Novel Name : In Love (Quick Transmigrate)

In Love (Quick Transmigrate) Chapter 135 - Extra: Beast God

Chapter 135 - Extra: Beast God

Yan Jingze’s life in the Giant Tiger Tribe is getting better every day.
In the first two years after becoming mates with Hu Xiu, he has been hunting with Hu Xiu. However, after Hu Xiu became stronger and stronger, he stopped going with him, and then…several nearby tribes joined them, the giant tiger tribe’s population increase…
Then, Hu Xiu seldom went out to hunt.
Most people in their tribe no longer live in tree holes, but build houses to live in.
But Yan Jingze and Hu Xiu still live in their tree hole. Of course, they usually use this tree hole to sleep, roast meat, and eat now. The other is done in the house made from the giant dinosaur bones that he killed.
The house is built with great care and solidity. The whole house is about 20 square meters. It’s the living room of their house and it’s also the occasional meeting place for those in charge of the tribe.
It’s better to meet inside the house than to meet outside in an open space.
While having a party, they can also eat barbecue at the same time…
There are more and more people in the Giant Tiger tribe, and now they have more than 500 people. Yan Jingze has been worrying that their food will not be enough, but his worry is unnecessary.
As long as the people in the giant tiger Tribe learn how to preserve food, spread some seeds casually and grow some edible plants…This fertile land can actually allow thousands of people to survive.
Especially after they kill some carnivorous dinosaurs nearby!
Without those carnivorous dinosaurs, the number of herbivorous dinosaurs in their territory has increased significantly, so there is enough meat to eat.
Seeing this situation, Yan Jingze stopped interfering in the tribe’s affairs.
The development of civilization takes time, he can just watch.
Yan Jingze lived his life in a very Buddhist way, and then…he met a transmigrater who wanted to unify the world.
Lang Qing is a transmigrater. It has been twenty years since he traveled to this prehistoric world.
When he first transmigrated into this world, he couldn’t accept it.
There is nothing but danger here, it’s really scary!
Especially…the little beastmen he transmigrated to has a wolf shape, but he was only eleven or twelve years old, he had to support himself!
An eleven or twelve-year-old child, in his previous world, they would still be in elementary school, okay?
Lang Qing was very dissatisfied with this world. Fortunately, he soon discovered that he had a golden finger.
His appetite is very large, as long as he wants, he can eat ten times the food of others in one meal, then his strength will increase after eating.
This is actually what all beastmen are born with, but ordinary people don’t have his appetite, so they can’t eat so much food, that’s why their strength improves very slowly.
In addition…he is also a transmigrater who has a lot of knowledge!
He made nets and caught fish to fill his stomach.
He tried to build houses and taught people how to build houses in exchange for meat!
He also pretended that he saw the Beast God in his dream, and portrayed himself as the Beast God’s messenger, and finally won the respect of his tribe.
His strength is getting stronger and stronger and his followers are getting more and more…When he was twenty years old, he became the patriarch of the tribe.
By now he’s thirty years old and he’s built a mighty tribe!
No, his tribe is not just a tribe anymore, it should be…the first city in this world!
Besides, at the beginning, the people around him regarded him as the Beast God’s messenger, but now…they have already regarded him as the Beast God!
He has many many believers, many many women, and even more children.
At first, Lang Qing was not satisfied with just being a city lord, he planned to conquer the world and let all the beastmen in this world know of his existence!
He wants to be the first emperor in this world, he also wants to pass on the throne so that his descendants will all be emperors.
Like this, after thousands of years, when the beastmen civilization develops, maybe all the beastmen will claim to be Lang Qing’s descendants!
With this in mind, Lang Qing led his subordinates to fight north and south…defeating many nearby tribes and announced that those tribes would be vassals of his empire in the future and needed to pay tribute to his empire.
This made some small tribes very dissatisfied and complained, but they couldn’t beat Lang Qing and his soldiers, so they could only compromise.
Fortunately…Lang Qing is easy to talk to at certain times.
If any small tribe can present a beautiful woman who satisfies Lang Qing, he will waive that tribe’s tribute.
This is also one of the reasons why Lang Qing has so many beauties around him.
And recently, Lang Qing came to a piece of land…he had never been before.
It has been a long time since he left his empire. Along the way, many of his soldiers died, but many of them were added, and now there are a total of five hundred soldiers.
The beasts of these soldiers are all ferocious beasts!
