Novel Name : Chaos' Heir

Chaos' Heir Chapter 409 Return

Chapter 409 Return
The mess caused by the cloud ended up locking Khan out of the training hall for the rest of his stay in the district, and he didn't even try to complain. The test had confirmed that a single week wouldn't be enough to master the new spell, so Khan gave up on the project and focused on recovering.
Peaceful days went by in which Khan did nothing but rest and stick to a relatively easy training routine. He let his body heal and absorb the absurd amount of mana gathered on the third asteroid while engaging in the usual social events of the district.
Life during that week was truly blissful. The problems of the surface seemed unable to reach the dock, and the general cheerfulness caused by the incoming celebrations added a layer of peace that prevented the arrival of crises.
That peace allowed Khan to give free rein to his personality. The Nele weren't treating him as an outsider anymore, so they slowly became aware of the shameless aspects of his character. Laughs often resounded whenever Khan teased Piran about the training hall, and similar jokes flew in his direction once everyone felt comfortable enough.
The situation could easily lead to multiple meaningful connections. The calm environment and lack of duties could give Khan the chance to make proper friends in the district, but time wasn't on his side, and the Nele also had to move at some point.
As the celebrations drew close, the population of the dock diminished. Entire crews and groups resurfaced to prepare for the event on the fourth asteroid, and Khan's time arrived on the last day of the week.
Khan took care of Jenna's intense mood for most of the day before reaching the inevitable goodbyes. The two separated, and he left the district before going to the elevators handled by the Nele.
Even without Jenna, the Nele granted Khan safe passage to the surface. He could return to Level Lower 1 without meeting any problems, and his phone started to buzz as soon as the dome's light resumed shining in his vision.
The return of the connection to the network would generally put Khan into battle mode, but the chaos that welcomed him on Lower Level 1 took priority. The celebrations were only one day away, and the streets perfectly depicted how close the event was.
The shops owned by Nele usually scared away bystanders, but that didn't apply now. Khan could barely keep track of the number of people that welcomed his return to the city, and his sensitivity also struggled to adjust to the mess.
Many groups belonging to different species roamed through the streets, even filling the areas past the sidewalk. The place was so crowded that Khan couldn't spot any vehicle in his surroundings. He had to lift his head to see cabs still performing their job by flying among the buildings.
The various groups were up to different activities, but the mood was overwhelmingly happy. People drank in the open, shared special smokes that gave off a strange scent, and wore eccentric accessories, dyes, or clothes that suited the incoming event.
The messy state of the street forced Khan to rely on his eyes. He walked around the block to study the situation, but the scenery didn't change. It seemed that the entirety of the city had fallen prey to that happy mass of visitors.
Moving by foot turned out to be troublesome. The night had started, so the various groups Khan encountered on his path were overly friendly or straight-up wasted. He would have joined that happy mood in different circumstances, but his mission didn't give him that chance.
'I guess getting picked up is impossible,' Khan thought after gaining a general idea of the situation.
Khan noticed a few concerned texts when he finally checked his phone. Luke would have preferred for Khan to resurface earlier, while Monica simply wanted to check on him. As for the actual updates on the messengers, the situation didn't change. Khan was meant to meet Rodney tomorrow.
The how and where of the meeting were still unclear, but Khan knew that Rodney would reveal himself at some point. The mess he was inspecting would also provide a nice cover, so the chances of getting spotted by interested parties would be low.
'Where are you?' Khan sent to Luke once he found an empty corner where to wait for an answer.
A few minutes had to pass before the phone buzzed again. Luke had replied. 'We are on the fourth asteroid, Lower Level 1. I can send someone to pick you up if you need.'
'No, just give me your location,' Khan responded.
A few seconds passed, and a new message reached Khan's phone. Luke had sent an interactive map with a marked location. It seemed that the group had already settled in another building owned by the Cobsend family.
'Definitely not close,' Khan thought before sending a message to Monica. 'Can you talk?'
The reply arrived almost instantly, and Khan already came up with jokes while he read Monica's answer. 'I can. Did something happen?'
