Novel Name : Its Too Late To Forgive

Its Too Late To Forgive Chapter 98: 96. SORRY I COULDN'T FIND YOU EARLIER

Sophia looked at him in confusion. Alen smirked and reduced his distance and spoke in hard voice
containing only anger,

"You signed a contract when you entered this company. And if you resign now, it will be considered as
breech of contract and ....."

Saying he came even more closer. Now her big breats were touching his chest.

"... and you have to compensate the company with one million dollars as a compensation of their


Sophia could not believe in what she was hearing. One million dollar for a post of secretary.


......that's too much and that too for just a post of secretary......"

"My sweet Sophia, do you think a person coming for a post of designer can become my personal
secretary so easily and that too with double salary and perks?"

"No..... I...... But..... Wait...

You planned all this!!"

Alen didn't speak but just smirked.

"You t....trapped me..... Why?"

'Where will I get one million dollars from!' She murmured but Alen could still hear it.

Alen wanted to say more but then he saw fear in Sophia's eyes. Her lips were trembling. He was just
threatening her so that she doesn't think of leaving her. He really didn't wanted to scare her.

Without thinking further, he held her face with both his palms and tried to smash his lips with hers'.
Sophia kind of anticipated this action and immediately used her hand to cover her mouth.

Alen didn't expect such an action. He wanted to laugh. His sweetheart was looking so adorable right
now and she was actually refusing him. Well, little did she know that nobody can stop him from doing
what he wanted to do.

He dragged her hands away and controlled her two hands by his one. Then he smashed his lips with
hers'. His kiss that contains tyranny and possessive desire enchanted Sophia's heart.

He didn't keep his other hand ideal, it drifted to her back and started touching her everywhere. She
tried to resist but her hands were controlled by him.

The harder she struggled, the wilder he kissed. It seemed that she didn't know that she evoked his
desire of possessing.

It seems that Alen didn't have any intention of stopping. He kissed her downwards on her chin, neck
and her shoulder bones leaving behind terrifying purple blue traces. Her flavour was delicious and he
wanted to savour her more and more.

As Alen tried to go down more, there was a knock on his door,

"Excuse me Sir."

Somebody knocked from outside and Alen didn't open the door nor did he release Sophia from his grip.

"What is it Gary?"

"Sir it's time to leave."

"Shit... Shit...

.....Yes I know I will right there."

Alen said in frustration. He then turned towards Sophia and spoke softly while holding her face in his

"Sophi, sweetheart just give me one week. Trust Me ... just trust me once there is nothing between me
and Silky.

I have to go back home to Germany for some important business matters and I wil be back by next

Just hold yourself till then and once I am back I will explain everything. I swear. Please."

Sophia felt positively and sincereity in his voice and she nodded in affirmation. Alen smiled seeing that
she has agreed. He immediately took her in this arms and kissed her on her forehead and then left his

Sophia's mind was running like a hay wire now. She was not able to understand what should she
believe and what not.

Alen has tricked her into getting this job. Even though she was angry with that but still glad that she got
such a big company as her employer in her first professional carrier itself.

But Alen's attitude was disturbing her. She can't understand what he really wanted! Does he love her or
I'd he only interested in her body. Silky was his ex secretary and she saw them having intimate scenes
infront of her and now she is his secretary.

So does he think even she is like Silky too?

But she was not! She didn't have any sexual intimacy with anyone even when she was in the LAS
Deux club then why will she have now! She really need to talk to Alen once he is back.

It was almost a week now that Alen has gone to Germany. Mean while Silky was completely prohibited
from entering on Alen's floor.

After 3 days from Alen's departure, Sophia received a video clipping on her official email Id. After
seeing the video, Sophia couldn't understand what to think further. She was confused, upset and

She was confused by Alen's attitude, confused with her own heart and worried about her job and
future. Even though Bella gave her one million bucks but she used maximum for her tuition fees as
promised to Bella. And some she gave to her poor parents for buying a small house in her village.

Now if she looses this job she knows that it will be hard for her to get another one with such an
amazing salary and perks but Alen... she really didn't want any contact with him what so ever it may be.
But how to avoid him?

Sophia got a call from designer department on the 10th day of Alen's departure. Yes it's been 10 days
and Alen has not yet returned back.

