Novel Name : Its Too Late To Forgive

Its Too Late To Forgive Chapter 54: 54. ONCE YOUR SISTER

Bella couldn't sleep the entire night. She had curled herself into a small ball and kept sitting near the

At dawn she thought of calling Jason. She knew that it was too early but she had to meet him and tell
him everything about herself, her past, and her responsibilities. And most importantly about Henry

After struggling for a long time, finally Bella called Jason. The line got through at once. After few rings
when Bella thought the phone won't be picked up suddenly the phone got connected. Before Bella
could speak , she could hear a sweet voice coming from the other side,

"Hello.. how is this?" said the woman.

"Ah.. C... can I speak to J..Jason ple...ase?"

Asked Bella in both nervous and trembling voice. The owner of that voice seemed to be irritated by her
voice and replied very coldly.

"Jason is very tired and he is sleeping right now."

"May I know who is speaking?"

Bella don't know how and from where did she get this courage but she asked. She really wanted to
know why was there a woman near Jason at this time and why was she answering Jason's call.
Eventhough Bella never had hoped for her future but just few hours back she thought of starting a
relationship with Jason.

"Excuse me.. who are you and who gave you right to ask me such question. But anyways I am Sara
Kol, Jason's fiancée."

It seemed that Bella’s world collapsed again. Jason was with his fiancée last night. Ofcourse why won't
he be. Bella laughed on herself just when a drop of tear fell from her eyes. She controlled her sobs and
disconnected the call.

She started laughing on herself hysterically. 'What a fool I was that I thought I can also have a loving
future.' For one reason she was happy. Jason deserves a better person then her and by being with his
fiancée, for sure Henry won't harm Morris Industries anymore. Bella never wanted to harm anyone.
Then why will she think ill about Jason. After all, even though it was once, but , she felt loved, cared
and warmth that she was longing for.

Later that day,

Sheryl called her and informed her that as Claire will not be coming to the club till late evening or may
be morning, so she is incharge of all the attendants as she was the PR head.

She also informed Bella that she need to reach the club sharp by 05:00 in the evening as some
customers wants to entertain themselves and Sheryl recommend her name. Bella felt obliged towards
Sheryl but suddenly her expressions became cold and she froze for a second when she heard that the
booth where she will be performing tonight is none other then 1001, the Big Boss's booth. Bella knew
nothing good will come out of that booth but she needs money and she needs them fast. Hence without
hesitation she agreed.

Third anniversary of the club was right around the corner. Claire had been extremely busy with all the
preparations for the gathering. This will be the first time that her boss, Henry Jackson will be attending
the party himself hence almost all the big dignitaries were to be invited. And to do so, Claire sent the
invitations personally. She personally visited the invitees with the invitation card and a small gift as a
token. As she and her assistant Lily were busy with the preparation, Sherly was made incharge for the
personalized booths.

As informed Bella reached the club by 4 in the evening. She dressed up in a red colored dress
reaching upto her ankel. There was nothing fancy about that dress but it was better then her loose shirt
and trouser, which she surely wore.

Bella stood infornt of the elevator and waited for it to come. She still had some time left before going in
the devil's den. The elevator came and Bella entered and pressed 10th floor. But elevator door could
close tightly, a hand stopped it and the elevator opened again.

Bella froze when she saw the person entering the elevator in a hurry. The person also looked at Bella
in shock when he entered inside.


The person looked at Bella as if his soul had flown out of his body the moment the doors opened.
Bella's face went white.

"Sorry sir, you've gotten the wrong person. I'm not Bella."

After that she reached to press the open button and started to go out of the elevator.

"No... wait.. wait !" The person blocked her way in a hurry. He grabbed Bella's hand.

"Bella. You're Bella. I'm not seeing wrong. I know you're Bella."

"No sir, I'm not. You've got the wrong person."

"Bella, I'll able to recognize you even if you've turned into ashes. Bella, please forgive your big brother.
I'm so sor...."

