Novel Name : Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire

Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 62

62. Talk Between four Alphas


“Hey! You‘re here?” I asked, rushing over to him and flinging my arms around his neck. He caught me,
lifting me off the floor, and gave me a warm, crushing hug. “I couldn‘t miss this reunion now, could I?”
He placed me back on the floor, and I grinned.

“So you knew.” I said, and he smirked slightly, just as Kiara came over, and Dante wrapped his arms
around his tiny Mama.

“Maybe. Hey Mama, how have you been?” He asked, kissing her forehead as he looked down at her. 2

“Better now that you‘re here.” Kiara replied, caressing his face.

He smiled down at her.

“Then I‘m glad I‘m here.”

Ah, he was annoying with his perfect hair, but he was a mama‘s boy and treated her like a queen. Kiara
smiled up at him and gently moved away.

“Well, you‘re just in time for dinner.”

“Perfect.” He said, turning to me.

Like always, it felt like he was peering into my soul even with those shades on.

He didn‘t say anything and simply smiled before we headed to the lounge. I realised it would be ten
years since the three cousins would be reuniting. Each of the Rossi brothers had one son, and there
was roughly a nine or ten–year age gap between the three.

The moment we entered the lounge, I felt the power of the four Alphas hit me at once. It was a lot
harder to ignore it when it was this intense, and I could tell even Song felt the same, or worse. Damn
Rossis... I knew all four had it reined in, but they were still so strong. “So you‘re fucking back?”
Alejandro asked from where he was relaxing back on the sofa. He stood up and pulled Kiara into his
arms, kissing her neck.

“Isn‘t that obvious?” Dante replied with a small smirk. “I‘m not really that hard to miss.”

“Dante, it‘s been a while. How have you been?” Rayhan asked, standing up and meeting his cousin
with a brotherly hug, one Dante returned. Rayhan slapped his back before moving back.

“I‘ve been good. How about you? How‘s Delsanra and the kids?” Dante asked.

Delsanra had been Dante‘s childhood crush, I didn‘t blame him, Delsanra was as gorgeous as Rayhan
was handsome. And Dante saw her in her demon form, which was said to be incredibly beautiful, all
the time.

“They‘re great, Del‘s been a bit worried as Si‘s starting at the academy soon.” Rayhan replied. Sienna
was Rayhan‘s twelve–year–old daughter, his son Ahren, was thirteen and was already at the academy.

“Si will be alright, she‘s still young.” Dante replied, turning his attention to Leo. Rayhan frowned slightly,
and I knew he was deducing Dante‘s words, it was hard not to, often he may say something that may
mean more... “Leo, this is a pleasant surprise.”

“I‘m sure it wasn‘t a fucking surprise to you.” Leo replied as he stood up, looking at the taller


But it was obvious 110 matter how cold he acted, he held nothing against his younger cousin. He only
proved my point when he held his tattooed hand out to him.

Dante smiled slightly. “Can I at least pretend that it is a surprise? Ten years.. that‘s a long wait, life is
short, and every moment should be cherished.” ;

Leo frowned, as Dante ignored his offered hand and instead gave him a hug. My eyes met Leo‘s over
Dante‘s shoulder, and I gave him a small nod before he hugged Dante back.

I couldn‘t help but smile softly. With Dante here... I felt that things could be sorted between Leo and
Rayhan a lot more smoothly... He was the old wise man who would get it done. I was positive!

Leo moved back, and can I just say, my man looked so damn sexy right now?

My gaze dipped to the bulge in his pants, and I could feel him watching me, my own core throbbing

Oh, how I wanted to take his dick in my mouth all over again.

‘I like the fucking idea too. Considering there‘s still a lesson I need to fucking teach you to remind you
who the fuck you actually belong to.’ His growl came through the link as his eyes found mine.

Yes, please...

His eyes flashed, and I walked over to him, wrapping my arms around his neck for a moment and
resting my forehead against his shoulder.

‘I can‘t wait...‘ I whispered seductively through the link, trying not to react to his dick pressing against
me. ‘I‘m proud of you, baby.’ He didn‘t respond, but his arms wrapped around me tightly. “Song, hey.”
Dante greeted.

“Hi.” She replied, giving him a smile and a small wave.

Dante turned his attention to the open patio, where Alessandra suddenly looked up.

“Dante!” She exclaimed, a huge smile crossing her lips.

Yup, Dante was the only one who could get that pile of grumpiness to smile.

They closed the gap between them before Dante went down on one knee, hugging her tightly.

“I missed you.” She whispered. “And I missed my favourite sister too.” He said, ruffling her hair. She
planted a kiss on his cheek, before she pointed to the garden. “That‘s Leo‘s son.” She told him to my

But she didn‘t have any issue with conversing with Dante.

