Novel Name : Chaos' Heir

Chaos' Heir Chapter 364 Date

Martha felt tense during the trip back to the city. The vehicle was large enough to allow some distance between Jenna and her, but the two still sat side by side.
Jenna's silence didn't help the situation either. Martha wanted to voice some of the questions filling her mind, but she suppressed them due to the presence of a stranger. Yet, keeping everything inside her head only made her thoughts go wild.
The ship was fast, and the pilot took the shortest route back to Luke's building, but the trip still felt endless to Martha. She shot glances at Jenna from time to time, but she only met a stern expression focused on the path ahead.
The landing didn't break that tension. Jenna remained silent as she led Martha inside the building. The latter felt lucky that the path to the elevator was empty, but her mood didn't improve since each step closer to Khan's room reminded her of the imminent conversation.
The entrance opened in front of Jenna's genetic signature, and the two women soon found themselves in Khan's room. Martha couldn't help but notice the clothes lying around the untidy bed, and she felt some comfort in that mess. Everything there carried Khan's mark.
"You are tense," Jenna said as she approached the bed and threw the clothes to the floor before sitting near the pillows.
Martha didn't answer. She glanced at Jenna sitting cross-legged on the bed just to discover that she couldn't stand her gaze. Jenna had spoken the truth, but Martha still couldn't understand what she was doing there.
"Is it because of me?" Jenna wondered. "Is it because of Khan?"
"You said you wanted to help Khan," Martha announced to dodge the question.
Jenna revealed a smile before patting the bed in a spot in front of her. Martha understood the meaning behind the gesture, and she timidly climbed on the mattress to sit before Jenna.
Jenna made it easier for Martha by turning toward the wall to activate a few menus. She didn't have a phone with her, but she could still send a message to Khan.
The anxiety in Martha's mind reached its peak after Jenna sent the message. She was sitting right in front of her, and nothing stood in the way of the conversation now. The talk would happen no matter what now.
Jenna fixed her eyes on Martha for a few seconds before diverting them to stare at a spot at her side. Martha felt surprised to see some hesitation in Jenna's face, but the words that followed distracted her from that expression. "I have my reasons for helping Khan. I don't expect you to share them."
"What reasons?" Martha asked.
"I," Jenna sighed, "Part of me wishes to comfort him. It's unbecoming of my heritage to be like this, but I can't deny what I feel."
"Comfort him?" Martha repeated since she couldn't properly understand what Jenna meant.
"I offered myself to him," Jenna revealed. "He refused."
Martha's eyes widened, and her cheeks reddened. Surprise, confusion, and embarrassment filled her mind as Jenna's revelation gave birth to multiple thoughts that forced her to reevaluate everything she believed about the situation.
"Wait, aren't you two together?" Martha asked.
"We are friends," Jenna explained while fixing her gaze on Martha and showing a gentle smile. "We can't be more than that."
"Why?" Martha questioned as her expression saddened. "You seem suitable for each other."
"We definitely are," Jenna exclaimed. "I almost can't believe that I found such a good match among humankind. It's a pity that we can't be together."
"I don't understand," Martha admitted before recalling a specific topic. "Is that due to the one you mentioned back then?"
"Yes," Jenna nodded. "Khan mentioned her with you too, am I right? That Liiza must be quite interesting."
"Liiza," Martha muttered. She had already reached a similar conclusion after her talk with Khan, but Jenna brought definitive answers.
Faint sadness appeared inside Martha. She wasn't stupid, and part of her had already accepted the situation, but she couldn't control how she felt.
"Are you comfortable now?" Jenna asked, forcing Martha to snap out of her thoughts.
"You are so honest," Jenna giggled. "I can read your emotions on your face without even studying the mana around you."
"I still don't know what you want from me," Martha responded to dodge the topic. "You are close to Khan, and you see the mana as he does. Why would you need me?"
"I told you already," Jenna declared. "He trusts you deeply, and he feels the same about me. We'll both have to leave him at some point, so it's our job to make the best out of our time together."
