Novel Name : Zero no Tsukaima

Zero no Tsukaima Volume 6 Chapter 3

From Baka-TsukiJump to: ,Chapter Three: Duke of La Vallière[]

At the break of dawn in the castle’s garden, there was a giant cage with dragons at each of its four corners.
The servants that had gathered in the surrounding area simultaneously took off the wheels of the cage-like carriage. Footmen caught the dragons and, at the given opportunity, the servants opened the carriage door. A red carpet spread out all the way to the cage’s entrance in order to accept a middle aged noble.
It was Duke of La Vallière. He was more than fifty years old. He had blonde hair and a beard that were both turning white, and he was dressed in wonderful clothes suitable for a king. On his left eye he had a monocle, and his eyes had a strong glitter to them.
The butlers walked briskly to the duke, took off his hat, fixed his hair and made sure that his robe was properly lined.
The Duke inquired in a bitter baritone voice, “Has Louise returned?”
Jerome, a butler who had served the La Vallière family for many years, bowed respectfully,
“She returned last night,” he answered.
“Call her for breakfast!”
The mood in the La Vallière family as they had breakfast on the sunlit balcony was the same as usual. The table was drawn out in order to have breakfast in the sunlight, everyone was seated. Duke of La Vallière was seated in the seat of honor and next to him was his wife. And the unusually concentrated three sisters were sitting at the table, lined up by age. Louise’s body was a bit unstable, because she had cried so much last night. Even though she was supposed to get her father’s permission to participate in the war...
It appeared that the Duke was in a considerably bad mood.
“Damn that bird-brained idiot!”
At the beginning of his speech, the Duke insulted the Cardinal.
“What is the matter?”
Changing her facial expression, the Duke’s wife asked her husband. After her father’s first words, Louise knew this wasn’t the moment to ask.
“After calling me all the way to Tristainia, I was wondering what he was going to say to me... 'Organize one army corps,' he said! Don’t joke around with me!”
“Did you agree?”
“Like hell I would! I already retired from military service! Why doesn’t he command the soldier that took my place and let me stay with my family! Moreover, I’m against this war!”
“That’s true. But, is that fine? Didn’t the Cardinal’s official notice state that right now, the fatherland has to unite in order to defeat our bitter enemy? A rumor that the La Vallière family is treacherous will spread, which will affect our social life as well.”
As she was saying that, the Duke’s wife had an extremely cool face.
“You shouldn’t call a bird-brained idiot like that a 'Cardinal.' 'Idiot' is more than enough. Even more, to take advantage of such a young queen...”
Louise coughed and spewed the bread she was eating. Eléonore glared at Louise.
“Oh, how scary. Sorry for making you hear the truth about the court’s sparrow.”
“By all means, feel free to let us hear what you think.”
Louise who had been quiet up to that point opened her lips while trembling,
“There is something I’d like to inquire of Father.”
The Duke watched Louise intently.
“Of course it’s fine, but before that, won’t you give your father, who you haven’t seen in a while, a little kiss, Louise?”
Louise stood up and approached her father, and after that gave him a kiss on the cheek. After that, she stared directly at her father and asked:
“Why is Father opposing my decision to join the war?”
“Because this war is a huge mistake.”
“It is a war against Albion, who invaded us in the first place. What is wrong with ambushing them?”
“Attacking them from the side isn’t something I would call an 'ambush.' Look here!”
The Duke manipulated the plate and food on it and started explaining to Louise.
“The thing you call an 'ambush' is having a military force so overwhelming that it can succeed from the first time. The enemy’s army is about fifty thousand. Our army, together with Germania’s, is sixty thousand.”
Moving the knives and forks, with the help of the meat’s fragments, the Duke created a simulation of the war.
“Doesn’t our army have ten thousand more men?”
“If the attacking army was three times as big as the defending army, it would be a certain victory. Because their sky forces have been organized and they have good positions, with this number it will become a difficult battle."
The Duke peered into Louise’s face.
“Our siege is excellent. We will blockade that annoying continent from the sky and then just wait until it runs out of resources. If we do that, eventually they’ll come asking for peace. The conclusion of the war will come just like that, just like blending white and black. However, what are you going to do if the ambush fails? The possibility for that isn’t small.”
Louise was silent. Every single thing her father had said was a good argument.
