Novel Name : An Exclusive love

An Exclusive love Chapter 305 - At Long Last, You're Eighteen

“Happy birthday, sis!” Ah Sha stared at Chengcheng’s chubby face. The kid was grinning so brightly that his eyes were squeezed together.
Ah Sha hugged his brother and kissed his cheek. “Thank you!”
Then, she heard her daddy’s voice. “Happy birthday, Ah Sha!” Ying Qingcang stepped into the living room while pushing Xin Qing’s wheelchair. Wangwang entered with a birthday cake. “Sis, come on! Blow out the candles!”
Out of nowhere, Wan Qingsi produced a candle with an “18” printed on it and placed it on top of the cake. Ying Qingcang glared at him. “She’s only 17.”
“Well, those of us from the north celebrate birthdays based on nominal age,” Wan Qingsi answered without even looking at him. Ah Sha hid her smile and then blew out the candles. Beside her, Chengcheng was happily waiting to taste the cake. After that, Xin Qing brought Ah Sha to the little greenhouse to have a chat.
Xin Qing handed a delicate looking box to Ah Sha. “I’m guessing Xunxun is going to propose to you tonight,” Xin Qing said.
Ah Sha smiled and took the box. “He’s been planning it a month ago. I just pretended not to notice,” Ah Sha said, opening the box. A jade pendant lay inside. Xin Qing lifted the pendant and put it around Ah Sha’s neck. “You know how much I love jades,” Xin Qing said. “This one looks a lot like the one your daddy gave me that year.”
“Daddy must have found it!” Ah Sha caressed the pendant whose surface was gleaming in such a way that it almost seemed as if there was a layer of liquid coating its surface.
Xin Qing pulled Ah Sha into her arm. “You know, all these years, we’ve been so worried that you might find out the truth and end up feeling hurt. So your daddy and I had pretty much spoiled you since you’re young. We allowed you to do whatever you want.”
Ah Sha rubbed her cheeks against Xin Qing’s chest. “Mommy, in my heart, both of you are my real parents. You’re the one who gave birth to me, mommy. And daddy is the one who spoiled me. So, don’t worry. I’m very happy!” Ah Sha raised her head. “It’s true, mommy. I really feel like I’m the luckiest daughter in the world!”
Xin Qing stared into Ah Sha’s bright eyes and nodded. “Mm. You must keep being happy, got it?” After Ah Sha nodded, Xin Qing went on, “Now, as for Xunxun, if he tries anything tonight, just agree to whatever he wants. Ignore your daddy.”
“Mommy!” Ah Sha blushed. “What are you saying?”
Xin Qing blinked at Ah Sha a few times. “The kid practically raised you,” Xin Qing said in a tone of amusement. “I’m sure it isn’t easy for him. He’s been holding himself back for so long after all.” Then, Xin Qing’s expression suddenly turned serious. “Just remember to use protection. It’s bad for your body if you get pregnant too young.”
Ah Sha was blushing to the tip of her ears by the time she came out. “Are you unwell?” Wan Qingsi asked worriedly, touching her forehead.
“I’m fine,” Ah Sha said, removing his hand. “Let’s go home!”
Wan Qingsi had no objections to going home and having some alone time, that was for sure. Ying Qingcang glared daggers at Wan Qingsi when he sent them off. Xin Qing, on the other hand, sent them off with a smile and a wave. When Ah Sha and Wan Qingsi reached their car, Wangwang suddenly ran over and to Ah Sha open her side of the door.
As he did, he whispered to Ah Sha, “Let Brother Xunxun rock your world!” That earned him a kick by Ah Sha.
Ah Sha spent most of the car ride in silence, sitting there with her chin to her chest. At one point, she started to notice something strange. “This isn’t the way home.”
“Where are we going?”
Wan Qingsi smiled at her. “You’ll know when we get there.”
One thing Ah Sha did notice was that the air was becoming more and more humid. The penny dropped when Ah Sha detected the saltiness and the unique scent of the ocean in the air. “The beach! But why are we at the beach?”
Wan Qingsi pulled up into the parking lot and said, “To do a very important thing.” The pair got out of the car, and walked hand in hand towards the beach. Up ahead, Ah Sha saw a red glow, as if something was burning in the sky. Only when they got near enough did she discern the source the glow: countless of candles arranged on the floor to form her name.
