Novel Name : Spare Me, Great Lord!

Spare Me, Great Lord! Chapter 309 - 311

Chapter 309: 309、Final Lesson (Part 1)

Ultimately, Energy Sea Snowy Mountain was unopened. Lu Shu brought Lu Xiaoyu home and expressed to Li Xianyi there and then that the foundation of mutual trust was basically gone.
He now felt only revulsion when people ask questions when speaking to him, both true questions and rhetorical ones!
Li Xianyi was here obviously trying to use a first person title to reassure Lu Shu, but Lu Shu would not have any of it…
However, despite saying that, Lu Shu was not a person who gave up easily. There was a toughness in him, something that a hard life had imbued him with.
Somebody had once said, be thankful for the hardships life gives us, because they make us grow.
Lu Shu, that was nonsense. What everyone should be thankful for is not hardships, but the fact that we could get through it. We are stronger and more mature because of our own will.
Hardship is hardship, to brave through that is achievement. If not, one is already defeated. Some may never recover from that in their whole life.
There is no one to thank but ourselves if we can endure through hardships, and only ourselves to blame should we not. We made our own choices.
Lu Shu pondered, even though he did not have the sword gut, he still had other swords!
Unlike Li Xianyi, this was not the only path he had walked on.
Can the Corpsedog and Concealed Arrow hone Snowy Mountain? Only after trying would he find out.
That night, Lu Shu sat on his bed and began his attempt to hone Snowy Mountain using Corpsedog and Concealed Arrow. The two small blades were moved by Lu Shu’s will and flew out of the Celestial Map straight towards Snowy Mountain.
Lu Shu discovered to his surprise that his method worked, because when in the body, Corpsedog and Concealed Arrow were both existing as soul-like entities. They could enter straight into the vicinity of Energy SeaSnowy Mountain.
He was trying to bring Corpsedog to Snowy Mountain to hone it upon this giant whetstone.
Lu Shu suddenly noticed, every time he grind Corpsedog, a faint beam of light would flash across within its body. Corpsedog seemed to shout and jump for joy every time that happened.
Moreover, Corpsedog easily left a long mark upon Snowy Mountain.
It works!
Even though he did not know if doing this was right, whether it was beneficial for Corpsedog, the problem was that Lu Shu half-agreed with Li Xianyi: Since Snowy Mountain had suppressed Energy Sea, they could just destroy Snowy Mountain to reopen an Energy Sea!
That was the kind of viciousness Lu Shu possessed. Destroyed is destroyed, Snowy Mountain could still be cultivated once again someday.
Li Xianyi did not tell him how to go about destroying Snowy Mountain, because he was not sure if the method was truly correct. He had to ponder more.
Since Li Xianyi did not say, Lu Shu would try it out himself.
Now, both Corpsedog and Concealed Arrow could be honed. Furthermore, they could put pressure on Snowy Mountain. In that case, he should go on grinding it. Lu Shu felt that there would be a change one day! Even though the Snowy Mountain was big, it would one day be grinded down by Corpsedog and Concealed Arrow.
Lu Shu was controlling Corpsedog and Concealed Arrow to wear down Snowy Mountain from the base, just like sawing a tree…

The next day, Lu Shu resumed to his usual sword training. Even though the cultivation of Energy Sea Snowy Mountain had stopped, Lu Shu did not think sword training should end totally. Only the consumption of Energy Sea fruit should stop.
Because in actual combat, he had experienced first-hand the benefits of a high level of physical control. Channelling of energy through one heart, this was true “understanding of self”. As for “understanding the other”, it would be up to the level of preparation in the future…
Li Xianyi looked at Lu Shu. Even after possessing Energy Sea Snowy Mountain, he would still continue practising diligently the basics of swordsmanship. Li Xianyi could not help but exclaim, “His success is not by chance.”
Auntie Liu asked from behind him, “Must you leave in such a rush?”
“Hmm,” Li Xianyi nodded.”In this great age of magical energy rejuvenation, if the foundation does not have top masters standing guard, it would gradually lose its authority. This is what we do not wish to see. The capabilities of each country are improving, if the foundation were to stagnate, it would one day be knocked out. Remains, resources, sometimes it is not whether we should fight for it, but it’s an imperative. Because this world is like this now. I have been absent long enough on the world stage.”