Getting rid of the embarrassment had been easy for Martha. She only had to avoid thinking about anything sexual. The confusion was hard to kick out, but the surprise was slowly waning.
However, coldness replaced every emotion in Martha's mind when she heard those words. The content of Jenna's statement wasn't too important. Martha simply felt pissed that Jenna could decide something so personal on her own.
"Is this what you wanted from me?" Martha coldly voiced. "Don't get me wrong. I wish the best for Khan, but I have to think about my life. I don't have the time to participate in your selfless plans."
The cold reaction surprised Jenna. She had initially believed that the two had reached an understanding in the Kingsize's bathroom, but that answer revealed a different truth.
Moreover, Martha was showing a different side of herself. She had tried to leave during the talk in the bathroom, but now she didn't hop off the bed. It almost seemed that she wanted to argue.
"I don't understand what made you so angry," Jenna admitted.
"How can you talk about these things so casually?" Martha complained.
"Which things?" Jenna wondered. "I only want to talk about helping Khan."
"Not that," Martha responded before realizing that what she was about to say was a bit embarrassing. Her voice lowered, and her tone grew quieter as she gave a vague answer. "You can't make such decisions on your own. I also have things I want to do."
Jenna didn't immediately understand what Martha meant. The issue went beyond words and involved the differences in their mindsets. Jenna dealt with feelings through the Nele ways, so it took her a few seconds to get an idea of what Martha was talking about.
"You have yet to give up on him," Jenna declared, and Martha confirmed that guess by diverting her gaze and wearing a saddened expression.
"You," Jenna spoke before interrupting her line. Her species gave a lot of importance to feelings, especially love, and she had basically disrespected that with her previous statement.
"I'm sorry," Jenna eventually said. "I didn't realize you were harboring hopes of getting with Khan."
"I might have overreacted," Martha sighed. "I can't even follow him anymore. These hopes are foolish, but I can't get rid of them."
Jenna bent forward and startled Martha by taking her hands. Martha saw a smile that seemed able to express the same emotions running in her mind. She could immediately understand that Jenna shared her sadness.
"Love is foolish," Jenna uttered. "That's part of its beauty. It's so powerful that even monsters can't resist its appeal."
Martha glanced at Jenna's hands before raising her gaze to meet her eyes. That was the second time Jenna had touched her, and the similarities that Martha saw in her companion eventually opened a crack in her walls.
"How can you give up on him so easily?" Martha asked as a tremor ran through her fingers. "I mean, you like him, right?"
"My species handles emotions differently," Jenna explained. "I know I can't have him, so I want to do everything I can to make things easier for him, even abandoning my traditions, apparently."
Martha blushed again when Jenna mentioned the "offering herself" part. She couldn't help but take a good look at Jenna, and what she saw left her stunned.
Jenna was truly beautiful. Martha could appreciate that part of her even without the influence of the pheromones. The sole thought that Khan had refused her was almost unbelievable.
"I can't be so selfless," Martha admitted. "Part of me still wants him. I keep thinking about the time we spent together and how I lost my chance because I ended up in a coma."
"It's not easy," Jenna revealed. "I struggle when I'm with him too. Luckily, he also wants my well-being, so he stops me when things get too dangerous."
"That side of him is troublesome," Martha sighed. "He can get so gentle out of nowhere. His honesty is also surprisingly good."
Martha almost couldn't believe that she was going along with that conversation, but she felt unable to remain silent. She actually thought about that while she talked, and an explanation for her unusual behavior became clear in no time.
After waking up, Martha had to face countless problems, especially in the social field. Luke and Bruce were friends, but they remained people who had decided to help her to involve Khan in their plans.
As for Khan, he had been up to the craziest stuff while Martha was asleep. He had also changed and had gone through many experiences. He was still a trustworthy friend, but he couldn't pick up from where the two had left.
In short, Martha had been completely alone ever since waking up. Amber and Cora had helped a bit in that field, but they remained people deeply connected to Khan and his relationship. Martha couldn't get too close to them due to that lingering awkwardness.
However, Jenna was like Martha. The two basically were in the same situation when it came to their relationship with Khan, which made it easier for Martha to open up a bit.
