Novel Name : Its Too Late To Forgive

Its Too Late To Forgive Chapter 43: 43. SCARE HER AWAY

After returning back to her office, Claire kept the two million cheque into the safe. She poured herself a
hot cup of tea. Sat on her recliner couch.

Eventhough she looked calm and composed on the surface , only she knew what was going on in side
her heart. She was beyond disturbed and frustrated.

She wanted answers. Badly. Why now after so many years? And why Bella??

No one knows Jason better then her.

Even though she knew he was a playboy but for the first time she saw that love and affection in his
eyes, for which she logged for a long time. She wanted to be jealous but when she realized that , the
girl for whom Jason was so protective was Bella, her jealousy vanished.

She was happy for Bella that atleast finally she has someone who loves her and will protect her but on
the other hand , she was afraid that Jason will hurt Bella and leave her broken as he did to her.

Four years back:

It was a fresh day, the very first day of spring. Soft cool breeze was flowing, birds curping, blossoms
growing every where. It was a scenetic view and anyone will fall in love with this beautiful campus of
Univeristy M in California.

Soon it was 8 o'clock and the campus was full of students and teachers. It was a start of a new
semester and many new faces were to be seen.

Soon every boy's eyes widened and every girl's heart stopped when a limited edition convertible red
Ferrari stopped inside the campus. Girls could not control themselves, and took out their mobile phone
and started talking photographs of the man who got down proudly of his car and stood leaning on the
car door as if he was modeling for the girls.

The man was tall , around 6 feet 3 inches. Very handsome. Fair skin, sharp features - pitch black big
eyes, long eyelashes, pointed nose, sharp chin. Broad shoulders, with 8 packs masculine body. His
hair were wavy and silky. Long neck with prominent Adam's apple. He had an aura in his appearance
and voice. Everyone around him will be attracted to him the very minute they see him. And talking
about girls, one can give up anything just to sleep with him. Overall he was not less then a Greek God.

And to add a cherry on the top, he was son of the richest man of California and only hier of Morris

Finally, the owner of this sensual body was none other then Jason Morris.

Jason stood for 5 minutes, lazily leaning of his car. He had this sexy occasional smile , that was
particularly for the female crowd who were crazily clicking his photographs. For them he was nothing
less than any Hollywood celebrity.

Jason scanned his periphery very carefully and could see some beautiful new and old faces. Old faces
really didn't attract him as he has already slept with maximum of them. He was more interested in the
new ones.

He was a pure playboy who knew how to take advantage of his body and money to get any girl to sleep
with him. Frankly speaking he himself never initiated, it has always been the girl hence no one blamed
him after having one night stand with him.

Jason never slept with same woman again as he didn't wanted to be trapped or committed into any
relations. And more importantly he didn't wanted to give any further and false hopes to these girls. For
one thing he knew very well that if a girl can simply surrender on his bed for money and his body then
she can sleep with any another man with same quality too.

While scanning, his eyes stopped on a figure not very far from him. A face that he has never seen
before. A face that captured him in a single look. Jason couldn't move his eyes away from that face.

A girl , of about 21-22 yrs old. Her skin was milky white, delicate, she hardly wore any makeup except
for a glossy lip balm which made her lips even more alluring.

Her simple dressing of a blue denim jeans and simple cotton top could not hide her slutty figure. Her
slender long legs, her perfect sized round ass, right sized breast, Jason guessed that it's size should
be around 34 B cupsize and slim delicate waist. Seeing which Jason though if he held her a bit tightly
then it might break.

Jason couldn't stop himself from instantly dreaming about each and every part of her body. How he will
lick that milky swan neck! How sweet will her lips taste! How much will he enjoy fondling with those
breasts. He was totally immersed in his thoughts. Suddenly that girl moved and Jason's eyes met with
her green eyes. And God promise, for the first time Jason flet that he was actually love struck.

Being super immersed in his thoughts he didn't realize where did that figure vanished. He rushed to
that particular point where that girl was standing, he looked around every where but she was no where
to be found. He was quite irritated by the fact that he missed that face already. But soon he composed
himself when few other beauties came forward to take a snap with him.

His entire day went thinking about that face. Next day Jason arrived early at the University. He parked
his car, a red convertible Ferrari at the gate and waited. He waited for more then two hours but couldn't
find that face. Disappointed, he left for his golf club.

Even though Jason continued this same routine for almost a week but still he was unable to see that
face again.

Today, was Freshman's day and all the newbies will be introduced in the auditorium infront of all the
staff and seniors of the entire university.

Jason and all his friends were seated on the front row. Jason's dad held few shares of this University
hence he was nothing less then a prince there. Soon the entire auditorium was filled with people.

"Hey Jason, wanna bet! This year I will score more then you in grabbing the newbies." said Theo , one
of Jason's rival.

