Novel Name : An Exclusive love

An Exclusive love Chapter 283 - You're the Cause of My Lack of Physical Reaction towards Women

Chapter 283 You’re the Cause of My Lack of Physical Reaction towards WomenBai Qi stood beside the edge of their table, sporting a huge grin on his face. “Hi! What a coincidence.”
Meanwhile, Ah Sha’s mind was still struggling to grasp the situation.
“A friend of yours, Boss Wan?” Mo Nan asked warily.
Wan Qingsi nodded while keeping his face neutral. “A very unforeseen friend.”
“Let’s share a table, then!” Mo Nan appraised Bai Qi surreptitiously, trying to figure out which circle the man was from. Judging from Bai Qi’s appearance, Mo Nan’s impression of him was that he was a man of status.
Ah Sha’s face was wore a look of vigilance. “What is this guy up to?”
Bai Qi didn’t hesitate to accept the invitation; he pulled out a chair for himself and sat down. “We’re bounded by fate, it seems. The last time we met, we parted in such a hurry. This time, we can have a proper chat.”
“Haha. I’m of the same mind,” Ah Sha said without taking her eyes off Bai Qi. “Join me for horseback riding tomorrow?”
Bai Qi seemed taken aback by Ah Sha’s attitude. Then, Bai Qi turned to Wan Qingsi and said, “Boss Wan wouldn’t feel jealous, right?”
Wan Qingsi placed a piece of tofu onto Ah Sha’s plate. “Oh, no. The stable is privately owned, so the two of us will do the riding while you watch us from the sidelines. Do you own a horse?”
Mo Nan and Zhuang Yan stared at the scene before them in shock. No matter how they looked at it, they couldn’t shake the feeling that these two men were provoking each other…
“Come on! Let’s eat!” Ah Sha picked up her chopsticks again. “I’m starving.” Then, she turned her head to give Wan Qingsi a sugary smile. “Are we checking out the hot springs later on?”
“We will if you want to,” Wan Qingsi answered tenderly.
Zhuang Yan kept her face neutral and ate her food quietly. Deep down, she was snorting at Ah Sha’s behavior. “What a naive girl,” she thought. “She can’t possibly be thinking that Wan Qingsi’s feelings for her are real, can she?” Everyone knew about Wan Qingsi’s betrothal to the daughter of Xin Enterprises. Even An Ru herself had not desired anything beyond being Wan Qingsi’s mistress back then.
“Let’s go to the hot springs, too,” Mo Nan said, smiling at Zhuang Yan. Mo Nan somewhat pitied Wan Qingsi. The man had to rely on Xin Enterprises to rise to power. He even had to go as far as marrying their daughter. No man would find such an arrangement agreeable. Deep down, Mo Nan was entertaining thoughts of bringing Wan Qingsi over to his side. If he and Wan Qingsi joined forces and took on Xin Enterprises together, it would no doubt save him a lot of trouble.
The meal went by with each participant entertaining different kinds of thoughts. In the end, Ah Sha turned down Zhuang Yan’s offer to visit the hot springs. She and Xunxun had decided to soak in the miniature hot spring back at their suite.
“Luckily I’d decided not to join everyone for the vacation trip,” Ah Sha said. “I was right about Bai Qi keeping tabs on me.” Wrapped in a towel, Ah Sha was sitting on the stone ledge beside the miniature hot spring.
Xunxun was already settled inside the hot spring. The milky spring water reached the level of his chest. With each breath he took, his chest rose slightly above the water surface, granting her a view of his rosy nipples. All of a sudden, Ah Sha felt her body heating up further. Embarrassed, she lowered her head.
“I heard that Bai Qi always covered his tracks with every kill. His kills were always quick and clean. I wonder what’s going on with him this time. He doesn’t seem too eager to finish me at all.” Ah Sha wasn’t an idiot. She knew that Bai Qi had ways to kill her even if she hid inside the apartment all day. But from the looks of things, killing her didn’t seem like Bai Qi’s intention at all.
After mumbling and murmuring to herself for a long time, Ah Sha realized that Xunxun had never reacted to anything she had said. She dipped her leg into the water and gave him a kick.
“Are you asleep?”
Xunxun raised his head lazily, a strange smile forming on his face. “I don’t think it’s appropriate for us to talk about another man while you and I are both a few feet away from each other, naked.”
“I, I’m not naked!” Ah Sha twisted her body around. “I’m wearing a towel!”
“Is that so?” Xunxun smirked. His hand shot out and yanked Ah Sha forward. A second later, Ah Sha fell into the hot spring in a loud splash. Ah Sha watched in horror as her towel floated above the water surface before it slowly sank into the water.
Ah Sha squealed and turned around to hide herself in the water. Now, only her head was visible above the water surface.
Then, she felt a pair of huge palms sliding onto her waist. A deep voice sounded beside her ear. “What about now, then?”
