Novel Name : In Love (Quick Transmigrate)

In Love (Quick Transmigrate) Chapter 194 - Beta Overpowered Alpha End

Chapter 194 - Beta Overpowered Alpha End

The defeat of the Werther Empire’s army is a huge blow to Marquis Will.
He spent a lot of time putting people into the army, but they were all caught up in one go!
In addition, he previously used public opinion against Marshal Camila, and now, public opinion has turned against him.
So many soldiers became the rebels’ captives, and they described the rebels as heinous monsters before…The families of these soldiers were very angry and asked the empire to take their relatives back.
At this time, Dino also jumped out, saying that his father was indeed wrong, but Marquis Will is not a good person either. He has been doing terrible human experiments…
Not everyone is on Marquis Will’s side, so after Dino jumped out, many people stood up to support Dino.
The two sides were in a turmoil, so the entire Werther Empire became a mess.
Both sides know how to incite the common people, so various conflicts broke out among the Werther Empire’s people from time to time.
The Light Army knew what the Werther Empire was doing, but they didn’t bother to care about it.
Their current strength is still relatively weak, so there’s no way to occupy the entire Werther Empire. They had plans to rest and recuperate for several decades first, then slowly plan next.
Now that the Werther Empire is in civil turmoil, they couldn’t wait anymore.
All kinds of warships captured from Werther were sent to Light Star, those captives…some of the nobles who committed the most crimes were sentenced by them after the trial. As for ordinary soldiers and nobles who did not commit crimes…They sent a letter to the Werther Empire asking them to send money to redeem people.
Marquis Will had to spend a huge sum of money to redeem those people, so his strength was severely damaged.
On the Light Army’s side, they got a large sum of money, which can be used to buy all kinds of materials they need.
In addition…After the Werther Empire’s ordinary soldiers became their captives, they arranged for them to visit their planet, which gave them a new understanding of the Light Army. Thus, after these people returned, some people actually spoke up for the Light Army, some people even joined the Light Army…
Marquis Will was furious, but Dino had made a lot of trouble for him, so he didn’t have time to deal with the Light Army.
He just felt that he had been cheated. Didn’t it say that Su Moxiu had been in the berserk period for a long time and was already dead now?
It’s not working anymore. According to those who were redeemed, Su Moxiu is stronger than before!
These people were very dissatisfied with Marquis Will. They all felt that if it was not for Marquis Will who sent Vinia to the rebels, Su Moxiu wouldn’t have recovered.
Marquis Will: “…” What does this have to do with his son? His son is a beta!
This was probably Su Moxiu’s scheme from the very beginning!
Light Star.
Yan Jingze said that they had just finished researching a spaceship, and sent many spaceships.
These spaceships are the same as the spaceship that Yan Jingze was on when he came for the political marriage previously. They have encryption devices and cannot be forcefully dismantled. If they are dismantled without unlocking the encryption program, the spaceship will be damaged automatically.
So…Yan Jingze got busy again.
He rushes to the research institute early in the morning every day, then comes home very late at night.
Su Moxiu, who came back in a hurry after the battle: “…”
He was a little resentful!
His spouse doesn’t come home until after ten o’clock in the evening, and it’s eleven o’clock after washing up, and then they do something happy, then it’s already twelve o’clock in the blink of an eye…
He basically goes to bed at one or two o’clock in the morning, and then when he wakes up in the morning, his partner has disappeared.
He got the feeling that he was thrown away after he slept with him.
The pressure around Su Moxiu has been a bit low recently.
At the same time, Kane was getting more and more worried.
Is it true that their marshal can’t do it?
Otherwise, how could Vinia come back to work in good spirits the next day when he went back every night?
Omegas are obviously very weak!
Su Moxiu and Yan Jingze no longer live in the manor.
There are a lot of monitoring there, who wants to live there?
They are currently living in Su Moxiu’s house.
Today Yan Jingze got up early as usual, rushed to the research institute, and met Kane who got up early.
“Morning!” Kane greeted with a smile.
“Morning.” Yan Jingze also smiled. Su Moxiu is back, although he has been busy recently, he is in a good mood.