There are 500 strong young men who are ferocious beasts! In this world, almost no tribe can stop their attacks!
The most important thing is…Lang Qing himself is very strong, very very strong!
After coming to this place that he had never been to before, Lang Qing established a small tribe.
The people in this small tribe were not very obedient. Lang Qing killed many young men in the tribe to let the people in the tribe settle down. Then, he chose the most beautiful woman in the tribe to enjoy, and his subordinates followed suit.
When he first came to this world, Lang Qing was dissatisfied with one thing, that is, the women in this world…life is very chaotic.
Moreover, although this world is not a matriarchal society, women have a high status. Some women give birth to children, but they don’t know who the father of the child is. These children only recognize their mothers, not their fathers.
Sometimes when a man dies in an accident, his woman will turn around and be with other men.
Although in this world, there are women who are strong, but generally speaking, men are stronger…In the end, men are actually treated by women as tools?
They hunt and feed the people in the tribe but they may not even have a child of their own!
Lang Qing completely ignored the reality that the men in the tribe also had chaotic lives too, and…those children would only recognize their mothers because only their mothers raised them.
Many women even have to raise their children alone because men don’t care about them.
Regardless of these, Lang Qing made some reforms according to his own ideas.
For example, in their tribe, hunting teams only allow men to join, not women.
At the same time, the women in the tribe were also assigned to his soldiers by him.
This makes his soldiers even more loyal to him!
As for the women…Although some of them are dissatisfied with this, there are also many people who think it’s good to have meat without fighting to the death, so they don’t object to such an arrangement.
Most importantly, Lang Qing is the beast god!
They felt that they should listen to Lang Qing.
And…it has always been considered normal for the strong to possess the weak.
In this prehistoric world where not everyone can guarantee food and clothing, the weak have always listened to the strong.
As for how this might trigger a change in people’s thoughts…people don’t realize it just yet.
Lang Qing and the others lived in the small tribe that they defeated and cooked the meat stored by the people of this small tribe.
The surviving people in this small tribe huddled together beside them, crying ‘woo woo’.
Lang Qing didn’t feel any sympathy for these people, he didn’t even like the woman he slept with last night.
This woman has already slept with someone else!
These women have no concept of chastity!
After eating and drinking until he was full, Lang Qing asked the people in this small tribe about the surrounding situation.
Some people are unwilling to say it, but some people are willing to say it. Lang Qing soon learned that there was a big tribe called the Giant Tiger tribe in this land.
People in the Giant Tiger Tribe know a lot of things and they even go to the sea to get salt…If these small tribes want salt or other things, they will go to the Giant Tiger Tribe to exchange them.
The giant tiger tribe even has a very powerful patriarch.
“Interesting.” Lang Qing’s eyes were burning with fighting spirit.
He was looking forward to the battle with the giant tiger tribe’s patriarch!
According to the description, this giant tiger tribe is quite powerful…Lang Qing plans to visit this tribe first, and then decide how to fight.
He can also take a look to see if there are any beauties in this tribe.
Speaking of which…the aesthetics of this world are really distorted.
Although fair-skinned and beautiful beauties are also admired by others, everyone actually prefers those women who are tall and thick!
He wonders if the patriarch of this giant tiger tribe would have an ugly partner like the patriarch of this small tribe he just defeated.
When Lang Qing came out this time, although the soldiers around him were all men, he brought a few women with him. Later, he robbed some women for his soldiers too.
Now going to the giant tiger tribe, he chose two of his favorite women to take with him and brought seven or eight powerful soldiers with him.
He didn’t bring too many people with him. After all, he was very powerful, so he wasn’t afraid of the giant tiger tribe at all.
Soon, they came to the vicinity of the giant tiger tribe.
When he saw the giant tiger tribe, Lang Qing was a little disappointed.
At the beginning, he heard from people in that small tribe that the giant tiger tribe was very rich and had a lot of things, so he was quite looking forward to it. In the end…it was just an ordinary, shabby tribe.
At most, the people in this tribe look good. There are many children playing with mud on the side of the road, so there should be no shortage of food.
Besides…it’s really indecent for the women in this tribe to show their breasts openly.
Lang Qing looked critically at the tribe.
“Who are you?” Someone from the tribe came out and asked them.
Lang Qing didn’t speak but the woman beside him said: “We are from the Beast God Empire!”
That’s right, Lang Qing named his city the Beast God Empire.
