Novel Name : Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!

Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency! Chapter 109 - If You Have A Man Like This, You Should Treasure Him

Chapter 109: If You Have A Man Like This, You Should Treasure Him

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation
Song Yu stayed at the hand washing area as Wei Ran took Muran into one of the toilet cubicles. She washed her hands and stared into her reflection. There was nothing amiss.
The main door to the toilet opened and a woman walked in. Song Yu did not pay heed to the incoming patron and was caught off guard. “Song Yu?”
It was her maternal aunt, Liang Lihua.
Song Yu shut the water tap and gave her an icy stare.
It was as much of a surprise for Song Yu as it was for Liang Lihua. It had been a few years since Liang Lihua had to worry about running into the Song family in any of the upscale establishments.
There was a charity organization founded by the rich ladies of upper society. Tonight, Liang Lihua and some of the board members were here for a small meeting. Who knew that she would run into Song Yu.
“Why are you here?” Liang Lihua said unkindly. Reminded by her earlier conversation with Yu Keyao, Liang Lihua’s face darkened. “You’re here with Qi Chengzhi?”
“That’s none of your concern,” Song Yu replied. She did not bother to greet her with the appropriate salutation.
Yu Zidong was the second son of the Yu family. Ever since her maternal grandparents passed away, the major share of the Yu family company fell into the hands of the eldest son, Yu Zixiu. In the earlier years, Yu Zidong had little dedication to the company. Although he had a high ranking position, he wielded no real power. Everyone in the company knew that Yu Zidong was only a figurehead. He was well-paid simply because he was born into the right family.
His wife, Liang Lihua, was no spendthrift either. She urged Yu Zidong to branch out and start his own company. They attempted to borrow money from Yu Zixiu for the starting capital but the request was naturally rejected. In the end, Yu Zidong sold off a portion of his shares in the company—just enough so that he still retained the benefits.
The remaining money, they got it from the Song family.
For that period, Liang Lihua visited Yu Qianying every day and lamented about their financial struggles. Yu Zidong also came to her often. He vented about the way their eldest brother sidelined him in the family company and the difficulties in financing the new company. There was a general buffer period before a new company starts to make money. Hence, a large sum of money was needed in the initial phase for investment.
While Yu Zidong was at work, Liang Lihua would visit Yu Qianying. It always ended with Liang Lihua in tears due to the financial difficulties her family was experiencing. At that time, Yu Qianying was at a good spot in life. Her husband’s company was doing well so she asked Song Donglin to provide them with some monetary assistance.
Liang Lihua would drag Yu Qianying out for meals and entertainment, of which none she would pay for. There were feeble attempts to fight for the check but Liang Lihua never took any money out from her purse.
When the Song family went on vacations, Yu Qianying would invite Yu Zidong and Liang Lihua to join them—all expenses paid. Tens of thousands of yuan was nothing compared to the few millions that had already been lent out. However, contrary to Liang Lihua’s belief, Yu Qianying’s help was not a matter of course. She felt that it was Yu Qianying’s responsibility to help out her brother and his family unconditionally.
Every time Yu Qianying gave them the money they requested, Liang Lihua would put on a facade of gratitude and appreciation that would not last a few days. Her true self would burst through the cracks of her facade and then, it was back to the whole-world-owes-me attitude. She thought her life to be the most arduous of all.
After all the crocodile tears and financial assistance, Yu Zidong’s company managed to rise to a good footing. As the company grew bigger, the visits by Yu Zidong and his wife became less frequent.
Then, a snap of fingers by fate and the Song family crash-landed in bankruptcy. Unsurprisingly, Yu Zidong’s family cut ties with the Song family without any hesitation.
Therefore, with regards to her uncle and aunt, there was no love lost between them and Song Yu.
“I know about your business with Qi Chengzhi,” Liang Lihua sneered. Haughtiness was written all over her aging face that was caked with beauty products. She was hardly the same person who came to their house years before, with all the sob stories and requests for money.
Seeing her now, one would not think that she was once a pitiable housewife.
