Novel Name : Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire

Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 60

60. The Alpha of the Black Storm Pack


Morning had arrived and usually, I‘d be out of bed by now... but just getting to hold her and watch her
sleep was fucking incredible. I couldn‘t describe it, but despite all the shit going on, I felt at peace.

Was this the power of the mate bond? No wonder people yearned for this...

Letting it go, the stubbornness, and trying to fight my emotions had been exhausting. Acceptance... that
felt better.

Last night when her eyes had flashed... For a moment, they looked different, but it was far too fucking
fast to see... Maybe I had imagined it. 11

Her lips were now pressed together in a pout, her chest rising and falling, with plenty of cleavage on
show. Strands of her hair were falling in front of her face, and reaching up, I slowly brushed them off
her face.

She moaned slightly, rolling onto her back, making me suck in a breath when her leg brushed my cock

I was already rock–hard...

Her top rode up slightly, and I ran my hand down her waist.

So fucking sexy....

I placed my hand on her stomach, hearing her heart skip a beat, and I looked up into her eyes which
were now open. She sure had gorgeous big eyes. “When did you wake up?” She asked sleepily.

“Not long ago...” I replied, my voice huskier, tracing circles on her stomach. She bit her lip, her body
reacting to my touch. Our eyes met, and my gaze flickered to her lips, and she slowly licked them in
response. “Do I need to ask you to kiss me?” She asked, raising an eyebrow, making me smirk slightly
“I don‘t mind you begging a little.” I murmured, brushing her hair back, I twisted it between my fingers
and tugged her head up slightly. I flipped over, so I was straddling her. “Fuck...” She murmured, biting
her lip, and the moment my dick pressed against her stomach, she let out a soft sigh.

I laced my hands with hers, claiming her lips in a deep passionate kiss...

Yeah, we ended up fucking all over again. By the time I was showering, I was having four different
conversations via the mind link in my fucking head. I wished I didn‘t have to do this shit right here... but
I did.

They had tracked some of the buyers, but we were no closer to contacting Web. The dinner party I was
hosting in celebration of our new drug deals was coming up, and I told Li Sheng to send him an
invitation. To start anew... Sure I knew he wouldn‘t buy that shit, but I needed to

get to him. Somehow. He‘d come if the incentive was high enough, and so I had decided to say there
would be something special up for auction at this dinner. I just needed his fucking greed to come into
play, and cloud his judgement.

Jin had found several bank accounts Emmet had abroad and under different names. Two of which
were in Jackie‘s name, and she had no idea of them.

Dan had begun running some tests on Judah‘s body. He wasn‘t a werewolf. That had been confirmed.

Then we had Eric, who reported on Emmet acting fucking crazy and playing up in prison, demanding to
be let out.

We got dressed before we headed up to have breakfast with Corrado. He was already sitting at the
table when we stepped out of my office. The table was laden with a pretty extravagant breakfast, and I
heard the door click shut, signalling Winona had slipped out.

She really was far slyer than she let on... The clothes she purchased for Azura said a lot too. She,
Marcel, and Corrado were a trio that should not be together. But it was Corrado‘s smile that made me
smile back. He was practically radiating happiness.

“We are going to have breakfast together!” He exclaimed, jumping off his seat and running over,
straight into Azura‘s arms. She crouched down, hugging him back tightly. “Hey kiddo, yes we are, and
I‘m very very hungry!” She said as they parted, and he quickly wrapped his arms around my legs.

I lifted him up, carrying him to the table.

“I‘m so happy, Daddy!” He whispered to me before turning to look at Azura. “See, I told you Azura
Mommy, if you stay, we will have nice food. You won‘t have to have lumpy sandwiches.” 1 I smirked,
glancing at her. She paused and for a moment I almost chuckled, thinking she was offended, only to
see her looking at him with emotions in her eyes. “Azura Mommy... I love that.” She said, softly ruffling
his hair. “But my sandwiches are so good!”

“No, they‘re not.” He giggled as I placed him down.

Azura Mommy...

I wouldn‘t say it but seeing them have that bond was... perfect. “Yes, they are!” I sat down, and we all
tucked in.

This felt pretty good.

It was now after breakfast, and we were getting ready to leave. Azura‘s friend Song would be coming
along too, and from there she’ll head home. “So why is he here?” I asked, seeing Corrado carrying a
small backpack, as he held Azura‘s hand.

“Azura Mommy said I can come to visit our family too.” He said proudly She looked at me challengingly,
and I simply gave her a cold glare.

Was I really not going to fucking argue?

I was about to say something, looking at the defiant duo who were staring at me, and I fucking swear
they were double of one another with those expressions, but hearing footsteps I turned.

“Hey! I‘m glad I caught you guys before you leave... I baked some cookies, definitely have them on the
journey.” She said, handing the tin to Azura. “Oh thanks, Jackie.”

“I will miss you.”

“Oh, I‘ll be back.” Azura smiled, surprising hier, and Jackie suddenly hugged her. “Thank the goddess!”