Wan Qingsi kept walking forward until he reached the candles, then bent down and picked up a bouquet of flower from the sand. He stood back up and walked back towards Ah Sha. When he was about a foot away from Ah Sha, he got down to one knee and said, “Ah Sha, this is where Ying Qingcang had proposed to Aunt Qing that year. The arrangements I made for tonight is practically the same. I’ve used the same candles, even the same flowers.” Wan Qingsi paused and stared deeply into Ah Sha’s eyes. “You once told me that your daddy is the greatest man in the world. But from now on, I hope that… that I, as your husband, can become that man!”
“Xunxun…” Ah Sha whispered with a hand over her mouth, her eyes filled with unshed tears. Even so, she was smiling at him. “Yes!”
Ever since she was young, this man had become an integral part of her word, pervading every aspect of her life. Because of that, her life was smooth. They left the beach after Ah Sha put on the ring and went home. The jitters came when Ah Sha saw Wan Qingsi entering the bathroom.
She played with the ring on her finger unconsciously. Wan Qingsi had especially requested Xin Qing to design the ring; both of their names were even carved onto the ring.
When Wan Qingsi stepped out of the bathroom, he saw his wife sitting on the edge of their bed. He also noticed the look of panic on her face. “Go take a bath!” he said. “Oh,” Ah Sha mumbled before she dashed into the bathroom.
Ah Sha stared at her own reflection in the mirror. Her entire face was flushed, not to mention the clear signs of lust in her eyes. She covered her face. “Geez! I look so desperate!”
Then, she heard Wan Qingsi’s voice through the door. “Ah Sha!” The man was through the door before she even had time to put on her pajamas. She panicked and quickly grabbed a towel to cover herself. Wan Qingsi looked at her in amusement. “You know that I’ve already seen every part of you, right?” Before she could say anything else, he picked her up and toss her onto bed.
When Wan Qingsi was on top of her, Ah Sha realized that he was already naked.
“Xun-Xunxun…” Her lips trembled.
Wan Qingsi ran his thumb over her lips and said, “Don’t be scared…”
Some time later, Ah Sha’s skin was about as flushed as a cooked shrimp. Her mouth opened in a soundless moan as Wan Qingsi left mark after mark on her body. Then, she felt a sharp pain between her legs. Her arms went around Xunxun’s neck and she held on to him for dear life.
“Ah Sha, Ah Sha!” The man’s harsh whispers sounded beside her ear. His voice was like an intoxicating melody, coaxing her body into a series of rises and falls that matched its cadence.
At long last, Wan Qingsi found release for his twenty-years’ worth of pent-up lust. When it was over, he carried Ah Sha into the bathroom once again and began to gently clean her up.
“What are you doing?” Ah Sha tried to push him away.
“Don’t move,” Wan Qingsi said. “Does it hurt? Let me see.” Wan Qingsi parted her legs. “It’s not like I’d never seen it before. I mean, I’d already kissed you there. What’s there to be shy about?”
Seeing that Ah Sha was as red as a tomato, Wan Qingsi asked shamelessly, “Babe, which one felt better? What I did just now, or my tongue?”
“Shut up!” Ah Sha splashed water at him. “Stop talking!”
Wan Qingsi held her still. “Hm, I think you must have forgotten what my tongue feels like. That must be why you couldn’t tell. How about I refresh your memory!” Wan Qingsi lowered his head.
“Ah!” Ah Sha’s body went limp.
For the whole night, Wan Qingsi loved and savored every inch of his new wife’s body, relishing his rights as a newlywed; Ah Sha could barely keep her eyes open during breakfast. After breakfast, Wan Qingsi carried her into the car.
“Where are we going?” Ah Sha asked when she noticed the cap and sunglasses that Wan Qingsi had helped her put on. Wan Qingsi himself was in the same get-up too.
Wan Qingsi buckled her seatbelt. “Get some sleep. I’ll wake you up when we get there.”
The next time Ah Sha was roused, she was already inside an office. Ying Qingcang and Xin Qing were there too.
“Daddy, mommy?” Ah Sha asked in confusion. She even saw a few people she didn’t know.
“Mr. Wan, may we begin now?”
Xin Qing passed the account book to the person who just spoke. “Let’s begin!”
Understanding dawned on Ah Sha. They were getting their marriage license!
Wan Qingsi held out the two red booklets with a gleeful look on his face. “Now we’re officially husband and wife!”
“You guys head straight to the airport,” Xin Qing said with a grin. “Ying Qingcang has already arranged your private jet.”
“Honeymoon?” Ah Sha frowned. “I don’t think it’s the right time for that.”
