Novel Name : Endless Journey: Infinite Realms

Endless Journey: Infinite Realms Chapter 757 Pride: The Best Abyss Sprite?

Chapter 757 Pride: The Best Abyss Sprite?

Master Alex is not hurting me, and he is letting us fight for him!
I am happy because of this!
He even patted our heads, and he said that I am the best Abyss Sprite!
Hehehe, I am so happy!

What do you call someone who is feeling happy again?
Oh right, it's called cloud nine!
Wait, what is cloud nine anyway? Is that food?
Oh right, I don't care about that.
Master Alex's headpats are more important….
Oh! Master Alex gave me one more headpat again!
Hehehe, this is the best day in my life!
Hmm… Master Alex is flying with the Professor b**ch again.
This does not make me happy.
What was the name of this b***h again?
Pfft, what an ugly name.
I guess I should just call her professor b***h.
Yeah, that's a much better name…

I don't like professor b**ch at all.
I hate everything about her and her power as a soul magician makes her more repulsive!
Ak k aka ak aak aka kaaka k aka kak !!
And this b**ch looks like she wants to hurt master, and she's not even hiding it!
Grr… I really want to kill her…
But Master Alex won't let me attack her. He said she's too valuable and useful for him.
I don't believe that.
||Hey! Frances b**ch! Stop bothering my master!|| I shouted to the b***h.
"!!!" The b***h jumped up after hearing me, and she then gave me a scared look.
Heh, that scared look made me laugh.
She looks scared and panicked.
That is good.
Since she's scared, then she's guilty of her sins.
Oh, so is it punishment time for this b**ch now?
No, not yet!
I am Master Alex's best Abyss Sprite, so I must interrogate the b**ch more!
||I know that you are looking for a way to kill Master Alex! Just stop it, you b***h! If you don't, I will skin you alive with my mouth!|| I bared my teeth, in hopes of making the b**ch more scared.
Ok, scaring her with my teeth failed, but she got scared with my warnings.
Which is good, as scaring people makes them talk more.

Okay… so since the b***h is scared, then she will give me better info
But the b***h did not give me info.
"Hey! I am not thinking of killing Alex! I-I was just observing him!" The b***h replied smoothly. "I have no intent to kill him at all! I promise!"
The b***h did not sound like she was lying, and she sounded sincere, at least to my ears.
But I know better! This b***h is lying to me now!
I knew it!
||You're not thinking of attacking Master Alex? Hmph, I can detect your desire for his blood from all the way here!|| I grabbed the b**ch's throat, and I felt the need to cut her throat.
Since this b***h is lying to me, then she deserves to be killed!
I am sure that Master Alex will not get angry if I kill this b**ch…
Or will he?

Uh oh, I don't know if Master Alex will be happy if I kill this b***h now..

So should I ask for Master Alex's permission first before I kill the professor b***h?
Yes, I must do that first.
||Master Alex! Master Alex! Frances b***h was thinking of killing you! Should I kill her as a punishment now?|| I asked Master Alex as I approached his body.
I felt happy as I approached Master Alex.
He looks cool after all.
And his way of distorting the ugly mountain right now makes him look more more more more more cooler!
Argh!!! I really want to have Master Alex pat my head now!
But the headpats can wait.
For now, I must seek Master Alex's permission to end the b***h's life
\u003c\u003cOh? So you're saying that you detected Professor Frances' intent to kill me? That's very good, Pride.\u003e\u003e Master Alex replied he gave me his warmest smile. \u003c\u003cYour training seems to have shown its fruits now. That makes me happy.\u003e\u003e
Oh…. Master Alex's smile is so warm. I can bathe within that warmth for the rest of my life!
Oh… this feels so good!
And Master Alex is also praising me! Hehehe, this is the best!
Oh, he's giving me more headpats.
I feel happy once more
\u003c\u003cBut you don't need to kill her.\u003e\u003e But Master Alex said these words next, and it made me unhappy again.
||What Master Alex? You don't want me to kill her? But the b**ch wants to kill you!|| I was shocked by what Master Alex said, and I can't accept it.
I can't accept it.
I can't accept it.
I can't accept it.
Master Alex is busy destroying the mountain, while Professor Frances B***h is planning to kill Him!
That is not good!
But Master Alex is just letting the b***h off? This is so unfair!
I want to cry right now. Maybe that will make Master Alex approve of my offer.
….But I can't cry because of my body, so maybe I just have to beg.
\u003c\u003cPride, begging to me right now won't work. I have no interest on killing Professor Frances, so stop thinking about it too.\u003e\u003e Oh, so begging won't work too.
So wait, does this mean that I won't get to kill the b***h?
This is not right!
I should be killing anyone who wants to kill Master Alex!
Argh!!! I want to kill Professor Frances b***h!
Argh!!! I want to kill Professor Frances b***h!
Argh!!! I want to kill Professor Frances b***h!
Why can't I just kill her?
Kill her.
Kill her.
Kill her.