“You… What are you planning?” Ah Sha stammered. Then, she suddenly tensed up; something was poking her between her legs, something hard and stiff.
“This is our first time soaking in a hot spring together,” Xunxun said as he planted little kisses along her shoulder. “What say we create some wonderful memories, hm?”
Ah Sha remembered something Xin Qing had once told her.
“A man sounds the sexiest when he says ‘hm’ under the right circumstances!”
Soon, Ah Sha’s body grew weak and limp due to the barrage of kisses and licks which had assaulted her skin. Just when she thought she was about to pass out due to pleasure, the man took her tongue into his wicked mouth and began sucking on it. This man knew every single one of her erogenous zones. Panting and heaving, Ah Sha leaned herself against Xunxun’s shoulder and withdrew her hands from under the water.
“I think I nearly broke my hand,” Ah Sha panted and said. Having just experienced a mind-blowing release courtesy of Ah Sha’s hand, the man was now in a fantastic mood. Coming down from his high, Xunxun pulled Ah Sha closer and kissed her passionately. “One more year!”
Ah Sha knew what he was referring to, of course. One more year before she finally turned eighteen…
She was just about to scold him for being a pervert when she saw a sudden shift in Xunxun’s expression. The next thing she knew, Xunxun was wrapping a clean bathrobe around her body. Then, he quickly jumped out of the pool.
“There’s someone on the roof!” Ah Sha said, clearly having noticed it too.
Xunxun acknowledged her observation with a hum before shoving Ah Sha under the blanket. He then wrapped a towel around his waist. After that, they heard a voice, an annoying and aggravating voice.
“Oh, dang! Looks like I got here too late. How come you’re all dressed already?”
Ah Sha rolled her eyes and hid her head under the blanket so that only her eyes were exposed. Her actions earned her a look of approval from Xunxun.
“Come out here,” Xunxun said, striding towards the living room. Bai Qi winked at Ah Sha and should follow Xunxun out.
The two men sat facing each other in the small living room. “Talk. State your purpose here,” Xunxun said with a cold face.
“Why, I’m here to see my goddess, of course!” Bai Qi said, giving the bedroom two pointed looks.
Xunxun, who was in the middle of putting on his pants, suddenly flicked his wrist; his belt lashed out like a whip with its strap flying straight at Bai Qi’s head. Bai Qi sprang to his feet and quickly dodged the blow; but a second later, the belt strap realigned its flight path as if it had suddenly grown eyes and flew towards Bai Qi’s face once again.
A series of sharp whistles ensued as the air in the room was stirred into gusts. Bai Qi snatched a nearby lamp and hurled it at Xunxun.
Smack! The belt strap connected with the lamp, snapping it in half.
Ah Sha burst out of the bedroom the moment she heard the commotion. At the door, she saw her man pulling back his belt in a dignified manner before slowly looping it around his waist.
“What an eye-opener indeed,” Bai Qi said, clapping his hands. “Who would’ve thought that there’s a skilled fighter concealed behind Boss Wan’s rich boy facade.” Bai Qi shook his head. “What a waste of talent for you to be just a businessman. Why don’t you follow in my footsteps and become an assassin?”
The moment Bai Qi’s sentence reached its end, Ah Sha felt her vision go black and her knees grow weak. Xunxun’s scream of rage was the last thing she heard.
“You son of a b*tch! Put her down!”
Ah Sha rubbed her neck as she slowly regained consciousness. She had been too careless to allow Bai Qi to knock her out like that. Opening her eyes, the first thing Ah Sha saw was a bunch of criss-crossing tree roots; she was lying on the ground in the forest. Bai Qi was sitting on top of a large rock.
“Why did you bring me into the forest?”
Bai Qi laughed at Ah Sha’s question. “Your drug had kept me hard for three days straight,” he said. “I couldn’t get it up when I’m with women after that.”
Ah Sha’s eyes went wide. “Oh, no… It can’t be…”
“Yeah? Why don’t you touch it and see?” Bai Qi began to walk closer. Ah Sha raised her hand and removed the hair clip on her head. “Don’t come any closer! Trust me when I say I can make sure that you won’t get it up again for the rest of your life.”
Bai Qi shrugged. “Which is why I’ve changed my mind now.”
“I’ll fix you!” Ah Sha said quickly.
Bai Qi seemed very satisfied with her acquiescence. “Very well. And after you fix me, I’ll make sure to give you a time of your life.”
Ah Sha chuckled. “What, you think I’m an idiot? You’ll just kill me after I fix you. And you’re forgetting something else. Killing me won’t be an easy task,” Ah Sha said, shaking the hair clip. “The stuff in here could poison ten of you.”
“I know you carry a lot of poison on you.” Instead of cowering at Ah Sha’s threat, Bai Qi fearlessly took a few steps closer. “Which is why I’m now very doubtful that you can fix me at all.”