Theo was also very handsome and quite rich himself. He always considered Jason as his biggest
competitor, be it in looks, money or brains. But Jason and others knew very well that no one in entire
California can be compared to Jason.

He was not only handsome and good looking but was also only heir of Morris family. Plus inspite of
being a prince and a playboy , he was actually very good in academics. An excellent basket ball player
and a swimmer. He was also captain of both these teams.

"You can't beat Jason, atleast not in this life." said Tom while laughing loudly.

Theo felt humiliated, "We shall see..."

Jason just gave a wave while smiling and then focused backed on the stage. He was early today, he
scanned the entire auditorium for that face but failed. He thought may be she is a newbie but all the
female newbie's introductions were already conducted.

Frustrated, he was no more interested in sitting there and decided to leave. Suddenly the host

"Now please welcome our this year's first exchange student from China, Miss. Claire Jones."

Jason stopped and stood at the same point while his eyes were fixed on the slender figure that
appeared on the stage. Jason's eyes were slightly narrowed, and his piercing gaze stared straight at
Claire and his lips formed an arc facing upwards.

Claire was beautiful beyond words. Her face was palm sized, her white skin was radiant, and her eyes
were jungle green in colour.

Not to mention her deadly figure was also excellent. At this moment, she was wearing a set of red
Fiscia embroidered hip dress, extremely slim, the skirt is placed on the knees, a pair of slender calves
well exposed looking like white flowers. The whole body was tall and slender, black hair is bright in
color, perm, and the atmosphere is sexy.

Her sexuality is more than just this. The graceful and soft body is the most fascinating, those breast ,
those perfect round ass and those lusty lips.

Thinking of this, Jason's slightly narrowed eyes became a little deeper.

This woman can dress herself very smartly and she also knows how to show her strengths. By now
Jason was determined to make her his and only his.

As Claire's introduction was going on, Jason learned that she was an exchange student and was in the
same class as his. Both shared atleast 3 classes per day. She was extremely intelligent student who
was on full overseas scholarship.

Jason looked down and smiled thinking that the girl whom he is dying to make love with is not only
beautiful but also intelligent and smart. He suddenly looked up like a predator looking at his prey and
said to himself,

"Miss. Claire... ah".

It was like a routine day, Claire have arrived at her classroom door when suddenly there was a shower
of rose petals on her. She was shocked for a second but after composing herself, she picked a small
note that feel with the petals stating,

"A rose shower for a true rose, love Jason."

She really didn't know how to react and what to say, and more over she didn't know who this Jason
was. She quietly walked towards her seat. Meanwhile she could hear others gossiping about her. She
kept her head down and sat on her chair,

"Look at her.. trying to be aloof.. "

"Ya she managed to seduce young master so quickly.."

"I saw her giving dirty hints to young master the other day.. "

"She even wore such a revealing dress on the freshman's day.."


Claire kept her head down. She couldn't understand how she became the most hated girl of the class ,
all of a sudden.

Next day when she entered her classroom, her entire class was filled with bouquets, roses of all colors,
lilies, carnations and what not.

Claire could read others eyes. They were insulting and judging her. She kept her head down and
walked upto her seat without even looking at any of the bouquets.

She didn't wanted to get distracted. She just wanted to finish her studies and go back to her hometown
and help her poor parents. She has always been an intelligent and hard working student hence she
was able to get full scholarship. She knew very well that a single wrong step can lead to cancelation of
her scholarship.

Days went by and every day there was a new surprise planned for her in her classroom. Once she was
even called to the principle's office and warned. She couldn't take it anymore. She decided to find this
Jason guy and make things clear with him.

She searched everywhere and finally she was able to find this guy in the basket ball court. Claire
walked inside the court and saw the back of a tall man , around 6 feet or more. His shoulders were
broad and arms seemed very strong.

Claire stopped and asked politely,

"Excuse me , are you young master Jason Morris?"

Jason stopped playing as he heard that voice, he smiled and turned over and gave the most seductive
and attractive smile possible. Claire was dump struck by that smile and those mesmerizing eyes.
Before coming closer to her, Jason removed his playing vest and picked up his bottle and drank few
sips and then poured the remaining water over his head.

Claire couldn't control her eyes from roaming her eyes around that strong chest. Jason looked lavishing
in that 8 strong packed abs. Water was dripping from his silky hair reaching upto his strong chest and
slowly dripping down towards his.....

'Shit... what's wrong with me.' Claire scolded herself.

'Control Claire.. control...'

Jason noticed the self struggle Claire was having and without any intimation he grabbed her by her
waist and pulled her towards him.

"Ouch..." Claire screamed.

"Liked what you were seeing ha...."

Jason said while winking at her.

" no..." Claire tried to protest.

"Shhhhh... Miss Claire , you finally came looking for me."

Jason said pulling his corner into a sinister smile.

