Novel Name : I Became the Strongest With The Failure Frame【Abnormal State Skill】As I Devastated Everything

I Became the Strongest With The Failure Frame【Abnormal State Skill】As I Devastated Everything Chapter 200

Chapter 200
Kirihara sheathed his sword, which he nonchalantly drew .
[……”That should be obvious”, though I guess I can’t say that huh . ]
What is the “obvious” in the thing he did?
I couldn’t understand it at all .
Kirihara lets out a sigh before indifferently continuing .
[We’ll have the decisive battle with the Great Demon Emperor before long . If you can’t even deal with that level of attack, it would be difficult to count on you as a war potential . Well, there’s no need to worry about it…… After all, that was just a test . ]
Hijiri, who also drew her sword, spoke .
[No matter how you look at it, Sogou-san is far from her normal condition . If you want to know what she’s capable of just now, it would make sense to at least wait until she’s recovered . ]
[If Sogou couldn’t deal with that, Hijiri—– you could have seen through that and stopped it . And just as I thought, you blocked my sword . ]
Tap, tap
Kirihara taps his own temple with his fingertip .
[All those thoughts that the situation could go worse, they were all just your assumptions . ]
[——You were going to kill Sogou-san, weren’t you?]
Hijiri interrogatively asks .
As if to pass it off, Kirihara clicks his tongue .
[An attack that would obviously not kill you…… is there any real value in that? There’s that saying where “Do your best even if you die for it . ” . If you were to do something, you’ve got to be willing to die for it……]
He’s not saying it as if he’s being sorry .
There isn’t an ounce of remorse .
He speaks as if everything is as it should be .
[If she can’t stop it and dies, then that’s the end of the world for Sogou…… and I have no choice but to give up . In any case, there’s no way that there would always be people following her in the next battles…… that goes for you too, Hijiri . ]
[From what I see though, it looked like you acted because you felt something after hearing Sogou-san’s level . ]
As if he’s exasperated, Kirihara combed back his hair with both of his hands .
[It’s only you who only “see” it like that . There’s nothing more unsightly than disparaging someone based on speculations, Hijiri……]
[Like she said, Kirihara, stop messing around Elder Sis——]
Just as Itsuki was about to angrily say something…
A loud voice butted in .
[What…… the f*ck was that just now!? I can’t believe you!]
Kirihara Group’s Murota Erii .
[What are you saying now, Murota……]
[What are you saying now, I ask them back to you! Kirihara, seriously, what the heck do you think you’re doing!? Don’t you know that President is the one who saved our lives!? Because after Kirihara was gone, the situation has turned seriously bad! Haven’t you heard anything at all!?]
A frown appearing on his face, Kirihara looks at Murota in silence .
[Listen here, Kirihara…… Don’t you have anything to say?]
[You’re lucky to have survived . However, it’s gonna get even more intense from now on……]
[Wrong answer!]
[Can’t you see it!? Otherwise, are you doing it on purpose!?]
Murota vigorously points towards the other members of Kirihara’s group .
[Can’t you see Ikumi isn’t here!?]
Kirihara tilted his head .
And after a few seconds…
[I see, so she dropped out huh . ]
Murota’s face distorted .
[The f*ck—- is what that reaction…… Fuuu, guuhhhh…… As I thought, you’re strange! Since we came here, Kirihara, you’ve seriously become strange……!]
Tears began to trickle from Murota’s eyes .
It was as if something that has been dammed has broken down .
[Ikumi—- she died, you know!? I don’t know if there’s even anything left of her body…… I don’t even know which of those bodies were Ikumi’s…… She can’t even be healed just like Sakura did, you know!? Hey!? I’m talking about Ikumi, you know!? She’s gone!!!]
I remembered that time after “that battle” .
For a while, everyone was rejoicing over the Banewolf’s survival .
Eventually though—– those cheers after the battle died down .
What was left of me and the others at the Anti-Demon White Castle was just a sense of loss .
Hiroka Akiyoshi .
Sakuma Haruhiko .
It was the same as when those two died .
The death of our classmate .
While it was terribly unrealistic .
It left me with a feeling of a gaping hole in my chest .
That’s why…
After that, with some help from Princess Cattleya, we all had a mourning ceremony .
Everyone—- was crying .
In our former world, some students who weren’t so close to Kariya Ikumi .
But Kirihara—– with an admonishing look on his face, said .
