Novel Name : Why Did You Summon Me?

Why Did You Summon Me? Chapter 439 - Let's Not Bring Her To The Battlefield Next Time

Chapter 439: Let’s Not Bring Her To The Battlefield Next Time

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation
With the Sorcerer Walker’s heroic appearance, the pressure on the Scholar Walker was reduced. While the Sorcerer Walker and the Skeleton King engaged themselves in a brawl, which generated a loud exchange of words, the Scholar Walker poured all her attention into chanting the incantation for the Forbidden Spell.
When four of the Sorcerer Walker’s clones were taken down two Skeleton Dragons, the Scholar Walker’s Forbidden Spell was finally complete.
The Grandruler — who was a great distancing away, giving the three other Voidwalkers a hard time — felt a wave of dread wash over it. It was about to do something about this feeling when the Forbidden Spell hit.
Spatial Segregation did not give off any visual effects; almost no one would know that it had been cast. The Grandruler’s colossal suddenly began to shrink drastically. It was as though a hole had been punctured in its body.
In the blink of an eye, it had reverted to its original size, which was no different from that of a human.
This was what Baiyi had expected. The Scholar Walker’s Spatial Segregation may not truly lock the Grandruler in a specific area, but it did severe the connection it had with Duat, effecting removing the endless flow of undead energy that was flooding its body. This was why the Grandruler shrunk so rapidly.
As someone in the possession of space Law Fragment, the Grandruler was more conversant with the Laws of Space than most mortals. He instantly understood what had caused the change.
Lamenting the dirty method its enemies had employed against it, the Grandruler pulled out the Space Law Fragment as it prepared to transport itself out of the segregated space.
“Stop him!” The Lich Walker bellowed.
“Gwaaaaaahhhhh!” The Hitman Walker threw away his heavy shield and pulled out his axes before lunging forward. Frightening combat chi burst out of his axes, and the Voidwalker directed it towards the Space Law Fragment in the Grandruler’s hands.
However, the axes were blocked by the little Law Fragment. Even attacks from Demigod-level fighters could not break it. This was not a surprise, though. Laws are the foundation of all existences in the universe. The manifestations of Laws, such as brute strength and combat chi, could not possibly overwhelm the fragment of a Law.
The Hitman Walker froze for a millisecond before attempting to dole out another attack. It was at this point that the translucent Space Law Fragment glowed faintly, and the Hitman Walker instantly disappeared.
He reappeared in mid-air, close to several skeleton dragons, and began to fall at a terrifying speed. When the skeleton dragons saw an enemy appear closeby, they rushed towards him.
“Goddamned it; why the hell did I fall for that s*** again?! ” The Hitman Walker muttered under his breath, swinging his ax at the first skeleton dragon to reach him, crushing its head instantly. He twisted his body mid-fall and landed on the headless skeleton dragon; using it as a springboard, he jumped onto the body of another skeleton dragon closeby.
He took a quick glance at the ground below and spotted the Sorcerer Walker locked in a thrilling battle against the Skeleton King. The Sorcerer Walker whipped his training staff about incredibly fast, using gales to make a defensive barrier around him and the Scholar Walker, shielding them both from the Skeleton King’s attacks and the skeleton dragons’ draconic breath.
The Hitman Walker was surprised to see the Sorcerer Walker, but he could not ask the latter anything at that moment. With another swing of his ax, he lopped off the head of the skeleton dragon he was atop of, and before its headless body began plummeting, the Voidwalker had leaped off it, headed towards another skeleton dragon.
The numbers of the Skeleton King’s skeleton dragons had begun to drop at an alarming rate. After going three or four rounds against the Sorcerer Walker, the Skeleton King could not help but noticed that its skeleton dragon troop had been reduced to the bones that littered the area around it and the Sorcerer Walker.
The Skeleton King looked up at the sky in frustration. “Who, in their right mind, designed these sorry excuses?! They were even less useful than my bloody skeleton soldiers!”
After dealing with the skeleton dragons, the Hitman Walker landed with a loud bang. When the dust cleared, he turned around and nodded at the Sorcerer Walker and the Scholar Walker.
“Did the colossal monster flung you all the way hither?!” The Scholar Walker asked.
“What?” The Hitman Walker wished to tell her that he had been ‘teleported over’, but he decided not to waste the time. He turned to the Skeleton King and said, “This one’s a big pain in the a**. Even if you smashed its body into smithereens, it would still be able to reanimate itself… It’s revolting.”
“Been there,” the Sorcerer Walker replied.
The Skeleton King was not a formidable foe; as a skeleton wielding a sword, there was only so much that it could do. However, it could keep resurrecting without limit, and the moment its enemies ran out of steam, the Skeleton King would then strike — hard.
