Novel Name : The Villains Need to Save the World?

The Villains Need to Save the World? Volume 10 Chapter 536: The Mysterious Unnamed City That Was Discovered After the Blizzard Storm Had

Volume 10 Chapter 536: The Mysterious Unnamed City That Was Discovered After the Blizzard Storm Had Been Lifted

Bella and her team of knights were temporarily resting in a hidden cabin at Victor Prairie in the Octavia Empire which was located in the northern part of the human continent, the Coristel Continent. The blizzard was still going strong outside of the camp and Bella had just driven away the Snow Corpses that had tried to attack them. Bashfully, Dragon Knight General Olya had to explain to Bella that she was going to relieve herself and since there was no toilet in their hidden camp, she was trying to find a place to relieve herself on the outside.
Unexpectedly, as soon as she walked out of their hidden camp, Olya saw Bella in the midst of driving out the Snow Corpses. Even though she was a powerful Dragon Knight General, Olya was still a human girl and out of instinct, she was a little scared of the Snow Corpses. In fact, she was afraid that Bella would tease her about it, so she was embarrassed to say it.
“It’s not safe on the outside. Olya, just relieve yourself here!”
“Bella, I am a Dragon Knight General. If I do as you suggest then I wouldn’t have any more dignity intact!”
“Still, it’s not good for you to hold it in. How about I wake a few of your companions up to accompany you?”
Olya was angry at Bella for even suggesting it. If the other Dragon Knights knew that she, as a higher-level Dragon Knight, was afraid to go to the toilet, she would definitely lose all her grace in front of them. With that in mind and in order to protect her dignity, she decided to leave the cabin and find a place to relieve herself.
Seeing through Olya’s intention, she quickly grabbed onto her hand to prevent her from leaving the camp. Bella would not allow any kind of senseless death to happen around her. Regardless of how strong Olya was as a Dragon Knight General, in Bella’s view, she was still a female and as a female, she was bound to have weaknesses. If someone were to target the said weakness, the consequences would be unimaginable.
Olya tried to break away from Bella’s grip but soon realized that even as a Dragon Knight General, she could not manage to release herself from Bella’s restraint. The strength of Bella was just too terrifying. With only a single hand, even Olya who was a Dragon Knight General could not escape her clutches.
“Bella, what are you doing? Let me go.”
“No, Olya. The wind and snow is still very heavy on the outside. I won’t allow the people around me to take such risks. I would rather offend you than to let you go.”
“Wait Bella, that is uncalled for. As a dragon knight, you cannot restrict a Dragon Knight General!”
Before Olya managed to finish her words, Bella had already stepped forward and embraced her. Stretching out her arms, she gently tugged on the armor of her lower half and it immediately gave way, revealing the fair voluptuous meat that was hidden underneath it. The sudden “godly” action of Bella shocked Olya so much that she didn’t know how to respond to it.
All the equipment used by the beautiful knights was purchased by Bella and she was conscious of the quality that she had purchased. To serve her ulterior motives, Bella had purposely chosen a lower quality skirt for the team.
Initially, Olya did not think that Bella had any sinister intention when making the purchase. She simply thought that Bella was being frugal when she chose the poor-quality armor, but she was fooled. When she saw the rest of the beautiful girls putting on the skirt without any qualms, she followed suit so that she wouldn’t be seen as being given priority. Except for Olya, the rest of these beautiful knights had already been stripped buck naked by a certain Demon King and none of them were particular about the agenda that was hidden behind the armor.
By the time Olya recovered her senses, the quick-witted Bella was already halfway stripping off her underpants and was pulling it down her thighs.
“Wait, Bella, don’t do this. You are a princess. You need to consider your image!”
“Olya, this has nothing to do with my identity as a princess. I’ll accompany you over to relieve yourself. If you are not obedient, I will wake sister Ingrid and the rest of them up to help you.”
“Don’t call the teacher. Bella, I understand. I’ll follow your words.”
