Novel Name : The Returner

The Returner Chapter 263

(TL” Unedited. Again. My bad.)

"Euh… Euh, ah….." (Yi Ji-Hyuk)
Yi Ji-Hyuk’s complexion paled as if he’d seen the devil straight out of Hell.
Others with him tensed up immediately when that happened.
They couldn’t find any traces of his usual glibly annoying attitude even in front of other demon kings, only the version of him shaking in pure terror and shock.
How could such a thing even happen?
The Yi Ji-Hyuk they knew was the courage personified.
Nicely put, he was a brave soul filled with fighting spirit and who didn’t know the meaning of retreat; if one was to get just a wee bit honest, then he had long forgotten the meaning of being scared and decided to store his liver back home before showing up here. (TL: I had to cut a substantial portion of the joke from this paragraph as it just didn’t work no matter how I tried to rejig it to fit English. I left the ‘liver’ reference alone, though; In Korea, anyone reckless/foolhardy was said to possess a ‘swollen liver’.)
Yet, such a man was openly displaying how terrified he was?
In that case, how horrifying was the being inside that office, then?
"Ah…. Ah….." (Yi Ji-Hyuk)
Yi Ji-Hyuk couldn’t even form a proper sentence as he raised his hand. The gazes of everyone shifted in the direction his finger was pointing at.
"Ah…." (Seo Ah-Young)
Seo Ah-Young gasped out in surprise. A being that simply didn’t fit in with the rest was there.
‘Beautiful.’ (Seo Ah-Young)
Indeed, beautiful.
There was no other way to describe ‘her’.
After Yi Ji-Hyuk’s entrance, Seo Ah-Young had encountered many people boasting drop-dead gorgeous looks. Kim Dah-Som, for instance, was overwhelmingly beautiful for a human being.
Seo Ah-Young was quietly confident of her own looks, but hell, Kim Dah-Som was really stunning, like some kind of a life-sized doll. When looked at objectively, then even the former couldn’t deny being slightly inferior compared to the latter.
However, she figured it was fine since there wouldn’t be that many as-beautiful people in this world, anyway.
Her thoughts were shattered again after Affeldrichae made her entrance.
Her looks were simply otherworldly, not human - and as it turned out, she was indeed not human at all. Her beauty was so peerless that it was as if the ideals of beauty had been collated to create her, so much so that a human being would simply feel inadequate before it.
Seo Ah-Young was sure that no one more beautiful than her would ever appear in this world.
But now…
Her thoughts were being shattered once more.
‘So different.’ (Seo Ah-Young)
The woman before Seo Ah-Young was emitting a completely different kind of charm compared to Affeldrichae.
Jet-black, silky-smooth black hair, and the leather tights wrapped around her figure; a different type of allure compared to the gorgeous, vibrant beauty of Affeldrichae.
However, that snow-white skin, deep, dark eyes that seemed to suck everything in, and the perfectly-shaped pair of lips as crimson as blood combined to utterly seduce even her right now.
A tongue ever so slightly poking out licked those cherry-red lips.
"Ah….." (Seo Ah-Young)
Seo Ah-Young was sucked deeply into those eyes and a soft moan leaked out of her lips, but that actually helped her regain her bearings.
‘Oh, my god.’ (Seo Ah-Young)
How could a straight woman feel such an emotion towards another woman?? In that case, what would happen to men, then?
"Heh……" (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
The moment she saw Choi Jeong-Hoon and his stupid-looking eyes as well as his face that might start drooling at any second, veins bulged on her forehead!
"Uwaaaaah!!" (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
A fiery bombardment commenced on his back and soon, he was cowering on the floor, crying out in sheer pain.
This attack hurt him all the way down to his marrows!!
"W-what was that for?!" (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
"You better wake up, or else!!" (Seo Ah-Young)
"Ah…." (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
His cheeks blushed, perhaps realising his own blunder by then.
