Novel Name : Rebirth of an Idle Noblewoman

Rebirth of an Idle Noblewoman v2 Chapter 77 Holographic film, Zhu Yuanxiang invites (two more evaluation votes)

"Ms. Chen?!" Da Lin looked at Hua Youlin's head teacher with a little disbelief.
Teacher Chen turned around, staring sternly, "Luo Wenlin, you are a top student, and the teacher does not want you to lie." It doesn't matter whether Hua Youlin's things were stolen or not, it doesn't matter, between Hua Youlin and Dai , It’s clear at a glance who is important
Mrs. Dai looked at the principal with an arrogant expression and a threatening voice, "Principal, such students will also harm society when they grow up. I think it is better to quit school, what do you think?"
The principal groaned. He looked at Hua Youlin with a gentle look, "Student Hua, do you have anything else to say?"
"Principal, I don't think there is any need to explain," Teacher Chen, as the teacher of the two children, has the most say. "Hua Youlin's misbehavior is still the culprit of school violence. The two are too big, and they are put in our class The students will have opinions."
She received so many gifts from the Dai family, and of course she had to help Mrs. Dai to speak. As for Hua Youlin, she was only an orphan at her side. She didn't care how big the waves could be made by Xiao Xiami.
"Then I'll wait for your news." Mrs. Dai nodded in satisfaction. She has been in a bad mood recently. Her husband's business is not as good as each day, and she has found a young and beautiful girl again. She has no face in front of the nobles of the imperial capital. .
Today, I saw her son being bullied. She also heard from Teacher Chen that the one orphan around her became her punching bag.
These few people were talking about how the whole school informed Hua Youlin. Luo Wen was impatient. He lowered his head and looked at Hua Youlin who was silent. He took out his mobile phone from his pocket and gave it to Gu. Xiqiao called and was picked up after a ring.
"Hey, Da Lin." Gu Xiqiao had already parked the car. Hua Youlin's teacher didn't give her the address, but Xiao all knew where they were and was floating ahead to show her the way.
"Sister Gu, come here, they want Youlin to quit school..." Luo Wenlin's voice was a little trembling after hearing a familiar voice. He was weak since he was a child and basically never came to school, but he just came to the second high school. The classmates in the class are very loving, and he soon became one with everyone.
He thought it was the same for Hua Youlin. He didn't expect that before the last class in the afternoon, he heard his classmates say that Hua Youlin was fighting with someone and was taken to the principal's office.
There was a crowd of aggressive people. Luo Wenlin had never seen such a battle before. He was afraid in his heart, but he still had to endure it. He was bigger than Hua Youlin and could not be weak at this time, but after hearing Gu Xiqiao’s voice He couldn't help it anymore.
"Da Lin, don't worry, I'll be there soon." After Gu Xiqiao finished the call, he walked towards the principal's office, his steps seemed slow, but he immediately reached the administration building.
Hearing Luo Wenlin's call, Mrs. Dai's voice was a bit sharp, "He has a sister?"
"Just two brothers and sisters." Of course, Mrs. Chen knew what Madam Dai meant, and she said quickly, "The younger brother is not sensible, so let his sister apologize to you at that time."
Mrs. Dai is satisfied now.
"Sorry, I want to know what happened?" Before anyone arrived, a young girl came in soon.
Teacher Chen saw her, "Miss, your brother not only steals at school, but also bullies classmates. Look at how classmate Dai was beaten by him!"
Gu Xiqiao raised his head to look at Teacher Chen, with dark eyes deep, "Stealing?"
"Wh, what? This is the evidence!" Teacher Chen pointed to the things on the table, and she wanted to behave well in front of Mrs. Dai. After all, Mrs. Dai is generous, and a piece of jewelry is more than her salary for a year.
Seeing that the things on the table were all bought by her for Hua Youlin, Gu Xiqiao didn't want to talk any more for an instant, but looked at the principal.
It was the first time that the principal saw Gu Xiqiao. He thought that Hua Youlin was an orphan, and his sister should be the same. He never thought that his sister was Gu Xiqiao! This genius who appeared in various reports some time ago!
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"Principal, can I ask a few words?" Gu Xiqiao looked at the principal.
"Of course of course." The principal nodded and bowed, how dare to say no.
Gu Xiqiao lowered his head and asked Hua Youlin a few questions. After hearing her voice, Hua Youlin looked up and looked at her, "Sister Gu, do you believe me?"
"You don't believe who you believe." Gu Xiqiao grabbed his hand, "It's okay, trust me."
Mrs. Dai was stunned when Gu Xi came in. The Dai family became like this. It was said that the instigator was because of the girl in front of him, so that Boss Dai was now openly looking for Xiaosan and she did not dare to take care of it. She was full of Gu Xiqiao. Out of fear, he only hugged his son tightly and dare not say a word.
With Fang Cai's arrogance and domineering, they are simply different.
"Principal, I bought these things from Hei Youlin. I will ask someone to send you the invoice later. As for the beating, it was Classmate Dai who insulted people first, and Classmate Dai who did it first. I have the video in my hand, and I will give it to you. I hope you can handle this matter.” Under Hua Youlin’s explanation, there is also a video that the system got hacked. Gu Xiqiao understood the whole thing in three or two clicks. Things.
