Novel Name : Thriller Paradise

Thriller Paradise Chapter 344 Traces of Gales

Chapter 344 Traces of Gales

The news about the Tournament for the Best was undoubtedly a heavy-loaded bomb. It caused ripples of impossible proportions to travel across the gaming community. From the midnight of 20th April, since the moment the notice about the competition was placed on the first page of the official website, the winds of the gaming world started to shift and turn. Due to the news of the Tournament for the Best, the players from all walks of life spent day and night, trying to improve their power level in these last ten days of preparation that they were allowed.
Therefore, this meant that the price of the items at the auction house skyrocketed again. The service for RMB exchange to Game Coins welcomed another wave and even many players who swore not to spend a dime on the game could not resist the urge. The sales at Thriller Box even had a discernible increase in sales. For players who had collected thousands of Skill Points, if now was not the time to spend it, when would that be?
But during this most hectic moment, Feng Bujue stayed offline for three consecutive days. With a blink of an eye, it was already the 23rd of April. This afternoon, someone rang the intercom to Feng Bujue's home. Brother Jue rolled down from the sofa down to the floor. He climbed up and swayed unsteadily to the door. With his left hand on the wall, his right hand picked up the phone and placed it next to his ear. "Who is it?"
"It's me, Ou Yang Jian." A man's voice came from the other end.
"Haven't I told you? If there is nothing important, do not come and find me in the early morning." Feng Bujue groaned.
"Early morning your head! It is already 10 am! The sun has gone way up the horizon!" Ou Yang Jian roared, "Stop wasting my time and open this door."
"Fine, fine…" Feng Bujue answered as he pressed the button to the door. He glanced at the clock that hung at the wall, it really had passed 10 am. "Ah… I wrote until I fell asleep last night. I probably worked until three or 4 am…" Brother Jue had been kept busy for the past three days. He had been busy writing his manuscript. Other than going online to search for information for his writing material, he did not even visit the gaming forum. Of course, one should not think that he had turned over a new leaf because of this… This was because he wished to have his focus and mind clear when the Tournament for the Best arrived in May. So, he hurried to finish everything before then so that he would not have anything to distract him during that period.
Pa, pa, pa, pa… The sound of door-knocking soon came. Feng Bujue pulled the door open and regarded the man that stood before him with an annoyed look. "You do know I have a doorbell, right?"
"But only incessant knocking will show directly the urgency that I am feeling," the man replied. This Mr. Ou Yang Jian was one of the few real-life friends that Feng Bujue had. He was also Brother Jue's 'premier' acting lawyer.
Ou Yang Jian was thirty this year, he already had a family and a bountiful career. He presented a professional and law-abiding image to the world, normally, if he were going out, he would be in a sharp suit, with oiled-back hair and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses.
In terms of appearance, he would give off the impression of a reliable, steady young professional. But in reality, the man was a real and authentic 'legal pettifogger'. If Ou Yang Jian were placed in the 60s, he would definitely become a stick of pot-stirrer that would seriously influence the stability and safety of the overall society.
Even in the year of 2055, where the legal system was already quite perfected, Feng Bujue had once sighed and lamented, "It is such a shame that you are not given a chance to become the private counselor for an Italian Mafia."
It was undeniable that Ou Yang Jian had all the makings of a top lawyer. He had the gift of the gab, a sharp mind, an organized way of dealing with things, and his specialty was to find loopholes in old and obsolete laws… But for some reason, he liked to take on weird cases or service some weird clients.
In Ou Yang Jian's eyes, law was just a tool; and morality was even less than a tool. It was something more akin to a toilet paper, used to wipe one's arse.
If he were given a chance, he would not hesitate even for a moment to represent a serial killer or a drug lord because he had an extreme set of standards that he abided by—victory is justice. Winning the lawsuit is the only way for a lawyer to pursue and maintain the sanctity of his career.
Since everyone knew that they were living inside a world that was not fair and could never be fair, then they should have the consciousness to understand the deeper meaning for the presence of the system of law.
In this game, having a moral high ground or even having faith in morality winning out, in the end, was pointless. To win at the game of justice, one needed to know how to play the game and how to win the game.
During one of the copyright strikes against him several years ago, Ou Yang Jian became Feng Bujue's representative lawyer and that was how their lives crossed paths. After that, the two became fast friends. It was rather like two kindred spirits meeting, lamenting that the friendship had arrived too many years later.
Their encounter was like Hannibal Lector meeting the Joker. In Xiao Tan's imagination, eighty percent of Brother Jian and Brother Jue's conversation would be like: one party used a graceful tone to describe how to most deliciously treat human meat and the other party used a lazy yet darkly cynical tone to mock, "Why so serious?"
