Novel Name : I Became the Strongest With The Failure Frame【Abnormal State Skill】As I Devastated Everything

I Became the Strongest With The Failure Frame【Abnormal State Skill】As I Devastated Everything Chapter 151

Chapter 151
Chapter 151

Walking with quick strides, I look at the notifications .
The advanced skill branching from the skill I most frequently use, .
However, contrary to its name, this skill doesn’t have an image of being any way more superior .
Far from that, this looks more like a basic skill than—-
[No, that’s not right . ]
It’s still too early to measure my Abnormal State Skills based on the standard image .
At first glance, this skill may look useless .
However, this could change depending on how I could use this .
My other skills also held power beyond my preconception .
This is the “Failure Frame” Abnormal State Skill that has already saved me countless times .
There must be somewhere I could use this skill .
However, my first priority right now is to check if those guys are alright .
I rushed towards where Pigimaru and Slei should have been .

Thankfully, Pigimaru and Slei are still alive .
However, Slei had her transformation released and is quite worn out .
Even after releasing her transformation, there’s still her wound on her left hind leg .
Bandaging her wound with a piece of cloth, I carry Slei on my shoulder .
If it’s in the size of her first form, I could still carry her .
Is it thanks to the status correction that she’s lighter than I thought?
I don’t know if it’s the effect of the or status correction .
……Well, both of their numbers were the same anyway .
Either way, having this status correction is quite beneficial for me .

[Paa…… kyuu……]
[That’s enough, just relax and rest already . ]
Muddy water piling up on the ground .
I tread through that muddy ground one step at a time .
I was walking in the woods carrying Slei .
Pigimaru is taking some rest while he’s coiled around my waist .
Is it because he’s exhausted?
He isn’t coiled around my waist that tightly .
[I’m sorry for unreasonably overworking the two of you . ]
The rain that had been violently crashing down on us has already stopped .
It’s as if the ending rain overlaps with the end of the battle .
The cloudy skies have begun to be dyed in clear reddish color .
It seems that the day is about to end .
Were Seras and the others still waiting in that cave?
……It’s not like I’m reluctant to walk all night when I’m alone .
I’m already used to the darkness .
However, considering Slei’s current state, I can’t afford to do anything unreasonable .
The sound of water dripping down from a leaf .
The sunset finished dying this complex maze-like sea of trees in its color…
“Drip, drop . ”
A drop of water fell from the top of my hair down to my toe .
Those toes continued walking forward .
The ravages of our massacre continuously plunge into my line of sight .
Fallen and broken trees .
The ravages of the violent battle telling its story within this silence .
The nearby places I pass by as I walk back is brimming with monster corpses .
Occasionally, I could hear some groans coming from somewhere .
They’re probably some monsters still living even after being poisoned .
[Now then…]
The ruined path that I’ve been following…
I look ahead on this path .
[I wonder where my current place right now matches with the map I remembered…]
As one would expect, it’s impossible for me to be always aware of my current location even in the middle of a fight .
[Well, if I keep following this disastrous path, I should eventually be able to come back . ]
Then, Slei began waving her tail .
[Hmm? What’s the matter?]
Her tail keeps on swinging towards a certain direction .
[Should I go that way?]
[……Pakyuu . ]
[You…… You could still smell Seras and the others’ scent even in this kind of situation?]
[……Kyunn . ]
An affirming soft cry .
[—-I understand . ]
Following Slei’s directions, I proceeded further .
On the way, Pigimaru asked if I’m alright .
“I’m alright”, I replied .
[I’m still the Hero-sama whose level exceeds Lv 2000 after all . ]
I was a discarded one, though .
It’s good that Seras isn’t here right now .
If she were here, she would know that my “I’m alright” reply earlier was a lie .
[As expected, I never thought that I would defeat that amount of monsters unscathed…… However—]
The reason why I survived in that scramble of life .
The differences between the strengths of the Human-Faced were quite large .
Yes— there weren’t any of them that were as strong as the Soul Eater .
That one with the smiling face we met in the ruins we’ve passed by before .
Even that one wasn’t as strong as the Soul Eater .
If that Soul Eater were considered as just average among the Human-Faced I’ve encountered earlier, I would have already died .
[It’s probably because that one is already a veteran in his duty of acting as the lid, preventing the disposed people from coming out… That must mean that guy’s an exceptional one . ]
Though I say that, there were some quick-witted monsters among those I’ve fought just now .
I’ve known their quick-wittedness with my own body .
However, those monsters that were drawn in by that scream……
[Perhaps, those ones which are the most atrocious and clever wouldn’t be drawn in by something like that . ]
The Demon Zone is dotted with underground ruins .
Human-Faced different from the ones I’ve fought should still be living there, looking at the rampaging monsters aboveground .
I can’t discard such a possibility .
[It might be dangerous to think that the Soul Eater is the most superior among the Human-Faced……]
Absentmindedly walking for a while, I kept moving my feet .

