Novel Name : The Villains Need to Save the World?

The Villains Need to Save the World? Volume 10 Chapter 544: A New Way to Reach the Holy City of Slyvia, the Headquarters of the Radiant C

Volume 10 Chapter 544: A New Way to Reach the Holy City of Slyvia, the Headquarters of the Radiant Church

In the market of Ombia City that was located in the outer part of the Michael Plain of the Octavia Empire, Bella, Kriss, and Lisha had originally come over to purchase some horses but accidentally ran into some demon warriors who had come to raid the city. Initially, Bella and her companions only observed silently, but the demons started to attack them too.
Even though the elite demon warriors sent here were strong, unfortunately, they were up against Magic Dragon Knight Lisha, whose strength could no longer be compared to an average Dragon Knight. Those two demon princesses who led the raid did not expect to encounter such fearsome opponents as they had thought that a small city like Ombia would only have someone with Holy Knight level guarding the city at most. If it were a mere Holy Knight, the demons would have easily been able to defeat them.
Since Bella and her companions had chosen to stop over at this city, Ombia City now did not only have the protection of a Magic Dragon Knight but also the protection from the Dragon Knight General Olya and Knight King Liath. Hence, even if the demons did not encounter Bella, Kriss and Lisha at the market, they would still have to go up against Olya and Liath if they were to raid the whole city. Their faithful confrontation with Bella had merely accelerated their failure.
While the demon princesses were paying their attention to the Magic Dragon Knight Lisha, Bella had taken advantage of the period and had gone ahead of them to block the direction in which they were escaping to. Early on, Bella had observed the two demon princesses and determined that they were merely swordsmen and not knights who could summon a mount at their will. This meant that they would have needed to use a magical teleportation array to move around.
“You, quickly get out of our way. Stop blocking us, or I won’t go easy on you!”
“No, I refuse to.”
Like Lisha, Bella had also used the most basic attack of a knight when she rushed into the position between the two demon princesses. She gently caught hold of each demon princess and hugged them by their slender waist. These beautiful demon princesses possessed a figure that was more enticing than a normal human girl, and Bella could feel their sensual figures in her hand even through the armor.
The two demon princesses had launched multiple attacks to stop Bella from advancing. Unfortunately for them, the protective barrier around Bella was very strong, rendering their attacks useless. The casual blond-haired beauty had been pretending all along. In reality, she actually possessed the skill that was above a Dragon Knight Captain, much like Lisha.
With only a bit of her demon power activated, Bella had instantly shattered the magic swords in the hands of the two demon princesses. In fact, her power not only shattered their swords but also the armor on the bodies of the two demon princesses. Bella had managed to skillfully use her power for her evil intention. If she had applied a little more force, the two demon princesses would have had their bodies fully exposed to the public.
The two demon princesses were horrified by her move. They had never expected that a Dragon Knight would perform such an evil move. When their armor shattered, they had nothing on them, but only a pair of underwear and black silk stockings held up by suspenders. Since the Demon Race was more casual and only wore their underwear directly underneath their armor without a middle layer, these two ladies were left with just their intimate garments.
“You have good taste. Don’t move, or I would remove the last piece of fabric on you!”
“You are too shameless. How could you use such an evil move?!”
“Where is your sense of chivalry! Aren’t you just a traveling knight? Wait, we can discuss it!”
“There is no such thing as chivalry. Since you are already in my arms, you might as well surrender. Otherwise, I will do something even worse.”
Bella had finally received her wish as the true faces of the two princesses were revealed. They both had magical violet pupils, but only one of them had hair that matched the color of her eyes; the other had a head of beautiful blood-red hair. The one with the pure purple hair was Alf Delorita, the second princess of the Alfred Empire, one of four empires of the Demon Race. Among the demon princesses who had befriended Bella, there was one who went by Princess Dolores, who was also known as Sky Demon King Doris. Princess Dolores, who also happened to be the third princess of the Alfred Empire, was the sister of Princess Delorita. Since they were sisters, they shared similar features as Bella had almost mistakenly recognized her as Dolores.
