Novel Name : Cruel World

Cruel World Chapter 11: chap10


'So you are saying you don't know Sarah ' Theo asked the blonde girl who has been making her
mission to let him lose his temper, but theo try to control that because miss with bitch attitude can tell
him what Sarah was doing there on 12 DEC night and why she fought with her

Samantha huffs in irritation and said to tom 'Look I don't know why I'm even here. Tom you told me to
come here because it's something important and I took a half day from my office but your brother is
here talking about the past and on some Sarah girl who I don't even remember'

Theo lost it and said in anger 'Believe me it's fucking important, we both lost our sister on that fucking
night and you were there, fuck you were her friend and we never know about that, why don't you ever
told us about Tina when your cousin was getting married to tom'

Samantha looked nervous and little scared of theo tone and said 'I don't know, seriously I don't know
Tia I mean Tina, most of her friends called her Tia, was your sister and Lisa and Tom married like 2
years ago and I don't even know Tina family background that much... and you guys were also not open
about your sister topic nor Lisa ever told me'

Tom can see how Theo was losing his shirt and said calmly to Samantha ' Sam I believe you but can
you remember something about that night, we are really looking forward to punishing those people who
hurt our sister and take away from us so help us... just to try to remember anything why did you fight
with Sarah , looked here is the footage of you and Sarah...

( Samantha look at video and her eyes were now so focused ) from the video it looks like Sarah is
stopping Tina not to go with Simon friends as you can hear but you are determined to take her'

Samantha become scared and Theo saw that very carefully but in an intimidating voice he said 'Miss
Samantha if you know something tell us because this video can put you in danger and can also tell

people how you let Tina go with those bastards'

Samantha looked very scared and said 'Believe me, I'm just shocked how this video looks like...I
remember this girl, at that night when she was sitting with Tina she looked very nervous ... but I just
don't get it who is this girl who all of a sudden joins our group...then Tina told me it's Simon sister
was her birthday or something and she doesn't have friends so Simon requested Tina to be friend with
her and let her's was confusing but you know how Tina was ..she feel pity for her and brought
her with her'

Theo was now thinking what really Sarah was doing there if she never knew Tina and how the hell
Simon convince Tina, Simon was Tina friend?

Samantha shurgs 'His group and our group were friends actually so we normally hang out together, but
it was in the news that Simon like Tina but tina looked him just friends nothing else... sometimes I think
Simon can't tolerate Tina rejections and he did this horrible act and when Tom told me who was behind
Tina's kidnapping, so it makes sense'

Theo closed his fist and eyes and try to control his anger...fucking he ruined his beautiful
sister life..these thoughts makes him less guilty whatever the things he did with Sarah... Theo looked at
Samantha and asked in a demanding tone 'you still haven't told about the fight between you and Sarah

Samantha replied 'Simon friends and our girls group decided to hang out in the hillside which was near
the club, but Sarah decline. All the time she was just sitting there, smiling and only talking to tina in a
hushed tone but when our plan was made to go there on a hillside she said to Tina that we shouldn't as
it will be close and trespassing that area can put us in trouble... I don't know may be i was drunk or
something and I lashed on her who she is to decide that..Tina told me to calm down and listen to her
which makes me more angry towards Sarah...Then Sarah said to me if I wanted to go then I can go,
but Tina will be staying and Simon will drop her home... I don't remember clearly but I think because of

that fight we didn't go to that place and I went home in anger and then I don't know what happens' With
that, Samantha felt her phone ringing, she said she has to go it's from her office

Theo was now more confused and angrier then ever.

Tom said 'it's getting more confusing with every new information' Tom put his hands his hair.

Theo grab a cigarette and lighten up and took a smoke and said in a dark voice 'whatever it is ...but our
guts feelings were not wrong Sarah plays a very important part in Tina disappearance...if we get
something another proof and if it shows Sarah indeed is culprit....then I don't know what I will do to her '

Tom said 'Theo you have already done enough.. have you forget that you almost killed her by starving
and locking her... I'm telling you like thousand times we want her behind the bars, not you...although I
believe Samantha, Sarah involvement was suspicious and we saw that footage that we first collected in
investigating Tina disappearance.. both these Blake siblings were planning something but now you
listen to me I think Sarah will be proved guilty in the end but don't do something with her try the hard way now try the soft one let her trust you and you start asking questions or
manipulate her maybe she confess something and we can finally put her behind the bar' Tom
suggested him

Theo stand and pick his suit and said 'I don't know how the fuck to handle my wife..she is the one
playing mind games with me...for a moment i think she is innocent then we get proves against her and
then I hurt her and then i regret that but damn her she won't even say something and acts like she has
no idea why this is happening to her 'Theo yelled

Tom was stunned at what his brother was staying,...'Theo...I get it what you are going through but do
you...fuck i don't how to say you have feelings for her'

Theo stop for a moment and glared at his brother 'What the fuck are you even saying...I hate that
fucking bitch even if she is a innocent one or not at the end she is Simon's sister that's enough for me

to hate her'.. With that theo left the office and slump the door and drive home like a crazy man


Sarah don't know what the hell she is even doing knowing Theo office is not permissible for her but she
closed her eyes and took a deep breath and open the door.