The walk to Luke's building was bound to take a while. Khan would have to roam through the city for at least a few hours. He could spend that time deep into his thoughts, but a better idea had already popped into his mind.
Khan rechecked the map before starting a call and bringing his phone to his ear. Ringing noises resounded as he walked through the crowd, and a familiar voice eventually came out of the device. "What were you thinking?!"
"You told me you could talk," Khan laughed.
"I meant through texts!" Monica complained. "I had to make a run for the corridor to avoid getting caught."
"But you still picked up," Khan teased.
"I thought you were in danger or something," Monica explained. "I'll hang up if you called only to tease me."
"I did miss teasing you," Khan admitted.
"I bet Jenna filled that role more than well," Monica scoffed.
"She surely did her best," Khan chuckled, "But your reactions are cuter."
"I'm hanging up," Monica threatened.
"Hey," Khan called before Monica could follow through. "I really missed you."
Monica remained silent for a few seconds before voicing a faint whisper. "Liar."
"I felt like hearing your voice," Khan continued. "I figured we could talk a bit while I make my way through the city."
"Can't Luke send someone to pick you up?" Monica wondered.
"I already refused that offer," Khan revealed. "It's a mess out here. A ship will only attract attention, and I'd rather sneak out without anyone recognizing me tomorrow."
Silence fell again, but the call remained active. Khan couldn't hear much with all the mess that surrounded him, but the fact that Monica had yet to hang up said a lot about her thoughts.
"Did you really miss me?" Monica eventually asked.
"Of course," Khan stated. "I thought about you many times."
"Not all the time?" Monica asked.
"Don't get ahead of yourself now," Khan joked, and a giggle resounded from the phone.
"It feels nice to hear your voice," Khan said. "I can't wait to see you."
"You won't sweet-talk your way into my pants," Monica uttered.
"I don't need words for that," Khan claimed. "I'm only going easy on you."
"Damned scoundrel," Monica sighed.
"You are the one who fell so hard for me," Khan pointed out.
"Who fell for who?!" Monica shouted. "Argh, fuck you!"
The loud curse only made Khan laugh harder, but the silence that followed made him stop. Monica was up to something again, and Khan calmly waited to understand what she had in mind.
"Give me one second," Monica soon continued. "I need to come up with an excuse to leave the others."
"I'll wait here," Khan replied, and faint voices started to come out of the phone while he continued to cross various groups.
A few minutes had to pass before Monica's voice resounded from the device again. "Are you still there?"
"Never left," Khan responded.
"The others will think I'm crazy," Monica cursed. "I had just joined them."
"And they don't even know your true colors," Khan voiced.
"That's your fault," Monica scoffed.
"How is your temper my fault?" Khan wondered.
"Because I say so," Monica pouted.
"I got myself such a troublesome woman," Khan sighed.
"Yes," Monica agreed as her tone grew warmer. "Now I'm your problem to handle."
"This problem is lucky to be so cute," Khan teased, "And wait until you hear about that butt."
"Don't be so dirty on the phone!" Monica scolded. "At least wait until we are together."
"Do you want me to say this stuff to your face?" Khan asked.
"Shut up," Monica ordered before revealing her true feelings. "I've missed you too."
"I'll be there in a few hours," Khan reassured. "Why don't you tell me how you have been in the meantime?"
Time began to flow faster at that point. Monica shared what she had experienced in the past weeks, and Khan did the same. A few bits of the story inevitably led to some fights, but the call remained on friendly terms, especially since both of them couldn't wait to see each other again.
Khan didn't forget to keep track of the streets during the call. He was crossing a good chunk of the city, and every block was as crowded as ever. Only the decorations changed, even if he had seen most of them when he first returned to the asteroid.
The national pride took a specific shape as more graffiti and banners crossed Khan's vision. The symbol seen when he first obtained the authorization to enter the dock turned out to be quite popular during the celebration. Every corner carried the images of the seven spheres connected by a line that ran through their center.
'There must be some factions that want complete independence,' Khan guessed before Monica claimed the entirety of his attention again.
