Novel Name : Spare Me, Great Lord!

Spare Me, Great Lord! Chapter 305 - 308

Chapter 305: 305、Sleep Talk (Part 1)

The practitioners in the Dark Kingdom who were currently concerned with the post felt sore. Those who had paid the 20,000USD had the right to comment. As for those who had not, they were still waiting for other practitioners or organizations to sell out information to them at a low price. These people, they could not even see any comments.
“What’s Anthony up to?” Someone commented. This was a big shot with a Class B label.
“The phone call could not get through.”
Lu Shu was startled upon seeing this. Anthony was so well-known in this Dark Kingdom?
He discovered that half of the names in the forum seemed to be real names. He compared them to the distress point record of his back-end recorder. More than half of them could actually be checked against the forum names. Among the users with real names, they seemed to be the more powerful ones, the Class Cs and Bs. They seemed to not mind the slightest whether their true identities were discovered.
If not, were they actually trying to flaunt how influential they were?
Of course, in this forum there were still many users with pseudo-names. They came in all forms, and some were in fact pretty cocky…
Lu Shu began to record down the names in his back-end recorder silently. After he got back, he would memorize them properly. One must know that it was certainly not easy to acquire large-scale such a large number of real names of these pro practitioners worldwide…
No matter if they would be useful in the future, it would still be better to note down in his little notebook the names and also some form of identification to be cross-referenced. They should all be noted down, in case he were to meet any of them in the future in some remains overseas. He could perhaps gain some upper hand then.
However, this was still the true names of only a small handful of masters. Lu Shu was thinking, how could he enlarge the scope just a little…
Unbeknownst to the foreign masters, their names had been recorded in somebody’s little notebook.
Someone suddenly commented in the forum, “Start the sale of information please. Can’t just let us suffer the disadvantage.”
“That’s true…”
Those outside could not see the situation within. The post could not be opened, how could they see?
So, the information could still be sold! Even though the content may be a little far-fetched, if I simply take a picture and sell them, the original content could be proven to be so… the one hoodwinked weren’t us, but Anthony…
Some of them were beginning to have their own ideas. Did he run into some kind of trouble? Or was it something else? However, it was impossible for them to verify anything now.
The truth was, the fee-paying news in the salt lake remains had no mention of Anthony at all. It seemed like even the information providers knew nothing of his arrival. Those who knew were still in the minority: Chen Baili and other high-ranking ones in the Heavenly Network, Lu Shu, Chen Zuan, Lu Xiaoyu and the employer, Collection of Gods.
The piece of news did mention that Chen Baili was suspected to have been promoted to Class A, because he had not hide his flight.
These fee-payers started to move. No matter what, anything that could be bought must be bought.
In the past, those who waited for the information to be sold at low prices had to actively search for fee-payers to inquire. Now, there was no longer any need…people were selling of their own accord…
“3000USD, posts regarding Anthony, anyone?”
“I want! Let me transfer you the money!”
Such straightforward exchanges were due to the fact that the fee-paying information in the dark forum had always been decent and proper. Moreover, the charged posts were basically always worth the price. The experts, under normal circumstances, would not stoop so low as to try anything funny.
In fact, these kind of rules and industrial chain had gradually become the norm in the past one year or so since the great age of magical energy rejuvenation.
In the end, it seemed like some strange being had sneaked into the dark forum today…
Here, someone had received the transfer, “Good, I’ve received the money.”
“Whether would I tell you, don’t you have the slightest idea?”
The other person, “???”
“This is what Anthony really said…” The information seller quickly explain, “I took a photo for you, have you received?”
“Is Anthony crazy?!!”
On this side, Lu Shu was recording the real names in his domestic magical device, and in the end, he realized it was impossible to keep up…
What is this? Where did all these weird and random names come from, and they contained characters from all across the nation…
“Forget it. I shall go back and flip through the distress points value again,” Lu Shu was feeling slightly dejected. There seemed to be too many errors… but looking at the distress points in the back-end recorder, half the 200 thousand distress points needed for the third star was already collected…
The first star, 100 thousand; second star, 100 thousand; third star, 200 thousand; fourth star, 400 thousand; fifth star, 800 thousand, sixth star, 1600 thousand; seventh star, 3200 thousand. According to this pattern, it should be so.
