Novel Name : The Villains Need to Save the World?

The Villains Need to Save the World? Volume 1 Chapter 45: An Odd Coincidence During the Rescue Operation

Volume 1 Chapter 45: An Odd Coincidence During the Rescue Operation

Translator: The Light
The military town of Sakerid’s Dak inn was not only surrounded by most of the town’s zombies, but also by quite a few Demon Sentinels that had gathered here not long ago, evidently drawn by the aura of living humans that Kriss and the others gave off.
The leader of these Demon Sentinels was a large flower-shaped evil being, similar to the void monarch, ã??Death Flower Empressã?? Heklis that Bella had encountered earlier, just not as abnormally large in size, coming in at only about 3 meters. However, its vines had already spread throughout most of the Dak inn, the only sanctuary that it had not yet broken into was the inn’s third floor, where Kriss and the others were.
ã??Demon Flowerã?? Pittmanz, technically wasn’t one of the ã??Death Kingã??’s subordinates, but one of ã??Night Kingã??’s demon generals, each and every one of the 12 ancient demon kings had 8 demon generals under their command. This time, Pittmanz’s task was to collect useable human bodies for the ã??Night Kingã??, and it could sense that there were some suitable candidates within the walls of the Dak inn.
However, Pittmanz was a bit annoyed right now, as the inn’s third floor had been enveloped in a light-type defensive magic, stopping Pittmanz’s subordinates from entering.ã??Death Kingã?? had already found a suitable body to possess and return to life, and if Pittmanz didn’t bring back these girls, ã??Night Kingã?? definitely wouldn’t be very pleased. In its rage Pittmanz was about to increase the output of toxic smog into the building, trying to incapacitate the defenders, it wouldn’t matter much if the bodies were brought back dead or alive anyway.
Right at this time, a large number of zombies appeared behind the Demon Sentinels, these zombies were evidently being controlled as they fearlessly threw themselves at the Demon Sentinel’s ranks, scattering their previously tight encirclement.
Pittmanz turned around and saw over a dozen beauties walking towards the Dak inn, seems to be the ones controlling the zombie horde that had just assaulted Pittmanz’ Demon Sentinels. What Pittmanz found strange was that behind these beauties were also a large number of Demon Sentinels. Different from the ones behind Pittmanz, these Demon Sentinels were equipped in full suits of dragon-bone armor, with dragon horns protruding out of their helmets, they had wings but were also different from the typical demonic wings common of their peers that had wings, instead looking more like a sized down version of a dragon’s wings.
These Demon Sentinels were not from this dimension but had been summoned by Liz from an alternate dimension with some hints from the ã??Magic Knightã?? Lisha, these ‘Dragon Sentinels’ were powerful subordinates that had followed ã??Demon Dragon Empressã?? Alisha faithfully through 4 dimensions, each having the ability to solo-kill a typical dragon.
These were the Demon Sentinels that Bella had seen in the world of Lisha’s memories, for the sake of keeping it low-key, they had only summoned the lowest tier Dragon Sentinels, if they had summoned even a single member of the ã?? Demon Dragon Empressã??’ personal guard, they could have single-handedly cleared the entire town of Sakerid from the opposing evil beings. lisha’s personal guard were required to have fought several dozen dragons at the same time and kill all of the dragons to be allowed in the prestigious unit.
The two forces clashed without any words spoken, the area around the Dak in soon became the scene of a large scale battle between two dark forces. The Dragon Sentinels were evidently much stronger than Pittmanz’ Demon Sentinels, cutting down several dozen of their less fortunate peers in just a few exchanges of blows.
What pissed Pittmanz off more was that none of the beauties chose to come and challenge, working together with the Dragon Sentinels instead to eliminate Pittmanz’s Demon Sentinels. The Dragon Sentinels were already much stronger than Pittmanz’s Demon Sentinels and with the help of the beauties, the rate at which the Demon Sentinels fell increased. The Demon Sentinels who had at least been able to last about a dozen exchange of blows with a Dragon Sentinel were now barely able to survive five exchanges.
In the ten thousand years of fighting on this world, ã??Flower Demonã?? Pittmanz had yet to run into such an opponent shameless enough to avoid a direct confrontation with Pittmanz, but work with their subordinates to kill Pittmanz’s subordinates. Pittmanz was forced to recall all of the Demon Sentinels still alive and reform proper ranks, it knew that with the Demon Sentinels’ limited numbers, there was no way for them to be able to take losses at such a rate. Pittmanz didn’t notice an armored shadow dashing into the Dak inn while it was recalling its subordinates.
The Dak inn’s entrance as well a fairly large area around it had already been smothered in Pittmanz’s toxic smoke, in its mind, there was no way anyone would be able to pass through the toxic smoke without being affected. Pittmanz’s toxic smoke was even more perverted than that of ã??Death Flower Empressã??, if the trespasser was a male they would be reduced to a puddle of blood, and if they were female it would have another different effect. While the smoke didn’t kill females, there was no enemy that could get through it and still be able to fight, or so Pittmanz thought.
