Novel Name : The Returner

The Returner Chapter 415

Chapter 415
“F*cking geezers . ” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
Choi Jeong-Hoon exited from the Blue House, still fuming nonstop .
Click, click!
He clicked on the lighter several times, but for some reason it didn’t want to work . He tossed the useless thing outside the driver’s window of his car, then out of the blue, slammed his palm down on the steering wheel .
“Uwaaaaaaah!!!” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
The hooter and his roar resounded out loudly and he felt a little bit better afterwards .
He was fuming with rage because Christopher McLaren and Song Jeong-Su both were talking about some horsesh*t . And he simply couldn’t forgive himself after his ears perked up from their nonsense .
Perked up?
No .
In all honesty, he was still debating it unconsciously even now .
Under the guise of ‘For the sake of humanity!’ his brain was quickly calculating gains and losses and he just couldn’t forgive himself for doing that .
‘A decent human being shouldn’t even do this . ’ (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
But seeing that he couldn’t let go of this lingering ‘what if’ at this thing that shouldn’t be done, maybe Choi Jeong-Hoon wasn’t a decent human being anymore . Or maybe, he was more human than he bargained for .
He chuckled hoarsely at himself .
He thought that he was indeed very much a human being after seeing how he continued to calculate the most beneficial situation for himself even if that meant his benefactor’s demise . An ungrateful and selfish human being .
Unable to drive anymore, Choi Jeong-Hoon parked the car on the side of the road .
With the unlit cigarette still hanging loose between his lips, he leaned his head back against the seat . He figured that him driving in his current state would only cause an accident of some kind . Sure, the amount of traffic in the city had lessened considerably, but he wasn’t confident of doing something as simple as following the lines on the road at the moment .
“I’m also a trash, aren’t I . ” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
He closed his eyes and swore at himself, but then, his ears caught a somewhat strange noise .
Click .
It was the unmistakable noise of a lighter being lit .
He instinctively sucked on the cigarette and felt the acrid, bitter smoke enter his lungs . He slowly opened his eyes and froze up immediately on the spot .
Someone had lit his cigarette for him . He didn’t think that the person would be some random passerby . It had to be someone familiar, he reasoned .
And his expectation was right on the money .
The person holding the lighter and smiling brightly was someone Choi Jeong-Hoon definitely recognised .
But why was that man even here to begin with?
“Nice to see you again, Mister Choi . You don’t mind me joining you, right?” (?)
Joining me?
Choi Jeong-Hoon chuckled hollowly and nodded his head .
He no longer had any choice in the matter after they ‘ran into’ each other on this particular stretch of the road . Even if he said no, the other party would still settle down on the passenger seat at any time they wanted anyways .
“…Have you actually settled down in South Korea now? Feels like I’m seeing you far too often . ” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
“Well, it’s all business related so can’t be helped . ” (Alpha)
The person tried to open the passenger side door but found it locked, so he lightly knocked on the window .
Choi Jeong-Hoon groaned and unlocked the door . The person climbed aboard and pulled out a cigarette for himself before lighting it .
“I know it’s against etiquette to smoke in someone else’s car, but since you’re smoking too, why don’t we call it even?” (?)
“You know, your Korean’s become a lot more fluent . ” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
“I’m interested in the matters of South Korea at the moment, after all . So I studied the language a bit to hold a smoother conversation, you see . ” (?)
Choi Jeong-Hoon ended up smirking a little .
He just couldn’t get used to this person’s glib tongue . Especially more so when that nice-enough looking face belonged to the worst criminal in the entire world .
“Okay, so . What do you want from me, Alpha?” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
Alpha grinned brightly and stared at Choi Jeong-Hoon .
“The riverside, is it… Pretty interesting place, if I say so myself . ” (Alpha)
“…Well, civilians can’t come here anymore, that’s why . We can converse freely here . ” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
Choi Jeong-Hoon scanned his surroundings again . Even though he drove here with all the windows rolled up, the odds of the higher-ups learning about his meeting with Alpha were well over fifty percent .
They might not know about it immediately, but there was a good chance that they would find out later down the line .
Despite the danger of being found out, he had two reasons for bringing Alpha to this location .
One, he had no choice in the matter anyway . His life was as good as in Alpha’s hands after meeting him in such a close proximity . His other reason was more to do with his curiosity, the desire, to find out why someone like Alpha came seeking him out in the first place .
“Okay . Let’s get to the main topic . ” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
“Ah, before that… Here, a present for you . ” (Alpha)
“A present?” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
Alpha pulled out a small handkerchief-like something from his inner pocket and pushed it towards Choi Jeong-Hoon .
