Novel Name : Zero no Tsukaima

Zero no Tsukaima Volume 22 Chapter 6

The "Vysendal", that Henrietta was embarked on, was the flagship of the Kingdom of Tristain's fleet, and was a "Dragon Carrier" built to attack Albion. That special new type of ship was equipped with a long and wide deck so a large number of dragon knights could take off from it. After the Battle of Albion, it became the ship that was used for the royal family.
Late at night... in an office of the "Vysendal" that lay anchored at sea, Henrietta sighed in disgust by herself.
"It unexpectedly developed into this...."
Henrietta, who was trying to avoid a war, couldn't accept the truth about the "Holy Land" that came from Pope Vittorio's mouth, or the plan to invade another world.
If war were to break out with another world, it would definitely be a miserable scene where blood flows like water. A terrible hell, that never had been seen in the history of Halkeginia, would be born. And, the one forced to raise the banner of war was still Henrietta's most important friend.
"God, Louise...."
Henrietta, with her eyes closed, clenched her hands and quietly prayed.
Several months ago... She saw that a "Jewel of Fire" the size of a stone burned Gaulia's amphibious fleet and instantly killed tens of thousands of lives. But the Pope wanted to force Louise to bear an even more terrible slaughter than that tragedy.
"I will absolutely never let this happen."
Not only for Louise, but also the soldiers of Tristain and all the people of Halkeginia. In any case, she must stop the crazy actions of Romalia....
"But what can I do? My strength is truly too weak."
She really hopes there is a point they can discuss.
Her beloved mother, Marianna, was in the distant Tristain. The sharp-tongued Mazarin, who always secretly supported Henrietta, was currently with Tristain's main force located with "Coalition Army for the Restoration of the Holy Lands". Meeting them would take a long time.
At that time, the sound of quiet knocking came from the office door. Three loud, followed by two quiet knocks... In the palace, only one person was allowed to use this method of knocking.
"Yes, my apologies, Your Majesty."
Entering the office short of breath was Agnes, the commander of the Musketeer Corps. Seeing the panicked expression of the usually calm commander of the musketeers, Henrietta asked in surprise.
"What's the matter, Agnes? It's so late."
"Yes, I'm sorry. Because an emergency happened...."
"What is it?"
Henrietta's expression suddenly became severe.
"Your Majesty's knight, Saito, has been detained by Romalia."
"What did you say?!"
Henrietta, with her eyes wide open, couldn't help but exclaim.
Agnes then reported what happened. According to the information from the Romalian side, Saito had broken into a Romalian warship, caused a disturbance and injured several Templars. Unreasonably breaking into a warship of another country, then causing trouble on that ship was undoubtedly a crime. It was not surprising that it had become a major diplomatic issue with Romalia, since he still was a royal knight.
"Is this true?"
Henrietta asked with an expression like she'd been hit.
"It seems to be true, more the pity."
But Henrietta was doubtful about this statement.
Henrietta was very clear that Saito would never cause trouble without reason. He wasn't the hot-blooded sort of person that would do this sort of thing, and there had to be a reason for it.
After listening to the report, Henrietta, who had finally calmed down, continued to question Agnes.
"So, where is Saito now?"
If he's being detained, is it on a Romalian ship? He won't face the infamous Romalian Inquisition... this concern floated in her mind.
"According to the report, he was transferred to the island named Château d'If."
"Château d'If? Where is that?"
"Yes, in fact I also don't know the details, but I heard that it was built on an isolated island floating off the shore of 'Eumenes'. It's an Elven prison.
"Elven prison? How can he be kept there?"
"If they keep Saito locked up on a Romalian ship, there is the danger of him escaping. They will definitely extradite him to the Elven Council after they finish negotiations. Most of his crimes were escaping from Adyl, and invading the 'Devil's Gate'... After all, it will be difficult for us to use diplomatic channels when he becomes a prisoner of the Elves."
"When did the relationship between his Holiness and the Elves, who used to be an enemy, become so good?"
Henrietta can't help but be sarcastic as she bites her lip, then issues an order.
"Immediately send a protest to Romalia."
"Will Romalia listen?"
"No, they will definitely turn a deaf ear."
The protest to Romalia is, at best, a superficial effort, and Henrietta had another plan.
"Saito must be rescued from the hands of Romalia...."
The Pope will detain Saito, there definitely has to be a purpose.
Perhaps because of his power as a familiar, he would be the key to launching the "Ancestor's Void", or used as a hostage to threaten Louise. Moreover, specifically transferring him to an Elven prison would mostly be to separate Saito and Louise....
