Novel Name : Zero no Tsukaima

Zero no Tsukaima Volume 19 Chapter 3

From Baka-TsukiJump to: ,Chapter 3 - Abduction[]

"What is wrong with these goddamn barbarians? They think their land will be destroyed, yet they fight among themselves." said the monk with light brown hair and grey eyes.
His name was Madalf. He was thirty seven years old, but humans wouldn't think him even twenty. Elves live about twice longer then humans.
Elves mature later, and therefore spend much more time learning. It is one of the reasons they consider humans barbarians.
"Rather shortsighted I suppose."
"Nothing new," - said Ali, commander of the group. He just wanted to quickly complete the mission and return to the desert. His body was slender and he looked nervous. It was difficult to guess that he was a veteran warrior.
He was forty years old, and likewise looked twice younger.
"Meaning?" - prompted Madalf.
"The current minor conflict is more important then a future catastrophe. They are just animals" Ali said with contempt in his voice.
His group of elves was watching the brawl from the bush. Night darkness didn't present any problem for them. They used goggles enchanted with Ancient Magic to sense body temperature.
It was common knowledge that elves could see in the dark. Quite a few such misconceptions existed, largely thanks to excellent magic equipment.
"That Sainton guy, which one is it?" Ali asked Madalf.
Bidashal, the uncle of his fiancee, asked him to look for an unusual boy.
At the moment, Saito was about to help Louise who caught by Jeanette.
"This one. With the sword. Savage mages don't use weapons."
"So, what's the plan?"
It wasn't a good idea to fight everyone here. Apparently, a few of the humans were quite powerful.
Ali didn't respond. Luctiana, sitting nearby, said earnestly: "Hey Ali."
"I didn't even say anything yet" said Luctiana, looking at him with her light blue eyes. Her beautiful face was tinted with anger. Anger didn't change the expression of her face, but it still was very obvious. After all, her frankness was one of the reason Ali fell for her.
"Anyway, I suppose you want to look around?"
Luctiana stuck out her tongue.
"Again, barbarian's gestures! Stop it already!"
"I mean, such an opportunity doesn't happen often."
"Uh, it would be pointless. Not a good time, and there can be other mages around."
Excited, Luctiana said "Then I will go explore around a little. Patrol around I mean."
"Wait a minute!"
It was pointless to argue with Luctiana further. Ali gave up.
"In case of any danger, escape immediately. Idris, follow."
Idris nodded. It was a serious looking young elf with a round face and narrow eyes.
"What? I don't need escort. I am just fine by myself."
"Idris is not an escort. He is a patrol."
Idris smiled sarcastically.
"Got it, commander. I will take care of your fiancee. Thank you."
Angry, Luctiana, accompanied by Idris, disappeared into the darkness. Madalf frowned.
"Is it ok?" - he asked.
"She would go anyway. Stubborn." Ali said, embarrassed.
At this moment something strange happened in the area of the brawl. Earth instantly liquified, creating something like a pond. The fighters yelled in panic.
"What is it?" said the surprised Madalf.
Ali nonchalantly said "Barbarian magic I think. It seems that the earth is transmuted into 'water'."
"Strong, isn't it? It covers a large area."
"It seems they have a strong mage."
Ali began to cast a spell. Barbarians were confused by their own magic. He couldn't miss this opportunity.
"Water of life. Grant him peaceful sleep."
With a twitch of a finger, he released the spell. Water was a strong catalyst for it, so the spell reached Saito.
"Madalf, guard here."
"Got it."
Ali stood up, pulled up the hood and ran to the sleeping Saito. He entered the water, then swam.
Ali stared at the boy. The boy's right hand gripped a katana, piercing a tree. Ali's magic had put him into a deep sleep.
The sleeping boy's face looked innocent.
This barbarian boy had defeated Bidashal... He is a familiar of a demon power which tormented Ali's ancestors.
Shield of the Void, Gandálfr.