“Okay,” Auntie Liu nodded. “Today…let me cook for Xiaoyu once more.”
“Hmm, let me give Xiaoyu one last lesson,” Li Xianyi said slowly as he looked at Lu Shu, who was outside practising his swordsmanship.

Upon hearing that the old man was giving his final lesson, Lu Shu and Lu Xiaoyu knew immediately that once promoted to Class A, Li Xianyi would be returning to his original path in life.
Li Xianyi had returned home to recuperate because of his foundation degrading. Now that it had recovered and his power greatly enhanced, there would definitely be new targets coming up.
It would be a lie to say one was not sad. Lu Xiaoyu carried her small bag and went to school. Lu Shu leaned against the railings and looked on.
Li Xianyi also felt a tinge of sadness. In fact, he had once thought that if his foundation had not recover, it would alos be nice to still be with these two kids.
Next moment, Lu Xiaoyu fished out a High School Year One Mathematics book, “What is going to be taught today?”
Li Xianyi looked quietly at the Junior Secondary Year Two Mathematics textbook on his table…
“From Li Xianyi’s distress, +399!”
Am I crazy to insist on giving this lesson?! And, Lu Xiaoyu aren’t you only in Junior Secondary Year Two, why self-study to High School Year 1?!
“Ahem, let’s not learn new things in our final lesson. Lu Shu you can sit down and join us too…” Li Xianyi said calmly.
Lu Shu sat down curiously. The trio, Li Xianyi, Lu Shu and Lu Xiaoyu, sat around the stone table in the yard. The sky was clear, and the cicadas were incessant in their songs.
Li Xianyi asked, “What do the two of you want to do in the future?”
“Go to school,” Lu Shu said.
“What about after graduating?”
“Never thought of it,” Lu Shu shook his head. He really had never thought through that.
“I feel that you two should start thinking about this question.” Li Xianyi would say this as the siblings were now one a Class C and the other a Class D. They were not too weak as practitioners, and were both still very young.
The rate at which the world will be changing in the future is beyond human imagination. Just a year ago, Li Xianyi was still sceptical of the rejuvenation of the tides of magical energy. He had thought it was merely an occasional phenomenon of returning magical energy, but it was now a fact.
Practitioners in the country were restrained by the Heavenly Network and did not cause much trouble. However, many practitioners and Awakened ones overseas were slowly ascending the world stage.
This world, would not always be so peaceful.
Lu Shu nodded upon hearing this, “Understood. I will give my future more thoughts. Are you about to leave?”
Li Xianyi was suddenly lost in thought, “You kept asking, what is the aspiration of the foundation…”
“I did not,” Lu Shu replied.
“From Li Xianyi’s distress, +199!”
“Please continue, please…” Lu Shu quickly added upon seeing the distress points.
Li Xianyi, “…what was I going to say?”
What the heck, his emotions were incoherent!Chapter 310: 310、Li Xianyi’s Departure (Part 2)

The three people around the table were silent for a long time. Looking at one another, the atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward.
It was Lu Xiaoyu who finally asked, “What is the aspirations of the Foundation? What is it about them that warrant all of you going out to devote your youth, foundation and even life?”
Li Xianyi looked at Lu Xiaoyu, suddenly feeling a little gratified. He continued, “We believed then that we could change the world. We believed we could bring back world peace, protect mankind. To prevent a certain thing from happening, we even cloaked ourselves in darkness and kept a deep secret. This is like a joke the world cracked on us.”
Li Xianyi suddenly asked upon bringing this up, “Do you two know what is the sharpest blade in the world?”
Lu Shu muttered something for a moment before saying, “The dragon-slaying blade of Playful Blue Moon?”
“From Li Xianyi’s distress, +999!”
What Playful Blue Moon, playful what blue moon! What crap!
Li Xianyi decided to filter away Lu Shu, “The sharpest blade, is time. All the old men of my generation is about to retire from the stage of history. The world’s great veterans of bygone days have all became old soldiers.”