Dante stood up and walked over to the garden, where Corrado was watching him intently.

“Hey, Corrado.” Dante greeted.

“You know my name?” Corrado asked curiously. “Of course I do.” Dante smiled, holding his hand out to
him. “How would I not know my nephew‘s name?”

I wondered if Dante also knew his truth? Either way, it wasn‘t like he would tell anyone.

Corrado looked at him with his head tilted, and I knew he was probably feeling the effect of Dante‘s
aura. Dante smiled faintly, ruffling his hair.

“I‘m your dad‘s cousin.”

“Oh hello! I never knew Daddy had a big family.” He said sadly, looking at Leo. His eyes lit up and he
smiled when he saw us hugging, forgetting all about his disappointment.

I didn‘t blame him, but I promise going forward, this kid of ours was not going to miss out on anything

Once they had finished their exchange with one another, we all made our way to the dining room,
where the table was already laden with the delicious dishes Kiara had cooked.

I was actually incredibly hungry! I tucked Corrado‘s chair in, as he sat between Leo and me, with Song
seated opposite me, and to her luck, she was right opposite Rayhan. I gave her a wink before we all
tucked in...


It was later in the day, and I knew Kiara wanted to get her hands on me. Al ugh she didn‘t say anything
in front of the rest, I felt her watching me several times. At one point, she placed her hand on my
shoulder as she chatted about something. I had a feeling she was trying to assess the level of my pain,
but I had moved away from her touch fast.

My main issue was the bastard, I didn‘t want him fuckin knowing. But I also knew the answer I would
get from Kiara, and I wanted to delay it until after I had dealt with Rayhan because Azura would need
me when she heard it from Kiara herself, that there was nothing that she could do. But I wasn‘t against
searching for further solutions.

The women were spending some time together, and Azura would also go to speak to Atlas later. I had
asked her if she wanted me to come, as did Kiara and Song, but she was adamant to handle it alone. I
guess that fucking made sense. Who would want a fucking audience? 3

But if she needed me, I‘d fucking be there, besides she was fucking awful at keeping her walls up. It
was like a constant conversation going on in her head. 5 I was now walking around the pack ground
with Alejandro, Rayhan, and Dante. I didn‘t argue when Alejandro suggested it. I could use the fresh
air, but I would have preferred having Azura with me.

Corrado wasn‘t even fucking bothered when I left, happily content.

“That shit is all new, we made it around four years ago?” Alejandro said, pointing at the huge training
facility before glancing at me. “It‘s taken from the blueprint and design concept that you created; we
integrated the same into the academies.” “Yeah, I can fucking tell.” I said, Marcel was fucking annoying
at times.

“I did leave you a message if you were ok with me using that shit.” Alejandro said, as I smoke my fourth
fucking cigarette since getting here.

Being in their presence was fucking my head up.

“Yeah, I saw it. You can imitate shit, but it just pushed me to improve and create something better,
without Marcel shoving his nose in my fucking business.” I said coldly. “Besides, you were fucking
trying to rile me up when you sent emails of the plans for the academies.”

“At least that showed you were at least fucking reading my emails.” Alejandro smirked victoriously,
which I returned with an icy glare.

“You have an impressive mind, ideas and concepts that could earn you millions. Have you ever
considered starting a business and selling ideas to other packs around the world. Even security
systems for humans?” Rayhan suggested.

I frowned but ignored him.

I‘m not ready to talk to you. 6

“Hm.” I simply grunted. We fell silent and my mind went to the bullets...

If anything was to happen to me... then I needed someone to clear that shit up...

“There is something that I think perhaps you may want to tell your council about, or other packs. Let‘s
speak somewhere secluded.” I said, taking a drag of my cigarette.

Alejandro frowned but nodded, changing route and heading to headquarter is had been changed too...
Alejandro led the way to his office, his men clearing the path for us. The murmurs of awe followed, and
I guess it wasn‘t every fucking day they saw four Rossi Alphas together. That, or they were fucking
shocked I was here.

The moment Dante shut the door behind us, all three of them looked at me as I walked over to the
window, looking out at the pack grounds.

“What is it, Leo?” Alejandro asked.

I frowned before I began.

“I created a weapon that could kill our kind the moment it penetrates the skin, you don‘t even need to
hit a vital point for these bullets to work...” I felt the room tense, but I didn‘t turn to look at them. “A
weapon that was meant to only be used by my most trusted if we were ever under attack... However,
the man I trusted like a brother, stole it and mass–produced it. Selling it to several Cartel‘s and Mafia
organisations. According to my data, a couple of buyers were also supernatural.”