Monica didn't interrupt the call even after two hours had passed. She didn't voice a single complaint about the noise around Khan or the breaks he took to check the map. Also, she became more proactive as the conversation continued, allowing Khan to have company throughout the walk.
"Okay, I think I see Luke's building," Khan announced when a five-story metal building became visible at the end of the street. "Which floor is your room again?"
"Do you think it's wise to come?" Monica asked. "Francis calmed down, but this place isn't too big. Someone might find out."
"I honestly don't care," Khan admitted, "But I'll stay put if you are too worried."
"You are so unfair," Monica cursed. "I can't refuse after such a long call."
"Are you dying to see me?" Khan teased.
"Yes," Monica exclaimed in her shy tone. "So, hurry up with Luke. I'll wait for you."
"I'll see you in a bit," Khan promised before ending the call and hurrying toward the building.
The night was still young when Khan crossed the building's entrance. Dinnertime had passed by a few hours, so he didn't feel surprised to see some of his companions in the main hall.
Martha wasn't there, and the same went for the four first-level warriors. The main hall only had Luke, Bruce, Francis, and Master Ivor, and they all turned when Khan arrived.
"Khan!" Luke immediately exclaimed.
"Welcome back, Lieutenant Khan," Master Ivor followed.
"You have been missed around here," Bruce joked while playing with the cigarette in his hand.
Only Francis remained silent, but Khan didn't feel the same hostility as before. The man appeared confused, but Khan didn't have time to waste, and his words matched that mindset.
"Luke, let me update you properly," Khan announced. "I'd rather make it quick and sleep early."
"Of course!" Luke agreed as he left the couch. "Follow me. This building isn't as modern as the other, but I'm sure it will please you."
Khan nodded, even if he barely cared about those details. Moreover, the main hall, elevator, and corridor that unfolded afterward hardly seemed any worse than those in the other building. Everything carried the same modern and clean vibe. The current place only felt less luxurious.
Luke quickly led Khan into a meeting hall on the last floor. The place was relatively small but comfortable. Armchairs surrounded an interactive table, while simple furniture stood near the walls. The room didn't have windows, but Khan felt sure that the menus could provide something similar.
"I believe you read my messages," Luke announced while browsing through the furniture to pick up a bottle and two glasses.
"I did," Khan revealed. "It's not surprising. It makes sense for Rodney to keep us in the dark until the very last moment."
"I thought you had a different deal with him," Luke pointed out.
"And how should I enforce it?" Khan shrugged his shoulders. "Pulling myself out of the mission was my only option, but I can't do that anymore, can I? I bet Rodney figured that out."
"That Semmut guy is getting annoying," Luke cursed.
"You don't know the half of it," Khan chuckled. "Anyway, I bring gifts."
Luke finished pouring the booze while looking at Khan, who dropped down his backpack and pulled out a few items. The special phones and the tracker appeared in the open, and Khan didn't hesitate to place them on the desk.
"These should give us a better shot at communicating while I'm away," Khan explained. "These will keep track of my position."
"I could have provided similar items," Luke stated.
"These are tailor-made for the dock and backed by Fuveall's technology," Khan revealed. "They should be more reliable."
"Don't forget to send me the bill," Luke nodded. "You did great. Better safe than sorry."
"I guess that's it then," Khan declared. "I'll take my leave."
"Wait!" Luke called before Khan could start to turn. "We should discuss contingency plans and much more."
Khan revealed a smile, even if he had already shaken his head in his mind. Rodney had complete control of the mission. Luke simply lacked the details to create contingency plans.
"Luke, there isn't much we can do at this point," Khan explained. "Once Rodney shows his face, the mission will be in my hands. Calling for reinforcements is the best I'll be able to do."
Luke wanted to do more, but the situation didn't allow it. He had nothing to offer, and any information he could share now would become clear tomorrow anyway. He would keep Khan awake for no pressing reason if he decided to prolong the meeting.
"I'm sorry," Luke eventually uttered. "I can't do anything."
