Novel Name : In Love (Quick Transmigrate)

In Love (Quick Transmigrate) Chapter 93 - Famous Director Meet Vase Traffic 22

Chapter 93 - Famous Director Meet Vase Traffic 22

Su Moxiu thanked Zhou Liming very seriously.
He had always thought that Gu Shihao was very powerful before, and felt that he was nothing compared to Gu Shihao.
Although he was good-looking, Gu Shihao was not bad either.
Now knowing that Gu Shihao’s ideal type has always been him, he is confident.
If he doesn’t compare himself to Gu Shihao, if he compares himself to people around him…There are really not many people who are rich and good-looking like him.
Since he was a child, he felt that he should save money, which is correct! Being rich is good!
Zhou Liming couldn’t react.
Su Moxiu actually thanked him? It seems sincere too?
“Are you sick?” Zhou Liming only felt that his stomach-filled anger could not be suppressed anymore, “Gu Shihao doesn’t like you!”
“He loves me.” Su Moxiu said.
“He loves you? How could he love you? He loves Zhao Yangui! He wants to eat swan meat!” Zhou Liming sneered. He wanted to show Su Moxiu some more evidence.
What he prepared was more than just that recording.
“Nonsense.” When Su Moxiu heard Zhou Liming say that Gu Shihao didn’t love him but someone else, he was so angry that he stepped forward to grab Zhou Liming, making Zhou Liming fall back. That’s alright, but he also kicked…he directly kicked the man key part, ‘cracking his egg’.
Su Moxiu’s illness is not savant syndrome, but another autism spectrum disorder. There are some stereotyped behaviors like difficulty understanding other people’s language, and lack of facial expressions and gestures when communicating with others.
In addition, their athletic ability is often very average.
However, Su Moxiu’s parents discovered his illness very early and guided him with their love, so his condition was not serious. Before he became an adult, his parents overprotect him, so he did not suffer any harm and his personality was very good.
Of course, it also makes it difficult for him to integrate into society.
However, such parents naturally worry when their son is slower than others. They are afraid that Su Moxiu will be bullied outside, so they make Su Moxiu learn self-defense since he was a child.
After so many years, Su Moxiu has also developed the habit of exercising. His combat effectiveness may not be very strong, but his strength is really not weak.
Now Zhou Liming was kicked by Su Moxiu…
He screamed and fell to the ground.
At the same time, the door of the room was kicked open, and Yan Jingze walked in.
In a place like a TV station, there are cameras everywhere, which is very safe, so Yan Jingze didn’t watch Su Moxiu.
As a result, due to his oversight, Su Moxiu was bullied…Well, Su Moxiu was not bullied, but someone else…
Many people came over upon hearing the commotion…Yan Jingze asked Su Moxiu, “What did he do to you?”
Su Moxiu was a little dazed, thought for a moment before saying: “He scolded you and scolded me too!”
Yan Jingze heard the words and looked at the TV station personnel behind him: “What’s going on? Why can he come and go freely in your TV station and even take people away to insult?”
The people on the TV station were suddenly embarrassed.
Yan Jingze looked at Zhou Liming who was lying on the ground: “Now it’s like this…we won’t record the show, call the police!”
The person from the TV station: “…” It was Su Moxiu who hurt someone, why is it like this…
However, they definitely can’t call the police in this case.
People from the TV station were unwilling to call the police, and Zhou Liming was the same — he was already ashamed, if they were really to call the police, wouldn’t it make him even more ashamed?
Zhou Liming no longer hurt so much, so he got up from the ground, and looked at Yan Jingze bitterly.
Yan Jingze looked at him, then sneered.
Zhou Liming’s face was as black as the bottom of a pot.
Zhou Liming didn’t know how Gu Shihao made ‘Doomsday Warrior’.
There are not many domestic directors who can produce such a movie with such special effects, and most of them still need huge investment too.
However, Gu Shihao…He actually made the movie with only Su Moxiu’s little investment!
Someone who didn’t even go to a serious university too, why?
Zhou Liming suddenly remembered what happened a long time ago.
He and Gu Shihao first met when Gu Shihao found his classmate and wanted someone to invest.
His classmates didn’t trust Gu Shihao, who had never made a work before, and were unwilling to invest. On the contrary, he thought Gu Shihao was quite interesting, so he gave very little investment.
In the end, with such a small investment, Gu Shihao actually made a movie.
The situation now is a bit like then.
He couldn’t accept Gu Shihao’s success again.
However, Gu Shihao was so vigilant that he completely ignored the messy people from his hometown around him.
The only breakthrough he could find was Su Moxiu.
Gu Shihao obviously likes Su Moxiu, but Su Moxiu’s situation is special, he doesn’t necessarily like Gu Shihao.
If there is a conflict between the two…
