500!]
“Wahahahaha! Another breakthrough! A small breakthrough after 48 hours! This is crazily good!” Chen fell into euphoria state. It was imperative to know that Jing Fei spent around ten good years to achieve the latter phase of the human body! According to Chen’s calculation, all he needed was half a month time to achieve later phase of human body. The speed of his improvement could only be described as lightning speed.
“Hmph! Shi Dabiao! Pray that you will never meet me again! I will beat the shit out of you the next time I see you.” Chen put on an evil laugh. He would definitely crush Shi Dabiao easily with his current power.
Lin Xiang’s delicate voice came through the phone, “Chen, can you come to my house for a while?”
“Right now?” Chen was stunned. It was ten at night. It was improper to go to the house of a pretty teacher, in the middle of the night.
“Yes. Right now. I need to borrow money from you…” Lin Xiang’s voice was full of hesitation. It was like she was stuck between pain and entanglement.
“Okay… I will come over right now.” Chen kind of knew what was going on with Lin Xiang. He quickly rushed over to her house.Comments (53)Dooop

I’m glad he didn’t fall for Wen’s tricksMysteriousConman

10000 points for a common snack? Madness.YukiNeko9

GIVE ME A RED PACKET OR I CUT YOU SLOW WITH SAFETY SCISSORS!VIEW ALL COMMENTSRate this chapterVote with Power StoneChapter 48: Win Five Hundred Thousand Yuan with Fifty Yuan!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation
Lin Xiang’s home was located at the slum area of west side of the city. It was actually quite close from the hotel that Chen currently lived in. Her place was a five minutes’ drive away. Chen parked the car at the roadside and rushed into her house.
“Ms Lin! Are you alright?!” Chen was so anxious when he arrived at the door step. Someone had splashed red paint on Lin Xiang’s front porch. The red paint stood out at night, and looked really scary. It was like splash of blood tainting the dark sky. The smell from the paint was extremely pungent. It penetrated Chen’s nose mercilessly.
“Chen! Finally, you are here!” Lin Xiang ran towards Chen. She could not help but hug Chen right away. There was a sense of fear in her delicate voice, and her vulnerable body was trembling as well. It was pretty obvious that she was in great fear.
“Don’t be afraid. I’m here now. No matter how big the problem is, just leave it to me.” Chen caressed Lin’s back gently. She was like a wounded cat, alone and all Chen would want to do is pour out your love to her. After that, the two of them entered the house.
Chen asked straight away, “What happened?”
Lin had her head lowered down, biting on her lower lips and said softly, “My brother… He went to gamble again. This time he lost five hundred thousand Yuan. I would like to borrow this amount of money from you.” Chen was extremely angry when he heard about her brother. What a loser brother! He had just stolen three hundred thousand Yuan earlier and it had almost cost Lin’s dignity to Wong Jianren. Within such a short time, he had managed to create another five hundred thousand Yuan debt. It was like him repeatedly pushing Lin to the edge of a cliff.
“Five hundred thousand Yuan is nothing to me. But, I’m going to tell you honestly that this thing is never going to come to an end. He is going to borrow for the second time, third, fourth time and so on!” Chen said seriously.
Lin nodded and said dejectedly, “I know what you mean. But, I have no other options. I grew up with my brother. I can’t just leave him to die.”
“He needs to be taught a lesson! You can’t let it slide every time!” Chen said sternly.
“But, I do not know how to discipline him anymore…” Lin shook her head bitterly and her voice trembled.
“If you trust me, I can help you in disciplining your brother!” Chen looked really focused, and his masculinity was spilling out from him.
“Really? Are you really willing to help me to discipline my brother?”
Lin’s body shook and she said sincerely, “If you can make my brother quit gambling for good, I’m willing to pay you anything to repay your good deed! Including my self!
“Erm… I volunteered myself to help you. I don’t need any form of payment…” Chen was flushed and his words were full of justice. However, he couldn’t help but move his stare to Lin’s voluptuous body. Her boobs were so big that her blouse was literally bursting at the seams; her waist was tiny and her rotund bum was tight. Also, her facial features were perfect. She was a masterpiece. If Chen made her his girl, all the men in this world would be jealous of Chen.