“Beast God Empire?” The members of the Giant Tiger Tribe who stopped Lang Qing and the others were full of surprise — Beast God Empire, the name sounds unusual!
Besides…Lang Qing and the others looked different.
These people are all dressed neatly!
In their tribe, some people also wear clothes, but only two people have clothes to wear, one is their patriarch, and the other is Yan.
All because, Yan weaves clothes.
They also thought about learning, but it was too difficult. They didn’t have enough hair to weave clothes, so everyone gave up.
Now…Although the clothes worn by the people in front of them are different from Yan and patriarch’s clothes, they should be sewn out of some kind of skin, but they are much better than their casually wrapped animal skins!
These people also combed their hair neatly and held weapons that were not simple at first glance.
They must be from a big tribe!
That tribe…is called ‘Beast God Empire’? The name is so domineering!
Lang Qing felt the surprise and different treatment of the people in front of him, he was in a very good mood.
He enjoys this feeling, he likes others admiring him.
“Where’s the patriarch of your tribe? Told him to come out to greet him.” The woman beside Lang Qing said.
She sincerely believed that Lang Qing was the reincarnation of the beast god.
Lang Qing is really too strong!
It’s her honor to be with Lang Qing!
Not only this woman thinks this way, but other people around Lang Qing also think so, they all worship Lang Qing!
This is the beast god!
“Our patriarch has gone out to hunt.” A person from the Giant Tiger Tribe said.
Hu Xiu no longer went out with the hunting team. If he went with the hunting team, the rest of the hunting team would have nothing to do at all.
However, Hu Xiu will still go out to hunt — to catch some delicious animals and bring them back for Yan.
Knowing that the patriarch of the giant Tiger tribe went out to hunt in person…Lang Qing looked down on this tribe even more.
A tribe that needs the patriarch to hunt in person is too weak!
“Then let the person in charge of your tribe come over.” Lang Qing said.
The people from the giant tiger tribe who talked to him were puzzled: “Why?”
Why should they welcome this man!
“We are from the Beast God Empire!” said the woman beside Lang Qing.
“I’ve never heard of the Beast God Empire,” said the man. Although he felt that the Beast God Empire should be a large tribe, he still didn’t care too much.
“What’s with your attitude!” The woman beside Lang Qing was a little dissatisfied.
Lang Qing stretched out his hand and stopped his woman from continuing to speak.
He now sees this giant tiger tribe as his. He intends to lead people to take over this tribe tonight, so the people in this tribe will know his greatness…Since this is the case, there’s no need to say anything more to these people.
After Lang Qing stopped the woman from speaking, the members of the Giant Tiger Tribe pointed to a house and said, “If you want to exchange something, you can go over there and ask…you can’t enter the giant forest, you know? If you dare to go in, we will attack you!”
There are a lot of people from other tribes who came to their tribe to exchange things recently, so they weren’t very wary when they see strangers, but even so, they will not let strangers enter the giant forest.
Lang Qing gave the man a cold look, then turned and left.
The people behind him also looked condescending.
The person from the Giant Tiger Tribe: “…” Is there something wrong with these people from the Beast God Empire?
He was puzzled for a while, then lay down lazily, turned into his animal shape and began to bask in the sun.
He is responsible for guarding the tribe. Since animals are more likely to perceive danger, they generally turn into animals, basking in the sun while observing their surroundings.
Seeing that these people had no discipline at all, Lang Qing frowned tightly.
At this moment, one of Lang Qing’s woman suddenly said: “That man’s animal shape is so cute!”
Lang Qing followed the woman’s directions and saw…a puppy.
It was a brown puppy, its fur was groomed softly and smooth, it was hard to tell what breed it was.
Wait…it looks like a teddy?
It’s just different from the teddy in his impression.
He can’t tell what the difference is though…
Teddy is a small dog. It eats less and does not shed much hair. It has a high IQ and is not expensive. It’s the first choice for many people who want to keep dogs.
He had seen a lot of teddy before transmigrating. Those teddy whose owners didn’t take good care of their hair looked very ordinary, but if the owner sent them to ‘groom’…The puppy will be in all shapes and sizes, they no longer call them ‘teddy’.
The teddy in front of him obviously had its hair groom by someone. Its hair was not even curled, it was combed very smoothly.
The hair on its head has been cut short, making its head look round, and the hair around its mouth has also been cut short. It looks very cute, and the hair on its ears is very fluffy…
What’s more, it’s wearing a really cute little dress!