He just wants to…finish the work at hand quickly, so that he can be with Su Moxiu all day.
Kane looked up and down Yan Jingze, but didn’t see any traces on Yan Jingze’s body, then thought…why is this omega getting taller and stronger?
Kane coughed lightly and asked, “The research institute is so busy, and you rush back every day, are you tired?”
“Even if I am tired, I have to go back to be with my family.” Yan Jingze began to change clothes.
“Marshal…is he treating you well?”
“Of course.”
“Are you…harmonious at night?”
Yan Jingze was a little speechless when he heard such a question, but still said: “Harmonious!”
“Then, when I see you, why are you so energetic and not uncomfortable at all?” Kane struggled.
“Isn’t it because I’m so talented?” Yan Jingze said.
Kane: “…” This omega really has a lot of nerve!
At the same time, Su Moxiu got up from the bed, only to find himself alone on the bed.
He suddenly regretted sending Vinia to the research institute.
However, even if Vinia wasn’t busy with the research institute, he can’t accompany Vinia because he also has a lot of things to do.
Su Moxiu went to deal with the Light Army business.
After a battle, there are many things that need to be done. For example, today, a general stationed on another planet came to see him.
The Light Army won the battle, so everyone was very happy. Seeing that Su Moxiu’s eyes were no longer red, the general was overjoyed to learn that Su Moxiu had recovered from his berserk period.
“Is it because of Vinia? I told you to find an omega before!”
“Yes, thanks to him.” Su Moxiu’s expression softened.
“So what are your plans now?” the general asked.
“What?” Su Moxiu was puzzled.
“Vinia is that guy Will’s son after all. This guy Will is also quite ambitious…You have recovered now, do you want to get rid of your mark now?” The man asked, “The traitor we caught before said that Vinia is on their side too.”
Su Moxiu’s face turned dark: “He is my partner!”
“You admit that he is your partner? His identity…”
“What’s wrong with his identity? His contribution to the Light Army is enough to make him my partner.”
The man was confused. He had read Vinia’s profile before, wasn’t he just a very delicate omega?
He knew that Su Moxiu had always disliked such people, that’s why he suggested Su Moxiu getting rid of their mark.
But now…he seems to have annoyed Su Moxiu?
While still thinking about this, the man felt a powerful mental force pressing down on him, making him sweat profusely.
Immediately afterwards, this mental force thrashed him, then kicked him out of the door.
His mental force was tossed around so much that it was as if it overturned like a river. He was dizzy and his whole body was feeling uncomfortable.
Someone came over and saw it, and asked puzzledly: “What did you do? To be able to make Marshal so angry like this?”
The man covered his head and said, “I told Marshal that since he’s fine, he can get rid of his mark on Vinia now…”
“You deserved this beating.”
“Didn’t Marshal say he never wanted an omega before? I always thought he had no choice but to…”
“What with he had no choice but to, Marshal marked him the first time he saw him. It was love at first sight, love at second sight, he really liked him!”
The man: “…” What kind of person is that Vinia! To be able to charm Su Moxiu!
There are many that were wondering what kind of person Vinia is.
Before the war, the people on the planet controlled by the Light Army blessed Su Moxiu and Vinia’s marriage.
However, after the war started, they started having problems with Vinia. After all, Will used him as an excuse to start the war.
There are inevitably some bad reviews on the Internet, especially after Dino recently revealed Marquis Will’s old background.
“Back then Marshal married Vinia because he didn’t want to go to war, right? Now that the war is over, are they going to divorce?”
“I think this person came to us with bad intentions!”
“Marshal should have had no choice but to marry him before.”

However, such remarks did not last long. The Ling Army made an announcement.
They talked about Vinia’s achievements after he came to Light Star.
He hasn’t stayed in Light Star for long, but he has already researched countless things. Not only that, his mother has also researched a lot of things.
They were even able to get soldiers out of their berserk phase, and thus saved Su Moxiu.
The Light Army stated that they are outstanding scientists. They were not captured by them but they came to their side. They fled here because they were dissatisfied with Marquis Will’s various behaviors.
So that’s it! No wonder Marshal married him!
The Light Army once again wished them well.
And when the news reached Capital Star…
Marquis Will was stunned.