He planned to use that recording to bring out Gu Shihao and Zhao Yangui matters to convince Su Moxiu that Gu Shihao didn’t love him.
At that time, he will provoke him again. When Su Moxiu and Gu Shihao confront each other, he will use the opportunity to record it.
But what he didn’t expect was that Su Moxiu would kick him!
This Su Moxiu is really crazy!
Zhou Liming thought so, but the people from the TV station looked at his injured part, and then at Su Moxiu’s face…
Did this President Zhou of Jinming Entertainment get kicked because he plotted against Su Moxiu?
Tsk tsk, really didn’t expect Jin Ming’s president to be such a person!
Zhou Liming: “…”
The people from the TV station persuaded him, so Yan Jingze didn’t call the police, but he didn’t continue to record the program. He took Su Moxiu home directly.
The interview and what not are not as important as Su Moxiu.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t protect you well.” Yan Jingze looked at Su Moxiu guiltily.
“I’m fine.” Su Moxiu didn’t feel that he was hurt, and now he was more concerned about, “Who is Zhao Yangui?”
Yan Jingze was silent for a moment, then said frankly: “The person I liked before…But don’t worry, I didn’t like her a long time ago, and now I only love you.”
“Of course! My AXiu is so great. If I don’t like you, who would I like? If you don’t believe me, you can stay with me every day and observe me.” Yan Jingze kissed him.
Su Moxiu thinks about how Yan Jingze is inseparable from him these days, so he naturally believes: “You really should like me, I’m a white rich beauty.”
“Yes, my AXiu is the whitest and richest, or the whitest and most beautiful.”
“I’m also very rich.” Su Moxiu emphasized.
“Yes, you are much richer than me, I want you to raise me!” Yan Jingze laughed. Su Moxiu is the investor in ‘Doomsday Warrior’, so all the future earnings from this movie is all Su Moxiu’s. As for him, he is just a poor guy waiting for Su Moxiu to pay him wages.
Of course, he is also a very good worker. He sleeps with the boss, he can blow pillow wind to the boss and ask for money!
“I will take care of you.” Su Moxiu kissed Yan Jingze.
Yan Jingze said: “I want to go shopping for clothes, shall we go shopping?”
“Okay, swipe my card!” Su Moxiu waved his hand.
Liu Leyan: “…” she never expected her family AXiu, who is very stingy, to have such a generous day.
However, it’s not a big deal to be generous now.
When the follow-up income of ‘Doomsday Warrior’ comes in hand, Su Moxiu’s net worth will definitely skyrocket.
Yan Jingze previously asked someone for a stylist’s address, so now he took Su Moxiu directly to him.
This stylist will arrange people look, then match them with suitable clothes. Those clothes can also be purchased directly from him, which is much less troublesome than going to try on clothes and buy clothes by themselves.
Whether it’s him or Su Moxiu, they have very few clothes, so it’s good to have matching ones.
When he arrived at the place, the stylist’s eyes lit up when he saw Su Moxiu. He was also very enthusiastic about Yan Jingze: “Director Gu, I like your new movie very much. I didn’t expect you to be so manly. Let me choose some suitable clothes for you! What price do you want?”
“Ordinary ones are fine.” Yan Jingze said.
It’s just…In such a place, even ordinary clothes are very expensive, and almost all single items cost over a thousand.
Yan Jingze asked him to find five sets of suitable clothes, plus some accessories, so 100,000 were gone like that.
When it was Su Moxiu’s turn…Yan Jingze said, “Don’t worry about the price, as long as it looks good!”
“Such a face, such a figure, looks good in anything!” The stylist chose ten sets of clothes for Su Moxiu in one go, spending 500,000 yuan.
Su Moxiu was a little confused, didn’t he come to buy clothes for Yan Jingze? Why didn’t Yan Jingze buy much, but he bought so much?
“I have clothes, so I don’t need to buy them.” Su Moxiu hesitated.
“You look good in these, I like it.” Yan Jingze said.
All right…Since Yan Jingze likes it, then buy it!
Su Moxiu took out a black card and asked Yan Jingze to swipe it casually.
Stylist: “…” At first he thought it was the domineering director who kept the little fresh meat, but he didn’t expect the reality to be the other way around.
Yan Jingze and Su Moxiu bought clothes, then went home. As a result, a photo of him and Su Moxiu doing this was taken and posted on the Internet.
‘Gu Shihao Su Moxiu shopping’ was directly on the trending list.
“The relationship between Director Gu and Su Moxiu seems to be very good…”
“It must be good, they also directed and starred in ‘Doomsday Warrior’ together.”
“The relationship between these two people in the movie is very ambiguous…I’ve been eating sweets since the beginning.”
“Eat sweets +10086, these two people really match each other!”
“Su Moxiu in the movie is really too cute. When he was wrapped in such a big down jacket and looked so helpless, my heart melted.”
“I prefer Gu Shihao, he’s so handsome!”
“I always thought that Su Moxiu had plastic surgery, now I apologize to him. The current plastic surgery skills should not be so developed.”