“Because of the victory at Tarbes we’ve grown overconfident. Overconfidence leads to negligence. To make matters worse, taking the Academy of Magic’s pupils along as officers? I can only say that that is stupid. What can kids do? In war, you know, you can’t say you are strong enough just because you have greater numbers. Ambushing is an act that means you have absolute confidence that you will achieve victory from the first attempt. There is no way I’d let my daughter enter such a war.”
After the Duke finished saying that, he stood up.
“Now then, breakfast is finished.”
Louise bit her lips and stood still for a while.
“Louise. From here on out you are under house arrest. You won’t be allowed to leave this castle until the war is over.”
“Wait!” Louise shouted.
“What? I told you that the talk is over.”
“Louise... you...”
Eleonore pulled on Louise’s hem. Cattleya was watching Louise worriedly.
“To the Princess... no, to Her Majesty, I am a necessity.”
“What do you mean when you say that she needs you? Your ability with magic is...”
Louise couldn’t tell her family that she was the bearer of the Void.
“Right now, Right now I can’t say, but... I...”
Louise hesitated, but she brought up a triumphant face.
“I am no longer the me from the past!”
“Louise! What are you saying to Father?!”
Eléonore said with an intense voice.
“Big Sister, you be quiet! Right now, I’m leading a conversation!”
All the family members were surprised by Louise’s attitude. The Louise from the past would never go up against her sister in such a manner.
“I have always been treated like an idiot. I always felt regret when I was being compared to my sisters and was told that I have no talent in Magic. But, but, now it’s different. I was clearly told by Her Majesty that I am necessary to her.”
With those words, the color of the Duke’s eyes changed. He turned towards Louise, went down on his knee and peered into his daughter’s eyes.
“...You have finally realized what your dominant Element is?”
Louise nodded confidently.
“Which of the four?”
Louise thought for a while. Of course, she wouldn’t talk about the Void. But would it be ok to lie to her own Father? For a moment, Louise was troubled. And... opening her lips, she told a lie.
“... Fire.”
For a little while, Duke of La Vallière gazed at Louise’s face and then he slowly nodded.
“You have the same Element as your grandfather. I see, Fire, hmm. ... In that case, it’s only natural that you would be attracted to war. It’s a sinful Element. Truly, an Element covered in sin.”
The Duke hung his head feebly.
“If I remember correctly, you said that Her Majesty needs your power, right?”
“Listen, Louise. It’s an important thing. There is no mistake about it. When nobody else was around, Her Majesty told you that your power is necessary to her, right?”
Louise declared clearly.
“Yes. I was told by Her Majesty that my power is necessary to her.”
The elderly Duke shook his head.
“What a honorable thing. A terribly honorable thing. However... As I thought, there is no way for me to recognize this.”
“People can certainly make mistakes because of this thing called loyalty. I will report to Her Majesty myself. Jerome!”
The butler jumped out and stood by the Duke’s side.
“Prepare paper and a pen.”
After that he turned towards Louise,
“You have to choose a son-in-law for me,” he declared.
“Huh? Why?”
“I can’t recognize your participation in the war. I absolutely can’t recognize it. You’re probably in despair, because of that traitor Wardes, right? That’s why you need to choose a son-in-law for me. Also, calm down your heart, ok? You've told me that you want to go to war twice now. This is an order. No changes are allowed.”
Louise shouted. However, the elderly Duke shook his head.
“Jerome, don’t let Louise out of the castle. Understand?”
The butler nodded.
Then, the Duke left his breakfast seat.
His wife and the elder sisters that were left behind surrounded Louise.
Her mother and bossy sister criticized Louise.
“Father isn’t young anymore. Don’t worry him so much.”
“Because you worried Father so much, now you have to choose a husband.”
Eléonore declared coldly.
“Why do I have to?! According to the order, Eléonore-nee-sama must...”
As she was saying that Eléonore stretched Louise’s cheeks.
“I-I’m sowwy... Vut, to me, berrege is fill...(marriage is still)...”
“Why? For what reason? You have a lover, right?”
Having been told that by her mother, Louise shook her head.
“I don’t have. I don’t. There is no such person.”
The Duke’s wife and Eléonore seemed to have noticed something because of Louise’s expression. The two exchanged glances.
“It seems you’re thinking of someone.”
“There’s no such person!”
“Who? From which noble house?”
