Novel Name : Thriller Paradise

Thriller Paradise Chapter 858

Chapter 858: The ultimate rescue (7)

Translator: 549690339

After receiving the confirmation from the command center, the security team prepared to bring Feng bujue back.
For brother Jue, this was not a good development, but being arrested was better than being shot on the spot. After all, the main plot of this scenario had no time limit. As long as he was alive, he would have a chance to turn the tables.
With this in mind, he obediently accepted the fact that he was arrested.
“Walk faster, don’t play any tricks.” On the way to the ninth underground floor, this was the sentence that brother Jue had heard the most.
Of course, even if they did not say anything, brother Jue would not play any tricks. He only had the physical fitness of an ordinary person, and he was escorted by a group of Special Forces-level SCPs Foundation security personnel with loaded guns. With such a great disparity in power, it was impossible to change the situation with only wisdom.!!
Furthermore … Feng bujue knew very well that in this world that was filled with SCPs, there were many resources that could be used. Based on his understanding of the SCPs-related information, as long as he stayed in this scenario for a longer period of time, he would definitely be able to gain great benefits. With this in mind, he was even more unwilling to take unnecessary risks.
“Stay in formation and pay attention to the corner of the stairs.” After entering the stairwell, the eight members of the security team spread out to surround Feng bujue and continued to move forward.
One level, two levels, three levels …
The signs for the stairs went from B1, B2, B3 … All the way to B5.
Just as they were walking from the fifth underground floor to the sixth underground floor, suddenly!
Swoosh … Swoosh … Swoosh …
Along with a series of strange noises, black, vine-like substances bloomed on the ground below the stairs, corroding large pieces of the ground and walls.
“F * ck!” Feng bujue’s reaction was faster than all the security guards around him. He recognized the person with one look.”Run!”
His shout woke up the eight members who were “looking at the wall”, but they didn’t realize what the black corrosion marks meant.
After all, they were only the security personnel of this facility, not the special Mobile Task Force of the regiment soldiers. Due to their authority, they did not know all the relevant information about the base’s SCP projects, especially the ITER-level projects …
“Shut up! Don’t move!” “Don’t panic!” The team leader yelled at brother Jue, then said to his team members,”get ready for the attack.”
“Welcome your Grandpa!” Feng bujue roared,”if you want to die, then die! I’m not going to die with you!”
“I told you to shut up … Are you going to listen … Wu … Ah!” The security guard turned around and was about to yell at brother Jue when …
At that moment, a black figure suddenly “floated” up from the ground behind him and grabbed his throat.
The next second, the three security guards standing in the front row raised their guns almost instinctively and opened fire at the same time.
Tu tu tu tu tu
The three of them were well-trained and had good shooting skills. They were also very close to the target. If they were to shoot accurately, they would not hurt their companions.
However … The black Shadow’s movements were not affected at all.
“It’s useless! Quickly run!” Feng bujue shouted again in a very serious tone.
But … Those people ignored him and continued to fire …
“Tsk … A bunch of idiots …” Brother Jue was anxious, but he was surrounded by the team and handcuffed. If he did anything suspicious, he would probably be killed.
He could only continue to wait until the security personnel realized the severity of the problem …
“Project number: SP 106”
[Project level: Keter]
[Special containment measures: the containment area for scpnovel 106 is divided into two floors. The first floor was a locked room made of lead steel. The room must be sealed in 40 floors of the same material. There must be a gap of no less than 36 cm between each floor. The support frames between layers must be randomly arranged. The room must be suspended at least 60 cm away from any surface with ELO IIID electromagnetic support.
The second floor was made up of 16 spherical “rooms,” each of which was filled with different liquids and covered with random support frames and surfaces. The second floor should be fully equipped with a lighting system, so that the area can be filled immediately without the need for personnel intervention, and the light should not be less than 80000 luminaries.
Both levels of the containment area should be under 24-hour surveillance. If you observe the surface of any containment area, the staff, or any signs of corrosion within 200 meters of Room 106, you should report it to the station’s safety immediately.
Any person or object that was lost because of 106 would be considered missing or dead, and no rescue attempts would be made.
Do not have any physical contact with Room 106 at any time. All physical contact required the approval of more than two-thirds of the O5 level personnel. All contact must be carried out in the largest Safe Station of AR mie, and it must be done after the evacuation of the general unnecessary personnel. [All personnel (including researchers, security personnel, D-class personnel, etc.) Must be more than 60 meters away from the containment room at all times, unless the containment fails.]
[Description: SCP-106 has the appearance of an old human man. The surface of the body is usually in a highly rotten state. His appearance often changed, and the degree of “decay” had also been observed in various forms.