"Hhhhhhhhhhh... ahhhhhh..."

"Lose of words .... OK then you are coming with me for dinner right now. Wait here and I will be back in
5 minutes."


Saying that Jason turned and went inside the male changing room. Claire couldn't understand what
happened just now and within minutes she was sitting inside Jason's new red convertible Ferrari.

After reaching at one of the most posh restaurant, Jason ordered most fancy dishes for Claire. Claire
wanted to stop him but he didn't wanted to listen to anything. Claire wanted to talk to him regarding all
the surprises he sends to her. She wanted him to stop all of these. But he refused to hear anything and
demanded to eat first.

Along with the dishes , he even ordered the most expensive wine for her. Claire refused to drink saying
that she has never had alcohol before but on Jason's continous insisting, she had one glass of wine.

As soon as her wine glass was over, Claire's face turned more red and very alluring. Jason was looking
for her as he just wanted to eat those red cheeks, suck all the sweetness out of those lips. He really
wanted to feel those sexy lips around his dick.

"Master...Ma... Jason, I am not feeling well. Can you take me back to my dorm?"

Claire was now out of her senses. Jason had actually made her drink more then 5 glasses. And being
humble as she has always been she couldn't refuse.

"Yes baby... let's go."

Jason curled his lips upwards.

"This.. this.. where are we going ?"

Claire was surely drunk but still had some sense of responsibility towards herself.

Jason had prebooked a suite for them in the same hotel where restaurant was present. He was now
taking Claire to the room to make her his tonite. Once they entered the designated room, Claire could
sense some abnormality towards Jason.

Jason by now have removed his overcoat and was slowly moving his hands on Claire's back. He then
suddenly turned her to face him. Claire was caught off guard and couldn't balance herself and landed
straight on Jason's strong chest.

Jason held her tightly and started licking her swan white neck. Claire tried to resist but Jason's arms
were like iron rods and she couldn't move them a bit. She came back to her senses when Jason stared
kissing her lips like a madman. He was almost eating her up through his mouth. She gathered all her
strength and pushed Jason hard. This time Jason was caught off guard and he banged to the wall.
Taking advantage of this situation, Claire ran away from the room.

It's almost a month now that Claire had faced that situation in the hotel. Since then she has not stepped
out of her dorm. She was too scared to meet Jason. She has always been this little scared baby but
this time she knew that if she goes out then Jason will catch her again.

Since last one month, Jason has called her n number of times. More then 1000 messages were sent by
him. And maximum asking for her forgiveness. Daily she received gifts from Jason all with same note.

"I am sorry. Please forgive me and give me one more chance to prove my love."

She never accepted any of his gifts nor received his calls. It's almost a month now and she is now short
of her semester attendance. Finally one day she received a call from her university office stating that if
she doesn't show up in the class then she will be detained back due to lack of attendance and thus her
scholarship will be also lost.

Afraid of loosing her scholarship, she gathered her courage and went to her class. Everything was
smooth for a week and Jason also never appeared infront of her.

On day during lunch time she over heard one of her classmate discussing that they see Jason coming
daily to the university but he never entered the class. He always stood outside the classroom and left
before anyone comes out. They further discussed that this way he will be detained back as he has not
attended any class for more then a month.

Was it because of her? Claire thought. Then she recollected that since she was showered with petal of
roses , Jason never appeared in her classroom. When she asked him during her dinner with him
regarding not appearing once in the classroom, he simply replied that he didn't wanted to SCARE HER
AWAY. Then that hotel scene happened and after that he didn't attend any class again. Claire some
what felt guilty of this.

It's almost a month now that Claire has joined her college back. She was relaxed and somehow glad
that she has not faced Jason yet.

During their PE classes, Claire was in the swimming pool. Even though she was not an expert
swimmer but she knew how to control her movements in the water. She was almost done for the day
when suddenly she felt somebody pulling her back into the water. The force was so hard that she
couldn't control herself and fell hard inside the pool.

Due to the impact, water immediately entered in her mouth and nose. She was unable to swim and
slowly realized that everything is over. As she was about to close her eyes, a pair of strong arms picked

her up and wrapped in its warm embrace. She was taken out and soon she was able to breath

As soon as she opened her eyes , she saw a very handsome and similar face close to hers'. She
immediately got up once she realized that she was holding herself tightly in Jason's arms.

Seeing her reaction, Jason frowned and got up.

"You should be fine now. Just relax a bit and go back home."

Before Claire could speak or thank him, he had already left.

Claire was sitting in library trying to cover all her losses when suddenly her alarm was heard. She
quickly turned off her phone and looked at the time. It was 11 o''clock in the night. As it was late in the
night, She quickly packed her stuff and hurried to her dorm.

As expected she couldn't get any taxi at this time but instead she meet a group of perverts. They pulled
her inside their car , held her down tightly and took her to a nearby hotel.



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