"That's not true," Khan corrected as he reached for the full glass near Luke and drew it to his mouth. "Mister Raymond will join the celebrations, won't he? He is your mission."
"Do you think I can make him talk?" Luke scoffed. "You met him. You know how skilled he is with words."
"I don't expect you to get a confession," Khan responded. "I only want you to keep him there. It's in everyone's best interest if he doesn't come near the hidden area."
"I should be able to do this little," Luke promised.
"Also, keep an eye out for the woman, Rodney's boss," Khan warned. "You can't follow us into the hidden area, but you can put someone near the entrance to check whether she shows her face."
"I have already made preparations for that," Luke revealed. "In theory, you'll also have air support."
"In theory?" Khan repeated.
"Lower Level 1 will be full of ships tomorrow," Luke explained. "I don't know how much support you'll be able to get with such traffic."
"It is indeed a mess out there," Khan admitted as he drank from his glass. "Missing out is almost a pity."
"We'll all get our chance eventually," Luke declared. "Now, did you eat anything? I can make someone come here or send them directly to your room if you want."
"I'll think about that once I drop this stuff," Khan said while pointing at the backpack next to him.
"Right, this building isn't too big," Luke uttered. "Though I can get you a pretty room."
"I'd like it on the second floor," Khan announced, "On the west wing."
Luke nodded before wearing a frown and pointing his inspecting eyes at Khan. He respected everyone's privacy, but he had inevitably learnt about the rooms chosen by his companions, so he knew who slept in that area.
"Are you sure I don't need to know anything about Miss Solodrey?" Luke asked.
"Luke, you know the risks I'm taking for your mission," Khan declared without hiding his smirk. "The least you could do is close an eye before this stuff."
"Khan, do I need to explain the political implications of what you are doing?" Luke wondered. "It won't be long before others notice something, and I won't know how to help you at that point."
"Well, I'm not the one who has to get even," Khan stated as he emptied his drink. "It might not take long, but you surely have time to come up with something."
"Khan," Luke called, but Khan didn't make him continue.
"You are smarter than me in that field," Khan winked at Luke. "You'll do great. I trust you."
After saying that, Khan left the glass on the desk and gathered the items he needed before turning. Luke felt the need to keep that conversation alive, but no word came out of his mouth, and Khan's figure soon disappeared behind the metal door.
During the silence that followed, Luke realized that the past interaction had been quite odd. Khan didn't show any of his hostility when hinting at Martha's events. He had actually felt quite relaxed, even if his behavior showed newfound confidence.
Khan was obviously unaware of Luke's realizations, but he didn't care. Playing the good soldier was fine, but only among strangers or actual superiors. Luke was closer to a friend than an employer, so he didn't bother resorting to polite words or similar tactics.
The elevator brought Khan to the second floor in a few seconds, and he crossed the corridor before choosing a random flat close to where he wanted to go.
The flat's insides were comfortable and cozy. A big bed and a desk occupied the main room, and a door connected it to a relatively spacious bathroom. A man like Khan couldn't find any complaint about the area, but his thoughts barely lingered on that scene as he threw his backpack away and immediately left.
Monica had given precise directions, so Khan could find her room without contacting her again. Her presence also entered his senses' range when he knocked on her door, and the entrance soon opened to reveal her exquisite figure.
"How many skirts do you even have?" Khan commented when he glanced at Monica's red skirt.
"Hurry up before someone comes," Monica scolded as she grabbed Khan's arm and pulled him inside the room.
"Someone couldn't wait to get her hands on me," Khan teased, and a smirk appeared on his face when Monica's grasp on his arm grew softer.
"Nothing?" Khan continued since Monica kept her face lowered, but that stance only lasted one more second. He could soon see Monica's smiling face while she drew closer to wrap her arms around his neck and kiss him.
"Did you really miss me?" Monica whispered once the kiss ended.
"You have no idea," Khan responded, and a giggle resounded when he lifted Monica to make her cling to his waist with her legs.
The two didn't use words anymore. They fell into a kiss as Khan carried Monica to bed. They both knew their time was short since the next day would mark the beginning of a dangerous mission.😉


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