Novel Name : Hey, My Twins Babies

Hey, My Twins Babies Chapter 935 Vanessa's Blessing

Thomas' affairs came to an end. Then Winnie had time to sort out the matters between the Chambers
family and the Bennet family.

Especially her sister and aunt...

She wanted to call her aunt, letting her come back to make it clear to her sister in person.

But her aunt had already come back. Not only that, she also took Vanessa to the Bennet family. Rufus
called Winnie.

"Winwin, your aunt and I decided to personally explain to Vanessa today. For so many years, I owe
Vanessa too much. She is my daughter, but... was deceived by us. I don’t know whether she won't
forgive us so quickly. If she comes to you, please take care of her. Your aunt and I are already old. We
just want to live at peace." Rufus's voice was heavy. Winnie could even imagine how haggard he was

"I will. Vanessa... No matter what, she's my sister."

After hanging up the phone, Winnie waited at home for Vanessa.

She knew that Vanessa would definitely come back to look for her. They were not real sisters, but their
relationship was better than real sisters’. For Vanessa, Winnie was important. She was also very
important to Winnie.

Winnie took out the photo of Vanessa and her. Then she rubbed her cold fingers on the frame. She
began to recall the past.

She once thought that she had only Vanessa as her family in the world. But now, Vanessa didn’t belong
to the Chambers family, but the Bennet family. Again, she was alone.

Fate always teased people like this.

Winnie didn't know how long it took. When she leaned on the sofa and was about to fall asleep,
someone came in outside the door.

The wind from outside blew in, waking up Winnie.

She looked over. It was Vanessa.

When Vanessa came back, she had already wiped away her tears. But when she saw her sister, her
tears burst out again, "Sister..." Her voice was hoarse. She finally shouted the word.

Winnie knew that she must be at a loss now. So she stepped forward to hug Vanessa, "Don't worry.
Take it easy. We are still a family, and we will always be a family."

Vanessa hugged her tightly and didn't say more.

The two held each other for a long time. When Winnie thought that Vanessa almost calmed down, she
wanted to cook some food for her, but someone came in again.

It was Brian.

"Why are you here?" Winnie was taken aback when she opened the door. If Vanessa saw him, Winnie
really didn't know what to do.

"I miss you." Brian could always say some sweet words now.

Winnie was blushed. Then Brian went in. Winnie couldn't stop him at all.

But thinking of Vanessa, Winnie turned around, ready to let Brian leave. Unfortunately, Vanessa had
already stood opposite them.

"Sister, who's here?"

Vanessa came out of the kitchen. When she saw Brian, her face suddenly sank.

"It’s...your brother." Winnie murmured.

Vanessa was silent. Now, she didn't even want to greet Brian.

"Sister." Brian also knew that matter. He had already let everything go. So he took the initiative to get
close to this half-sister.

Unfortunately, Vanessa glanced at him coldly and turned upstairs.

Winnie sighed, "Don't force Vanessa. It is too difficult for her to accept all this. I thought I was the most
miserable one. Now, I think that Vanessa is the most miserable one. Her parents are all there. But none
of them recognized her, especially my aunt. How can she let Vanessa call her aunt for so many years?
Well, give her some time, Brian."

Brian held Winnie's hand, nodded and agreed, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

In the next month, the people from the Bennet family kept coming to Vanessa, all trying to get closer to
her. Besides, Winnie also talked a lot to her. Then Vanessa accepted the fact. However, she didn’t
know how to get along with her parents.

While Vanessa was still struggling with herself, Brian decided to remarry Vanessa and then hold the

When Vanessa saw her sister was so happy at the wedding, and Isobel held Rufus’ hand, she
suddenly let go of everything.

The wedding venue was in the banquet hall of the Bennet Group, which was much more magnificent
than star hotels. Besides, it was Brian’s wedding, so the layout of the venue had cost a lot of money,
which fully reflected the talent of the designer.

Romantic and beautiful! Gorgeous and dazzling! The stage was dazzling. The guests who came to the
wedding were stunned. They had not seen such a high-end and amazing wedding scene.

As for the guests, even though Winnie had asked not to invite too many people before, well-known
businessmen and leaders from all walks of life came here, despite the rush of time. Not to mention the
friends and relatives of their families, they all arrived early.

But Winnie hadn't seen all of this. She hadn't gone out since she entered the lounge through the back

"How long will it take?"

Winnie asked the makeup artist cautiously, seeming a little impatient.


The makeup artist answered with confidence. She must make a perfect makeup for Winnie.