In other words, if our side has our hands on Saito, maybe we can force the Pope to negotiate.
If you really wanted to talk, compared to Saito, it would be better to grab the two bearers of the "Void", Louise and Tiffania. However, after they boarded the Romalian ship a few hours ago, they hadn't returned. Of course, Henrietta also negotiated requesting their release, but was rejected by Romalia.
"Perhaps I should consider that both of them have fallen into the hands of the Pope...."
Henrietta remembered the discussion she just had with Vittorio and couldn't help but tremble.
If, as the Queen of Tristain, she took action in order to save Louise and the others, it would definitely start a full-scale war with Romalia. That would lead to Tristain repeating the mistakes of Albion, but, anyway, that can be avoided.
With this in mind, it's good news that Saito is being moved to the Elven prison.
After all, Romalia is extraditing Saito to the Elves as a "criminal". The "diplomatic channels" is certainly useless with the Elves, but letting one trivial prisoner escape probably won't lead to national opposition. Of course, that still was a dangerous plan, but at least they could find an excuse to avoid an all-out war with Romalia.
This is a very unfavorable gamble. However, presently Henrietta just wants to get the bargaining chips to stop the "Holy War".
But who should this task be given to... This is the biggest problem.
In this place, it's just like Henrietta has no command authority.
Tristain's main forces have already been incorporated into the "Coalition Army for the Restoration of the Holy Lands". At present, the troops that Henrietta could mobilize are the Musketeers of her personal guard. But in the end, they're a bodyguard team composed of commoners who can't be sent to an elf prison.
"How can I make this work...?"
Biting her lip, Henrietta became lost in thought.
"Château d'If" has the meaning of "Prison Island" in the language of Gaulia.
It was located in the sea near the city of "Eumenes" where humans and elves interact, and the island is about two leagues in diameter. It was named the sea prison.
Only criminals which had committed major crimes, such as Elves that committed treason against their people, would be sent here. The members of the "Steel-Blooded Party" headed by Aishmail also were on the island.
This island was a place that has been abandoned by the "Great Will" of the Elven faith, almost completely blocking the power of Elves. After all, Elves still could use Firstborn Magic, unlike a barbarian mage that would be useless without a wand. Only the stone-built cells themselves, and the guards which had established a contract, could use the power of the Elves. Once they were locked into this impregnable fortress, even Elves couldn't escape... that was the kind of place that Saito had been locked into.
The facilities in the cell actually weren't bad.
There was a bed, chair and desk, as well as a regular toilet. Beside the lack of a window totally ruining the scene, it was comparable to a high quality hotel room.
But it doesn't matter how you hit the door, it was made of solid metal. Blocking out all the light from the outside world, only a small magic device on the wall illuminated the room.
"Damn, this isn't it either...."
Saito, with blood-shot eyes, desperately searched for a secret passage. In the end he finally gave up, and sat in his original spot.
Anyway, even if he escaped from this cell, he would only get arrested by the Elven guard. Even Derflinger was taken away by those guys from Romalia....
"... In other words, this is the third time I've been locked in prison."
Saito sighed in his heart. You could say he's getting used to this occurrence, but in Tokyo he was just a normal high school student, he didn't have the experience of receiving counseling. He always feels a little sad that he's used to being jailed.
"Hey, what should I do? Is there anything we can do?"
Saito, with his hands on his chest, spoke to another prisoner sitting under the light.
"Wait for rescue, this is the best we can do."
Tabitha, reading a book, only slightly lifted her head to respond.
Yes, somehow Tabitha too was imprisoned with Saito on that same Prison Island. He heard that after he lost consciousness, she tried to save him when he was caught, and got in a big fight with the Templar Knights on the ship.
"You're truly amazing... you can even read a book in a place like this."
"I'm used to this kind of situation."
Tabitha's response was very dull.
"What book are you reading?"
"The Holy Scriptures of Brimir."
"Is it interesting?"
Tabitha shook her head.
Thinking about it and you'd know that it's boring, thought Saito.
After all, not only her wand, but all of her books were confiscated. The only one allowed to be brought into the cell was the Scriptures of Brimir. Even if it's boring, maybe reading can make her feel relaxed...."
"Sorry, because you were associated with me...."
At that moment Saito apologized.
"This isn't your fault."
Tabitha's reaction was to shake her head again.
"I just wanted to do this myself."
When he heard this, Saito suddenly remembered.
Say, Tabitha... you didn't get caught deliberately, did you?"