[My parents know a young economist who has over 200,000 subscribers in his channel on a famous video site—– And from him, I heard this . The more prepared a country is to cut the disappearance of the failures who live in it, the more it will grow…… It seems that the more the country allocates its insignificant costs towards those failures, the more impoverished they become as a whole……]
[The f*ck’s that…… I can’t understand what you’re saying at all…… Or rather, that economist you’re talking about…… How the f*ck is that related to Ikumi’s death……!?]
[? What that means is that instead of wasting your time rattling your mouth every single time someone dies, why don’t you start talking about how you tried to start improving after that loss…… or were there even any improvement from you lot at all?]
Murota closes the distance between her and Kirihara .
When she got in front of Kirihara, she greatly swung her hand .
And the next moment…
[……………… . ]
Murota deeply frowned .
[This isn’t a joking matter, Murota……]
It seems that Murota tried to slap him .
But on the way, Kirihara grabbed her wrist .
[——Your mind must have been poisoned by Sogou huh . ]
Kirihara tightened his grip on her wrist .
[It—– hurts——]
Murota’s face contorted in pain .
It was at that moment .
Itsuki put her hand on the hilt of the rapier at her waist—–
[Stop right there . ]
The one who stopped them…
[I won’t allow you to go any further . ]
Me .
[……Don’t you know of self-defense?]
[The one who raised her hand first may be Murota-san . However, even if for a moment…… Can’t you consider Murota-san’s feelings?]
[Looking out for every single person’s feelings won’t help me achieve victory . ]
[It’s times like these that I think it’s important to have compassion for someone else . ]
[……You’re no different than those fools who think that you can solve everything with just fighting spirit and willpower . Remember our previous world . The only people who were actually winning were the ones who didn’t seem to care about people’s feelings…… In other words, if you want victory, you have to show them your strength . Otherwise, you won’t achieve victory . You don’t need to care about those barking dogs who only talk about morals and ethics……]
Personally, I don’t like it .
However, just with emotions…
Or just with words…
Not everything can be conveyed .
I’ve understood it myself—– since I’ve come into this world .
I began to prepare to use my limits strings .
This is the only way I could properly move my body while I’m like this .
I know that this is a foolish move if I think about the future——
Even so .
Maybe it’s better to directly show him what “power” is at least once .
However, I will only make him powerless .
I won’t hurt him at all .
For example, yes .
If it’s that Kisou-ryu Technique that is used to apprehend enemy generals——
[……Hmph . ]
Kirihara removed his hand from Murota’s wrist .
[You look eager to do it…… but it’s obvious that Hijiri would interfere . As for me, I have no choice but to declare that it would just be a waste of time . ]
As Murota fell on her knees on the ground, Kirihara walked past her .
[And also, that time I slashed you with my sword—— but stop being an idiot that you didn’t even notice it . ]
Kirihara thrusts his arm forward .
[If I seriously wanted to kill you, I would have used my ……]
Several small golden dragons appeared around Kirihara .
They seemed to have activated while we’re talking .
The golden wave-like dragons began to fly in circles around Kirihara, as if to protect him .
[Murota and the others now look like they’re being pampered by Sogou…… so why don’t you have Sogou take care of you for the time being?]
Murota, who still had tears in her eyes, looked back at Kirihara as he moved away .
Kirihara, surrounded by golden wave-like dragons, stopped in his tracks .
[The great people who reformed the world aren’t understood in the beginning . Instead, they are more often shunned . Those who rise to the top are always met with misplaced criticism . That’s the loneliness of kings…… they can never escape from the stupidity of the common people who have stopped thinking . That’s why great people can’t help but ignore their barks until they show results . However, in the end, you lot will understand—— who the real “king” was . Go study your history . The true great men may not be well-liked at the time, but he will be appreciated by the future…… history will not let his name go……]
Kirihara flicks a glance towards me .
[At the end of the day—– “Perfection” can’t be reached by those who still won’t leave their naivety behind . ]
Kirihara turns his head away .
[In the end, this me has to keep proving my strength’s righteousness by overcoming the outrageous and misfortunate circumstances . Just like how those people did in history . ]
[You don’t have to say anything, Itsuki . ]
Itsuki was about to say something .
However, she was stopped by Hijiri .
Kirihara just let out a sigh of dismay .
[You lot should do something about the lowness of your boiling points . Especially you, Itsuki……]
Itsuki stuck out her tongue towards him .
It might seem like an act of mischievousness, but her eyes aren’t smiling at all .