“Why don’t you two just break up and not waste our time? Don’t tarnish the Yu family’s image.” Song Yu stayed silent and Liang Lihua took it as a cue to continue her barrage, “First, you got engaged to the younger brother. Now you’re dating the older one. Do you know no shame? You’re ruining not only the Yu family’s reputation, but the Song family’s as well. Although your family is now bankrupt and ejected from upper society, this news will still be a scandal.”
“We have cut ties with the Yu family, so rest assured, your reputation is safe.” Song Yu decided to cut short their conversation, it did not matter anyway. “We’re in public now, so you might want to keep it down if you don’t want the scandal to spread. If that’s all, I’ll take my leave.”
There was no point in showing respect to someone like Liang Lihua. She sidestepped her aunt to exit the ladies. Wei Ran must have heard all this drama while she was in the toilet cubicle.
Liang Lihua blocked her path and got up into her face. “You admit that this thing is a scandal and you still won’t back down? Song Yu, just break up with him. I’m saying this for your own good. Don’t be a fool!”
“Your advice has been noted. No need to repeat yourself.” This conversation was starting to get on her nerves and a hint of annoyance flashed across her face as she said, “Please step aside, you’re blocking my way.”
“You insolent child!” Liang Lihua exclaimed and fixed a murderous stare at Song Yu. “I am just being a good aunt and pre-empting you. Your parents will never accept this. You’re basically stealing your cousin sister’s husband!”
Song Yu did not know whether to laugh or cry at this woman. When Liang Lihua kept coming over to the Song family’s house begging for attention and money, Song Yu already felt that her aunt was truly a breed of her own. Today was clear evidence of that hypothesis.
“Stealing her husband?” Song Yu settled for chuckling at her aunt.
Liang Lihua rambled on as if her iteration was the only valid one, “You saw yourself! Keyao went for a matchmaking date with Qi Chengzhi and the family loves her. Why are you standing in the way? You have no chance of marrying into the family so just break up with Qi Chengzhi.”
Song Yu pursed her lips and took a deep breath to calm herself. She spoke with composure, “Firstly, I do not have a cousin sister. The Yu family has long since cut ties with us. Secondly, my relationship with Qi Chengzhi started long before any matchmaking ordeal involving Yu Keyao happened. They went for one matchmaking date and Chengzhi was tricked into it by his family. After that one date, he did not contact Yu Keyao or expressed any liking for her. So why am I the one at fault here? If we’re being honest, Yu Keyao is the one who is standing in the way of us.”
“Also, whether my parents accept us is our business. It has nothing to do with you or Keyao. We don’t need your holier-than-thou attitude or your self-importance butting into our private life.”
“Song Yu! I’m being nice to you and you repay me with this? When did you skin grow so thick? Look at your current status, do you really think you’re a suitable match for Qi Chengzhi?” Liang Lihua glared derisively at her. “If I were you, I’d go far, far away and never get involved with the people of this circle. If you knew your place, when Keyao and Qi Chengzhi get married, I can send your family some money to help you guys with the business. Your family can start a new company, a small one.”
“Song Yu, what’s happening?” Their heated exchange was interrupted by Wei Ran, who had little Muran in tow. The inquiry appeared innocent but Wei Ran was half aware of the situation.
Liang Lihua’s demeaning words were audible from the toilet cubicle.
Luckily, the public bathroom of Red Roof Club had low traffic as every private room had an ensuite toilet.
Initially, Wei Ran did not want to interfere with Song Yu’s personal matter as she was nothing but an outsider. However, as Liang Lihua’s words became more venomous, she could not help herself.
Wei Ran’s appearance made Liang Lihua froze.
In their social circle, Wei Ran was a rare but well-known face. She was the beloved wife of Wei Ziwei. Even their precious daughter, Muran, had a certain recognition in the upper echelons of society. While Liang Lihua had never come in contact with the Wei family, she could recognize them immediately.
“I heard some loud voices. Something about you breaking up with Chengzhi?” Wei Ran took out her phone, “Do I need to call Ziwei and Chengzhi over?”
At the first sign of an actual fair fight, Liang Lihua let out a disgruntled noise and left without saying a word.
After she left, Wei Ran asked Song Yu, “Are you alright?”