"He is really earnest about many things," Jenna commented. "It's so unusual for a human to have such a broad mindset. It's as if I can finally experience a normal friendship with someone outside my species."
"You must have it hard here," Martha stated.
"I take pride in my innate gifts," Jenna declared, "But it still feels nice to be seen for more than them. Khan does that, and he is so permissive with all my whims."
"How do you deal with all of that while sharing his room?" Martha wondered. "I can't remain alone with him for too long without getting pissed or sad."
"I take small paybacks," Jenna revealed while wearing a sly smile. "He never refuses them, which makes it harder not to exploit his character."
"Paybacks?" Martha asked.
"I make him cuddle me while we sleep naked," Jenna stated. "That's not nearly enough, but it's better than nothing."
Martha's eyes widened as her embarrassment reached its peak. She didn't know what to think, and Jenna's sly expression only told her that she had completely misunderstood the Nele.
Jenna appeared cold and detached in public. Martha had managed to see her interest in Khan during that short conversation, but the last revelation hinted at something far lewder. Jenna's true character probably hid far more surprises, and Martha didn't know how safe it was to discover them.
"What is it?" Jenna asked in front of Martha's silence. "Do you want that too? I think I can convince Khan."
"No!" Martha promptly replied. "I'm fine!"
Jenna liked that honest and innocent reaction. Something told her that Martha had finally started to feel comfortable, so she let go of her hands to move to another topic.
"You have known Khan before Liiza," Jenna announced. "How was he back then?"
"Back then?" Martha repeated before wearing a nostalgic smile as memories appeared in her mind.
"At first, I thought he was an idiot," Martha exclaimed. "He chose to wield a shovel during our first test since he didn't know how to use other weapons."
Jenna couldn't refrain from laughing, and Martha also giggled. She missed that na?ve but driven boy. She didn't even realize how much she treasured those memories until now.
"Khan used to lie a lot," Martha continued. "He didn't trust anyone, but his playful behavior always came out at some point. I laughed so many times with him, but he could also get all serious in an instant. I guess I never truly understood how deep those parts of him were."
"He probably didn't know that either," Jenna reassured.
"Probably," Martha sighed. "Everything changed after my coma. Khan still joked around, but he had turned pretty serious. He wasn't a lost kid anymore. He was actually a mature teacher. I don't know how I could like him even more than before."
"You also changed during the coma," Jenna suggested. "Maybe, that's why the new Khan was so appealing to you."
"Maybe," Martha sighed again. "Did he talk to you about Nitis? Do you know what he went through there?"
"I don't know much about it," Jenna responded.
"He saw and did things I can't completely believe," Martha revealed. "Half of that stuff is enough to leave anyone scarred for life, but he speaks so fondly of it. I think that's when I understood that I was no match for Liiza."
"I see," Jenna exclaimed. "I should ask him about Nitis, but I'll leave that for later."
Jenna took Martha's hands again before showing her incredible smile. Martha experienced a sense of defeat in front of that expression. She knew that she would probably agree to Jenna's next request. Luckily for her, she didn't mind it.
"Should we complain about Khan while also trying to come up with ways to help him?" Jenna asked.
"Complain?" Martha asked.
"I bet you have something you don't like about him," Jenna exclaimed. "For me, it's his constant need to train even when I'm in need of cuddles."
Martha chuckled before suppressing that reaction. She glanced at her hands before looking at Jenna again. She liked where the situation was going, so she eventually nodded.
Khan and Monica enjoyed their drinks while Martha and Jenna talked in his room. The two didn't have anything specific to discuss, but the booze made even casual conversations louder or generally more interactive.
In short, Khan teased Monica to no end while he learnt more about her life. She also voiced questions to add details to everything described on the network. The two got to know each other through jokes and blatant flirting.
It turned out that Monica's life had been far from happy or peaceful. The Solodrey family's wealth had offered her the best education and countless comforts, but she had to face the harsh reality of her status pretty soon.