She was told she didn’t have to say anything, so she probably stuck out her tongue as a counterattack .
[Come to think of it, Sogou, I heard people talking about it…… . but I heard that person’s still alive . ]
He’s finally talking about Oyamada Shogou huh .
[Seras Ashrain’s appearance—— does she look like what’s on her portrait?]
[You met with that group who used to be in that group of sorcerers, they’re calling themselves Fly King Squadron, right? Tsk—– They’re completely in the wrong place where they should have appeared . ]
What the heck is he talking about now—–
[It seems that the Fly King became the topic after crushing the First Oath…… And they’re starting to become distinct…… Those Confidants were quite the disgraceful lot…… . ]
Kirihara tightly clenched his fists .
[T- That’s not the case at all . The Confidants were formidable foes . ]
[That isn’t possible . When they lose to people who aren’t Heroes, it’s hard to see how I can come to a conclusion other than them being small fries . If they’re relying on abilities bound by the laws of this world, like sorcery, the highest point of their power could be easily seen…… Calling himself “King”, but he doesn’t have its vessel at all . That means, tsk…… I will show to this frog in the well and to Seras the unpleasant truth . ]
Kirihara places the palm of his hand on the bottom of his sword’s hilt .
[The difference between the status between them and us heroes . ]

As me and the others waited in the plaza, a messenger from the Goddess came to give us instructions .
The Heroes are to go back to their quarter and temporarily wait, he said .
The messenger informed them of some rules and the things we should look out while we wait .
He also said that there will be a meeting later regarding the Fly King Squadron .
Incidentally, Kirihara wasn’t there when the messenger announced that .
He just walked away from the plaza like that .
As Kirihara was about to leave…
“Oi, the goddess told us to wait for instructions here . ”
Itsuki tried calling out to him but…
“We used to have barbecue once a month with a bunch of people my parents knew…… One of those days, a guy with a very successful online salon business came . This is what he said . “There isn’t a single successful person in the business world who waits to be told what to do . ”…… what he meant, that should be obvious, right?]
Saying those words, he left .
Now then .
It was currently night time .
I’m waiting in my room .
There was also a person who had come to visit me here .
Right now, the visitor is next to me—– sitting on a chair .
In front of us is a table .
The distance between our chairs is close to each other .
So close that our shoulders were almost touching each other .
The visitor was running her pen on a memo pad .
[It seems you had lots of troubles back where you’re stationed huh . ]
The visitor was Takao Hijiri .
We were sharing our information with each other .
The memo pad and pen seemed to be things she brought from our world just like our uniforms .
We don’t have access to the internet from our smartphones .
We can’t even charge it .
However, analog items seem to function normally .
In the case of the pen, it’s until the ink runs out……
“But still”, I thought .
These memo pad and pen from our previous world .
But somehow, right now that we’re in this world, the usefulness of these things became higher instead .
[However, thanks to that Berzegia-san that I talked about earlier, I think we have avoided the worst possible outcome . ]
The worst possible outcome—– the annihilation of the Southern Army that gathered at the Anti-Demon White Castle .
And also, the deaths of our classmates who were there .
[………………… . ]
[This Berzegia person…… Where do you think he stands, Sogou-san? If he defeated that powerful Confidant, it doesn’t look like they’re on the side of the Great Demon Emperor . ]
[I assumed that they were on Cattleya-san’s side because of Seras-san but……]
[They disappeared after that fight, right?]
[Yeah, that’s what I heard . From what I heard, they seem to be going north . ]
Hijiri propped up the butt of her pen under her lips .
How should I say this…
It isn’t really a significant gesture, but she looks charming when she does that .
Her long eyelashes that are unassumingly laid down .
Her thin, but healthy lips looked lively .
[They didn’t just join up Neia’s princess’s army right there and then…… That could mean that Seras Ashrain can’t just go back to the Holy Kingdom of Neia…… Perhaps, there’s a reason why she can’t go back……]
Speaking until there, Hijiri stops .
[What was this Berzegia person like?]
I told her about the conversations I had with him and the impression I had as much as possible .
She began writing again .
It was just a quick scribble, but her handwriting looks clean .
[Whether they’re enemies or allies—– It’s difficult to tell if we can draw them to our side huh . ]
[He seemed to be trustworthy though . ]
[Most people would more easily trust others when they’re helped in a crisis . There’s even things like “Suspension Bridge Effect” and “Stockholm Syndrome”—– those feelings and impressions can easily be changed by a single dramatic event . For example…… Haven’t you ever seen a case where a person who was well-liked on TV or on the internet has had his or her image destroyed by just a single scandal?]