I now glanced back at them; Dante‘s face was as passive as ever, whilst the other two were frowning
as they listened.

“Are you sure it‘s that dangerous?” Alejandro asked, his brow furrowed.

“Yeah, there‘s someone who had some of these bullets, and they sure as fuck worked. These bullets
can kill so fast that if you were in wolf form, the body doesn‘t even revert to human form. Emmet
Garrons produced fucking thousands. I‘ve still not fully managed to account for all fifty thousand. I‘m

trying to track them down, but you may want to let other packs know, just in case any of them come into
contact with them.”

“There‘s been two cases that now seem to make sense.” Rayhan said quietly. “Uncle, remember I
mentioned it to you, how we were unable to figure out how the rogue that I found near my pack was

“Yeah, that was a couple months back... Luckily, there haven‘t been many stories. So I‘m sure those
bullets aren‘t just fucking flying around, but fifty thousand... that could fucking wipe out most of our kind
in the country.” Alejandro said seriously.

“Yeah. I know. We‘ve traced down some and are taking them back. I plan to buy the rest back from all
the buyers they were sold to by all means.” I said coldly.

Web would return them to me, or I will be fucking ruining him, and take them by force...

“We‘ll get on it, if you have a sample, I‘m sure some of our trackers can do something to help. ”
Alejandro said as I turned back to them.

“I wasn‘t expecting you to be so fucking chill about it, why? Is it cause I‘m a fucking Rossi? I fucked up
right?” I asked coldly.

I knew I was trying to instigate them, even if it wasn‘t fucking working. Alejandro sighed. “No, it wasn‘t
your fucking doing but your Delta‘s. So if anyone needs to be punished it‘s him. “Alejandro said from
his seat.

Rayhan was sitting opposite him, nodding his head in agreement.

“An Alpha is the one who needs to take fucking responsibility for the actions c 5 people...” I said quietly.
Dante smiled faintly as he turned to me from where he was leaning against the door. “And you‘re doing

that, by tracking these bullets down. I‘ll help, the more of us looking, the faster it‘ll get done. We all
make mistakes. Don‘t blame yourself. We only learn from them.” He added, after a moment. “Agreed.”
Alejandro nodded. I didn‘t reply, staring out the window. No one had brought up the reason why I had
asked for Rayhan to come here, and I knew I was going to have to fucking do it myself. But I rather get
it over with soon, I didn‘t want to fucking be in his company for long.

I looked directly at Rayhan.

“Let‘s go for a drink, it‘s time we talked.” I said coldly.

His eyes met mine before he gave a nod.

“Sure.” He replied quietly.

“‘I can‘t wait. Drinks sound fun.” Dante added. “When are we leaving? I know a club not so far from the

“We? You ain‘t fucking coming.” I raised an eyebrow. “Sure I am, you can‘t have a boys‘ night out
between brothers without me.” He countered. “We are not brothers. You and your old man need to stop
acting like you are my fucking family. ” I said coldly. “We are though, nothing can change that and if we
can call our pack our family, then why can‘t I call my own blood, brother?” Dante asked. His voice was
calm, but there was a subtle hint of victory in it. :

Fucking Rossi. 3 I wondered why he wore those shades... In all the images I had ever seen of him, he
had them on. Sure, his eyes were red, but on pack territory, was it necessary? Something told me there
was definitely another fucking reason behind it. 7 “Well then, I guess that shit‘s sorted. You three
fuckers head out, I‘ll make a start on getting a team together to head out and see what we can find on
these bullets.” “I‘ll send you the reports and details.” I said, taking my phone out and texting Dan.

“Sounds like tonight is going to be eventful...” Dante murmured. “No shit.” I muttered.

“So shall we head out, in say an hour?” He suggested. “Sounds good.” Rayhan said, and I simply
nodded. I needed a shower and a little time with my girl.

Then... then it was time we talked this shit out so I could let it go and move on... 3

A/N – Just want to let everyone know that due to daylight saving hours in the UK, clocks were turned
back an hour. So updates will generally change by an hour. My new update time will still remain
between 5–9 pm UK time. (It is currently 5.20pm) Also His Dark Obsession which is a standalone will
be launched this week. Keep an eye out. Lastly thank you for all the love on this book.

About Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire - Alpha Leo And The
Heart Of Fire Chapter 62

Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire is the best current series of the author Moonlight Muse. With the
below content will make us lost in the world of love
and hatred interchangeably, despite all the tricks to achieve the goal without any concern for the

other half, and then regret. late. Please read chapter Alpha Leo And The Heart Of Fire Chapter 62
and update the next chapters of this series at



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