The descendants of wealthy families were a powerful currency when it came to political alliances and similar. Monica had to deal with countless pursuers from a young age, and she couldn't disrespect any of them for multiple reasons.
Growing up in an environment full of untrustworthy people who only aimed at the family's wealth or at a chance to brag about eventual sexual conquests was far from ideal for a kid. Monica was also beautiful, and the elegant manners that she had learnt due to her status only enhanced that aspect of her figure.
The situation didn't improve after Monica showed talent and determination toward mana. Her rise to power turned her into a desirable prize that many families aimed to seize.
Her father made everything worse since he was a core part of that political game. Her mother was more protective, but she also expected her to behave like a proper daughter of a wealthy family.
Monica had grown up without a single trustworthy person in her life. She was even smart, but that had only made her more detached. She could have probably managed to build good relationships among servants or masters, but the fact that they belonged to her family prevented her from dropping her barriers.
Khan had to admit that their lives shared many common points. Monica didn't have to go through physical hardships or traumas, but her surroundings had never been too different from the Slums.
Sure, the members of important families were well-educated and polite. They also knew how to respect boundaries, but that intelligence made them more dangerous.
A wanderer in the Slums could only do so much, but a powerful member of a wealthy family didn't have any limit. Monica knew all the bad things that could happen to her if she trusted the wrong person, so she decided to wear her mask all the time.
That was why Khan was such a big deal for Monica. He was someone outside of that toxic political environment, and he was also pretty impressive. His character wasn't bad either, and his confidence with women only made him more interesting.
Of course, Khan didn't fully believe what he was hearing. Even if Monica were telling the truth, that would only confirm that her lying skills were incredible. He felt that she was being honest, but he hesitated to trust her.
Monica learnt about some of Khan's stories, but he never added too many details. Monica had to insist many times to get to the gory parts, and she faced them quite coldly even.
That aspect of Monica surprised Khan. In theory, Monica didn't have much experience outside the safe environment of her family, but she faced gory details calmly. She appeared pretty mature as a soldier, which earnt her some temporary respect.
Second-level warriors had great tolerance for booze, and Khan and Monica were even unusual cases. However, they started to reach their limits as the dinner went on, and it became pretty clear that they had to put an end to it at some point.
Khan and Monica didn't need to speak about their departure. After emptying their sixth drink, they called a cab and left the Kingsize to return to Luke's building.
Khan didn't say anything when Monica chose to sit next to him, and he remained silent even when she asked the ship to land a few blocks before their destination.
"Thank you," Monica timidly said after the ship set off and the two remained alone on the sidewalk.
"I told you I wouldn't have left right away," Khan calmly replied.
Monica wrapped her arms behind her back as she fixed her gaze on the ground and took long steps. She wasn't walking quickly. Her pace actually was slower than usual.
"It's strange to see Milia 222 so empty," Khan commented as he inspected the almost empty streets.
"It's pretty late," Monica replied. "Maybe everyone is holed up in clubs or shops."
"I bet you prefer it like this," Khan stated. "Your plan to have me on a date is working perfectly."
"It does feel like a date, doesn't it?" Monica asked. "I only wanted to be with you a bit longer, but I didn't expect the streets to give us some privacy."
"You sure lose your shyness when you drink," Khan laughed.
"I'm too tired to complain," Monica whined. "I can't show you any cute reaction right now. You'll have to settle for the bold, shameless me."
"That's not really settling," Khan uttered.
"Ooh?" Monica voiced while turning toward Khan. "I thought you preferred the shy type."
"I don't have a type," Khan snorted.
"Martha and Jenna are quite different now that I think about it," Monica stated while remaining turned. "Well, I don't know much about Jenna, but she seems pretty bold. I envy her a bit, and her hair looks so soft."
"You don't have bad hair," Khan exclaimed.
"Was that a compliment?" Monica giggled. "Did I hear it correctly? You just said that you like my hair."
"I said it wasn't bad," Khan pointed out.
"Come on," Monica complained. "Give me an honest opinion."
Monica stopped walking and tilted her head to show part of the back of her head. Khan could see most of her curls like that, and he found nothing bad with them.