She went to the department and they told her that they have to design a tie and buttons for men's shirt.
Even though Sophia was confused as to why she was called but still was glad that atleast she will get
something of her interest that she can do. Plus as Alen was not there, she hardly had any work in her
hands except for checking and replying to his bulk mails.

Soon Sophia started on her designs and was very satisfied on seeing her completed work. Micheal
Dean took their designs and out of these Sophia's design was one of the designs that got selected.

Now was the time to make them in real and he even informed Sophia that from now onwards she won't
be working as Alen's secretary but as a junior designer in designing department.

Days past by and Sophia started working in designer department. It was almost 3 months that she
haven't seen Alen since he left for Germany. Was she missing him? She thought and deep down in her
heart she knew the answer - Yes.

Next morning there was a chios in the office building. On inquiring Sophia came to know that fianlly
Alen was back after his long 4 months break. For some reason she felt like running towards him and
hugging him tight but on second thought she refrained herself from doing so. May be he doesn't want
any contact with her that's why he changed her department! She thought.


Present days :

Finally the design was out. Now it was time for selection. Who ever's design will get selected will get
some of 50 thousand bucks plus the design will officially be launched by the company and all the extra
benefits will be given to the designer with perks and promotion.

Her company held a small ramp walk for the designs to be displayed professionally. One by one male
models came in the ramp and displayed the designs but to Sophia's utter surprise none of the male
models were wearing her design. She stood up just to go back stage and check for her items just then
the host announced the entrance of their much awaited CEO, Alen James.

Sophia stopped moving further and turned to look at the ramp walk. Shocked was still a small word,
Sophia was beyond shock when she saw Alen wearing her designed tie and shirt with her designed

Alen who was beyond the definition of being handsome was now looking more like a Knight Prince to
her. She was mesmerized by his beauty and grace in which he displayed himself on the stage. Her
eyes didn't even leave him for once. She was so much in a trance that she couldn't even hear the host
calling for her.

When she came back to her senses, she rushed to the stage and stood next to Alen, her model, as it
was pre - rehearsed. This was the time to explain their designs and special features of the items.

Sophia explained that her buttons were designed in a way that it can be opened by one hand and her
tie was made up of the material which can be made with one hand either.

During demonstration, Sophia came closer to Alen. His intoxicating smell was not letting her
concentrate in her work. She was seeing him after almost 5 moths now and his closeness and her
longing for him was almost like killing her. She was not able to understand her feelings and it seemed
that she was fighting with her heart.

She came closer to him. She one by one opened the buttons of his shirt with one hand and similarly
closed them too. Then she held one end of the tie in her mouth and with single hand she made a
perfect knot. While making the knot her eyelashes were almost kissing Alen's cheeks and their lips
were inches close.

Sophia didn't have a choice but Alen did but still to her surprise Alen didn't move even an inch. He kept
looking at her without even sparing a second of drift. Sophia was nervous and her hands were
trembling. It was for the first time that her design was getting displayed and Alen's closeness and
people's gaze was making her even more nervous.

Alen was able to sense that and he kept his hand on her back and started moving it slightly in up and
down as to reduce her nervousness and relax. Sophia felt burnt wherever he touched. Now she was
embarrassed too as everyone present started gossiping seeing all of this.

"Focus sweetheart. It's your time to shine."

To her utter surprise, Alen's words abs touch really did calm her down and she started working on her
design display. Everyone present were impressed by her design and specially with the concept of using
only one hand which made it even easier for disabled people to wear. And this particular thought made
Sophia a winner.

In the after party of this event, every eye was literally on Sophia who came in an enchanting blue
coloured deep V backless dress. Her long wavy hair were sitting perfectly on her shoulder and reaching
her waist line. Her face had minimum makeup with her bright and shinny eyes. Her blood red lipstick
was a must suck up thing. Walking inside the party in her 5 inches heels , she was looking nothing less
than a seductress.

Alen who was busy with some other officials followed their eyesight when he realized that they are not
paying attention to what he was speaking. He was amazed to see Sophia's beauty and was not
surprised to see all the men gawking towards her. Though he didn't like this but it was his fault after all.

