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Cruel World Chapter 49: chap48 Latest Free read Here - GTSBooks
Novel Name : Cruel World

Cruel World Chapter 49: chap48

Chap 48


'What the hell are you doing here' Theo asked Rome who was standing outside Sarah room

Theo was shocked when he first saw him.

Rome gives him a disgusted look 'i should ask this question from you...what's your role here....you hate
her, abuse her and put her in the jail and now your acting like a doting husband, what a joke' Rome
sarcastically laughed

Theo give an angry look 'Im her husband and who the hell are you even to her....the authorities call me
that's why I'm here'

Rome shakes his head 'so nice of you...(he mock him) well I'm her friend an since Mark is not here he
called me as he still not trust you around him (he looks at Sarah room) and who can blame him' he
gives an accusing look to Theo

Theo tries to control his anger...how fucking dare he to talk to him like that. He is Sarah husband not
him but theo also know he and Sarah had a thing for each other but why they fuck he is feeling jealous

Theo said in a controlled voice 'as you can see him doing nothing to her and you don't have anything to
do like go to your finance what was her name, yeah Morgan'

Rome looked bore 'im here because I want to and mind your fucking business'

Theo replied again 'as you are in my fucking business I have right to know what are you and Sarah

Rome did not complete his sentence and laughed 'dude I think you still need to check your head...what
right you are talking about...the right to hit her, blame her for a crime she never did or accusing her she
was having an affair with me...even if she did why it matters to you...can't you look at her (he points at
the door) you destroy and broke a beautiful soft spoken person...who never harm a fly but look what
you did to her...i sometime wish that I might have made her mine when time was right but look like
everyone let her down at some point'

Theo control his anger ...theo don't tell him even if he had made Sarah his own still he can find a way
to separate them....she always belonged to him one way or another....but then his inner thought said
what you did destroy Sarah and let her killed her inner confidence.

The doctor came and said in excitement 'Sarah just open her eyes..'

Theo and Rome's eyes were thrilled 'what...i want to meet her' Theo try to get inside

but Rome stop him 'where the fuck you are thinking you are going you cant meet her...i will never allow

Theo lost it and pushed him so hard that he almost trip 'she is my wife stop me if you can'

Rome yelled at him 'over my dead body'

But doctor came between them 'Look if you guys keep behaving like that then I'm telling you I will not
allow anyone of you...now only one of you can go and only her family member'

Theo give a look to Rome 'I'm family, she is my wife'

Rome resist but a doctor said 'then Mr grey you can go'

Theo walked inside the room and saw Sarah was still in tubes and she looks the same as yesterday..he
stops in the midway...what he wills ay to her..he give himself a mental talk ..theo you can do this....you

only pity her..she is gone through tough time and she deserves this as she was the reason he lost his
sister but still for Ava sake just do it..then she will go back to her prison life and he will go back to his.

but still, theo feel weird and so much uncomfortable.

he walks slowly and sits down in one of the chair...he saw Sarah's eyes were closed but she was
moaning in pain

He then finally said the word 'Sarah'

Sarah groans and open her eyes with great difficulty ...theo saw she open her big golden eyes..staring
at his soul..she looked confused but then her eyes were bulging out she starts breathing fast ..her
chest was moving up and down..her body starts shaking and her tears were falling continuously.. she
said in pain 'you...you'

Theo stand in concerned 'Sarah whats wrong ...something is happening let me call the doctor' he put
his hand on Sarah's face

but Sarah removed his hands and slapped him tight on his face ...theo was stun and he looked so
speechless.Sarah said in such hate 'you fucking bastard you killed my child...you killed my child..my
AVa...my Ava' she starts yelling

Doctor-run inside and saw Sarah body in distress. She can't breathe the doctor yelled at theo to get
out..but theo was stuck in his position..what she meant about Ava.

He still looking at Sarah intensely, her eyes were open to and she was looking at him with such hate
that made Theo move backward.

When he was out of the room...he saw Rome grabbing his shoulder 'what the fuck you did with her..she
was crying so badly..surly you did something'

Theo push him, he was not in the mood to justify himself....'will you just leave me the fuck alone 'Theo
said in a controlled voice

Rome's eyes were red with anger but he didn't say anything..he just walks away

Doctors came outside after few minutes 'Mr grey...your wife was out of control so we have given her
some relaxant ..she will be asleep for few hours..but till that time we won't allow anyone to meet her
including you' Doctor gives him a strange look

Theo nodes but he was still a concern 'but why she reacts like this....'