Tabitha nodded her head in response when Saito ask this question.
"Nonono, why? You would never be arrested, Tabitha, right."
"I am your servant, I'm obligated to be by your side to protect you."
Tabitha didn't meet his eyes, and her tone was a little rushed.
That warmed Saito's heart.
"Thank you."
Hearing Saito's thanks, Tabitha blushed, and returned her eyes to her book.
"Okay, anyway, I still need to think about my future plans...."
Saito, with his hands still on his chest, looked up at the ceiling.
First to grasp the current situation.
In short, since they've been given to this place, it means that Romalia has no plans to kill Saito. It's no wonder... thought Saito. After all, Saito is the "Magic Power Supply" for the "Final Void" that Louise casts. Locking his together with Tabitha was mostly to prevent him from committing suicide.
Julio definitely came up with this plan.
However, even if Saito was dead, it would only slightly delay the timetable for the invasion of Earth. The Pope would definitely find a new bearer and familiar, and continue his crazy plan.
"So, I can't die yet...."
Then, Saito thought about Louise.
"What is she doing now...?"
"Sorry, Saito...."
At that time, what exactly is the meaning of the tears left by Louise...?
Previously Louise opposed the Pope's plan to conquer the Earth. Even if it's to save Halkeginia, this is the wrong method... she said this herself.
But how did her words suddenly change.
Don't tell me she's being manipulated by the Pope, or threatened somehow....
In any case, Saito didn't think that was Louise's true heart.
She's definitely hiding something. When she tried to send my back to Earth, didn't she cry like she was suffering terribly...?
"Louise... I really want to see you, Louise... Louise...."
Saito repeatedly called the name of his lover in his heart.
I want to see Louise and look at her. I was to touch her, and hug her, and kiss her. It's hard to be reunited, but it's also too uncomfortable to be separated.
Thinking of Louise in his heart, tears unconsciously flowed. Worried that Tabitha saw, Saito quickly blinked his eyes and laid in bed.
He still couldn't give up.
In order to be ready for the moment, he needed to save his energy now.
When his eyes opened again, he didn't know if his body could move freely.
But before he reunites with Louise, he absolutely can't die....
Saito mumbled as he stared at the ceiling.
"I will never give up...."
At the same time... In the mess hall aboard the "Ostland", Guiche and the other Water Spirit Knights were engaged in a fierce argument. Hearing that Saito, the vice-captain, had been transferred to an Elven prison, everyone was at their wits end.
"Please, this is a big deal. What should we do about this?"
"Of course, let's go save the vice-captain!"
Gimli excitedly clenched his fist and shouted irresponsibly.
"Wait, wait, wait, wait a minute, you all should calm down a bit."
Guiche quickly said.
"What, Guiche. Don't you want to save Saito?"
"That isn't what I mean, I mean, this isn't a problem that we can handle."
Guiche, looking like he has a headache, shrugged his shoulders.
"It doesn't matter the reason, Saito has caused trouble on the Romalian ship. In other words, they definitely have justification to imprison Saito."
"Oh... that's right, but like that, Saito is too pitiful."
He listened to Gimli's dissatisfied complaints.
And Guiche awkwardly shook his head.
After all, Guiche also really wanted to save Saito himself, and Saito wouldn't cause trouble without reason. So there must be some reason, thought Guiche.
But Guiche certainly had experience on exactly how terrifying Elves were. Although everyone here was motivated, they were all only dot mages. If they were to go to the Elven prison, there definitely would be no way to escape. As the captain, he couldn't let his squad mates face this kind of danger.
"Chirp chirp what are you talking about, please hurry and go save big sister!"
Sylphid, who had changed into human form, shouted. Under Tabitha's order, she returned to the "Ostland" and sought the assistance of the Water Spirit Knights.
"If you save big sister, Sylphid will dance the inherited dance of gratitude of the 'Rhyme Dragons'."
"Hey, don't strip!"
The red-faced teenagers quickly stopped Sylphid.
"We also want to save them, but this time there is really no way."
Guiche said helplessly.
"Chirp chirp, what the hell are you doing, usually you like to act as nobles, but you're useless at this critical moment, chirp!"
"What did you say, are you insulting the reputation of the nobility?"
"Stop quarreling."
Reynald said with a serious face.
"You didn't say that Saito will be punished? Then again, Saito is the hero of Halkeginia. Don't worry, he'll be released in a few days."
Malicorne responded.
"In other words, we can do what now...?"