"Mrs. Bennet is perfect. There is no place that need to be modified on your face, which can’t show my

This was the third time the makeup artist praised her. Winnie felt a little flattered, but Brian liked to

He felt that the makeup artist was telling the truth. His wife was the prettiest woman in the world.

"Where is Daenerys? Is she ready?"

Winnie changed the subject. She didn’t like these flattering words.

"You guys are in different lounges. I guess they will be slower than you. After all, makeup artists have
to show their talents."


Brian was joking. If Daenerys and Emily heard it, they would definitely complain to Winnie.

"The two of them are going to kill you in a while."

Winnie also smiled.

"Done! Perfect."

The makeup artist finally finished it, and couldn't help but praised.

"My wife is the prettiest woman in the world."

Winnie didn't say anything, but Brian couldn't help it.

The more he looked at Winnie, the more he felt that his choice was the most correct.

"Okay, get ready. The wedding will begin soon. But we should be the last to appear."

Brian heard the host's voice from the earphones, and then told Winnie to be ready.

"I'm a little nervous. Don't I really need to prepare?"

Winnie never did anything unprepared, but she was unprepared for her wedding. She didn't even
prepare a copy of her speech.

"I’m with you. You don't need to prepare for anything. Don't be nervous. I will take you to have a look

Brian stood up and pulled Winnie out of the lounge.

After they were taken to the waiting area by the staff, Daenerys and the others were already in place.

"It turns out that you get well-prepared."

Daenerys whispered. If it weren't that she wearing the wedding dress and had to be more dignified, she
wouldn’t speak like this.

"I don't know anything. Brian made this."

Winnie was responding to Daenerys while looking at the splendid venue.

"Will it be too exaggerated?"

Winnie's first reaction was like this. She clearly said that she wanted to be low-key. But it wasn’t low-
key at all!

"No, you deserve it."

Brian also responded in a low voice. If it weren't for the time rush, the venue would be even more
sophisticated than it was now.

"I’m even more nervous."

Winnie felt a lot pressure invisibly.

"With us by your side, don't be nervous."

Emily comforted. She also relieved her tension because of the company of friends.

At this time, the host on the stage increased the volume, attracting everyone's attention.

"Today is a special wedding. It’s a collective wedding. There are some good friends discussing it for a
long time. But our first couple on stage today are the elders of these couples."

"Let us invite Mr. Rufus Bennet and Ms. Isobel Chambers into the wedding hall with warm applause."

As soon as the host finished speaking, the wedding march came slowly.


Winnie looked at Brian in surprise.

"Yeah, I arranged it. They have been in love for so many years and waited for so many years. Of
course, they have to have a formal wedding."

Brian explained. He was very pleased. This was what he owed Isobel. Since he was given a chance to
make up, he couldn't miss this opportunity.

"Thank you. You’re so sweet."

"For so many years, my aunt has been waiting for a wedding. Thank you for your thoughtfulness. I
thank you on behalf of the Chambers family."

Winnie was moved. If it weren't for being afraid that crying would ruin her makeup, she would have
shed tears now.

"Fool. It's all I should do. Don't need to thank me."

Brian smiled and cupped Winnie's face. Then he gently kissed her forehead. As long as Winnie could
be happy, what he did was meaningful.

"Auntie looks so beautiful in her wedding dress. See, she looks so happy."

Winnie couldn't help but sighed with emotion. But it would be more perfect if this wedding was held
twenty years ago.

"You look like your aunt. You have inherited all her good genes."

Brian took the opportunity to praise Winnie again. Only Winnie could give him this confidence.

The next couple were Emily and Leo, followed by Daenerys and Kevin. What made Winnie envious and
sad was that Emily and Daenerys had their fathers to walk them to the stage.

She had no her father to attend her wedding.

"It will be our turn soon. I will be on stage and wait for you first. Don't be nervous."

Brian comforted her, but this comfort made Winnie more nervous.

"Do you let me go up alone?"

Winnie took Brian's hand and refused to let go. She was sad without the company of her parents. But
now, he left her alone?

"How could it be? They are all accompanied by their fathers. I have arranged two people to accompany
you. Look back."

Brian thought of everything carefully and prepared everything.

Winnie slowly turned her head. Standing behind her were Romeo and Oscar.

"Romeo, when did you come here? I didn't even see you guys."

Winnie was so moved that she didn't know what to say. During this period of time, she felt so bad that
she forgot to visit Romeo.

"Today, it’s your wedding. How could I not come? Brian gave me an important task. I will accompany
you to walk to his side."

"And me. We two escort you."

