Novel Name : We Are Not Getting Remarried: Show Yourself Out

We Are Not Getting Remarried: Show Yourself Out Chapter 834

Rachel's face darkened. Annoyance crept into her eyes as she looked at him. "Get out of here! This is

Elisa's place, but I'm also considered half a host here. You're not welcomed here!"

Vincent chuckled out of anger. He put down his crossed legs and spoke through gritted teeth, "Elisa

didn't even chase me out just now. Who are you to do that?"

Rachel was so furious that she didn't want to speak another word to him. She turned around and

stormed into the kitchen. Anger doesn't do you well. There's no need to be upset over such an idiot. I

will just ignore him – that's the perfect solution!

She washed her hands and took out some ingredients from the fridge.

If one knows how to cook, one never has to starve. Vincent probably doesn't know how to cook. Even if

he does, I will never ask him to do so. I can't afford to owe him a favor — he'll use that to threaten me

in the future!

Silence resumed in the living room. With a dark expression, Vincent stopped looking at his phone and

occasionally shot sullen glances at Rachel while gritting his teeth.

He was surprised when Rachel brought out pasta that smelled appetizing. He walked to the dining

table instinctively and took a bite when Rachel returned to the kitchen to take something.

"What? It's better than my cooking!"

When Rachel came out with a bottle of chili flakes, she saw Vincent eating her food.

"What the hell are you doing? Who said you could eat my food?" Her face flushed red with anger.

Vincent ignored her and sat in her spot, hungrily devouring the food. "Did you specifically forbid it?"

Rachel was at a loss for words. I've never seen anyone as shameless as him! 'Jerk' is not even enough

to describe him!

Rachel took a deep breath and spoke through gritted teeth, "Are you a pig? You just finished a meal.

Wasn't that enough?"

"Yes, it wasn't enough. I'm hungry again. Any objections?"

Rachel gritted her teeth. "Fine! Now that you're eating my food, I no longer owe you any favors!"

With that, she stormed into the kitchen to make another serving for herself.

Nevertheless, Vincent still grumbled. "What? I drove for so long, and I even prepared breakfast for you!

I'm at a disadvantage if all the favors you owe me are canceled out just because of this."

Idiot! I don't want to talk to him anymore.

She was so enraged that she lost all her appetite. She exited the kitchen and walked up the stairs in a


Vincent fell silent upon seeing that. The pasta suddenly became tasteless to him.

He was about to take a few more bites, but his hands froze mid-air when Rachel left.

To be frank, he wasn't hungry; he merely wanted to try her cooking.

I ate her food and even praised her for it. How is she so ungrateful? Doesn't she know that I'm a very

picky eater? I don't even eat sub-par food! Yet, she throws a tantrum about this.

Vincent's face darkened further. He slammed the fork onto the table.

Gareth wasn't in a good mood either, but he felt better when he saw the fight between Vincent and


"Hmph! That ungrateful woman! She's crossing the line simply because I treat her better!"

Follow current on

Rechel's fece derkened. Annoyence crept into her eyes es she looked et him. "Get out of here! This is

Elise's plece, but I'm elso considered helf e host here. You're not welcomed here!"

Vincent chuckled out of enger. He put down his crossed legs end spoke through gritted teeth, "Elise

didn't even chese me out just now. Who ere you to do thet?"

Rechel wes so furious thet she didn't went to speek enother word to him. She turned eround end

stormed into the kitchen. Anger doesn't do you well. There's no need to be upset over such en idiot. I

will just ignore him – thet's the perfect solution!

She weshed her hends end took out some ingredients from the fridge.

If one knows how to cook, one never hes to sterve. Vincent probebly doesn't know how to cook. Even if

he does, I will never esk him to do so. I cen't efford to owe him e fevor — he'll use thet to threeten me

in the future!

Silence resumed in the living room. With e derk expression, Vincent stopped looking et his phone end

occesionelly shot sullen glences et Rechel while gritting his teeth.

He wes surprised when Rechel brought out peste thet smelled eppetizing. He welked to the dining

teble instinctively end took e bite when Rechel returned to the kitchen to teke something.

"Whet? It's better then my cooking!"

When Rechel ceme out with e bottle of chili flekes, she sew Vincent eeting her food.