This time, the reason why he could ascend so rapidly was all due to Anthony. However, such means could only be used once. Lu Shu thought, even the third star required so many distress points, what about the next four?
He should set his strategic sight…across the whole globe….
Lu Shu kept Anthony’s bank card in his Seal of Lands. If he were to ever bring Xiaoyu to the Americas for a trip, the two million over US dollars, along with the 100 thousand USD in cash in the Seal of Lands would save him the trouble of changing money.
Also, Lu Shu only learnt when he landed upon Dark Kingdom that Anthony’s white sands was only half the employment fee, and the other half of the deep-sea white sand was still in the hands of the Collection of Gods.
Form the look of his combat situation with Anthony, he had utilised the sands as a body armor in the beginning and only used them as his ultimate weapon of death at the end when he wanted to end the increasingly difficult fight in the soonest time.
Which means to say, this half of the white sands was barely enough to act as a form of defense, and defense and attack cannot be achieved at the same time.
If he had the other half of the sand, Lu Shu would probably be long dead…
He had no way of knowing if the Collection of Gods was an organization of the island state. Even the clues to the name of the organization, Lu Shu had blindly guessed it himself. Whether he was correct or not, he could only verify in the future.
If it really belonged to the island state, Anthony had wanted to kill Chen Baili, making Lu Shu’s seizing of his half the amount of white sands…not feel so stressful after all.
Lu Shu, in his heart, had begun to cling on to the other half share of white sand. No matter what, they had posed the greatest threat to him at that time…
One must have dreams, what if they were to come true?
Good thing is, a soul knows no pain, and it was different from normal people even if injured. It could be quickly kept back into the Celestial Map for rapid recuperation.
In the meantime, using the white sands directly as a mean of attack seemed to be a good idea too.
“Shall we go back? The flight tomorrow is at 7pm, we can continue trying out the delicacies in Xijing City,” Lu Shu looked at Lu Xiaoyu, only to realize that she had already fallen asleep, her head on the armrest of the sofa. Little Fury was also snoring away as it lay on Xiaoyu’s head.
In her sleep, Lu Xiaoyu uttered, “Lu Shu, I want to eat tomato eggs, meat sauce noodles, crepes… Lu Shu, don’t let go of my hands…”Chapter 306: 306、Egg and Soup Noodles (Part 2)

Lu Shu looked at Xiaoyu, his heart pained. After all, she was still a little girl not even 11-years old, yet she had already went with him for a tour of a remains.
Only that in such a turbulent time, no one would pity the weak.
“Once home, I’ll make tomato eggs for you every day,” Lu Shu knew she could not hear him, but still he made his promise.
Lu Shu did not see Xiaoyu’s smile, hidden under her thick short hair across her face. She continued her sleep talk, “Lu Shu, piggy-back me.”
“Heh heh,” She may be sleep talking just now, but Lu Shu realized something. He poked Lu Xiaoyu lightly on her head, “Come up yourself!”
“What’s wrong with giving me a piggy back,” Lu Xiaoyu sat up. Little Fury also woke up.
“Let’s go, back to the hotel,” Lu Shu said.
Once again, Lu Xiaoyu propped Little Fury up and jumped out through the window, whereas Lu Shu was responsible for providing a cover against the numerous surveillance cameras along the way.
He was not too worried about the people of Dark Kingdom tracking them here using any clues they find. Even if they were to find out, they would only find Li Dian’s fake identification card.
The flight was in the next evening at 7, which meant that after waking up, Lu Shu and Xiaoyu still had a full day to stuff themselves full in Xijing City. Lu Xiaoyu had previously tasted the Quan’ertou Mutton Intestines Soup in Xijing City and was still thinking fondly about it. Lu Shu could bring her to try it again tomorrow.