The door was kicked open all of a sudden. A nonchalantly voice struck their ears, “Sista! Look! A Bugatti Veyron parked in front of our house! That is some cool sh*t!”
“Lin Nan is back!” Lin Xiang’s eyes twitched and the reaction on her face became very complex. There was happiness, anger and gloomy.
“Just ignore him. Later, I will do the talking. I want to see how hard is it to discipline him!” Chen said casually.
“Okay.” Lin nodded obediently. She sat down and did not move.
After two minutes.
The young lad named Lin Nan walked towards them and said, “Sista! I was calling out for you! Didn’t you hear me?!”
Lin Nan kicked off his shoes, put on a pair of slippers, and walked pompously towards them. He ordered his sister by saying, “Sista! Cook me some noodles now! I’m so freaking tired!”
“Your sister worked for the whole damn day! You bastard, you gambled for the whole damn day! How dare you say you are tired?!” Chen smacked the table and stood up angrily.
“You… Who are you?” Lin Nan was stunned. He started to do a quick check out on Chen. His observation skills were quite good. He knew that Chen was wearing a set of expensive and exquisite-looking suit.
He said shockingly, “Oh my God! Please don’t tell me that the Bugatti Veyron parked in front of our house actually belongs to you?”
“We are talking about you right now! Not the car!” Chen said angrily.
However, Lin Nan did not even give a shit about Chen. He said mockingly, “Sista, when did you hook up with this filthy rich man? This is what I asked you to do earlier, but you rejected my offer! Are you giving me a surprise right now?”
“What kind of nonsense is this?! I did not do the things that you asked me to do!” Lin Xiang frowned and her face was furiously red.
“There’s no shame about this. Nowadays, all the pretty ladies in the society would wish to hook themselves up with a filthy rich man. You are a beautiful young lady. It’s not hard for you to get a filthy rich man for yourself!” Lin Nan laughed coldly.
“Does your sister look like that kind of woman in your eyes?” Chen stared at him coldly and he got even angrier.
“Yo! Brother in law, don’t put on a straight face! Give me a couple of hundred thousand Yuan to enjoy myself! I will make sure my sister gives out her best to you!” Lin Nan laughed cynically.
“I don’t have a couple of hundred thousand Yuan. But, I have a big slap!” Chen lifted up his hand and landed a big slap on Lin Nan’s face.
Lin Nan fell on the ground. His face was burning red. He groaned agonizingly and tears started to roll down from his eyes.
“Nan…” Lin Xiang felt pity towards him. But, she remembered the things that Chen told her earlier. She quickly tried her best to stop herself from doing anything. She realized that she could not keep spoiling her brother.
“Who gave you the right to slap me?! Who?!” Lin Nan covered his face and started to throw a tantrum.
“I slapped you because you are an idiot!” Chen stared at him and said.
“Why am I an idiot?! You better clarify your words! If not, I will mess up your life!” Lin Nan said unreasonably.
“Gambling is designed to make you lose money! But, you are so obsessed with it, drowning yourself in it, that you hurt yourself and you hurt your sister as well! If that is not stupid, what is stupid then?” Chen said seriously.
Lin Nan said obstinately, “Who told you that gambling is designed to make you lose money? I’m having bad luck recently! Once I win some cash, I will definitely treat my sister well!”
“Bad luck?!”
Chen laughed and said, “Every casino in this world is built to take your hard-earned cash! Frankly speaking, it’s not about luck when you gamble, it’s about your skill as a conman! Unless your skill is better than then the banker, don’t even dream of winning money from them!”
“Hmph! The way you said it was as if you are the God of Gambling himself!”
Lin Nan spouted, “Everyone can talk big! Proof it to me about the things that you said just now!”
“Fine! I will make a bet with you!”
“All I need is fifty Yuan as my modal to gamble. If I win five hundred thousand Yuan before sunrise tomorrow, you have to quit gambling! If I lose the bet, I will give you give hundred thousand Yuan! You can spend it however you like!” Chen said seriously.
Lin Nan eyes lighted up when he heard Chen’s bet. He even forgot about the slap just now. He jumped happily and said, “Fine! I will take this bet! I don’t believe that you can win five hundred thousand Yuan with fifty Yuan!”Comments (85)Prehistoric_Wolf

