Novel Name : In Love (Quick Transmigrate)

In Love (Quick Transmigrate) Chapter 8 - The General Take The Initiative To Be Rob 8

Chapter 8 - The General Take The Initiative To Be Rob 8

The mutton was divided equally as usual.
The mutton soup is not divided this time. The mutton dividers also throw back the mutton bones and continue to simmer it — they can drink as much of this soup as they want.
Su Moxiu went and brought back two bowls of meat. When serving, he also added soup to the bowl, then took the sheep’s liver and heart back to Yan Jingze.
“I’ll feed you.” Su Moxiu held the bowl and said. He likes to take care of Yan Jingze very much.
“I’ll do it myself.” Yan Jingze said. Su Moxiu is also hungry, Su Moxiu has to eat first.
Yan Jingze smiled at Su Moxiu, then picked up the bowl and slowly drank the soup.
Su Moxiu glanced at Yan Jingze, then took a branch and fish out the mutton in his bowl and put it in his mouth after blowing to cool it down.
The mutton wasn’t stewed long enough, and the wild sheep was old itself, so it was hard to chew. Fortunately, he has good teeth and the meat is cut small enough.
Su Moxiu finished eating his meat in two or three bite, drank the soup again, then said to Yan Jingze: “The meat is a little tough, I’ll tear it apart for you to eat.”
“Okay.” Yan Jingze looked at Su Moxiu with a smile.
The person he loves looks at him tenderly and he is waiting for him to feed him…Su Moxiu was strangely happy. He took a piece of mutton and tore it apart, then sent it to Yan Jingze’s mouth.
Yan Jingze opened his mouth to eat. While eating, his lips touched Su Moxiu’s fingertips from time to time.
Su Moxiu: “!!!” Yan Jingze deliberately licked his finger again!
His hands trembled uncontrollable but his action didn’t stop.
Cai An is still drinking soup.
He was used to saving the best for last so he drank the soup first before eating the meat.
While drinking, he looked at Su Moxiu and Yan Jingze from time to time.
Seeing Su Moxiu tear apart the mutton to feed Yan Jingze, he felt a ‘thump’ from his heart.
Second young master went out with them and brought back a…brought back a male pet, at that time, general Su will definitely be furious.
What should they do?
More importantly, with Su Moxiu like this…like someone who got their head knocked out!
If Su Moxiu was just playing around…
The man named Yan Jingze was obviously willing so he won’t stop them, but Su Moxiu’s spring heart is sprouting. This is definitely not just playing around!
As for that statement…he was clearly deliberately seducing their second young master!
Look, he actually licked their second young master’s fingers! And the way he looked at their second young master, he was obviously seducing him! His hand……his hand was even on their second young master’s waist!
This guy is too exploit!
Cai An has always looked down on such people. Feeling depressed, he turned to look at Zhang Erque, and saw that Zhang Erque was also stunned.
“Nice…Second young master is too nice to this person…” Zhang Erque couldn’t help but say.
Cai An secretly agrees, hating that iron is not steel.
Yan Jingze was very hungry, and he needed protein for his injury…although Su Moxiu ripped it for him to eat, he ate quickly and soon finished all his portion of mutton.
Su Moxiu saw this and broke off a thumb-sized piece of sheep liver for him to eat.
When Yan Jingze was eating the sheep liver, he gently bit Su Moxiu’s finger. He looked up and smiled: “I’m full.”
Half of Su Moxiu’s body was numb. He coughed lightly, putting the sheep’s liver and heart in Yan Jingze’s bowl: “Then you can save it and eat it later.”
“Don’t give it all to me. Just give me half of the sheep liver,” Yan Jingze smiled, “You are not full yet, right?” He really needs to eat the sheep liver to nourish blood but Su Moxiu also couldn’t be left hungry.
See, Yan Jingze is thinking about him! Su Moxiu’s heart felt warm: “I’m full.”
The house is not big, by this time, most people had finished eating so they naturally also noticed the situation on Su Moxiu’s side. One by one, they were all stunned.