Wan Qingsi drew her into his arms. “Of course not. The honeymoon will have to wait until after the wedding, when you’re officially out of that mask.”
“Then where are we going?”
“To have your contraceptive surgery done.”
For the sake of Ah Sha’s body, this was a necessary trip; the subepidermal contraceptive implant surgeries performed overseas were much better in quality than those performed in the country.
When they returned after the surgery, Ah Sha’s workload began to reduce. In fact, she didn’t plan to accept any more movie roles for the rest of the year. Stars Entertainment would release a new movie next year. The movie had a movie setting and it would revolve around city life. Ah Sha had already read the script, and she liked it very much. For now, she just did a few commercials, and that was it.
After that incident at the award ceremony, Tang Yue left Stars Entertainment and joined Sky Entertainment. Wen Pinyu had since then begun pouring funds into Sky Entertainment to support her.
“Young Master Wen still isn’t back with his family?” Ah Sha found the whole thing hard to believe. How could Wen Pintang let his brother openly be with Tang Yue? Wasn’t he worried at all about ruining their relations with the Li family?
Wan Qingsi went quiet in thought. “I’ll ask Wen Pintang myself.”
“He’s coming here?”
“Mm. Got in touch with me yesterday to remind me about the promise I made him.”
Ah Sha chuckled. “If my daddy ever finds out that you’ve betrayed him and my mommy, he’ll beat you up!”
“Which is why I don’t plan on letting him find out,” Wan Qingsi said with a smirk. “Too bad you can’t come with me.”
Ah Sha had to stay away from the Ying family for now; people might start asking question if she drew too much attention.
Ying Qingcang brought Xin Qing to restaurant. “That brat Xunxun must have something he wants from me,” Ying Qingcang thought. “Why else would he have invited us to dinner out of the blue.” Halfway into the meal, Ying Qingcang saw Wen Pintang entering their booth.
“I was walking past the door just now, and I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me when I saw you, President Ying. What a coincidence!”
Wan Qingsi frowned. “Is there anything you need, Mr. Wen?”
“No. I don’t need anything. Well, I was thinking of joining you guys since we ran into each other by chance. I hope that’s alright?”
Ying Qingcang, who had been glowering ever since Wen Pintang entered the booth, released a humorless laugh. “You’re not close with us. So, no. You can forget about joining us.”
“Haha!” Wen Pintang laughed before turning to Xin Qing. “Nice to see you again, Mrs. Ying. It’s been a while though. May I join you?”
Xin Qing smiled. “Of course. Please, have a seat!”
Wan Qingsi arched his brow and looked Wen Pintang from head to toe several times. “Ah, I think I’m starting to see what’s going on here…” he thought.
The meal went on with the Ying Qingcang’s constant provocations aimed at Wen Pintang. Wen Pintang merely smiled and pretended not to hear anything. Occasionally, Wen Pintang would share a few words with Xin Qing. Wan Qingsi watched everything from the sidelines, not saying a single word. When Ying Qingcang saw that Xin Qing’s plate was nearly empty, he picked her up and carried her out of the booth.
The tension in the booth substantially eased when Wan Qingsi and Wen Pintang were the only ones in it. “You looking to collaborate with the Ying family?” Wan Qingsi asked without preamble.
Wen Pintang nodded. “Like you guys, I don’t see any value in the Mo family.”
“Then the arranged marriage with the Li family…”
“That wouldn’t matter,” Wen Pintang said with a dismissive wave of his hand. “The arrange marriage is just one of my methods to provoke my brother. Whether the marriage works out or not, it wouldn’t matter to the Wen family.”
“So, this plan of yours to collaborate with my father-in-law, I think there’s a real big monkey-wrench in there somewhere considering how much he hates your guts.” Wan Qingsi paused, giving Wen Pintang a cryptic smile. “Why do you think he hates you that much though?”
Lifting his glass, Wen Pintang raised his brows and smirked. “Yeah! I’m curious as well. Why on earth does he hate me that much?”
Men had this special connection with each other which allowed them to understand each other without the need of words. Wan Qingsi had vaguely figured out Wen Pintang’s intentions. Still, he pretended not to know. In fact, he intended to keep his guess entirely to himself.
If he could figure it out, there was no reason that Ying Qingcang couldn’t as well. It didn’t matter whether Wen Pintang was genuinely looking to collaborate with the Ying family or if it was just an excuse. Wen Pintang would have a tough time getting what he wanted either way.


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