Why doesn’t he know that his son is so powerful?
His son has been lying to him?
And…he failed this time because of his son?
If he had known this, he would never have sent his son to marry him.
Marquis Will was furious, but Dino took this opportunity to cause some trouble for Marquis Will.
The two sides started fighting more fiercely.
Of course, Dino also felt a little regretful.
Judging from the current situation, Vinia and Lina didn’t have the same goal as Marquis Will. In that case, if he had married Vinia, would Vinia and Lina have helped him wholeheartedly?
No matter what they think, Yan Jingze has nothing to do with them.
After the war, Yan Jingze was busy in the research institute for half a year. Then after he left the research institute, he began to follow Su Moxiu, handling various matters with Su Moxiu.
Su Moxiu was in charge of the Light Army, so he began to help with some government affairs, showing his face in public, even more than Su Moxiu.
He even started to manage the planet by relying on his status as the marshal’s partner.
Surprisingly, he also manages it very well!
Ignoring that, at this time, Lina has also developed a special agent for Beta. After taking it, Beta can also have mental force. Although it’s not as strong as Alpha and Omega, it’s far superior to before.
This allows more and more betas to compete with alphas.
In addition, she has also developed an agent that can appease alpha’s mental force, so that alpha can stabilize their mental force without marking omega and without worrying about falling into a berserk period.
She has also researched an agent that could improve omega’s physical fitness after injecting it…
In fact, she has researched these things before, and even used some related drugs, that’s why the original owner could disguise as an omega.
Now she just perfected it, and then made the result public…
Twenty years later.
The Werther Empire has been in chaos for twenty years.
Sometimes Will’s faction have the upper hand and sometimes Dino’s faction have the upper hand. Their fight became more and more serious, then a group of people in the military, led by Camila, began to completely disobey their orders.
The Werther Empire declined like this.
The planets controlled by the Light Army are exactly the opposite.
There’s a lot of work that needs to be done here. Since everyone has the opportunity and avenues to move up, everyone works together…
In the past twenty years, this country named the Light Federation has developed rapidly. It’s no worse than the Werther Empire in all aspects.
Speaking of Yan Jingze, in the past twenty years, he has been very busy and has become the idol of countless people, as well as…the prime minister of the Light Federation.
He didn’t want to be so busy, but if he was not busy, then his family Su Moxiu would be very busy, and Su Moxiu was not good at these things either.
In addition…he felt that the Light Federation was still a bit weak, so he was worried that the Light Federation would be defeated by the Werther Empire.
That being the case…he can work hard.
When they annex the Werther Empire, he will be able to rest, and then…go to farm.
One of the original owner’s conditions was to live in seclusion and farm!
The route he is taking now is completely opposite to the original owner’s request!
Now, he has finally completed the first stage of his goal — Not long ago, when the Light Army overwhelmed the border, Camila surrendered, and the planets they passed also surrendered one by one. Now only Capital Star still belongs to the Werther Empire.
However, Capital Star won’t last long.
During the past few years, while the Light Federation had been hiding its power and biding its time, the nobles on Capital Star attacked each other, causing many incidents. Su Moxiu released the criminal evidence of some nobles his father had collected before…Now, all the people have rejected those nobles.
Countless spaceships surround Capital Star. The people in Capital Star can see the shadow of the spaceship when they look up in broad daylight.
Marquis Will was getting angry: “Even if Camila surrendered, isn’t there still the Self-Defense army? I spent so much money raising them, why are they so weak?”
“My lord, your son has developed a better weapon .” Will’s subordinate said.
Marquis Will nearly vomited blood.
Then, at this moment, there was a sudden shout of killing outside — someone came to capture them!
The same thing happened to Dino.
It didn’t take long for the great nobles of the Werther Empire to be captured. The people who captured these nobles were the troops raised by these nobles themselves.
And these people simply surrendered after capturing their employers.
The Light Federation’s spaceships landed on Capital Star.
Yan Jingze and Su Moxiu set foot on Capital Star together.
Su Moxiu didn’t wear a mask today. He followed behind Yan Jingze, looking at everything in Capital Star curiously.
After all these years…Yan Jingze is busier than Su Moxiu.