She knows theo will not be back after 7pm so she has at least 3 hours to find out the stuff she is
looking to get out like security codes or any car key or any material that help her to run away may be
not today but at least at some point she can... after closing the door...she search the first draw which is
full of Theo office material like files stationary and a shiny black thing when she hold that thing she
realized it was a gun fuck a real gun..she immediately drop it..a scary thought do come in her mind
what Theo can do with this with her..she flinched and shakes her head and try to find something in
other draw..she was searching when she glance on the file which was written in a bold writing 12 DEC :
Simon Blake'.

Sarah was puzzled what her brother file is doing here then she realized it has something major to do
with her marriage and Theo treatment..she open the file and saw Simon single photo in which he was
drinking a beer outside some dark place...why this place looks familiar to her.

Another photo was a group photo where simon , his friend and some girls were standing and then she
saw her was a blur picture but she knew it was her...she remember that night it was her 20th
birthday and simon for the first time in his life asked her to go and meet his friends ...She saw a red hair
girl standing next to her...sarah can't remember much just she was very friendly and Simon likes her
and Sarah thinks that's why she was there. She was so lost in the files that she doesn't hear the door to
be opened and footsteps but the next thing what she heard makes her scream and she drops the file

Theo said in a calm voice but too deadly tone 'Good evening you find something what you
were looking for or should I help you'

Sarah start trembling but she doesn't cry. Theo walked slowly towards her and lean down on the office
large table and was very close to Sarah, he folded his arm cuffs on both the side and lose the tie he
was wearing and put his hands on Sarah's stomach and brought her close to him and asked in a soft
but dominating voice 'I asked something from you ... although I'm quite surprised just like you... You
know I was thinking i will go today early home enjoy a cup of coffee and watch some good television
show with my wife and may be in the night make love to her. That's what you girls now tell me
what you were doing here. When you should be resting after all, you need that a lot. After the things
you have gone through or did you forget 'he smiled sarcastically but his eyes were dark angry blue

Sarah felt her body to be shaking. She can understand his cruel meaning behind those words but she
was tired and she needs out and she was trying not to cry but her tears want to shame her more in
front of him.. 'I .. Sir, I was.... I was cleaning and the draw of this table was not closed properly so I
decided to close it but I saw Simon name on the file and out of curiosity I just open the file..I'm..i .so.
Sorry' Sarah said words in a shaky voice

Theo looked at her with dark and evil expression and then brought Sarah closer and remove the hair
from her neck one side and said to her in the ear..'And why do you think I believe you.. You know you
are not allowed to come here till you come for cleaning..Hmm' and then Theo start kissing Sarah neck
and smell her hair.

Sarah felt something which was strange, for the first time she felt excited about what Theo was doing
and she made a small moan sound which stops both of them.

Sarah was embarrassed that why now her body is reacting to him when he will hurt her in any
moment..then she felt Theo to continue doing that but this time he bite her so bad that she screamed
loudly and it gives her so intense pain that made her fall but theo was holding her closely so she save
for that fall.... Theo grabbed her by hair 'Now whore you are not telling me something why the fuck
were you seeing this file' Theo said angrily

Sarah touch her sore neck and said 'I want answers.. just wanted why this is happening to me'

Theo nodes and said 'and do you find out why this is happening to you... have you seen the pictures in
the tell me how the fuck you and your brother kidnap my sister and then leave her to death '
Theo grabbed Sarah arm in yelled at her

Sarah was shocked what she was listening..Theo sister..Kidnap..What in ever hell he is saying... 'I don't
know sir what you are saying, who is your sister in the picture...and why would Simon and me will hurt

Theo slapped her so bad that her lip started to bleeding...Sarah tears were flowing rapidly...she knew it
she knew it he will do this again..he will hurt her..she put her hand protectively in her stomach...he will
kill her and her baby today...her inner self was screaming to tell Theo you are pregnant and he might
calm down but other part said no he will get more angry and kill you and your baby