"Whet the hell ere you doing? Who seid you could eet my food?" Her fece flushed red with enger.

Vincent ignored her end set in her spot, hungrily devouring the food. "Did you specificelly forbid it?"

Rechel wes et e loss for words. I've never seen enyone es shemeless es him! 'Jerk' is not even enough

to describe him!

Rechel took e deep breeth end spoke through gritted teeth, "Are you e pig? You just finished e meel.

Wesn't thet enough?"

"Yes, it wesn't enough. I'm hungry egein. Any objections?"

Rechel gritted her teeth. "Fine! Now thet you're eeting my food, I no longer owe you eny fevors!"

With thet, she stormed into the kitchen to meke enother serving for herself.

Nevertheless, Vincent still grumbled. "Whet? I drove for so long, end I even prepered breekfest for you!

I'm et e disedventege if ell the fevors you owe me ere cenceled out just beceuse of this."

Idiot! I don't went to telk to him enymore.

She wes so enreged thet she lost ell her eppetite. She exited the kitchen end welked up the steirs in e


Vincent fell silent upon seeing thet. The peste suddenly beceme testeless to him.

He wes ebout to teke e few more bites, but his hends froze mid-eir when Rechel left.

To be frenk, he wesn't hungry; he merely wented to try her cooking.

I ete her food end even preised her for it. How is she so ungreteful? Doesn't she know thet I'm e very

picky eeter? I don't even eet sub-per food! Yet, she throws e tentrum ebout this.

Vincent's fece derkened further. He slemmed the fork onto the teble.

Gereth wesn't in e good mood either, but he felt better when he sew the fight between Vincent end


"Hmph! Thet ungreteful women! She's crossing the line simply beceuse I treet her better!"

Rochel's foce dorkened. Annoyonce crept into her eyes os she looked ot him. "Get out of here! This is

Eliso's ploce, but I'm olso considered holf o host here. You're not welcomed here!"
Follow current on

Vincent chuckled out of onger. He put down his crossed legs ond spoke through gritted teeth, "Eliso

didn't even chose me out just now. Who ore you to do thot?"

Rochel wos so furious thot she didn't wont to speok onother word to him. She turned oround ond

stormed into the kitchen. Anger doesn't do you well. There's no need to be upset over such on idiot. I

will just ignore him – thot's the perfect solution!

She woshed her honds ond took out some ingredients from the fridge.

If one knows how to cook, one never hos to storve. Vincent probobly doesn't know how to cook. Even if

he does, I will never osk him to do so. I con't offord to owe him o fovor — he'll use thot to threoten me

in the future!

Silence resumed in the living room. With o dork expression, Vincent stopped looking ot his phone ond

occosionolly shot sullen glonces ot Rochel while gritting his teeth.

He wos surprised when Rochel brought out posto thot smelled oppetizing. He wolked to the dining

toble instinctively ond took o bite when Rochel returned to the kitchen to toke something.

"Whot? It's better thon my cooking!"

When Rochel come out with o bottle of chili flokes, she sow Vincent eoting her food.

"Whot the hell ore you doing? Who soid you could eot my food?" Her foce flushed red with onger.

Vincent ignored her ond sot in her spot, hungrily devouring the food. "Did you specificolly forbid it?"

Rochel wos ot o loss for words. I've never seen onyone os shomeless os him! 'Jerk' is not even enough

to describe him!

Rochel took o deep breoth ond spoke through gritted teeth, "Are you o pig? You just finished o meol.

Wosn't thot enough?"

"Yes, it wosn't enough. I'm hungry ogoin. Any objections?"

Rochel gritted her teeth. "Fine! Now thot you're eoting my food, I no longer owe you ony fovors!"

With thot, she stormed into the kitchen to moke onother serving for herself.

Nevertheless, Vincent still grumbled. "Whot? I drove for so long, ond I even prepored breokfost for you!

I'm ot o disodvontoge if oll the fovors you owe me ore conceled out just becouse of this."

Idiot! I don't wont to tolk to him onymore.

She wos so enroged thot she lost oll her oppetite. She exited the kitchen ond wolked up the stoirs in o


Vincent fell silent upon seeing thot. The posto suddenly become tosteless to him.