No wonder his woman finds it cute!
But Lang Qing didn’t like this kind of puppy at all.
Seeing the teddy in front of him, he just wanted to…kick it.
In Lang Qing’s previous life, even if he had such a thought, he would not put it into action, but now he has changed.
He is used to being domineering, and now he can do whatever he wants.
Lang Qing kicked the teddy with such force that he could seriously injure an ordinary beastmen.
Yan Jingze: “…”
Yan Jingze came out to wait for Hu Xiu, but as soon as he came out, someone wanted to kick him.
He has a good temper…so, Yan Jingze jumped to the side, dodged it, and pushed Lang Qing with his mental force.
Lang Qing kicked the air, then without knowing what happened, he staggered and fell to the ground.
Faced with this situation, Lang Qing was stunned — he hasn’t been so humiliated for a long time!
Besides that, at this moment, people from the Giant Tiger Tribe gathered around: “What do you want to do?”
This man actually wants to kick Yan!
“Get out of here!” Lang Qing got up from the ground. He was so angry that he wanted to kick Yan Jingze again.
People from the Giant Tiger Tribe rushed to stop them, but Lang Qing’s men met them. As for Lang Qing, he chased after Yan Jingze.
The two women brought by Lang Qing hid behind the people, and proudly said to the people of the Giant Tiger Tribe: “Do you know who we are? How dare you do anything to us…”
Before they finished speaking, a young man rushed forward and kicked Lang Qing over.
The two women: “…”
Lang Qing: “…”
Lang Qing was dumbfounded, but luckily he reacted quickly, turned into his animal shape and rushed towards the young man who kicked him.
The one who kicked Lang Qing was, of course, Hu Xiu.
As soon as Hu Xiu came back from hunting, he saw someone trying to beat his partner…He was so enraged that he immediately transformed when he saw that Lang Qing had transformed too.
A huge saber-toothed tiger suddenly appeared, bigger than Lang Qing!
Lang Qing has evolved four times.
In this world, there are very few beastmen who have evolved once. Lang Qing has evolved four times, so he is naturally invincible.
In fact, after wandering outside for so long, the strongest person he has ever seen has only evolved twice.
Although his beast shape is not a very big wolf, successive evolutions have turned his animal into a giant. This is why people in his tribe believe that he is a beast god.
But now…in front of him is a saber-toothed tiger…a circle bigger than him!
Hmm…Hu Xiu and Yan Jingze are together every day, so they have evolved four times.
The saber-toothed tiger is naturally bigger than a wolf!
Hu Xiu bit the wolf in front of him.
The wolf in front of him was stunned for a moment before starting to fight back.
Lang Qing has experienced many battles in these years, but he always fights against others in a crushing state.
He cherishes his life very much, if their strength is evenly matched, he will not fight the opponent at all!
Because of this, he actually didn’t develop a strong fighting intuition. In contrast, Hu Xiu’s fighting intuition and experience completely crushed him!
After a moment, Lang Qing was thrown to the ground by Hu Xiu.
If he didn’t feel dirty, Hu Xiu would kill him with one bite!
Now…Hu Xiu slapped Lang Qing a few times and roared angrily.
Well, along with his roar, there was the sound of bones breaking – Hu Xiu slapped one of Lang Qing’s legs.
Lang Qing lay on the ground with his tail unconsciously tucked in. He was so frightened that he suddenly turned into a human…
Seeing him transformed into his human form, Hu Xiu picked up his clothes and turned to leave. After a moment, he came back fully dressed: “Who are you? Why did you come to the Giant Tiger Tribe to make trouble!”
The woman who opened her mouth and closed her mouth before with only ‘Beast God Empire’ didn’t say anything.
Their beast god…was defeated in one face-to-face meeting!
This is too embarrassing!
Lang Qing also felt ashamed and said nothing.
Hu Xiu glanced at them, and finally said: “Put these people in prison.”
This person is very strong, and he doesn’t know why…He doesn’t dare to deal with him rashly, so let’s lock him up for a few days.
After a few days of locking and starving, they will definitely learn to behave.
As for the possibility of these people escaping…the prison was built not far from where he and Yan lived, so Yan could monitor the people there and prevent them from escaping.
In the past, when they encountered other tribes making trouble, Yan would ask him to put those people in prison.
After finishing speaking, Hu Xiu picked up Yan Jingze and began to ask questions: “Yan, are you okay?”