The other beautiful girl with long blood-red hair was also one of the princesses of the Alfred Empire. She was the half-sister to Princess Delorita as well as Princess Dolores, which was why her hair was of a different color compared to the other two princesses. Her name was Princess Alf Tasia, the eldest princess in the Alfred Empire.
In terms of beauty, these two demon princesses could match the beauty of the previous two demon princesses whom Bella had previously met, Dolores and Cornice. The demon princesses possessed a unique alluring beauty that could stimulate one’s desire to conquer them, which piled on more points to evaluate their charm and beauty. Both of them were currently wearing black leather underwear that looked like it had been made out of dragon skin, a material that was only obtainable by the royal families. No ordinary demon would have the strength to obtain such precious materials.
Based on the materials of their underwear, Bella had guessed that the two demons in front of her were of royal status in the Demon Race. Although the method that Bella had used to identify them was indecent, it was a very effective method. When Bella first met with Sky Demon King Doris, she recalled her wearing a pair of underwear made of the same materials as these two princesses. However, according to Bella’s memory, Underworld Demon King Cornice, a princess of a different demon empire, wore a pair of underwear made from a different precious material. Bella concluded that different royal families of different empires had different tastes.
The second Princess Delorita had a similar attitude as her sister, the third princess Princess Dolores, which belonged to the calm and demure temperament. On the other hand, Princess Tasia, the first princess, was the total opposite of them, with a wild and feisty temperament that would not easily surrender. If it were not for Bella’s indecent method, she would have never surrendered to a human Dragon Knight even if she were to be killed.
“Don’t be nervous. I’m not a part of the good people team. I won’t hand you over to the Radiant Church.”
“You… You’re too dangerous!”
“We both belong to the bad people team, so let’s get together.”
As Bella spoke, she held onto their waist tightly. Delorita and Tasia had never met with such an indecent female knight. They could not understand how this female knight could act like a gangster. As Bella intentionally tugged on them, Delorita and Tasia fell right into Bella’s arms in a very provocative manner. When Bella had left the hotel earlier on, she wore an armor below her knight’s cloak. Holding out her hand, she easily took in the seductive and alluring body of the two demon princesses and cloaked them under her hood.
A horrified expression was carved on the faces of Delorita and Tasia. Never would they have imagined that the blond female knight actually possessed dark energy within her. When Bella touched them, she almost sucked off all of their dark energy within them. The two princesses who had lost their dark energy were no stronger than that of a normal human girl now. Since Bella was worried about the magic that these two might be able to wield, she had confined their magic in advance before they could do any harm.
“Don’t be afraid, my princesses. How about I bring you back?”
“How do you know… No, I’m not a princess. Don’t simply guess!”
“Don’t pretend. This type of material is only available to the royal family. If you don’t admit it, I will confiscate the remaining fabric left on you!”
When they were confronted with Bella’s indecent attack, the two princesses could not think of any response as they could only nod their heads to confirm their identities as princesses. Since Bella possessed the dark energy within her, the two princesses doubted that Bella was a decent person. In their perspective, they thought that they would have a better chance of escaping if they were to surrender now.
With the capture of the demon princess, the elite demon warriors that had attacked Ombia City were temporarily defeated. Even if they wanted to rescue the princesses, it was already too late because the sound of the roaring of a dragon was already ringing through the city. When they realized that they had been attacked, the Radiant Church had quickly dispatched out their Knights of the Radiant Church along with several Dragon Knights that belonged to them as these Dragon Knights rushed in from the sky. As such, the elite demon warriors had chosen to retreat for the meantime.
The Knights of the Radiant Church used a type of flying dragon called the Radiant Holy Dragons. These types of dragons were glowing with holy lights, but Bella wasn’t particularly interested in these types of dragons because she felt that the holy light that radiated from it was too dazzling and could easily be targeted and taken down by the enemy. By the time Knights of the Radiant Church arrived, they only met with Bella, Lisha, Kriss, and a floor full of demon corpses.
In the embrace of Bella, the two demon princesses, Delorita and Tasia, who were placed under her cloak, had their dark energy sealed off so their demon breath could not be detected. Hence, the Dragon Knights of the Radiant Church who had just arrived had failed to detect the two princesses, and just like that, they were able to slip through. By then, Kriss had also put on her cloak to conceal her silverish white hair, so the only one that the Dragon Knights of the Radiant Church could immediately recognize was Lisha, the tenth princess of the Octavia Empire.