This time, he would buy her the $30 per bowl soup whereby she could have free helpings of meat. Wasn’t his money earned for the purpose of giving her a good life?
Back in the hotel, Lu Shu supervised Lu Xiaoyu to make sure she brushed her teeth and wash her face before sleeping, as he was worried she would skip this practice due to fatigue. He then tucked her into bed.
Lu Xiaoyu’s gripped the corner of her blanket tightly with her small hands, “Lu Shu, the website of the Dark Kingdom…is it really so tumultuous outside?”
Lu Shu could not answer this question, “I’m not too sure too. It should be so. Doesn’t everyone say that the people of other nations were living in extreme misery…”
“Will we be always fighting in the future?”
“If nobody comes to provoke us, we won’t fight.”
“But you’ll provoke others…”
“What do little kids like you know, time to sleep,” Lu Shu did not want to go into this topic…
There were a wide array of traditional cuisines in Xijing City, such as succulent hand-torn mutton, refreshing yoghurt, spicy and sour braised noodles, springy beef, crispy tsampa and sweet spirits. Not only were they economical but also unique.
Just the yoghurt alone, Lu Xiaoyu had drank three full bowls. Lu Shu was worried she may get indigestion…
At night, the Xijing City Airport was ablazed in lights. From afar, one could already see the brilliant white lights shining in all directions. Lu Xiaoyu heard the roar of jet engines and looked up to see a low-flying airplane flying over their heads.
“When can we learn to fly?”
“Very soon,” Lu Shu smiled.
This was their first time taking a plane. Just exchanging for boarding pass took them a long time. At the security check, the officer on duty in the line Lu Shu was queuing in was a woman. Lu Xiaoyu pulled him over to change to another line upon seeing the female officer using a device to scan the passengers, at times even touching their pockets. Lu Shu was very much confused and could not understand why did Xiaoyu do that.
Lu Shu’s seat was beside the window and he exchanged it with Lu Xiaoyu’s, “Probably can’t see much at night? But after reaching the stratosphere, would we be able to see the stars?”
Lu Xiaoyu had her face against the window as she looked out, utterly curious. Lu Shu was sure she would play for days in the sky if she learnt how to fly.
The plane travelled very fast. As Lu Shu pulled Lu Xiaoyu along out of the airport, he noticed many peple still waiting around at the arrival hall.
They were all here to receive the passengers, awaiting travellers from abroad returning home, meeting their good friends again, waiting for families to gather.
Nobody was there to fetch Lu Shu and Lu Xiaoyu. They were living a happy and carefree life, but as they went past the eager gaze of others waiting for their families and friends, Lu Xiaoyu started to feel down.
The truth was, Lu Shu had gradually forgotten their parents after all these years, but he knew that Lu Xiaoyu would still think of them sometimes. She would even ask him why did their parents abandon them.
Lu Shu could not answer, and only teased laughingly that if not for the welfare home, how could they have met? He would always use this to change the subject and make her forget the question. It always worked.
“I’ll go back and make you tomato eggs okay?” Lu Shu laughed.
“Better keep your words!”
“Don’t worry!”
The two siblings took a cab back. Just as they reached the alleyway, they saw Li Xianyi already standing at the gate, arms crossed. He waved at the two of them, “Knew you guys would reach about now. Auntie Liu had already made you both tomato egg soup noodles. The noodles are almost done, come in and wait.”
Lu Shu and Xiaoyu exchanged glances. Lu Xiaoyu brightened up instantly and, with Little Fury on her head, rushed into the house, “Auntie Liu, put more eggs in!”
Auntie Liu’s hearty laugh emanated from the house, “Don’t worry, I know you love eggs.”
Lu Shu stood outside the gate and gazed at the warm yellow light from home. This was his first time going out, and also his first time returning from overseas. It seemed like a really good feeling, a returning traveller getting to eat a hot bowl of egg soup noodles.
As for how did the old man know that they got off the plane now…it seemed too easy for the foundation to get such information.