However, even the Skeleton King, a being well-known for its resurrection ability, was feeling a lot of pressure at the moment. It was confident of holding its own against the archer and the berserker with two axes, but now that it also had to deal with this troublesome Sorcerer, it had begun to doubt its capabilities.
The Voidwalkers, however, did not plan to give the Skeleton King time to mull over the situation it found itself. The Hitman Walker swung his axes; the Sorcerer Walker made seven clones of himself, and the Scholar Walker began to chant. When the Skeleton Walker looked up, it realized, to its horror, that it was the target of three attacks, in a three versus one fight. It was no Grandruler — who enjoyed unlimited energy from Duat, the realm it controlled — so in mere moments, it was smashed apart mercilessly. Being smashed to bits mere moments after it resurrects was very painful for the Skeleton King to bear.
As the Sorcerer Walker and the Hitman Walker tangled with the Skeleton King, the Scholar Walker had time to observe the foe. She discovered that the Skeleton King was reassembling itself from the bones around it, so after thinking for a few moments, she began to chant the incantation for an advanced fire spell. In moments, she had summoned a bird made of flames and on command, it swept through the battlefield, incinerating every bone in the area.
The Skeleton King began to panic, knowing full well that it was done for the moment there were no bones for it to reconstruct itself. Its soul was fragile and defenseless. Although its enemies did not seem capable of making soul attacks, it did not feel relaxed.
However, the presence of the firebird was also unwanted by the Hitman Walker and the Sorcerer Walker.
“Aaaahhh! M-my clones!”
“Noooo! My favorite cloak! Goddamn it; all of my students chipped in to gift it to me!!!”
The firebird could not differentiate friend from foe, so when commanded to incinerate the bones littering a vast expanse of land, the Sorcerer Walker and the Hitman Walker both suffered from a case of mild friendly fire.
Baiyi paused the flashback at this point and cast a cold gaze at the Scholar Walker.
“Avert your opprobrious gaze, would you?!” The Scholar Walker snapped, stamping her feet in a manner akin to a child who was caught red-handed doing something wrong. “Have I not told you that this was my first practical assessment? Have you not realized why I was called ‘The Great Unbending Sage’?”
“Please, just don’t ever cast a such a large, offensive spell in such close proximity to your teammates, alright? If your objective was to clear away little things like bones, any low-grade spells would have done the trick,” Baiyi said, shaking his head in exasperation. ‘ Maybe next time I shouldn’t bring her out to the battlefield. She’s supposed to be a Demigod-level master! She must be the Noobmaster of all Demigods that ever existed, the epitome of “reedy bookworms just can’t fight”!
‘In fact, maybe the reason why s he was called the Great Unbending Sage was not just because she hated to move and never wanted to move—maybe it’s also because it’s best for everyone if she does not move.’
The Scholar Walker hung her head in shame, muttering something under her breath.
Baiyi resumed the flashback. The Skeleton King’s plan to flee was completely ruined by that point—brawn-wise, it was never the match for either the Sorcerer or the Hitman, especially since the two of them were not a dolt like the Scholar in battles; With its body smashed into smithereens, which the Hitman proceeded to incinerate completely with his golden combat chi, the Skeleton King was completely devoid of materials to resurrect itself by that point.
It still commanded a large horde of skeleton soldiers, yet they were on in the frontline fighting the humans instead of standing next to it, which meant that the Skeleton King truly had no way of reassembling a new body for itself by now. Terrified and panicking, it could only pray that none of its enemies possessed attacks that could strike directly at souls so that its barren spirit could quickly flee from the battlefield.
As long as it could find any skeleton lying around, the Skeleton King would be able to come back.
The gods watching the show from above seemed to have heeded its prayers, because the very next second, a single set of skeleton body had fallen from the sky and plopped right before it.
The Skeleton King rejoiced at its own luck and was just about to dash towards the body when that skeleton suddenly stood up slowly and rubbed its own butt, muttering, “Uhh, my waist almost perished…”
That was when the Skeleton King realized that this was no normal skeleton soldier. It was a skeleton made up completely out of metal. In fact, it was none other than the Lich Walker, who had just got transported away from their original battlefield by the Grandruler through the same method.
As luck would have it, Team Voidwalkers was not the only team with a stupid teammate problem.
“Oh, what’s this shiny thing?” The Lich was quick to catch the soul hovering before it. Then, producing its green staff, it mumbled, “Nice…” and began to capture the Skeleton King’s soul into it!
The Skeleton King turned and tried to run, but as a soul, it could not possibly escape the hand of a Soul Magic Expert as the Lich Walker, especially when this particular lich was so powerful, it even dwarfed the one who had called itself ‘The King of Liches’. What hope would a skeleton have against that?