Lu Shu was disagreed slightly, “Your lament is a little misplaced. You just got elevated to Class A, foundation also recovered. There is only two of you who are Class As in the whole world. Shouldn’t it be the time to think these two old men are invincible under heaven? What’s with all these melancholy…”
“Get out, you,” Li Xianyi pointed at the door of the courtyard.
“From Li Xianyi’s distress, +313!”
Lu Shu was gleeful. Last night, he was utterly enraged by Li Xianyi over the Energy Sea Snowy Mountain issue. Li Xianyi can be considered half a teacher to him. It also meant that Lu Shu only knew last night how vicious it could get when a master hoodwinks his disciple!
Treating Li Xianyi like this today was also because Lu Shu was still feeling a little unhappy, but he had not really fuss over the small things with Li Xianyi. He chuckled, “Say what you want, I shan’t intervene anymore. I will be quiet as this stone table.”
Li Xianyi nodded, “From today onwards, the two of you must be firm in improving yourselves. Never should you two gloat over your current achievements, especially Lu Xiaoyu. Once you enter Daoyuan class, you must practice hard, study hard.”
Lu Xiaoyu knew the old man was leaving and was therefore extra good today. She nodded, “Got it.”
Li Xianyi turned around and looked at Lu Shu, “Don’t be too anxious over your Energy Sea Snowy Mountain. I will definitely think of a solution for you. However, I do feel perplexed. Why do you not practice the cultivation techniques of Daoyuan class? You must understand that Awakening is not a long-term solution.”
Now, the mainstream thoughts in this world is split into two camps. For example, in places like North America with not much cultural inheritance, they focuesed more on researching about how to attain Awakenment and how to enhance the human body to finally become a superhuman.
There were some suppositions which were all proven to be not aligned to the requirements of cultivation. Therefore, what they attached greater importance to over in North America was technology and Awakening. To them, Awakening is the greatest gift from Heaven.
To organizations like the Heavenly Network with deep cultural inheritance, what was attached greater importance and focus was the fruits of inner cultivation. They believed that the element of luck in Awakenment is still too great, unless any organization can develop a stable method of Awakening.
Legend had it then there seemed to really be an organization which really saw great development in this aspect, but it was not further proven to be true.
To people like Li Xianyi, cultivation was more reliable, hence he asked that.
Li Xianyi looked at Lu Shu. Lu Shu also looked at the old man.
Lu Shu, “…”
Li Xianyi, “…”
After a long silence, Li Xianyi was enraged, “Say something!”
“A stone table can’t talk…”
From Li Xianyi’s distress, +666!”
Lu Shu smiled, “Don’t worry yourself with so many things.”
Li Xianyi felt like slaughtering Lu Shu there and then!
Actually, Lu Shu was using this method to reduce the level of notice Li Xianyi was taking on this matter. How could he answer this question? Previously, Lu Shu already had his suspicions when the old man gave him and Lu Xiaoyu the sodium-potassium alloy test tube if Li Xianyi possesses the ability to know a person’s natural gifts.
Now, such a question could not be answered directly in any circumstances, hence he decided to avoid it.
At this moment, Auntie Liu emerged from the house. Li Xianyi looked deeply into Lu Shu and Lu Xiaoyu’s eyes, “I’m leaving now. you two take care. This house is now yours. If anything happens, call this number and you can always reach us.”
Upon saying that, Li Xianyi placed a piece of paper on the stone table. In it was a long series of numbers.
Lu Shu was silent for a moment, “Please take care. I hope that when we meet again, you are still as healthy.”
Li Xianyi gave a gratified smile. The days spent today this period of time was like colors added into darkness in his life. He was also unwillingto leave exactly because of this.
No saying anything anymore, Li Xianyi placed his hand on Auntie Liu’s shoulder and the two of them suddenly took to the sky. Lu Shu was utterly shocked. A Class A not only can fly but also bring someone else along?!
That being said, how many people can he bring along?!
The air gushed around them. Despite taking a person with him, Li Xianyi seemed to be flying faster that Chen Baili by a notch. Who knew how glorious was the old man in the world of practitioners during the time of magical energy rejuvenation.