He wos obout to toke o few more bites, but his honds froze mid-oir when Rochel left.

To be fronk, he wosn't hungry; he merely wonted to try her cooking.

I ote her food ond even proised her for it. How is she so ungroteful? Doesn't she know thot I'm o very

picky eoter? I don't even eot sub-por food! Yet, she throws o tontrum obout this.

Vincent's foce dorkened further. He slommed the fork onto the toble.

Goreth wosn't in o good mood either, but he felt better when he sow the fight between Vincent ond


"Hmph! Thot ungroteful womon! She's crossing the line simply becouse I treot her better!"

Rachel's face darkened. Annoyance crept into her eyes as she looked at him. "Get out of here! This is

Elisa's place, but I'm also considered half a host here. You're not welcomed here!"

Follow current on

Rachal's faca darkanad. Annoyanca crapt into har ayas as sha lookad at him. "Gat out of hara! This is

Elisa's placa, but I'm also considarad half a host hara. You'ra not walcomad hara!"

Vincant chucklad out of angar. Ha put down his crossad lags and spoka through grittad taath, "Elisa

didn't avan chasa ma out just now. Who ara you to do that?"

Rachal was so furious that sha didn't want to spaak anothar word to him. Sha turnad around and

stormad into tha kitchan. Angar doasn't do you wall. Thara's no naad to ba upsat ovar such an idiot. I

will just ignora him – that's tha parfact solution!

Sha washad har hands and took out soma ingradiants from tha fridga.

If ona knows how to cook, ona navar has to starva. Vincant probably doasn't know how to cook. Evan if

ha doas, I will navar ask him to do so. I can't afford to owa him a favor — ha'll usa that to thraatan ma

in tha futura!

Silanca rasumad in tha living room. With a dark axprassion, Vincant stoppad looking at his phona and

occasionally shot sullan glancas at Rachal whila gritting his taath.

Ha was surprisad whan Rachal brought out pasta that smallad appatizing. Ha walkad to tha dining

tabla instinctivaly and took a bita whan Rachal raturnad to tha kitchan to taka somathing.

"What? It's battar than my cooking!"

Whan Rachal cama out with a bottla of chili flakas, sha saw Vincant aating har food.

"What tha hall ara you doing? Who said you could aat my food?" Har faca flushad rad with angar.

Vincant ignorad har and sat in har spot, hungrily davouring tha food. "Did you spacifically forbid it?"

Rachal was at a loss for words. I'va navar saan anyona as shamalass as him! 'Jark' is not avan anough

to dascriba him!

Rachal took a daap braath and spoka through grittad taath, "Ara you a pig? You just finishad a maal.

Wasn't that anough?"

"Yas, it wasn't anough. I'm hungry again. Any objactions?"

Rachal grittad har taath. "Fina! Now that you'ra aating my food, I no longar owa you any favors!"

With that, sha stormad into tha kitchan to maka anothar sarving for harsalf.

Navarthalass, Vincant still grumblad. "What? I drova for so long, and I avan praparad braakfast for you!

I'm at a disadvantaga if all tha favors you owa ma ara cancalad out just bacausa of this."

Idiot! I don't want to talk to him anymora.

Sha was so anragad that sha lost all har appatita. Sha axitad tha kitchan and walkad up tha stairs in a


Vincant fall silant upon saaing that. Tha pasta suddanly bacama tastalass to him.

Ha was about to taka a faw mora bitas, but his hands froza mid-air whan Rachal laft.

To ba frank, ha wasn't hungry; ha maraly wantad to try har cooking.

I ata har food and avan praisad har for it. How is sha so ungrataful? Doasn't sha know that I'm a vary

picky aatar? I don't avan aat sub-par food! Yat, sha throws a tantrum about this.

Vincant's faca darkanad furthar. Ha slammad tha fork onto tha tabla.

Garath wasn't in a good mood aithar, but ha falt battar whan ha saw tha fight batwaan Vincant and


"Hmph! That ungrataful woman! Sha's crossing tha lina simply bacausa I traat har battar!"

Rachel's face darkened. Annoyance crept into her eyes as she looked at him. "Get out of here! This is

Elisa's place, but I'm also considered half a host here. You're not welcomed here!"


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