“It’s so hot... this damn bastard’s smoke is an aphrodisiac? It was fortunate that I didn’t let any of the other girls come, or else they would have become easy pickings for that flower-shaped evil being.”
Pittmanz would never have believed that a girl would be able to pass through its toxic smoke and remain unaffected, even if you paid him to do so. Bella was currently traveling unhindered due to the ‘Imprint of Immortality’ that she had taken from ã??Corpse Demonã?? Jerome. Pittmanz subordinates recognized the imprint as a symbol of being one of the ã??Death Kingã??’s subordinate generals and had mistaken her from Jerome himself, which was why Bella had not run into any obstacles as she traveled within the Dak inn.
Pittmanz’s attention had been completely drawn by the beauties and Dragon Sentinels that wer attacking them and didn’t notice Bella’s stealthy entry, giving her an easy time. Currently, Bella’s entire body felt quite hot but her head was unexpectedly clear.
It seems that because in her heart, Bella wasn’t a ‘complete’ female as she was a true male in her past incarnation, meaning that the aphrodisiac effect of the toxic smoke which only had effects on females had less of an effect on her. Her only problem was that her body felt the full brunt of the aphrodisiac, she was currently forcefully controlling her body’s desires using her clear conscience.
In the east area of the Dak inn’s barricaded third floor, the beautiful mage Ariel was standing guard while Kriss was patrolling the west side. As for the other two girls, Ivy was using the ‘Communication Stone’ to maintain contact with Bella’s party while the Church of Light’s 3rd holy maiden, Susan, was responsible for maintaining the defensive light magic that had enveloped the entire floor and kept the malicious spirits away.
The stairway to the 3rd floor had already collapsed beneath the sheer weight of the brainless zombies, to the frustration of the Demon Sentinels who had arrived later. The Demon Sentinels under Pittmanz’s command were of the wingless variety and were unable to fly, meaning that they could only stand and watch from the 2nd floor.
“Ivy said that the rescue party was almost here, it’s been a while now and we still haven’t seen any sign of them!” Ariel leaned on the rails, looking down a little helpless at the Demon Sentinels patrolling below. Because of Kriss and the other two girls, Ariel didn’t want to use her ‘cheats’ because she didn’t want to expose her secrets. She was somewhat regretting meeting up with Kriss when she could ran instead and left Susan and Ivy alone.
It wouldn’t be much later when Ariel discovered how fortunate she was not to have ran, her route of escape would have led her straight through the central region of Sakerid where ã??Tenebrous Demon Godã?? Elise was fighting the Betrayed. No matter which of the two Ariel ran into, it wouldn’t have been a very good situation for the Saviour, especially if she ran into the Betrayed, who would have thrown Elise aside and hunt Ariel down like no tomorrow.
“There’s still no sign... I’m going to ask Kriss about what she thinks about this. Eh, what, my leg...”
Ariel turned around and was about to leave when her legs suddenly gave out, if it wasn’t for the nearby railing that she managed to grab onto she would have hit the ground just now. Ariel’s legs felt numb and her vision began to blur as if she was drunk.”
“It’s so hot... I didn’t have any alcohol... why is it that... I feel this way...”
ã??Flower Demonã?? Pittmanz’s toxic smoke had reached the 3rd floor long ago, but because of the fact that the smoke wasn’t visible in an enclosed environment and was scentless, Ariel hadn’t realized that she had already inhaled some of the smoke until now. The sound of Kriss’ footsteps as she patrolled the west side of the floor had also stopped, possibly also having been affected by Pittmanz’s smoke.
The light magic casted on the 3rd floor also showed signs of weakening, meaning that the 3rd holy maiden Susan was probably also in trouble. The current situation for the four trapped beauties was quite dire, if the defensive light-magic completely dissipated, the malicious spirits that it had kept away would swarm the inn like locusts.
Right now all Ariel wanted was to hurry to Kriss’ side as there was no real point in returning to their room. Ivy and Susan were much weaker than Kriss and Ariel knew that her chances of survival would definitely be higher with Kriss.
While Ariel was trying to force herself up, she saw a dark shadow jumped up from the floor below, hugging Ariel from behind before she could even react. Ariel was already nearing the last of her strength and collapsed limply into the embrace of her ‘assailant’.
“Who are you, let me go...” During Ariel’s moment of shock, the ‘assailant’ tightly wrapped their arms around her and a pair of hands began to travel up and down her body. If it wasn’t for the soft feeling on her back that gave away the other side’s gender, Ariel would have screamed as loud as she could and hope that one of the other girls was still capable of coming to her aid.
Because of the aphrodisiac contained within Pittmanz’s smoke, Ariel’s body was unable to resist the groping that she was currently receiving even though she detested it with all her heart, instead she even experienced a strange feeling of ecstasy, and a part of her was even looking forward for the pair of hands to do even more.