Suddenly, Lu Shu thought of an issue, “Hey wait up! Finish the legal procedures for thetransfer of the house before leaving!”
In the sky, Li Xianyi’s figure seemed to pause for a moment before he flew further west, his head not turning back once.
“From Li Xianyi’s distress, +199!”
Lu Shu muttered, “He obviously heard, but pretended not to.”
For fighters like Li Xianyi and Chen Baili, their individual prowess and capabilities were both good enough. They were only stuck in Class B due to a broken foundation, all they need was a turning point to break through.
Now, Lu Shu had given them the chance. However, as for himself, Lu Shu still had a long way to go.
Speaking about housing, Lu Shu felt that it was time he acquire some fixed asset, such as a house.
Chen Zuan called just last night from where he was to notify them that Naughty Pig and Big Kitty would be shipped over in three days.
When they arrive, where should they go? This is a big problem.
With its gigantic size, one Naughty Pig can already fill up his whole courtyard. Even though it could stand, it was impossible to simply leave it there without moving around. To just lie around and do nothing but eat and sleep, wouldn’t it become useless?
Furthermore, such intelligent wild animals with Class D power would not be fitting if placed in a bustling city, not as if he had his own villa with courtyard.
If he leave them here, other neighbors in this residential quarter will probably call the police everyday…
He could only go to Beimang Mountain to buy a house there. Indeed, a few developers had already set their sight there, but the heart of development in Luo Cheng had always been in the south. The land price in Beimang mountain was pretty affordable. It was said that in 2010, a 200 square feet villa in the suburb cost only $500,000 which was considered very cheap. Even so, nobody wished to buy.
It was because it required almost an hour by car to reach the city center from the area. Maybe people would consider if it was in such geographical locations like Beijing, Shanghai or Guangzhou, but in third-tier cities like Luo Cheng, there offered no business opportunity.Chapter 311: 311、Lu Shu wants to plant! (Part 3)

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations
The architecture that was occupying most of Mt Beimang was not buildings, but cemeteries.
As mentioned in Tao Qian’s poems, “You’ll meet Mt Beimang, after you turn hundred.”
As mentioned in Ouyang Zhan’s poems, “Some things are full of tears that soak up towels, in the end, it will still be at Beimang.”
Basically, in history, as long as Beimang was being mentioned, most of them talked about being buried there.
This innate geographical environment and historical culture had also limited the development direction of Mt Beimang. When speaking among friends, “Where do you stay?”
“I stay on Mt Beimang!”
To the old people from Luoyang, they would panic when they hear this…
However, to Lu Shu, he didn’t care about all these. There would always be people saying, there were ghosts and vampires appearing at Mt Beimang.
Lu Shu was not afraid of these at all. Laughs, you can get those things to try on him.
Actually, Beimang was a magical location because there were always people saying that they found antiques from this place.
Why did the people of Luoyang invent the Luoyang shovel? It was because they had a lot of graves to dig.
It was located at the north of Luoyang, an offshoot of the range. Its length is about 190km and around 250m above sea level. This place is suitable to raise big kitten and naughty pigs. It allowed them to play on their own, catch some chicken or little rabbits to let them live on their own. When they have nothing to do, they could go onto the mountain and play. Once they are done, they can return home.
Furthermore, that area was the suburb, many of the farmers engaged in urban work such that the fields were abandoned. In the past 2 years, Luoyang put out favourable policies to contract the fields. Since a long time ago, Lu Shu wanted to rely on the seals of land to cultivate magical leeks.
The thing that Lu Shu wanted to buy was not a bungalow, but a rural house.
However, it was inconvenient because the place was for collective farming, and it was illegal for people from the city to purchase houses. As deals were not allowed, and belonging to small property rights, it was also not allowed to have title deed and land property certificate.
However, human beings were intelligent now. They buy people directly in the village. When they make purchases, they hand the money to the seller and sign two copies of one agreement. While waiting to pick a number, the buyer would pay 70% of the housing fund, and the number could be picked by the seller or buyer. During the official handover of the house, the buyer would pay the remaining 30%, sign a contract and the property will officially pass over to the buyer.