“Princess Lisha, why are you here? There is nothing attractive in this small city.”
“I… Can’t I come here to purchase some horses? Well, the boss had already been scared off. I’ll just purchase it later.”
“Princess Lisha, can we check the two companions who are with you?”
“No. Men like you cannot lay your hands on them. If there are no female knights here, I won’t let you check my friends.”
Between Bella and Kriss, one covered her face with a black cloak while the other was hiding two demon princesses under her cloak. It was no wonder that the Dragon Knights would find them to be suspicious. However, with her eyes, Bella had signaled to Lisha to show them ‘that thing’ that would be able to persuade the Dragon Knights of the Radiant Church. Understanding Bella’s instruction, Lisha immediately took out the special golden cross and held it out to the Dragon Knights of the Radiant Church.
“Princess Lisha, I hope that you understand that due to the special circumstances, we are also… Eh, that’s the Enforcement Cross of Captain Mathilde. Princess, how did you obtain the Enforcement Cross of Captain Mathilde?”
“Sister Mathilde had entrusted us with a confidential task. If you want to check us, you must first ask the permission of sister Mathilde!”
Before Bella had left the hotel that day, she had especially borrowed the Radiant Cross from Mathilde, the Captain of the Law Enforcement Team of the Radiant Church, as a precautionary step. With this cross, the Dragon Knights of the Radiant Church would not be able to touch them because the department that Mathilde was a Captain in, the Law Enforcement Team of the Radiant Church, was a separate and independent department in the Radiant Church whose sole responsibility was to guard the current Pope as this department did not need to comply with the Dragon Knights of the Radiant Church.
The distribution of the forces in the Radiant Church was very complicated. Aside from the three factions headed by the three major red archbishop priests, the Salo’s faction, the Ellen faction, and Micah’s faction, three other independent teams were controlled by only the Radiant Pope. These independent teams were used by every generation of Radiant Pope to monitor the forces of the three major factions under them.
The three independent teams that were used to monitor the forces were the Law Enforcement Team of the Radiant Church that was headed by Mathilde, the Supervision Team that was led by the Holy Swordsman Cynthia, and last but not least, the team that was in control of the Religious Court and Inquisition. The leader of the Religious Court and Inquisition was still unclear as of now, but Captain Mathilde and the Holy Swordsman Cynthia had long fallen into the control of Bella. Now, Bella had control over two-thirds of the Radiant Church’s monitoring team.
“Oh, we didn’t realize that you are Mathilde’s close companions. Kindly forgive us for troubling you. As for the horses you wanted to purchase, let us, the Eight Team of the Knight of the Radiant Church, pay for the horses. I just hope that they are not offended by us.”
“This… Fine, we didn’t see anything just now.”
Those people of the Dragon Knights of the Radiant Church were also cunning. To become a Dragon knight of the Radiant Church, they did not only need to be a capable person but also know how to make connections. Once they learned that Bella and her companions were the close companions of the Captain of the Law Enforcement Team of the Radiant Church, they willingly took a step back. Seeing how proficient they were, it was apparent that this was not the first time they had done this.
Lisha didn’t pursue the matter anymore as Bella sent her another eye signal as she quickly accepted the gold valued card from the member of the Dragon Knights of Radiant Church. Since both parties were Dragon Knights, this would not be considered a bribe. Instead, the transaction could simply be explained as a normal courtesy between dragon knights if they were witnesses.
After completing the transaction, the few famous Dragon Knights of the Radiant Church got on their dragons as they flew away to check if any other demon warriors had invaded the other locations. As for Bella and her companions, they quickly left the scene and went back to the small hotel before the place was being crowded by the human military unit. By that time, it would be hard for them to secretly bring the two demon princesses away with them. As for the horses, they would just have to wait until the chaos had dispersed before she could send out some of her intimate companions to help make the purchases.