Zhang Erque couldn’t help muttering: “Why didn’t second young master love me?”
“Ha ha……” Cai An glanced at Zhang Erque with contempt.
That Yan Jingze, disregarding other things, he’s really seductive and attractive, but what about Zhang Erque? What part of him is attractive?
Could it be that he wants him to like him, a dim-witt with no ear?
“I’ll be distressed if you don’t eat,” Yan Jingze looked at Su Moxiu tenderly, “I’m still sick, I really can’t eat too much.”
Su Moxiu worries were let go.
Yan Jingze took the egg-sized sheep’s heart and brought it to Su Moxiu’s mouth at this moment: “Eat.”
Su Moxiu opened his mouth to eat, thinking about whether to learn from Yan Jingze, biting Yan Jingze’s finger….
Must do it!
Su Moxiu opened his mouth wide and bit the whole sheep’s heart into his mouth, puffing out his mouth and bit Yan Jingze’s hand.
The sheep’s heart is a bit big, thinking that the strength used is not enough and fear that Yan Jingze would take his hand back before he could bite…
His bite was a bit heavy.
Yan Jingze chuckled.
Su Moxiu: “…” did he bite too hard? What should he do now?
Su Moxiu stood up suddenly, chewed the sheep’s heart twice, and said vaguely: “Have you finished eating? Come out with me if you’re done eating!”
It was still dark when he went hunting in the morning. It was just dawn when he came back, and now…the sun has come out. It was also much warmer outside now, just right to go out.
Thinking so, Su Moxiu finishes the sheep’s heart in his mouth and looks at Yan Jingze again: “We’re going out for something, you wait here. We will be back soon.”
“Okay.” Yan Jingze agreed.
This person is really obedient! Su Moxiu thought for a second, then bent down and picked up Yan Jingze.
Yan Jingze: “…” it’s actually a princess carry!
Su Moxiu brings Yan Jingze close to the fire before setting him down, then he looks at the others: “Let’s go.”
Except for Su Moxiu, they were all startled by Su Moxiu’s quick carry.
They all led their horses out without saying a word. When they got outside, they were just woken up by the cold wind.
The Su Moxiu just now was just too different from usual, they are really not used to it.
“Second young master, do you really fancy that little white face?” Zhang Erque couldn’t help but ask.
Su Moxiu answered: “Yes.”
Yesterday, although Su Moxiu was emotionally affected by Yan Jingze, he was still somewhat restrained, but today he had already thought it through.
Yan Jingze is so badly injured and pitiful, he also obviously likes him…he has decided to protect Yan Jingze.
Since he wants to protect Yan Jingze, their relationship cannot be hidden.
“Second young master! He is a male!” Cai An said anxiously.
Su Moxiu answered calmly: “I just found out now, it turns out that I like men.”
“Second young master, even if you like men, you can also choose others. He…he…” Cai An doesn’t recommend Su Moxiu stay together with the ‘experienced’ Yan Jingze.
“I only like him!” Su Moxiu’s face was determined, “you don’t have to worry about this, I will handle it.”
“Second young master, you are sincere to him but what about him? He may just be used to this kind of life, that’s why he approaches you. He may not really like you.” Cai An said again.
Su Moxiu had actually thought about that and answered seriously: “I’ll be nice to him. Even if he doesn’t like me now, he will definitely like me in the future.”
“But he should have been forced before, what if he wants to marry and have children in the future?” Cai An takes out the harsh medicine.
When Su Moxiu thought of that possibility, his face changed. He lowered his head and said: “It’s my business, you don’t have to worry about it.”
After finishing, Su Moxiu pulled the reins and rushed forward.
Cai An and the others could only keep up.
The conversation between Su Moxiu and others wasn’t heard, he lay by the fire with his eyes closed.
He wanted to tell them his identity but now…let’s catch Su Moxiu first!
Naturally, the most important thing now is to take good care of his body.
Yan Jingze was holding onto the hot water bag that still had residual warmth and slowly fell asleep.
