Novel Name : Its Too Late To Forgive

Its Too Late To Forgive Chapter 47: 47. I AM HIS FIANCÉE

"Sleep with me?

You are saying that you want to get fucked by me. For someone else?


Although Henry's words were a bit rude but Bella was used to it. She nodded in a yes. With her head
buried in her chest, she was waiting for Henry's decision.

On the sofa, the man stared intently the woman in front of him. Even though he could only see her
head from his angle, he stared at it fiercely. An unknown inexplicable anger and rage was spreading
throughout his body.

Suddenly he stood up!

A force rushed over and before Bella could recover, she had been held by Henry and was plunged into
the sofa.

“Mr. Jackson, let me go.”

As soon as Bella finished speaking, the man’s secretly angry and cold voice rang out,

“This is not what you said just now. Didn't you use yourself to beg me?”

In his low voice, anger and rage were clearly implied,

“So cheap but good Bella, I will make your wish granted!”

His lips fell harshly against hers. It rude and rough without a trace of tenderness. It was more like

After the kiss, he suddenly raised his head and squinted at her. He suppressed his voice and gritted his
teeth and asked,

“I will ask you one last time, do you really want to be abused for such an ill-intent woman like Sheela!”

“Please I beg you Mr. Jackson.”

Henry laughed. His laughter was so cold and frosty,

“Bella, you don’t deserve anyone to treat you kind! You are not qualified or worthy! You are cheap and

Bella's eyelids were still drooping, but her trembling eyelashes still revealed her dull pain. Henry, what
do you know!

'Do you know what it feels like to live a life without a sole. Do you know how I felt when I lost my first
child in that cold place, the prison. It was a rape child but was mine, my only hope to live and survive!

Henry Jackson you really don't know what it’s like to live in this world and be in a hell at the same time
while owing a life!'

"Bella, in this world, there shouldn’t be anyone who should treat you well. And even if someone does
then that's the biggest mistake of that person's life!

You are not worthy of anyone's kindness!”

He said without choosing his words properly. In his, always cold and indifferent eyes, a ball of anger, a
touch of grief and rage could be seen.

Henry’s words pricked Bella. They penetrated the most sensitive part of her heart. Suddenly she raised
her head up.

The blazing stars in her eyes were signs of anger and rage. She had not lost control and screamed
such shrill cries with her rough and hoarse voice since the day her first child was brutally killed in the
prison. She glared fiercely at him and cried aloud.

“What do you know! What do you know ha!

What have you experienced! You don’t know anything! Why do you point me to me!

Who gave you right to critize me. Have you experienced what I experienced! Have you gone through
the pain that I have been through!"

She stopped for a minute and then spoke again.

"Great Mr. Henry Jackson, I know you too well. If Sheela is taken away by you today, it will only be a
small punishment in your eyes. To snatch a women's dignity and innocence is nothing infront of you.

But it's not the same for me. And that's the reason why I am standing here, in front of you at this

Maybe , It was an emotional breakdown, Bella spoke in her rough voice sadly,

“I don’t care what you want to do to her. I don’t care how you want to punish her. Today, I beg you to
spare her life.”

She looked up at the handsome face of the man pressing on her. She knew this person too well. At that
time, when she was still the heiress of the Evans family, this person could throw her into that hell
without any scruples. She knew to well how Sheela would be handled.

Henry didn’t refute but he acquiesced in Bella's statement. Indeed, Bella's guess was right.

“I don’t want to be responsible for someone else's innocence and life. No matter whether it is direct or
indirect, I don’t want it anymore.” Bella said seriously.

She doesn't even remember how many times she tried to commit suicide after getting raped multiple
times by so many men.

She has no feelings for Sheela, neither likings nor disgusted. Although Sheela has done a lot of things
excessively, arrogantly, and selfishly. But, Bella didn’t wanted another woman to go through the
nightmares that she has seen all on order of Henry Jackson.

This was the reason why she let go of the countless “unwillingness” in her heart and came to him. For
her nothing was left. So offering her body in return of saving someone from getting rape was a fair
bargain for her.