The SCP-106 was not very sensitive. Sometimes, it would stay still for a day, waiting for its prey.
The SCP engine 106 could peel off any vertical surface and hang upside down in an uncertain way.
SCP-106 would try to render its prey powerless. This was usually achieved by attacking the main organs, muscle tissues, or legs. Then, he would drag the injured prey into his dimensional pocket.
It seemed that SCP 106 preferred to prey on humans of the age of 10 – 25.
SCP-106 could cause a “corrosion” effect on any solid object it touched, causing physical collapse after a few seconds of contact. The material will go through the process of rust, decay, and finally collapse. No. 106 would create a black, sticky-like substance on top of the material, similar to the material that wrapped around its body. This effect was especially harmful to living things and was considered a “pre-digestion” behavior. The corrosive effect would last for six hours after contact, and then it would “burn out.”
The SCP engine 106 could pass through solid matter and leave corrosive mucus wherever it passed. No. 106 can “disappear” into solid matter and enter a space that is assumed to be a “pocket dimension.” Next, 106 could exit through any solid object that was connected to it (for example: He could “enter” the inner wall of the room and “exit” from the outer wall. Or enter a wall and leave through the ceiling).
As for the “dimensional pocket,” it was still impossible to determine if it was the key to the prototype of 106, or if it was just a “nest” it created.
The limited observation of the pocket space showed that it was made up of rooms and a Hall, and there was an entrance to “data deletion.” This activity could last “several days”, and some projects would be released. [It’s obvious that these are all for the purpose of hunting, recycling, or ‘data deletion.’]
It was the old man Scorpion 106 (The Old Man). It was one of the most deadly and difficult to deal with ITER-level projects.
Physical restraint was impossible, and direct physical damage … At least at this stage, it had no effect on him.
Due to its extremely difficult-to-contain nature, the Golden Foundation had to re-evaluate it every three months, or after a containment failure.
Although the organization had been collecting more effective, progressive, and special containment measures to contain 106, this problem had yet to be solved.
Therefore, the only thing they could do was to maintain constant surveillance and set up a quick response mechanism.
Unfortunately … What was happening at this moment seemed to have proven that this method was not very useful.
“Ah, Yingluo!”
Finally, after about 30 seconds, the leader of the security team, who was responsible for giving orders, let out two last moans and stopped moving …
A black, rotten substance spread out from his throat and destroyed most of the tissues in his upper body. The weapon in his hand had long since fallen to the ground, and his four limbs were hanging limply.
At this moment, the other security guards had basically stopped shooting. They finally noticed that the old black monster was not afraid of bullets at all.
“What the f ** K are you still standing there for? You’re still not leaving?” Feng bujue roared again and turned to run up the stairs.
While he was shouting, No. 106 had already slowly dragged the corroded man into the ground …
The rest of the security guards hesitated for a few seconds, until one of them said,””Go! Let’s go. ” Only then did they start moving.
These guys had finally decided to run, and that made Feng bujue sigh in relief. He knew that … As long as he kept running and paid attention to the dark matter in all directions, there was a high chance that he could escape from number 106.
“Hey, dan, unlock his handcuffs.” After running for a short while, the team member who had ordered everyone to retreat earlier said to the person beside brother Jue.
Hearing that, dan hesitated for a few seconds.”Are you sure? Gore. ”
“Don’t be so long-winded at a time like this. ” The man called Gore replied,”the captain is finished. I have the final say here.”
Since that was the case, dan had no more room to argue. He immediately took out the handcuffs and unlocked brother Jue’s handcuffs as he ran.
“Oh …” Feng bujue’s lips curled up.”Looks like … There are still one or two people who are reasonable …”
“Cut the crap.” “I just don’t want to see anyone get killed by that monster,” Gore replied. He paused for half a second.”Hurry up and tell me everything you know.”
“Sure …” Brother Jue fed the man a hollow glutinous rice ball before changing the topic.”But before that … I wonder if you have the permission to enter B3?”
“What?” Gore was stunned.”What do you want?”
“Do you even need to ask?” “Of course we’re going in,” Feng bujue replied. He lied without changing his expression and heart rate.”If we want to deal with the monster just now, we need to use something in B3.”
As they were conversing, they had already reached the door of B3.
“Everyone, follow me!” Gore weighed his options for less than two seconds before making up his mind. He took out an access card from his pocket and opened the electronic door of B3.
Then, the eight of them filed in and entered the corridor of B3.
The lights here were different from other places. Even though the emergency power had been switched on, the light on this floor was still white, as if it was not affected by the outside world.
“It looks like … This floor has an independent power generator.” Feng bujue mumbled the moment he entered the corridor.