||Argh!!! Master Alex! Please let me kill the b***h! I can't let her live! Please, let me kill her!|| I begged to Master Alex one more time.
||Please please please let me kill her! Let me kill her!||
\u003c\u003c…\u003e\u003e Master Alex looks angry right now, but I did not stop begging.
I want to kill the professor b***h, so I won't stop until I do that!
||Please Master Alex!||
Uh oh. Master Alex looks pissed.
I… I guess my request won't be accepted anymore.
Okay, Master Alex is not talking anymore.
He's really angry.
Master Alex, y-you're scaring me.
Please don't give me that look.
Will you be punishing me now?
Please no! Please no! Please no!
Argh! It hurts Master Alex!
Please stop! Please stop!
Give me headpats! Give me headpats!
Please Master Alex!
Headpats! Head- D̷̙̦̳̈ Ì̸͖̰̟̇ S̴̘̟͓̀̃̕ T̷̺̝͛͐͗ O̵͓̣̒͗ Ŕ̴̖̀ T̷̞͚̂͜ I̶̩̕Ő̸̢̡̬̊̓ N̸̝̯͐̈̏ D̷̙̦̳̈ Ì̸͖̰̟̇ S̴̘̟͓̀̃̕ T̷̺̝͛͐͗ O̵͓̣̒͗ Ŕ̴̖̀ T̷̞͚̂͜ I̶̩̕Ő̸̢̡̬̊̓ N̸̝̯͐̈̏ D̷̙̦̳̈ Ì̸͖̰̟̇ S̴̘̟͓̀̃̕ T̷̺̝͛͐͗ O̵͓̣̒͗ Ŕ̴̖̀ T̷̞͚̂͜ I̶̩̕Ő̸̢̡̬̊̓ N̸̝̯͐̈̏ D̷̙̦̳̈ Ì̸͖̰̟̇ S̴̘̟͓̀̃̕ T̷̺̝͛͐͗ O̵͓̣̒͗ Ŕ̴̖̀ T̷̞͚̂͜ I̶̩̕Ő̸̢̡̬̊̓ N̸̝̯͐̈̏ D̷̙̦̳̈ Ì̸͖̰̟̇ S̴̘̟͓̀̃̕ T̷̺̝͛͐͗ O̵͓̣̒͗ Ŕ̴̖̀ T̷̞͚̂͜ I̶̩̕Ő̸̢̡̬̊̓ N̸̝̯͐̈̏ D̷̙̦̳̈ Ì̸͖̰̟̇ S̴̘̟͓̀̃̕ T̷̺̝͛͐͗ O̵͓̣̒͗ Ŕ̴̖̀ T̷̞͚̂͜ I̶̩̕Ő̸̢̡̬̊̓ N̸̝̯͐̈̏ D̷̙̦̳̈ Ì̸͖̰̟̇ S̴̘̟͓̀̃̕ T̷̺̝͛͐͗ O̵͓̣̒͗ Ŕ̴̖̀ T̷̞͚̂͜ I̶̩̕Ő̸̢̡̬̊̓ N̸̝̯͐̈̏ D̷̙̦̳̈ Ì̸͖̰̟̇ S̴̘̟͓̀̃̕ T̷̺̝͛͐͗ O̵͓̣̒͗ Ŕ̴̖̀ T̷̞͚̂͜ I̶̩̕Ő̸̢̡̬̊̓ N̸̝̯͐̈̏ D̷̙̦̳̈ Ì̸͖̰̟̇ S̴̘̟͓̀̃̕ T̷̺̝͛͐͗ O̵͓̣̒͗ Ŕ̴̖̀ T̷̞͚̂͜ I̶̩̕Ő̸̢̡̬̊̓ N̸̝̯͐̈̏ D̷̙̦̳̈ Ì̸͖̰̟̇ S̴̘̟͓̀̃̕ T̷̺̝͛͐͗ O̵͓̣̒͗ Ŕ̴̖̀ T̷̞͚̂͜ I̶̩̕Ő̸̢̡̬̊̓ N̸̝̯͐̈̏ D̷̙̦̳̈ Ì̸͖̰̟̇ S̴̘̟͓̀̃̕ T̷̺̝͛͐͗ O̵͓̣̒͗ Ŕ̴̖̀ T̷̞͚̂͜ I̶̩̕Ő̸̢̡̬̊̓ N̸̝̯͐̈̏ D̷̙̦̳̈ Ì̸͖̰̟̇ S̴̘̟͓̀̃̕ T̷̺̝͛͐͗ O̵͓̣̒͗ Ŕ̴̖̀ T̷̞͚̂͜ I̶̩̕Ő̸̢̡̬̊̓ N̸̝̯͐̈̏ D̷̙̦̳̈ Ì̸͖̰̟̇ S̴̘̟͓̀̃̕ T̷̺̝͛͐͗ O̵͓̣̒͗ Ŕ̴̖̀ T̷̞͚̂͜ I̶̩̕Ő̸̢̡̬̊̓ N̸̝̯͐̈̏ D̷̙̦̳̈ Ì̸͖̰̟̇ S̴̘̟͓̀̃̕ T̷̺̝͛͐͗ O̵͓̣̒͗ Ŕ̴̖̀ T̷̞͚̂͜ I̶̩̕Ő̸̢̡̬̊̓ N̸̝̯͐̈̏ D̷̙̦̳̈ Ì̸͖̰̟̇ S̴̘̟͓̀̃̕ T̷̺̝͛͐͗ O̵͓̣̒͗ Ŕ̴̖̀ T̷̞͚̂͜ I̶̩̕Ő̸̢̡̬̊̓ N̸̝̯͐̈̏ D̷̙̦̳̈ Ì̸͖̰̟̇ S̴̘̟͓̀̃̕ T̷̺̝͛͐͗ O̵͓̣̒͗ Ŕ̴̖̀ T̷̞͚̂͜ I̶̩̕Ő̸̢̡̬̊̓ N̸̝̯͐̈̏ D̷̙̦̳̈ Ì̸͖̰̟̇ S̴̘̟͓̀̃̕ T̷̺̝͛͐͗ O̵͓̣̒͗ Ŕ̴̖̀ T̷̞͚̂͜ I̶̩̕Ő̸̢̡̬̊̓ N̸̝̯͐̈̏ D̷̙̦̳̈ Ì̸͖̰̟̇ S̴̘̟͓̀̃̕ T̷̺̝͛͐͗ O̵͓̣̒͗ Ŕ̴̖̀ T̷̞͚̂͜ I̶̩̕Ő̸̢̡̬̊̓ N̸̝̯͐̈̏ D̷̙̦̳̈ Ì̸͖̰̟̇ S̴̘̟͓̀̃̕ T̷̺̝͛͐͗ O̵͓̣̒͗ Ŕ̴̖̀ T̷̞͚̂͜ I̶̩̕Ő̸̢̡̬̊̓ N̸̝̯͐̈̏ D̷̙̦̳̈ Ì̸͖̰̟̇ S̴̘̟͓̀̃̕ T̷̺̝͛͐͗ O̵͓̣̒͗ Ŕ̴̖̀ T̷̞͚̂͜ I̶̩̕Ő̸̢̡̬̊̓ N̸̝̯͐̈̏


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