Song Yu just shook her head and replied, “I’m fine. It’s nothing.”
When they got back to the room, Song Yu and Wei Ran spoke nothing of the incident.
This was Song Yu’s personal matter and Wei Ran did not want to overstep.
As for Song Yu, Liang Lihua’s words were too ridiculous for her to regale. She had no intentions of breaking up with Qi Chengzhi so there was no point in feeding him such nonsense.
Song Yu returned to Qi Chengzhi’s side. The encounter made her long for his company.
She pressed her body against his arm for warmth, looping her right arm around his left arm, and allowing her hand to roam exploratively towards his palm. Her fingers softly probed at the space between his fingers.
Finally, she interlocked their fingers. Her grip was firm. Her fingers rubbed against the back of his hand and she could feel the tendons beneath his fragile skin. She let her thumb toy with the knobs of his index finger.
Her left arm was draped demurely on at the crook of his elbow as she leaned towards him. Her whole image was that of a well-behaved and loving wife.
“What’s wrong?” Her behavior was out of the ordinary. Song Yu was usually reserved around his friends and now with the unfamiliar Han Zhuoli and Wei Ziqian, it was abnormal for her to be so openly affectionate.
Before this bathroom trip, she blushed like a schoolgirl after just a glance from Qi Chengzhi. Now she was pressed up against his side without shame. Something must have happened.
“Nothing, don’t worry.” Song Yu shook her head and avoided his eyes. She was worried that he would see through her lie. She rested her head on his shoulder and mumbled, “I just missed you.”
His previously relaxed hand tightened around hers. His fingers drummed on the back of her hand. “Shall we leave?”
He spoke softly against her forehead—his deep, alluring voice making her heart flutter. She could feel the warmth of his breath in the pauses between each spoken word.
Song Yu did not need to lift her head to know that the dark eyes looking at her were filled with desire.
The tips of her ears burned. She wanted to clarify that she said she missed him, not his body and that he should be less presumptuous.
“I didn’t mean that,” Song Yu muttered under her breath and pinched his palm. “I just missed you and wanted to be next to you. Not… I didn’t want to do that.”
“But you pressing up so close to me makes me want to do it.” Qi Chengzhi’s unoccupied hand snaked under his left arm and pinched at the soft skin of her tummy.
Song Yu tried to evade his hand but there was nowhere she could move to. Her skin buzzed where it had been assaulted.
Qi Chengzhi lowered his head and brushed his lips across her forehead. With half-lidded eyes, he saw the blooming redness on Song Yu’s cheeks.
Being in close proximity, Qi Chengzhi could smell the faint perfume on her. He lowered his head and planted a wet kiss on her forehead.
There was pin-drop silence in the room and Song Yu’s face turned bright red. Everyone in the room was looking at them.
Wei Ziwei had covered Muran’s eyes while Qi Chenglin did the same for Qi Youxuan. They were too tender of age to be exposed to the explicit romantic gestures of adults.
For the sons, it did not matter much. On the other hand, the daughters might be taken advantage of.
Wei Ziwei side-eyed the couple who so unabashedly displayed intimacy in such a public setting.
There was no saving Song Yu’s face now. She clung onto Qi Chengzhi’s arm and buried her head into his shoulder, unwilling to meet anyone’s eye. The suggestion to leave early seemed incredibly enticing now.
Qi Chengzhi surveyed the scene and whipped out his phone. In the WeChat group, he texted, “Stop staring. She’s shy.”
Everyone’s response, “…”
Yan Beicheng fake coughed and cleared his throat before changing the topic. The atmosphere enlivened and everyone diverted their attention from Song Yu and Qi Chengzhi. Song Yu let out a sigh of relief and removed her head from Qi Chengzhi’s shoulder. Her left hand ran through her long, silky tresses that were slightly messed up.
She attempted to move her right hand but Qi Chengzhi tightened his grip.
Her hand was held hostage until the waiter served the first dish.
During dinnertime, Qi Chengzhi made no move to do anything eye-catching, much to Song Yu’s relief.