Only Li Xianyi and Lu Shu remained outside the house. The old man smiled, “How was the Salt Lake remains? I heard that you performed exceptionally meritorious deeds?”
“It was nothing,” Lu Shu replied humbly. “Found a type of fruit and helped Heavenly King Chen Baili restore his foundation. He was promoted straight to Class A and can now fly in the sky…”
“From Li Xianyi’s distress, +399!”
Li Xianyi felt a bit sore, “So you helped promote him to Class A…”
He of course knew about Chen Baili’s promotion to Class A, the whole world knew that. It was because Chen Baili had not make it a secret, his flying capability. That was exactly the old priest’s intention, to intimidate all. Indeed, he had achieve that purpose, but everyone was suspicious, how did this guy get promoted?!
This was of course treated as top secret but the Heavenly Network. However, Lu Shu felt that there was no need to keep it from Li Xianyi.
“There were three fruits at that time, I gave Little Fury one…”
Lu Shu had not finished his sentence when Li Xianyi interjected hurriedly, “Why give to Little Fury!?”
“From Li Xianyi’s distress, +777!”
Little Fury heard the voice from the house and was confused, who did it offend?
Lu Shu explained, “I was with Chen Baili at that time. He was hurt and was about to wake up. I thought that benefits should be shared exclusively with only my own people, if not I would have given all to Chen Baili.”
It was only half wrong. He could let Li Xianyi know how did Chen Baili get promoted, but he still could not let him know the true origin of the Refresher Fruits.Chapter 307: 307、All Things As Swords! (Part 3)

Li Xianyi was silent for a moment. Fate was not on his side after all.
Lu Shu suddenly said, “I heard from Xiaoyu, the Heavenly Network promised that if you get hold of the Treasure of Heaven and Earth, they would deliver to you?”
Li Xianyi shook his head, “You don’t have to worry about such stuff.”
However, it was at this moment that they both heard footsteps coming from the alleyway, solid and heavy.
The two of them looked towards the alley. Just nice, to see Li Yixiao giving a smile, “All here. Hmm, what is that nice smell…”
“None of your business,” Li Xianyi said gruffly. He was reminded of the things he did in the Laos remains upon seeing the fatty, and anger swelled in him.
“Don’t be angry, today I come for serious business.” Li Yixiao fished out from his pocket a jade container and placed it in his hand, “The stinky priest came and chatted with me for one whole day, then passed this box to me, saying it’s Lu Shu’s. He had discussed with Nie Ting, this thing should be returned to its owner now. Lu Shu should know what’s inside. As for how should it be used, the Heavenly Network doesn’t care.”
Lu Shu was stunned. He had of course seen this box before. Chen Baili had placed the thing inside right in front of him.
But why did he want to pass it to Lu Shu?
Li Xianyi smiled, “No need to try, Lu Shu, you eat it yourself.”
Lu Shu was dumbfounded. Chen Baili had not kept it for himself, nor give it to Li Xianyi, and the whole episode concluded with the item back with its owner.
This fruit was very important to anyone, not only to veterans like Li Xianyi and Chen Baili whose foundation were weakened. It could raise somebody’s capabilities directly.
In the eyes of the Heavenly Network, Lu Shu was a Daoyuan class student highly worthy of cultivation. However, his capabilities were too inferior. It was so poor that he had to rely solely on Awakening to raise his level.
On the other hand, Li Xianyi needed the fruit urgently. In fact, many predicted that should Li Xianyi consume the fruit, this world would gain another Class A master.
Lu Shu and Li Xianyi had never divulged to the public that they were now almost as close as kins. Of course, they were not kins yet, still not at that stage.
But how could the Heavenly Network not know about the situation. One must know that when Shi Xuejin came, Li Xianyi was then helping Lu Xiaoyu with her homework.
Now that the Heavenly Network passed the refresher Fruit into Lu Shu’s hands, it was either so that he could consume it himself to enhance his capabilities and be of great help to the Network in the future, or so that Lu Shu could let Li Xianyi eat it and become a Class A.