He gulped involuntarily.
He noticed that his ears were twitching and bitterly smiled.
"Wow. I am afraid!"
He pulled on Saito's hand, but it was firmly grasping the katana. Ali tried to pull it out of the tree, however the sword stuck firmly. There was no time to waste, but he didn't want to use magic too often. He would have to borrow spirit force from spirits of the land.
An ice arrow flew toward his back. Ali had a wind shield powered by Ancient Magic. An invisible flow of air, like a tornado, enveloped his body.
The shield diverted the arrow and it missed.
He turned around. A little blue-haired girl waved her cane at him. A new arrow materialized.
The girl took into account the wind shield presence. An arrow entered the shield on the side, turned inside the flow, pierced it, and flew to Ali.
Ali tilted his head to his shoulder. The arrow passed within a hair's breadth of his cheek and stuck in a tree behind him.
Well, this was too close. The arrow took off the hood and revealed his long elvish ears.
The blue-haired girl definitely noticed them.
Ali used a branch bow spell, turning tree branches into arrows.
This spell was his specialty. It was simple and hence easy to control, yet powerful. It was difficult to predict the trajectory of all the branches, therefore it was difficult to protect weak spots.
Tabitha immediately created a wind shield and diverted most of the branches, but the sudden appearance of an elf shook her. Several arrows flying from the back deeply pierced her body.
Tabitha started to sink but Sylphid caught her.
"I am wounded. Hurry."
Ali used magic and managed to pull Saito's katana from the tree. Holding Saito, he quickly swam back using another Ancient Magic spell.
Louise heard the noise.
"What happened?"
"Huge problem! Elf! Took your familiar! Hurt sister!"
"Went there!"
Sylphid cooing kyuikyui pointed into darkness.
Colbert and Kirche took the unconscious Tabitha from the dragon.
"Louise, leave her to us. Go after Saito!" cried Kirche.
The Elemental Siblings disappeared when the earth turned into water.
Louise was confused.
What the hell just happened?
Elves? Here?
But that can wait.
Elves kidnapped Saito!
Obviously, enemies had tricked them.
"They will not escape."
Louise started the chase using the "teleport" spell.
Ali, carrying Saito, tried to climb out of the pond. It was difficult because the land at the waterfront was brittle.
"Good grief... Why is it so difficult?"
Madalf helped the covered with mud Ali to pull Saito out of the water.
"You got in a fight." Madalf said, looking in the direction of where Ali had come from.
"I couldn't help it. No plan is perfect."
Then Ali looked around.
"Where is Luctiana?"
"She hasn't returned yet."
"Really...really unruly girl."
"What's the plan?"
"For now, we return to the camp."
Ali had made a hidden base of operations in the forest. It was surrounded with a barrier of Ancient Magic.
With Saito on his shoulder he began to walk.
Something exploded behind Ali throwing him three mails forward. His wind shield protected him from magical and ordinary projectiles but was inefficient against the blast.
Ali's body heavily smashed into a tree, and he stood up frowning.
"Don't move!"
He slowly turned. A girl with pink hair was pointing her wand at him. There was no warning. Using some magic, she had instantly materialized right behind him.
The power of the magic aura emanating from this petite girl was terrifying.
"Release Saito."
She looked at the elf without a trace of fear. Intense anger was swirling in her auburn eyes. Ali instantly realized the connection between her and the boy he was carrying.
Demon's follower.
The girl was beautiful, even by elven standards.
Her strength and beauty for some reason reminded Ali of Luctiana. First impression of a bitter enemy was far from what he could imagine.
However, despite her beautiful appearance, the demon's follower had caused a great disaster before using the terrible "Void" magic against his ancestors.
"One more time, release Saito and leave."
There was no point to kill demon's follower; the power would be passed on to someone else.
But, considering her ability, running is not an option either. Apparently she can catch up with them instantly.
Ali winked at Madalf.
"Carry him."
Madalf nodded and took Saito. Ali quickly cast "branch arrow".
