Novel Name : Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire

Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 95 By Moonlight Muse

95. A Brother’s Rage


‘In-laws in the house.’ Jax’s amused voice came through the link.

‘Shut it.’ Why the fuck did I mention that Liam is still fucking pissed at me?

“They ooze power.’ Ace adds. He, Jax and Jin were there to welcome them into the pack, as well as to
do their security checks. I don’t trust Judah, and at any moment, he could make his move.

‘I’m on my way to the mansion. I’ll meet you lot there.’

‘Ready to become Alpha?” Dan asks.

I raise an eyebrow, stopping as I look into the mirrored wall of one of the buildings, fixing my shirt a
little. I’m wearing a pair of black pants, paired with a white

buttoned shirt that I have pushed the sleeves up on and left a few buttons open.

The Westwoods…

Just great. As much as I had talked to them on the phone or video call, in person it is an entirely
different thing.

‘Oh yeah, not the time, but Nikki demands to attend the ceremony.’ Li Sheng’s voice came, sounding
pretty tired.

I raise a brow as I continue towards the mansion. ‘Yeah? Well, she ain’t got no fucking power to
demand shit. I want her kept under house arrest until I fucking say otherwise.’ I growl. I do not need her
messing shit up, especially not with having guests visiting, and there is no way I’m going to allow her at

our ceremony. This is meant to be an occasion where Azura doesn’t feel insecure or unhappy. Tonight
is her night.

‘I get that, but she wants to speak to you too.’ Li Sheng adds, clearly frustrated with having to be the
middle person.

Nikki wasn’t only under house arrest, but I had shut her link off via a suppression band that consisted
majorly of silver. Not enough to hurt her, but enough to stop her from talking to anyone else.

‘Let her know I’ll talk to her tomorrow.’ I end the discussion just in time to see Azura stepping out of the
mansion. She looks fucking fine, dressed in an off- shoulder clingy black top that falls below her ass
and light blue fitted jeans.

Spotting me, she hurries down the steps. Her heart is beating hard, and I can see the excitement in her
eyes as she flings her arms around my neck. “Mama and Dad are here.” She says excitedly, before
gripping my shirt and pulling me down for a kiss. The sweet taste of her shea butter lip balm, and the
tantalising taste of her mouth draws me in. I grip her neck, my thumb brushing her cheeks as I kiss her

I hug her tighter, wondering if she is ok with her parents seeing her with my tongue down her throat.
Not that I fucking care… I throb against her, and she whimpers softly, her hand twisting into my hair.

The sparks of her touch rush through me, before I suck sensually on her tongue. Slipping my hands
under her top, running my hand up and down her smooth skin, and feeling the sparks dance between
our skin-to-skin contact.

She grips my neck with her other hand; her nails digging in. I welcome the light sting, pulling her harder
against me. When the sound of footsteps approaching reaches my ear, I force myself to move back.

She frowns, her fingers grazing the back of my head. “I wasn’t done.” She mutters, taking a few
seconds longer than I do to realise we have company.

Oh fuck! Mama, Dad!” She pulls away just as the entire Westwood bunch comes into view.

“Swearing already.” Elijah remarks, cocking an eyebrow.

“Azura.” Scarlett says, a faint smile on her face as she hugs her daughter tightly.

“I missed you, Mama.” She whispers back as Scarlett places a hand on herstomach, kissing her cheek.

“Same baby.” She replies, caressing Azura’s cheek.

“Liam!” She hugs him and although both he and Elijah hug her, clearly happy to see her, their eyes
remain trained on me.

I smoothly reach up, brushing my thumb across my lips. I didn’t think she was wearing anything on her
lips until she kissed me… I do not want the first impression I make, to be with something smeared over
my face.

“Guys!” Azura soon vanishes from sight as her nephews greet and hug her. Five Alpha pups… their
auras are strong…

“Leo,” Elijah says curtly, and I step forward, holding my hand out.

“Welcome to the Sangue Pack.” I say seriously, only to hear footsteps behind me, before Dad’s and
Skyla’s scent reaches me. Elijah takes my hand, his face unreadable as he gives it a shake.

“Thank you for the welcome. It’s good to be here and to see Azura after all this time.” He replies as
Azura smiles, walking back over to him and wrapping her arms around his waist.

“I missed you too Dad.” She says softly, looking up at him. He kisses her forehead before Dad steps
forward and greets them.

“Mama Red.” Kataleya says, I didn’t even notice her step out. I remember her ability as she meets her

“Leo.” Scarlett says after Kataleya moves away. She closes the gap between us and gives me a hug. I
bend down, giving her a one-armed hug back.

“Hey.” I reply, moving back just when Raven steps closer. Ok, I never realised these Westwood women
were so fucking short. “Hi.”

She smiles vibrantly at me and gives me a wave. “Hi, I’m Raven, Liam’s mate.”

Yeah, I fucking knew that; I knew her story and the shit she went through as a kid, and then her entire
dilemma with two mates.