Su Moxiu simply took off his mask and accompanied him.
Those who knew Su Moxiu naturally knew that this was Su Moxiu, while those who didn’t know Su Moxiu thought it was Yan Jingze’s bodyguard and assistant.
There’s nothing they could do about it…Su Moxiu’s appearance after taking off the mask is really hard to make people think of Su Moxiu.
Twenty years have passed and Yan Jingze has grown to be thirty-eight years old. He is much taller. Although he is still beautiful, there is no trace of omega’s fragileness anymore.
What about Su Moxiu? In the past twenty years, his appearance has not changed at all.
Alpha’s lifespan is very long, it’s normal for his appearance to remain unchanged. However, he wears a mask all year round, which makes his skin extremely fair, making him look…younger.
Well, this should also have something to do with the fact that he takes care of his appearance.
Such a young and handsome alpha, no one will think he is Su Moxiu.
When Yan Jingze had just transmigrated, he was on this planet, but he was not familiar with it. Now that he sees this planet again, he feels that this planet is a bit lifeless.
The people here are lifeless and the things here are also very lifeless.
“Lord Yan, those great nobles have been captured now. Will and Dino both want to see you. Are you going to meet them?” One of Yan Jingze’s subordinates asked.
Yan Jingze changed his name a few years ago from Vinia to Yan Jingze, so now everyone calls him ‘Lord Yan’ or ‘Prime Minister Yan’.
“Go meet them.” Said Yan Jingze.
Although the guards raised by the nobles betrayed them and captured them and offered them to Yan Jingze, these people did so because they didn’t want the Light Army to bomb the capital city, and they were incapable of negotiating with the Light Army.
In the end, it was Will and Dino, who forward together, expressing their willingness to sign a contract and surrender unconditionally, finally settling Capital Star’s matter.
Now…it was time for him to meet them.
These people stayed in the palace. Yan Jingze walked in slowly. When he came to the hall, he saw the original owner’s father and the original owner’s sweetheart.
Marquis Will was originally a handsome guy, but now he has become an old handsome guy with a gloomy look on his brows.
What about Dino? This eldest prince who was high-spirited at the beginning while hanging the original owner, enjoying the original owner’s kindness to him while contacting others in private, and wanting to marry someone else, now looks like a depressed middle-aged man.
Yan Jingze is observing these two people, and these two people are also observing Yan Jingze.
Their expressions…are indescribable.
In recent years, Yan Jingze has made many appearances in public, so they have naturally watched Yan Jingze’s video.
At that time, they felt that this person had changed a lot after he went to the Light Federation, but they thought it was because this person put on makeup to make himself look more stable — there are plenty of politicians on their side who also did this.
However, now that they are in close contact…they don’t know if this person wears makeup or not, but this person’s figure and face have surely changed.
Marquis Will knew that his son was actually a beta, so seeing this situation isn’t a big impact on him, but Dino was stunned: “You are Vinia.”
“No, Vinia is not like this!” Said Dino.
“How am I not like this? I’ve always been like this.” Yan Jingze looked at Marquis Will, “I just grew…up, didn’t I?”
Marquis Will said nothing.
Yan Jingze asked: “You ask to see me, what do you want to talk about?”
“Vinia, I am your father…”
“I changed my name, now I am Yan Jingze.”
Marquis Will could only say: “Yan Jingze, I want to negotiate a deal with you. As long as you are willing to retain some of my power, I am willing to give you some help…”
“That’s impossible, I will treat everyone equally!” Said Yan Jingze.
“Aren’t you afraid that I will reveal your secret?” Marquis Will said angrily.
Yan Jingze didn’t react for a moment: “What secret?”
“I want to talk to you alone,” said Marquis Will.
“No need, it’s all our people here.” Yan Jingze said.
There were very few people in this room, except for Will and Dino, it was only him and Su Moxiu.
Marquis Will glanced at Dino, then finally said: “You are a beta, you have been deceiving Su Moxiu and you even got together with your bodyguard!”
Yan Jingze: “…how do you know that my bodyguard and I got together?” He and Su Moxiu have been very careful in front of outsiders…But recently, there seem to be some rumors circulating on Light Federation…
“Of course I have my channel.” Said Marquis Will.