Mount Qiong, in a valley.
Su Moxiu and the others dismounted, slowly overturning the snow to observe the marks on the ground.
Along the way, Su Moxiu had been thinking about Yan Jingze, but now that he’s here, his mind was on these clues.
However, more than two months have passed. During those two months, many people have also been here…
“Second young master, did you find any evidence?” Cai An no longer thinks about Yan Jingze. He asked Su Moxiu with a solemn expression.
“Nothing was found,” Su Moxiu said, “But if General Zhou really did meet the Rong, it’s impossible for him to escape into the Rong’s territory.”
As he spoke, he took out a wooden board from behind and spread a piece of paper on the wooden board, ready to draw and write.
“Second young master, if no evidence is found, what should we do?” Zhang Erque is very worried.
Su Moxiu said: “We just came here over a month ago, it was already too late. It’s hard to find evidence, but we can create evidence.”
“Create evidence?” Zhang Erque was taken aback.
“Remember to keep it a secret.” Su Moxiu glanced at Zhang Erque and the others.
“We will definitely keep it a secret!” Zhang Erque and the others said together.
Su Moxiu believed in these people’s characters, so he drew a map on the paper and circled it with a brush, “General Zhou encountered an ambush here, then he fled this way…”
Su Moxiu draw Zhou Jingshan’s escape route, then said: “After I came to Qiongnan City, when I first met Zhou Zhenrong, I felt like something was wrong with him. That day he went to Mount Qiong with General Zhou, General Zhou had an accident but he was unscathed. He doesn’t immediately tell someone to go back to Qiongnan City for help but he goes out to find him instead…We can find traces left by General Zhou’s personal guards in the grasslands, that means that General Zhou had escaped for many days. With so many days, why didn’t Zhou Zhenrong catch up to save General Zhou? What in the world is he doing?”
Cai An, Zhang Erque, and the others’ eyes all ablaze.
Cai An even said: “That Zhou Zhenrong was an orphan who was kicked out of the house by his stepfather, if it wasn’t for General Zhou’s adoption, don’t even talk about success, I’m afraid he would have starved to death! He actually bite the hand that feeds him!”
Su Moxiu said: “Before I left this time, I asked people to prepare the clothes worn by General Zhou’s personal guards, which had been splattered with chicken blood. When I found something suspicious a month ago, I wrote the word ‘Zhen’ on it and buried it in the ground…At that time, we could take this bloody clothes to deceive him. But my father has been in Qiongnan City for more than a month, maybe when we went back, Zhou Zhenrong may already be in prison.”
After telling Zhang Erque to go under a tree to dig up the bloody clothes, he said: “We found the bones of General Zhou’s personal guards on the grassland, it was even more evidence. I don’t know why Zhou Zhenrong would do this…It’s difficult for him to do this alone, is there someone behind him?”
“Someone?” Cai An answer, “That’s right! General Zhou is dedicated to the people so he had offended a lot of people. This thing must be planned by a person! Who got the most benefit in the end, that someone might be the culprit!”
The bloody robe was quickly dug out. Su Moxiu asked the others to take care of it: “Let’s look around again. I’m going to draw the topography here.”
He’s going to do a little more prep work to be more prepared.
Naturally, he also wants to double-check and also wants to know, is it possible that he has wronged Zhou Zhenrong.
Yan Jingze fell asleep. When he woke up again, he felt better and his temperature had also dropped a lot.
Yan Jingze got up and drank a bowl of mutton soup, then sat down and tore off half of the sheep’s liver to eat slowly.
He slowly eats.
In fact, after the fever, he doesn’t have a good appetite, but if he doesn’t eat then he will recover slowly. He has to eat.
It’s getting dark, Yan Jingze added some firewood to the fire and added some more water to the pot, then continued to lie down.
He lay down for a while, then heard the sound of hoof outside, treading on the moonlight to return.
Yan Jingze just sat up when he saw the door being pushed open and Su Moxiu walked in.