Even then, he couldn’t bring himself to raise his head and look towards his front. Because, he was not confident of keeping his wits about him if he saw that woman’s face again.
Should he say that it felt as if his soul was being sucked out?
It wasn’t simply because the mystery woman was beautiful. No, even if she was an incredibly unattractive hag, what Choi Jeong-Hoon had felt wouldn’t be different.
‘Just what was that??’ (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
Just by meeting her gaze, he was completely entranced by her. That sensation of his soul being stolen away….
‘Is that why?’ (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
Was that the reason for Yi Ji-Hyuk’s current reaction?
‘That makes sense, no?’ (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
When one thought about it, Yi Ji-Hyuk was a man at the end of the day.
Even though he didn’t display much of a reaction when he was literally surrounded by females busy sending him positive vibes all the time, and made Choi Jeong-Hoon wonder if he was an eunuch after all, regardless of what, Yi Ji-Hyuk was still biologically a male.
As long as you were a man, there was simply no way you’d not fall for those looks! Definitely!
"Mister Yi Ji-Hyuk!" (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
"Ah, euh…." (Yi Ji-Hyuk)
Yi Ji-Hyuk couldn’t say anything, only emitting pained grunts over and over again.
"Are you alright?" (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
"Euh….." (Yi Ji-Hyuk)
It was then, a quiet laughter softly rang out.
"Hohohoho." (Erukana)
It was nothing more than just a laughter. Even then, Choi Jeong-Hoon had to do everything in his willpower to calm his wildly-pounding heart.
‘What the hell!!’ (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
Could they fight?
Could they even throw an attack here?
In a way, it might very well be that they had run into the worst type of a demon king there was for them.
If Yi Ji-Hyuk ended up being charmed by her, then humanity would be finished for good.
"Mister Yi Ji-Hyuk!" (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
Choi Jeong-Hoon urgently shouted out and raised his head up.
"Huh?" (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
And he began tilting it side to side.
Because, Yi Ji-Hyuk’s current expression was…. strange.
How should I describe that?
It’s terror, alright, but what?
From the get-go, it’s strange to feel terror above all else when looking at such a stunning woman, yet the terror Yi Ji-Hyuk is feeling, it’s…. What exactly is it…. (Choi Jeong-Hoon’s inner monologue)
‘Where have I seen such an expression before….?’ (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
Choi Jeong-Hoon had definitely seen an expression like that before. Not on Yi Ji-Hyuk’s face, no, but on someone else.
"…Ah!!" (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
That was it!
It happened on his father’s payday when he was still a young boy; his father spent his entire salary on booze and came home super-drunk, only to run into his mother waiting for him on the street while holding onto the young Choi Jeong-Hoon’s hand. The face his father made on that day was exactly the same as that of Yi Ji-Hyuk’s.
A face of a weakling, filled with the combination of terror and despair!
….Why was Yi Ji-Hyuk making such an expression?
As if to answer his curiosity, the mystery woman slowly walked forward and approached them.
The footsteps ringing up from the floor dug into his ears.
Even then, Yi Ji-Hyuk was unable to react properly.
"Why!! Why!!!" (Yi Ji-Hyuk)
It was then, he suddenly began shouting out as if he was having a seizure.
A thick grin formed on her lips. It was incredibly alluring one, too. A seductive smile bursting at the seems with explosive amount of sensuality, that’s what that was.
Choi Jeong-Hoon felt dizzy after looking at it from the side, so how would Yi Ji-Hyuk feel after seeing it head-on??
"Mister Yi Ji-Hyuk, you must not be seduc….. Mister Yi Ji-Hyuk??" (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
What is up with this dude?
How can anyone look at such a lovely face and form an expression reserved for looking at a disgusting insect?? (Choi Jeong-Hoon’s inner monologue)
‘His mental fortitude is no joke, then.’ (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
As expected of Yi Ji-Hyuk!
He should not get seduced by a cheap smile like that!