After entering the room, Ou Yang Jian walked to the sofa and sat down like this was his own home. Then he took out a bunch of documents from his files and asked, "How come you did not inform me that your editor has changed?"
"Do I need to inform you of something like that?" Feng Bujue replied.
"Will you only remember my email address or phone number when you are seated at the defendant's seat at court?" Ou Yang Jian said half-jokingly.
"That is definitely not true. If there comes a day where I need to deal with a dead body or get rid of some unsightly evidence or clean up a crime scene… I will most likely seek out your help," Feng Bujue admitted.
"Do you have some misunderstanding regarding the clause of confidentiality between lawyer and client…" Ou Yang Jian said.
"No, I just have complete confidence in your personality and behavior." After closing the door, Feng Bujue yawned, rubbed away the crust that had formed around his eyes, and floated back to Ou Yang Jian's side. He took the seat right opposite from the lawyer. "You are indubitably the kind of person one will look for if one needs to cover the track of money laundering, faking some evidence, changing their identity to escape from the judgment of law… In other words, you represent the best of the best in your career."
"First and foremost, I am a law-abiding citizen." Ou Yang Jian opened the laptop that he brought over and he looked through some of the files. "Secondly, I believe quite certainly… that the lawyer that you are talking about is not me but Saul Goodman (a fictional character from the tv drama Breaking Bad)…"
"Isn't Saul the goal that you have been fighting for?" Feng Bujue asked with a smile.
"If my goal is Saul, then does that mean your goal is V?" Ou Yang Jian was one of the few who would not lose Feng Bujue in a mocking battle.
"Very regrettably, I do not have the resource or the determination available to V." Feng Bujue admitted, "Plus I have this belief that, without the protection of plot armor, even if V is slightly stronger physically, it is rather impossible for him to accomplish the plans that he has set down in the movie." He shrugged. "Furthermore… V can still be considered a warrior who would lay down his life for his belief and I am just… Erm…"
Before Brother Jue could finish, he was cut off because Ou Yang Jian picked up the laptop and showed the paragraph that he had been looking for to Feng Bujue—"They use their powerful and impressive national weaponry to constrain and restrict the freedom of thought of its people; they have propagandists to help them spread their belief and to control the zeitgeist of the community. They use that to anesthetize the people and their mind. A corrupt government that employs the appearance of justice and morality, waving the flags of idealism and honor, but they are not below doing some underhanded and at times even illegal activities.
"They have a surveillance system that is as strict as a spider's web, they use to monitor and control the people, they isolate the people on a dark, deserted island. And human rights are that of a slave. Facing the systemized brutality, they have no escape.
"And the ruling party at the upper part of the hierarchy enjoy their lives in lavish palaces and luxurious mansions. Their wealth can rival that of a small country, and their actions are always above the law—even if the law is the same exact ones that they have laid down themselves—and they have special clearance and permission that are unrivaled. This kind of privilege could be seen from the branded vehicle that they drive, and their offspring who sees the law of the road as nothing; when they rape an innocent young lady, they can overturn the ruling into suing the girl for prostitution; that is a microcosm of the luxury of the government and the hamlet of the people; the privilege also allows them to guarantee a return on the market and thus ensuring them to have an endless source of income.
"The common citizen has forgotten the taste of normal butter, but the prime minister can use his privilege to satisfy any of his cravings. Of course, that is not only limited to butter. There is always the prime minister's cigar and the glass of warm milk that the prime minister needs to have every night before he goes to bed. And let us not forget the beautiful ladies who are tasked to send in these glasses of milk… Everyone knows about this, but they do not dare to say anything or else the thing that will be waiting for you next day will be a scary black envelope."
"Do you still remember the enormity of the trouble…" Ou Yang Jian used his fingers to make air quotes. "That this 'movie review' that you wrote about V for Vendetta brought us several years ago?"
"But it was truly just an honest to god movie review." Feng Bujue smirked coldly. "Even today, I insist that those who have overreacted to it are those who those who have something to hide."
"Is that so? This is the first time in my life I have seen a reviewer end their review with a sentence like this… 'Dear pigs who have enslaved yourself to the treadmill of hedonism, you are mocked, you are laughed at, you are feared, you are respected'." Ou Yang Jian turned the laptop back to face himself. "If not for the fact that you had not done anything after that, and that the 'review' had indeed mentioned some of the plot from the movie, we would be having this conversation between a bulletproof window and phone receiver."
Brother Jue stretched lazily and used his arms to cushion behind his head. He leaned back on the sofa. "That's enough, big lawyer. Let's stop going around in circles… Just what is the reason that propels you to come to me today in person?"