“You can’t threaten me and I won’t change my mind.” Said Yan Jingze.
Marquis Will’s face darkened: “Are you not afraid that I will make it public? Although you have become the Prime Minister of the Light Federation, the members of the Light Army still listen to Su Moxiu. Are you not afraid of Su Moxiu’s anger when he knows that you are with your bodyguards?
“He won’t be angry.” Yan Jingze smiled.
“You…” Marquis Will’s face changed. He thought of a possibility — his son and Su Moxiu might come to an agreement then married.
However, even so, he still has other things that can threaten this son: “Su Moxiu appears less and less in front of people now, is it because of you? You control the Light Federation’s power, you are too ambitious, aren’t you afraid of being overturned?”
Yan Jingze: “…”
Su Moxiu: “…”
Yan Jingze sighed: “If you just want to tell me this, then there is really no need, goodbye.”
Yan Jingze was too lazy to talk to Marquis Will, so he soon left.
However, he still underestimated Marquis Will. Shortly after he left, he was probably too angry. Marquis Will directly put the things he used to threaten Yan Jingze on the Internet.
There are also some pictures of him and the unmasked Su Moxiu looking very close.
Yan Jingze: “…”
A lot of news appeared on the Internet, swearing that he is the same person as Marquis Will, who likes power, and now he has emptied Su Moxiu and controlled all the rights of the Light Federation. In the future, everyone in the Light Federation will have to listen to his words…
They also said that Su Moxiu might have encountered an accident. After all, Su Moxiu hardly appeared in front of people during the war against the Werther Empire.
This is the news that Marquis Will got after a long inquiry. He felt that this would definitely bring some troubles to Yan Jingze.
All his plans were ruined by this person, so he really hated this person.
The news released by Marquis Will has indeed caused some waves.
“It’s true that Marshal hasn’t appeared in front of people for a long time…”
“That’s right, Marshal has been commanding remotely in this war…Is that person sir?”
“Yan Jingze is just an omega, isn’t he too powerful?”
“Is what they say true?”
“The relationship between Yan Jingze and his assistant, Xiu, is indeed too good.”
“He is an omega, but he mixes with an alpha all day, it’s really not good.”

People from the Light Federation didn’t talk nonsense on the Internet, but recently, the Werther Empire’s planets have all been brought down.
Thus, the Werther Empire’s people like to talk nonsense on the Internet.
Yan Jingze looked at it and thought it was quite amusing.
On the contrary, Su Moxiu said, “Shouldn’t you give me a title now? I have been by your side all these years without a status!”
He had long wanted to tell others that he was Su Moxiu!
As a result, Yan Jingze said that he should maintain his sense of mystery. He supported him and made him the most respected person in the Light Federation, so he insisted on not letting him disclose his identity.
Su Moxiu felt a little wronged.
Yan Jingze felt a little sympathetic to those in the Light Army who worshiped Su Moxiu.
Those people regard Su Moxiu as a god and think that Su Moxiu is the most ruthless in the world. The result?
Su Moxiu is Assistant Xiu, who has done so many things that make people speechless over the years.
After those people knew that Xiu was Su Moxiu, he wondered what they would feel like.
However, if Su Moxiu wanted a ‘title’, he could not refuse to give it…
Yan Jingze said: “Tomorrow’s surrender ceremony, you can do whatever you want.
Su Moxiu is now satisfied.
The next day will be the Werther Empire’ Surrender Ceremony.
The entire surrender ceremony will be broadcast live.
The surrender ceremony will be held in the morning. In the early morning, countless people turn on the live broadcast to watch it.
When everyone watches it, of course, they will surely mention the recent uproar, how Yan Jingze had hollowed out Su Moxiu.
Yesterday these things only spread on Capital Star’s side, so they all felt that there was something wrong with Yan Jingze, but today is different.
“What nonsense, why can’t omega have an alpha bodyguard? In our Light Federation, omega is not a fertility tool, and alpha can also control themselves!”
“Yan Jingze has done so many things for the Light Federation, it’s not fake!”
