Novel Name : Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire

Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 97 By Moonlight Muse

96. Family Bonds


Kiara places her arm around her, “We will Mom, and he will pay, he just upset two of the most powerful
families in the country and-” she’s cut off by Leo and Alejandro.

“What do you mean two of the? We ARE the fucking strongest. Well, we Rossis are, anyway.”
Alejandro says arrogantly.

“Saying that as if there are others on parr is fucking insulting.” Leo says at the exact same moment. 3

We all look at them and I see it once again; the stark similarity between the two. Both are in similar
clothing, both with chains around their necks, expensive watches, cigarettes in their hands, tattoos,
frowns, and those matching attitudes.


“We’re nothing alike.” Leo growls, a rebuttal to our unspoken thoughts as Marcel chuckles. 1

Damn was it wrong that I found that sexy? I wouldn’t mind letting him manhandle me and fuck me
hard… Leo’s eyes flash as they meet mine, the look of hunger in them told me he heard everything I
was thinking. My stomach does a somersault and I simply wink at him.

“Well, they are blood-related,” Marcel says, making me blink and look away.

“There are Rossi’s who are not like these two, not sure what I fucking did to get these two for my
daughters.” Dad grumbles and I pout, nudging him. 8

“Cheer up, Dad, maybe it’s because they’re the very best and that’s what your daughters deserve?” I
try to appease him, as Leo scoffs.

“Don’t fucking compare us or put us on the same level.”

“Yeah, I’m the king…” Alejandro smirks as Raven suppresses a giggle, placing a hand on Liam’s arm.
He was still silent. ”

And you may be smart, but if you don’t fucking see the similarities… then you’re a dumb fuck.”
Alejandro adds. 5

I can’t help but giggle as all the women in the room start laughing. I see Marcel suppress a snicker and
even Dad doesn’t seem as angry.

“I can say the same about you, because even if there are some fucking similarities in our appearances,
we are not the same person. We will never be the same.” He shoots back.

My smile fades as I realise that although he does look like Alejandro on the outside, they could be
miles apart inside… just the way I look like Indigo but I’m not her… I am my own person and
sometimes it’s hard always being compared to someone else. 2

“I agree,” I say, and Leo cocks a brow but says nothing.

That was something I needed to talk to Mama and Dad about. To let it all out,

how I feel about her…

I turn when the door opens, and I see Liam leaving the room. My heart skips a beat. Raven is about to
go after him until I stop her, shaking my head. “Let me.” I whisper before breaking into a run.

“Liam!” He stops, and I see him wiping his face, his back to me. “Liam…” I catch up to him, placing my
hand on his arm. He looks down at me and I see his eyes look a little red. “Hey…”

‘Why didn’t you tell me?’ His voice comes through the pack link and even then, it sounds strained, and I
knew why he didn’t say it out loud, not wanting his voice to break. 3

My heart squeezes and I realise that the link would be gone tonight… because tonight I will be initiated
into the Sangue pack. It’s a bittersweet thought… Happy for the life ahead, yet, the life I knew growing
up… The pack… my family, all of it will be left behind for the one I love… I tilt my head and look at my

“I’m sorry… you have always moved the world for me, Liam… you have been my hero since day one…
No matter what I did to annoy you, you let it slide. You always believed that your little sister was
perfect. But the truth is I’m not… I’m not perfect Liam.” I whisper.

He pulls me close and hugs me tightly.

No, maybe not for the world, but for me, you are perfect. The perfect sister that anyone would be lucky
to have.”

I chuckle, despite feeling super emotional. “Yeah? You do know I’m the one who used to put the
spiders and fleas in your clothes, the one who cut holes in your clothes, and the one responsible for all
the issues in your life? The squares in your boxers, the glue in your shaving cream? The cockroaches
in your boots?” I ask, looking up at him.

He smiles and raises an eyebrow. “I’m a werewolf, Azura. You left your scent wherever you went. Who
else would sabotage my life? I always knew it was you.”

My eyes widen in surprise. Sure I thought he’d know some stuff, but never did I think he’d have known
it was all me. I raise an eyebrow, a little confused as Kiara comes into the hall. Her heels echoing off

the hard flooring.

“Why did you always act like you didn’t know then?” I ask. “Or tell Mama? She would have totally
punished me.”

He cups my face, “Because you felt happy knowing you got away with it, that you accomplished your
little mission. I liked to see you happy and I still do… and he makes you happy, right?” 6

I’m unable to stop the tears streaming down my cheeks as I nod and he smiles softly, “Urgh, you made
me cry.” I complain as Kiara stops by us and smiles.

“Am I interrupting?”

“Not at all.” Liam says as I shake my head and he puts one arm around her and kisses her forehead.
She smiles and reaches over, brushing my tears away.

“Why are you crying?”

“I upset her,” Liam replies guiltily.

I shake my head as I wrap an arm around both of my siblings. “No, you just reminded me how you
really are the best brother.” I rest my head against his chest and close my eyes.