Ah Sha kept quiet. She knew the effects of her own drugs, but she didn’t trust Bai Qi’s words. Someone as skilled as Bai Qi would’ve taken the antidote the moment he realized that he’d been poisoned. It was impossible for him to allow himself to be damaged by the poison…
Seeing Bai Qi’s attempt to get closer, Ah Sha jumped up and stepped behind a tree trunk. Using the tree as a cover, she secretly took out a few needles.
Suddenly, Bai Qi halted his steps and just stared at her.
“Don’t move,” Bai Qi said. Then, he suddenly lunged towards Ah Sha.
Ah Sha raised her hand by instinct and hurled the needles at him. At the same time, she felt the ground loosening under her feet. The next thing she knew, she was falling downwards rapidly.
Bai Qi managed to grab her hand in time. “Didn’t I tell you not to move?” Bai Qi said exasperatedly.
“Well forgive me for not figuring out that you were trying to save me instead of killing me!” Ah Sha fired back sarcastically. She glanced up and noted Bai Qi’s increasingly pale face. A silver needle was poking out of his arm that was currently supporting her entire bodyweight.
Ah Sha was on the verge of tears. “Your arm…”
“So I should let go and watch you fall, is that it?” Bai Qi said through clenched teeth. Ah Sha was just about to nod her head when she saw Bai Qi loosening his other arm, the one which had been holding on to the tree. The look of shock never left her eyes as they both fell downwards.
Since the landslide happened near the hot spring area, it didn’t take long for the staff of the hot spring village to discover it. A notice was put out to all visitors to prohibit anyone from approaching the site.
“Young master, Wan Yi and Wan Er have already gone down the cliff to look for her.”
Wan Qingsi had searched everywhere in the village for Ah Sha and came up empty-handed. This could only mean that the b*stard had brought Ah Sha into the forest.
“Take me there.” Right now, Wan Qingsi was walking around with a menacing scowl on his face. From head to toe, his body was tensed and taut. Xiao Hua was so terrified by his appearance that she dared not even breath loudly. She knew that this was one of the worst times to be pissing him off.
On a different note, it was as if the reporters had the senses of a hound; the landslide at Xin Enterprises’ hot spring village appeared on the news that same night with claims being made about a missing person. By some miracle, the reporters had found out that the missing person was the young debutante, Mei Jing.
Meanwhile, Wan Qingsi had already gone down the cliff in search for Ah Sha. He had been looking for signs of Ah Sha while making his way down to the bottom of the cliff. Still, there was nothing.
After a while, Xiao Hua finally plucked up enough courage to offer him some words of comfort. “Young master, this cliff isn’t too tall. Please don’t worry. I’m sure the young miss will be fine.”
Wan Qingsi’s scowl deepened, making him look even more hostile and forbidding. “You’re forgetting something else,” Wan Qingsi growled. “Bai Qi is still with her.”
A whistle sounded nearby; it was Wan Yi’s signal. Wan Qingsi sprinted towards the sound of the whistle. When he got there, he saw Wan Yi and Wan Er standing beside a brook; Wan Yi was holding on to a shoe.
“That’s the young miss’ shoe!” Xiao Hua exclaimed.
Wan Yi lowered his head. “This stream is connected to the headwaters up on the mountains. The area we’re standing on right now is still the upstream. I fear, I fear that the young miss had been washed away by the water current.”
“Find her,” Wan Qingsi barked out, turning around to leave. “And call the police. Tell them to get the choppers here.”
Wan Qingsi walked downstream along the brook. The management of the hot spring village had sent a few of their staff to go with him. A chopper owned by Ying Enterprises circled aloft in the area. Then again, despite an entire night’s search effort, the search party came up short.
Meanwhile, inside a tree hole near the original site of the landslide, Ah Sha was glaring daggers at Bai Qi.
“You did it on purpose.”
Bai Qi’s arm was now hanging limply from his shoulder joint. The poison queen’s drugs were not to be trifled with indeed. Right now, his arm was painful and itchy at the same time.
Despite the agony he was feeling, Bai Qi was still capable of laughing. “Your leg is broken, and I only have enough strength to drag you to this place. You’ve got no chance of going back up unless I recover my strength.”
All of a sudden, Ah Sha felt an impulse to pull out a syringe and then inject a deadly toxin into this asshole’s system. “Oh, excuse me? Who’s the one who deliberately left my shoe beside the stream to throw off the search party? You just sent the entire search and rescue team on a wild-goose chase, for God’s sake! I can’t believe you did that! Do you have a death wish or something, huh? Do you wish to starve to death here with me?”
“What a heartless thing to say!” Bai Qi gave her a hurt look. “I merely wanted to get us alone so that you have a chance to figure out why my junk won’t rise and shine again.”
That comment brought a sudden change to Ah Sha’s face. Before she knew it, Bai Qi was making his way towards her, his hands fumbling with his belt buckle.


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