The doctor said in a professional tone 'she was in shocked that's all I can say...just wait for her to get
conscious then we can ask her'

Theo looked at the back of the door and saw his wife lifeless figure ..he was getting emotional for no
reason..he tries to calm herself

But then he remembers he can't see tom..may be he is gone home...Home! fuck, Ava, he hasn't
checked her

He calls at the home address ..after few minutes phone was picked 'Grey residents'

Theo replied 'It's me Theo...i wanted to speak to Ava'

Messy replied 'of course Mr grey she was constantly asking about you she was sad too'

Theo close his eyes...what Ava must be thinking that he left her all alone again...'Messy until I came
back home you will stay with Ava all the time ' he orders her

Messy replied suddenly 'yes sir yes'

Theo waited for Ava ..then he heard sweet angelic baby voice of his daughter 'daddy' Ava replied in a
way that she was crying

Fuck what happened to her 'Hi baby..why are you crying....did someone said something to you'

Ava snips 'no me missing you...you not there in the morning....you know we have breakfast together'

Theo sighs 'i know baby and I'm sorry that won't be said I will be back soon..actually, my friend is sick
so she needs me ....so daddy has to be with her'

Ava replied 'oh...ok.but I need you... I bore'

Theo smiled 'i miss you too ..but you know what till that time you can go to dada and spend some time
with him but remember all the time you have to be with messy don't go alone ok...now daddy has to go
... I love you '

Theo can hear Ava sweet and light voice again 'ok daddy and love you ..'

Theo then asked messy where Roma is ..she told him she has gone for her shrink session..he was
relieved that his mom is not home ...so Ava is safe now

Theo saw the time and was about to check Tom ...he saw tom coming in anger and was super pissed.

Tom stand in front him 'won't you ask where I was?' he said in an annoyed expression

Theo replied 'ok where you were?'

Tom sarcastically smiled 'in the fucking lawyer office...when you were grieving for your mad wife .. I was
gone to check the mess and problems that have been again in our way'

Theo raised an eyebrow 'Tom save yourself some time and tell me the fuck you want me to tell'

Tom Huff in frustration 'Your brother in law Mark reopen the Tina case according to him he has some
evidence and witness that can prove Sarah is innocent'

Theo was taken by the news 'what the....what even are you saying'

Tom pinched his nose 'exactly my thoughts. I just got this amazing news in the morning....I'm telling you
its all planned...now I even doubt Sarah suicide scene is just an act'

Thro felt an instant anger 'Tom just drop it....looking at her I can also say it was real...and now will you
be more specific what happens'

Tom shakes his head 'that's all I know..since the evidence and statement are under law hand..we will
see in the court...now where is Mark so that he can tell his fake story'

Theo looks doubtful too...whats really happening here...It was clear Sarah was involved but who Mark
has put the blamed on.


Theo was so tired sitting on uncomfortable hospital chairs ..he needs to smoke but he was scared but if
Sarah woke again...it was almost night....he sighs. then He saw mark standing and talking tot he

Theo stand and nudged Tom 'he is here'

both the brother stares him in frustration ...what else he has done.

Mark glare at theo 'now you must be happy ..again you upset my sister'

Tom did not waste any seconds 'cut this shit....will you tell us why you reopen the case ...you damn well
know who is responsible for tina death'

Mark smirk at them 'will now I know very well and you guys well know soon'

Theo gives him a look that leaves no room for argument 'listen to Mark... I know I did many things
wrong....but you know why I did... I did for my sister.....if you are playing any game with me when I'm
telling you .. I will become much more a worse person and your faith will be same as it was for your
siblings... I must pity Sarah for her condition now...but I still hate her and I will make sure that Tina
murder never got away from their sins, even if it ruined millions of life' Theo said in an evil and dark

Mark become paled and shake his head in shocked and disgust 'so that's what you did what my sister..
you are a monster Theo...you are still so blind in your rage that you can't even see what you have
destroyed...(he took a packet) here these must be the answer that will put you in guilt for life... I saved
a copy for myself but I think you need them more..(Mark shake his head and give him a sad smile) but I
don't think it will matter anymore'

Theo took the packet absently and was confused about what Mark need to said.

Mark then said 'now you guys can go I'm with Sarah now...and don't argue on this because I know you
guys are desperate enough to know what inside this packet'


Theo cigarette was in his mouth and Tom kept ranting about how Sarah and mark are lying. They were
really going back to the house and Theo wants his brother to shut the hell up

Tom said in disgust 'look theo if you believe them I'm telling you I will fight alone... I don't know whats in
the packet but I'm sure our evidence was more accurate...fuck even Simon friend Perry was supporting

Theo drove towards their home and said in control voice 'exactly Tom we don't know what is the packet
and so we should stop judging for once'

Tom glance him 'you...you trust him....you trust your wife?'