I take a deep breath .
[…………………………… . . Well, I already expected this . ]
If they were to find a weakened prey, they’d naturally come out .
There’s no reason for them to overlook this opportunity .
The monsters gathered .
However, this could also be interpreted positively .
There’s an area where the monsters who deserted earlier carefreely loitered around .
And now, they’ve come back .
[………………… . ]
The strength of these monsters should be fairly well huh…
I am now carrying Slei .
I’m also quite exhausted .
Pushing through this amount of monsters would be quite tough but—-
[Well, their number and quality doesn’t matter . In that case…… Status Open . ]
I could try my new skill .
Its MP consumption is .
The consumption of my other skills were just .
……That’s quite a big jump there .
However, my remaining amount of MP is more than 60000 .
It wouldn’t be a problem even after trying it once .
Whatever its effect is, if it’s no good, I could just deal with them with my other standard skills .
The excited voice of monsters quivered under the twilight .
Slei and Pigimaru tried to take action .
“Leave it to me”, or so I said as I stopped them .
Now then, I wonder what would happen—–
[……… . . ,————-Wha!?]
My eyes opened wide .
The first thing that caught my eyes was my status display .
My MP entry .
It decreased at a frightening speed .
[What the heck… is this skill? This is as MP-consuming as Pigimaru’s connection technique… No, it could even be worse—–]
Suddenly, I noticed it .
The decrease rate of my MP is more than I expected .
Moreover, while I’m absorbed looking at it—–
Arrows and spears were flying towards me from all directions .
However, they’re not as skillful as I expected .
More particularly those spears that were completely off target .
I unsheathe the dagger on my waist .
There’s a wide difference if you compare their archery skill to Seras’ .
I wouldn’t be killed by arrows like this .
It was at that moment when I finally decided and started moving .
[………… . Ah?]
They’re slow?
Whether it’s the spears…
The arrows…
Or the monsters’ movements…
Even the beads of water falling from the leaves were slow .
Yes, it’s as if everything is subtly—-
Slow .
However, only I……
Only I could move normally .
I couldn’t feel any change or discomfort in my movements .
Therefore, it’s just me noticing the changes brought by huh .
It’s not that slow like that so-called “Slow-motion” .
What about Pigimaru and Slei?
Calling out to them…
[Pii . ]
They just replied like normal .
Their cries didn’t slow down .
Is it because they’re quite close to me?
If that’s not the case……
There must be a certain meter of radius in which they’re unaffected, or something like that?
Or perhaps, both of those could be the answers……?
[……I’m going to let go for a few moments, Slei . ]
I hold out my hand .
The speed of the approaching monster…
I have enough time before it could even approach .
I can’t feel any worry about this situation falling into crisis .
If that’s the case—- how about I verify it?
It’s not possible for me to use this together with its advanced skill huh .
Then, next would be…
[, , ]
I can’t use any skill together with it .
[It could only be used alone huh . Well……]
Changing the grip on my dagger, I quickly close the distance with the monster .
[Depending on the way I use it, this could be usable in various ways . ]
I get ready while walking .
I passed by the spear that had slowed down .
The word is still quite slow .
I finally came before the monster who threw that spear .
The monster looks bewildered .
Well, it’s no wonder why .
[I guess I need to confirm this later huh . ]
My free left hand .
I walk forward with my left hand sticking forward .
Thereupon, when I got closer to a certain distance—-
[Gruu……? Gauuuuu—–]
The slowness of the monster disappeared .
But when I see that it’s going to move normally, I immediately pull away my hand .
The monsters were brought back into the world of slowness . (T/N: za warudo)
This means……
[The range, huh?]
When they’re within a one meter radius around me, their slowness disappears… .
So, is that why Pigimaru and Slei weren’t affected?
[In that case……]
With a step, I quickly come close towards the monster .
I slash the monster’s throat with my blade .
I could now understand the range where the slowness disappears .
And, in this state……
[It’s a lot slower for the enemy to move into defense . ]
In other words, it’s easier for me to attack first .
With this, it seems to be easy to aim at their vital points .
This would be quite frightening for the other party .
An attack is drawing near in front of you .
However, moving into defense is delayed .