Azura smiled. “Yeah see Leo everyone liked me but you.” She gave me a dirty look. ‘I did fucking like
you, I just didn‘t want to admit it.‘ I said through the link pointedly.

She simply gave me a haughty look.

‘Well, you have the rest of our lives to make it up to me...‘ She trailed off, and I knew what came to her

‘Yeah, guess I‘m going to have to figure shit out so I can make it up to you.‘ I said masking my
emotions, our eyes locked.

‘We will.

Jackie now turned to me, giving me a small smile. She spoke, drawing me from my thoughts. “Leo,
when you return, I want to reject Emmet.” She said quietly, twisting her hands in front of her as she
came over to me. I nodded, giving her a one–armed hug, I could sense her fear, feeling her shaking
slightly. “I‘m proud of you, Jackie.” I said quietly, “Well... I‘m glad. You‘ve always been like that older
brother to me Leo. Thanks.... I won‘t be tied to an abuser and a traitor. I won‘t stop living either... So
you don‘t either ok?”

I smirked glancing over at Azura and Corrado.

“I tried and failed... but no, I won‘t give up.” I said quietly.

“Good, she makes you happy Leo, and you need someone who is willing to challenge you.”

I raised an eyebrow.

I was not that fucking stubborn.

Who the fuck was I kidding? I fucking was.

I heard footsteps approaching and knew it was Jax and Nikki before they even came into sight. “Jax,
take Song and Corrado to the car.” I commanded.

My mood instantly darkened as I glanced at Azura, who was looking at Nikki without even a

glimmer of warmth on her face. “Got it Alpha. Nice to see you again, Luna.” Jax said

You too. you‘ll be seeing me more often, don‘t worry.” Azura replied. Something told me that was more
directed at Nikki.

Jax smirked, ‘Good going.‘ He said through the link before motioning for Song to follow him.

Song took Corrado‘s hand, glancing at Azura before following Jax. “Come on Corrado let‘s go get in the
car first!” She exclaimed brightly.


I could feel Nikki trying to mind link, but I kept her blocked out.

“Are you really going to make me apologise?” She asked me out loud after Jax was out of sight.

I closed the gap between Azura and myself, and wrapped one arm around her shoulders from behind,
resting my chin on top of her head.? “Yeah, you insulted my Luna, and that‘s not something I‘m going
to fucking let slide.” I said coldly, as Azura leaned back against me.

Nikki stared at me, clearly shocked as she looked at Azura.

“Luna... So you like made up?” She asked almost accusingly.

“Are you dumb Nikki? Seriously, I‘m sure that‘s clear enough. Get a move on with it, we have to go.”
Azura replied in a clipped tone. Nikki looked humiliated as she looked at us.

“Now.” I growled.

“I‘m sorry for what I said.” She said it as if it were the hardest fucking thing to say.

“With a little more regret.” I warned dangerously.

She looked at me with a hurt expression, but I really didn‘t fucking care. I apologised the first time,
when I fucking ended it with her, although she knew once we found our fucking mates, it was totally
fucking ok for it to be over. I owed her nothing.

“I‘m getting bored.” Azura yawned.

I pressed my lips to the back of my feisty girl‘s head. She sure didn‘t hold back, but Nikki deserved it.

“I‘m sorry… Luna.” Nikki said in a softer tone and when she lowered her gaze in submission, I decided
it was near enough the best we were going to fucking get from her.

“Cool. I get that it‘s not nice when someone comes in and you lose the man you love, but I won‘t
apologise for it. He was made to be mine and I plan to keep him... even if he is a stubborn ass. I hope
you can find your mate soon too.” Azura said quietly. In her own way, she was offering Nikki an olive
branch. That alone showed she was by far the better person.

Nikki didn‘t reply, simply nodding. “You can go.” I said coldly.

She looked at me before nodding and leaving. A little too calm for my liking... ‘Eric, keep an eye on
Nikki.’I commanded before Azura tilted her head up.. “Shall we get going?” She asked. “Yeah, let‘s do
this shit.”

Our eyes met, both knowing what was to come. It was time for us both to face our issues head on...

I leaned down, kissing her lips softly, not caring if anyone saw us, before we both headed to the car...


The Nightwalker Pack, home of the Lycan King, Alejandro Rossi, and his family. It had been a decade
since I had entered these pack grounds... There were many changes and it was obvious it had
expanded a lot.

We drove through the streets that were no longer dirt paths, despite the trees that surrounded vast
parts of the grounds. The gates to Alejandro‘s mansion swung open, and I could feel the excitement

from Corrado in the back of the car as he stared out through the tinted windows. Azura‘s hand rested
on top of mine, calming my conflicted emotions. I turned to her, lacing my fingers with hers.

Our eyes met, and she didn‘t need to say anything for me to understand.

We got this...

Marcel had been pretty impressed to hear that we were coming here, seems Alejandro had told him.
He had called earlier on the drive here, and when Azura had said we‘ll be back soon, he had instantly
picked up on the ‘we‘ and did nothing to hide his happiness.