"Why… are you here?!" (Yi Ji-Hyuk)
"Ng?" (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
What was this? Did they know each other?
It was then - the woman licked her lips and spoke in a sweet, smooth voice.
"Darling!" (Erukana)
Is that ‘darling’ the same darling that I know?? (Choi Jeong-Hoon’s inner monologue)
Choi Jeong-Hoon freaked out and hurriedly looked at Yi Ji-Hyuk.
No, it can’t be, right? Right? She said that just to make fun of us, right?
Please say it ain’t so, Mister Yi Ji-Hyuk?! (Choi Jeong-Hoon’s inner monologue)
"Hiiiiiiieeeek?!" (Yi Ji-Hyuk)
Suddenly, Yi Ji-Hyuk spun around, and dashed straight out of there.
"Uwaaaah!!" (Yi Ji-Hyuk)
"Where do you think you’re going?" (Erukana)
Almost at the same time, she blinked from their view with a poof and reappeared right in front of fleeing Yi Ji-Hyuk.
"Hiiieeek!!" (Yi Ji-Hyuk)
Like a mouse trapped in front of a cat, cold sweat drops flooded down his face.
"Didn’t you miss me?" (Erukana)
"NO! Do I look insane to you?!" (Yi Ji-Hyuk)
"Eii~, I know you missed me!" (Erukana)
"No, neverrrrrr!!" (Yi Ji-Hyuk)
"Ehehe~, but I really missed you~!" (Erukana)
With no warning whatsoever, she dug into Yi Ji-Hyuk’s arms and began rubbing her head against his chin.
It was like looking at a kitten that finally located its long-lost mother cat or something, and Choi Jeong-Hoon watched on in stupefaction.
What the heck was up with this situation??
"Heeeiiik!!" (Yi Ji-Hyuk)
Yi Ji-Hyuk suddenly forced her away as if he was kicking her, and dashed in the opposite direction with everything he had.
"Uwaaaah!!" (Yi Ji-Hyuk)
"Where are you going, darling?" (Erukana)
She shouted at the fleeing man’s back, and he suddenly stiffened up like a rock before falling on the floor. But he didn’t give up; he began crawling on all fours and eventually, disappeared from the view.
The remaining people dazedly witnessed that spectacle.
"…Well, that was very cockroach-like, wasn’t it." (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
He sure knew how to surpass the limits of a human in various facets.
"M-m-mm…." (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
Choi Jeong-Hoon fell into deeply in his thoughts, wondering how he should unpack this situation. Thankfully, the mystery woman shifted her gaze and showed her interest in them next.
"So, you were here, too." (Erukana)
"Yes." (Affeldrichae)
Affeldrichae quietly nodded her head.
"You’re still chasing after my darling, though? But, didn’t I already tell you that I won’t give him up?" (Erukana)
"….I’m not following after him with that goal in mind." (Affeldrichae)
She was being pushed back?
Affeldrichae, who always seemed to never back down even when arguing with Yi Ji-Hyuk, was being slowly but surely retreating away.
It was hard to tell exactly what kind of a person Affeldrichae was, but by listening to the conversations she’d hold, one could infer that she was almost on the same level as the world’s greatest existence.
Such a person was awkwardly stepping away and that made Choi Jeong-Hoon feel really weird right now.
Plus, how should he say this….
It was as if there was this vague, hard-to-describe emotion running between the two?
"Did you look after my darling well?" (Erukana)
"Yes." (Affeldrichae)
"Hmm. For a lizard, you sure know how to do things like that. Don’t forget that I’ll cook you alive if you can’t even do that properly." (Erukana)
"Yes." (Affeldrichae)
"If you wish to even walk in my darling’s footsteps, then you better stay sharp, alright?" (Erukana)
"Yes." (Affeldrichae)
What kind of a conversation is this?