"Haven't I told you when I entered the room? It is about your new editor." Ou Yang Jian opened a new file and handed the laptop over to Feng Bujue. The latter accepted the laptop and glanced at it and then he asked, "Is there a problem in the contract that I have with the magazine?" Brother Jue did not think it was weird for Ou Yang Jian to have a copy of his contract because Ou Yang Jian was there when he signed the contract. Of the two of them, one had a weird reading habit and the other due to professional need, so they photocopied another set of the contract. Each of them had a copy so that it was more convenient for them to exchange opinions.
"There is no problem with the contract." Ou Yang Jian said, "The one with the problem is you."
"What do you mean by 'hah?', do you think… That all the violation of deadlines that you have done in the past are forgotten just like that?" Ou Yang Jian continued, "Look down the pages. I have already marked out the areas where you have violated the contract with different colored highlighters."
Feng Bujue scrolled down the document and he soon found the content the lawyer was talking about. He read through them quickly. "Then according to this contract, I will have to compensate them for…"
"That won't be necessary." Ou Yang Jian cut him off. "People say that temporarily they will not pursue your violation in the past."
"Erm… who are these 'people'?" Feng Bujue paused for a second. "An Yuqin?"
"What do you think?" Ou Yang Jian tossed the question back.
"No way, she has gone to find you already?" When Feng Bujue said that, he realized what went wrong immediately. "Argh… I made a huge mistake; I should not have left your contact number with the magazine."
"I also thought it was a strange visit. Back then, I only remember you putting the names and phone numbers of Wang Tanzhi and Bao Qing these two people in the column for emergency contacts when you signed the contract." Ou Yang Jian asked, "When did my name and contact information get added to it?"
"Of course, it was after you have left…" Feng Bujue added, "I even added a bracket next to the name that specified you as my lawyer."
Ou Yang Jian leaned his head back and let out a long sigh into the sky. "Do you know… I am considering a third form of payment method other than hourly payment and per case file payment for special clients like yourself…"
"And what would that be?" Brother Jue asked.
"Of course, it is the constant collection of 'protection fee'," Ou Yang Jian said mockingly.
"Che~" Feng Bujue mocked back, "With our close relationship, you are ruining it by all these talks of money… Furthermore, for lawyers like yourself, isn't earning money as simple as ABC?"
"Ha!" Ou Yang Jian laughed drily. "If I am working for an international company, perhaps money will flow in like water." He shook his head and sighed, "But for a small independent lawyer like myself, even when I work myself to the bones, sometimes, I earn almost as much as the high schoolers who part-time at the convenient store." He showed obvious tiredness on his face. "And occasionally, I have to deal with unique cases like you. I am truly earning the money of a night market peddler but worrying like I am a drug dealer…"
During their conversation, Feng Bujue had finished reading all the marked content, so he brought the topic back to the issue at hand. "By the way… the term, 'temporarily they will not pursue my violation in the past' does not sound that good to me."
"Of course, it does not. That is a brazen threat." Ou Yang Jian said, "I personally believe that this method being used on you is perfectly reasonable, logical, and most importantly, legal." He praised with admiration and relief, "Ah… that makes me feel much better."
"Speaking of which… this girl sure is a hard case to crack…" Feng Bujue thought back to his impression of An Yueqin. He said, "After facing a defeat at my place, she came back with revenge like this after two or three days."
"In any case, just take care of yourself." Ou Yang Jian pulled back the laptop and shoved it back into his bag. "According to the contract, your second-rate detective and his cat will be serialized for another year, right? When you are working for her, just try to stick to the rules and don't find any trouble for yourself."
"I will promise to hand in my manuscript on time. Is that enough…" Feng Bujue stood up and prepared to send Ou Yang Jian out the door. "For me, as long as I am serious, there is nothing that cannot be done."
Ou Yang Jian walked to the door. "Oh right, I have been busy since I woke up this morning. I have not even had a bite to eat. Would you like to accompany me for a quick brunch?"
"I just woke up, so I have no appetite," Feng Bujue replied. "Other than that, I have to deal with your footprints as soon as possible."
"My foot…" Ou Yang Jian lowered his head and the next second, his expression was shocked with terror. "Hey! What is this!"
"Don't worry, it is just cat sh*t." Feng Bujue took another yawn. "Ah… You stepped on them not long after you stepped through the door. When I noticed it, it was already too late for me to remind you."