Poor excuse for a brother!Takskakashi

kick the **** out of that brother and tie him in the threeIsaactomace

How is winning a huge amount of money gambling going to show the brother that gambling is wrong?VIEW ALL COMMENTSRate this chapterVote with Power StoneChapter 49: Golden Gaze Fiery Eyes

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation
“Chen, are you kidding me? How is it possible to use fifty Yuan to win so much money in one night?” Lin’s face was full of worry. She did not believe Chen’s words at all.
“Don’t you worry. I have my own ways. Just sleep tight at home tonight. I will bring back this bastard to you before sunrise!” Chen smiled with confidence.
“Cut the crap! Come with me! I’m gonna take your five hundred thousand Yuan later!” Lin Nan urged Chen. He couldn’t wait for Chen to lose the bet.
“Hmph! Let’s go! I’m gonna make you lose the bet fair and square!” Chen was not scared of losing the bet at all. He led Lin Nan outside the house.
“Please come back to me! I’ll be here waiting for you guys!” Lin Xiang bit her lower lip and stared at Chen’s back wistfully. He realized that, other than her brother, there was one more man who could move her heart. And, that would be Chen.
Chen and Lin Xiang travelled to the slum of the west side of the city. They went through a dark black alley and entered an abandoned small front pouch. They walked down the stairs that led to the underground. A hidden underground casino was located beneath this abandoned front pouch! The size of it was a few hundred square meters, and the person in charge had left it in a rather poor condition. Also, they put a few tables in it to turn the place into a simple underground casino.
It was now eleven at night. All the tables were fully occupied by people. All of them looked like they had been possessed by something. They were dancing and smiling. It seemed like they would not leave this place until they lose all their money.
“Help me change this to fifty Yuan of chips.” Chen took out a piece of fifty Yuan and ordered Lin Nan.
Lin Nan was extremely unwilling. But, when he thought of the five hundred thousand Yuan, he quickly rushed to the counter to exchange some chips for Chen.
While waiting for Lin Nan to exchange for chips, he took out his cellphone and dived into Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms right away.
Chen: Everyone, can anyone make a guarantee that I would win every single bet? Quickly, reply me! Those who can provide me with a solution will be rewarded with a spicy stick!
NeZha: Wow! God Chen is coming online again!
Caishen: God Chen, do you need money? I can use a ton of gold to exchange a spicy stick with you.
Chen: I don’t want money! I want to be able to win every single bet!
God Erlang: What kind of bet do you wish to win? I might have a solution for you!
Chen: Dice and poker kind of bet.
God Erlang: I have no idea what is poker. But, I have an easy way to win any dice game. I can open up your third heavenly eye. It allows you to see through every single thing in this world!
“Open third heavenly eye? See through? This is great!” Joy filled Chen’s face instantly. The third eye of God Erlang is the heavenly eye. This was his unique skill! A long time ago, even the Monkey King’s seventy-two transformation skill failed to escape God Erlang’s third heavenly eye. This was definitely an overpowered skill. However, just when Chen wanted to say yes to God Erlang, a message popped up.
Monkey King: My brother! Don’t listen to his crap! If comparing his third heavenly eye to my Golden Gaze Fiery Eyes, his eye is worse than garbage!
God Erlang: You asshole monkey! Are you here to snatch away my customer?
Monkey King: You are right! I’m here to take away your customer! Oh, also, I sorta wanted to piss you off!
God Erlang: F*cker! I’m going to use my Three-Pointed Double Edged Lance to cut your monkey head open!
Monkey King: I’m going to use my Jingu Bang to poke your asshole!
God Erlang: I’m going to ask Xiao Tianquan to bite your ass!
Monkey King: I’m going to ask my army of monkeys to scratch you!
God Erlang: ……