In the movie, Yan Jingze and Su Moxiu were not obviously ambiguous. The most ambiguous part is when it was so cold that they got under one blanket.
But at that time, other people also hugged others to keep warm.
However, although there are no ambiguous dialogues or plots, the male leads astonishing eyes and dazed eyes still make many people knock on the CP.
Yan Jingze was very happy to see this scene.
Previously many people went so far as to knock on Su Moxiu and Qi Qi’s CP…That is too much!
Who the hell is Qi Qi? Su Moxiu is his!
Yan Jingze had a bad impression of Qi Qi, and Qi Qi was in a bad mood at the moment.
He spent a lot of money bragging about Gu Shihao’s movie everywhere previously in order to kill him.
When everyone thinks that Gu Shihao’s movie will be very exciting, and they go to the theater to watch it with full expectations, but in the end they see a bad movie…they will definitely be very angry.
At that time, the reputation of this movie will completely stink.
As the leading actor in the movie, Su Moxiu will also be scolded.
At that time, he will be hype up again to make everyone feel that if he plays the male lead, it will definitely not be like this…He might be able to completely suppress Su Moxiu.
He thought well, but things didn’t develop as he imagined.
This movie turned out to be a masterpiece!
He spent money to ‘praise to death’, but in the end Gu Shihao became successful!
Even Su Moxiu became popular again because of this movie!
He has been tying up Su Moxiu to hype, so someone always mentions him now, but this kind of mention…he would rather not have it.
“It’s a pity for Qi Qi, he was kicked out of the crew by Gu Shihao.”
“Director Gu did the right thing. If Qi Qi were to act…he wouldn’t be able to act like Su Moxiu.”
“Su Moxiu is too handsome… Not mentioning his personality, he is really more handsome than Qiqi.”