“Count? Baron?”
“Honored Baron? You couldn’t... it can’t be a mere Chevalier, right?”
Louise’s body solidified.
“Oh no, this girl... I see, Chevalier or Order of Merit, I don’t know, but... she fell in love with a man with low social status.”
Eléonore’s face became bitter. The mother pressed down on her forehead.
“Ooh, it’s because I never really took proper care of this girl...”
“I-I didn’t fall in love with a Chevalier.”
Louise said in haste. The truth was he wasn’t even a Chevalier, but a simple Commoner. Even more, a Commoner that came from a completely different world... if they knew that, a simple sorry wouldn’t be even nearly enough of an apology. Even though she always repeated to herself that she didn’t really like him, right now her head was full of thoughts of Saito.
Cattleya was looking worriedly at Louise.
“No matter how old this girl gets, she will always worry us, won’t she? Not only does she want to join the war, but to make matters worse she has fallen in love with a Chevalier...”
“I said, I haven’t...”, and, she hesitated. Her mother and sister both shouted.
““Be quiet!””
It was the usual threatening attitude. After Louise used up the courage she used to talk back to her father earlier on, now she became completely dispirited.
Suddenly feeling sorrowful, Louise ran off.
“Hey! Wait right there!”
She heard the shouting voices of her mother and bossy sister.
The afternoon came. Because Saito didn’t have any more tasks, he laid down on the bed in the storage room and stared at the ceiling. As he looked around the room, while lying down on the bed, he noticed some off-white sheets placed upon a box, that were left there by him, and he felt a bit pained. Ever since he came to the La Vallière house, that was all his existence merited to. A small, meaningless existence.
Since Siesta had returned to her own room, Saito was all alone now. Just as he was absent-mindedly thinking what he should do, he realized that he hadn’t had any breakfast yet and he wasn’t going to get anything to eat unless he went and took something himself... at that moment came the sound of the castle’s servants running around the stone-paved corridors.
“Where? Have you found her?”
“No, not this way!” the voices were saying something like that. It seemed they were searching for someone.
Just as he was wondering who they were searching for, the door opened with a bang. Several young maids jumped in, held Saito down and started searching through the storage room.
“What the heck are you guys doing?!” Saito shouted. Stating, “Doesn’t seem to be here”, and ignoring him, the maids that held Saito down left the room.
“What the hell just happened?” as Saito thought to himself, this time there was a knock on the door.
“It’s open,” he said, but the knocking continued.
If it was Louise or Siesta, they’d immediately make a rude entrance as soon as he said that. Remembering that a person that, even after being told that he can, doesn’t open the door himself can’t be a bad person, Saito opened the door.
And there a woman, with pinkish blonde hair and reddish brown eyes, was standing.
For a moment he thought “Louise?” but it wasn’t. She was taller than Louise. She had kind eyes and a smiling face without even a bit of ill intent on it.
It was Cattleya.
“U, umm, that...”
While blushing, Saito looked at her with a confused look.
“Is it ok to come in?”
“Y-Yes! Please!”
With a respectful bow, Saito ushered her in.
“Sorry for intruding,” saying that, Cattleya stuck out her tongue at him.
She was so cute that Saito’s heart started racing. Naturally, he preferred Louise. However, because of her character, that wasn’t an expression that appeared on her face. He felt that you really had to hand it to this kind big sister.
With a feeling different from that towards Louise, he looked at Cattleya sitting down on the bed with a small devilish smile floating up on her face.
She gave off a sense different from Siesta’s “healthy” sex appeal.
It was also different from Henrietta’s sex appeal that was brought up by the balanced danger that came from the fact that she was of high class.
It differed from Kirche’s “shaking, almost violent” sex appeal as well.
Of course, it was also different from Louise’s “hard to break apart” sex appeal.
With a light smile, it was a sex appeal that felt as if it was wrapping you up.
Will Louise also become like this when she grows up? If that’s the case, then Louise is a definite “Buy,” huuh, while those thoughts were floating around his head, Cattleya seemed more and more charming.
“When Louise grows up, she won’t look like me, you know.”
Because she suddenly said that while laughing, Saito jumped up.
“Huh? No! I wasn’t!... I wasn’t thinking about stuff like that! Yes!”
“Is that so? But you definitely seemed like you were wondering if Louise is going to look like me in the future...”
