Novel Name : Chaos' Heir

Chaos' Heir Chapter 449 Rank

Chapter 449 Rank

Khan talked a bit longer with the Lieutenant before being forced to bring the ship back to the hangar. The conversation enlightened him about different parts of the course, but everything remained superficial since it was only the first lesson.
The Lieutenant had to return to his post once the lesson ended, leaving Khan alone in the hangar. Usually, he would opt for a long, relaxing walk back home, but his packed schedule forced him to call a cab to save time.
Khan didn't look past the window's seat even once during the ride back to the second district. His eyes remained on his phone for the entire time due to the immense number of pages he had to study. He didn't waste a single second in the past days, but he remained behind and didn't know how many sleepless nights had to happen to fix that.
Things changed inside the elevator of George's building. Khan heaved a helpless sigh as he threw his phone into his pocket. He wanted to rest for a few minutes, but checking the flat came first.
Luckily for Khan, the symphony that filled George's flat depicted a relaxing environment, and the main hall confirmed those sensations. Khan couldn't see George, but Monica was on one of the couches, busy reading holograms coming out of her phone.
"What are you studying?" Khan asked while heading straight for Monica's couch.
"I'm just reviewing alien languages," Monica explained while moving toward the corner of the couch and tapping on her lap. "I want to be ready for next week."
"Such a good student," Khan chuckled as he lay on the couch and used Monica's lap as a pillow.
Monica put away her phone and focused on Khan. She caressed his cheek, and a cute "hey" came out of her mouth.
"Hey you," Khan replied, and a smile bloomed on his face when Monica lowered her head to deliver a kiss.
"How was the lesson?" Monica asked.
"Not bad," Khan whispered while turning to dig his face into Monica's waist. "I showed the Lieutenant there that I could fly. I just have many things to study on the side."
"The pilot's license is a big deal," Monica giggled. "It also expires every ten years."
"I know," Khan groaned, enjoying the affection that Monica's caresses conveyed. "The Lieutenant answered every question I had. I guess being the Princess' friend helps. Where is she anyway?"
"We have plans to go shopping later," Monica revealed. "Only women she said. Apparently, she involved the Headmistress."
"And here I thought I could have you all for myself today," Khan complained while snuggling closer to Monica.
Monica giggled again as she moved Khan aside to free her legs. Khan's head ended on the couch, but Monica soon lay on him to deliver a far more passionate kiss.
"Where is George?" Khan asked once the kiss ended.
"In his room," Monica replied while taking Khan's face between her hands. "Don't look at me like this. I know you haven't slept in four days."
"I'm surprised you noticed among all that snoring," Khan teased.
Monica pouted but quickly ignored the joke to deliver another kiss. Khan instinctively reached for her butt, but she lifted her head before the situation could degenerate.
"Sleep," Monica whispered. "You can have me once you are rested."
"You are so obedient these days," Khan teased again.
"I'm the best girlfriend in the world," Monica proudly claimed. "I must support my man when he has a hard time."
"I should thank your family for educating you so thoroughly," Khan pressed on.
"Enjoy it while it lasts," Monica snickered as she let go of Khan to make herself more comfortable. "I'm noting down every joke. I'll take my revenge as soon as things get easier for you."
"What will you even do?" Khan asked, letting Monica slide on his arm to keep her at his side.
"You'll see," Monica smirked. "You'll have to beg me to stop."
"That doesn't sound too bad," Khan chuckled.
"It won't be pleasant!" Monica snapped but quickly calmed down. She even neared Khan's mouth before voicing a whisper. "Just sleep and dream about me."
"I wish," Khan cursed as he turned to face the ceiling. "I also have a lot to study."
"Subject?" Monica questioned.
? "Regulations," Khan sighed. "More fucking regulations."
"Let me think," Monica muttered while approaching Khan's ear to speak tempting words. "Why don't we move to a bedroom while I wait for Princess Edna's message?"
Monica's suggestion could sound bold to a stranger, but Khan knew her real intentions. When he glanced at her, he noticed a trace of concern in her charming and slightly shy expression, which further confirmed what he had felt.
"Are you planning to tire me out?" Khan wondered.
"I'd do anything as long as it helps you," Monica declared. "So, keep relying on me. Keep using me until I'm the only thing in your mind."