Qi Qi hopes that others will think of him when they mention Su Moxiu, but he would rather not have such ‘mentioning’ now.
When he inadvertently learned that Zhou Liming went to the TV station to find Su Moxiu but was kicked by Su Moxiu…
Yan Jingze regards Zhou Liming as an enemy, but people outside didn’t know.
In the eyes of the entertainment industry people, Gu Shihao and Zhou Liming have a very good relationship.
At least that’s what Qi Qi always thought.
He terminated the contract with the small company he originally signed and joined Jinming Entertainment, hoping that Jinming would support him, and at the beginning, Jinming did support him.
But something suddenly happened!
The original promised leading role in Gu Shihao’s movie is gone!
A few days ago, Zhou Liming called him to reprimand him!
He has always been puzzled, not understanding why this happened, but now that he heard about the TV station incident, he finally figured it out.
Did Zhou Liming take a fancy to Su Moxiu?
Why do those people fall in love with Su Moxiu? Even Mr. Wang had his eyes on Su Moxiu at first, but later he heard that Su Moxiu was a tough nut to crack, so he approached him…
Qi Qi was annoyed, so he spent money to buy some navy, making people bring up the matter that Su Moxiu had a gold master. They also mention the relationship between Su Moxiu and Gu Shihao.
For example, someone who pretended to be the crew of ‘Doomsday Warrior’ swore that the two had a relationship or something.
This is not the first time Qi Qi has done this.
He has no definite evidence, but there are some things that people will believe if it were said too much.
After Qi Qi bought the navy, he has been paying attention to the situation on the Internet, only to find that…someone seems to be with him in hacking Su Moxiu!
No, he is hacking, but that person did not. That person released a lot of evidence!
When photos of Yan Jingze and Su Moxiu shopping together appeared on the Internet, everyone didn’t take it seriously.
The two of them have a good relationship, it’s normal to go out together.
Because Yan Jingze said something like ‘Su Moxiu and I are going to get married in the future’ when he was arguing against netizens, everyone didn’t believe that they were having an affair.
Of course, there are also people who secretly accept the sweets.
However, at this moment, Su Moxiu and Andrew, the boss of the big consortium, had a close attitude. The photos of them entering and leaving the hotel together were posted on the Internet.
Someone also released a photo of Andrew going to the police station to pick up Su Moxiu — before Su Moxiu was involved in Gu Shihao’s drug use incident and was detained by the police, it was Andrew who picked him up!
Who is Andrew? He is one of the top 100 richest people on the Forbes Global Rich List with several well-known brands in his hands!
He is quite active, often appearing in the media, everyone knows him!
“Su Moxiu’s gold master is actually Andrew?”
“Now I also believe that Su Moxiu didn’t have plastic surgery. How many handsome men and women are around Andrew? He definitely doesn’t like a person who has plastic surgery.”

Some people just ate melons and said a few words, but there were also some people who cursed at Su Moxiu.
There were even more people who accused Su Moxiu: “Andrew is almost fifty, right? Su Moxiu can even sleep with an old man like this?”
“I wanted to watch ‘Doomsday Warrior’, but now…hehe!”
“Su Moxiu even looks at the foreigner, this is a shame going abroad.”
“Can’t he improve his professional skills? He only knows how to take the wrong path!”

It didn’t take long for the photos on the Internet to appear, and Yan Jingze also saw them. He stared at the photos for a while, feeling a little guilty.
He didn’t expect his brother-in-law to be so powerful…He abducted the innocent Su Moxiu to sleep, would he be beaten to death by his brother-in-law? Of course, now is not the time to think about it. The most important thing is that this matter must be clarified as soon as possible.
Yan Jingze found Su Moxiu with his mobile phone: “AXiu, the photo of you and your brother was posted on the Internet…You should contact your brother as soon as possible to deal with this matter.”
Su Moxiu was taken aback for a moment, and then said: “I’ll call my brother right away…how do you know he’s my brother?” He doesn’t look like his brother. When he ran away from home, he wanted to be independent so he deliberately concealed it…even Liu Leyan didn’t know about his relationship with his brother.
When his brother picked him up from the police station before, he avoided Liu Leyan.
“If he wasn’t your brother, how could you be so close to him?” Yan Jingze said, “Of course he could be your father, but he has no children yet.”
Andrew is old enough to be Su Moxiu’s father.
“Oh.” Su Moxiu nodded and started calling his brother.
And at this time, new revelations related to Su Moxiu appeared on the Internet — the reporter who exposed the photos of Su Moxiu and Andrew entering and leaving the hotel also posted a few photos of Yan Jingze going to the same hotel to pick up Su Moxiu, and said that after Su Moxiu stay with Andrew for a few days, he was picked up by Gu Shihao. Since then he has been living with Gu Shihao, so the two lived together for several months.
“Your circle is really chaotic…”
“So is Gu Shihao’s head greener, or Andrew’s head greener?”
“The special effects of ‘Doomsday Warrior’ are so good, it wouldn’t be because of Andrew, right?”
“Su Moxiu is so disgusting…Su Moxiu get out of the entertainment industry!”