When Olya was confronted by Bella’s continuous pressure, she quickly crumbled to the intense demand. As a Dragon Knight General that had been to countless battles and had bravely fought against the invasion of demons, Olya had no idea how she could be completely defeated by the ninth princess who was a mere Dragon Knight.
If it were at any other time, Olya would not have allowed a Dragon Knight subordinate like Bella to do as she wanted towards her. However, she wasn’t given much time to ponder on it before Bella had swiftly picked her up and brought her to a relatively secret place for her to relieve herself.
Previously, Bella had used this tactic to harass two other beautiful maidens, the Vice President of the Assassin’s Academy Miss Anya as well as Renath, the oldest daughter of the Renald Family. Olya was the third victim to have fallen into this tactic and her fate was no better than the first two. Yet, Olya couldn’t help but to relieve herself under Bella’s teasing skill.
Bella shamelessly took everything off Olya lower half in a brisk move. In order for her to get back her skirt and underpants, the unlucky Olya could only oblige and let Bella lift her and open up her thighs while she relieves herself.
The only saving grace that Olya has is the fact that they are both female. Since it is still snowing on the outside, the sound of the heavy blizzard had masked out some of the particular sound. Aside from the two people involved, no one else noticed that even Olya, the Dragon Knight General, had a weak point to be bullied.
After she had relieved herself, Olya did not rush back to the hidden camp. Instead, she found a place by the campfire to sit. After experiencing such a shameful act, the relationship between Olya and Bella had gone through a subtle development. Unknowingly, Bella had managed to draw out a peculiar streak in Olya.
“What’s the matter, Olya, do you still need to go? This time, you can relieve yourself.”
“Your Royal Highness, the Ninth Princess, are you really going to be married to Empress Kriss?”
“Of course, it’s real. Olya, do not question my feelings towards girls. I am serious with all of them including you!”
This time, Olya could no longer hold her composure. When she first heard of Bella and Empress Kriss’s marriage plan, she initially thought that the both of them were simply trying to avoid being bound by a political marriage so they came up with such a strange plan. It now seems apparent that Bella really has special feelings towards girls.
When Bella was harassing her, the evil excitement that was reflected in Bella’s eyes were not of an ordinary friend’s. If not for Olya’s move to free herself from Bella’s arms, she would have probably been devoured by the Demon King by now.
During their previous meeting, Olya did mention that she wouldn’t have cared if Bella were to have done it to her but when she personally experienced such an incident, Olya couldn’t help but feel a little bashful about it.
“Ninth Princess, I’ll treat your words as a joke. I’ll be going back first.”
“Olya, wait. Why are you running away so quickly? I don’t plan on doing anything strange to you.”
Looking at Olya’s silhouette that had quickly disappeared, Bella put on a regretful expression on her face. Just by removing her bottom half, Olya has already shown such bashfulness. Bella thinks that the sensitive Olya would have shown a more interesting expression if she were to strip her naked.
Olya trembleed inexplicably when she fled back to the hidden cabin. She didn’t realize that she had already been targeted and it won’t be long till she falls into the trap. Among all the members of the knights in this team, Bella had already laid her hands on all of them except for Lisha and Olya. It is only a matter of time before Olya could no longer escape Bella’s sinister plan.
“Sister Bella, it looks like you were bullying sister Olya. Do you know that even the emperor himself treats sister Olya’s family with respect?”
“Lisha, why are you out here? Do you need to go to the toilet too?”“Sister Bella, can’t I come out to find you without any reasons? Are you thinking of doing something naughty again? Be careful or I’ll rat you to sister Kriss and let her ignore you!”
It wasn’t long after Olya had left when Lisha emerged. Luckily, Lisha only managed to catch a glimpse of Olya leaving and was not present at the part where Bella had bullied Olya. When she was confronted by Lisha, Bella did not hold any grudge towards her younger sister and beckoned for her to sit by the campfire.