[……I think I heard that happen before . ]
There was a TV personality who was extremely well-liked by the public .
And I’ve also seen him become a target of bashing overnight .
[When you can only see things in one way, you’re more likely to fall for a scam, so be careful . ]
Hijiri lets out a sigh .
[……I’m sorry, we digressed . So, that Berzegia person, even if he’s on the side of Holy Kingdom of Neia, that doesn’t mean he’s on the side of the Holy Alliance . ]
[Errr, does that mean—–]
[That it also doesn’t mean that he was on our side either . ]
Laying my hands on my lap, I looked down .
[I don’t want to be hostile to that man if I can help it……]
[What I said doesn’t necessarily mean that they were enemies though . In fact, within the people on our side right now—– You could say that Kirihara-kun is more hostile to you than him . ]
[Hey, Hijiri-san . ]
Clenching my hands together, I kept my mouth shut for a moment .
Hijiri also quietly waited as I gathered my thoughts .
[Hijiri-san…… Do you think Kirihara-kun’s way of thinking is right?]
[The fact that you asked that question, does it seem like he had pointed out something?]
[Eh? Errr…… I don’t know . It’s just, I wonder if I really was still naive…… perhaps, this naivety of mine is what caused Kariya-san to die . ]
What would have happened if I had “awakened” my skill earlier?
The loss that our classmates have received may have been less severe .
Whether it’s my limit strings .
Or my inherent skill .
If only I had been able to use them sooner .
Isn’t the current result because I’m still feeling laxed somewhere within me?
Just as I was saying these self-punishing words, Hijiri…
[There are some right things that you said, but also some things that you’re mistaken of . ]
Saying that, she spun the pen in her hand .
[Humans are creatures that change the way they think, depending on where they stand . Humans are usually very subjective . That’s why there are people who feel that the ideas of their acquaintances are correct . On the other hand, there are also people who feel that the ideas of their acquaintances are wrong . However…… in Kirihara-kun’s case . he’s speaking on the premise that he will never be on the side of “failures”—– It might be difficult for him to think that he will come around to that side at some point . ]
Hijiri stopped talking for a moment .
Then, she began poking the butt of her pen under her lips again .
[That’s probably not the answer you wanted huh?]
[No, it’s fine…… thank you for thinking about it, Hijiri . ]
[Sogou-san . I think you should just stick to what you believe is right . ]
[What I believe is right……]
[The way I see it, a lot of our classmates are following you now—– They’re counting on you . I think it’s safe to assume that could be a good answer, right?]
Hijiri continued .
[There is no such thing as perfection in this world . However, doing your best is something you can do . ]
[I think that’s good enough as long as you’re a human being . ]
A small smile leaked out of my lips .
[—–Thank you, Hijiri-san . ]
[You’re welcome .
Hijiri nonchalantly said .
We began sharing information with each other again .
[From the looks of it, can we assume that Nihei-kun, Murota-san and the others will be going into your group?]
This was right after we were dismissed in the plaza after receiving the instruction from the Goddess’ messenger .
I personally went forward and formally recruited Nihei, Murota and the others .
I asked if they would be willing to work with my group from now on .
[Those two groups were abandoned by their leaders after all . ]
Yasu was still alive .
However, Nihei and his other group members told me that they didn’t want to work with Yasu anymore .
Murota and the others also said that they wanted to work with me now .
[What about Yasu-kun?]
[……I will also try recruiting him . It would be helpful to have even one more A-Rank Hero among our allies . Most importantly, ummm…… after all, if things go on like this, Yasu-kun would be treated as an outcast in this world . ]
Hijiri sighed .
[I really respect you . ]
[And also, this may be unnecessary but—–]
Hijiri suggested two things .
Dividing the group into teams .
And appointing a sub-leader .
Suou Kayako would be the leader of Suou team .
Nihei Yukitaka would be the leader of Nihei team .
And Murota Erii would be the leader of Murota team .
It would still be difficult to have people who weren’t that close with each other to work together proficiently .
And that’s why Hijiri expressed her view .
[If you’re in a situation where you can’t make a decision, it’s better to have a sub-leader to help you make a decision . I would highly recommend Suou-san to that . ]
[……I also think that I can count on Suou-san . ]
Suou Kayako .
She’s a child with a high level of ability from the start .