Wow, what a sharp woman,
“Louise will definitely become even more charming when she grows up, so calm down. But she probably won’t become any taller.”
Thinking that it would be more than enough as long as she resembles her sister in the breast area, Saito kept opening and closing his lips.
“You, what’s your name?”
“It’s Saito. Yes.”
“My, what a lovely name, isn’t it?”
It was the first time he got his name praised since he came here.
“Hey, what kind of person are you? You’re not a person from Halkeginia, are you? Having said that, it feels more like you’re a completely different human from your very core. Are you?”
As he was being examined like that, Saito was surprised. What’s this? She found out that I’m from a different world? Or more like, did Louise tell her?
“Fufu. Your face is saying that you’re wondering how I know. But I understand you. It just seems that I am unusually sharp.”
“But, things like that are of no importance. Thank you very much. Truly.”
“Thank you for helping that selfish Louise all the time. There is no way that little girl would get Her Majesty’s recognition if she were alone. You definitely helped her along the way. That’s true, isn’t it?”
What would be a good answer? Or more like, how much should he tell her? Seeing Saito worried like that, Cattleya laughed lightly.
“There are things you can’t tell me, hmm. It’s fine. Now then... it’s regrettable, but I have to inform you.”
“Louise’s talk with Father didn’t go well. Because of that, she was told that she has to find a husband. And she then disappeared off somewhere.”
So the servants that barged in earlier on were searching for Louise. Saito said, “Achaa...” and covered his face.
“Father wants Louise to get married. That girl is troubled as well. And just after a while back her fiancé turned out to be a traitor, now she has to get another engagement. Even though she’s still so young.”
Cattleya muttered as if she had completely no relation.
Saito shivered in pain. Louise is going to get married? After the matter with Wardes, those words hurt him really deeply. They were words he didn’t want to hear a second time.
“You don’t like it, right? The fact that Louise is getting married.”
Cattleya muttered with an angelic smile.
Saito shook his head.
“Th-That sort of thing... is fine. I can’t think much of Louise in the first place. Because Louise, well, because I'm not a noble or anything, so I'm sure she doesn’t think much of me, that’s why...”
Raising her body, Cattleya asked Saito.
“Hey, are you aware of the condition to be a Noble?”
What’s with that sudden question? That’s completely clear.
“Eh? I’m pretty sure, umm, they have to be able to use magic... they have to be rich...”
“Those are trivial things!”
“But, in this world if you can’t use Magic, you aren’t a noble, right?”
Cattleya shook her head.
“There is only one condition that needs to be fulfilled to become a noble. To swear that you will protect the princess even at the cost of your own life, that’s all. Our ancestors were given territory and money by the king because they protected the princess’, his daughter’s, life at the cost of their own. It wasn’t because they could use magic.”
Cattleya stared at Saito with sincere eyes.
“That girl is somewhere in the courtyard, so go look for her. In the courtyard there’s a pond... in that pond there’s a small boat floating. She’s inside it. Ever since she was young whenever there were bad times she’d go there and hide. After you take Louise from there, leave the castle grounds. On the main road there is a carriage waiting for you. The maid that you brought along with you is leading it, so go there.”
“I don’t admire war. I hate it. Honestly, I don’t want to let Louise go. But, if that girl has decided that she wants to do that and there’s someone that she finds it necessary to go for... If that’s the case, I think we have to let her go. That’s not something for us to decide.”
Cattleya held Saito’s face in her hands.
“May the Founder’s Divine Protection be with you and Louise.”
And then, as if she was dealing with a noble, she kissed Saito’s forehead.
“I leave my cute little sister in your care, Knight-dono.”
Louise was crying inside the boat in the courtyard.
She could hear the sounds of the footsteps and voices of the servants that were looking for her inside the castle. But, just like when she was a child, this boat in the courtyard was a safe place. With its figure hidden by the small island’s shadow, it became a blind spot when looked at from inside the castle and didn’t stand out at all.
Just like in the time when she was still a kid, she had curled herself up and had covered herself with the blanket that she brought with her. When she was a child and did that... her feelings would usually slowly calm down, but this time it didn’t go so well. It appeared that her mood had sunken so low, that she just couldn’t brighten up no matter what.
The small steps of someone stepping on the soil inside the courtyard resounded.