Theo throw the cigarette outside and yelled at him 'fuck you..why this happens all the time when I try to
make some reasonable point you take that in the wrong direction....i never fucking trust Blakes....(he
shakes his head) and you should know better than I myself put Sarah in the jail....cause I also believe
she is responsible'

When they reached home...Theo and tom moved towards their wing tiredly ...Tom was about to go
'Theo are you going to watch it?'

Theo was quite and he takes a long breath 'ain't we here for this' he hold the packet

Tom looks away and he looks nervous and scared too 'i don't know...all I know that we lived in a
believed that Sarah was responsible and the way we treated her...(he looks down) I'm scared what if
we were wrong..what" Tom can't even finished his sentence

Theo realized that what was his exact reason he was too scared to admit and he knows he will be more
responsible and guilty one than tom.

Theo shook his head...he has work day and night to find out the truth behind his sister death he can't
be wrong ....he give his life ...his time...and his family too for this purpose ..Theo said with confidence
'no Tom ...we were more invested in tina case than anyone....it takes years after years to give Tina
justice...it won't go all in vain...i will check this packet and find any loophole...we were not wrong ' he
said in a confident but still he has the fear that he doesn't want to accept.


Theo sits in his office...after checking Ava he can't sleep and he knows why...so here he is looking at
the packet.

There were two CDs, he ws hesitant to open them but he opens his laptop and put the cd inside...

He sees women in her late 20s ...then it clicks to him who it was ...she was the waitress who had given
the statement against Sarah...what the fuck she is doing.

Theo can felt the sweat....and then that waitress start pouring out all the words that theo can't believe
what he was hearing.

Then he heard the waitress saying 'Sarah was innocent all the time it was me and that perry guy who
framed her....i did this all for money but I'm not sure why Perry did this'

Theo felt like the land was slipping from his feet.....he shakes his head in denial 'no...no..it's not
true...she is lying...obviously she has been paid...yeah Mark has gi...given m..mon.money to her..i..i..i
can't be wrong all this time' Theo stumble and he was shaking

Then he opens the second cd and put that inside hurriedly ...it was the footage of a car....he pinched
his head...then it clicks it was the same club where tina was gone missing

He saw Simon and his sister going towards the car...Theo can see Tina was clearly drugged as she
was walking very strangely..he makes a fist...he knows what happen...that fucker Simon kidnap his
sister at that point

But then he heads the voice of his sister 'Simooooon..(she giggled and Simon try to steady her body)
we can go have another drink.....come on I don't want to go home'

Simon shake his head in denial 'no Tina it's late secondly I saw you how drunk you are...it was almost
your 4th drink...no more and I don't want your brother to kick my ass'

Theo yelled suddenly at the footage of Simon 'you are lucky you are dead otherwise i would be done
worse than kicking...here you bastard are manipulating my innocent sister'

When they were in the car ...the footage change to a blank black screen...was it finished? theo thought

But then other footage came where Theo saw Simon car was stopped and he gets out... there was
another car too...then he saw Perry moles in the screen standing beside his car and staring at Simon

Simon said 'dude what the fuck ..are you trying to kill yourself'

Theo saw Perry shrugs take a sip of his beer 'just living in a moment...hmm looks like you got your
chance (he point out at the car where tina was sitting or more like sleeping)...will you bang her' Perry

Theo felt his blood boiling

Simon makes a disgusted face 'forget sake Perry..what the fuck is wrong with you..she is drunk and not
conscious...and even is she was awake i won't treat her like that you do know she is special....now will
you get out of my way so that i can drop her home safely'

But Theo can see Perry's eyes were different like he wanted to do something dark. Perry said in slow
voice 'Simon you won't got a chance again. You do know this can remain between us, even she won't
know....you can fuck her or maybe I can too and then we will leave her safely look she is so drunk she
won't even know'

Simon punched his face so bad that blood starts coming from his face 'What the fuck you said....just
stay away from her....you are such a pervert and bastard..how you can even suggest that...that's why i
always told you to stay away from Sarah and now I'm telling you to stay away from tina too'

Theo can't believe what he was seeing, Simon was against this idea...Theo grabs his hair...what the
fuck is happening here.