“And I know, you now have your hero by your side… but remember no matter how old you are, twenty,
sixty, ninety… when you need this brother, and for as long as I’m alive I’ll be there for you.”
He whispers his promise, one I will never forget. “No judgement, ever. If you need me, call me.” 8

“I will.” I reply softly, clutching his shirt. I will always need my brother and sister.

For a few moments, we simply stay there, hugging each other.

After a couple of moments, he speaks. And the same goes for you.” He adds to Kiara, who laughs.

“Noted. But I know who the favourite sister is.” She teases.

“Aren’t the youngest always the favourite?” Liam chuckles.

“Oh yeah definitely, it’s the same with Dante and Alessandra.” She smiles and nods her agreement.

“Well, we all know if there’s one person he loses his patience with, it’s Sky.” I say, my smile fading

There was more to Sky than she portrayed and deep down, I felt that she hid more than she shows.
We were similar like that and I plan to be there for her, but often, we need to overcome our demons

I glance towards the door to the office where I can still hear the elders talking. I guess since I’m at it, I
should have that word with Mama and Dad now.

Tonight is a big night, and although I was nervous about healing Leo, I was somehow confident that I
would know what to do. Kiara was right, it just comes to you.

I pull away slowly, and fling my arms around Kia, “I love you.” I say, taking her by surprise. She hugs
me tightly back.

“I love you too.” She responds before I give Liam an equally big bear hug, one he returns and lifts me
off the floor.

“I love you too and for the record, you’re my favourite too.” I whisper, making him smirk at Kiara, who
simply shakes her head. That beautiful smile on her face.

Never jealous, always selfless.

“Love you more.” He responds, placing me on the ground again.

“Well, wish me luck. It’s time I tell my parents exactly how I feel about a certain someone…”

They exchange a look before they both wish me all the best, and I walk straight back to the office. My
eyes fall on my sexy god, who is leaning against the wall, his head resting back as he looks out of the
window, smoking. He senses me watching, his gaze flicking to mine, and I bite my lip as our eyes lock.

It should be illegal to be so damn sexy… My core clenches as I think about tonight, when Dad clears
his throat, and I have to force myself to look away, my cheeks burning.

“Umm, I know we all need to get ready for tonight… but I want to have a word with you two.” I say,
looking at my parents.

“Think that means we should leave.”

Marcel smiles, glancing at Alejandro, who was sitting like he owns the place.

“No shit.” He stands up, glancing down at me before placing his hand on my head. “We’ll deal with this
shit; his days are numbered.”

Leo glances at me, watching me from afar ‘Want me to stay?’ He asks through the mind link.

‘I’ll be ok, besides you’ll hear everything through the link.’ I reply as he pushes himself away from the

‘True that.’ He smirks slightly, closing the gap between us before he grabs hold of my neck and jaw. My
core clenches,

and I stick my tongue out slowly and run it over his lower lip. He smirks, caressing it with his own. That
ball piercing of his making my pussy throb as it sensually caresses my tongue.

Oh fuck…

He kisses me and as much as I’m glad he’s blocking Mama’s and Dad’s view I could not care less,
those two lose no chance to make out.

“Didn’t she just say we were short on time?” Dad mutters, and I ignore him, gripping Leo’s arms as I
kiss him back harder. He throbs against my stomach, and I sense his frustration as he forces himself to
step away.

‘Tonight.’ I wink at him before he glances back at my parents. Marcel, Raven, and Alejandro had
already left. Leo now looks at me, taking a short breath. His arm snakes around my waist and he kisses
my neck before he leaves, closing the door behind him.

Dad cocks a brow. “He’s too touchy-feely for my liking.” He frowns.

I smirk, “Well luckily he isn’t touching you then Dad, besides you’re one to talk.

You and Mama are at it twenty-four- seven, and then some.” I state whilst Mama nods, her eyes once
more on the image of Judah. She was angry over what he had done to me, I had seen it in her eyes
when I was speaking earlier. That anger and rage growing with each passing revelation.

“Still, touching my daughter irks me.”

He frowns.

I smile deviously. “Well, I like it.” I say, making his brows knit together entirely.

Mama smirks, placing her hand on Dad’s arm. “Leave them.” She says before turning to me. “What did
you want to talk about?”

My smile vanishes and I cross my arms, walking over to the window and stare out

into the gardens. Jayce is leaning against a tree, Renji is playing with Corrado and Katara, whilst the
other three are playing football with Alessandra.

“It’s about Indigo.” I turn back to them, seeing them exchange looks of concern.

“What happened to calling her Mama Indy?” Mama asks, trying to mask her emotions. I could tell she
was confused.

“I know I said that, but… that just didn’t feel right.”

“Oh… Come sit and tell us what’s on your mind.” Mama says, taking a seat on the sofa to the side and
patting the place beside her. I walk over to her and sit down.