She held her breath and stood still as the sounds transformed to the powerful sounds of feet crossing over the wooden bridge that reached up to the small island.
Thinking, “This is bad,” she buried her body even deeper into the blanket that was covering her.
As soon as she did that... Splash! The sound of the master of the footsteps jumping into the pond could be heard and she tugged on the blanket.
Unintentionally she uncovered a part of her body and then heard her name being called.
“... Saito?”
“Let’s go. Your big sister has prepared a carriage.”
“... I won’t go.”
“Because my family hasn’t allowed me to.”
“It’s impossible. Your family is on the other side after all. You all sure are stubborn.”
Saito stretched out his hands. However, Louise immediately shook them off.
“What is it already?”
“I don’t want to anymore. It’s fine.”
“Because no matter what I say, no matter how hard I work, I just can’t talk with my family. Who would recognize me? After I thought that I ended up feeling really very lonely.”
Are you concerned with stuff like that? Think about earlier. This girl... as soon as I’m not around for a little, she starts thinking normally.
Getting in the boat, Saito grasped Louise’s hand.
“Geez. I will accept you. I will, your whole existence, completely positively. So, stand up. C’mon.”
After hearing that, Louise blushed and felt her heart becoming warm and fuzzy.
But, she thought to herself that she couldn’t have confidence in Saito’s words alone.
After all, Saito is fine.
After all, her breasts’ size was the same as a kid’s.
That black-haired girl that listens to anything he says is better, isn’t she?
She felt lonely, because she couldn’t get either her parents or sisters to understand her. Yesterday’s words from Siesta left a trail as well. “Saito doesn’t like Louise at all.” Those words had seriously harmed Louise’s self-confidence and will to do anything. Louise hadn’t recognized those words as her own thoughts, but she kept remembering them.
Therefore, Louise grumbled.
“What 'I’ll accept you?' Don’t lie”
“It’s not a lie.”
“It’s a lie. Even in this time’s war you want to fight for the Princess’ honor. The same as Guiche.”
“W-What does the Princess have...”
Remembering, Louise said with cold voice.
“You kissed her, didn’t you?”
“Are you an idiot? That was just the way things turned out...”
“Are you saying you kissed her by mistake? Heee... is that so?”
Saito was slowly getting angry. In anger, he caught Louise’s shoulder and forced her to face him.
“W-What is it?!”
“Are you an idiot?!”
“Who’s an idiot?!”
“Don’t just decide who I like, just because you’re in a bad mood, you selfish girl! You think that just because you’re my master and I’m your familiar, you have the right to tell me who I like?!”
Saito was staring at Louise with burning eyes, shouting at her. Everything I said came from the bottom of my heart. Why can't this girl understand that? he thought to himself cursing his own impulses.
“H-H-How dare you say that?!”
“Yeah, I’ll say it as many times as needed. Honestly, I don’t want to have any connection with your guys’ duties and wars, I’d rather go search for a way to return home! I want to go back to Eastern Japan! I do!”
“Then just go ahead!”
Louise shouted. What is this, she thought. Isn’t it fine not to yell so much? Be gentler. I’m feeling down right now.
Saito was always like that. When Louise wanted to do something, he wouldn’t listen to her at all even though he was her familiar he didn’t understand a thing. He would always turn against her.
That Saito, at whom Louise had yelled, was breathing heavily with his shoulders going up and down. Probably he was choosing which words to answer her back with. Idiot. Idiot, idiot. After you say something, move away your face, Louise thought. I wonder what lines he’s going to spew back at me? Exactly how is he going to answer back to me, who told him “Then just go ahead”? “Yeah, I understand! I’ll go back,” probably?
However, Saito’s reply completely blew off Louise’s expectations.
For some reason Saito’s... face reddened,
“I love you!”
The air solidified. For a moment, Louise didn’t realize what she had just been told.
Just now, what did he say? love? Like as in, that Love? What’s this about?
“... Eh?”
“I said I love you! Whenever I look at you my heart starts beating fast! Isn’t that what people call love?! That’s why I love you! And that’s why if you want to protect the Princess’ honor I’ll come do it with you and you should just go ahead and go instead of complaining here!”
“Eh? Eeh?”
“Anyway, right now you aren’t cute at all! What’s with this?! What do you think I’m risking my life and fighting for?! It’s because I love you! If I didn’t I’d just stay in my room and sleep!”