When everyone was done with the food, the three children were already tired. Baby Muche was sound asleep in the baby stroller while Muran was in Wei Ziwei’s lap trying to sleep but failing due to the noisy surroundings. Her eyelids fought to stay open.
Qi Youxuan said into his dad’s ear before falling asleep, “Dad, remember to invite these uncles to my birthday. Those who can’t attend should pass on a red packet.”
Qi Chenglin shook his head and said, “Go to sleep.”
Hence, the crowd did not stay any longer.
Wei Ran invited Song Yu over to the Wei family’s house when she was free. They were in the lobby bidding farewell when six women walked in.
“Eh? Isn’t that Qi Chengzhi? I heard your daughter was on a matchmaking date with him. Does he have a girlfriend?” one of the women asked.
Liang Lihua squinted her eyes, her face froze when she saw the interlinked hands of Song Yu and Qi Chengzhi.
“Heh, who knows what relationship they have between them? It might be a random fling. If not, why would his family arrange for a match?” Liang Lihua smiled coldly. “Hold on, let me go and greet him.”
She took a breath and walked straight toward Song Yu. Her beady eyes locked on the happy couple.
“Oh it really is a fling?” someone asked after Liang Lihua left. “I don’t think so. Qi Chengzhi hasn’t been seen with a woman for so long, not even a rumor of it. It’s unlikely that he’s out with some random woman.”
“If I had a daughter, I would want him as my son-in-law too.”
“Yeah. So I think Lihua will not give up so easily. A man of his family background and conduct is not one to be let go.”
Liang Lihua angrily stomped across the lobby, the knowledge that the ladies would be talking behind her back fueled her.
‘Song Yu really is shameless!’
Hanging around Qi Chengzhi despite her low status, she would be the talk of the town.
Song Yu spotted Liang Lihua first. She quickly squeezed Qi Chengzhi’s hand to alert him but as he turned around, Liang Lihua was already standing in front of them.
“What a coincidence seeing you two here,” Liang Lihua greeted with no warmth in her voice. Her icy stare landed on Song Yu, a silent warning for her to keep her mouth shut.
Qi Chengzhi nodded but said nothing. He only looked on appraisingly.
Liang Lihua knew that the other board members were only a stone’s throw away and could hear their conversation. She angled her body so that they could see her expression and laughed, “Chengzhi, come over and have lunch with us when you’re free!”
“Sorry, I don’t have the time.” Qi Chengzhi continued aloofly, “I’m finding a time to visit Song Yu’s parents.”
“Is it?” The tenuous smile on her face froze, “Do your parents know of this?”
Qi Chengzhi clicked his tongue and said, “Miss Yu did not tell you?”
“Chengzhi, as your elder, I advise you to be less showy with your affection. It will not bode well for the two of you.” Liang Lihua’s sight dropped to the linked hands.
“Goodbye,” Qi Chengzhi nodded in reply and walked away with Song Yu.
His posse walked out of Red Roof together. They even looked over their shoulders before departing and stared at Liang Lihua as if she was some psycho.
Liang Lihua’s face was tensed with suppressed anger.
Qi Chenglin nudged his son. Qi Youxuan immediately shouted, “Goodbye uncle, auntie!”
It went without saying, Liang Lihua’s expression darkened a few shades.

Qi Chengzhi drove for a few miles before asking, “You ran into Liang Lihua in the bathroom, didn’t you?”
‘Was there anything this man couldn’t find out?’
Song Yu felt a bit unhappy that she could never hide anything from Qi Chengzhi.
Left without a choice, she summarized the events of the night to him.
“This Saturday is Jian Yi and Chengyue’s wedding. Come with me.” A pause which followed with, “The Yu family will be there too.”
Song Yu contemplated for a while, then agreed. “Okay.”
It was now a habit for Qi Chengzhi to hold her hand during drives. His pale, large hand covered her small hand and kept her grounded.
She once saw a shared message on WeChat moments. It was along the lines of, “When men show these small signs of affection, they truly have you in their heart. If you have a man like this, you should treasure him.”
Reaching for your hand while driving was listed as one of the small signs of affection.
Previously, Song Yu would worry that it affected his driving but after seeing that message, the gesture was very much welcomed.


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