Watching the deities fighting with each other, Chen was getting more frustrated.
Chen: Two of you! Stop fighting with each other! Monkey King, tell me what are the advantages of your Golden Gazed Fiery Eyes?
Monkey King: I will not talk about the good things of my Golden Gaze Fiery Eyes. Let’s talk about the bad things of the Third Heavenly Eye.
Monkey King: Firstly, you need three thousand years to train and acquire the Golden Gaze Fiery Eyes! What do you think about it?!
Chen: Don’t even talk about three thousand years. I don’t think I have three years of training. (Sweating emoji)
Monkey King: Other than that, you are going to have a third eye on your forehead, if you choose the Third Heavenly Eye. Do you think you will like it?
Chen: I’m still living in the human realm. I don’t I would like a third eye on my forehead.
Monkey King: Then, you tell me now. Do you want Third Heavenly Eye or Golden Gaze Fiery Eyes?
Chen: I want Golden Gaze Fiery Eyes! (Without a doubt.)
God Erlang: Hmph! You are pissing me off! (Three knife emojis)
Monkey King: Hahaha! It was indeed my intention to piss you off! (Three laughing emojis)
Chen: Monkey King, teach me Golden Gaze Fiery Eyes now! I can’t wait any longer!
Monkey King: Don’t worry! I will not disappoint you.
[Congratulation! You have acquired a Red Envelope from Monkey King! You received Golden Gaze Fiery Eyes (magical item). It has been stored inside your treasure chest.]
Chen: I have received your personal package. Thank you so much! I will send you the spicy stick tomorrow.
Monkey King: Alright!
[Golden Gaze Fiery Eyes (magical item); Hand crafted by Monkey King. Can see through everything in this world. Also, it can help you to distinguish between truth or deceit. Do you wish to withdraw it?]
“Yes!” A circle of light went into Chen’s eye after he tapped on the yes button! Within a second, he saw the sky and ground burning in front of him. It was truly a magnificent sight. His body was burning as well. He had already acquired Golden Gaze Fiery Eyes when the burning sensation disappeared.
“Haha! I have Battlespirit Netherscouter on my left eye and Golden Gaze Fiery Eye on my right eye! This is too d*mn insane!” Chen was extremely excited. He couldn’t wait to enter the casino to test out his new ability.
“Here are your chips! Don’t lose too badly!” Lin Nan walked towards Chen and said. He had queued up for a long time to buy a green chip.
“Hmph! Open your eyes and observe! I am going to let you know the true nature of gambling!” Chen took the chip from Lin Nan and walked towards the gambling table.
“Lift up your hand after you have made your bet! Lift up your hand after you have made your bet!” The dealer shouted. Placing a bet on dice was the easiest game in a casino. It was very popular among the gamblers. After the gamblers place their bet, there was one hundred thousand worth of chips on the table. This was a huge amount of money for a small casino like this.
“Activate Golden Gaze Fiery Eye!” Chen blinked his right eye. A golden fiery light flashed in his eyes. The cover of the dicing machine became transparent to Chen. He could clearly see the dice in the dicing machine; the point on three different dices were one, three, and one.
“I bet on small!” Without any second thought, Chen placed his chip on the small bet.
“Tsk! How dare you place only fifty Yuan worth of chip on this game?! You are going to lose the game!” The fat guy who sat beside Chen said condescendingly.
“Then, you should bet on big!” Chen looked at him mockingly.
“I will bet on big! Five hundred Yuan! I make my bet on big!” The fat guy was acting boldly and took out a five hundred chip to bet on big.
“Lift your hand after you have made your bet! Open!”
The dealer lifted the cover of the dicing machine and announced, “One, three, one. That makes five in total! Small!”
“Damn it! You lucky son of the b*tch!” The fat guy rolled his eyes at Chen.
“Hehe… My luck is striking.” Chen smiled. Only he knew the secret behind it.
Translator’s footnote
Caishen- God of prosperity
Jingu Bang- Monkey King’s weaponComments (55)PlotArmour