“I know that she’s your sister, both of yours sister… ok weird, whatever, anyway … I know that you both
loved her, you knew her as a person, saw her grow and everything, but for me, she’s just Indigo, just a
woman who fell victim to abuse and lost herself.”

“Azur-” Mama began but I shook my head,

“Let me finish.” It was already so hard. Dad steps around, placing his hands on Mama’s shoulders as I
look down at my legs and continue. “She lost the will to live once her abuser was dead, because she
wanted him. She became a shell to the point she was ready to sacrifice her unborn child – me.”

It hurts talking about this. I place a hand on my stomach, my heart warming at the thought of my pup.

“You know, I know you might all think I behave recklessly, but I swear, if I wasn’t pregnant, I wouldn’t be
sitting here, I’d be out there searching for that bastard myself. I am behaving because I’m pregnant, but
Indigo, she was selfish-” 1

“Azura-” Dad tries. But I needed to finish.

“And I don’t care what you say! You love her, ok cool. But I don’t, for me, the only ones who have any
right to be called my parents are you two. I even hate the term biological mother. She was just an egg
donor and even that is a title she doesn’t deserve. I might come off as bitter and hurtful, but I’m sorry.
This is who I am.”

I stand up, staring at both of them.

I just had to say it and I feel better now that I have. I know not everyone would agree with me, and
perhaps someday my feelings will change, but I didn’t see that happening anytime soon…

Mama stands up and although she tries to mask her hurt, I can still see it. She hugs me tightly and
nods. “And that’s ok Baby… It’s ok not to feel the same. I’m sorry that we tried to push memories of her
on you… I never realised how you felt and I’m sorry for that. I’m glad you spoke to us today.”

I hugged her tightly. “Please don’t apologise.” I whisper, “I just… I don’t need her memories…”

“I understand and if ever you change your mind, we’re here for you, ready to tell you anything you want
to. But going forward, we won’t do that; we won’t push her memory on you.” Mama moves back and
cups my face. “And you are my daughter Azura, through and through, if Indigo even came back today
and wanted you, I wouldn’t give you up. You will always be mine.”

She pulls my head down kissing my forehead as Dad steps forward, he simply hugs me tightly and I
cherish their touch. “I know I did it a lot, but I’ll keep that in mind. But I do hope that one day, you see
that she wasn’t always that woman… She was far more.”

Maybe one day…

We remain silent, simply standing there and I realise I could stay here, in their arms, and fall asleep in
their warmth as I did growing up.

“Are you happy?” Dad asks, breaking me from my thoughts.

I feel my cheeks burn and nod. “Ahuh.”

“Good.” He replies.

“Wait, are you getting shy?” Mama teases.

“No!” I deny, despite my cheeks still feeling hot. “I don’t do shy.”

“Then let’s get you ready for the biggest night of your life.” Mama says. “And there’s the healing.” They
already knew everything about me being the heart of fire, as Dante put it.

“Yeah, definitely a big night.” I reply, the weight of that one act returning to me. I was glad they were all
going to be close when the time came to heal him.

She smirks slightly. “Well, it will be one to remember. Now come on, everyone is stressing that the
Luna-to-be is yet to even start getting ready.” She says, and I smile slightly.

I bet Winona was one of the biggest ones stressing.

“Luna… Ok sure, let me just have a quick word with Leo-” I begin but am cut off.

“You can mind link him; you won’t be seeing him until evening.” Mama says dismissively as Dad

“That’s not fair! Ok then, you can’t see Dad.” I protest as Mama ushers me out of the room.

“Doesn’t work like that Angel.” Dad replies as we head separate ways. I can hear the commotion, the
chattering, and the laughter. Then someone puts some music on, only adding to the warm ambience of
the house that was now vibrantly decorated.

I hear the sound of heels before expensive perfume hits my nose.


“There you are, come on, it’s time to get

you dolled up so that man of yours can’t string two words together.” She declares. looking me up and
down, her blinged out. acrylics capturing my attention.

Well, damn, I had a lot of work to do on myself.

I smile as Mama laughs. “Sounds like a plan.” I say.

This was happening. I was actually about to become Leo’s Luna… my heart thumps as the two women
lead me away, my

stomach a flurry of excitement and happiness.

I can’t wait until tonight.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this super-long chapter. I most likely won’t be posting a chapter tomorrow,
however, I have been

working on the visual aesthetics for everyone’s clothing and I’ve decided, to make up for missing a day
I’ll post these on my reader’s group on FB, Moonlight Muse’s Book Club Angels tomorrow! So

you get to see who wears what, and there may or may not be a little hint of something hidden in one of
those character aesthetics… Hehe.

For those who follow me on my I* and F B pages, I will post these aesthetics on Sunday after I post the
chapter. Thank


Will post His Dark Obsession once I’ve done writing it.

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Heart Of Fire Chapter 97 By Moonlight Muse - The hottest
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