Whatever other people think of it, it really didn't matter to her. In any case she will always be called as a
murder criminal, ex-convict, a labor reform, slut, whore, shameless … What could be more ugly and
worse than these?

But Bella's inadvertent sentence, 'I don’t want to be responsible for anyone's innocence, dignity and
life, no matter whether it is direct or indirect, I don’t want it anymore.' It took on a different meaning in
Henry Jackson's ears.

Bella was talking about her first child and her own life but Henry thought she was talking about Cindy.

All of a sudden, Henry fiercely buried his head and kissed the woman underneath him. He gnawed
hard, wishing to gnaw the already dry and rough lips into pieces.

Since the day Cindy Anderson passed away, this was the first time he heard these personally
confessing 'responsible for a person's dignity, innocence and life'!

As of today, even though he has found and always believed her to be guilty, this woman, in his memory
also, has never confessed it herself. Even though she was thrown into prison, she refused to admit it.
But today, just now, she finally confessed that – she was responsible for everything.

Henry couldn’t tell the strange feeling that was there in his heart at this moment. Despite his firm belief,
Henry had never thought that when one day, he heard these words from her, it would be so…

“Bella, you are finally willing to admit it.”

A cold voice sounded abruptly.


Bella didn’t understand, so she was inexplicably puzzled. Accompanied by that cold voice, Henry spoke

“Bella, I agreed to your request. Now, it’s my turn to collect interest.”

There was no foreplay, no caress, no relaxation, Bella suddenly widened her eyes, staring at the ceiling
in pain and agony. She felt excruciating pain as soon as Henry inserted his penis in her. It turned out
that pain was the only thing Henry had ever given her.

In the pain, her mind became more sober especially when he said,

'Bella, you're finally willing to admit it.'


What did she admit??

Oh… He misunderstood her again.

Henry had a cold face. He was using all his power just to punish the woman under him. But suddenly
he saw that the woman was laughing

“Haha.. ha .... haha…”

“What are you laughing at? Don’t laugh!”

He was annoyed.

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……”

“I told you not to laugh!”

Inexplicably, he hated this laugh. Inexplicably, this laugh made him upset. He inflicted pain on her, yet
she was laughing in pain.

“Ahhhh... ha ha ha... hahaha..."

What was so funny to her? She was the one who did the wrong thing, and she was the one who was
responsible for Cindy’s life. So what was so funny to her?

“Shut up, shut up, shut up!”

He shouted angrily, it didn’t work, he was too annoyed with that mouth. So, she won’t stop laughing like
this, right?

He removed himself from her. Henry lowered his body, covered her lips with his.


He can always let her shut up. But the very next second!


Henry raised his head abruptly and wiped the blood from his mouth with his thumb.

“You bit me?”

He looked at her in disbelief and asked. The woman under him her opened her mouth and said in her
rough and hoarse voice,

“Mr. Jackson, I am responsible for a life, but it has nothing to do with your Cindy Anderson.”

After saying that, her eyes closed

She was now too tired speak and too tired think. She was running out of strength. Just before Bella
passed out, she was still thinking,

Should I explain myself?

Is the explanation useful??

Will he listen???

If he won't listen, why to explain????

Explanation is for those who want to listen.

“Hey, open your eyes!”

Did she actually closed her eyes?

Did she refuse to look at him??

However, she was still not moving. Henry stretched out his hands and pushed her abit. As soon as he
did that, her head fell limply to one side. Henry was startled,

"Bella... Bella..."

His complexion changed abruptly. He took a step back immediately, then bent and picked her up,
sprinting for the bedroom.

'Damn it! Why is she so light.'

He placed her on the bed and was about to call Carson but once again he heard her murmuring the
same name over and over again.

"Al... Al.. wait for me.."

Henry was again furious. This woman who was lying on his bed, this woman who was getting fucked by
him just few minutes back is now calling some other man in her sleep.