hello red packet serverMorvian

this woman make me speechless, hia little brother can move her heart? OMG~Queue

Wasn’t the gambling sob brother promised only 100k if the mc lost? Not 500k. Then again it doesn’t matter, since he’s going to lose the bet. 😇VIEW ALL COMMENTSRate this chapterVote with Power StoneChapter 50: Who Wrote This Off As ‘Useless’?

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation
“What the hell? Fifty into a hundred?!” Chen shook the chips in his hand.
Lin Nan said contemptuously, “Do you think that you can rely solely on luck to win? Don’t forget, you must win five hundred thousand, before daybreak!”
“Hehe, watch me. Let me show you how it’s done!” Chen grinned, and re-entered the battle ground.
With the help of his Golden Gaze Fiery Eyes, he definitely would not lose. He placed all his chips in, for every single game!
A hundred became two!
Two hundred became four!
Four hundred became eight!
One thousand and six, three thousand and two, six thousand and four!
Twelve thousand and eight hundred, twenty-five thousand and six hundred, fifty-one thousand and two hundred!
Only after twenty minutes, the chips in Chen’s hand had already turned into fifty-one thousand and two hundred Yuan!
“My God! This kid is God! He actually won ten rounds in one go!”
“His luck is unbelievable!”
“Everybody! Quick! Buy whatever he is buying! You’ll surely win!”
Very soon, Chen became the center of attention. Everyone was watching his every move, hoping to hit the jackpot with him.
“Hurry! Place the bet! Brother-in-law, place the bet! It’s going to become one hundred thousand!”
At the same time, Lin Nan was already caught up in the craze. He no longer looked down on Chen; what’s more, he even called Chen ‘Brother-in-law’ affectionately.
“The bank won’t let me win this round,” Chen whispered into Lin Nan’s ear.
“How could this be? It’s all about luck now! Brother-in-law, you’re so prosperous, you surely will keep winning! Place the bet! Place the bet now!” Lin Nan was too excited to listen to Chen.
“You’ll see.”
Chen used his Golden Gaze Fiery Eyes, and saw the contents of the dice cup, they were: three dots, six dots, five dots. It should be big.
But this time, he only used two hundred chips, and threw the chips at the big side.
“Let’s bet on the big side. We should just follow him! He can never get anything wrong!”
“Bet! Bet! Bet!”
The group of gamblers placed their chips at the big side without hesitation.
“Lift your hands after placing your bet!” The dealer shouted, but he did not deal immediately.
With his Golden Gaze Fiery Eyes, Chen saw the dealer kicking a switch under the table.
Probably because of the electromagnets, the dice in the dice cups all flipped, and became two dots, two dots, one dot!
The dealer opened the dice cup and announced, “Two, two, one! Total of five points! Small!”
Then, he systematically kept all the chips on the big side into his bag.
The surrounding gamblers suddenly let out a desolate cry.
Chen did not stay but immediately pulled Lin Nan away from the table.
“Did you see the dirty trick that was used by the dealer just now?” Chen asked.
Lin Nan swallowed, and said uneasily, “I felt that something fishy is going on! I think the dealer just cheated on us…”
“Mm, this proves that you are not completely stupid,” Chen nodded.
“Let’s go, brother-in-law. This place is a money pit! I will never come here again, ever!” Lin Nan’s heart turned cold.
When he recalled the time he lost the money, he became more and more certain that there was something suspicious about the banker.
“I have not won five hundred thousand yet. How can I leave?” Chen shrugged; he did not plan to leave.
When Lin Nan heard this, he asked, confused, “Brother-in-law, why would you want to continue betting if you know that the bankers are playing dirty?”
“Because your knowledge of gambling is not deep enough. You must see the more brutal side of gambling before you can really give up on gambling!” Chen said nonchalantly.