The campsite’s temperature was not cold because of the campfire as well as the ice barrier that was formed around it. When Lisha came out, she found a place by Bella’s side and sat down next to her. Since there were no other beauties present at the moment, Lisha managed to spend some alone time with her sister, Bella.
It was at this time that Bella noticed their horses were acting up again, stomping their hooves uncomfortably as if trying to notify them of something sinister heading their way. When Bella looked up, she saw that the white figures that she had previously driven away were gathering outside the gate again.
However, aside from the Snow Corpses who were technically those that had died in the snow, a pack of Snow Wolves had also shown up out of nowhere and had also come to cause trouble. The eyes of these wolves seemed to gleam with red as if they were being controlled. Normally, Snow Wolves are known to avoid bonfires but at this very moment, they have rushed over without any fear of it. Bella has no other explanation for such a phenomena aside from them being controlled by a certain entity.
“Sister Bella, you don’t have to deal with these corpses. Just leave it to the Flame Figures.”
“Uh, Lisha, I didn’t know you could do this too. I almost forgot that you too know how to wield magic.”
Gesturing to the campfire in front of her with her fingers, Lisha started to recite some strange incantations with her mouth. Not long after that, figures of men that stood up to be two meters long arose from the bonfire. It was only then that Bella remembered that Lisha’s original title was a Magic Dragon Knight, a type of Dragon Knight who knows how to use magic.
Regardless of if they were Snow Corpses or Snow Wolves, these beings have a natural instinct of fear against fire. The Flame Figures that were summoned by Lisha immediately blocked the gate of the camp. The hundreds of Snow Corpses and Snow Wolves outside of the gate were afraid that they would be purified by the flames, so they did not dare to attack the Flame Figures. After a period of time, the Snow Corpses and Snow Wolves began to disperse unwillingly.
The Snow Corpses that Bella had previously expelled from the campsite had gone in search of the Snow Wolves to help them harm people and these Snow Wolves looked as if they were being entirely controlled. Unfortunately, their plan to invade the camp was foiled by the appearance of the Flame Figures. However, their constant attack on Bella’s camp got Bella’s temper flaring.
Bella didn’t want to risk another attack as well as the other type of demons that these Snow Corpses might bring over next. She was afraid that they may not be able to hold off another attack, so Bella decided to make her move first.
A dark black energy ball emerged from Bella’s hand. This dark ball of energy was the influx of dark waves that was gathered by the Demon King. When the dark wave had been condensed to a certain level, Bella released the energy ball. This ball of darkness was not directed at the Snow Wolves or the Snow Corpses but instead, it was sent up to the sky where it hit something up there.
Turns out, the blizzard was artificially created and was not a natural occurrence. After a large amount of darkness energy collided onto it, the magic structure was forcibly broken, and it collapsed due to the impact.
When the magic structure was broken, the level of the blizzard storm immediately ceased to a lower degree. This is mainly due to the fact that the source of the blizzard was not made with darkness energy. As such, when Bella attacked it, the magic field was broken due to the opposing attribute.
When the snowstorm finally stopped, the environment on the outside became much better. After Bella asked Lisha to help guard the camp, she picked up her weapon and marched out to seek after the person that was behind the blizzard storm. Following behind her were a troop of hundreds of Flame Figures that Lisha had quickly summoned out from the campfire.
Under the bright light that emitted out of the Flame Figures Bella finally saw the true appearance of the Victor Prairie that was previously covered by the heavy snowstorm. Many of the evil happenings that were concealed behind the blizzard were finally lifted to the surface due to Bella’s intervention.
Along the way, Bella witnesses many bodies of the dead that belong to the mercenary groups and caravans that had perished in the blizzard. These bodies were previously covered in thick snow and looked as if they were buried alive in the snow. These mercenary teams had either perished by being buried alive or had been annihilated by the Snow Corpses. Those that were killed by the Snow Corpses would also turn into a Snow Corpse and continue the vicious cycle of harming others.