Saito said what he had to say and tried to stand up, but then he noticed.
Louise was restraining him and waiting while blushing.
Suddenly, Saito felt a bit of regret. Aah, what did I end up saying just now?! Wait a minute, I just confessed! Why?! If I consider the circumstances... now isn’t the time to be confessing... I don’t get this.
Saito fell prostrate into the boat.
After some time passed... Louise returned to herself.
She was confused, because she didn’t understand what had happened. Anyway, it seemed like she had been confessed to. She had clearly been told by Saito “I love you”.
“What should I do?” she thought.
At the same moment she thought that, she realized that she’d probably have to tell everyone. And wariness took over her mind. Anger and delight, two opposite feelings, gushed forth. Not completely understanding the situation, Louise’s face started reddening and she lifted Saito’s face up.
“If it’s a lie, I’ll kill you.”
She said only that with a shaky voice. Just how red was her face right now? To what extent were her cheeks dyed in red? Anyway, it was hot.
“It’s not a lie!”
“I don’t really like you.”
“I know that.”
“Because, you keep jumping from girl to girl all over the place.”
“I won’t. I won’t from now on.”
“It’s not a question of whether you will or won’t. Anyway, just after one year of knowing me, you said those words with such confidence. Maybe it’s just false confidence.”
“T-Thank you.”
Because she had said all that with a voice, coming from the depths of her heart, Saito ended up thinking that Louise is awfully cute. His thoughts went so far, that he ended up wanting to hug her and stroke her cheeks.
But he couldn’t say such stuff. Louise was incredibly prideful after all. And that pride enveloped Louise’s heart, creating a very thick armor out of which her true feelings could hardly ever reach out.
Louise caught Saito’s shoulders and lifted her hip. And then she peered into his face with serious eyes.
At that moment, Kirche’s words resounded in her ears.
“You probably didn’t let him do anything, right? If that’s the case, it would be obvious that he’d be taken by other girls.”
She thought Uu~, won’t it be fine to let him for a bit? and similar things. But, as she thought that it got hard to get into the mood. Even allowing him for a bit was difficult.
However, the only things she couldn’t stand was watching him think about or touch other girls. Louise helplessly decided to gather a bit of real courage.
“H-Hey, you know. Mmm...”
“Because when you told your Master that you like her you practically swore loyalty, a r-r-reward is necessary, isn’t it?”
“A reward?”
“That’s right. The princess has always told me that loyalty should always be rewarded.”
“I-I see...”
Saito could no longer tell exactly what Louise was trying to do. But when he heard Louise’s next words his blood rose up to his head.
“O-Only one place, okay?”
“O-On your Master’s body, only one place, one that you like, i-it’s fine to touch.”
As she said that, not removing her hands from Saito’s shoulders, Louise closed her eyes.
I’ll die, Saito thought.
If I’m told things like this, I’ll die. But if, before I die, I, t-this Louise, then... If this way too cute Master, I, then... As his mind was becoming more and more chaotic, he hugged Louise and suddenly snatched away her lips.
And Louise,
“Ah...” released a moan.
A kiss, hm. So that’s what you decided, hmm. Certainly, unmistakably, it’s only one place.
But, a kiss? Is that the most important? Somehow, Louise ended up feeling more and more in love with Saito, who chose to kiss at a time like this.
However, it seemed that, because they were kissing, Saito’s excitement increased to the max. Having forgotten the “Only one place” rule, his hand reached under Louise’s skirt.
Louise became confused. This is bad, he doesn't seem to be taking me seriously enough.
“I-Idiot..., only one place..., moreover, you, that suddenly..., hey, wait, hey, what are you thinking, hey, idiot, wa-, you, an, that sort of, yan, idiot...”
Saito muttered incoherently, biting on Louise’s earlobe. Louise’s strength left her body and she was pushed down in the boat. Muu, such serious love. “Which is more important,” she wondered, as Saito was pushing her down with endless energy.
“T, that, wait, hey..., no good, breasts, not the breasts. No way, not there, nowhere.”
Because of the hands that were in her skirt and in the gap of her shirt, Louise was slowly overtaken by desperation.
“Like. Like very much. Really like.”
Just like using a treasured sword passed down in a family, Saito kept repeating “Like” rapidly. As was to be expected from the magical word, it stole Louise’s willpower as if electricity was running through her.