Khan couldn't contain himself at those words. Wild vigor filled his body as he straightened his back and carried Monica with him. The two found themselves sitting on each other, with their lips long since entangled in a long kiss.
Nevertheless, Khan's phone rang before he could start to unbutton Monica's uniform. Their passion took a break and checking the device revealed that Colonel Norrett had sent a message.
'Dinner with me tonight,' Khan read on his phone. 'A car will pick you up in three hours.'𝚏𝑟e𝒆𝘸e𝙗𝗻𝒐v𝐞l.𝑐𝘰𝙢
"He has finally contacted you," Monica commented.
"He is probably leaving soon," Khan guessed. "I'm surprised he remained in the Harbor until now."
Monica agreed with that statement, but the invitation ruined her plans. Khan would never go to sleep now. She could push for a nap, but Khan's focus on the phone ended up annoying her.
"Hey," Monica called, pulling Khan's ear closer to her mouth, "You aren't looking at me."
Khan smirked and put his phone away before standing up. Of course, he lifted Monica, and she clung to him without needing warnings or words. Somehow, they had already decided how to spend those three hours.
A ship arrived to get Khan, just like the message had said. He only had to reach the sidewalk to find it and start the flight to where Colonel Norrett wanted to have the dinner.
The passengers' seats weren't empty. One of Colonel Norrett's guards sat silently before Khan, and her expression told him that she had no intention to speak. Still, her eyes showed some respect, which was more than appreciated.
The ship left the second district and headed for the shopping area. Buildings that Khan had visited with the Princess ran through his vision, but his attention eventually fell on a tall structure covered with large windows. One of those dark glasses opened at the vehicle's arrival and turned into a landing area.
Getting off the ship put Khan into a small hall with only one table and two seats. Meals were already resting on its surface, and Colonel Norrett was also occupying a chair. Meanwhile, his other three guards were standing next to a wall.
The woman in Khan's ship reached her companions right after the landing, and Colonel Norrett stood up as soon as he noticed Khan. His arms spread to welcome him, and a laugh left his mouth.
"The man of the hour," Colonel Norrett announced, "Or is it a week already?"
"Almost a week, sir," Khan confirmed. "I thought you would have left by now."
"My original idea saw a far shorter trip," Colonel Norrett cursed as he pointed at the seat on the opposite side of the table. "Still, the Princess brought many duties with her, and it's my job to see that they are fulfilled."
"Duties, sir?" Khan wondered while approaching the second seat.
"Security issues," Colonel Norrett explained while sitting down, "Performance reports, internal rearrangements, and so on."
Khan joined Colonel Norrett at the table, and the latter promptly filled his cup with what smelled like strong booze before moving to his own glass. The two even drank and let a calm silence follow.
"I'm sure you have questions," Colonel Norrett broke the silence as he proceeded to seize various meals and place them on his plate.
"They are vague," Khan admitted as he also seized some food, "And numerous."
"Didn't Miss Solodrey clear many of them for you?" Colonel Norrett wondered. "I might be distant from the students, but rumors have a long reach."
"Sir, I'm merely a valuable figure that the Solodrey family wants to keep close," Khan said without bothering to stop eating.
"Try to breathe every once in a while," Colonel Norrett commented.
"I'm hungry," Khan replied while continuing his feasting.
Colonel Norrett smirked and brought a hand on his chin. He inspected Khan, and a comment eventually left his mouth. "Not that young when it comes to women."
Khan pretended not to hear the joke, but the desire to change the topic arrived, and he had the right question for that.
"Sir," Khan gulped down the remaining food in his mouth, "How should I handle my political situation?"
"That's for you to decide," Colonel Norrett stated. "What you do with your rank and connections will set the foundation for the kind of soldier you'll become."
"I want to be an ambassador," Khan opted for an honest reply. "That probably needs as many connections as possible."
"Then go to every dinner and social event," Colonel Norrett declared.
"I don't have enough time for that," Khan pointed out.
"Make it," Colonel Norrett responded. "Unless it's too hard for you."
Khan didn't miss the Colonel's challenging tone, and that detail made the answer clear. There were no easy paths. Khan would have to sacrifice something to fit everything inside his schedule.