The Snow Wolves and the Snow Corpses were running away due to their fear of the fiery flames of the Flame Figures. Since Bella was unimpeded, she quickly came upon a city that was not supposed to exist when she followed the direction that the snow wolves and Snow Corpses were running to.
Upon checking it against the map and compass, she realized that this mysterious city was not written on the map. Even when she compared it against the map that was specially prepared for her by the Darkness Church as well as the map provided by the secret headquarters of the Radiant Church, the Holy City, there were no records of this city. This mysterious city that was in front of Bella seems to have appeared out of thin air.
The map that was provided by the Darkness Church was the latest version that was drawn in this year. It would be illogical for a new city to suddenly spring up in this year itself. Moreover, judging by the large area that this mysterious city had taken up, it would be impossible for it to be built within a year. That detail itself had completely ruled out the possibility that it was built within this year itself.
The only way for such a city to be built within a year would be for Bella to rely on the demons from the Darkness Sacred Region to work tirelessly day and night without resting for a whole year.
Above the mysterious city, there was no snow that was present in the sky. Instead, colorful and beautiful light dances across the sky like floating ribbons, similar to the aurora that appears in the north and south poles on Earth of her previous life.
Though Bella was a little different from any other ordinary girl, when she was presented with such a beautiful scene, even Bella’s heart could be moved. Her yearning for beautiful things may not be as obvious as any other girls but that does not mean that she is oblivious to it.
Yet, regardless of how beautiful this aurora was, it could not mask the bizarre occurrence of this city. Bella isn’t as puzzled by the fact that it was not marked in the map, but she was more troubled by the fact that this mysterious city was shrouded in darkness without any light, relying only on the aurora in the sky to illuminate it.
If it weren’t for the buildings in the mysterious city, from a distance, this city shows no sign of ruins and looks relatively new. Looking at it, Bella thought that it looked like a ghost town with no inhabitants. The architectural style of the city was something that Bella had not seen before and it doesn’t look like something of the human race. Even the patterns and carvings on it were too unique.
Bella and her army of Flame Figures stopped their tracks and observed at a distance from the mysterious city. From there, Bella could make out some footprints on the ground. From the footprints, she could distinguish that the beings that entered the city were of different races and regardless of if they were human or beast, all the footprints went in one direction, which is into the city and mysteriously, none of the footprints were heading out of the city. This indicated that everyone that had gone in, never made it out.
However, among all of these footprints, there was one exception. There was one footprint that looked like a footprint of the human race but much larger and slightly different. This particular footprint did make a round trip of going in and out of the city and according to Bella’s deduction, it looked like the owner of this footprint resides in this mysterious city. Analyzing the footprint, Bella suspected that it may have belonged to the legendary Snowman.
Bella has no interest in solving the mystery of the Snowman in this snowy field. However, her army of humans that were following her discovered a strange occurrence in the mysterious city due to their opposing attributes even before Bella managed to spot it. Under their guidance, Bella realized that there was a floating throne that was afloat in the middle of this mysterious city and what’s more, a person seems to be sitting on the floating throne. In a way, the radius of the throne seems to have been fixed because it never drifted out of the city area.
Due to the distance, no matter how good Bella’s vision was, all she could see was the silhouette of a person sitting on the throne and the actual appearance of the person could not be seen clearly. Yet, she realized that the throne that the person was sitting on seems somewhat familiar. Except for the color that it was in, it looks strangely similar to the Thunder Throne that was guarded by the Thunder Dragon that Bella had seen when she conquered the Thunder Dragon Queen Geleman.
This throne should have been purposely hidden in this city. It is most likely that it is powered by the water attributes or something that branches off it like an ice attribute. If Bella’s guess were right, it should be one of the Six Pillar Demon Dragons that have the strength that was similar to that of the Thunder Dragon Queen Geleman. While having that in mind, Bella carefully observed the area around the throne and realized that there were no dragons that were guarding the throne.
“That’s strange, why do we only see the throne without any dragons around it? The few of you shall stay here while the others should retreat. I’ll go back and bring some back up.”


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