“Alright, we’re already at B3.” At this time, the team member named ‘dan’ next to brother Jue turned to him and asked,”can you tell us now … What the monster is?”
“Let’s talk while we walk. ” “That thing can go through walls,” Feng bujue said.”If we stay where we are, we might be caught.”
There was no doubt about the credibility of this sentence. The security team members had also seen how their Captain had died just now. They did not want to be suddenly dragged into the wall or ceiling.
“Alright, you’ll walk in the middle,” Gore replied, then turned to dan.”Dan, report the current situation to officer Kozmo.” After the vice-captain gave the two orders, he walked to the front of the team and led everyone forward.
“Then …” Feng bujue jogged after them as he started to narrate.”You might have heard of this thing’s code name before. It’s SCP-106 …”
In the next five minutes, brother Jue explained 106’s profile to these people in more detail. At the same time, he didn’t forget to observe the environment on both sides of the corridor. He didn’t miss a single sign at the corridor’s fork.
“You … You’re not making this up, are you?” After listening to the long description, Gore suddenly turned to brother Jue.”If we ‘re’ monitoring ‘this project at all times, why haven’t I seen any footage of this project in the surveillance room?”
“Humph …” Faced with this level of questioning, Feng bujue was not flustered at all. He answered smoothly,”what’s the point of asking me this question? I’m only a D-class member. You should know better than me how your organization operates. ”
After hearing and thinking about it, Gore suddenly felt that the other party was right. For a ITER-level project like this, there must be a special monitoring team responsible for monitoring it, so they didn’t need to worry about it.
“Alright … I’ll take what you said as the truth for now.” “Do you know how to deal with 106?” Gore asked.
“Let’s run. ” Feng bujue replied in a matter-of-fact tone.
“What?” Gore was obviously angry.”What do you mean?”
“It means there’s no way.” Feng bujue shrugged and smiled.”At this stage, there is no feasible way to eliminate this project, and its weaknesses are very limited … Probably only ‘will be disturbed when facing complex or randomly arranged building structures’,’will hide in the pocket space when facing a sudden bright light’,’hates lead’, and ‘will be confused by liquid’. These four points can’t cause any physical damage to him, it’s just a containment measure …”
Before brother Jue could finish, Gore had already turned around and grabbed him by the collar.””Then why did you say that B3 has something that can deal with him?”
Even though Gore was wearing a helmet, Feng bujue had no doubt that the current Gore had an extremely ferocious and angry face.
“Calm down, buddy.” Brother Jue smiled and replied calmly,”actually, what I really mean is … There’s something here that can help us escape.”
“You B * stard …” Gore pushed him to the ground and pointed the assault rifle at brother Jue’s forehead.”Do you think I’m a three-year-old?” He said fiercely,”according to what you said, No. 106’s movements are not agile. Can’t he run anywhere if he wants to?”
“Hmph … How foolish.” Feng bujue scoffed coldly. Facing this situation, his attitude became even more arrogant.”Do you still not understand? This base is finished. ” He knew that if he wanted to convince others, he had to be confident. Even if it was nonsense, he had to make it sound more real.”Do you think that this is the only one who escaped from the ITER project?”
As soon as he said that, all the security guards ‘hearts trembled.
“You bunch of cannon fodders really don’t know your place …” Feng bujue’s brainwashing began again.”You’ve all heard the description in the SCP-106 document. When faced with a situation where a Keter-level project has gone out of control, even if a Special Agent is captured, they will not go to the rescue, and you … What are you? Compared to Class D’s like us, you’re just a bunch of higher-ranked sacrifices. Compared to the commander controlling you from a distance, I’m the one who’s in the same boat as you, aren’t I? At the very least, I’m in the same situation as all of you. If I’m going to die, we’ll all die together. ”
He had unconsciously pulled this group of people who had come to arrest him to the same position as him. However, these Golden Foundation security members had also been strictly selected. How could they betray him so easily?
“Hmph … You sure have the guts to say that …” Gore snorted. The gun was still pointed at brother Jue’s head, but his tone had calmed down a little. The next second, he turned to dan and said,””Dan, how’s the communication with the command center?”
“I can’t contact him.” Dan shook his head.”I’ve been calling out to you ever since we entered this level, but there’s no response.”
When he heard that, Feng bujue was overjoyed. He took the opportunity to put on an expression that said,””I don’t need to explain further … You are just a bunch of abandoned soldiers, a bunch of consumables that can be replaced at any time.” He spread out his hands.”Instead of serving those officers who abandon you, why don’t you think about how to save your lives?”
Hearing this, the security team members looked at each other … And fell silent.
Feng bujue knew that he had been hooked.””If you don’t mind, I’ll continue with the topic of ‘why did we come to B3’…” He paused for a moment.”Actually, B1, B2, B3, or whatever emergency shelter area, there’s no difference where we go. As long as they stayed in this base, they would die sooner or later. If you want to live … The only way is to use a ‘space jump’ to go to another place. ”


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