However, Khan didn't stop at that understanding. The Colonel's straightforward answer set a specific mood that made Khan's shameless side come out.
"Sir, what plans do you have for me?" Khan directly asked.
"I'm a Colonel," Colonel Norrett scoffed. "I don't have plans for Captains."
"Too young," Khan repeated words the Colonel had used in the past. "You must have something in mind. Does it have to do with your occupation?"
"I have many occupations," Colonel Norrett clarified, "And you are too young to hear them."
"But I might end up on a path that doesn't suit them if left on my own," Khan teased, hoping that the new approach would trigger a more helpful answer.
"Little shit," Colonel Norrett snickered. "Well, you missed your big celebration, but having the Princess as a political ally compensates more than enough."
'Political ally,' Khan scoffed in his mind. He had probably become closer than many others to the Princess, but that didn't make her an actual ally. Her personality was too erratic for that.
"The Princess must be your starting point," Colonel Norrett continued, "But you must never give her away. You'll lose value in the eyes of many representatives if you do."
Khan couldn't help but nod. He didn't have the ability to give away the Princess, but it remained a piece of good advice. As long as the representatives thought they could get to her through him, he would have the advantage.
"Learning to differentiate among families will also come in handy," Colonel Norrett added. "The smaller families will show you more respect, but you won't get much from them. Instead, the wealthiest will try to exploit you in exchange for greater benefits."
"What about exceptions?" Khan questioned. Monica, Luke, and Bruce were good examples, but Khan also considered Robert Bizelli and other figures that had made a good impression.
"They exist," Colonel Norrett. "However, you'll always thread a thin line while walking on the political journey. You must find a balance among wealth, benefits, respect, and personal goals."
Khan emptied his plate and focused on his drink while losing himself in his thoughts. Colonel Norrett wanted him to expand his knowledge of the various representatives to choose who to prioritize. Yet, he was in the Harbor now. His current needs might not match his future ones.
"Of course," Colonel Norrett exclaimed, "Seizing personal achievements remains your best option. You must hurry to establish yourself in the political environment only if your fame was a fluke."
Khan lifted his gaze to exchange a meaningful look with Colonel Norrett. His statement was clear. Personal achievements were the key to a better political life. As long as Khan continued being amazing, he wouldn't need to worry too much about his various connections. They would come to him.
"On that topic," Khan announced, "I might have something."
"What is it now?" Colonel Norrett asked. "Did you hold something back from your experiences on Milia 222?"
"It's about my second third star," Khan explained. "I should be ready to get it."
Colonel Norrett dropped the cheerful mood to wear a stern face. Khan had gotten his first third star less than a week ago. Achieving mastery over spells at the same level in such a short time sounded impossible, but Khan's element could make it feasible.
"Are you sure?" Colonel Norrett questioned. "I don't go easy on liars."
"I'm sure for one spell," Khan confirmed. "It should be enough."
"Maybe in your case," Colonel Norrett replied, "If someone with enough relevance corroborates it."
Khan showed his shameless smile, and Colonel Norrett shook his head. Still, he appeared amused. The more Khan opened up to him, the funnier those interactions became.
"Let's hit a training hall once this dinner ends," Colonel Norrett declared. "I have to leave anyway. A short stop won't hurt."
The Colonel glanced at the table to check for more food, but he only found empty plates. Even the booze wasn't where he had left it. Khan had the bottle next to him, ready to refill his cup.
"When did you even eat all of this?" Colonel Norrett gasped.
"I never stopped eating," Khan claimed.
"This talent should go on your profile," Colonel Norrett commented. "Oh well."
Colonel Norrett stood up, and Khan imitated him. The two didn't exchange words before heading for the vehicle in the landing area, but the Colonel still left orders for his guards. "Prepare my ship. Pick me up once I'm done."
The guards performed military salutes, and Khan nodded at them before following the Colonel inside the ship. The pilot was still inside, so the vehicle set off immediately to head for a district with training halls.
The trip didn't last long. The Colonel wasn't picky, so the pilot headed for the closest training hall. Khan and Colonel Norrett soon landed in front of a familiar large building and entered it without saying a word.