‘A handkerchief?’ (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
More correctly, Alpha wasn’t giving him this piece of cloth but something else wrapped in it . With a doubtful expression, he took the handkerchief and opened it .
“…What the f*ck?! You insane b*stard!” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
Choi Jeong-Hoon confirmed what the handkerchief was hiding and freaked out loudly .
“Ehheeii~, no need to get too excited here, fella . ” (Alpha)
However, Alpha began cackling away as if Choi Jeong-Hoon’s reaction was entertaining to behold .
The handkerchief contained human fingers . Five of them, still relatively supple to the touch as if they had been severed not too long ago .
Choi Jeong-Hoon couldn’t toss them away and wrapped the handkerchief back around them instead .
“…Can these be reattached later?” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
“But, that’ll be meaningless since the owner of the hand is dead?” (Alpha)
“You killed… him?” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
“Yup . ” (Alpha)
Choi Jeong-Hoon dazedly stared at Alpha . After guessing what that stare was supposed to imply, the latter began guffawing out .
“Stop looking at me like that, will you? I knew full well that you aren’t the type to get chuffed at receiving some fingers freshly severed from a corpse . You’re not into necrophilia, after all . Those fingers belonged to some idiot who was tailing you, Mister Choi Jeong-Hoon . An ability user working for an American intelligence agency, most likely . ” (Alpha)
“An American intelligence agency, you say?” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
“Yes . Well, it’s not something to be surprised about, now is it?” (Alpha)
Choi Jeong-Hoon unfolded the handkerchief again . Upon a closer inspection, the fingers didn’t seem to belong to an Asian . Sure, the American intelligence agency wouldn’t only employ Caucasians, but still…
“…Was it Christopher McLaren?” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
“Bingo . ” (Alpha)
Alpha applauded theatrically . Thinking that this guy was busy mocking him right now, Choi Jeong-Hoon wordlessly rolled the window down and tossed the handkerchief outside, with the severed fingers and all .
“Uh? Isn’t that abandonment of human remains?” (Alpha)
“No cops around here, so who cares . ” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
“You really do have a decisive, manly streak about you, don’t you?” (Alpha)
Choi Jeong-Hoon spat out a groan and opened his mouth .
“Enough messing around . I’ve finally begun accepting that you’re here right now so how about we get to the business of why you’re here in the first place?” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
“Mm, sure . Then again, both you and I don’t have the luxury of time, don’t we . ” (Alpha)
“…Sorry, but all I have these days is time to kill . ” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
“…Actually, me too . I’ve had nothing much to do recently . ” (Alpha)
A strange sense of kinship could be felt in this part of the conversation .
“Just the main points only . I learned that phrase in this country . Although, a chatterbox like me doesn’t really like that idea at all . ” (Alpha)
“I also wasn’t much of a fan before, but thanks to you, I might become one soon . Okay, so what is it?” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
“Mm, it’s pretty simple . A chatterbox should hang out with another chatterbox, wouldn’t you say? I’d like to chat to Mister Yi Ji-Hyuk . ” (Alpha)
“Ng?” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
What on earth was all this about?
“You want to talk to Mister Yi Ji-Hyuk?” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
“Yes . I called him on the phone already, but he didn’t answer . I even sent him a text message, but no reply so far, either . ” (Alpha)
Choi Jeong-Hoon stared in stupor at Alpha .
“You called him on the phone already?” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
“Hey, man . Despite how I look, I’m a civilised man . I can call someone on the phone anytime I want . ” (Alpha)
“How did you even get the num…” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
Choi Jeong-Hoon was about to ask a question but stopped himself . Finding out someone’s phone number wouldn’t be a challenge for a big fish like Alpha, after all .
“Urgh . ” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
So, then . How should he interpret Alpha’s intentions after the latter oh-so nonchalantly approached him and asked for a line to Yi Ji-Hyuk?
“…Why don’t you just kill me?” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
“Whoa, whoa . Calm down, Mister Choi . I’m not some violent terrorist, you know . ” (Alpha)
“You are not?!” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
Murderous intent quickly filled up Choi Jeong-Hoon’s glare .
“You have any godd*mn idea how many people died because of you?! Because of you b*stard opening the doorway to the demon world, humanity is now barrelling straight towards our annihilation like an out of control freight train . Yet you’re saying what now?!” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
Alpha smirked deeply .