This was also something the Heavenly Network had promised Li Xianyi earlier.
This was a matter of choice. Nie Ting was a open-minded person, to the point that he could use such as important fruit to test Lu Shu’s character. Or perhaps he truly did not wish for Li Xianyi to have it and wanted Lu Shu to eat the fruit?
Nobody could ever guess what was going on in the mind of the Heavenly King. Only Shi Xuejin knew. Previously, the claim that once the Treasure of Heaven and Earth was found, it would be given to Li Xianyi was a decision made by Nie Ting.
Lu Shu sighed. The grown-ups’ world is truly complicated. Yes , he was now just a seventeen-year-old, still a minor.
To him, this was not a complicated problem at all. The Refresher Fruit was not worth anything at all to him, he was even worried that the Heavenly Network would check his capabilities again… the fact that Lu Shu did not leave a single fruit for himself then, it was precisely because of this reason.
Moreover, the thing was that he was having an abundance of this stuff, converting ten of them every minute. Even if the Heavenly Network did not give Li Xianyi one Refresher Fruit this time, Lu Shu was already thinking of obtaining one for him.
Lu Shu took the jade box and threw it into Li Xianyi’s chest, “Have it, old man. After your promotion to Class A, go overseas and get me some treasures from the remains there. By then, no one would be your match anymore eh?”
Li Xianyi looked at the jade box in his hand, his face emotionless, “No regret?”
“None at all,” Lu Shu grinned and went back into the house to eat his noodles. “Auntie, are the noodles done?”
He walked in only to see Auntie Liu wiping her tears. She turned around and smiled at Lu Shu, “Thank you, my boy.”
Only Auntie Liu knew it best. Li Xianyi needed the fruit to restore his foundation and without it, he would not last much longer.
“Don’t mention it,” Lu Shu sat beside the table and waited along with Lu Xiaoyu for the egg soup noodles…
Li Yixiao looked at him and smiled, “You are one lucky old man.”
Li Xianyi looked at the jaded box in his hand, silent.
“How about this? If you don’t want, can give it to me. My capability is quite ordinary actually…”
Li Xianyi opened the jade box and looked at the fruit within. Having lived for over eight decades, he was certain he could feel whether Lu Shu was sincere in giving it to him.
Only thing is, this was too big a favour.
Cautiously, he picked up the reddish fruit and popped it into his mouth. The Refresher Fruit melted in his mouth and the warmth coursed through his body into all his bones.
In a split second, all metallic object in a ten li radius, covering half of the Luo Cheng city centre, started to hum. The leaves in the yard became sharp, just like swords out of their sheaths!
All things as swords!
Li Yixiao saw it and trembled. He quickly shouted, “Restrain yourself, old man. This is the city, don’t make the buildings collapse!”
However, the humming stopped and everything went back to their original state. Luo Cheng was about to return to its tranquil state when the humming of the sword let to another round of ruckus. No one knew what was happening.
An immensely strong beam of sword energy shot up into the sky. It was as if a sword had cut through the fog in the sky and clashed open a swathe of starry night!
Li Yixiao asked cautiously, “Class A now?!”
Li Xianyi nodded, the corner of his eye betraying a smile, “Get going, the noodles are ready.”
“Not inviting me in for noodles? I was the one to deliver the stuff here?!” Li Yixiao said in anger.
A blaze of sword energy slashed across the space right in front of Li Yixiao, leaving him utterly cluesless where did it come from. Li Xianyi was obviously walking back towards the house…
“So what if you don’t treat me!” Li Yixiao fumed and backed away…
On his way back to the house, Li Xianyi was thinking how should he express his thanks to Lu Shu. Words seemed difficult to be uttered. However, he only just stepped into the house when Lu Shu walked up and asked, “Old man, what should be done after Energy Sea Snowy Mountain coalesces?”
Li Xianyi was stunned for a moment, “Your Energy Sea is already opened? Snowy Mountain formed so quickly?”