Colonel Norrett scoffed when Khan reached an empty hall and revealed his shameless face again. He even crossed his arms behind his back. He had been the first to find an available area, but he had no intentions of paying for it.
"You should have enough money to pay for your own halls," Colonel Norrett joked while using his phone to unlock the training area.
'I should really check how much I have now,' Khan cursed, recalling how he had yet to see how much he had earned from Milia 222.
Preparing the hall for the test took less than a minute. Soon, a circular, reinforced target appeared in the distance, and the Colonel even took a step back to give Khan all the space he needed.
Truth be told, Khan had barely trained during those days. His schedule had been a mess of lessons and studies, which didn't give him any time to visit halls. Yet, he had already confirmed that the chaos spear met the requirements for his new star, and he trusted his control enough to be confident in his other spells.
Khan didn't wait for anyone. He joined his hands and poured as much mana as possible between them. He had cast the chaos spear so many times that mustering the necessary emotions felt natural, and the separation of his palms revealed his success.
An unstable purple-red spear took form between Khan's hands. The weapon's surface shook to no end but leaked no energy. It had found new stability after the last time Khan had tested it, and launching it proved its power.
The bright pillar that followed the spear's crash on the target filled the training hall with wild winds. Khan and Colonel Norrett's hair fluttered under those gales, but their expressions remained stern. The Colonel even applied his cloaking technique to his mana to avoid revealing his reactions.
The mana contained in the spear eventually vanished, and peace returned inside the training hall. The target was still in one piece, but its deep cracks and darkened chunks said enough about the power of Khan's spell. The number "3" in its corner was almost unnecessary in that situation.
The Colonel's stern expression didn't break even after the target confirmed the spear's power. Instead, his emotionless eyes fell on Khan, and a request followed. "Show me another spell."
Khan lifted his right hand, and purple-red mana quickly covered it before stretching forward. A bright sword grew from his fingers, carrying the same unstable properties as the chaos spear. The spell had gotten longer, and its power had multiplied.
"No need," Colonel Norrett stated as soon as Khan turned to approach the target. "I'll update the network once I get to my ship. Your new uniforms should arrive in the next few days."
"Thank you, sir," Khan said, dispersing the mana accumulated around his hand.
"Truly a terrifying growth rate," Colonel Norrett muttered. "I don't know how good that is."
"I know about the risks of excessive training," Khan reassured.
"It's not that," Colonel Norrett explained. "Power leads to envy."
The warning was vague but clear enough for Khan to understand it. Murray Dunac had already shown something similar, and there had to be more descendants like him.
"Accompany me outside," Colonel Norrett quickly changed the topic, and Khan complied.
The two men left the training hall, and Khan expected the silence to reign until the inevitable goodbyes. However, Colonel Norrett broke it before they could reach the building's exit.
"You might be a student in the embassy," Colonel Norrett announced, "But don't forget that you are also a captain."
"Is this about representatives and soldiers?" Khan wondered.
"Don't put your rank away because you have unrelated tasks," Colonel Norrett explained while opening the exit. "Make use of it."
"Colon-," Khan called, but a circular platform landed on the sidewalk before he could finish his line. Colonel Norrett didn't even bother to address the matter. He simply jumped on the item while waving his hand.
"You are Captain Khan," Colonel Norrett shouted without turning, "Not student Khan."
The platform set off as soon as that line ended. The machine brought Colonel Norrett above the buildings, where a ship was waiting for him. Khan recognized the big military vehicle seen before his promotion, and its disappearance from the district marked the departure of one of his best allies.
'My rank,' Khan thought as his gaze remained on the area where the ship had disappeared. 'I know it's far from useless, but still.'
Khan couldn't come up with ideas right away, but something was clear. His finances were part of his power, so it was time to check how much he actually had.
A quick look at the Harbor's map told Khan where he could find a console. He only had to cross a few blocks to reach a relatively hidden area with protected rooms meant to give some privacy, and touching their dark surfaces revealed the machine he was looking for.
Khan activated the console through his genetic signature and browsed the menus until the label "withdraw" appeared. Pressing on it showed his pending incomes, and their amount made his eyes widen in surprise.
'Five hundred thousand Credits?!' Khan managed to keep the shout inside his mind. Somehow, he had accumulated half a million.


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