The principal looked at Mrs. Dai, who didn't dare to put a fart. She knew immediately that Mrs. Dai also knew Gu Xiqiao. This sister of Hua Youlin is probably not as simple as it seems, "Miss Gu, rest assured, I will be fair. Deal with it fairly."
Gu Xiqiao nodded and took Hua Youlin and Da Lin out without even giving Teacher Chen a look.
"Principal?! Did you let them go like this?" Teacher Chen frowned.
The principal glanced at Madam Dai and then at Teacher Chen, "Mr. Chen, you should go back and review yourself. Based on your talented remarks, you have to pray that Hua Youlin's sister will not be held accountable."
The principal's words are very meaningful, just telling her indirectly that Hua Youlin's sister status is not simple, but isn't the other party an orphan? Teacher Chen's figure shook, she looked at Mrs. Dai who was standing on the other side, but she was afraid when she saw her.
I knew I was over in an instant.
Teacher Chen returned to her office in a daze, and many people greeted her along the way, but she did not reply.
After sitting for a while, she received a notice from the school that she was dismissed from the school for slandering students, physically punishing students, and accepting bribes of more than 100,000.
From this day on, no school in the Imperial City was willing to ask her.
Mrs. Dai kept her head down. She originally thought Gu Xiqiao hadn't seen herself. When she got home, she saw that there was nothing unusual about Boss Dai. She was relieved. It seems that Gu Xiqiao really didn't see herself!
However, starting from the next day, she found that Boss Dai was coming back more and more late, frowning very tightly. She secretly listened to it once in the study and found that Dai’s stock had plummeted and was facing bankruptcy.
She fell to the ground, dumbfounded.
Later, Boss Dai didn't know where he found out that the incident was related to her, and immediately divorced her.
After coming out of the principal’s office, Da Lin continued to return to the class. Gu Xiqiao took Hua Youlin back. She handed him the milk tea in the car, and then asked, “Why didn’t you justify yourself?”
"They don't believe it anyway." Hua Youlin drank a big sip of milk tea, his head lowered, his voice dumb.
"Smelly boy," Gu Xiqiao glanced at him, thinking what to do with the boy's temper, "Why is your face swollen?"
She didn't see it in the office just now. She saw a big swelling on his side and stepped on the brakes. With cold eyes, she took out a bottle of medicine from her pocket and handed it to him, "wipe yourself!"
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"Oh!" Although she didn't know where the medicine came from her deflated pocket and her tone was cold, Hua Youlin didn't mean to be unhappy at all.
On the contrary, he was very happy today.
I thought she was going to give up on him today, so she didn't bother to explain it. Just like a long time ago, no one believed him. What's the use of explaining more? In the end, he was driven out by the clansmen and was no longer a member there.
She didn't expect that she actually believed him, she believed him only based on his words.
Feeling the hot eyes, Hua Youlin took a sip of milk tea.
"Well, I'll change your class tomorrow. Da Lin said that you are almost done in the first year of junior high. How about I send you to his class?" When he got home, Gu Xiqiao opened the door and asked Hua Youlin .
Hua Youlin hugged haha, who climbed to his feet, and responded softly.
Gu Xiqiao picked up his mobile phone and called Mu Zong. After receiving the call, Mu Zongren reluctantly agreed, but there was a strange feeling in his heart. How did he specialize in daddy affairs recently?
at night.
After a busy day, Cheng Zhou came home, took a shower and ate dinner, and should have gone to bed. He was tired after working all day.
Before going to bed, he suddenly remembered what Gu Xiqiao had given him, and immediately got up. Although he did not hope, he still looked at the effect. After all, it was a whole coherent scene.
He opened the bag and looked at it, and found that there were a lot of things in it, except for the original DVD, and a piece of paper with four words written on it.
〖Notice for eating——This is a four-dimensional film, similar to holographic projection. It is better to wear glasses before watching. Each glasses also has a button to send a bullet screen, which can be closed or opened, depending on personal preference. Glasses are twenty-five yuan a piece (big sale price). If you need it, please contact Mr. Mu of Jiutian Company at 155**. 〗
The format of this small note looks like an advertisement. It also has money on it. Jiutian knows that a company that is rising very fast, I heard that a manager has appeared now, and every financial report is his .
Cheng Zhou couldn't laugh or cry. He always felt that Nine Days was too serious. How could it look so... funny in the eyes of outsiders for a nine-day period?
Although he thought the glasses were a bit funny, he put them on and screened the film. As a director, his house had a special screening room. He took the film and went upstairs.
Close the door, turn on the projector, project onto the snow-white wall, and start watching.
There was nothing to see on the dark painted wall. After a second, the stirring music sounded, and even Cheng Zhou couldn't help but surging with the sound of the music. People gradually appeared on the wall.
Cheng Zhou was taken aback for a moment. The image of this group of people was really ordinary, very three-dimensional and three-dimensional, just like what was said on the piece of paper just now. It was a holographic projection. What they saw was not a flat figure, but a feeling. Like being in this era, I can feel the love and hatred of the hero and the host.