Yan Jingze smiled at Su Moxiu: “You’re back? Are you tired?”
Su Moxiu’s eyes suddenly lit up: “Not tired! How about you? Are you afraid?”
“No.” Yan Jingze smiled. Su Moxiu seems to regard him as a very weak person…
But that’s fine too —— how nice it is to be cared for?
Yan Jingze said: “AXiu, it’s so cold outside, come and warm yourself with a bowl of mutton soup.”
“Mm.” Su Moxiu agreed. He scooped up the mutton soup and drank it. Seeing that half of the sheep’s liver was left in Yan Jingze’s bowl, he suddenly asked: “Why don’t you eat it?”
“This is for you.”
“I already ate outside, you eat it.” Said Su Moxiu.
It’s freezing outside, what could Su Moxiu possibly eat? Yan Jingze said: “I’m sick, I can’t eat too much.”
Hearing what Yan Jingze said, Su Moxiu could only give up. He was afraid that Yan Jingze would get cold so after taking off his sheepskin robe, he came to Yan Jingze and sat down but hadn’t touched Yan Jingze yet.
But Yan Jingze grabbed his hand and put it on his chest, wrapping it with his own sheepskin robe.
Su Moxiu’s heart skipped a beat again.
Su Moxiu was the first to come back. After a while, the others also came back one after another.
Cai An and Zhang Erque were the last. As soon as they came in, they saw Su Moxiu’s hand on Yan Jingze’s chest.
The two looked at each other, Cai An gave Zhang Erque a wink.
On the way back, Su Moxiu looked very worried so he was very fast. It was obvious that he was anxious to see Yan Jingze.
Cai An saw this, after discussing with Zhang Erque, they agreed to start with Yan Jingze. They will make Yan Jingze take the initiative to leave Su Moxiu.
Yan Jingze is a big man that has suffered so much on the Rong side, he wouldn’t really want to bend over and continue to be a male pet, right?
They will talk with Yan Jingze later!
The sheep’s head, feet, and intestines were stewed since the morning so the stew was ready by now.
There were some beans at that time so the beans were also stewed.
After everyone sat down, each person was given a bowl of soup.
Yan Jingze slowly drank. After reaching half, a piece of sheep liver was placed in his own bowl.
He left half of the sheep liver to Su Moxiu, now Su Moxiu had cut that sheep liver in half again and gave half to him.
This time, Yan Jingze didn’t refuse: “AXiu, you are so nice to me.”
“Um.” Su Moxiu answered, and couldn’t hold back the smile on his lips.
But when he looked up at Cai An and Zhang Erque, his eyes were full of warnings.
Cai An wanted to persuade Su Moxiu, but seeing Su Moxiu like this, he swallowed what he wanted to say back to his stomach.
Zhang Erque didn’t flinch and looked ay Yan Jingze: “Yan Jingze, you already know that we are the Zhenbei Army, after returning to Qiongnan City, do you want to join the army like me?”
“That’s fine.” Yan Jingze answered lazily.
“A year in the army is 12 taels of silver, if you save it for a few years, you can get a wife and have children!” Zhang Erque said.
Yan Jingze also sees the eye contact between Zhang Erque and Cai An, knowing that these two must have wanted to separate him from Su Moxiu.
That’s out of the question!
Yan Jingze said: “I like men, I shouldn’t harm other girls.”
Zhang Erque was stunned. After a while, he said: “Even if you like men, you can also join the army! Be a manly man. You can’t rely on others to raise you!” He believes as long as Yan Jingze becomes a soldier and train longer, with self-esteem and self-love, he wouldn’t want to do things like serving others!
Yan Jingze said: “Isn’t it much more comfortable to be raised?”
Zhang Erque was stumped, he didn’t know what to say anymore. He looked at Yan Jingze, hating that iron is not steel. Yan Jingze looked back at him with a smile.
Su Moxiu took a deep breath, grabbing Yan Jingze’s hand.
He will never let Yan Jingze down. He will certainly take good care of Yan Jingze!


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