In the book passed down by the ancestors, it was stated that after the rivers collect to form sea, once the Energy Sea is opened, the seawater in the vast Energy Sea would churn wildly, the Snowy Mountain would be extensive and mind swords would stand like mountains reaching towards the clouds.
This meant that once the rivers collect to form sea, there will be Snowy Mountain once there is Energy Sea. If the Energy Sea opened before the stage whereby rivers collect to form sea is achieved, one then has to slowly stock up to form Snowy Mountain.
He remembered that when Lu Shu left a little over ten days ago, it was still a gathering streams into river stage. How could he have already opened the Energy Sea and also have Snowy mountain so quickly?Chapter 308: 308、Energy Sea has yet to open (Part 4)

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations
While Li Xianyi was pondering, Lu Shu was stunned when he heard the former’s words too, “Energy Sea has yet to open, if it’s not open, then there won’t have the Snowy Mountain.”
Li Xianyi almost spat out blood, “What did you say?!”
“Oh…” Lu Shu hesitated for a moment, the reaction from Li Xianyi made him uncertain. He consciously glanced again, “That’s right, the Energy Sea has yet to open, and the Snowy Mountain coagulated…”
“Li Xianyi’a distress value, +999!”
Li Xianyi suddenly thought of a problem. He just got upgraded to Class A, shouldn’t he be happy? However, why couldn’t he be happy…
Something must have gone wrong somewhere!
No no, scratch that. The old ancestor’s best condition was before Energy Sea had opened.
This Lu Shu, even before Energy Sea opened, there was already sea and even snowy mountain?
There seemed to be something more that’s weird… You were extraordinary!
“Li Xianyi’s distress value, +999!”
Previously, Lu Shu did not suspect the things that Li Xianyi taught him, because Li Xianyi was an expert. Lu Shu couldn’t figure out any reasons that Li Xianyi had to lie to him.
Furthermore, what he said was logical. Something about the accumulation of clouds to become rain, accumulation of rain to become a river, and the accumulation of the river to become the sea. All these were verified by himself, there was nothing wrong.
The only problem was that Li Xianyi did not mention that the snowy mountain would coagulate before Energy Sea opened.
At this moment, Lu Shu saw such a huge distress value. He knew that something was wrong as well.
He tested the water, “What was the condition when you opened Energy Sea initially?”
Li Xianyi replied expressionless, “Accumulation of the river to become the sea.”
“Are you sure?”
“Accumulation of rain to become river…”
“Li Xianyi’s distress value, +401!”
“Think about it again?”
“Accumulation of clouds to become rain…”
“Li Xianyi’s distress value, +591!”
“Think about it again?”
” Don’t go overboard!”
“Li Xianyi’s distress value, +999!”
Li Xianyi did not dare to speak carelessly, because he only knew the situation from the text. He did not experience it personally. So, if he replied wrongly to Lu Shu who was trying to verify certain characteristics, his cover would blow.
The old man asked with a black face, “Are the noodles done? I am hungry!”
Auntie Liu already couldn’t keep up with the pace in the kitchen.
Lu Shu understood now, he made a sound of acknowledgement, “You even intimidated me previously… Even Oscar owes you a golden person…”
“If I didn’t increase the condition, will you set a limit for yourself? You thought that you won’t be able to reach the level of previous individuals but look at you. Didn’t you surpassed them?” Li Xianyi replied unpleasantly.
“Haha,” Lu Shu laughed coldly, “You are still trying to aim for something too high. I think you should start speaking the truth now.”
Li Xianyi sighed, and replied melancholy, “The founder had achieved the most in our clan. Only he could reach the condition of accumulation of river to become the sea. Then, the Energy Sea will open and coagulate into snowy mountain directly.”
This time, Lu Shu really froze. He guessed that he could possibly good hold back. In the end, he didn’t expect himself to surpassed Li Xianyi’s founding father!
And he surpassed him so much more! The other people opened the Energy Sea then the issue was finished, however, Lu Shu managed to finish it before opening it!