“It’s true that lord marshal and Yan Jingze do get together a lot less. The relationship between them may not be so deep, but they are the best revolutionary partners ever!”
“Yan Jingze is focused on his career, and lord marshal is the same. They may not be the best spouse, but they are definitely the best partners.”
“Xiu may like Yan Jingze, but so what?”

Of course, it’s different on Capital Star’s side: “There are so many people admiring the fickle omega.”
“This Vinia doesn’t look like an omega at all. I really don’t know why so many people praise him!”
“His father is not a good thing, he is probably the same.”
“People from the Light Federation actually speak for him…Su Moxiu might have died by his hands!”
“How did he get to be the Prime Minister as an omega? Did he rely on his body?”

Anyway, there are all kinds of messy remarks.
Then, at this moment, the live broadcast started.
Marquis Will was the one who delivered the letter of surrender on behalf of the Werther Empire. On the other side, Yan Jingze walked slowly with a man wearing the marshal’s clothes and a mask.
“It’s the Marshal!”
“Marshal is so mighty!”
“What’s so mighty? It’s said that Su Moxiu is very ugly!”
“Isn’t he ugly? Didn’t he wear a mask all the time because he was disfigured on the battlefield?”
“If I were an omega, I wouldn’t like an old and ugly one either.”
“In terms of appearance alone, Yan Jingze is a good match for his assistant and bodyguard.”
“His bodyguard even tried his best to save him… ”

As they spoke, everyone saw the masked marshal taking off his mask with his hands.
Revealing…Xiu’s face.
The people watching the live broadcast were silent, watching all this in shock.
Is Yan Jingze crazy? He even asked Xiu to pretend to be the marshal!
Wait…If Xiu is pretending to be the marshal, there are many generals in the Light Army present, why didn’t they say anything?
Most of these people smiled and looked at Yan Jingze and Xiu with relief. There were a few of them who had conflicts with Yan Jingze because of their different political views. When they looked at Yan Jingze with dissatisfaction, Xiu only glanced at them and they immediately lowered their head like a quail.
Everyone: “…”
So Xiu is Su Moxiu.
“I said before that they have a bad relationship…the clown is actually myself.”
“Xiu has been by Yan Jingze’s side all these years, so…”
“It’s no wonder Marshal hasn’t shown up, because he wants to accompany his partner!”
“I’m so sad!”
“They really match each other!”
“There used to be quite a lot of news about Yan Jingze and Xiu, as well as Xiu glaring at miliatry generals for Yan Jingze. I always thought he was a loyal dog bodyguard who silently had a crush on his master…I was wrong!”
“Isn’t your focus a bit skewed? I’m a little uncomfortable now. I always thought that lord marshal was the kind of person who doesn’t put feeling in his eyes and devoted himself to his career. I learned from him and I never got married, but what is this now?!”

At this time, the official directly sent a message that all those who made personal attacks on Yan Jingze before will be prosecuted.
Netizens: “…”
Neither Yan Jingze nor Su Moxiu know about the things on the Internet. They were looking helplessly at Marquis Will right now.
Marquis Will fainted.
However, even if Marquis Will fainted, the entire surrender ceremony was still well completed. After the completion, there will be an interview session.
The reporter originally thought about many questions, but now they just want to ask: “Lord Marshal, why do you keep wearing a mask?”
Su Moxiu sighed: “I was still very young when I took over the Light Army, so I’m afraid I won’t be able to convince the public.”
“Why do you stay with your wife under the pseudonym Xiu?”
“First of all, I want to emphasize that Yan Jingze is not my wife, he is my partner. Secondly…do one need a reason to stay with their partner? If I stay with him as the marshal identity, there will be a lot of trouble, and it will make people think that he is just my subordinate, that’s why I use another identity.”
“So you really love your wife…partner?”
“Of course, he is my partner. The person I love the most.”
Su Moxiu has been showing off his love! The reporter turned to ask Yan Jingze: “Lord Prime Minister, you have always liked to make plans. What plans do you have for the future?”
Yan Jingze pondered for a moment and said, “I want to find a place to live in seclusion and farm.”
T/N: 3 extra in the next chap then it’s done!


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In Love (Quick Transmigrate) Lastest Chapters