His anger got best of him. He picked up a bottle of water and poured the content on Bella's face. Due
which Bella woke up abruptly. Henry got hold of her chin and pinched it hard.

"I will show you what it's like to be disobedient to me."

He said while gritting his teeth. Was it his anger it jealousy, he himself couldn't differentiate himself.

He pressed her hard on his bed. He slid his hands under her skirt and tore her already separated
panties. He placed himself in between her legs. When he was about to tear her dress, he was stopped
by the sound of the elevator door opening.

His movements stopped abruptly when he heard a familiar voice.

"Henry darling, SURPRISE, look who is here."

A beautiful, elegant woman, Of around 25 years entered the bedroom. Her flawless white skin was
radiating in her yellow knee length dress. It was a strapless dress thus exposing her beautiful round
shoulders and sharp clavicles. Her round face had pair of beautiful soccer shaped eyes which were full
of life. Her lips were colored red and were plump.

She dropped her shoulder bag on the ground and came running towards Henry. She hugged him and
without any warning gave him a deep, wet and passionate kiss on the lips. Even though Henry did not
respond back but still the hotness of the kiss clearly displayed the closeness between the two.

After leaving Henry's lips, that girl wiped her lips dry and turned towards Bella.

"HI, My name is Mia. Nice to meet you."

said the girl while offering her hand to Bella for a shake.

"And who are you ? And may I ask what are you doing in my fiancee' room and his bed?" added Mia
with a pride on her face.

"your...." whispered Bella while getting up from the bed.

"Oh.. I am sorry I didn't introduce myself properly. Pardon me."

Mia said while hooking her hand into Henry's arm. With the other she held Henry's face from the
opposite cheeks. She moved his face towards her so that they can face each other. With a broad smile
she spoke again,

"I am Mia Lopez and I AM HIS FIANCÉE."

Saying this, Mia tiptoed and once again captured Henry's lips into a deep and sensual kiss.

Even though Bella was sure that Henry must have moved ahead in his life in these four years but
seeing this scene infront of her, she somehow felt uncomfortable in her heart. Her already broken heart
was further broken and was once again shattered into tiny pieces.

She lowered her head and started walking towards the elevator. But her footsteps were halted by a
sweet voice.

"Miss, you didn't tell me your name and what were you doing on my fiancée's bed?"

spoke Mia in a soft sweet but arrogant manner.

"I am sorry mam. My name is Bella and.. and... I slipped on the floor and young master Jackson helped

Bella kept her head down all the time. She was afraid that her lie would be caught in a second.

"Oh... In that case you may leave." commanded Mia.

"Yes mam." Saying this Bella turned towards the elevator.

"Oh Miss. Don't dirty the elevator with your dirty and filthy feet. Somebody is sending my luggage
upstairs and they might get dirty by you."

"Mia....." Henry interrupted Mia.

"That's not a problem mam. I shall take the staitcase."

Saying that Bella started walking towards the staircase. Bella's eyes suddenly landed on the big mirror
right infront of her which showed half of the bedroom clearly.

She lowered her head and a small drop of tears came out of her eyes when she saw that Mia once
again kissing Henry on his lips and pushing him on the bed. After that Mia opened her buttons of her

dress and threw it away revealing her small round breasts. She then lowered her head and also
jumped on the bed.

Bella was feeling very weak emotionally and mentally. She was literally limping on the stairs. With each
step she was recollecting the way Henry used to come and rape her daily in the prison.

For more then two months or so, every evening Bella used to be dragged into a luxurious room where
she used be raped by the same person whom she loved more then 12 years. She gave up everything
for this man. But he gave her nothing but distrust and pain.

Initially Bella always resisted his touch and even tried running from the room but all in vain. Henry's
arms were like iron cage and he was a wolf in that cage and Bella nothing more then his prey.

For hours and hours he used to fuck her till she passed out. His torments were clear by the
excruciating pain that Bella felt every next morning when she opened her eyes in her cell. The blue and
black bruises and red bleeding bite spots were clearly the indication of his hatred. Bella always
wondered whether Henry ever loved her or not or was it just her fantasy to marry him.