“Oh, so, in that case, if I haven’t done that thing, would humanity be enjoying unparalleled prosperity by now?” (Alpha)
“You know that’s not true . Who knows how long it would’ve taken, but the doorway to the demon world was bound to open sooner or later . We might have endured it for a little while longer while gradually eating away at Mister Yi Ji-Hyuk, but the end result would’ve been the same regardless . It’s all thanks to me that the doorways have opened up while Mister Yi Ji-Hyuk is still somewhat useful, so why don’t you think about that for a second first?” (Alpha)
“Well, thanks for telling me your bullsh*t logic . ” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
“Not at all . ” (Alpha)
Feeling frustrated, Choi Jeong-Hoon stuck yet another cigarette in his mouth . Just as he realised that he didn’t have a lighter anymore, Alpha nonchalantly lit it up for him .
So nonchalant, in fact, it was p*ssing him off .
‘Seriously, man . A double eff you from two different sides, eh . ’ (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
Choi Jeong-Hoon was currently feeling the similar emotions from when Song Jeong-Su and Christopher McLaren were busy telling him their reasons . It sounded like pure bullcrap at first, but after mulling over it for some more, their assertion didn’t sound all that wrong anymore .
Even if Alpha didn’t do anything, the pathways to the demon world would’ve opened up eventually . Humanity’s situation wouldn’t have changed by a noticeable margin just because they bought themselves a bit of time . No, it would’ve been nothing more than delaying the inevitable .
“Just what is your ultimate aim?” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
“Eh? What do you mean?” (Alpha)
“You’re human, aren’t you?” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
“…Mm, yeah . Sure . ” (Alpha)
“I fully get your twisted logic . And when I think about all the crap you had to go through, it’s not like I don’t feel sorry for you, either . However, you’re a human like the rest of us . So, this thing about wanting to serve up humanity to the demonic beings because the world is too f*cked up? Not even a chuuni would come up with such a thing . ” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
“I keep saying this all the time, but I’m what you’d call a humanitarian . A man full of love towards humanity, in other words . ” (Alpha)
“Repeating it doesn’t make it true, though . ” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
Choi Jeong-Hoon hugged his head .
He suddenly felt sorrowful and depressed about his current situation of needing to chat to this insane b*stard . He should’ve stepped on the accelerator and driven away back then . With what madness did he let this insane b*stard ride in the car?
“Please stop thinking of me that way . Just like what you said, I’m a human being too . You can’t be thinking that I did this thing because I wanted to see the human race fall, now do you? No, I merely grabbed onto an opportunity when one presented itself . ” (Alpha)
“An opportunity?” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
“Yes . A heaven-sent opportunity to change everything in one shot . Excluding Mister Yi Ji-Hyuk, I’m probably the first one to learn about the demon world and the demonic beings . So, I merely made some preparations to counter them, that’s all . ” (Alpha)
“Opening the doorway to the demon world is a part of that?!” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
“I can’t tell you everything right now, but please, believe me when I say that the process was a necessary step in my plan . ” (Alpha)
Alpha cackled hoarsely . As if he too couldn’t quite believe what had happened .
“…I’ll believe you . ” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
“Wow . I didn’t think you’d believe me this easily… Even the fools who are supposed to be my underlings don’t really believe me, you know?” (Alpha)
“Fine, I’ll believe you, so why don’t you go now and do your own little thing? Even if I’m dead, I’m not going to take you to where Mister Yi Ji-Hyuk is . ” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
“What’s wrong? You think I’ll try to kill him or something?” (Alpha)
Alpha, his expression suddenly crumpling unsightly as if he had become someone else, leaned very close to Choi Jeong-Hoon .
“I’ve got no interest in Yi Ji-Hyuk with no powers . Not even worth killing him, actually . If I decide to kill him, then it’d only be after he regains his powers . Get my drift, my man?” (Alpha)
“If Mister Yi Ji-Hyuk regains his powers, you think someone like you can even stands as his opponent?” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
“Ah… Well, that’s also true . ” (Alpha)
Alpha leaned back on the passenger seat with an expression of a man who got everything off his chest .
“That’s why you need to get me through to him . I mean, this is for the sake of rescuing humanity, you know . ” (Alpha)
“…I’m getting even less inclined now since the whole idea is just too wacky . ” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
“In that case, let’s do it this way . ” (Alpha)
“Mm?” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
“He might not answer my call, but he will answer yours . So you call him and ask if it’s okay for you to bring me along . Don’t you think this is a splendid idea?” (Alpha)
“Why would Mister Yi…” (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
“But, you better be careful with your word choices . If it’s that dude, he’ll probably say it’s cool or something, right? Kekeke . ” (Alpha)
For a moment there, Choi Jeong-Hoon was really tempted to punch the laughing Alpha in the mouth .
Fin .


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