Delorita and Tasia went anxiously with Bella to the small hotel. Even though they instinctively knew that Bella was a dangerous person, but since their dark energy had been completely sealed by Bella earlier on, they could not do anything but obediently comply with Bella. As soon as Bella walked into the hotel, she took them to a tub full of hot water and took away their clothes to wash the dust off their bodies.
Lisha and Kriss did not follow them to that room and instead went to rest in their own rooms. The room that Bella had brought the two demon princesses to was the room in which sister Mathilde and the rest of her companions were resting. Delorita and Tasia looked over at the few beautiful girls who were sprawled across the bed not far away from them and noticed that all of them were naked, which filled their faces with blushes. Just by looking at them, it was obvious that they had just recently been teased.
The two demon princesses quickly recognized one of the beautiful girls as the Captain of the Law Enforcement Team of the Radiant Church, Mathilde. When Matilde woke up, she wore a surprised expression on her face as she stared at the two beautiful foreign race girls in a hazy daze. As a high-level member of the Radiant Church, she could instantly identify the two beautiful girls at a glance to not only be of a Demon Race, but she also knew that these two beautiful girls belonged to the royal demon family.
However, due to the circumstances of the two demon princesses who had been stripped off their clothes by a certain someone, she took them as probably another “victim.” With that in mind, Mathilde no longer had any intention to fight with them. To be able to meet her enemy, the two demon princesses, while she was in her bedroom was something that was beyond even her wildest imagination.
“Sister Mathilde, since you are awake and have seen your master here, how could you not come over? If you don’t come over, perhaps I should go over there instead?”
“No, I will head over.”
As Bella glanced at her with her indecent stare, Mathilde’s face turned red as she walked naked towards the bathtub before kneeling down on the soft carpet next to the bathtub. Bella reached out one of her hands and kneaded on Mathilde’s chest while her other hand stroked Princess Delorita’s chest with the excuse of helping her cleanse her body as she secretly compared the different sizes of bosom between the two beautiful maidens of different races.
“You… what do you want? If it’s the location of the magical teleportation array, we can discuss it. As for the other stuff… now we can’t!”
When they saw that even the Captain of the Law Enforcement Team of the Radiant Church had been tamed by Bella, the snow-white bodies of these two demon princesses quivered slightly as they had completely neglected the fact that Bella’s hands were still caressing them. As Bella continued to tease Mathilde with one hand, her other hand felt up the two demon princesses. To tease both the bright and dark forces at the same time, Bella was the only one who would be capable of achieving such a feat.
“I don’t only want to know about the magical teleportation array, but also tell me all the information that you know of the Demon Race Continent. If you can satisfy me, I’ll let you go back, and we can talk about the other things the next time we meet. Otherwise, although this hotel may seem small, they have adequate beds.”
When faced with the special interrogation method, Delorita and Tasia could no longer hold it in and instantly surrendered their knowledge to Bella. To escape, they honestly told Bella the location of the magical teleportation array that was used by the demon warriors to attack the city. Bella could use her Demon King’s energy to directly overwrite the transmission channel by the Demon Race to somewhere that she intended it to. It would not be a difficult task to perform, especially when she had the help of Noesha, the Time Space Magic Demon.
When she needed to, Bella would be able to know the exact location of the Holy City of the Radiant Church with the guidance of sister Mathilde as she could easily redirect it over there. Noesha would be able to rewrite the magical teleportation array set by others to her will, and she would also be able to redirect its destination. Furthermore, after Noesha had overwritten it, the demons would no longer be able to use this magical teleportation array to attack the city of Ombia. It would be like killing two birds with one stone because this would enable Bella to secretly reach the Holy City while delaying the attack of the demons.
After being interrogated, the two princesses confessed a lot of secret information about the Demon Race to Bella. Any beautiful girl that fell into the hands of Bella, regardless of their race, would not be able to hide their secrets from her. As it happened, aside from the frozen sea surface, there was also another reason for the attack of the demons.
According to the two princesses, a certain Ancient Twelve Demon King was secretly commanding these demon warriors in the battle. The faceless Demon King was probably the one that was defeated by the two sisters, Dark Creation God and White Creation God, during the battle at the south human continent.
“Miss Bella, we have told you everything. Please release us….”
“Hold on, you haven’t told me if you were still single.”


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