Theo took Sarah angrily towards the laptop side and open the footage and said 'see, maybe this will
refresh your memory'

Sarah saw herself and her brother outside some club and they were talking harshly then she heard her
brother voice 'NO Sarah you will be Tina friend tonight..try to engage yourself with her..and when right
time come you will ask her that we can drop her home'

Sarah saw herself talking 'But how Simon I don't know her even here because you said to
me and I'm trying to follow the plan but it looks so weird to become her friend like that..although she is
your friend she will listen to you more than me'

Simon replied 'Sarah stick to the plan yes she is my friend but she will never go along with me that's
why I brought you'

Theo stop the video and said 'so have you seen enough or you wanted more were there to
fucking kidnap my sister and look at you ,you used your innocent charm and try to trap my sister .Now
fucking tell me why you did that..Confess now I may let you live'Theo's hands were now on Sarah's
throat and he squeezed a little

Sarah try to be free but it gets more strong 'We di..didn't (Sarah cough ) Simon likes tina, but I don't
know she was your sister... I knew today. I swear I go there because simon wants me there..He comes
one day and said to me that for my birthday he is going to take me to the club and he will let me meet
his friends. I told him I don't want t but then he said that he liked a girl named Tia and he wants to
confess his feeling but she is shy or something I can't remember properly (Sarah cry) so he wants me
to be her friends and I helped him in that. I agreed because I thought it was a harmless plan nothing
else, then Simon told me that it's better than if I told Tina we will drop her this we will get
more time together to talk...'

Theo laughed sadistically and said 'Do you think I will believe in this shit, damn aren't you
something..but you don't go with Simon you were with his friend you fucking plan this bitch'

sarah replied 'no theo .. I went alone because Simon told me that our father called him and asking
about our whereabouts so he told me that his most of the friends are gone and now he has time to talk
properly and he told me I can go with his friend who lives in our neighborhood..that's why I
went..believe me after that night I never heard of tina and when I asked Simon he said she doesn't feel
like that about I never ask..but we have nothing to do with Tina kidnapping believe me'

Theo grabs the lamp from the table and throw it on the wall in anger and screamed at Sarah by holding
her arm 'You fucking liar...just lies ..just fucking lies...accept now you were involved. I will not kill you'

Sarah keep saying no and theo was getting angry he pushed Sarah on the floor and took out his belt
'Then after this, you will speak'

As soon as the first belt whiplash was coming towards her she brings her hands and protect her
stomach and said 'I'M PREGNANT THEO...Plz don't will kill my baby ..'

Theo face was like that he saw the death angel ...he drop the belt and his face was pale and it looks
like he will throw up.. he stumbles with words 'YOU. You are what?

Sarah keeps holding her baby and said 'I'm pregnant, I checked with a home pregnancy test. Mrs.
Brickson got for me. I checked a week ago' Sarah was shaking

Theo cursed loudly and said 'What the fuck?' his whole voice echo in the mansion

Then they both felt someone enter the door and saw Tom and Lisa when they looked at office condition
and the way Sarah was laying in the floor crying and bleeding from the lip and the way Theo is looking
like, they both know something terrible has happened.

Tom shouted 'Theo what the fuck you are doing, Lisa take Sarah out '

Lisa was shocked what to do what she walked toward Sarah and hold her and take her out of the
office. Sarah can hear both the brothers loud yelling but she was tired and weak and now pregnant too
but it was not enough now she also knows why Theo hates her but how she can prove her innocence
only god knows.

As soon as the first belt whiplash was coming towards her she brings her hands and protect her
stomach and said ‘I'M PREGNANT THEO...Plz don't will kill my baby ..'

Theo face was like that he saw the death angel ...he drop the belt and his face was pale and it looks
like he will throw up.. he stumbles with words 'YOU. You are what?

Sarah keeps holding her baby and said ‘I'm pregnant, | checked with a home pregnancy test. Mrs.
Brickson got for me. | checked a week ago' Sarah was shaking

Theo cursed loudly and said 'What the fuck?’ his whole voice echo in the mansion

Then they both felt someone enter the door and saw Tom and Lisa when they looked at office condition
and the way Sarah was laying in the floor crying and bleeding from the lip and the way Theo is looking
like, they both know something terrible has happened.

Tom shouted ‘Theo what the fuck you are doing, Lisa take Sarah out '

Lisa was shocked what to do what she walked toward Sarah and hold her and take her out of the
office. Sarah can hear both the brothers loud yelling but she was tired and weak and now pregnant too
but it was not enough now she also knows why Theo hates her but how she can prove her innocence
only god knows.



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