Louise's "explosion" blew the arrows away.
Ali chosen a moment between explosions and kicked Louise. It wasn't a simple kick. The moment it reached Louise, lightning hit. Louise fainted and fell on the ground.
Ali was disappointed.
"She is a powerful mage, but not much of a fighter."
The girl seemed to be an amateur. She had lots of offensive power but couldn't use it in close combat. That was why she needed the familiar's protection. Elves were trained to use spirit force and yet received full warrior training. It looks like the barbarians had neglected the latter.
Ali came to this conclusion after this short fight.
There was also a difference in individual combat power.
"'Demon' is not all that scary, huh?" said Madalf laughing. He also realized the nature of Louise's power.
"Bidashal's decision to separate them was wise" Ali nodded and started walking to the camp.
The camp was located several hundred mails away from the mansion. It was surrounded by a barrier created with Ancient Magic. The barrier covered an area about ten mails across. It made it impossible for outsiders to see or enter the camp.
If an unsuspecting hiker was approaching the camp, his walking direction was insensibly shifted by the barrier.
When Ali approached the camp, the surrounding landscape visibly distorted.
He crossed the barrier. This is where they had lived for the last few days.
Alie brought Saito into a tent and laid him on a cot.
Saito was going to sleep for quite a while.
Suddenly materialized "water" helped Ali to capture Saito. Without it he wouldn't be able to use a powerful enough spell. Ali thanked The Great Purpose.
A bit later the barrier opened again and Luctiana and Idris returned. Ali asked, surprised ,"Hey, Luctiana, who is it?"
Idris carried a girl on his shoulder. She seemed to be unconscious. She didn't move when Idris laid her beside Saito.
It was Tiffania.
Ali instantly noticed her ears.
"Elf! She is an elf, right?"
"No, not pure elf. Half-elf I think. The eye shape is the same as the barbarians" Luctiana said, looking like a scholar.
"Where did you find her?"
"I tried to examine the mansion, she arrived with a dragon. Do you think she is one of them?"
"Hey! Half-elf!" Madalf screamed!
Half-elf, half-barbarian! Disgusting creature for a proud elf. Tainted blood.
"Disgrace for the elves!"
Madalf tried to shoot a spell at Tiffania, but Luctiana stopped him.
"Wait! Stop it!"
"Why? This creature brings shame upon all of us!"
"She is a valuable specimen. An elf who lived in the barbarian's world. She is unique. Anyway, this is my work and I won't allow it."
"Hey, are you planning to take her with us?" said a surprised Ali. Luctiana nodded confidently.
"Of course. And not just as a specimen. I have lots of questions. An elf descendant was living with 'them'. I have to find out how it happened."
No one could argue with that.
Ali nodded, convinced.
"You will be responsible for her. However, if she appears to be dangerous, we are leaving her. Do you agree?"
"Excellent," - nodded Luctiana.
"So, chief, what's the plan? If we drag them with us their friends will be looking, right? Barbarians are not stupid. Now that they know we are here, will we be able to return to Sahara?" said young Idris in a worried voice.
"We could use this kid's dragon" quickly said Luctiana.
Ali shook his head.
"It's too dangerous. Barbarian dragoons would spot us immediately."
"So what if they spot us? They already know we are here. Shouldn't we return as quickly as possible?"
"There are too many of us to carry. The power of land spirits diminishes with height, so we wouldn't be able to rely on magic. I can't allow this."
Defeated by Ali's arguments, Luctiana pouted. "What should we do then?"
Ali knew a method of escaping from the enemy who was aware of their presence. It was simple and effective. However, can he convince his two companions...
"In short, I will use 'change' to look like a barbarian."
Idris's and Luctiana's faces turned light green.
"To take the form of a barbarian!? You've got to be joking!"
"We will not need it all the time," Ali said. He wasn't enthusiastic about this idea either. It was difficult for proud elves to accept the appearance of barbarians.