Lin Nan was surprised and touched. He then asked anxiously, “I know that you are doing this for my own good, but, if we continue to gamble, I’m afraid that we’ll lose everything!”
“Don’t worry, I will not lose!”
Chen grinned and walked towards the table.
With his Golden Gaze Fiery Eye, he would definitely win.
He walked to a different table and played another four rounds. Fifty thousand worth of chips turned into eight hundred thousand.
After settling Lin Nan’s debt, there should be three hundred remaining.
“Brother-in-law! You have actually won fourteen rounds! You’re not human! You’re a God! The God of Gambling! From today onwards, you are my idol!”
Lin Nan was already admiring Chen from the bottom of his heart.
Lin Nan had gambled for so many years but never once has he met anyone as good as Chen.
“Don’t get all excited yet. Go, bank in the chips for now,” Chen handed the chips to Lin Nan.
“Alright! I’ll go!” Lin Nan was very excited and went off dutifully.
At the front desk.
Lin Nan placed the chips on the table, and said with a smile plastered across his face, “Wolfie, can you please cash in the chips for me.”
“Oh? Your luck seems to be pretty good today! But, you’re leaving already?” Wolfie glanced at the chips, and he wore a forced expression on his face.
Lin Nan had not noticed the expressoin yet, and said optimistically, “Mm, I’m done for today. I’ll come again, next time.”
“What about the money you owe Brother Bill?” Wolfie questioned.
“This… I’ll have to ask my brother-in-law…” Lin Nan hesitated. After all, all this money belonged to Chen.
But when he turned back, he could not spot Chen.
“You can’t owe someone money and not return it. That is just wrong.” Wolfie said coldly.
“I’ll pay… I’ll pay…” Lin Nan swallowed. He thought to himself that he would use the money to pay his debt first. Owing money to Chen was better than owing Brother Bill.
“That’s more like it. Follow me,” Wolfie said softly.
Lin Nan could only follow him submissively.
After that, Wolfie brought Lin Nan into a room and made him wait.
After a few minutes, Brother Bill walked in, with a couple of vicious-looking guys.”
“Good day, Brother Bill!”
When Lin Nan saw them approach, he stood up immediately, nodding his head and stooping over to greet Brother Bill.
“Good day to your asshole too!”
To Lin Nan’s surprise, Brother Bill raised his fist and punched him squarely in his mouth. Lin Nan fell hard onto the ground.
“Bill… Brother Bill, why did you hit me?” Lin Nan was baffled.
“You asshole, how dare you cheat in my casino?! I will not only give you a good beating, I will even cut off your right arm!”
This Brother Bill was the infamous Bearman; Shi Dabiao!
“I… I did not cheat!” Lin Nan froze; he was so scared he nearly wet his pants.
“Hmph! When I say that you cheated, you did! You cheated in my casino!”
Da Biao’s tone was cold. He was being unreasonable, “Come! Cut off his arm, take him out to show the others! Let everyone know that this piece of sh*t is a dirty cheat! Confiscate all the chips he had won!”
Lin Nan’s heart twisted into a knot – he felt like the sky was falling down on him.
It was the casino that was cheating, but they had falsely accused him of cheating instead, putting the blame on his good name! What’s more, it was all based on empty rumors and hearsay, he did not even get a chance to prove his innocence!
Right then, Lin Nan finally understood the nature of gambling.
When a gambler loses, he deserved it. But when a gambler wins, he had to spit out the money that he had won.
If you win too much, to a point where the casino’s profit is affected, you would end up like this – attracting trouble and death!
“I will stop…I will never gamble ever Again…Brother-in-law, save me….bro…save me…Brother-in-law!!!” Lin Nan wailed.
When Dabiao saw this, he said contemptuously, “Heh, still calling out for your brother-in-law? It’s no use even if you were to call out to the Heavenly King himself!”
Just then, someone kicked open the door.
Chen strode in, and looked coldly at Da Biao.


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