Lu Shu didn’t care about this, he had no intentions of living there. He was only concerned about the abandoned land.
Yesterday night, Lu Shu brought the Corpse of the Dog and the Concealed Arrow to sharpen the Snowy Mountain. At the same time, he pondered about the possibility of harvest if he were to start planting leeks now. After thinking for a long time, Lu Shu thought that the possibility was very high!
There wasn’t a need for him to do such work as planting leeks by himself. There was someone who could take up the role: The soul of the Class B earth element metahuman.
Previously, Lu Shu did witness his ability to control sand. This ability could be used to reclaim land, plough the soil, remove the weeds, dig a water canal and many more. It didn’t even require any hands-on action, he just had to use his thoughts and things would get done!
This should be a decent awakened human’s productivity. They only know how to fight and kill every day, that they didn’t think about using their ability for economic purposes! Stupid!
When other people work, they had to use the shovel to dig a canal, a hoe for weeding, and used all their strength to fetch water from the well. That was not the case for Lu Shu and Lu Xiaoyu. They only needed a thought, and things would be settled…
When Lu Shu thought till here, he couldn’t wait to bring the souls to fetch water, it cost about a few hundred…
If the outsiders knew that Lu Shu used the soul of a Class B master to do such things, he didn’t know how they would think… Thankfully, Anthony had no self-consciousness now. Otherwise, he would wake up from the anger.
However, Lu Shu didn’t care! As long as there was ability, it should be used!
From this, the big kitten and naughty pig would guard the house, and occasionally bring the souls to plant. Lu Shu and Lu Xiaoyu didn’t even need to be living on the mountains, the lands could survive by themselves…
Things such as sparrows ruining the fields, little animals destroying the farmhouse, wouldn’t exist. It would be ridiculous if a Class E and Class D intelligent wild animals couldn’t handle such issues.
Also, Lu Shu didn’t think of what would the big kitten and naughty pig thought if he asked them to do such things…
Or… How would Lu Xiaoyu think…
Lu Shu had already immersed himself into the logic that practising had the biggest productivity!
Furthermore, there was something that was important: Lu Shu was very sure that in the next year, a large scale school that had a unique model was going to be built for practitioners.
The land beside college are prosperous areas, this would be right!
Even if the Daoyuan class students were unable to leave usually, they would have free time in the weekend right?
Lu Shu thought that, by that time, the area would become a small business district. The housing prices would definitely increase even if it wasn’t prosperous. He even thought of opening a hotel inn or be an owner of rental houses…
What about practitioners? Many male and female practitioners would gather there, even if they are practitioners don’t they have to meet their needs throughout the night? After their activities, they have to eat leeks to gain back their energy!
This was a chain of business opportunities! Lu Shu was extremely sure…
Lu Shu intended to bring Lu Xiaoyu up the mountain to take a look. He would wish to complete this before Lu Xiaoyu extract Anthony out.
About the issue of whether leeks could be sold, there was nothing to worry about. On the financial forum, people who sold leeks all became rich…
Actually, there was more than leeks that had magical energy. It was the magical energy that was in the food, allowing normal people to absorb it easily. It not saying that they could start practice after absorbing it, but after absorbing, it would change their type.
Looking at the situation reflected in the financial forum, there were a lot of rich people who wished to change their daily food to magical food. The price was really nothing much to them.
After eating magical food, the people with conditions such as diabetes and rheumatism had changed. It wasn’t because the food was magical in curing many diseases but it was able to heal the body functions.
The reason behind diabetes was that there was an issue with metabolic function, a defect in the secretion of insulin resulting in other malfunction. When the magical food slowing changes their body, they would recover.
As mentioned the roots, referred to the functions of the body. When all parts are healthy, how could one be unhealthy?
Currently, people around the world were not in their best health. The body functions of many people more or less have some problems. To people who are rich, magical food was an expensive tonic, or even medicine without side effects.
This was its worth.
This was the reason why Lu Shu had always wanted to plant… Since he had the Seal of Lands, if he didn’t do anything, he would feel sorry for himself.
It was against the law to sell magical stones. He owned a few acres to land to sell leeks, it was not illegal to sell vegetables and fruits right?


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