"It's ok, isn't it? I wanted to do it once", cheerfully said Luctiana.
"Sorry, but I can't!" spat out Madalf.
"Madalf, the Council ordered us to quietly take him and return by any means necessary. The end justifies the means."
Some time later, the brooding Madalf cast the revolting spell.
"The wind that surrounds me, change my appearance."
Pale light surrounded him and his face changed. He become a sober middle-aged man.
"It looks bad. I didn't observe barbarians much."
The other elves also cast the "change" spell. Ali saw the new Luctiana form and reflexively covered his mouth.
"What? What's so funny?"
"Nothing, you look good."
Luctiana hasd turned into a clown. Her face was heavily powdered and her eyes were surrounded with blue paint.
Ali had also changed his appearance. His ears had shrunk, but his face didn't change much.
He asked everyone to check each others disguise.
"Then we leave. Idris, keep the 'sleep' spell on the barbarians. We don't want them to wake up."
Same day, noon...
Louise woke up in a bedroom of Des Ornieres. Colbert was in the room, looking at her with a worried expression.
Tabitha was laying next to her. It was a big bed so there was plenty of room.
Tabitha's chest was bandaged, likely the result of the confrontation with the elves.
"She will be fine. Nothing life-threatening," - Colbert said.
"Saito? Where is Saito?"
Colbert and Kirche exchanged glances. He tried to calm down Louise.
"Guiche and the Ondine Knights are looking for him. I also notified the Royal Palace. They will send a pursuing party immediately."
Louise tried to get up and fell back onto the bed. She still couldn't control her movements.
"Please stay in the bed."
"I can't! Saito was kidnapped!"
"I know. But you still can't move. Trust Guiche and the Royal Palace" said Colbert.
Louise fell from the bed and started to crawl to the door. With a pained expression, Colbert cast a spell.
"Sleep cloud."
Something like thin fog shrouded Louise's head and she fell asleep.
Kirche brought her back to the bed. The room door opened and Grandma Helen entered.
"I brought dinner."
Grandma didn't know what had happened last night. She began to set plates on a table.
"Hey, did they find Tiffania?" asked Kirche. Grandma Helen shook her head. Guiche wasn't really looking for Saito. Pursuit of the elves that had kidnapped Saito was left to the Royal Palace. Even if they had tried, his small group wouldn't be able to do much.
Guiche's group and Siesta were looking for Tiffania. She was supposed to arrive this morning. Her disappearance had become apparent when they found an abandoned dragon.
When Grandma left, Kirche asked Colbert "Maybe she was kidnapped by the elves too?"
"Most likely."
"This is horrible."
"You mentioned that you had fought an elf before, right?"
"Yes. I couldn't do much."
Colbert sighed. The reason of kidnapping seemed obvious. It was fear of the full potential of Void magic.
Elves are bold and resourceful, thought the alarmed Colbert. Caught off guard, they had kidnapped Saito and Tiffania.
Could the humans win?
It wasn't just the bunch that had gotten Saito.
The entire race of elves was skillful, both in Ancient Magic and conventional warfare. The army's pursuit was unlikely to succeed. For an experienced warrior, this was the only possible conclusion.
Louise thrashed about in her sleep. With her sense of responsibility, the moment she woke up she would rush out to rescue Saito.
Unfortunately, he couldn't allow that to happen.
They couldn't afford to lose Louise.
They were not prepared to take on the elves...
But how could they possibly prepare for it?
What kind of "preparation" could give them a chance against the elves?
With the trump cards of Saito and Void mage Tiffania kidnapped, what preparations would still make sense?
That said, they couldn't just do nothing. There was no guarantee that Saito was safe.
Colbert really felt that they were out of options. Maybe the Pope had had an idea?
Anyway, now they could only pray for Saito's safety.
Colbert looked in the window. It was a bright sunny day outside...
There was not a trace of clearance in dark clouds in his mind. Back to Return to Forward to


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