Bella's heart skipped a beat when she heard the words 'big brother'.

"Sir, I'm not what you think. I don't know you sir."

"Bella, how are you? I miss you so much. I'm so useless. I've wronged you. I feel remorseful towards
you every day. Bella, did anyone bully you in the jail? Why do you look so Wan and sallow? And what's
wrong with your voice?"

Brandon grabbed Bella’s shoulders tightly and said excitedly,

"Let me take a good look at you. My Bella has gotten thinner...."

"Stop it! I told you to stop!"

Bella couldn't control her emotions anymore. How could he say such considerate words to her?

"You miss me? You're remorseful? It's been more then four years! Have you or any of the Evans come
to visit me these past years?

How am I? Can't you tell me how am I? You are asking me if somebody bullied me?"

He is asking if anyone bullied her in the prison. How laughable.

"Bella, I'm sorry...."

Who wanted his apology?

"In those four years, any one of you could have easily come to visit me in the prison. I would've been
so grateful. Mr. Evans, you don't have to apologize to me. There is no 'sorry' between us sir.

Please move out of my way. It's my working hours."

"Working hours?

What working hours??

Where are you working???"

Brandon was confused. Bella turned her head suddenly and looked at Brandon. She smiled.

"Ofcourse as I am here in this club wearing this slutty dress, then isn't it obvious that I am working here
in LAS DEUX club."

"That's not possible."

"Mr.Evans you are wrong again. I'm working here. I make my earning by pleasing clients and making
them happy."

It was as if Brandon did not know Bella anymore. He was furious.

"Bella, How can you make this kind of money? How can you do that kind of thing?? How did you
become like this?

No, baby sis you are lying! You're lying to me, right? I don't believe this Bella, a qualified and dignified
person like you can't do this type of work."

Bella could almost hear herself breaking her teeth. Suddenly, she thought of something. She looked at
the familiar face infront of her and closed her eyes. When she opened them again, she suppressed all
the sadness, pain, anger and hatred within her. She tried to keep herself rational.

"Since we have the same blood, grew up together and you feel sorry for me, lend me one million

"Well.. I don't have it right now with me . Hmmm... Bella give me your bank details , I will transfer it right

Said Brandon without even hesitating for a second. Bella saw genuine care and affection in her
brother's eyes. She didn't wanted to hide anything from him. If he transfers the money in her bank then
Henry will come to know about it for sure and then he won't let her free.

"I don't know why and how but I owe it to Young master Jackson."

Bella said flatly.

"Mr. Evans, one million bucks are nothing to you, right. However, I need them very badly now. Help me
on the basis that I was ONCE YOUR SISTER."

If possible then Bella did not want to see any of the Evans. She also did not want to borrow the money
from anyone of them. But yesterday night's event has forced her to take immediate efforts to leave this

She thought that she can get one million bucks from her brother and add to her bank card and once
she makes eight million in total, she could then give Henry the promised money and redeem her

However, when Brandon heard Henry's name, his face expressions changes,


Bella's ears started to buzz. She looked at her brother in defeat.

"What did you say?"

"Bella, Henry had already ordered us. It's either we don't take you back or the Evans will disappear
from A city forever."

Brandon felt guilty and helpless.

"Bella, our parents are old. They can't get into this kind of torment anymore. I am sorry. They have
already suffered alot four years back because of you and Henry. He and his methods are more ruthless
then you can imagine Bella."

Bella looked at Brandon while in shock. Her entire brain was occupied with what Brandon had just said.
After a while, she lowered her head, expressionless,

"I won't make it harder for you anymore Mr. Evans."

"Bella, don't be like this. I don't have a choice either. Please don't blame us."

Brandon said while pursuing his lips together. He took out his wallet and handed her a wad of cash.
From the looks of it, there was about ten thousand bucks there. He handed the money to Bella.

"Baby, you should keep this money for food and clothes."