Something that confused Ariel was that even though the ‘assailant’ was evidently another girl, her technique was that of a ‘professional pervert’, a veteran one at that too! The ecstatic feeling that Ariel received threatened to force her lips open and release the moans that she had been holding back.
Ariel knew that if this continued, she would completely fall to this mysterious girl. In the several worlds that she had transmigrated to, Ariel had avoided creating any bonds or emotional attachment to the inhabitants due to the feeling of belonging, quite literally, to different worlds.
Because of that, Ariel remained single throughout several transmigrations. She didn’t want to accept the possibility of losing her ‘first time’ here, to a girl as well. However, whether or not she lost her ‘first time’ wasn’t up to Ariel, but her female ‘assailant’.
The hands that had ambushed Ariel never stopped but after their owner seemed to have discovered something, the hands began to gradually slow down. Right as Ariel was wondering why her ‘assailant’ had suddenly began to slow down, the ‘assailant’ turned Ariel around so that the two of them could see face to- face.
Only now did Ariel see the true identity of her ‘assailant’, a beautiful knight with golden-blonde hair that was clad in a dark demonic armour that clashed with her holy knight airs. Even though her beauty couldn’t compare to that of Ariel’s own, Ariel could tell that she was still quite beautiful based on what Ariel had seen in the various worlds that she had transmigrated through. Ariel’s beauty was on a whole new level and only Kriss came anywhere near.
Currently, Ariel saw the beautiful knight’s blue eyes looking deeply into her’s. As Ariel was about to question the girl, she felt the arms around her swiftly pulling Ariel towards the knight, whose lips swiftly stole Ariel’s first kiss. Ariel was forced back to a state of shock, evidently, her brain had not yet caught up to what had just happened and short-circuited.
In her shock, Ariel forgot that she could still speak and try to stop the knight, whose tongue had now skillfully pried open Ariel’s lips and was running amok inside. The knight stopped after a while, seemingly satisfied, to Ariel’s good fortune as she had almost completely lost herself there. After completing the kiss, the knight kept Ariel in her embrace but had moved her face away from Ariel’s slightly.
“Kriss, are you alright! I thought that you had already been... by those zombies... I’m so glad that you’re alright, or else I...”
“Kr...Kriss? You.... you idiot, who is Kriss! You’ve got the wrong person, you... I’m going to stop talking to you! You pevert...”
Bella looked at the angered Ariel, she was secretly glad at her own intellect. She had jumped Ariel in the heat of the moment, the gap between the 2nd and 3rd floor wasn’t actually that large and was easily jumpable for someone of Bella’s abilities. The Demon Sentinels didn’t attempt the jump out of fear of the light-type defensive magic that Susan had set up. Bella wasn’t affected at all by the light magic, so she had jumped without much care.
From the 2nd floor, Bella had already noticed Ariel leaning on the rail, but had been unable to see her face due to the awkward angle. Both Kriss and Ariel were silver-haired beauties and possessed similar golden-ratio bodies. It was hard to find a difference between the two beauties from the back, so it was understandable that Bella had mistaken Ariel for Kriss.
Ariel had already stripped out of all her clothes quite a while ago to avoid being infected. Even though Bella’s mind of clear, but her female body was still affected by ã??Flower Demonã?? Pittmanz’s aphrodisiac smoke. Combined with her mistaking Ariel for Kriss, Bella didn’t think much before embracing the girl from behind.
Because Bella had a good relationship with Kriss, as well as the fact that Bella had gotten used to taking advantage of beautiful girls, she had naturally started to feel the nude beauty in her embrace, she had slowed down because she had finally realized that she was assaulting the wrong person.
Back when Bella was bathing with Kriss at the riverhead some time ago, Bella had also embraced Kriss and had also felt up her entire body. After ‘thorough examination’ Bella deduced from some minute details that the girl currently in her embrace, was in fact, not Kriss, but still a beauty on Kriss’ level. This was the knowledge of an ‘old driver’ that could only be gained through experience.
When Bella turned Ariel around she experienced first hand of the saying that she had coined herself ‘There are no ugly silver-haired girls’. The girl’s appearance could already rival that of Kriss’ and apart from the bright pink irises that differed from Kriss’ violet ones, she was just as perfect of a beauty as Kriss.
Based on Bella’s observations while Ariel was in her embrace, she determined that this silver-haired beauty had most likely fallen under the effects of ã??Flower Demonã?? Pittmanz’s aphrodisiac smoke, but her thoughts weren’t that affected. If Ariel’s conscience was blurry, Bella didn’t mind acting like some of the light novel male MCs and ‘get on the car first and pay after’.
However, Bella couldn’t exactly take advantage of Ariel while she was still able to think, time didn’t allow her to slowly and truly ‘conquer’ this beauty as there were still three waiting for her help. There was no harm in leaving Ariel to a later time, she had already been embraced and hugged, Bella was the kind of girl that took responsibility for her actions!


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