I found out later that she was actually invited by Asagi to join her group .
(Even in the last fight, she was able to keep everyone together with her precise instructions…… I’m really glad that Suou-san came to my group . However…… Why did she come to my group?)
Come to think of it, she wasn’t even one of the people that was about to be disposed of by the Goddess .
It reminded me of when we were still in our previous world .
Suou Kayako wasn’t the kind of child who felt like she was particularly close with the other students .
Of course, that was why I usually regularly approached her but—–
(Anyway, I have to thank Suou-san for that . )
The two of us discussed various topics further .
What surprised me though was the abundance of Hijiri’s knowledge .
In particular, she had an unusual amount of knowledge about this world .
[You did know that there’s a large library in the castle, right?]
[Yeah . ]
[What about those in the closed-stacks?]
[……No . ]
Closed stack .
In the libraries in my previous world, these refer to the books that we weren’t allowed to get ourselves and those that were prohibited from the public .
You have to ask a librarian to bring the books in the closed stacks to you .
However, in this world, it seems that you could read them after gaining permission .
[I would often get the permission from the Goddess to do some research there . ]
[Is that so……]
(Ah . )
(There’s that again……)
A faint, sweet smell .
It was drifting from Hijiri .
I can smell it well because of the distance between us .
Hijiri looks at me with a sidelong glance .
[Does my smell bother you?]
[Ah, I’m sorry—— Ummm, are you using perfume?]
[We are “foreigners” for this world, but while wearing this world’s perfumes, the locals become a little less wary . In short, it’s a silent appeal that says “I’m trying to accept the culture of this world” . ]
You’re even thinking about something like that when she uses perfume huh .
Above all……
[Hijiri-san…… looks really beautiful . ]
Not stopping her hand from writing, Hijiri monotonously pointed out .
[You spoke that out loud . ]
[Ah . ]
Surprised, I pressed my hand over my mouth .
My inner thoughts leaked out huh .
[I- I’m sorry . ]
[In your case though, even if you’re being honest, you should refrain from making blunt comments about other people’s looks . I know you don’t have any intention of doing so, but if you say it like that, some people would take it as you’re being sarcastic . Sogou-san, you’re at least aware that you’re unmistakably a beauty, right?]
[Ehh, I didn’t really—–]
[“thought of it like that?”]
[Ahhh…… . ]
[That response could also be taken as sarcasm, so it’s better if you stop replying like that . ]
My shoulders shrunk down as I meekly nodded .
[……I’ll be careful . ]
After saying that, a giggle leaked out of my mouth .
Hijiri still had her gaze fixed on her memopad…
[What’s the matter?]
[No…… It’s just that I think I’ve figured out a little bit of why Itsuki-san loves you so much . ]
Incidentally, Itsuki is sleeping in her room .
She looked lively earlier, but as a matter of fact, she was pretty tired .
[Hijiri-san is the same age as me, but you sound like you’re much older than me, or more like… . . an older sister who you can talk to about anything . ]
I didn’t have an older sister, so I may have been slightly yearning for someone who can be my older sister .
[The only difference between us twins is who was born earlier than the other…… However, as long as one was continuously being treated as “the older sister” while growing up, they will become more like that . ]
[——Hey, Hijiri-san . ]
My face turned serious .
[About that group you mentioned earlier…… . I think it would be best if you were the leader of everyone rather than me . ]
[That’s isn’t possible . ]
I was a little confused by her quick refusal .
[It may be fine for you, but there are plenty of students who are having a hard time around us sisters . ]
[I don’t think…… that’s the case though . ……However, if everyone gets to know Hijiri-san and Itsuki-san better—–]
[Like it or not, there’s a “harmony” in a group . There are plenty of cases where an outsider can destroy the balance of a group, even if the said person has no intention of destroying it . Don’t underestimate the dispositions of people . If we join at this point, it will certainly destroy the balance in your group . ]
“Besides…” Hijiri added .
[Some relationships work better when there’s some distance between them . Of course, I also intend to help everyone return to our previous world . ]
[……I understand . I won’t be forcing you to it . ]
[You even worked up the courage to ask me, I’m sorry . ]
[No . It’s nice enough to know that you’re there to help us . It’s fine…… as long as we can go back to our world without anyone else dying , I’ll……]
Suddenly, I noticed that Hijiri was staring at me .
It’s as if she’s trying to surmise something……
[Sogou-san . This is just a “what-if” but—–]
Just as she was about to say something, Hijiri’s gaze turned towards the door of the room .