Bella stood there motionless. She did not take the money. Brandon grabbed her hands and shoved the
money into her hand.

"Bella, don't be stubborn. You have to accept other people's kindness. Don't be as stubborn as before.
What ever happened that time was all your own doing and eventually you had to pay for your sins."

Bella looked at the money in her hand. There was a sharp pain in her heart. It was so painful that all of
the blood in her face was drained clean.

Brandon immediately regretted saying those words. But it was too late. He saw Bella's expressions and
felt guilty. How could he say such a thing to his little sister? He thought.

"Big Brother, I'm a bitch. An escort, an attendant. I take money after pleasing my clients. I know I'm in
need of money, however I don't want money from the Evans!"

said Bella in her cackling voice and handed over the money back into Brandon's hands.

"Don't worry, Evans will not suffer because of me. I know you have already considered not having me
as your family member."

After a small pause, she spoke again.

"Big Brother, congratulations for winning over Vivian and having two beautiful kids. Please try to protect
and believe them."

Brandon was shocked to here this. This means....

"Bella, you have seen them! When did you come home? And why didn't you contact me?" said
Brandon in a surprise.

"You were feeling to remorseful towards me to even recognize me standing right infront of you all.

And ..... "

And this is the last time I'll address you as my big brother."

As she finished saying this, the elevator made a sound and the doors opened. Bella stepped outside
the elevator but just then Brandon held her wrist tightly and pulled her inside again.

"Don't... don't go for work today. There are people here who might know you. You have already
embarrassed us alot before don't do it anymore."

Bella was shocked to see that a man whom she called brother for past 22 years said that to her, she
sunk her nails into her thighs. That was the only way she could stop herself from yelling at him.

'Bella , you were a prisoner. You no longer have a family. Four years ago, the Evans gave up on you.
Bella, don't be sad. The tears and the pain in your heart should be dead and gone after those four

years you had to endure in prison.'

She told herself that repeatedly. She repeated those words ten times, twenty times... Finally..

She lifted her head and removed Brandon's hand that was holding her arm.

"If I don't go to work today, what about tomorrow and the day after that? They'll come and spend money
here as long as LAS DEUX is still open. I will run into them someday."

She looked at Brandon. She wanted to know how the person she had been addressing as 'big brother'
would answer her and what kind of decision he would make.

"Bella, stop working her anymore. You should change your job."

"Change my job? Do you want to find another job for me, Mr. Evans?"

Bella smiled weirdly and asked. She was waiting to see how Brandon would diminish the last flicker in
her heart.

She was also waiting for the unexpected answer that Brandon might just give her. If that was really the
case, Bella said to herself ,' if Brandon makes an unexpected decision, then I'll forgive the Evans for
the disappointment and resentment they've caused me.'

Brandon was silent for a while. After a while, he said,

"Bella, I'm sorry. Henry is too devious. I can't gamble the fate of the Evans..."

Bella's eyes went dull. In the end, she still could not get an unexpected answer from Brandon.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Evans. I can't change my job."

Bella rejected flatly. Brandon was infuriated.

"Bella, you're so stubborn. Why can't you just change to a new job? Why do you have to work here?"

"Mr.Evans, let me remind you, I'm just an ex-convict. I've been to prison before. I don't have any of my
qualifications. I don't have any of my previous identity.

What proper job do you think I can get, Mr. Evans?"

"Bella, you are not the only person who has been to prison. Why can other people provide for
themselves by working hard while you have to stay here and entertain others? Bella, you've become

Bella's shoulders were shaking. She pinched the flesh on the outside of her things to stop herself from
slapping Brandon.

She lifted her head to look at him. She had been calling this man as her big brother for past 22 years.
Those amazing memories together, her brother's love for her, his protection, his tolerance and most
importantly his belief in her...all gone.

She was not the only person who changed in these four years. Brandon had changed too.

Brandon did not understand how his sister became the woman infront of him now. Why did his sister
who had been so confident become a woman who only wanted to please men to get tips?