This torment stopped when all of a sudden Henry stopped coming to the prison. Even though Bella was
happy that she won't be raped again, her body paled further. She started feeling nausea and vomited
continously. Soon she realized that she might be pregnant.

This was nothing but a shock for Bella. She was pregnant by Henry's child. She was also scared that
what will Henry do if he comes to know about this pregnancy. She was sure in her heart that Henry will
never except her child. Thus Bella didn't disclose about this to anyone in the prison.

But one thing she knew was that she will love this child more than anything in this world. Even though
this child was a rape child but still it was from the man whom she loved so much. Bella was still naive
and in this situation also she was trying to be optimistic.

Since the day she came to know that she almost two months pregnant, she started taking care of
herself. She wanted nothing but to deliver this child and love him or her dearly. Same was the time her
torment by her prison mate started. They used to beat her till she passed out. But Bella always tried to
cover up her belly.

She was almost four months pregnant now and was able to see slight bulge in her tummy. By now it
was impossible for her to hide her pregnancy from the warden.

Unexpectedly, Bella was sleeping in a daze at night. Suddenly several people broke into her cell. They
tied her to a half amputated bed they had pushed forward and strapped her legs across the shelves on
both sides. She realized that the situation was wrong and shouted for help.

But as always no one came except the warden and the gang leader.

Bella struggled desperately. Among the people who came , four of her prison mates grabbed her limbs
and tied her up on the bed and still held her tightly pressed on the bed. A man came forward holding a
forceps, stretched her vagina and inserted that forcep in it.

"No..!" Bella was so scared that she cried out of mercy.

"Please, don't... don't kill my child."

But the man didn't stop his hand and the forcep went straight into her body.

"Ahhhhhh ~~~"


It hurts!!

Bella shouted in pain. Her voice echoed in the corridor of the prison. But nothing stopped.

She could feel the forceps stirring in her uterus and then something came out. That was her child. Just
now it was a living thing but now it has become a pool of blood.

She hate them! She hated all of them!!

The whole process lasted for half an hour or so. Bella kept yelling.. she kept fighting. But her fight and
yell meet with heavy blows and slaps on her face, breast and tummy.

When it was all over, her whole body was exhausted and her already thin and torn prison uniform was
wiped out of her sweat and blood.

They untied her and threw her on the floor. They were going to leave and Bella ran after the warden in
spite of all the pain and spoke just one word,


Before the iron door slammed shut, warden turned and spoke in a cold voice,

"Don't blame us for being ruthless. You offended the wrong person. Miss Cindy Anderson was pregnant
when you got her raped and killed her. She was carrying Mr. Jackson's child, his heir.

Now do you think he would have allowed a woman like you to carry his child. A woman who murmured
his first child and the woman whom he loved?

We are doing nothing wrong with you. We are just following our orders. His orders.

And form now onwards, you are our property. It's on us how we treat you. But don't you worry we won't
let you die."

Bella didn't speak further. The iron gate closed. Bella knelt on the floor with her hands on her belly. He
killed our child.

She didn't know Cindy was pregnant. Noone told her. If at all she knew about this then she herself
would have refused for the engagement and marriage with Henry. But she was unknown to all this fact.

To avange what she has not done, Henry killed her child, their child. At the thought of this matter, all her
love suddenly turned into hatred.

Bella was so much in her thoughts that she missed a stair and lost her balance fell from the staircase.
She closed her eyes and was ready to feel the pain. She thought may be this pain can heal her from
the pain she was having in her heart.

She didn't know Cindy was pregnant. Noone told her. If at all she knew about this then she herself
would have refused for the engagement and marriage with Henry. But she was unknown to all this fact.

To avange what she has not done, Henry killed her child, their child. At the thought of this matter, all her
love suddenly turned into hatred.

Bella was so much in her thoughts that she missed a stair and lost her balance fell from the staircase.
She closed her eyes and was ready to feel the pain. She thought may be this pain can heal her from
the pain she was having in her heart.



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