“Yeah, I know. Welcome to the pack.”

“Thank you.” She grins and looks at Liam, who has just stepped forward. His eyes, as always, stuck in
that deep magnetic navy of his wolf. “Rossi.” He says coldly.

“Liam.” Raven murmurs as Azura turns, her eyes sharpening as she watches us.

“Westwood.” I respond emotionlessly. As much as I didn’t want to fucking cause a scene, I wasn’t just
going to let him fucking walk all over me. So instead, being the dick I am, I look at Azura, tugging her
close and kiss her neck once, inhaling her intoxicating scent.

One of the quintuplets mutters something but I didn’t really care. They needed to get used to seeing us
getting close.

“Mama Red!” Skyla exclaims. Unlike her sister, she’s not fucking hard to miss. Kataleya blends in like a
calm breeze, whilst Sky is like a fucking black blob of pure poisonous evil. Like the symbiotes, Carnage
and Venom from Spiderman. I think I can say which one I prefer.

Dad and Azura’s parents were talking, before Dad suggests we all head inside.

“Why don’t you all go ahead? I think I will have a word with Leo.” Liam adds, making everyone stop and
look between “Liam…” Azura pouts, putting on that cute voice of hers that somehow sounded so
fucking wrong. She was blinking her eyes at him, and when I saw him look away, I knew that look
worked on all these fuckers.

“Just a word, Zu. Go on inside.” He promises, cupping her face and kissing her forehead.

“They’re big boys. They should know how to behave, and I hope you do behave.” Scarlett states with a
small smile, looking at her son. There was a subtle warning on her face, one I had seen before. The
woman took shit from no one.

He didn’t respond, as one of the boys with dark hair and green eyes looked between us before scoffing
and walking off ahead.

Skyla doesn’t budge, a smirk on her face. as she looks between us.

She, Raven and Azura are the last ones to remain, the latter two looking at their respective mates.
“Play nice, ok?” Raven murmurs, planting a kiss on Liam’s chest. Thank fuck Azura wasn’t that fucking

“Go inside. I’ll be there soon.” I say to Azura quietly.

“Can I watch the show?” Skyla asks hopefully, winking at Liam, who tilted his head, giving her a look.
She crosses her arms, stepping closer.

“No, go inside.” He says.

She rolls her eyes. “Ok, so if Leo punches. you, you have to give me one hundred pounds, and if you
punch him… then Leo has to give me 500 pounds.” She says.

I raise my eyebrows. Is she for real?

First off, did she actually fucking think that Liam was going to fucking touch me? Yeah, I don’t fucking
think so. Secondly, she was betting more on Liam punching me. And lastly what the fuck does she
need money for?

“Sky.” Liam warns.

She shrugs, planting her hands on her hips. “Ok fine, I’m going! But, Uncle, before you lose your shit,
just remember that when you and Aunty Raven were mated… you hurt her too.” She whispers, patting
his arm.

His aura surfaced and his brows furrow.

Not now Skyla, go inside. Now.” Liam growls.

Yeah, I heard a little of the story, but for the psychotic girl to defend me, is something I wasn’t fucking

“Jeesh, time of the month… You know what I was thinking ladies… Do you think the full moon is like
werewolf males’ menstruation? Like they get all crabby and stuff?” Skyla says whilst frowning at Liam,
until the other two women tug her away.

“Come on Sky.” Azura says, as she begins. to walk away when suddenly she pauses, and looks back
at Liam. I can tell they are mind-linking and I don’t miss the slight hurt in Azura’s eyes, before she turns
and walks off.

It was one fucking thing to piss me off and another fucking thing to upset her.

“What do you want to say? Since you already fucking created a scene. This conversation could have
happened far more discreetly.” I say coldly, taking out a cigarette and lighting it.

His frown deepens, and he shoves his hands into his pockets. “Yeah, maybe, but I’m not entering that
house pretending everything is ok.”

I glance back at the house. I can still sense Skyla’s aura. She was watching us from somewhere, a
freaky little alien. ”

Then let’s walk.”

Liam nods and we turn towards the gates. I could feel his anger radiating off him in waves. I heard he
almost rivalled Alejandro when it came to strength and speed. He was said to hold the title of
the Deimos Prince, a title that was once used for one of the very first four families.

Once we are out of the gate, I take a left, deciding to head to a location where we will get more privacy.
I come to a stop after a while and lean against the wall of the mansion, smoking my cigarette.

His frown only deepens, “You might look like him but you’re not him, and what you did was far worse
than anything he had ever done.” His voice was cold and hard, and I didn’t need to ask to know who
the fuck he meant.

I cock a brow, waiting to let him say whatever the fuck he wanted. Two guards head inside carrying
boxes full of what smells like flowers, and we wait, letting them pass by. None of the party
supplies were allowed inside, unless one of my Six-Five had checked them…

“Are you even listening?” Liam asks, his eyes darkening.