Perry spit the blood and smiled 'you made a mistake...you know what I came here to fuck your sister
tonight ..she looks so hot in that dress...fuck, you know I even kissed Sarah by force...where the hell
were you as you are so possessive for her and recently I also drugged Sarah when she was gone to
ask for milk so I tipped the waitress and give her the rape pills but my luck was bad as your Tina took
that drugged milk but I think I will have my fun with tina since Sarah has gone. Tina is also as hot as
fuck like Sarah'

Theo lost all the blood from his body but he molested Sarah....that fucker perry molested Sarah. That's
why Sarah was so uncomfortable when she met him in Gala night

Theo saw int he footage Simon attack him in anger but Perry took the beer bottle and smashed in on
Simon's head...blood was pouring from his had and then Simon falls down.

Perry was breathing 'now fucker I will do anything with your girl and you can't even do anything to stop
me' He laughed

He saw he picked Simon unconscious body and throw him on the back side of Simon car and sit inside
the car beside Tina...

'Stay the fuck away from my sister' Theo yelled at the screen

Another footage started when Perry took Tina drunk body to the same garage where Theo found her
after weeks of tina disappearance...but he saw Tina's eyes opened 'Perry? (she said in confusion)
wheres Simon...where you are taking me....'she said in panic and she tries to get away

Perry slapped her and said 'Shut up bitch..we are going to have some fun..if you want to keep
breathing so shut the fuck up.'

Tina was crying 'please leave me ...let me go ..please let me go...Simon ...where are you'

perry laughed 'hahahhaha baby Simon is the one who gives me your beautiful body and for your
information, he already had a lot of fun with your body and being his best friend he is sharing you with
me' He lied to her

But tina believe him as she was in stun by this news...'get away from me...please don't do this..please
don't do this...'

Theo felt the pain in his body so bad when his sister was crying so bad ..begging him ....like Sarah did
to him on their wedding night...he got the flashback of Sarah ...oh god oh god

Theo stops breathing. the video footage come to an end so as his life...'fuck..fcuk what I
did...Sarah...Sarah...( he dropped to his knees) she was innocent and what I did with her'

Tears were falling he wiped them but it was still coming down...he can see the flashback of his cruelty
that he forced on Sarah...from the first-day fo his marriage he raped her kicked her...scarred
her...starve her...meat the shit out of her and then put her inside the bar for a crime she never did.

Theo found the lamp and throw it on the wall he shouted with a deep core from his heart 'FUCK.....OH
GOD WHAT I DID......sarah ...I'm so sorry...'He was crying like a baby..his whole face was covered with
tears...he feels so helpless...and in so much in guilt that he wants to Kill himself now

He punched his heart 'im monster..im montser...i don't even give justice to my sister...Tina (he looked
up) tina look what I did ... I thought she was responsible so I did so many horrible things to her...you
must hate me...fuck I hate myself so much...fuck'

Theo picked the glass table and throw it upside down 'oh god what I did.. I can't live with this guilt'

He was lunatic...he was breaking everything ..then he heard Tom panic voice 'Theo...what the fuck
clam the fuck down...look you have scared Ava too'

Theo stop when he heard Ava name...he looks back and saw his baby standing outside the door and
was holding her doll in a frightened manner and was also crying

He took a step 'Ava...baby....I' Theo lost it and he starts crying ...tom never saw him like this before he
was shocked too what he is looking at...he called the maid and told her to take Ava.

Tom sit down and look at the condition of the room he holds Theo shoulder 'theo what happens'

Theo was still crying 'Tom ...Tom, I made a mistake...he looks down a big mistake'

Tom deep down know what was coming

Theo eyes were red and he brokenly said 'They were innocent ...we were wrong'

Tom's eye was stun and his heart drop.

He was lunatic...he was breaking everything ..then he heard Tom panic voice 'Theo...what the fuck
clam the fuck down...look you have scared Ava too'

Theo stop when he heard Ava name...he looks back and saw his baby standing outside the door and
was holding her doll in a frightened manner and was also crying

He took a step 'Ava...baby....I' Theo lost it and he starts crying ...tom never saw him like this before he
was shocked too what he is looking at...he called the maid and told her to take Ava.

Tom sit down and look at the condition of the room he holds Theo shoulder ‘theo what happens'
Theo was still crying ‘Tom ...Tom, | made a mistake...he looks down a big mistake’

Tom deep down know what was coming

Theo eyes were red and he brokenly said 'They were innocent ...we were wrong’

Tom's eye was stun and his heart drop.



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