"So this is the source of the strange smell that I have been sniffing on…" Ou Yang Jian roared, "By the way, how did you manage to keep calm and not mention anything about this throughout our long conversation‽"
"I have already gotten used to it." Feng Bujue used a look that had seen through the ups and downs of the world and added with a lack of emotion. "And… when I got over to open the door for you, I also stepped on one…"
After three long days of hard work, Feng Bujue finally finished writing the set up for the story that would be published in June. The framework, details, and hook had all been decided. All that remained was the typing and some spontaneity additions that he would have when he sat down to write. The remaining process would be completed in sequence in the next twenty plus days.
Over the past few days, Xiao Tan had contacted him several times to update him on the current situation of the other guild members.
Passing Rain had recovered from her illness about two days ago. She returned to the game yesterday but according to her, she did not plan to join this competition and the reason was, it did not interest her; Laughing Soul though provided him with a rather 'believable' theory of probability…
After her long list of calculations, she predicted that at most she would squeeze into the top 100. Considering the prizes for that bracket could be bought with money, and she did not intend on using the competition to make a name for herself. Therefore, she skipped the registration as well.
Xiao Tan though was quite passionate about the competition, but unfortunately, among the members of Underworld Frontline, he was the weakest number. Even though Laughing Soul did not pour cold water over his passion about his intention to participate, internally, she did not have much hope for the young man.
At this point, it would be wise to go over Xiao Tan's current status.
Wang Tanzhi, Level 30, Title: Nightmarish Gales
Mastery: General Ability D, Workmanship E, Sleuthing C, Fighting C, Marksmanship E, Medic E, Sorcery E and Summoning N/A
Skill: Bat's Wing, Hidden in Plain Sight, Ephemeral Shade, Reverse Spinning Slash, Traces of Gales (Title Skill)
Even though the names of the skill sounded quite impressive, in reality, none of them were that powerful.
The best of them was…
Name: Hidden in Plain Sight
Skill Card Property: Active, Permanent
Skill Type: Sleuthing
Effect: When surrounded in a crowd, the user will obtain invisibility (no cooldown time)
Exhaustion: three Stamina Points every second
Learning Requirement: Sleuthing D
Remark: What if there is no crowd…
This was similar to the skill used by the main character in Assassin Creed to melt into the crowd. Even the remark of the skill had a dash of sarcasm to it.
And then…
Name: Ephemeral Shade
Skill Card Property: Active, Permanent
Skill Type: Fighting
Effect: Leave behind a shade that lasts for three seconds at the spot the user is standing (cooldown time is one second)
Exhaustion: fifty Stamina Points
Learning Requirement: Fighting D or Level 27
Remark: Object is not man, not thing, not anything.
This skill was basically a weakened version of Afterimage Fist, a skill from Dragon Ball…
Of the next two following skills, one of them was purchased.
After the end of Blade Duel at Chang Lin, Xiao Tan sold the Vending Machine Hitter that he picked up in the scenario, he used about the same price to purchase Reverse Spinning Slash from the auction house to use as his main attack skill. Naturally, this kind of skill which would be sold at the Auction House wouldn't be that strong.
Name: Reverse Spinning Slash
Skill Card Property: Active, Permanent
Skill Type: Fighting
Effect: Unleash a high skill spinning slash once (Cooldown is one minute and must be activated with a cold-blade type weapon equipped and the user has to be standing on a certain surface)
Exhaustion: three hundred Stamina Points
Learning Requirement: Fighting D
Remark: According to legend, it was a skill designed by Guan Pin. Gripping the blade inversely, he spun around the battlefield and swept through the enemy lines that were within range.
The last skill was the skill given by Xiao Tan's current title. As his title changed, Bee's Sting became a part of history, and the replacement was…
Name: Traces of Gales
Skill Property: Passive
Effect: When the user's movement speed reached more than ten kilometers per hour, they can move on the walls (the angle between the two surfaces is bigger than ninety degree) and leave behind black fiery footprints.
Remark: Illidan often tells me, Maiev Shadowsong is the best tracker he has ever met… Honestly, does this blind man know the trace that he will leave behind when he walks past?
These were the new skills that Xiao Tan had learned in this period.
(Other than that, I believe everyone has already forgotten about the learning requirement for Mantra of Heaven and Earth Inversion. Don't worry, this kind author is here to help remind you. It is: Learning Requirement: Fighting B, Sorcery C, Level over 30, this skill card cannot be traded or sold after obtaining it.)
Obviously, he did not satisfy that requirement. Therefore, Xiao Tan who appeared to have five skills, actually, other than Reverse Spinning Slash, he could only rely on normal attack or other modern weapons to take other players' lives. If he did not have any large improvement in his skill or equipment in the next few days, he would most likely be eliminated in the qualifiers much less getting into top anything.


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