How? As this was the dress he gifted her when he was chasing her during her university years to be
worn in one of the parties where he wanted her to be his partner. That time she said it was too
expensive and exposing and she didn't wanted to make a highlights for others as she would be
photographed with Alen. But now she is wearing the same dress and looking nothing less then a bomb.

Alen smirked and took another sip of wine from his glass and walked towards her.

"I see you finally wore it."

"Young master James.. Good evening."


it looks good on you."

Said Alen while pointing his glass on the dress.

'Hmm.... thank you."

"Though I must say you look beautiful in this but don't wear this dress ever again.. not in public."

Sophia was little confused and looked at him for some clarification. Alen smiled softly but lustfully,
walked towards her. He held her waist with his empty hand and spoke in a full lustfull manner ,

"Your body is only for me to see."

Saying that he kisses her earlobe and left. Feeling his warm breath on her ears and face and his hand
on her waist, Sophia couldn't understand why but she felt 'wet'. She felt as if she wanted more and
more of thus closeness. Shaking her feelings away she walked towards the bar counter, yes she need
to have a drink so come back to her senses, she thought. She was unaware of a pair of jealous eyes
that was gawking her continously since Sophia entered the hall.

Silky gave a bunch of money to one of the bartender and a small packet of white powder to be mixed in
Sophia's drink. She wanted to spoil Sophia's life and body. She hated the closeness between her and
Alen. Silky is been trying from almost last 5 years to be close to Alen and become, if not wife, then his
mistress but he never ever touched her also.

That day when Sophia came to Alen's office, the scene that was infront of her was also somewhat
planned by Silky to seduce Alen and was Co incidently seen by Sophia too.

She, as always, purposely wore the shortest dress possible with small strips at the shoulder. While
opening the papers for Alen to sign, Silky bent quite down so that her already erect nipples can touch
Alen's hands from the thin fabric of her dress. Alen, to her surprise, threw his hands back as soon as

her nipples touched it. Silky pretended to become unbalanced and feel on Alen's lap. One of Alen's
button got stuck on Silky's sequential dress.

What Sophia saw was from behind but in reality Alen was trying to take his button out of Silky dress
where it got entangled. Silky felt her presence and she purposely lowered the same side of shoulder
strap and make a loud mourn. Later she had to pay for this act of hers by loosing her post of being his
secretary, all the perks and benefits and now she was working as a clerk in the cleaning department.
She wanted to take revenge from Sophia as because of her she lost her chances with Alen.

Sophia was now drugged. Alen had gone to another room to finish his some official talks. When he
came back, his eyes roamed around to look for Sophia but he couldn't see her. Suddenly a beautiful
figure caught his eyes which was dancing like no tomorrow on the dance floor. Her butts, her boobs,
her flushed face with open mouth was screaming to be fucked.

Then Alen noticed her face to be extra ordinarily flushed with lost eyes. It didn't take him rocket science
to understand that Sophia was drugged.

........... ..............................................

Next morning -

Alen woke up with sun shining brightly on him and the beautiful woman who was sleeping next to him.
He was mesmerized to see Sophia's beauty. She looked so innocent and so contented. He just kept
staring at her all the time.

Her flawless beautiful face, butterfly lashes, red cheeks and those puffy lips. He can't forget how she
was trembling and calling his name underin yesterday night when he took her almost 6 times.

He had to admit that being from rich and royal family, he had lots of perks when it came to sleeping
with girls. But he never felt so satisfied the way he felt yesterday night with Sophia.

It would be a lie if he says that he doesn't believe in love at 1st site. Ofcourse he did because that was
Sophia for him. He fell in love with her the day he saw her in Henry's booth at Las Deux when Bella
Evans's identity was revealed.

Bella.... Bella Evans ... !!!

He suddenly remembered her. That girl had something in her. May be it was her ugliness, her aura, her
innocence... something was there which was hard for Alen to pin point. Something that attracted
people. And to say the truth it was not only attraction but feeling of love and protection emerges when
you see her.

Even though Alen loved Sophia but from time to time he did think about that girl called, Bella Evans.
And the reason behind it - he himself didn't know.

Sophia was the woman he truly loved and was chasing for last almost 4 years now. Before going for
Sophia he actually wanted to speak to Bella. He wanted to know her better, know her more. And for
what reason, he himself doesn't know.