"Just prepare a welcome party, and wait for Saito to come back safely."
"Oh, that's right!"
"Chirp chirp! You're all idiots! If I knew this earlier, I wouldn't have asked you for help!"
After Sylphid shouted, she immediately fled from the mess hall.
Among them, Reynald said with a sigh.
"Everyone is really laid back. If what Saito said is true, war will break out soon.
This sentence suddenly silenced everyone.
That's right, all the members of the Water Spirit Knight Corps on the scene had witnessed up close the power of the "Weapons" from Saito's world like the "Tiger Tank" and the "Zero Fighter". And according to what Saito said, the world on the other side had even higher performance "Weapons".
"What kind of situation will we face?"
Malicorne muttered.
"Louise also hasn't returned."
"Yeah, speaking about coming back."
"Speaking of it, the Elf with the big tits also hasn't returned."
The members of the Water Spirit Knight Corps coincidentally revealed an uneasy expression as they looked at each other.
Just as the mess hall fell into silence.
"Everyone, excuse me...."
Suddenly, a woman wearing a gray cloak appeared.
Everyone was suddenly shocked and immediately pulled out their wands. Even though they were only dot mages, they were still teenagers with a lot of experience.
"Who is it?"
Pointing his wand at the opponent, Guiche sharply asked. It possibly is a Romalian.
"Ah, this is, I am...."
"What, this is very suspicious."
Malicorne, licking the tip of this wand, approached the woman's side.
"Maybe it's a spy, let me investigate."
Just when Malicorne was about to put his wand into her skirt,
"Ha-hands off, you have no manners!"
The woman awarded Malicorne the palm of her hand.
"What, actually resisting, more and more suspicious!"
Somehow, Malicorne excited moved their faces together.
The woman screamed and backed up a few steps, and her cloak opened with the movement.
At that moment, the face of everyone in the mess hall turned blue.
"Your Majesty, Queen Henrietta!"
"Ju-ju-just now, to Her Majesty, the Queen, tru-truly to-too discourteous...."
Guiche's voice constantly trembled as he desperately bowed.
From the captain down, every member of the Water Spirit Knight Corps was in a Japanese-style kneeling posture. Of course, Halkeginia didn't have this method of kneeling to apologize, but because every time Saito apologized to Louise he made this action, everyone imitated it. Everyone must believe that the aristocratic etiquette they learned wasn't enough to express their self-reflection to the Queen.
But only Malicorne was tied up with a rope and fell to the ground.
Ple-please, mercy Your Majesty, do-don't cut off the villain's head...!"
Guiche's forehead constantly knocked on the floor. He obviously was a nobleman, but what he was doing was a standard kneeling action.[2]
"God, did I really, I really didn't recognize her voice...."
His error made Guiche feel embarrassed. It was no wonder that her voice sounded familiar, but he never would imagine that Her Majesty would appear at that time, without anyone accompanying her. Guiche wasn't a god, so of course there's no way he could imagine it.
But that was a serious gaffe, so there was nothing to say even if the sentence was capital punishment. After all, this was lése-majesté to the Queen; it could just stop at capital punishment, but if there was one little mistake, it could be the entire Gramont family that's destroyed. With a "God, will the Gramont family be ruined by my hands...", Guiche even knelt to his parents and brothers in his heart.
"Your Majesty, my errors are mine alone! Please punish me!"
At this time, Malicorne, who had fallen on the ground, desperately shouted in order to protect his squad mates.
I-I'm already aware, and willing to ac-accept any punishment! Your Majesty, ple-please severely punish this stupid pig! Ple-please step on me---!
"You shut up!"
Reynald cast "Silence" on Malicorne, and shut him up.
"This, everyone, please raise your heads."
Henrietta revealed a few incomprehensible expressions as she spoke.
The young team members slightly lifted their heads at her instruction.
"I apologize for visiting suddenly. I will not investigate the matter of just now."
Seeing Henrietta shaking her head, Guiche and the others looked at each other with stunned faces.
"Won't investigate, really?"
"Yes, there's absolutely nothing to say."
"We ob-obey—tr-truly thank you very much for your tolerance, Your Majesty...."
Towards Henrietta's magnanimity, the squad once again bowed their heads repeated.
But only Malicorne, unknowingly felt a little regret....
"I am very sorry to scare everyone. In order to outwit Romalia, it is necessary to act in secret."
Henrietta lowered her voice.
This confused Guiche and the others, and they looked at each other.
"Please explain what you mean by this?"
"In fact, I have something to ask of you all."