The answer was none, to no one, and especially not the Skeleton King’s surprise. It did not even let out a scream before it was immediately trapped into the Lich’s green staff and became the Lich’s latest slave.
Funnily, while all of that had happened, the Scholar Walker, the Hitman Walker, and the Sorcerer Walker were still discussing methods to find and dispose of their enemy’s escaped soul…
Let’s turn back to the Grandruler’s side of the story.
From the moment he brought up the L:aw Fragment, the Grandruler had completely discarded any sense of thriftiness in using its remaining power; all it needed was enough juice to transport himself out of this Segregated Space, so he started using them to transport all his enemies to the last of its vassals nearby — the Skeleton King Galthran — so that the latter could use its endless resurrection ability to drag the enemies long enough for the Grandruler to escape, recover, and return.
Never had it ever crossed the Grandruler’s mind that sending a lich to its subject would have become the undoing of its last aid, but to be fair, he was already too desperate about his own situation than to worry for others. Now that the Hitman Walker and the Lich Walker were gone, it was once again back to a one-on-one situation between himself and Lady Assassin Walker.
After seeing how their two teammates had been transported right before her eyes, the Huffing Piggies started thinking fast. To a bystander, transporting someone away was never as immediate and quick as the victims themselves had felt. In fact, from an outsider’s point of view, the entire process actually took about two seconds, long enough to actually witness the victim’s silhouette gradually fading out, too. For some reasons, the victims just never seemed to have sensed it, and their mind — their consciousness — even seemed to have frozen the moment they were being transported too, doing exactly nothing to save themselves.
However, the Grandruler knew this glaring problem very well. This was why he never transported himself in front of his enemies. It was because he did not want to leave a two-seconds-long opening for the Voidwalkers to seize. An average person may not be able to do anything within two seconds, but to these crazy intruders, they could probably turn the tables within two bloody seconds.
However, the Huffing Piggies seemed to have come up with a plan…
“Forgo any movement and wait for him to strike again,” The Warrior Walker suddenly commanded, which Lady Assassin Walker quickly followed. It was then when the Grandruler’s transportation technique caught up to her, causing Lady Assassin Walker’s consciousness to freeze.
The Warrior Walker quickly seized control of her consciousness — indirectly controlling the body — into steering to a side, escaping the area of effect!
Lady Assassin’s consciousness came back online at the very next split-second and stared at the Grandruler with a dumbfounded, what-just-happened face.
To be fair, even the Grandruler himself was as confused.
“Let me out, but the two of you control me when the time hits again,” the Warrior Walker said, assuming the body as Lady Assassin Walker leaped into a graceful somersault. Once she landed, she poured all of her combat chi into her two fists and hurled towards the Grandruler.
The greenish, energy-created face of the Grandruler suddenly turned even greener in a panic. He knew how powerful her one punch could be!
He did it once more, trying to transport the girl out of his face.
The Warrior’s consciousness sank into sudden inertia and froze in place.
The Fairy Walker, safe and sound in the Void, quickly assumed control of her body willed the body to advance forward, the Warrior Walker’s fists coated in icy-blue flames.
They smacked right on the Grandruler’s face!
The combat chi exploding from the fists instantly chock the entire Segregated Space In a closed space like this one, the impact erupted from the punch could escape to nowhere and so reverberated within the Segregated Space ceaselessly, causing a violent tempest of combat chi to wreck through the entire area and causing even more damage than the time back in the castle.
The Grandruler’s body was completely stripped and decimated in the uncontrollable tempest. Its barren soul, defenseless and powerless against pure chaos of energy, slowly incinerated under the claws of the blue flames.
In the end, even the Segregated Space collapsed under this destructive power, allowing this pent-up chaos to suddenly escaped into the open in one split second as an outpour of icy blue combat chi taking the form of a gigantic blue cross-shaped light beam shooting straight into the sky.
Amid the cross-shaped light beam, the Warrior Walker’s figure slowly trudged out, her body completely pristine and her outfit not the slightest bit wrinkled. It seemed that even without Divine Power channeling through the Divine Leathersuit, its defense mechanism was still unparalleled.
“Pristine not! ” Lady Assassin Walker snapped from her seat next to Baiyi, her tone a little bit surly. “We’ve got quite some wear and tear, you know, here and there? You just can’t tell from the outside. Whatever, though, we’ve been waiting for you to come home to fix it, but you came home so late! We were forced to become deflated sex dolls thanks to you!”
‘Why did you even refer to yourselves as sex dolls?!’ Baiyi instantly pulled himself out of that flashback and shot a look at her.
He decided to not address it anyhow and asked, “What about that Law Fragment? It’s alright, yes…?”
Lady Assassin Walker did not answer him immediately and instead grinned at him so sweetly her eyes turned into lines. She even tilted her head sideways as if waiting for him to beg her for the Fragment…


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