While cursing, Yan Jingze posted on Weibo: “Su Moxiu has indeed lived with me for several months, we also work every day until midnight.”
In this weibo, Yan Jingze posted nine pictures.
These pictures were all taken when he and Su Moxiu were doing special effects together.
There are Su Moxiu coloring his drawings, Su Moxiu drawing by himself, and Su Moxiu using a computer…Anyway, it was them working hard.
Posting photos was not enough, Yan Jingze closely posted a video that he treasured.
This video shows Su Moxiu coloring the poster with the computer.
He quickly used the software, and then the movie poster took shape little by little.
The video was fast-forwarded, only five minutes long, but it was actually filmed for more than an hour. For more than an hour, Su Moxiu was not distracted at all, he kept working with a deadpan expression.
“This poster was actually made by Su Moxiu? That’s awesome!”
“Fuck, Su Moxiu also participated in the special effects production of this movie?”
“He obviously participated in it. It should be his idea. Director Gu couldn’t shoot such a beautiful picture.”
“So they just work together? Some people are really dirty!”
“Even if Su Moxiu has nothing to do with Gu Shihao, what about him and Andrew? How can this be explained?”

That’s easy to explain.
Andrew can earn so much money by relying on the chinese market.
He entered the country before others, so he quickly accumulated wealth.
Because of this, he is very close to country people. All factories have been moved to the country, so he also registered on Weibo.
Because he is very good at chinese, he also interacts with people on Weibo, and has hundreds of thousands of followers.
At this moment, netizens looked through and found that he had reposted Su Moxiu’s selfie, saying that Su Moxiu was an angel. He also said that the messy web drama Su Moxiu acted in was good-looking.
They had a good impression of this mixed-race president, but they didn’t expect him to be a pervert!
Just as everyone was thinking this way, Andrew posted on Weibo: “Su Moxiu does indeed have a relationship with me! We have a relationship since he was born, a very close relationship, he is my dearest brother!”
Andrew’s Weibo also posted nine photos, all of which were photos of him and Su Moxiu.
In the first photo, he was in his twenties holding Su Moxiu, who was just born. After that, he was 25 holding the 5 years old Su Moxiu. Then, he was in his thirties, holding a 10 years old Su Moxiu’s hand. Then a picture of the 15 years old Su Moxiu and a picture of the 20 year old Su Moxiu.
Behind those pictures, there are several family photos. The four of them stood together. Everyone except Su Moxiu smiled happily at the camera, only Su Moxiu was expressionless.
He’s so cute.
“Fuck! Su Moxiu has always been good-looking since he was a child!”
“He was so cute when he was little!”
“So young but he has a straight face like a little adult!”

“Is your focus wrong? The problem now is not that Su Moxiu is handsome, but that Su Moxiu is actually Andrew’s younger brother…He didn’t look for a gold master, he is the gold master himself!”
“Su Moxiu is the rich second generation, why doesn’t he make a rich second generation persona?”
“There was someone previously who hacked Su Moxiu that he was uneducated. They said that he had no education and could not understand other people’s words. He answered that he grew up abroad but no one believed him…He really grew up abroad!”
“No wonder he always doesn’t understand what others mean…”

Talking about it, netizens also found more things: “Guess what I found? In the online drama Su Moxiu acted in, there is an ‘Eddie Falconer’ among the investors…Andrew’s surname is ‘Falconer’, and Su Moxiu said that his English name is Eddie.”
“So those online dramas were all invested in by Su Moxiu himself?”
“I suddenly found out that Su Moxiu is a nice person. He is so rich, but he is approachable. After entering the entertainment industry, he doesn’t fight or quarrel with others. Even when making online dramas, he invests in himself so that no one will lose money…”
“I also think he’s pretty good. Speaking of which, Qi Qi said that Su Moxiu always bullies him because of his good resources…Does Su Moxiu need it? He doesn’t care about these resources at all, does he?”
“I’m a fan of Su Moxiu. I’ve wanted to say it a long time ago. From the very beginning, Qi Qi pulled Su Moxiu to hype him up. Su Moxiu refused to cooperate. I don’t know why it became Su Moxiu who bullied him…”
“The investor of ‘Doomsday Warrior’ is also Eddie Falconer, Su Moxiu is a gold master dad!”
“Stop talking…I checked the special effects studio, and the owner of the studio is also Eddie Falconer.”
“My Su Moxiu is amazing.”
“It’s no wonder Director Gu scolds people everywhere for Su Moxiu, he definitely has to hold onto the gold master dad!”


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