(What’s going on?)
Hijiri writes something on her memo pad .
Kashak kashak
She then held out her memo pad to me .
What was written was……
“Please go along . ”
Hijiri continues to speak .
[——What if I told you that I have romantic feelings for you?]
Then, I noticed .
Hijiri was looking at something, bringing my attention to that direction .
(Ah, I see . )
There’s someone outside the door .
The presence of someone standing there .
“I need you to match what I’m saying”
That’s what Hijiri was aiming for when she said that .
Taking a deep breath, I replied .
[E— Even if you suddenly say that to me…… I, ummm—- a little embarrassed……]
At that moment when I replied like that…
Hijiri smiled .
It was unintentional .
But I felt charmed by her .
I got what she’s aiming for correctly .
That smile of hers may be of delight at that but……
[I’m not going to ask you for an immediate response . I just wanted you to know how I feel . However, from now on, can I act a bit more closer—- even if it’s just a little bit more?]
[E- Errr…… I don’t know . It just happened so suddenly…… I still can’t organize what I’m feeling yet . ]
[Am I bothering you?]
[I- It’s not that it’s a bother…… errr……]
Was it because of that smile of hers earlier or because of another reason?
I know that we’re just acting .
However, my heart strangely can’t stop beating fast .
(Ah, but…… maybe it’s better this way, as my reaction would be more realistic this way……)
It’s kind of funny how calm I am in this kind of situation .
Hijiri stands up from her chair .
[—–Wait a minute . We’re talking about something important here…… I’m going to check first if there’s anyone in the hallway or not . ]
Then, I could feel the presence hanging around the door moving away .
Hijiri went to the door once and checked around the hallway .
She then came back and sat back on her chair .
[Good job, Sogou-san . ]
[……Can you explain it to me just in case?]
[It’s to mislead them . ]
[To mislead them?]
[There may be a slight increase in my contact with Sogou-san in the future . So I don’t want them to get too suspicious of my intentions for going here . ]
[Ah, I see—-]
[If the rumor that “Takao Hijiri has a thing for Sogou Ayaka” spreads, if I have more contacts with you in the future, people will just think I was approaching you because I have a thing for you . ]
She may be up to something .
She’s planning something, and she needs to deceive the Goddess to achieve it .
[……However, I guess I’m a bit surprised . ]
[I’m sorry that I abruptly pushed that on you . ]
[There’s that too but…]
A smile leaked out of my lips .
[You can smile properly huh, Hijiri-san?]
[Just because I don’t like forcing a smile doesn’t mean I can’t smile, you know?]
[Is that so . ]
[So to speak, my smiles are something that naturally appear . Being able to make smile anytime is useful and there’s a lot of such demands in the world . However, it’s just that I’m not very good at it . ]
[Fufu, Hijiri-san’s way of thinking is interesting . ]
Hijiri loosely propped up her chin on her hand .
[You’re acting natural in all sorts of ways too, right?]
[Mnngh…… . You’re not making fun of me, are you, Hijiri-san?]
[No way . ]
(……Even so . )
I glanced towards the door .
[That person at the door, I wonder who that was?]
[From the footsteps made as he left and the way he disappeared, I’m almost certain that the one in the door is the Goddess’ subordinate . In fact, I was being followed from the time I left my room to the time I was on my way here…… and I think I lost her around the time I reached this place . Perhaps, it was the one who was tailing me and he had just finally noticed that I was in this room . ]
And that was when he began listening into this room huh .
[Hijiri-san, it’s like you’re a character in a spy movie . ]
[I think the S-Rank status corrections are also significantly affecting that . For instance, Sogou-san must have noticed that person’s presence, right?]
Now that she talked about it .
(Even that time when I felt Kirihara-kun’s bloodthirst, does my status also have a connection with that……?)
[Ahh…… By the way, Hijiri-san, you were about to say something, right? What were you going to say if that person didn’t come to the door earlier?]
Yes, Hijiri changed the subject when she was in the middle of saying something earlier .
Then—– Hijiri suddenly closed the distance between us .
It was as if she was going to talk about something that must be kept secret .
Is it because of the nervousness I felt earlier?
I gulped .
[At this point, this is just a “what-if”, but please listen . ]
[Y- Yeah……]
What I can see with my own eyes——– were Hijiri-san’s eyes that don’t have any impurity at all .
[What if I told you that there may be a way to return to our world without relying on the Goddess——- what would you do?]


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