“...D-Do you really like me?”
Unintentionally she asked back.
“Really, honestly? ... Ah”
As she said that their lips connected.
Wait a bit. Even if you like me it’s bad to do it so suddenly. I'm not prepared yet and I also have my pride.
That’s right, I am Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière.
I am a Duke’s family’s third daughter.
I am, you know, not as easy as a town woman.
There is absolutely no way I’d marry just yet. I can't do it until I'm married for at least three months; even then, where is this familiar touching his Master. I won’t allow him to get so in o-o-oooooo-over his head. Thinking that, Louise raised her fist over her head. Aiming at his nether region, she hit him with her leg.
As soon as she did that, their lips parted and he whispered near her ear.
“I like you. Louise, I like you a lot.”
And with an “I like you a lot” it was decided. Louise was bringing down her fist, but she suddenly lost her strength and unintentionally hugged Saito’s back.
“Aah, now there’s no way out, what should I do, Mother, I will probably be turned into a star by Louise.” As he muttered that, Saito wondered what kind of face he should make at this moment, in the end. Since Louise never started beating him up, he slowly opened his eyes and a lovely scene was spreading out in front of him.
The castle’s employees had gathered around, surrounding the pond.
With a stiffened face, Eléonore stood there.
With a pale face as if she was about to faint, her Mother stood there.
And in between all that were present, with the angriest face of all, stood her Father.
For a moment Louise got a cold sweat and then pushed Saito away.
With a “Splaaash,” Saito fell into the pond.
“What are you doing?!” Saito began shouting and was noticed by the audience inside the courtyard.
Duke of La Vallière ordered with a voice full of dignity.
"Hm~, seize Louise and confine her in the tower. And also, because she won’t be leaving that place for at least a year, please exchange the chain with something sturdier."
“Certainly!” Jerome, the butler, replied.
“As for that guy. That commoner. Hm~, decapitation. Because his body will be exposed for one month, make a brand new stand please.”
“Certainly!” Jerome, agreeing with the same tone.
The employees simultaneously took out brooms, hoes, sickles, spears or swords and attacked. Saito grabbed the handle of Derflinger that was on his back. The runes on his left hand glowed.
“Myy, partner. It’s been a while. I was just wondering if you were going to die a lonely death.”
“Sorry, we’ll talk later!”
“Seems so.”
Saito, without much bashfulness jumped into the boat, hugged Louise and then put her on his shoulder.
And after that he started running.
“W-Who the heck is that guy?! He’s fast!”
“Just like an elf!”
Saito was running like the wind through the castle’s corridors.
Whenever one of the employees stood in his way, with an “I’m sorry,” he apologized and then with one hit with his leg, forced him or her onto the ground.
“What are you all doiiiing?!”
Saying that, the enraged Duke, who had witnessed his youngest daughter getting pushed down, pulled out his cane, but Saito was already out of the spell’s range of effect. The imagination of the people, who didn’t know of Gandálfr’s moving speed, was completely overwhelmed.
However... the gate’s watchers were contacted and were using the golems to lift the drawbridge. The chain, holding the drawbridge, made noises as it was withdrawn.
As Saito jumped into the front garden, where the gate was located, he became pale. It seemed like he wouldn’t make it. It seemed like Saito, who was using the Gandálfr power, wouldn’t be able to jump over the wide canal.
As he thought “We’ve been driven into a corner!,” the chain, that was holding the drawbridge changed color. Influenced by “Alchemy” the chain turned into soft soil and crumbled to the ground. The bridge, that had lost its support, fell down.
Saito ran over the bridge.
As he was crossing it, a carriage jumped out of nowhere. Surprisingly, the carriage wasn’t being pulled by horses, but by one dragon.
Shivering in fear, Siesta was sitting in the coachman’s seat.
“Hurry! Get on fast, please!”
After pushing Louise into the carriage, Saito jumped onto it as well.
“W-Why a dragon?”
“I don’t know! But, if there were horses, wouldn’t they run away? Um, that is, Miss Cattleya told me so! Kyaa! Kyaa, kyaa! Anyway, dragons are scary! Their faces are scary!” screaming that, Siesta struck the bridle in a daze.