Alejandro had his hand in his pocket, and a young girl with black hair was standing on the steps next to
him with her arms crossed. I was certain it was Alessandra, you could see the similarities between her
and her father. She would be around ten now, the youngest of Alejandro‘s four kids.

“Oh Daddy! Who is that man!” Corrado asked as we parked up. “That‘s Alejandro Rossi... Your
grandad‘s brother.” I explained emotionlessly. “Oh, King Rossi!”

Yeah, I was sure Dad told him about that...

“Maybe I shouldn‘t have come.” Song said, staring out as Alejandro approached.

“Too late for that, come on, you have seen Alejandro before.”

“Yes, and I wanted to run,” Song murmured. “Hey, don‘t get doubtful, you wanted to see you know who,
remember?” Azura whispered with a smirk on her lips. 7

From the corner of my eyes, I saw her blush but didn‘t bother thinking much of it, as Alejandro opened
the passenger door for Azura. “Hey, Alejandro.” Azura said, hugging him as I got out too.

“Hey firework, you ok?” He replied, giving her a squeeze before letting go of her as she nodded.

“Perfectly.” She replied, before she rushed over to Alessandra.

“Hey, brat!” She said, hugging the younger girl, who frowned.

“Don‘t call me that, you‘re so loud...” She grumbled.

Definitely Alejandro‘s pup.

“Azura!” Kiara‘s voice came as she hurried out of the mansion and ran over to her sister, hugging her

Didn‘t they just fucking see each other not so fucking long ago?

“Kia!” Azura smiled.

My eyes met Alejandro‘s as I opened the back door for Corrado and Song, since they had the child lock

“Thank you.” She said getting out. “It‘s good to see you here.” Alejandro said to me, a tiny smirk on his
face as he approached.

“Not so sure it is.” I muttered as Corrado climbed out.

Alejandro‘s attention instantly went to him, and he crouched down in front of him.

“So this is your pup.” He said, observing him with that small smirk.

“Obviously.” I retorted.

I could feel him pulling back his aura as much as possible, not to scare Corrado. It was still powerful,
and I could tell Corrado looked daunted for a few seconds.

“Hello, King Rossi. I’m Corrado Herrmann Rossi.” Corrado introduced himself, puffing out his chest as
he held his hand out to Alejandro.

“Now that‘s confidence I like.” Alejandro said, taking his hand and giving it a shake. “But we don‘t greet
family with a handshake, now do we?”

Corrado smiled and shook his head.

“No, we give them hugs!” He answered.

“So are you going to give Grandad Al a hug?” Alejandro asked.

Corrado looked up at me, his eyes widening.

“Can I?” He whispered as if Alejandro couldn‘t hear him.

“Sure.” I said, not going to fucking stop a kid from doing whatever he wanted.

It was fucking weird seeing those two together... I wasn‘t fucking stupid, I could see Alejandro was
fucking genuine, but that was a fact I liked to ignore. I‘m the king of being fucking hypocritical, and I
don‘t really give a shit. I turned to see Song talking to Kiara and Azura as Alessandra simply stood
there frowning, her eyes now fixed on Corrado. 11

“Corrado, come here! Look, this is my sister Kiara.” Azura called. Alejandro stood up, lifting Corrado in
his arms as he walked around to the women.

“I see you‘re here. I‘m sure the girls will be fucking disappointed that they ain‘t here.” Alejandro said to
Song. “Yeah, nice to be here...” Song said, smiling politely, whilst Kiara gushed over how cute Corrado

“Aww, you are such a cutie.” “You are very cute too.” Corrado replied, making Kiara laugh. “I dislike
kids.” Alessandra grumbled.

“Aint you one yourself?” I asked.

She gave me a scathing glare, before her gaze softened and she frowned, looking at her palm before
she turned and looked at the sky. 7

Weird little pup.

“Leo, how are you?” Kiara asked, drawing my attention away from the girl. I felt Azura‘s eyes on me as
the older woman turned her attention to me. “Good,” I said. The urge to step away from her was almost
tempting. I could almost see her observing me. Her smile faltered, but before she could say anything,
the mansion doors opened once again, and a man stepped out dressed in a white shirt and black
pants. His alpha aura was radiating off of him, yet even I knew it wasn‘t at its fullest. He ran a hand
through his curly black shoulder–length hair, that looked more unruly than how I remembered it from a
decade ago. His face looked sharper too, and you could tell he looked older too. He had been my age
back then... 8

He came to a stop when his grey eyes met mine. A sharp wind blew around us. Suddenly, it felt colder
and it was like it was just the two of us. My own aura was swirling around me, and a storm of emotions
rushed through me. A small frown crossed his face, but despite my own hostile hatred towards him, he
remained calm.

Ten years had passed since I saw him. Ten years of hating him for everything he had fucking done.

Time seemed to fucking stand still as our gazes remained locked.

I once vowed I never wanted to see him again, but that vow was broken, because right in front of me
was none other than the richest Alpha in the country. The man who owned the majority of the Rossi

assets, and several multi–billionaire companies around the globe. The man that I fucking hated to the
core. Rayhan Rossi, the Alpha of the Black Storm pack himself. 12

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