Yan Jingze is of course fine, if Hu Xiu doesn’t come…he will definitely kill the person who tried to do something to him!
Lang Qing and the others were imprisoned just like this.
Lang Qing: “…” He was full of ambition and wanted to destroy this tribe, but…he unexpectedly encountered such a thing?
Fortunately, if he doesn’t go back, his subordinates will come over tonight!
There are five hundred of them, they must be able to rescue him!
As for the patriarch of the giant tiger tribe…Although this person is very strong, he is on the same level as him. If he fights again, he may not necessarily lose.
Lang Qing said to the people around him: “I fail because I am careless! That saber-toothed tiger is my enemy…”
He said a lot, probably meaning that he was indeed the Beast God, and Hu Xiu was his long-standing enemy.
The people around Lang Qing believed it.
Lang Qing only had one broken leg. He put his own leg back together and prepared to escape from prison.
When he leaves here, he will eat those evolved dinosaurs to upgrade himself. When he becomes stronger…he will destroy this giant tiger tribe!
Lang Qing’s mind was full of the scene of killing all the members of the Giant Tiger tribe, but at this moment…there was a shout of killing from a distance — his soldiers are coming!
Excitedly, Lang Qing turned into his animal form and let out a wolf howl.
Yan Jingze, who had been listening to Lang Qing and his subordinates, “…” This Lang Qing thinks pretty well.
Yan Jingze asked Hu Xiu to let Lang Qing’s soldiers in.
Although there are many powerful fighters in their tribe, they will still suffer losses if they confront the 500 soldiers head-on…Then, he and Hu Xiu will just deal with them!
Lang Qing’s soldiers soon came to the prison and rescued Lang Qing and the others.
Then, Hu Xiu came out of their residence holding Yan Jingze, who was in his animal form.
Seeing Hu Xiu, Lang Qing immediately said: “You guys kill him quickly! This is an evil beastmen, he wants to kill me!”
Lang Qing’s subordinates immediately rushed to Hu Xiu — they was willing to sacrifice their lives for their beast god!
Hu Xiu smiled and put Yan Jingze on a stone next to him, turning into his animal form.
Lang Qing’s soldier: “…” This man’s animal form is even bigger than the beast god? He also looks very mighty…
They were all a little dumbfounded, but Lang Qing said again: “Kill him!”
Not only that, Lang Qing also rushed towards Yan Jingze, trying to catch Yan Jingze or kill Yan Jingze.
He could tell that the patriarch of the giant tiger tribe paid special attention to this little teddy.
And…He also heard people say that this little teddy is this saber-toothed tiger’s mate!
Such a powerful saber-toothed tiger actually finds a man whose animal shape is teddy as a partner…How disgusting!
Well, Lang Qing could tell at a glance that this teddy was male, even if he couldn’t tell…he could smell it.
Lang Qing grinned and started, but at this moment, the little teddy in front of him suddenly grew bigger.
It has changed…it was a bit bigger than that saber-toothed tiger.
Then…this teddy slapped him and he was flattened.
Yan Jingze, on the other hand, would not show mercy to those who wanted to kill himself, and those who had previously said that they’re taking revenge on the giant tiger tribe and killed Hu Xiu.
All of Lang Qing’s men stopped moving.
What’s going on? Their beast god…is dead?
Wait, is Lang Qing really the beast god?
Why do they feel that these two people in front of them are more like beast gods?
No matter what these people think…After Lang Qing’s death, they soon scattered like sand and were soon beaten to the ground by Hu Xiu, and became the giant tiger tribe’s labor.
In the following days, they doubted life every day while working.
The woman they snatched and brought with them also joined the Giant Tiger tribe.
Yan Jingze felt that it was quite fortunate for beastmen that had no concept of chastity. Those women felt very angry after being snatched by these people, but there was no psychological problem, at most…they wanted to hit those men.
They also went to fight them at most.
As for Lang Qing’s city, because Lang Qing left with all the strong men and he also snatched back many women…it eventually became a land of women. The strongest women among them also learn from his treatment of women and treat the men in the city like that, establishing a complete matriarchal society…that is another matter.
T/N: When building a harem gone wrong lmao
Yan Jingze: I am good temper
A minute later
Yan Jingze: If AXiu didn’t come, I would kill someone already.
Singledog: good temper? *proceed to make sure it the right translation for the nth time*


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In Love (Quick Transmigrate) Lastest Chapters