What the freak?! (Choi Jeong-Hoon’s inner monologue)
"Uhm…. Affeldrichae-nim?" (Jeong Hae-Min) (TL: "-nim" suffix is a genderless honorific usually used to address someone respectfully. It’s usually paired with one’s profession, though.)
Jeong Hae-Min spoke in a hushed voice to Affeldrichae.
"Yes?" (Affeldrichae)
"This… lady is?" (Jeong Hae-Min)
"Ah….." (Affeldrichae)
Affeldrichae began to greatly hesitate all of a sudden.
A Dragon is hesitating!! (Author’s inner monologue)
If the good people from Berafe saw this, then they would shout to high heavens that ‘The Dragon has finally gone mad!’
"This lady is… so, mm…." (Affeldrichae)
As if she had finally organised her thoughts, Affeldrichae opened her lips to speak.
"She’s the holder of Mister Yi Ji-Hyuk’s title, if you will." (Affeldrichae)
"Ehhhhk?" (Jeong Hae-Min)
"Excuse me?!" (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
"What was that?" (Seo Ah-Young)
What was she even talking about here?
The trio tilted their heads, unable to understand at all.
Affeldrichae formed an expression of someone agonising over her next words. She wanted to explain the relationship between Yi Ji-Hyuk and this woman, but she wasn’t sure how to do that in the context of this world’s norms.
"Mm…." (Affeldrichae)
"That’s enough. Step aside." (Erukana)
"Yes." (Affeldrichae)
Affeldrichae submissively took a step back.
How could this be? It wasn’t as if she was a new bride meeting her mother-in-law or something!
"Are you lot friends of my darling?" (Erukana)
"Why aren’t you answering me?" (Erukana)
"Well, yes…. Let’s say that we are." (Choi Jeong-Hoon)
Although the choice of the term ‘friend’ was a bit awkward for everyone else, it was not really necessary to explain why that was at the moment.
It was also doubtful that a demon king would understand the nuance behind the term, work colleagues, either.
"I am Erukana."
"The thirteenth demon king from the demon world. I came to this world to meet up with my darling." (Erukana)
"Hang on a moment, please!" (Jeong Hae-Min)
It was then, Jeong Hae-Min suddenly stepped forward, her eyes ablaze.
Blazing eyes?!
Against a demon king?
It’d not be strange for her eyes to be plucked out by the demon king for her insolence!
Mister Yi Ji-Hyuk wasn’t even here, too!
"You keep saying darling this and darling that, but just what exactly is your relationship with Ji-Hyuk that you keep calling him a darling?" (Jeong Hae-Min)
"Ng? Have I chosen a wrong word to use, then? That’s odd. I believe I’ve learned enough of this nation’s dialect, though?" (Erukana)
Erukana looked at Affeldrichae. The latter shook her head, looking somewhat stiff.
"No, it’s not wrong." (Affeldrichae)
"I thought so." (Erukana)
Erukana purred like a full-bellied cat.
"I knew it. And it sounds just about right, too." (Erukana)
"B-but, it’s not a wrong word?" (Jeong Hae-Min)
Jeong Hae-Min’s shaky eyes were locked onto Affeldrichae next.
‘Darling’ is the correct expression?
In that case…! (Jeong Hae-Min’s inner monologue)
"Officially, she is…." (Affeldrichae)
The end of Affeldrichae’s sentence drifted away; she bit her lip just a little, before continuing on.
"This lady here is a demon king of the demon world. She is also, through the means of a contract, origin of Mister Yi Ji-Hyuk’s dark Mana, and….." (Affeldrichae)
She chose to speak her words very, very slowly.
"….His current wife." (Affeldrichae)
In that moment, an earthquake erupted out within Jeong Hae-Min’s eyes.
It wasn’t just her, though.
Others were also rendered speechless as if they were stuck silly in the head by a hammer.
After a short bout of silence, though, Jeong Hae-Min’s jaw fell to the floor.
What on earth was this all about??


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