"Bella, you've changed!"

Brandon looked at Bella with disappointment.

"Bella, you weren't like this before. If mon and dad see you now, they'll be disappointed. I've said what I
needed to say. From now on, it's your choice whether you want to live like a maggot and rot or work

hard under the sun. It's all up to you."

As he said that, Brandon shook his head in disappointment. He pressed the elevator button for the
ground floor and left.

In a secluded corner near the staircase, Bella stood there all alone like a statue. She was motionless.

However, upon closer look, it could be seen that her shoulders were trembling and her hands that were
resting on her sides had turned into fists. She lowered her head and looked at her toes. She tried her
best to stop herself from screaming. However, some weird sounds still escaped from her throat from
time to time.

'Yes, yes Brandon, you are right. There are a lot of people who have been incarcerated before. Some
of them decided to just let themselves go while some decide to live the rest of their lives while working

Do you think I don't want to do that as well? Do you think I want to live like this? Do you think I have a

Brandon there are lot of people who have been incarcerated before but they have families. They have
an identity. They have a past!

What about me?

What do I have??

I am a person with no past, no qualifications. I got out of the prison with only a few bucks on my name,
one set of old worn out clothes , an identification card and a broken used ugly body. Aside from that, I
had nothing else!'

She was talking to herself. Even if her family members and friends are of no use, she should atleast
have a shelter, right? However, she truly had nothing! She was just a piece of blank paper with the
word 'prisoner' written on it. Aside from that, nothing at all.

In that secluded corner, it looked as if there was a strom brewing. Under the dark clouds, the woman
took out her ringing phone with trembling hands and took a sharp breath before answering her call.

"Yes, Miss. Sheryl I am on my way. Another 2 minutes more."

She lifted her head again and turned around slowly. She lifted her feet and walked back towards the

Right now, she had something important to take care of. It was not that the people who lived in hell on
earth could not feel pain. It was just that they lost their right to scream out in pain.

Brandon had stabbed another knife into Bella's heart. She lifted her head and then hand infront of the
mirror on the door and forced a smile for herself. She took in a sharp breath and packed away her pain
and sadness. She lifted her head and cheered for herself.

'I still have a debt of 8 million to pay.'

She encouraged herself by saying so because she knew going into booth number 1001 is like going to
hell for her. God only knows what's waiting for her in there.

And she opened the booth and entered oblivious to the fact that there was a man who had recorded all
her interaction with Brandon and her reaction while she was standing in the corner. After seeing her
enter the booth, that person walked down the stairs and went directly into the survillance room to get
the footage of Bella and Brandon's interaction just now.

She was talking to herself. Even if her family members and friends are of no use, she should atleast
have a shelter, right? However, she truly had nothing! She was just a piece of blank paper with the
word 'prisoner' written on it. Aside from that, nothing at all.

In that secluded corner, it looked as if there was a strom brewing. Under the dark clouds, the woman
took out her ringing phone with trembling hands and took a sharp breath before answering her call.

"Yes, Miss. Sheryl | am on my way. Another 2 minutes more."

She lifted her head again and turned around slowly. She lifted her feet and walked back towards the

Right now, she had something important to take care of. It was not that the people who lived in hell on
earth could not feel pain. It was just that they lost their right to scream out in pain.

Brandon had stabbed another knife into Bella's heart. She lifted her head and then hand infront of the
mirror on the door and forced a smile for herself. She took in a sharp breath and packed away her pain
and sadness. She lifted her head and cheered for herself.

‘| still have a debt of 8 million to pay.’

She encouraged herself by saying so because she knew going into booth number 1001 is like going to
hell for her. God only knows what's waiting for her in there.

And she opened the booth and entered oblivious to the fact that there was a man who had recorded all
her interaction with Brandon and her reaction while she was standing in the corner. After seeing her
enter the booth, that person walked down the stairs and went directly into the survillance room to get
the footage of Bella and Brandon's interaction just now.



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