I turned back .
I still have other monsters to deal with .
There’s still three more monsters .
There was bewilderment and fear on the face of these three .
[………—–Wait . ]
When I invoked that skill……
All four of them weren’t in my sight .
I was assaulted from the front, left, right and behind me .
Yes, the monsters came from “every direction” .
So far, the property of my Abnormal State Skills were as follows .
“If the target isn’t within sight, the invocation condition couldn’t be met . ”
However, this new skill…
[Even if the target isn’t within sight, all targets within the skill’s range would be affected……]
I see——– “Advanced” skill huh .
I begin running my thoughts .
Just for instance…
I’m in a situation where I couldn’t attack first or had been surprise attacked .
At that time, I feel that is when this skill could show its true value .
Or perhaps, when I want to escape from the attack range of my opponent .
If I were to use it well, I can expect this skill to be active when I need to avoid or block attacks .
[I should verify the maximum range of my skill later . Next would be……]
Whether an object would still be affected by my skill after I touch it, and if I could move it myself .
Slei’s tail swayed .
I feel like—- it sometimes crosses over the one meter radius .
However, the speed of her tail didn’t slow down .
That means… Is it that a person could still normally move if they’re in contact with me?
[Hmm? What’s with these numbers……?]
I noticed the additional display next to my MP .
Balance: 1359 / 5000
Balance: 1313 / 5000
The numbers were steadily decreasing .
……Ah, so that’s how it is .
[The duration of the skill is until the 5000 MP was fully consumed and it falls down to zero huh…]
Then, a certain prediction came into my mind .
[……Perhaps, I may be able to see each of the duration of my skills . ]
With that thought running on my mind, I quickly dealt with the remaining three monsters .
Before long, the numbers 1313 dropped down to 0 .
The speed of the world returns .
[I still have plenty more MP remaining…… Now then—-]
I felt the presence of more monsters .
[Should I try it out with them too?]
I walk a little closer towards the approaching monster .
Verification starts .
(T/N: It was stated as cool time in raws, but I think more people would know what this means when I word it as cooldown . )
[Well, so that’s how it is huh . ]
This new skill .
Each time you use it, a separator of “5000 MP” is already provided .
What does that mean?
“That means I couldn’t just use all of my MP for a single use . ”
In other words, it’s not possible to continuously use this skill by consuming all of my MP .
The consumption of 5000MP for one use .
A separator .
Once you use up the 5000 MP, it will be automatically released just like earlier .
[That also means that I couldn’t use the tactics of repeatedly activating and releasing huh . ]
There must be some kind of restriction for having such a convenient power .
That’s how society works .
My Abnormal Status Skills are still too convenient even with that .
I look back and start moving forward .
[Anyway, I somehow understand the property of —- to some extent . ]
I would deal with the rest of the monsters the same as I usually do .
[Then, with this……, ——–Hm?]
I can feel my legs wobbling .
My knees gave in .
However, I stand firm and pick myself up .
……I can’t step any further soon huh .
I finish it off with my dagger .
I still can’t use because it’s still in cooldown .
However, there’s no problem .
Putting strength into my body, I held out my arm just as I always do .
[It’s a bit tough fighting with this amount of monsters in this current state but…… I should be able to do it with the skill I’m most familiar with . ]
[Pa- Pakyyuuu!]
Suddenly, Slei got excited .
[……I know . ]
There’s an unusual one mixed along those monsters’ group .
It’s a bit troublesome in my current state .
It’s approaching this place at a tremendous speed .
………………… .
If it’s possible, I would need to deal with this one first .
I turn my arm towards the direction of that thing .
Although there were still the other monsters approaching us, this one should be dealt with as soon as possible——-
The body of a fractured monster .
An arc of blood drawn out in mid-air .
[Gururu…… Garururururuuuuuuuuuuuu………]
I lower my raised arm .
[So that’s why…]
Is that why Slei was quite excited?
……I should have expected to see her here but…
[I’ve finally found you, my lord . ]


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I Became the Strongest With The Failure Frame【Abnormal State Skill】As I Devastated Everything Lastest Chapters