“Yeah, I’m not fucking deaf and no, I’m nothing like him, and you’re fucking blind if you think I look like
him, either.’

I reply icily.

“Yeah? Well, let me tell you something… when you left her that night, I’m the one she rang. I’m the one
who saw my baby sister in that state. Do you know the fear that I felt when I thought the worst when I
saw her? Seeing my sister, who never cries, look like she was fucking raped! Blood dripping down her
neck from a mark that wasn’t fucking healing because you rejected her right after!” His blue aura
swirled high into the sky, his fists clenching, as he glares at me with uncontrollable rage.

“I saw her broken! I saw how you

destroyed her and left her! She was in so much pain that she wasn’t even able to speak properly. You
used her, then cast her aside! And now, you think I should just fucking forgive you because you two
patched it up?”

His words fucking hurt, just imagining the picture he painted. Crushing me, guilt that I know I would
never stop feeling, rushes through me like a burning hot flame. I know I fucked up…

“Answer me!” He snarls in an animalistic voice, his eyes burning as he grabs me by the collar.

I look him square in the eye. His aura was powerful, but it wasn’t that fucking hard to handle. I wasn’t a
fucking weakling.

“I’m not asking you to fucking forgive me, I know-” I couldn’t finish my sentence when he raises his fist,
he was fast and I just about manage to catch his fist, the impact of his blow, smashing me into the wall
behind me. I hold his fist in my own, both of our arms shaking from the sheer force and power thrown
into it. My own aura swirls around, and I feel the cutting pain rush through me. Pain caused by the
strain of blocking his attack. It was taking a toll on my already weakened body.


“Calm the fuck down.” I growl, shoving him away. “The only one who can fucking hit me for hurting her
is her. No one else.” I snarl, my own anger blazing.

“We’ll see about that,” he spat. “Hurt her ever again and I will fucking destroy you.”

I scoff. “Let’s not act like a fucking saint Westwood, I may have marked and rejected my mate, which
I’m not proud of, but you forcefully marked yours, which is equally bad, remember? Maybe I should
throw a few punches at you, in place of the brother that your mate never fucking had to defend her.” I
snarl, shoving him hard. My heart was thundering, and the anger and guilt I felt was blazing within me
and was beginning to get out of hand. I know it is because he hit a nerve. I know I fucking fucked up
and nothing will ever change that.

His eyes flicker with surprise and guilt at that, and I took a drag on my cigarette, trying to calm down.
“Let’s talk like fucking Alphas, not animals.” I hiss, my eyes blazing steel blue.

He clenches his jaw, glaring at me hatefully. “Low blow to mention that…”

“Na, just stating facts.” I countered. “I know I fucking messed up, I know that I hurt her for something
that wasn’t even her fucking fault and I know above all that she’d forgive me even when I’d never
fucking forgive myself, and that is the punishment I’ll feel until the end of fucking time.”

I mean it too. I fucking love her and hate what I’ve done.

“But I assure you, I will treat her like the fucking goddess she is, and I don’t need anyone to tell me shit.
Hate me all you fucking like. I don’t give a fuck but for her, at least act like you can tolerate me. Right
now, I can feel her worry through that bond. She’s been through and is still going through enough shit,
without those she loves causing her additional stress.”

I could tell he loves her dearly, and I didn’t have any sisters, but… I did know how it felt to feel helpless,
guilty and the self-hate that we couldn’t protect those we love. Just the way I felt, knowing that Jackie
had been going through shit and I had failed her.

“I know that! You don’t need to teach me how to care for my sister.” He snarls; his canines were out
now. “Just remember if anything happens to her because of your enemies, I will-”

“I’ll handle Judah and you can rest assured, I won’t let anything happen to her.”

“You better not. So far, you’ve only brought fucking trouble to her life. If he hurts her I will-”

My eyes flash and I’m about to reply when someone else speaks.

“You will do nothing Liam.” Azura’s voice came as she walks over to us, dead serious as she looks me
over, noticing the button that the fucker popped from my shirt. She places her hand on my chest before
turning to her brother. Pain and sadness are clear in her eyes, and I know what she is about to do.

“Zu…” Liam says, his eyes instantly softening, yet they are still full of anger and regret.

‘You don’t need to say anything. I’m dealing with this. No one needs to know shit.’ I warn her through
the link, but she simply reaches up, kissing my jaw, and I knew she wasn’t going to listen.

“No Liam, you won’t do anything, because I’m the one who brought Judah into our lives, not Leo. Judah
is my ex, Liam. He’s the reason I wanted to run away from home.”

Next Chapter Coming Soon...

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And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 95 By Moonlight Muse

Novel Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire has been published to Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire
Chapter 95 By Moonlight Muse with new, unexpected details. It can be said that the author
Moonlight Muse invested in the Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire is too heartfelt. After reading Alpha
Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 95 By Moonlight Muse, I left my sad, but gentle but very deep.
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