Romeo's arrival today was not only a task but an honor. Oscar did not expect that he would be
arranged in this link. It could be seen that Brian really loved Winnie so much.

"Thank you. I won't be nervous with your company."

With the company of Romeo and Oscar, Winnie didn’t feel so nervous, at least she was not alone in
this link. She also had the support

"Romeo, Oscar, thank you. I will be on stage first."

Putting Winnie's hand in Romeo's hand, Brian then stepped onto the stage with a graceful manner. If
Winnie was the most beautiful bride, Brian must be the most handsome groom. They were a perfect

Brian came to the designated place. Winnie was also ready on the opposite side not far away.

After the host's gorgeous introduction, the next step was the bride's debut.

"The exciting time is coming. The groom can go to your beautiful bride."

In the same scene as the previous few times, after the host finished speaking, it was the wedding

Accompanied by Romeo and Oscar, Winnie walked towards Brian with a slow and steady pace, while
Brian walked gracefully and steadily to meet Winnie.

Winnie had been looking forward to this moment, with happiness and surprise on her face. It was not
easy for her to have today. She thought the wedding march would always accompany her and Brian to
the center of the stage, but the music changed the moment Brian held her hand.

It wasn’t like the previous ones, so Winnie was still a little nervous. But the singing of Brian that came
later made her surprised and forgot nervousness.

"Our story is a legend. Too many winds and waves have not separated us... Even if we are all old, we
must still be in love. The eyes are blurred. The hair is gray. The faces are full of wrinkles. We’re also
very happy. If one day we can't walk anymore, I will love you till the last moment..."

Brian's singing touched Winnie. She finally cried.

Brian carefully selected the song for her and sang it in person, which was something she never
expected even if she racked her brains. The important thing was that the lyrics described how difficult
they had been along the way, and Brian's determination and attitude towards her in the future.

How could Winnie not be moved? He made an exception for her.

Brian knew that Winnie felt most empathetic. Although he had been prepared for it, he was also moved
at this moment. While singing affectionately, he gently wiped away Winnie’s tears.

Hearing Brian singing, Kevin was also so surprised that even his jaw almost dropped.

"Brian is singing??"


Daenerys heard it very clearly that it was Brian's voice. Although it was more charming and sexy than
usual, it was Brian.

"Pig can fly? How can he sing without going out of tune?"

In Kevin's impression, Brian wouldn't sing even if the sky collapsed. So it was not Winnie but him who
was most surprised.

"Does he sing out of tune?"

Leo asked.

"I don't know. He has never sung. I thought he didn't sing because he couldn't find the tune."

Kevin always believed it so. Since they became friends, Kevin had never heard Brian sing.

"So surprise, right? Not only does he not go out of tune, but he also sings very well."

Emily teased Kevin. He and Brian had been friends for so many years, but he didn't even know that
Brian could sing. Were they real friends?

"Is this his debut?"

Daenerys asked. If it was, it meant that Brian loved Winnie so much. Otherwise, he would not show his
"first time" in such a public occasion.

"Yes, very sure."


Everyone couldn't help but laughed. Winnie was indeed the exception of Brian.

At the end of an affectionate song, Brian and Winnie had walked to the center of the stage.

Once again helping Winnie wipe away tears, Brian held the customized diamond ring, knelt in front of
Winnie on one knee, and said affectionately.

"We have experienced a lot. Now I believe in many things that I didn't believe in before. I believe that
you are my destiny, my fate, and my cause and effect."

"I will love you forever and protect you!"

"Winwin, I love you."

Brian's words made Winnie cry again. How lucky she was to become his destiny!

Winnie stretched out her hand in tears. Brian put on the wedding ring for her again. She became
Brian's bride under the witness of everyone.

Brian got up and kissed Winnie. This kiss meant a responsibility and meant their love and happiness in
the future.

"Congratulate them!"

The host said. The audience burst into applause of blessings.

After the wedding, it was time to take a group photo together. Vanessa walked up to them. She looked
at Brian and Winnie, Isobel and Rufus, tears streaming down her eyes.

"Brother, I wish you and sister happiness forever." Vanessa finally called Brian brother.

Winnie and Brian were very happy. Vanessa finally accepted Brian as her brother.

Vanessa walked to Isobel again. She looked at this beautiful woman who had been with her for many
years and had been called aunt by her for so many years. She sighed and forgave all this.

At this time, Isobel and Rufus looked at their daughter expectantly, hoping to receive her blessing.

Vanessa smiled, "Dad, Mom, I wish you happiness."

Isobel and Rufus smiled brightly.

Everyone laughed. The family was finally reunited.

The End!


The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and
continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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