At that moment, the eyes of every member of the Water Spirit Knight Corps widened.
Because they saw Henrietta deeply bow her head in front of them all.
In front of the members of the Water Spirit Knight Corps, Henrietta stated her plan.
"Once the "Holy War" that the Pope advocates starts, blood will surely flow like a river. As the Queen of Tristain, we have to avoid this issue from happening, no matter what. However, the Pope clings to the mission of the Founder, Brimir, and can't be convinced to change his mind.... Therefore, the last resort is to take Saito into custody, not let the "Four of Four" gather, and perhaps have the chance to stop the Pope's plan...", Henrietta said.
"In other words, Your Majesty wants us to save Saito.", said Guiche.
"Yes, you are correct. Please help me, everyone. Currently in this place, I can only rely on you guards."
Everyone in the Water Spirit Knight Corps faced each other.
Even those who were clamoring to go to the prison and rescue Saito were all hesitant, when facing an actual jailbreak. Although they had become familiar with them thanks to Tiffania, but the word "Elf" still was an indelible symbol of terror.
Silence reigned over the entire mess hall.
After a bit....
"Sorry, Your Majesty."
At that time, Guiche spoke with a serious expression.
All of the squad was scared, and they perked up their ears to listen to what the frivolous Guiche wanted to say.
"We are all nobles of Tristain, and won't hesitate to gamble our lives on any order from Your Majesty. But, this... is a little rude, on this matter I want to trouble Your Majesty for a promise."
"What is it? Please do speak, whatever it is."
"I wish to only send volunteers to rescue Saito. And hope that Your Majesty won't punish the team members who are not willing to participate in this operation."
Guiche's words made the team feel relieved. With an upright attitude, it seemed totally like he wasn't just desperately bowing his head a moment ago.
"Of course, I swear by my name, and promise you."
Henrietta responded without hesitation.
"This is not an order from the Queen of Tristain, but a personal request from Henrietta de Tristain."
"Thank you very much for answering your subordinate's request, Your Majesty."
After a quick salute, Guiche pulled out his wand wrapped in roses and lifted it up high.
"The captain of the Water Spirit Knight Corps, Guiche de Gramont, will sincerely follow your holy command."
That was a standard aristocratic ritual to declare loyalty to the royal family.
The team members pulled out their wands one after another, and also lifted them up high.
"Oh, we can't let the captain go by himself."
"Yeah, you're right."
"It really is a headache. After all the captain is the one that is the most scared."
They didn't know who said this, but the squad mates laughed when they heard it.
Because as Guiche was holding his wand up, both his legs were trembling slightly.
"I'm trembling with excitement, you lot."
Guiche put on a strong front.
"That's right, I'm trembling with excitement."
Even Gimli's legs are shaking.
"Saito has saved our motherland numerous times before. If it wasn't for Saito blocking that army of 70,000, we'd all be dead."
Reynald said.
"Yeah, you're right."
Malicorne nodded his head.
"I don't want to die in the "Holy War". But if it's to save a friend, then I won't hesitate."
Everyone raised their wand, and no one withdrew.
The teenagers brought their wands together, and chanted "Long live Tristain".
Henrietta, who resisted her tears, deeply bowed in thanks to the brave teenagers.
"Right, how do we get to the 'Prison Island'[3]?"
At that time, Guiche spoke.
"I have prepared a small, high-speed boat. Everyone, please take that boat and go."
Just when Henrietta was answering,
"I don't recommend this method."
Guiche shouted. At the entrance to the mess hall was Colbert, Kirche, and Sylphid. Sylphid, who was mad at Guiche and the others, ran to bring Colbert back.
"Sorry, I heard all the details. If a vessel of the Tristain army is mobilized, Romalia will be aware of the movement.
"Colbert-dono, what should we do...?"
"Nothing, don't worry. With the speed of the 'Ostland', even if they are aware of our movements, we can lose their pursuit."
Colbert said proudly.
"Oh, then...."
"Ms. Zerbst and I will go along. Hey, the academy's instructors are obliged to lead their students."
"If we leave it to you guys, you'll definitely brainlessly charge into the prison."
Looking around at the youth of the Water Spirit Knight Corps, Kirche shrugged.
"I truly am grateful."
After paying respect to Colbert and the others, Henrietta spoke with a resolute attitude.
"Be sure to keep a low profile, and quietly complete your mission. I wish you all good fortune."Onomatopoeia, not the actual word.This refers to the glorious Japanese invention of dogeza. ( here is Château d'If.


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