What the…
“What is that Snowy Mountain for?” Lu Shu asked curiously.
“The Snowy Mountain is to sharpen the core of the sword. After the snowy mountain opens, the core will coagulate. Furthermore, the snowy mountain represents the interest of the sword. Using the interest to enhance the core, the core would make the snowy mountain steep and majestic. Lastly, the interest and core would become sharp together.” Li Xianyi said.
“It sounds really foreign, but isn’t it just a grindstone…” Lu Shu stunned for a moment.
“You can say so too…”
Lu Shu started to ponder. Okay, he had the snowy mountain as the grindstone, but what about the core?!
He did not have the core, how could he grind anything!
“Then should I open the Energy Sea now. After all, there will only be the core after I open it. Otherwise, what can I grind?” Lu Shu asked.
Li Xianyi kept quiet for a long time, “Then open it…?”
At that moment, Lu Shu didn’t feel good. After keeping quiet for a long time, you answered with such a simple result. Open it? A question?!
He originally thought that he had been taking a longer path because he had no teacher to guide his practising path. So after learning swordplay from Li Xianyi, he had trusted him without conditions. After all, the master was the teacher, preventing himself from taking a longer path.
Did this mean that he still took the longer path in the end?
Lu Shu said with his gums painfully, “Are your pulse always as deceiving as you?”
“Yes,” Li Xianyi nodded
Lu Shu, “???”
The question was supposed to be ridiculous, but how could he simply admitted it like that?!
Lu Shu felt that he should open the Energy Sea first. He relaxed his control over Energy Sea Snowy Mountain and wanted to break through it. However…nothing happened!
It was really nothing without any control!
Lu Shu looked at Li Xianyi with shock, “I can’t open it!”
Li Xianyi’s face was also filled with shock, “Why can’t you open it?!”
Lu Shu’s face fell, “There is a reason behind my shocked expression, but your shocked face made me have a bad feeling…”
Previously, when he fought with the white master, Lu Shu was worried about the Energy Sea Snowy Mountain. However, after the battle ended, there wasn’t any situation that was hard to suppressed. At that time, Lu Shu thought that it was because he had a high control level! Now, he realised that it wasn’t that!
He observed the condition of Energy Sea Snowy Mountain closely. The roaring waves that could break through the Energy Sea initially seemed to be suppressed by the towering Snowy Mountain… Even when Lu Shu controlled it, it was not possible to move the waves.
This was the reason why the Energy Sea couldn’t be open! The Snowy Mountain was too strong!
This was so deceiving! Too deceiving! Too much strength was put in!
“You always ask what to do right?” Lu Shu asked with a dimmed expression, “Now the Energy Sea cannot be opened, what about my sword core? Compensate my sword core!”
“Why not, hold it back and try again?” Li Xianyi said thoughtfully, “You might have a chance to open it in the future?”
He was also speechless. He finally found a genius who surpassed the founding father, in the end, it was still a failure?
Previously, Li Xianyi thought that the batches of ancestors were all extremely good at deceiving disciples, in the end, he was the batch that was most deceiving one?
Li Xianyi couldn’t really accept this results…
Just that, he thought that this wasn’t that easy. There wasn’t logical that he held it till the end but there was nothing out of it. There must have been a different world. Perhaps, Lu Shu would be the first after a long time?!
The two of them discuss for a long time, and Lu Shu spoke about his current situation as well.
“There is still one more method,” Li Xianyi said. “The classical book recorded that someone from the 17th batch destroyed the Snowy Mountain. After that, the stronger and bigger one rose up. This suggests that the Snowy Mountain can be destroyed. Perhaps, without the Snowy Mountain, the Energy Sea can be opened?”
Lu Shu’s face was full of distrust, “Don’t talk to me with a question, everything hurts while listening to it…”
“Li Xianyi’s distress value, +666!”


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He Bai won the lottery, became rich, and reached the pinnacle of life. Then, he inadvertently took a picture of the Film

Spare Me, Great Lord! Lastest Chapters