"I like it," Khan sighed.
"It's pretty soft too," Monica added while caressing her hair.
"Do you want me to touch it?" Khan teased.
"If you feel like it," Monica pouted before tidying up her dress and spinning on herself.
"What is it now?" Khan laughed.
"Do you like this dress?" Monica asked. "I don't enjoy wearing it, but it does highlight my figure."
"Did you want to show off tonight?" Khan wondered.
"Of course," Monica announced while performing another spin.
"I think I've seen enough," Khan chuckled.
"Are you sure?" Monica wondered. "I'll do another just in case."
Monica spun on herself again before stopping and voicing a short laugh. Khan laughed too, but his arm instinctively went for Monica's back when he noticed that she was losing her balance.
"Always so protective," Monica teased.
"You are drunk," Khan sighed as he retracted his arm.
"Yes, I'm definitely wasted," Monica stated in an unconvincing tone before taking Khan's elbow. "I need help getting back home."
Khan shook his head but let Monica cling to his arm. He even smirked when he noticed that Monica started to dodge his gaze. Her tipsy state couldn't get rid of her shyness.
"You have gotten oddly silent," Khan joked while bending toward Monica. "Is everything alright?"
"Shut up," Monica whispered. "We should have drunk more."
"And miss all of this?" Khan chuckled while bringing his arm closer to his side to force Monica to tighten her grasp. "Not a chance."
"So, did you enjoy the date?" Monica timidly asked.
"I did," Khan admitted. "You are fun."
"I liked it too," Monica said as she clung even closer to Khan. "Would you like to do it again? Money is not a problem."
"Are you trying to buy me off?" Khan wondered.
"Don't-!" Monica said in a high-pitched tone before retrieving her cool. "Go easy on me. I'm not used to this. I don't know what to do or say."
"Didn't your family teach you how to date when you were seven?" Khan joked.
"Nine," Monica scoffed, "But those are for the dates with other rich soldiers. They are political meetings, not something meant to be enjoyed. I don't want to have those with you."
Khan wore his smirk again. That had almost become an instinctive reaction whenever Monica went all shy and honest. Still, the topic forced him to think and realize that his experience in actual dates was pretty limited, especially when it came to women who had yet to become his girlfriends.
"I'm not too sure either," Khan admitted. "Maybe we can check some popular spots without going for the high-class all the time."
"Did you just agree to more dates?" Monica questioned.
Khan glanced at Monica and found her staring deep into his eyes. Her face showed hope, but her grasp tightened and relaxed to reveal her anxiety.
"We had fun, right?" Khan vaguely answered. "Why would I refuse?"
Monica wasn't too happy about that answer, but she chose to see its positive aspect. Khan still didn't trust her, but he wasn't building a wall between them either. That was enough for now.
Nevertheless, Monica got closer and laid her head on Khan's shoulder. She avoided Khan's gaze while remaining in that new position, but she had no intention of getting off.
Khan simply let her be. That slow pace was actually enjoyable. They both knew that they liked each other, but they were taking their time to establish the foundation of their friendship before moving to deeper topics.
Monica slowed down as Luke's building appeared in her vision. She tried to prolong that intimate walk as much as possible, but the two eventually reached their destination, which forced them to separate.
Monica took a deep breath before her expression changed. She wore her elegant behavior as she and Khan approached the last steps that separated them from Luke's building. They both knew that the date was over.
However, a surprising scene welcomed the two once they crossed the entrance. The main hall was strangely loud, but Luke and the others weren't the reason behind that noise.
A group of six well-dressed Orlats was standing in front of Luke, Francis, Bruce, and Master Ivor. The tones hinted at complaints, but the main topic escaped Khan's understanding.
Moreover, Khan couldn't focus on the conversation right away since the auras of the Orlats claimed his attention. One of them was familiar, while another was strong enough to make Khan mentally prepare for a deadly battle.
One of the Orlats was Sher, the group leader from [The Loophole], but the head of that group was a third-level warrior, who didn't hesitate to turn toward Khan and Monica after hearing the metal door closing.😉


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