“Let’s switch,” Saito said, receiving the bristle from Siesta and sitting down on the coachman’s seat. Siesta smiled and cuddled with Saito. In the seat behind Louise was about to snap, as she watched that scene, but endured. She remembered Saito’s words from earlier. “I love you,” he said. How many times did he say it…
Well, I’ll allow that much. No matter what, a noble feeling jealousy towards a commoner is strange. She smiled and kept her composure, as if she didn’t care. As Louise did that Siesta quickly brought her head toward hers.
“Um, please forgive my rudeness. Miss…”
“It seems that when I got drunk I told you some impolite things… It’s a bad habit. It appears that whenever I, um, whenever I get drunk my behavior is different from usual. Yes.”
Siesta excused herself for her violent behavior.
“Well, it’s fine. From now on try to keep yourself together,” Louise replied with the composure of a woman that has won in love.
“Thank you very much!”
Siesta slowly pulled her head away from Louise. After that she cuddled up with Saito.
Aaah, they’re too close. But since we were even closer earlier, it should be fine for now. Only for a bit. It’s charity.
“But… Saito-san, you sure are a gentleman.”
“Hm? I am?”
“That’s right! Because even though I’m so close to you… you’re not doing anything.”
“T-That’s… of course I wouldn’t.”
Louise smiled. Well of course, that’s because you aren’t charming at all. Even though you told me that I’m flat as a board. It’s strange. It’s the board’s victory~. And therefore it’s the stupid maid’s loss~.
“Well, that being said, Iya, my shirt’s button got unfastened.”
Louise’s eyebrow rose up.
“Eh? Well, that’s probably because you were moving around so much. Haahaa.”
“Well, that’s why I always tell you…”
Siesta said with a small voice as she brought her face near Saito’s ear. However, it reached Louise’s ears pretty clearly. Anyway, this was Siesta’s feint jab.
“If you want to see, just say so. I won’t hide anything. There’s no need to restrain yourself at all~”
Aah, Siesta. What a thing to say.
From the back seat, the loud sound of the shaking air could be heard. Or rather it wasn’t the air that was shaking, it was Louise.
“I see.”
“You see?”
“My familiar unfastened the maid’s button, huh?”
“Your familiar unfastened the button because I seemed to be in pain.”
“Save the explanations.”
“But it’s not an explanation.”
“Miss! There was no other way! Saito-san was worried! He was worried, because he likes me!”
Aah, Siesta, don’t add oil instead of water to a burning fire.
Saito started denying it even though he knew it was pointless.
“I did no such thing.”
“You say that, but you were looking at Chii-neesama as well.”
“Just a bit.”
“After all, you deserve treatment worse than a dog’s.”
A useless politeness. Already, the atmosphere he was in meant he couldn’t make any objections. That said, Saito was very tired because he had used so much of the Gandálfr power. One could say, Saito knew perfectly well that he couldn’t make any objections no matter what.
With his ears caught, Saito was pulled into the carriage.
“Miss! Calm down! Miss Vallière!”
“It’s fine. Everything will be over soon. How should I say it~, it’s definitely fate. That’s what I think.”
Saito smiled and vanished inside.
Saito rolled down onto the floor. Louise came upon him.
“First off, everything you and I said in that boat earlier was a mistake.”
“Yes. I understand.”
“From today on, I think a brake is necessary. And you?”
“Being told only that, I’m thankful.”
However, the brake never came.
Saito’s screams could be heard for a long time in the La Vallière’s territory.
As she was watching the coach that was disappearing in the distance, Cattleya smiled. After that, she suddenly started coughing violently. She had exhausted her physical strength with the “Alchemy” incantation she had used earlier.
In her field of vision she could see the drawbridge in the distance. Because she had used the incantation from such a great distance, quite a bit of her Willpower was used up.
Inside the room a thrush was singing.
It was the small wounded bird that she had picked up and bandaged a while back. She gazed at the thrush inside the cage for a while, and then Cattleya gave a kind smile.
She opened the cage’s lid and put her hand inside. The thrush jumped onto her hand. After she took it out from inside, she unfastened the bandages.
She stretched her hand out through the window. The thrush that was on it peered into Cattleya’s face and inclined its head to the side in doubt. As if she was questioning her.
“It’s fine. Now it’s fine.”
The thrush stared at the sky. And then it flapped its wings.
Cattleya looked at the thrush that was flying about in the sky.
Quietly, for a long time, Cattleya gazed at it.


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