He decided to visit her the very next day of Las Deux anniversary party. But before he could do so,
news of Henry and Bella's marriage was out. Alen was not a kind of a person who would like to come
in-between a married couple hence he happily backed out.

And now, even though somewhere in his mind he remembered Bella, now he was with the righteous
woman, his love, Sophia.

Sophia woke up and got completely engaged in this pair of beautiful eyes which was looking at her with
love , love and only love. She felt complete and satisfied. Alen saw that too on her face. Without
speaking a word he captured her lips in a long passionate kiss.

His every bite, gained him a beautiful moan. He couldn't control himself and removed the quilt from her
body and started caressing her soft and smooth body. He started leaving blue purple marks on her
body and started with another hot streaming session of love making.

Yesterday night Sophia was under the influence of drugs but today she was all over him. She also
couldn't get enough of him and responded with equal passion. After a long time of continuous love
making, they finally relaxed in each other warm embrace.

"From tomorrow you will be working in the designer department as one of the main designers for the

Alen said while roaming his fingers on her smooth hand.


Sophia seems to be sad by hearing all this. Alen who was surprised with this dull reaction.

"Something wrong sweetheart?"

"I don't want to be separated by you. I know you are purposely pushing me away from you so that you
can be alone with your whore Silky."

Sophia said while pouting her lips. Alen smiled seeing her reacting like this.

"You know there is nothing between me and Silky. You have seen the video yourself."

"How do you know I have seen the video?"

Said Sophia while raising herself on her elbow and looking at Alen. Alen looked at her cute and
innocent face and then at the spot where her nipples were touching his body.

He couldn't control himself and without further continuing the topic, he grabbed her nipples in his hand
and started biting them hard. Sophia started moaning louder and louder and once again swept in her
pleasure world.

Finally on the fourth day morning, Alen let Sophia go to her apartment. Its been three nights and four
days that Alen had Sophia in his presidential suite. He made love with her over and over again, loosing
the counts of the same. He didn't let her wear any clothes during this time. What she could wear was
only draping of the bedsheet.

He was even reluctant to let her go even after so many love making sessions. She literally pleaded him
saying that now she was very sore and couldn't walk properly also.

While leaving the hotel, Alen once again carried her without caring about the gazes that he was getting
from the on lookers and personally dropped her to her small one apartment room. He couldn't resist
thinking about doing something naughty in her apartment and inspite of her refusal, he made love with
her again the whole night and only left in the morning.

He gave Sophia three days holidays, as he knew that she will be needing that to gain her energy back.
He also got a lady doctor to examine Sophia as a home visit.

Sophia knew her feelings for Alen before also but now, after all this, she fell in love with him all over

Alen was luxuriously sitting on one of the recliners, near his pool, of his magnificent bungalow. His hair
were still wet and was only wearing a robe. Indicating that he had just come out of the pool. He was
continously gazing at the stars. In his one hand he was elegantly holding a glass of red wine and in the
other he tightly held a broke silver bracelet of doll.

"Why can't I find you doll?

Where are you Elina doll??

It's been so many years since I last saw you. Its been so many years that I shifted to country A only to
look for you.

Where are you? Please come back to me. Please...."

A lonely tear fell from his eyes. Just then his phone rang and a beautiful face emerged on it.

"Yes sweetheart. How are you feeling now? What did the doctor say??"

Sophia felt a bit shy but still mustered herself and spoke.

"Hmm........ she said I have to have abstinence for a week or so to heal properly. "

"I can understand that sweetheart. I am sorry. It's my fault. I will be gentle from next time."

Alen smiled thinking about Sophia.

"Sweetheart you rest for now. See you in the office after 3 days.

And ya you remember back that even if you are in the designer department, you are still responsible for
making my coffee!"

"Yes I do...."

Hearing this, Alen had a brightest smile on his face.

"I will make sure you say this again soon."

Sophia who got little confused by what she said, asked him very innocently,

"Say what Alen."

"Nothing.. see you in the office. Take rest and heal well. I am still not over with our love sessions."

Hearing this Sophia immediately kept her phone down. Alen smiled thinking about her shy face. He
then took a deep breath and took a sip of his wine. He looked at the broken pendant,

"SORRY I COULDN'T FIND YOU EARLIER and fell in love with Sophia. I hope you will forgive me



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