And the special effects that Cheng Zhou worries most are not fifty cents. Although this is not a fantasy drama, the swords and swords in the fight are so wonderful that he can't stop watching.
Today's dramas, most of the money is spent on the stars, seldom is used for the special effects of the movie itself, unless the blockbuster of M, especially in China, on the one hand, insufficient funds, on the other hand, lack of technology.
However, Cheng Zhou watched this film three times this night, and if the alarm didn't go off at the end, he would continue to watch it.
I have to admit that this is the movie he has seen with the best special effects, the smoothest connection, and the best acting skills. After only watching this movie, he suddenly discovered that the fantasy blockbuster movies in Country M are a fart!
Sure enough, nine days is still nine days. A virtual helmet is popular all over the world. Now it is going to be a holographic movie. It is estimated to be another wave. I have to admit that it seems that it can only be done in nine days. It is a success that other companies cannot replicate.
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Cheng Zhou reluctantly turned off the power, then grabbed the phone and made a call. The voice of the person on the other end of the phone was very upset, "Cheng Zhou, what the **** are you doing? It's only past five o'clock, OK? Sleep!"
Cheng Zhou didn't care about his tone, but rather excited, "What is the latest date for filming? Arrange it for me!"
"The date of the filming, who do you help to find out about this?" There was a pause and then answered.
"I don't help, it's my own, it's the "Bing Lin Jiangshan" I am going to participate in the International Awards!" Cheng Zhou smiled, obviously in a very good mood.
"...Are you sure you were calling me when you were sleepwalking? "Bing Lin Jiangshan" was not just finished!" Feeling that Cheng Zhou was suspected of playing himself, the man wanted to hang up when he was angry.
Cheng Zhou lowered his tone, "It's all old friends, so I won’t hide it from you. This time I’m making this film by Jiutian Company, which has been on the financial news recently. There is a surprise for you. I will take the video to show you, you will be shocked!"
After hanging up the phone, Cheng Zhou's hand still couldn't help but tremble. It was... it was a surprise. Even if this film didn't win the gold medal, it would make countless people in an uproar.
He couldn't hold back his heart at all, and when he thought of it, he couldn't help but start looking forward to the expressions of those who saw the film.
Four-dimensional movies, and the first four-dimensional projection, how can the waves that startled by then be small?
Originally I wanted to call Gu Xiqiao, but now I think about it, the other party must know it, so I didn't call it, but silently wrote a large amount of money to her bank card.
During the day, I still filmed. Although I didn't sleep all night, Cheng Zhou's energy was still very good, and I couldn't see the tiredness at all.
In the morning, Gu Xiqiao, who sent Hua Youlin to Mu Zong, suddenly received a text message. Before she could read it, the system floated to her, "There is no one on the bridge. This is sent by Cheng Zhou. He saw that you finished the production. "Bing Lin Jiangshan" later gave you a lot of money, it is estimated to be hard work, he is quite good, but although the money is a lot, but far less than this technology, Yuning is very powerful. "
The four-dimensional space here is researched by Yu Ning from the source code. The holographic projections used in "Bing Lin Jiangshan" and the holographic glasses made are all things beyond the current level of technology and cannot be measured by money.
"Yuning is really good, just a bit too lazy, but it's okay to be lazy, so many things in the world are invented by lazy people, you can transfer this money to Yuning, and give the hackers a bonus ." The phone rang again, a strange number.
It stands to reason that she should know her if she knows her number, but Gu Xiqiao didn't think much about it, and put on the Bluetooth headset, "Hey."
"You finally answered," Zhu Yuan on the other end of the phone felt that it was not easy for him. He used his mobile phone to call Gu Xiqiao, but he couldn't get through. Later, she kept putting him on the blacklist, so she had to go dark. Rubbing borrowed a mobile phone, "I found a fun thing, can you come?"
"What's fun?" Gu Xiqiao raised her eyebrows. Jiang Shuxuan was not there recently, and she felt bored. She was planning to go back to school. Hearing him say this, she became interested, "Okay, give me the address."
Zhu Yuan said the address, immediately hung up the phone, and pulled Gu Xiqiao into the blacklist, fearing that she would call back immediately and say she is not coming!
"My grandpa..." The person next to him took the phone and said with some difficulty, "Didn't you study cell fusion, even this can't save my grandpa?"
"Who told you that I studied cell fusion?" Zhu Yuan gritted his teeth and said, "Nonsense!"
"Forget Su Wen, take you out to pick someone up. Your grandpa is not without help. Although I have an idea, I'm not sure. I can't do it at will. I need her help." Zhu Yuan patted the young man on the shoulder and took He goes out.
"he"? Su Wen didn't understand who Zhu Yuan was talking about, but he still suppressed the confusion, went to the door with Zhu Yuan, and waited on the side of the road.
Five minutes later, I saw a familiar little pink car.
------Off-topic ------
In the morning, there are seven thousand words in the chapter, five thousand in this chapter, which adds up to twelve thousand! Although there is no change, but the word is added~ okay~


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